18 Case Presentations and Surgical Technique: Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy: Extraforaminal Disk Herniation at the L3-L4 Level
18 Case Presentations and Surgical Technique: Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy: Extraforaminal Disk Herniation at the L3-L4 Level
Clinical Findings
A 63-year-old man presented with left buttock pain and pain in the L3 dermatome having lasted for 5 months.
The patient exhibited a limping gait.
MRI views showed a herniated disk at the right side of the L3-L4 extraforamen (Fig. 18.46A,B).
A CT scan revealed a soft disk fragment (Fig. 18.46C).
Fig. 18.43 (A,B) AP fluoroscopic views of the removal of the foraminal upward-migrated disk fragment.Fig. 18.44 Intraoperative endoscopic findings. (A) On introduction of the working channel, the blue-stained disk fragment is seen (arrow). (B) The exiting root (red arrow) can be seen. (C) The side-firing Ho:YAG laser is seen removing the foraminal ligament. (D) The herniated fragment is released from adherences and soft tissue. (E) The endoscopic forceps are shown removing the herniated fragment. (F) The exiting L3 root (arrow) is seen after the fragment is completely removed. NR, nerve root.
Preoperative Plan
The skin entry point is selected by drawing various lines as shown in Fig. 18.47, and the distance from midline is ~10.2 cm.
A parallel approach to the upper end plate of the lower vertebra is chosen.
Surgical Procedure
The final needle position is at the medial pedicular line in the AP fluoroscopic view and at the posterior body margin in the lateral fluoroscopic view (Fig. 18.48).
A diskographic procedure is done after the needle is placed and before the dilator is inserted (Fig. 18.49).
Fig. 18.45 Immediate postoperative sagittal (A) and axial (B) MRIs showed removal of the herniated nucleus pulposus and decompression of the neural tissues.Fig. 18.46 Preoperative sagittal (A) and axial (B) MRIs indicate the presence of an extraforaminal herniation on the right side of L3-L4 (arrow). (C) The CT scan further reveals a soft disk fragment.Fig. 18.47 Axial MRI showing the determination of the skin entry point and needle trajectory (arrows).Fig. 18.48 Fluoroscopic AP (A) and lateral (B) views showing the final placement of the needle.
The final position of the working channel is at the midpedicular line in the AP view and at the posterior body margin in the lateral view (Fig. 18.50).
The working channel is angled cranially to reach and remove the foraminal disk fragment (Fig. 18.51).
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Jul 12, 2020 | Posted by drzezo in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on 18 Case Presentations and Surgical Technique: Percutaneous Endoscopic Lumbar Diskectomy: Extraforaminal Disk Herniation at the L3-L4 Level