Case 20 A 56-year-old man presented with progressive paresis of his left arm. Three days prior to presentation, he had experienced some pain on the right side of his neck and headaches while exercising in a gym for the first time. The following day, he observed clumsiness of his left hand and drooping of his right eyelid. The left-sided paresis continued to progress, at which stage he presented to the hospital emergency department. The patient had no known vascular risk factors. The neurologic examination revealed a mild left-sided sensorimotor hemiparesis and Horner’s syndrome on the right side (National Institute of Health Stroke Scale [NIHSS] score: 3). Cranial CT on the day of admission revealed multiple hypodense areas in the right middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory. MRI confirmed multiple ischemic lesions within the internal border zone region of the right hemisphere. Axial images demonstrated a reduced flow void in the right carotid siphon. Time-of-flight MR angiography (TOF-MRA) depicted an absent signal of the right distal internal carotid artery (ICA) and a bilateral partial fetal-type posterior cerebral artery (FT-PCA) origin (Fig. B20.1 and Fig. B20.2). Right internal border zone infarction (BZI) caused by ICA dissection and secondary ICA occlusion. B-mode imaging was normal. There were no atherosclerotic changes and no signs of proximal ICA dissection. Doppler spectrum analysis showed a high pulsatility in the right common carotid artery (CCA) and a high-resistance flow signal in the right ICA with a low and short systolic flow and completely absent diastolic flow component, indicative of either near-occlusion or occlusion of the ICA below of the origin of the ophthalmic artery (OA). External carotid artery (ECA) Doppler spectra were normal (Fig. B20.3, Fig. B20.4, Fig. B20.5, Fig. B20.6; see also Video The right M1-MCA segment presented a marked poststenotic flow pattern. The A1 segment of the anterior cerebral artery (A1-ACA) yielded a retrograde flow, also with severe poststenotic alterations. The anterior communicating artery (ACoA) was not visualized. Elevated flow velocities were seen in the right P1-PCA segment (125/69 cm/s), here with an obviously turbulent flow pattern, and in the left A1-ACA segment (150/75 cm/s), both indicative of collateral flow to the right anterior circulation via the ACoA and the posterior communicating artery (PCoA). The left MCA and PCA, in addition to the distal right P2-PCA segment, demonstrated normal flow. No flow was detected in the OA on the right side. The flow signal of the left OA was normal (Figs. B20.7–B20.12; see also Video Intravenous administration of 1 g acetazolamide during continuous transcranial Doppler (TCD) monitoring of both M1-MCA segments revealed a 60.6% increase in flow velocity on the left side and a 1.6% increase in flow velocity on the right (Fig. B20.13) (see also Chapter 3, “Acetazolamide Infusion Test” under “Metabolic Coupling”). After intravenous administration of a 3-mL sonographic contrast bolus (Levovist, 300 mg/dL) and continuous monitoring of both M1-MCA Doppler spectra, a right-sided, 1-second delay of bolus arrival was observed (Fig. B20.14) (see also Chapter 3, “Ultrasound Delay Test” under “Metabolic Coupling”). Fig. B20.2 Intracranial 3D TOF-MRA, axial maximal intensity projection (MIP). Signal loss of the right ICA indicating high-grade flow reduction or occlusion. Note the bilateral fetal-type PCA (arrowheads). Both P1-PCA segments are hardly visible. Note also the reduced signal in the right MCA (arrows) and in the right A1-ACA (arrows) indicating compromised postocclusive flow (arrows) Fig. B20.3 Extracranial duplex, longitudinal plane. Normal left CCA flow (flow velocity 87/28 cm/s). Fig. B20.4 Extracranial duplex, longitudinal plane. High-resistance flow signal in the right CCA (peak-systolic flow velocity 63 cm/s). Suspected right distal ICA dissection with near-occlusion or occlusion proximal to the OA origin. Exhausted CVR and insufficient collateral pathways supplying the right MCA territory via the ACoA and the ipsilateral PCoA. Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) demonstrated a long segmental irregularity in the right ICA with a cone-shaped high-grade stenosis starting 5 cm above the carotid bifurcation and extending to the vertical segment of the petrous C6-ICA segment. Only residual and delayed contrast filling was seen in the distal ICA. Collateralization mainly occurred via the ACoA and partially via a hypoplastic right P1-PCA segment providing retrograde blood flow into the right MCA via the FT-PCA and antegrade blood flow into the distal PCA segments. Filling of the right MCA territory was delayed. These findings were consistent with a near-occlusion of the right ICA due to vessel wall dissection (Figs. B20.15–B20.20). Fig. B20.21 shows a schematic of the patient’s extra-and intracranial brain-supplying arteries. Intravenous heparin, aiming for a twofold increase of partial thromboplastin time (PTT) was started. TOF-MRA 2 weeks later demonstrated a normalized right ICA signal. Fig. B20.6 Extracranial duplex, longitudinal plane. High-resistance flow signal in the right ICA with a low and short systolic, and completely absent diastolic flow component indicative of near-occlusion or occlusion of the ICA below the OA origin. Fig. B20.7 TCCS (transtemporal approach), left-sided insonation, midbrain plane. Normal left M1-MCA flow (flow velocity 69/31 cm/s). Note the prominent left blue-coded signal indicating flow away from the probe and toward the P2-PCA corresponding to a fetal-type PCA seen in MRA (arrow). Fig. B20.8 TCCS (transtemporal approach), right-sided insonation. Poststenotic flow pattern in the right M1-MCA (flow velocity 54/38 cm/s). A normalized flow pattern was seen in the right CCA and ICA compared with the contralateral side (Fig. B20.22, Fig. B20.23, Fig. B20.24, Fig. B20.25). The right M1-MCA and A1-ACA as well as the PCA segments demonstrated normalized flow velocities and pulsatility. A flow within the hypoplastic right P1-PCA segment was no longer detectable (Fig. B20.26, Fig. B20.27, Fig. B20.28, Fig. B20.29, Fig. B20.30). Flow normalization in all insonated vessels indicating a rapid resolution of the right ICA dissection. The patient was switched to oral anticoagulation with phenprocoumon and was discharged with a mild left-sided hemiparesis. Anticoagulation was stopped 6 months later. Until that time no further clinical events had occurred and the left hemiparesis had completely resolved.
Right Internal Carotid Artery Dissection with Fast Recanalization
Clinical Presentation
Initial Neuroradiologic Findings
Suspected Diagnosis
Questions to Answer by Ultrasound Techniques
Initial Neurosonologic Findings (Day 1)
Extracranial Duplex Sonography
Transcranial Duplex Sonography
Evaluation of Collateral Function
Cerebrovascular Reactivity Testing
Ultrasound Delay Testing
Conventional Angiography
Clinical Course (1)
Follow-up Neurosonologic Findings (Day 20)
Extracranial Duplex Sonography
Transcranial Duplex Sonography
Clinical Course (2)