CHAPTER 4 Helena C. Chui and Liliana Ramirez-Gomez University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, USA During the past century, the estimated contribution of vascular factors to cognitive decline has swung like a pendulum from high to low to high again. In the early twentieth century, progressive loss of intellectual function in late life was ascribed to “hardening of the arteries,” so-called arteriosclerotic dementia. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) was considered a relatively rare early-onset dementia associated with neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques, as first described by Alois Alzheimer in 1907. When Tomlinson et al. [1] observed identical tangle and plaque lesions in late-onset dementia cases, AD, not arteriosclerosis, became the ascendant cause. Abrupt onset and stepwise decline in cognition due to cumulative strokes formed the conceptual basis of multi-infarct dementia (MID). Slowly progressive dementia due to severe arteriopathy and demyelination of subcortical white matter, so-called Binswanger’s syndrome, was regarded as relatively rare. The landscape shifted once again with the advent of structural imaging in the 1980s. Asymptomatic white matter hyperintensities (WMH) and silent brain infarcts (SBI) were discovered on brain MRI in 20–30% of nondemented, community-dwelling elderly subjects [2]. The ability to detect early and subclinical vascular disease without overt dementia inspired a broader designation, vascular cognitive impairment (VCI). In the 1990s, epidemiologic studies noted associations between stroke risk factors and cognitive impairment (absent history of symptomatic stroke). This has led to the notion (still unproven) that vascular factors might promote AD, further broadening the saliency of potential adverse downstream effects of hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia. VCI is a syndrome or phenotype, not a disease. At its simplest, VCI embodies the concept that cognitive impairment is due to vascular brain injury (VBI). (See Table 4.1 for terms and abbreviations used in this chapter.) Yet the sequence of underlying events can be incredibly diverse. The pathways leading from risk factors to cerebrovascular disease (CVD) to VBI are widely heterogeneous (Table 4.2). Moreover, the likelihood that VBI contributes to cognitive impairment is highly variable. Location within cognitive networks and number and size of lesions are considered to be important determinants of cognitive impairment and dementia. Table 4.1 Terms and abbreviations. Syndromes Alzheimer disease Cerebrovascular disease Vascular risk factors Vascular brain injury MRI lesions Table 4.2 The pathogenic spectrum of vascular cognitive impairment: RF→ CVD → VBI →VCI. In order to prevent or reduce VCI, efforts must be directed to preventing CVD and VBI. VBI may result from ischemic, hemorrhage, toxic and inflammatory conditions or oxidative stress [3]. There are several forms of CVD, including atherosclerosis, arteriolosclerosis, cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA), cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL), and CARASIL [4]. Risk factors for arteriosclerosis are well known, including hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and dyslipidemia, whereas risk factors for other types of CVD are less well recognized. To complicate matters further, pathological overlap between VBI and neurodegenerative disorders is frequent, especially with increasing age. The application of “either-or” diagnostic criteria in epidemiologic studies fosters a dichotomous view of VCI and AD. Autopsy studies show a more complex reality. Macro- and microinfarcts are each found in approximately 30% of elderly persons, often combined with AD pathology [5–7]. Converging evidence indicates that ischemic infarcts and neurodegenerative lesions combine in an additive fashion to increase the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia [8–12]. From a public health perspective, VCI is the second most common cause of cognitive impairment in late life after AD. One of three persons meets criteria for dementia following first stroke [13]. Persons with stroke who are not initially demented are twice as likely as normal controls to develop dementia over the next 10 years [14]. The incidence of vascular dementia (VaD) increases exponentially after 65 years of age, ranging from 3 to 19 per 1000 persons/year at age 80 years [15–17], approximately half the rate of AD. In the Canadian Study of Health and Aging of persons older than age 65 years, the prevalence of cognitive impairment no dementia (CIND) was similar to (17%) the number of combined persons with dementia or stroke (8% each) [18]. In this study, the relative contributions of VBI to CIND were believed to be considerable. To minimize survival bias, cohorts at risk should be established in midlife and followed longitudinally. In the Honolulu Heart Program, history of high systolic blood pressure (SBP) [19] and diabetes mellitus [20] was associated with greater risk of dementia in late life (especially among persons with the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele). In the Framingham Heart Study [21], duration of diabetes was related to poorer cognitive performance. In the CAIDE study, higher midlife cholesterol levels were associated with increased risk of dementia [22, 23]. These epidemiologic studies underscore the importance of managing hypertension, diabetes mellitus, and cholesterol beginning in midlife. MRI scans in longitudinal population-based studies reveal SBI and WMH in approximately one-third of persons over age 65 years [24–26]. These lesions increase with age, are associated with hypertension, and increase the risk of stroke and dementia [27, 28]. In the Framingham Offspring Study of middle-aged adults, SBI and severe WMH were associated with increased risk of stroke and dementia independent of vascular risk factors [29]. These studies identify subclinical VBI on MRI as relevant targets for early detection and primary prevention. Cerebral microbleeds (CMBs) are also present in one-third of persons over age 80 years based on population studies and are associated with increased risk of stroke, cognitive decline, and mortality [30]. Several forms of CVD are associated with genetic mutations or polymorphisms. CADASIL is caused by mutations or deletions in the Notch3 gene (chromosome 19p13) [31, 32]. A similar autosomal recessive syndrome (CARASIL) results from mutations in the HtrA serine peptidase 1 (HTRA1) [33]. Dutch, Icelandic, and Finnish forms of familial CAA are associated with hereditary cerebral hemorrhage with amyloidosis (HCHWA) [34]. At the population level, the apolipoprotein E ε4 allele increases vascular deposition of abeta in the sporadic form of CAA [35]. The clinical presentation for VCI is highly heterogeneous, varying in onset, progression, and profile of cognitive impairment. In the following case presentations, we illustrate two approaches to diagnosis of VCI: (i) the application of criteria for the clinical diagnosis of VaD (Table 4.3) and (ii) a neurobehavioral approach, which considers location of VBI within memory and cognitive networks (Table 4.4). Table 4.3 Clinical Criteria for vascular dementia (VaD). ADDTC, State of California Alzheimer’s Disease Diagnostic and Treatment Centers; ASCVD, asymptomatic cardiovascular disease; DSM, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5); HTN, hypertension; MID, multi-infarct dementia; MIX, mixed dementia (vascular and Alzheimer’s disease (AD); NCD, neurocognitive disorder; NINDS-AIREN, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke and Association Internationale pour la Recherché et l’Enseignement en Neurosciences; VBI, vascular brain injury. Table 4.4 Neurobehavioral approach to diagnosis of VCI, AD, or mixed VCI/AD. AD, Alzheimer’s disease; CAA, cerebral amyloid angiopathy; CADASIL, cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy; CHS, Cardiovascular Health Study; VCI, vascular cognitive impairment; WMH, white matter hyperintensities.
Vascular cognitive impairment: Diagnosis and treatment
MCI = mild cognitive impairment (cognitive impairment without significant compromise of instrumental or personal activities of daily living)
MCI subtypes: amnestic, amnestic plus other cognitive domain, nonamnestic single domain, nonamnestic plus other cognitive domains
Memory impairment = free recall is below expectations
Amnestic memory impairment = free recall is below expectations and is not attributed to diminished attention or retrieval (i.e., does not improved significantly with cueing)
VCI = vascular cognitive impairment (cognitive impairment ascribed to vascular disease or vascular brain injury)
VaD = vascular dementia (dementia ascribed to vascular disease or vascular brain injury)
AD = Alzheimer’s disease (refers to progressive cognitive decline associated with widespread neurofibrillary tangles and neuritic amyloid plaques)
Clinically diagnosed AD (mild cognitive impairment or dementia ascribed to AD, without pathological data)
CAA = cerebral amyloid angiopathy
CVD = cerebrovascular disease (disease of blood vessels) (e.g., atherosclerosis, arteriolosclerosis)
Atherosclerosis = disorder affecting endothelial and elastic lamina of larger arteries
Arteriolosclerosis = disorder affecting smooth muscle cell layer of arterioles
Arteriosclerosis = includes atherosclerosis and arteriolosclerosis
VRF = vascular risk factors (refers to known risk factors for stroke (e.g., hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, atrial fibrillation))
Vascular factors = included VRF and CVD
Stroke = sudden-onset neurological deficit ascribed to CVD
VBI = vascular brain injury (parenchymal brain injury ascribed to vascular disease)
MTA = medial temporal atrophy
WMH = white matter hyperintensity on MRI (synonyms include WML (white matter lesion), WMSH (white matter signal hyperintensity), and leukoaraiosis (rarefaction of white matter on CT))
SBI = silent brain infarct on MRI
SI = silent infarct on MRI
SL = silent lacune (may include infarcts and perivascular spaces)
Risk factors
Vascular phenotype: “Cerebrovascular disease (CVD)”
Vascular distribution
Mechanism of brain injury
Brain pathology phenotype: vascular brain injury (VBI)
Location/neural network
Clinical phenotype or syndrome: “stroke” or vascular cognitive impairment (VCI)
Single artery
Complete infarction
Multi-infarct dementia
Large artery
(Symptomatic or silent)
memory system
Strategic infarct dementia
Small arteriole
Incomplete infarction
Multimodal association areas
Lacunar state
Amyloid angiopathy
Corticobasal ganglia-thalamocortical loops
Subcortical vascular dementia
Border zone
selective neuronal loss)
Deep white matter connections
Binswanger’s syndrome
Large arteries
(cingulum, superior frontal occipital fasciculus, superior longitudinal fasciculus)
Small arterioles
Leaky BBB
Neuronal loss with gliosis
Atrial fibrillation
Mural thrombus
Blood content
Genetic epidemiology
Case presentations
Diagnostic criteria
Evidence of causal relationship
Hachinski Ischemic Score (HIS) (0–17 points) [38]:
No specific criteria
CVD risk factors (HTN, ASCVD)
Not specifically required
HIS ≥7 suggests MID
Memory loss
Sudden onset
HIS 5–6 suggests MIX
Sufficient to interfere
Stepwise progression
HIS ≥4 suggests AD
No clouding of consciousness
Focal neurological signs and symptoms
DSM-IV [39]
Stepwise deteriorating course and “patchy” distribution of deficits, focal neurologic signs and symptoms
Evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory tests of significant cerebrovascular disease that is judged to be etiologically related to the disturbance
ICD-10 [42]
Unequal distribution of deficits in higher cognitive functions with some affected and others relatively spared
There is evidence of focal brain damage, manifest as at least one of the following: unilateral spastic weakness of the limbs, unilaterally increased tendon reflexes, an extensor plantar response, or pseudobulbar palsy
From the history, examination, or test, there is evidence of significant cerebrovascular disease which may reasonably be judged to be etiologically related to the dementia (history of stroke, evidence of cerebral infarction)
ADDTC [41]
Multifaceted cognitive impairment sufficient to interfere with customary affairs of life
Infarct outside the cerebellum by imaging
Two infarcts or one infarct with temporal relationship to onset of cognitive impairment
One infarct outside the cerebellum by imaging OR confluent white matter change
Not required
Memory loss
Focal neurological signs
Abrupt onset
Plus impairment in two other cognitive domains
Imaging findings
Stepwise progressionTemporal relationship to onset of cognitive impairment
Either imaging findings, abrupt onset, stepwise, OR temporal relationship
AHA/ASA (2011) [43]
Decline in cognitive function in ≥2 domains sufficient to interfere with ADL
Imaging evidence of CVD
Clear temporal relationship between vascular event and cognitive deficit onset
At least 4 domains tested (attention/executive, memory, language, visuospatial)
Clear relationship between severity and pattern of cognitive impairment and diffuse subcortical CVD
Decline in ADL is independent from motor/sensory sequelae of the vascular event
No history of gradually progressive cognitive deficits before/after CVA to suggest nonvascular neurodegenerative etiology
Imaging findings, but no clear relationship (temporal, severity, or cognitive pattern) with cognitive impairment
Evidence of another potential cause for cognitive dysfunction in addition to CVD
Severe aphasia precludes cognitive assessment
No imaging available
DSM-5 [44]
Major or mild NCD
Decline in cognitive function in ≥1 cognitive domains
Imaging findings CT or MRI
Evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory tests of significant cerebrovascular disease that is judged to be etiologically related to the neurocognitive deficits
Temporal relationship
Prominent decline in attention and executive function
Presence of clinical evidence + genetic disorder (i.e., CADASIL)
Sufficient to interfere with ADL
Evidence of VBI without clear temporal relationship to cognitive deficits
No clouding of consciousness
Favors VCI
Favors AD
Other Differential
Neuropsychological testing
Amnesic memory disorder?
Semantic fluency better than phonemic fluency
Executive impairment worse than memory impairment
MRI findings
Moderate to severe hippocampal atrophy
Hippocampal sclerosis
Anoxic injury
Herpes simplex Encephalitis
Severe WMH (CHS grade ≥7)
+(Can be seen in AD with CAA)
Hypertensive angiopathy
Cerebral amyloid angiopathy
Infarction within frontal-subcortical loops or other strategic locations
Acute stroke with temporal relationship to onset of cognitive impairment
Nonstrategic infarction
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