7 Extraoperative Mapping for Epilepsy Surgery: Epilepsy Monitoring, Wada, and Electrocorticography
Extraoperative mapping with electroencephalography, Wada, electrocorticography, or electrical stimulation mapping helps guide epilepsy surgical planning. For patients with medically refractory focal seizures, epilepsy surgery can be a curative and even life-saving procedure. However, seizure foci may occur in or close to primary motor, sensory, or language areas, or in the hippocampus, putting patients at risk for postoperative deficits. Extraoperative mapping can help identify indispensable eloquent cortex, and help tailor surgical resection so that the patient does not have unintended consequences from the surgery.
7.1 Introduction
A seizure is a transient neurologic event, caused by abnormally synchronous or excess brain activity. 1 Epilepsy is the condition in which a patient has two or more unprovoked seizures, or is at high risk for recurrent seizures. 2 While approximately two-thirds of patients with epilepsy can have their seizures controlled with medications, the remaining one-third are medically refractory, 3 , 4 , 5 and the chance of achieving seizure freedom is relatively low with additional medications tried. Epilepsy is considered medically refractory if a patient has seizures despite adequate trials of two or more appropriate antiseizure drugs (ASDs) at therapeutic doses. 5 For patients with medically refractory focal epilepsy, seizure surgery should be considered. Two randomized controlled trials demonstrated that surgery for epilepsy results in seizure freedom for 60 to 85% of qualifying patients with temporal lobe surgery, while continued medical management results in seizure freedom in only 0 to 8% of refractory epilepsy patients. 6 , 7
The most common type of epilepsy surgery is the temporal lobectomy, as temporal lobe epilepsy (particularly mesial temporal lobe epilepsy, originating in the hippocampus or amygdala) is the most common type of focal epilepsy. 8 In recent years, laser interstitial thermal ablation therapy has been used for specific focal lesions (most commonly hippocampal sclerosis) in which the neurosurgeon places a probe under magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance, then uses heat to ablate the tissue of interest. 9
Rates of complete seizure freedom range from 50 to 85% after temporal lobe surgery or ablation. 6 , 7 , 10 After surgery in extratemporal locations, seizure freedom rates may be 29 to 55%, with higher rates observed in patients with a known lesion on MRI or positron emission tomography (PET) imaging. 11 , 12 Resection of epileptic tissue in any lobe may be performed with careful planning to ensure the patient is not left with major deficits. After seizure monitoring with scalp electrodes, a Wada test or intracranial electrocorticography (ECoG) monitoring and mapping may be needed.
Extraoperative mapping for epilepsy, therefore, comprises epilepsy monitoring to determine the seizure onset zone as well as functional mapping to help delineate eloquent brain regions that need to be spared during seizure surgery.
7.2 Epilepsy Monitoring with Scalp Electrodes
7.2.1 Purpose
To identify the seizure focus as a target for resection, patients are admitted to an epilepsy monitoring unit (EMU) for continuous video electroencephalography (vEEG). The goal of vEEG monitoring is to record at least three to four of the patient’s typical seizures, 13 to determine the seizure onset based on scalp EEG.
7.2.2 Procedure
Patients are admitted to the EMU for 5 to 8 days, and electrodes are placed on the head according to a standardized montage. Often, the patient’s ASDs are lowered to facilitate recording seizures in a week-long admission. 14 , 15 Epileptologists identify seizures from the patient’s symptoms and from the EEG, and use visual inspection of the seizures to determine the location of onset. In some cases, particularly if the patient fits into a defined epilepsy syndrome and has a known lesion on imaging, the information obtained on scalp EEG may be sufficient to proceed with surgery.
7.2.3 Additional Testing
Focal findings on MRI or PET that correspond to the patient’s seizure onset on scalp EEG are predictive of a better outcome after surgery. 16 Additional testing, such as magnetoencephalography (MEG) or ictal single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) can be supportive if no lesion is found on MRI or PET. 17 , 18 Neuropsychology testing revealing deficits corresponding to the suspected seizure onset zone is also supportive, and is predictive of less cognitive decline after surgery. 19 , 20
If the seizure onset zone is suspected to be close to eloquent cortex or in the dominant hemisphere, additional brain “mapping” with Wada, functional MRI (fMRI), or ECoG may be required prior to surgery to ensure that the resection would not result in major deficits.
7.3 Wada Test
In 1964, epileptologist Juhn Wada introduced the intracarotid sodium amytal test to help determine language lateralization in patients with brain tumors. 21 Today, language mapping can be done with fMRI, 22 but the Wada retains a utility for predicting memory deficits after temporal lobectomy. During the procedure, a short-acting anesthetic is introduced to one side of the anterior circulation at a time, and the resulting language and memory deficits are assessed. The test is meant to mimic the effects of a temporal lobectomy on memory (when the side under consideration for surgery is anesthetized) and to test the “functional reserve” of the hippocampus to be removed (when the side contralateral to the surgical side is anesthetized). 23 , 24
7.3.1 Technique
Prior to a Wada test, the patient has EEG electrodes placed on the head (so that any seizures during the procedure can be detected). During the test, after local anesthesia to the groin for introduction of the angiography catheter, the neurosurgeon introduces the catheter into the internal carotid artery (generally beginning with the side under consideration for surgery). 25 Contrast is injected, and placement confirmed radiographically. The patient raises his or her arms and may be asked to count. Then the anesthetic is administered through the catheter at a rate of 25 mg every 5 seconds (typical dose 75–150 mg sodium amytal, though occasionally more is needed) until contralateral motor hemiparesis is observed. Typically, an epileptologist or neurologist in the case assesses motor strength to determine when the hemiparesis develops. EEG slowing of the affected hemisphere can be observed at the same time. Excess anesthetic can result in oversedation of the patient, making test results invalid.
Once the hemisphere has been anesthetized based on motor findings, the catheter is partially withdrawn and the neuropsychologist or neuropsychometrist uses a standard battery of tests to assess language production and reception, and gives the patient verbal lists and nonverbal items to remember. Throughout the test, motor function is assessed intermittently to ensure the hemisphere remains anesthetized.
After the effects of the anesthetic wear off (typically after 10–15 minutes), the neuropsychologist tests the patient for free recall and for recognition of the verbal and nonverbal items. The same procedure is then repeated on the opposite hemisphere. 21 , 25

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