17 Anteromesial Temporal Lobectomy
Anteromesial temporal lobectomy (AMTL) is the most commonly performed surgical procedure for the treatment of patients with medically refractory epilepsy. Although temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is more common in adults, AMTL is still a frequently performed procedure in surgical treatment of children with epilepsy. AMTL constitutes 30 to 44% of all surgical resections in published pediatric epilepsy series compared with reported rates of 62 to 73% of cases in adult epilepsy surgery series.1–5
The main reason for this discrepancy is related to the differences in neuropathological substrates causing epilepsy in children and adults. Mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) is the most common substrate in adult epilepsy patients, and it occurs with a greater frequency compared with low-grade neoplasms and developmental lesions such as cortical dysplasia, which are more commonly seen in the pediatric age group. AMTL is a very effective surgical intervention in controlling medically refractory seizures in well-selected pediatric patients, and its efficiency in the treatment of children with intractable TLE has been demonstrated in many surgical series.1,2,6–11
This chapter gives a step-by-step description of the surgical technique we use for AMTL. The surgical technique may change based on the underlying lesion and extent of the epileptogenic zone, especially in patients with cortical dysplasia. Briefly, all patients undergo a comprehensive presurgical assessment by our pediatric epilepsy service including a detailed clinical examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with epilepsy protocol, electroencephalography (EEG), and long-term EEG-video monitoring to obtain ictal and interictal electrophysiological data. Positron emission tomography/single photon emission computed tomography, neuropsychological assessment, and intracarotid amobarbital procedure (Wada test) are among other commonly used diagnostic modalities and tests. Despite all of these tests, locating the epileptogenic zone remains problematic in a significant number of children with TLE, and these patients frequently are candidates for invasive monitoring. Further details on patient selection criteria/preoperative workup as well as surgical techniques for other pathologies can be found in related chapters in this book.
Historical Evolution of the Surgical Technique
Temporal lobe resection in epilepsy surgery is not a standard technique.12,13 Because temporal lobectomy suggests removal of the whole temporal lobe, anterior or anteromesial temporal lobectomy are the more appropriate terms for the technique commonly used by epilepsy surgeons. Early variations of the surgical technique we use today were developed in the 1950s. The first application of the technique was a temporal neocortical resection without removing mesial temporal structures. Then, Wilder Penfield and colleagues reported better results by resecting the hippocampus and uncus along the temporal neocortex.14–16 After the initial studies regarding the role of hippocampus in memory function, the surgical technique evolved toward electrophysiologically tailored temporal lobectomy with significant preservation of the hippocampus.12,13,17,18 Also in the mid 1950s, Niemeyer described selective transcortical amygdalohippocampectomy.19 Later, Yasargil and colleagues developed a selective amygdalohippocampectomy technique through the trans-sylvian approach and reported impressive seizure control rates without removing temporal neocortex.20 The details of this approach are discussed in the next chapter.
At the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), Rasmussen performed anterior temporal lobectomy by including uncus and amygdala and used electrocorticography to determine the extent of hippocampal resection. His approach was to remove the anterior 1 to 1.5 cm of the hippocampus.21–25 Conversely, Feindel and colleagues, in the same institution (MNI), routinely avoided the removal of hippocampus to preserve memory functions but aggressively resected the amygdala.26–28 Then Goldring and colleagues described an anterior temporal lobectomy technique that spares the amygdala.29 Today, the most commonly used technique is the resection of anterior temporal neocortex and mesial temporal structures, including amygdala and hippocampus. Even this technique has some variations, including en bloc resection of both neocortex and mesial temporal structures that was described by Falconer and later applied by Polkey and Crandal.30 Another modification of the technique was described by Spencer and colleagues at Yale.31 Spencer’s technique is the most commonly used technique today, although many differences among epilepsy surgeons of the application of this surgical technique still exist. One of the main differences is resection length of anterior temporal lobe. The majority of epilepsy surgeons do not exceed a 4-cm neocortical resection length (from the tip of anterior temporal lobe) in the dominant hemisphere, whereas the length of resection may increase up to 5.5 to 6 cm in the nondominant hemisphere. Another difference among surgeons is the intent to spare the superior temporal gyrus during lateral temporal neocortical resection. Many epilepsy surgeons spare the superior temporal gyrus partially or fully to decrease the risk of postoperative complications. The extent of the hippocampal resection is also controversial. Although some find it sufficient to remove the anterior 1.5 cm of the hippocampus, others extend their hippocampal resection up to 3 cm by reaching back to the posterior part of the tail. The current trend is limiting anterior temporal neocortical resection while being more aggressive with the resection of mesial temporal structures.12,13 The size of the resection is also related to the patient’s age; therefore, it probably is more reasonable, especially in pediatric epilepsy surgery, to describe the extent of temporal neocortical and hippocampal resections based on anatomical landmarks, such as sylvian end of the central sulcus and the quadrigeminal plate.
Surgical Technique
Here we will describe the anteromesial temporal lobectomy technique we use at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center. In general, our temporal lobe resection includes the anterior 3.5 cm of the temporal neocortex in the dominant hemisphere with most of the superior temporal gyrus spared, as described by Spencer et al.31 Our resection also includes the uncus, a large part of the amygdala, and an approximately 3-cm length of the hippocampus/parahippocampus excised en bloc. The neocortical resection is extended to 5 cm in the nondominant hemisphere. Mesial structures are resected in the same manner in both dominant and nondominant hemispheres if neuropsychological assessment and Wada test results are reassuring. This technique may be modified depending on the patient’s age, imaging, and electrophysiological characteristics. If there is radiologically defined dysplastic cortex or an electrophysiologically more extensive abnormality, our neocortical resection borders are redefined and may be extended further. If the epileptogenic zone is limited to a certain part of the temporal neocortex based on the invasive monitoring data, the resection may be tailored based on these data. In these cases, mesial structures may be spared, especially in some lesional epilepsy cases. Alternatively, if the radiological findings of hippocampal sclerosis are more pronounced at the hippocampal tail, then we extend our resection of the hippocampal tail much further than our standard limits. The surgical plan is extensively discussed in advance with the pediatric epilepsy team in a multidisciplinary epilepsy surgery conference, and the extent of resection is predetermined based on the aforementioned considerations. All patients receive their regular antiseizure medications on the day of surgery. We also give an age-appropriate dosage of dexamethasone after induction of anesthesia and prophylactic antibiotics before incision and for 24 hours postoperatively. We do not use mannitolours routinely.
Positioning the Patient
The patient is placed in supine position, and the head is placed in the pin head holder if the patient is older than 3 years. The horseshoe head holder is used for younger patients. A gel roll is placed under the ipsilateral shoulder, and the head is turned to the contralateral side approximately 60 degrees. The neck is slightly extended by lowering the vertex approximately 15 degrees downward, just enough to bring the zygoma to the surgeon’s eyeline and to make the zygoma the most prominent point on the midline. Lastly, the occiput is tilted slightly toward the ipsilateral shoulder ( Fig. 17.1 ). This head position places the base of the temporal fossa perpendicular to the horizontal plane. The surface of the lateral temporal lobe will be in a horizontal position, and the long axis of the hippocampus will be oriented vertically relative to the surgeon with this approach. Thus, the head position will create a good alignment of the mesial structures to the surgeon’s eyeline and will provide an excellent exposure to the uncus–amygdala complex, the whole length of hippocampus, and the lateral–basal temporal neocortex.
Scalp Incision
A smoothly curved, question mark–shaped scalp incision is drawn starting just above the zygoma and approximately 10 mm anterior to tragus, based on the location of palpated superficial temporal artery. Then the incision is extended upward such that it makes a smooth anterior turn at the upper point of the pinna by following the superior temporal line toward the keyhole. It ends approximately 3 to 4 cm behind the keyhole, depending on the patient’s hairline ( Fig. 17.1 ). Then the incision is infiltrated with 0.5% bupivacaine hydrochloride (Marcaine) diluted in 1:200.000 epinephrine solution. The superficial temporal artery is palpated and protected during the scalp incision. Some small branches of superficial temporal artery may be occasionally sacrificed, but generally the main body can be protected by dissecting and mobilizing it during the incision. Then the incision of the temporal fascia, muscle, and periosteum is also completed sharply by cutting these layers parallel to the scalp incision. Scalp, temporal fascia, muscle, and underlying periosteum are dissected subperiosteally to create a single musculocutaneous flap. The lower part of the incision is extended down to the zygoma. Having an exposure down to the zygomatic root is critical for satisfactory access to the base of the temporal fossa during the neocortical resection. The other critical point at this stage is exposure of the orbitalzygomatic ridge or the keyhole. It should be palpated, and the temporal muscle should be cut and dissected from the keyhole by retracting the scalp further and working beneath it. Then the temporal muscle is subperiosteally dissected using sharp periosteal elevators by keeping the periosteum attached to the temporal muscle as much as possible to preserve muscle innervation and vascular supply. Monopolar cautery should not be used during this dissection for the same reason. Strict adherence to this technique is critical to prevent future temporal muscle atrophy. Although application of this technique may be difficult in elderly patients, it is much easier to have an excellent subperiosteal dissection that keeps the whole periosteum intact and attached to temporal muscle in the pediatric age group. Fish hooks are then placed to reflect the musculocutaneous flap anterolaterally to expose the temporal bone widely.

Three burr holes are placed with locations at the keyhole, just above the zygoma and on the superior temporal line and approximately 4 to 5 cm posterior to the burr hole on the keyhole. A free bone flap is removed after dissecting the dura with Penfield dissectors. The sphenoid ridge is removed with rongeurs to create a smooth anteriormedial bony wall. This maneuver has critical significance to have a good exposure for uncus/amygdala resection. Further bone removal is needed along the floor of the temporal fossa down to the root of the zygoma and toward the temporal tip. This will provide a comfortable access to the inferobasal neocortical region and temporal pole during the resection. Dural tack-up sutures are placed at this stage, and the epidural space at bone edges is filled with an injectable hemostatic agent, such as Surgifoam (Johnson & Johnson, Gateway, NJ, USA). Then the dura is opened C-shaped, starting from the keyhole site on frontal region and ending at temporal pole by following the craniotomy edges. The dura is folded and tacked up with 4–0 Nurolon sutures to the muscle flap over the sphenoid wing. At this stage, the exposed area in the surgical field includes the full extent of the sylvian fissure/vein, superior and middle temporal gyri, and the upper part of the inferior temporal gyrus ( Fig. 17.2 ).
Neocortical Resection
The previously planned resection length of the lateral temporal neocortex is measured and marked on the cortex at this stage. The tip of the temporal pole can be seen easily seen with the help of a cortical ribbon placed on a Cottonoid over the middle temporal gyrus. A predetermined 3.5- or 5-cm resection length (depends on being on the dominant or nondominant side) from the tip of the temporal lobe is measured along the middle temporal gyrus and marked on the cortex with bipolar coagulation. The resection line starts at the medial edge of the temporal pole and turns toward the middle temporal gyrus approximately 2 cm behind the temporal tip ( Fig. 17.2 ). The remaining part of the incision continues along the upper border of the middle temporal gyrus to spare most of the superior temporal gyrus posteriorly. This resection line is marked on the pia-arachnoid of the superior and middle temporal gyri with a fine-tip bipolar coagulator staying parallel and 5 to 6 mm below the sylvian vein or superior temporal sulcus. After coagulation of the pia-arachnoid over the gyri, it is incised with micro-scissors throughout the length of the marked incision line. After completing the incision, the pia-arachnoid adjacent to sylvian vein is coagulated thoroughly to create an appropriate handle to hold during the subpial dissection of superior and middle temporal gyri. Then cortex is subpially dissected from pia of the sylvian fissure anteriorly and from the superior temporal sulcus posteriorly. Meticulous subpial dissection technique is used to avoid injury to the middle cerebral artery (MCA) branches in the sylvian fissure ( Fig. 17.3A ) and to protect the vascular supply of the unresected part superior temporal gyrus by leaving both pial layers of the superior temporal sulcus undisrupted on the lower bank of the superior temporal gyrus. Some bleeding is generally encountered while peeling the cortex from pia that can be easily controlled by placing Surgifoam and Cottonoid patties. We would like to remind the reader that subpial dissection is much more challenging in pediatric patients than adults because of the very thin and fragile nature of the pia at this age. Appropriate application of this technique may not be feasible in very young children.

The next critical step is finding the temporal horn. There are several approaches for this and a close review of the patient’s MRI, especially coronal spoiled gradient recalled (SPGR) cuts, will be helpful to determine the best approach. The temporal horn starts approximately 3 cm behind the temporal tip, and the average distance between the surface of superior temporal gyrus and the ventricle is approximately 31 to 34 mm.32,33 We prefer to perform our dissection to reach the temporal horn at a point on the superior temporal sulcus approximately 3.5 cm behind the tip of the temporal pole. Frequently, the T1 sulcus (superior temporal sulcus) directly brings the surgeon into the temporal horn. This can be done through an intrasulcal approach or by remaining subpial and following either the inferior wall of the superior temporal gyrus or superior wall of the middle temporal gyrus, which we prefer. The bottom of the sulcus can be easily recognized by visualizing the end of the pial bank at first. Then the ependyma can be appreciated after deepening the same incision approximately 11 to 12 mm further.33 This distance can be measured case by case on MRI coronal cuts easily. The ependyma can be opened with Penfield #4 dissector (Codman, MA) and cerebrospinal fluid will verify the intraventricular location. If the surgeon passes the estimated distance and the temporal horn is not in sight, the best strategy is to redirect the dissection. The most common two reasons for not being able to find the ventricle are either placing the entry point of the dissection too anteriorly or directing the dissection either too medially or too laterally. At this stage, the appropriate strategy is to redirect the dissection toward the floor of the middle fossa but not medially. The dissection is then deepened toward the floor of the middle fossa until gray matter is encountered on the adjacent occipitotemporal (or fusiform) gyrus. Then the dissection is redirected again, this time medially into the white matter until temporal horn is entered. Deepening the dissection medially to search the temporal horn without taking the aforementioned strategies may easily lead the surgeon into the temporal stem and basal ganglia and may cause significant complications. Therefore redirecting the dissection intentionally too laterally initially is a much safer approach, as defined very clearly by Wen et al.32 When we enter into the ventricle, we place a tiny cottonoid patty in it to prevent blood contamination and then subpially dissect first the superior wall of the medial temporal gyrus and then sylvian pia anteriorly to the temporal pole using microsuction in a low setting and a Penfield dissector. This subpial dissection is performed down to the ependymal level throughout the sulcus. Then the ependyma is easily opened using a bipolar coagulator, the temporal horn is unroofed all the way to its tip, and a small cotton ball is placed into the temporal horn toward the atrium to avoid intraventricular dissemination of blood products.
Several other approaches to the temporal horn exist. One is to follow the collateral sulcus. This approach is only feasible after completing the second cortical incision, which will be described in the following paragraphs. Alternatively, the temporal horn can be found after completing the resection of the anterolateral temporal lobe without locating the temporal horn. In this case, the uncus is located first by following the tentorial edge anteromedially. When removal of the uncus is completed, its posterior segment will open and expose the tip of the temporal horn automatically. Lastly, the use of a neuronavigation system to assist the localization of the temporal horn is an option.
The second cortical incision line starts from the most posterior extent of the first incision and is directed perpendicularly toward the floor of temporal fossa ( Fig. 17.2 ). The posterior line of the neocortical resection extends inferiorly traversing the superior, middle, inferior temporal, and fusiform gyri, respectively, and ends at the collateral sulcus. The temporal horn is located generally just dorsal to the base of the collateral sulcus and can be found by following the collateral sulcus pia as described previously. The average distance from the depth of the collateral sulcus to the temporal horn is 3 to 6 mm.33 Thus, the posterior end of the first incision and superior end of the second incision lines intersect at the temporal horn. A third incision is directed to the collateral sulcus by cutting across the temporal stem and the white matter of the basal temporal lobe. This third incision disconnects the temporal neocortex from parahippocampus/hippocampus and completes the lateral neocortical temporal resection by dividing the collateral sulcus from its posterior end to the tip of the temporal horn at rhinal sulcus level. The entire lateral neocortex is removed as an en bloc specimen ( Fig. 17.3A,B ).

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