This chapter provides a comprehensive discussion of aging, dementia, and disorders of cognition as these relate to rehabilitation therapy practice. This chapter presents the neurophysiological and neuropathological bases of cognitive problems in older adults, and the principles of rehabilitation that serve as the foundation for managing cognitive disorders in this population. The theoretical foundations of and research evidence for assessment and intervention are covered. Important concepts such as key clinical features of and diagnostic criteria for delirium, dementia, and depression are presented, as well as physical, occupational, and psychotherapeutic strategies used in rehabilitation. Finally, emerging interventions and future trends on the role of therapists in the areas of prevention and rehabilitation are discussed.
Key words:
dementia, disorders of cognition, delirium, Alkzheimer’s disease
After reading this chapter the student or therapist will be able to:
- 1.
Define the basic terminology and discuss the prevalence of cognitive disturbances seen in older persons.
- 2.
Describe normative changes in brain function with normal aging and their relevance to the diagnoses of delirium and dementias.
- 3.
Discuss how symptoms are altered with normal aging (specifically related to the Arndt-Schulz principle, law of initial values, and habitual biorhythms) for an individual.
- 4.
Describe normal sensory changes with aging and how they alter a person’s overall ability to adapt to stress.
- 5.
Describe how (and for what type of patient) to use the Mini-Mental State Examination as a part of the physical or occupational therapy examination.
- 6.
Describe common sensory changes with dementia and implications for adapting physical or occupational therapy evaluation and intervention.
- 7.
Discuss common changes in learning styles with aging and implications for adapting physical or occupational therapy intervention to enhance patients’ ability to perform at their highest functional level.
- 8.
Describe how environmental design and ergonomics can enhance patient performance in activities of daily living and instrumental activities of daily living.
- 9.
Describe a strategy to evaluate a patient’s emotional capacity to participate in a learning task and its clinical relevance to both occupational and physical therapy outcomes.
- 10.
Describe criteria for delirium and reversible dementia and sample strategies for modifying evaluation and treatment procedures.
- 11.
Discuss symptoms and disease progression in irreversible dementia.
- 12.
Discuss the therapist’s role on the treatment team in educating key caregivers and support personnel and sample training strategies.
- 13.
Discuss treatment skills that are helpful in working with persons who have irreversible dementia.
- 14.
Describe research activities and new findings that affect physical evaluation and treatment of the patient with dementia or delirium.
The starting point with older persons in physical or occupational therapy
Older persons can adapt to new physical problems. It is critical to use the processes of habilitation and rehabilitation to train caregivers (family, friends, or staff) to bring out the best functional performance in the older person. The health care staff, caregivers, family, and friends relating to the older person in a time of crisis need to prioritize creating a sense of safety, acceptance, and support based on the patient’s preferences and habits. The specific actions in this process include the following:
- 1.
Evaluate, document, and make available to the hands-on caregivers what the patient “likes”—his or her preferences and habits for all activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADLs).
- 2.
Train caregivers to create a care plan for daily living and nursing that builds in the patient’s preferences to support his or her personal identity and self-image.
- 3.
Create specific physical therapy or occupational therapy functional goals that build on and reinforce patient preferences with regard to mobility, eating, bathing, grooming, dressing, socialization, and so on. (Note: If caregivers change, training needs to be added and new goals may need to be developed because not all caregivers have the same capacity to relate to the patient.)
- 4.
Train caregivers with the older person to use specific strategies to (a) enhance breathing, (b) increase bed mobility, (c) improve balance in sitting and standing, (d) perform active range of motion (AROM) and active assisted range of motion (AAROM) for ADLs and IADLs, (e) achieve skeletal weight shift for ADLs and IADLs, (f) encourage head, neck, and spine to upright postural response during ADLs and IADLs, and (g) encourage walking and stair climbing safely and as able.
- 5.
Screen for signs of reversible cognitive losses.
- 6.
Provide adaptations and training for performance of ADLs when chronic cognitive problems exist.
- 7.
Train caregivers and the older person in ways to adapt the ADLs and IADLs to maximize ability.
Paradigm for aging, the brain, and learning
Aging is a process that requires ongoing adaptation to and compensation for the losses that are imposed on human beings from the outside world and the internal physiological changes that occur with the passage of time, physical activities, emotional state, fatigue, digestive and elimination processes, and habitual rest-activity cycle. If a person’s health is altered by illness or trauma, then he or she goes through an adaptive process. If too many changes happen too quickly, the brain is unable to create a functional adaptive response, and the individual must alter or simplify her or his life processes or face negative mental or physiological reactions. As human beings explore coping with unfamiliar experiences, they require more nurturing, rest, and physical contact that are perceived as empowering.
Human beings progress to adulthood through the millions of perceptions and choices that are recorded and responded to throughout the developmental years. With advancing age, there is a gradual decrease in the acuity of the kinesthetic and sensory information received. These changes can affect interactive learning for the older adult. Active participation has a positive impact on recall and learning, predictable events support recall, and ordered events are easier to recall. Differentiations in the nervous system for human beings do not happen uniformly. , As a person grows, the result of this lack of uniformity is that some adults prefer to relate to the world visually, others aurally, and still others by touch or kinesthetically. Therefore people specialize with their sensory processing and, at the same time, become more vulnerable to issues of sensory adaptation and selection.
The adult phase of central nervous system development will, for most people, involve a gradual narrowing of the focus in the development of new skills as well as increased repetition of certain activities. The tendency is to narrow down one’s activities more and more to those in which a person excels or feels comfortable. Intuitive or practical people continue to pursue self-knowledge and explore ways to maximize their talents. By accident or through mentoring, these people discover that lifelong learning is the gift of life itself. Ongoing and ever-increasing self-awareness allows for enhanced adaptability at any age.
Indeed, the human brain has been found to be malleable and adaptable in old age, and even in the presence of various neurological insults. Neural growth has been observed in mature neurons, hippocampal volume increases with physical activity, and myokines derived from muscle contraction have been found to modulate brain function. Thus the presence or absence of physical experiences (e.g., human movement) and an enriching environment provide powerful stimuli for brain activity. The challenge for the rehabilitation professional is how to harness such potential and structure the therapeutic environment to attain an optimal outcome for the patient/client.
In this chapter, the paradigm for aging and lifelong learning presumes the following:
- 1.
The central nervous system is viewed as the master system and the controller of other human systems (e.g., digestive, cardiovascular, muscular, and endocrine).
- 2.
Capacity exists for ongoing learning (self-awareness), self-regulation, and adaptability throughout the life-span.
- 3.
The whole (human being) is greater than the sum of its parts.
- 4.
Language shapes reality and the experience and perceptions of life.
- 5.
Enjoying a comfortable and easy pace for new learning is beneficial. Being able to learn new skills is important for adaptability and lifelong well-being.
- 6.
The mind and body are not separate. Multiple chronic medical conditions, smoking, lack of physical mobility, and loss of muscle strength (among others) impact the mind, while a physically active lifestyle, healthy dietary intake, and lack of cardiovascular diseases mitigate the risks associated with an aging mind and body.
- 7.
Optimal aging begins in early adulthood. It is rooted in advocating for a healthy lifestyle, which reduces one’s risk of acquiring debilitating mental and physical illness in later life. ,
- 8.
Personal variations in learning style and preferences for relating can be used to maximize adaptation in the presence of physical and cognitive decline.
- 9.
The activation of the limbic system for “fight or flight” is normal, and the ability to release the limbic activation and return to a resting state once a crisis (real or imagined) is over becomes a critical skill for adapting as people grow older.
- 10.
The creation of environments that encourage safe exploration of new ideas and ways of self-expression can generate lifelong human growth and development.
Framework for clinical problem solving
Therapists working with patients with cognitive impairments need to have received adequate advanced training in the assessment of communication skills and neurological functioning as well as gerontology so they can work with maximal efficacy and enjoy the clinical interactions with each patient. In the United States, there is a lack of adequately trained professionals to address the many health issues that accompany the rising number of older adults in the general population. In 37 BC, the Roman poet Virgil wrote, “Age carries all things, even the mind, away.” Nearly 400 years ago, Shakespeare described the last stage of human life as “second childishness and mere oblivion, sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.” This pessimistic view of the fate of older adults persists among health care workers today despite the fact that significant cognitive deficits affect only 9% of older adults (people older than age 65 years) in the United States. , Clinicians therefore should not assume that older individuals have impaired cognitive functioning.
Perhaps the most crucial concept for clinical problem solving is that the clinician must not assume that the current abilities reflect the true capacity of the person. When a patient is observed to have altered brain function, description of the extent and type of the distortion of intellectual capacity and determination of the time of onset (sudden or gradual) are necessary to enable a diagnosis and the provision of appropriate and effective treatment and care. The capacity to learn is a possibility, although the process of learning may be altered or different from that of unaffected older adults. When age, illness, or medications create a temporary or permanent change in cognitive abilities, all functional training requires alteration to meet the unique cognitive abilities of the patient at the moment. For example, the son of a patient who needed physical and occupational therapy showed staff how to communicate with his mother so that she would not get scared. The therapist walked slowly into the room and greeted the patient by touching her softly on the cheek with the back of her hand. The patient looked up and smiled. The therapist smiled back and stroked the patient softly on the top of her head. The patient smiled again. The therapist kneeled down so that she was eye-to-eye with the patient sitting in the wheelchair. She took the patient’s hand in her own hand and with her other hand slowly stroked the back of the patient’s hand. The patient smiled again. The therapy session had begun. For this patient, words were actually confusing, so they were avoided. The need for tactile nurturing input persists as people age. Nurturing tactile input done at a pace that is pleasant for the patient can actually support a positive clinical outcome.
Definition of terms
Neurocognitive disorders, including dementia, arise from acquired changes in the brain, which lead to declines in the cognitive function of an individual. , They differ from mental retardation (developmental disability) in which changes arise early in life and baseline cognitive function do not necessarily decline. Though commonly associated with older adults, neurocognitive disorders in the younger population do occur, especially among individuals with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and traumatic brain injury. , In 2013, the American Psychiatric Association published the 5th edition of its Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-5) and incorporated concepts such as “dementia” and “mild cognitive impairment” into its revised classification system. Major neurocognitive disorder corresponds with dementia, while minor neurocognitive disorder is similar to mild cognitive impairment ( Table 27.1 ).
Diagnostic Criteria | Major Neurocognitive Disorder (Dementia) | Minor Neurocognitive Disorder (Mild Cognitive Impairment) |
A | Significant cognitive decline in one or more cognitive domains, based on:
| Modest cognitive decline in one or more cognitive domains, based on:
B | Interference with independence in everyday activities | No interference with independence in everyday activities, although these activities may require more time and effort, accommodation, or compensatory strategies |
C | Not exclusively during delirium | |
D | Not better explained by another mental disorder, e.g., major depressive disorder, schizophrenia | |
E | Specify one or more etiological subtypes, “due to”
Major neurocognitive disorders are differentiated from minor neurocognitive disorders in the (a) severity of cognitive decline from a previous level of performance and (b) interference with independence in everyday activities. Cognitive decline in one or more domains could be expressed by the patient or a reliable informant, and/or observed by a clinician. The severity of decline could then be classified as modest or substantial using standardized testing procedures or similar objective clinical evaluation tools.
- •
Modest cognitive decline: Test score between 1 and 2 standard deviations below the appropriate norm, or between 3rd and 16th percentile rank.
- •
Substantial cognitive decline: Test score below 2 standard deviations of the appropriate norm, or below 3rd percentile rank.
Cognitive decline in both Major and Minor Neurocognitive disorders could manifest in one or more of these domains: complex attention, executive function, learning and memory, language, perceptual-motor-visual perception praxis, and social cognition. Recognizing early signs of decline (red flags) in any of these domains is paramount in establishing a diagnosis and formulating a timely management plan.
Delirium differs from major and minor neurocognitive disorders in its sudden and rapid onset . , A person with delirium shows an acute disturbance in attention, environmental awareness, and cognition from baseline; changes in sleep-wake cycle and emotional states; and worsening of behavioral problems. , The patient is often less alert than normal and may be sleepy or obtunded; however, many are hypervigilant and may be extremely agitated and suspicious. Early identification of the symptoms as well as formal medical assessment and treatment are critical to ensure the return of a normal level of alertness and intellectual function and to prevent the development of secondary functional impairments. , ,
Psychiatric problems may be present before old age or may develop as a result of dementia and need to be assessed and treated along with the dementia. Depression, for example, can mimic dementia and may be hard to recognize given its atypical and subtle nature among older adults. Pain, weakness, headaches, agitation, fatigue, unexpected change in weight/appetite, chronic constipation, insomnia, hypersomnia, and irritability may be observed. Table 27.2 outlines the key characteristics of delirium, depression, and dementia. ,
Delirium | Depression | Dementia | |
Onset | Acute (hours to days) | Acute or insidious | Insidious (months to years) |
Course | Fluctuates hourly, lucid periods in a day, confusion usually worsens at night Commonly results from acute illness, medical emergency | Episodic; may be self-limiting, recurrent, or chronic | Chronic, slow progression Starts in mid-life, may take 20 years from onset of mild cognitive impairment to severe dementia |
Duration | Days to months Usually reversible | Variable | Months to years Irreversible |
Consciousness | Reduced, fluctuates | Clear | Clear in the early stages, progressively gets worse in the later stages |
Hallucinations | Frequent, usually visual and/or auditory in nature | Variable, predominantly auditory | Often absent in early stages; may have visual hallucinations in the later stages |
Delusions | Fleeting, poorly systematized | May have sustained, systematized delusions | Often absent |
Poor attention | Variable | Variable | Present, progressive |
Disorientation | Present | Variable | Progressively gets worse in the mid-late stages |
Memory | Immediate and short-term memory impaired | Variable, may be minimally or selectively impaired | Gradually worsens with disease progression |
Psychomotor | Variable, may be increased or reduced | Variable, may range from hypoactivity to hyperactivity in the case of agitation | Often normal |
Speech | Often incoherent Slow or rapid | Normal | Initially coherent; speech impairment worsens in later stages |
Thinking | Disorganized | Impoverished | Limited, executive functions deteriorate with disease progression |
Affect | Variable | Depressed, presents with apathy and anhedonia | Variable, may present also present with anhedonia and apathy in later stages |
Sleep/wake cycle | Disturbed; changes every hour | Disturbed; hypersomnia may be present during the day | Disturbed; day/night reversal |
Currently, 50 million people worldwide have dementia, with nearly 10 million new cases every year. , In the United States, 5.7 million Americans and one in ten people over the age of 65 years are estimated to have Alzheimer’s disease (AD), the most common cause of dementia. , , By 2050, the number of people with AD is estimated to increase to 13.8 million in the United States and 132 million globally, if current trends continue and no cures or effective preventive measures are found. The percentage of adults aged 85 years and older with AD will increase from 2.1 million in 2018 (37% of all older adults) to 7 million (51% of all older adults) in 2050. The prevalence of dementia rises from approximately 3% at ages 65 to 74 years to 17% at ages 75 to 84 years, and to 32% at age 85 years , or higher ( Fig. 27.1 ). The increasing number of people older than the age of 85 will be paralleled by an increase in the incidence of dementia. Disorders causing cognitive deficits are expected to continue to be a growing public health problem for at least the next 50 years.

More than 70 conditions are known to cause dementia. Secondary behavioral problems in the patient with dementia can be interpreted as a response to somatic, psychological, or existential stress. Because memory impairments, impairments of abstract thinking or judgment, or global cognitive impairments in an older adult may be symptoms of acute physical illness, the patient’s physical, emotional, social, and cognitive status and physical, social, and caregiver environment need to be systematically evaluated.
Gradual or sudden changes in intellectual capacity or memory function are not a normal part of the aging process. Any change, whether it develops slowly over time or happens suddenly, should be diagnosed, and when possible, the underlying cause(s) of the delirium or dementia should be treated. Even if the cause of the dementia is untreatable, teaching the patient and significant others strategies to make the patient’s ADLs and IADLs easier to manage is always possible.
Physical and occupational therapists are an important part of the comprehensive evaluation, treatment, and caregiver training for patients with delirium or dementia. All treatment planning should occur as a part of a team effort in which the patient, the family or significant others, physician, nurses, social worker, physical therapist, and occupational therapist collaborate so that a consistent treatment plan and orientation are followed. Inclusion of the day-to-day caregivers is crucial for all training because they—more than anyone—need to know and use the adaptations for the patient’s personal style of communication and how to facilitate functional movement for ADLs and IADLs.
Physiology of aging: Relevance for symptomatology and diagnosis of delirium and dementias
The normal brain
The brain of a normal person at age 80 years shows several significant anatomical, physiological, and neurochemical changes when compared with the brain of a younger person. Brain weight decreases with advancing age. Neuropathological changes, such as the deposition of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles, and multiple-domain cognitive decline do occur. However, such changes are not associated with significant functional limitations in healthy older people. In contrast, older people with neurodegenerative conditions demonstrate tremendous neuronal loss and substantial declines in cognitive function. Normal age-related changes vary from person to person in degree and severity and can include the following:
- •
Disturbance in the ability to register, retain, and recall certain recent experiences ,
- •
Slowed rate of learning new material
- •
Slowed motor performance on tasks that require speed ,
- •
Difficulties with fine motor coordination and balance
A motivated, upbeat older adult who is not undergoing emotional stress will show few negative changes in intellectual capacity and may actually demonstrate an increase in intellectual functioning over time. , Neuroplastic changes continue through old age and research has shown that specific parts of the brain can increase in volume, functional connectivity in the brain can improve, and cognitive performance can be enhanced if older persons are immersed in optimal experiences and exposed to enriched environments. ,
Because many of the variables that need to be considered as part of the clinical evaluation of the rehabilitation potential of the person with dementia are affected by both aging and disease, therapists working with the older adult should be aware of these variables. The therapist explores ways to compensate for these changes; as a result, the patient will have a greater possibility of achieving her or his potential for self-care and contentment.
A slowing of the natural pace of movement is commonly noted in older adults. This slowdown is manifested in the brain as a slowing of resting electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythms (e.g., the mean frequency of the occipital rhythm is 10.3 Hz at the age of 60 years versus 8.7 Hz at the age of 80 years). The speed of nerve conduction in older adults can be 10% to 15% slower than in younger persons. Because of these physiological changes, if the process and structure of evaluation and care of the healthy older adult emphasize speed of execution or timed activities, they will appear less capable than they really are. The therapist may need more time when working with persons older than 70 years than is generally required with younger individuals.
The brain is the most physiologically active organ in the body. The brain represents only 2% of the total body weight, yet it consumes up to 20% of the oxygen and 65% of the glucose available in the circulation in the entire body. The minimal cardiovascular output required to deliver this is 0.75 L/min, which is equal to 20% of the total circulation (also dependent on body size). Because of the high level of nutrient use by the brain, it is one of the organs of the body most likely to be affected by any acute change in homeostasis. The homeostasis of the older adult brain is more vulnerable to disruption because of the normal age-related changes already discussed, as well as the increased permeability of the blood-brain barrier and increased sensitivity of neurons to the effects of outside agents such as drugs, food, and allergens.
Arndt-Schulz principle
The Arndt-Schulz principle summarizes the differences between the abilities of the younger brain and the aged brain to discriminate or respond to stimuli. In older adults, a higher level or a longer period of stimulation is required before the threshold for initial physiological response is reached. Their physiological response is rarely as large, as visible, or as consistent as noted in younger individuals. The implication of the Arndt-Schulz principle for clinical problem solving is that the level of a stimulus (e.g., heat, cold, sound, light, or emotional input) needs to be adjusted to compensate for the altered physiology of the older adult patient. Optimal balance of the levels of sensory stimulation and emotional stimulation that is therapeutic for a young person may not be therapeutic for the older adult. The stimulus may be too low so it does not reach the threshold for generating a physiological response, or it may go beyond the safe therapeutic range for the older adult and become harmful. Therefore when an older adult patient does not respond to treatment or presents an unusual physical response, the clinician needs to ascertain whether the strength of the stimulus is too strong or too weak and whether modification of the stimulus is necessary because of factors associated with the aging process or the patient’s cognitive deficits (e.g., he or she may be unable to accurately report the response because of a cognitive deficit). The older person with mild or moderate confusion needs small, slow clinical input and precise monitoring of the general response (heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration) as well as of the local response. This adjustment in approach is especially important for people with hearing impairment. Because the patient may not hear what is being spoken, the therapist may assume that the patient does not have the capability to comprehend what is being said.
Law of initial values
The law of initial values is both a physiological and a psychological principle stating that with a given intensity of stimulation, the degree of change produced tends to be greater when the initial value of that variable is low at the onset of stimulation. Therefore the higher the initial level of functioning, the smaller the change that can be produced. , The law of initial values, when defined and applied to younger individuals, presumes that homeostasis is a stable and consistent process. When the law is used to describe physiological and psychological responses in older adults, it cannot be presumed that homeostasis for any variable is predictable or consistent from one person to the next, or even within a 24-hour period for the same individual. For example, an older person with mild dementia may eat only sweets if left without companionship at a meal. As a result, after the meal, the individual may feel unsteady and afraid to walk back to the room.
The brain has a biological clock that controls all physiological functions in a precise temporal course, whether daily (e.g., secretion of some hormones), monthly (e.g., menstruation), or during a certain period of the life cycle (e.g., ability to become pregnant) . Before evaluating an older adult patient with dementia or a disturbance of intellectual functioning, assessment of the patient’s premorbid biorhythm is helpful. What was his or her daily schedule of activities before the medical crisis? An assessment or time study can map such things as rest periods, activities and level of exertion, sleep or rest periods, mental stimulation, emotional stimulation, eating, and elimination cycles across a 24-hour period. The patient assessment must allow for and assess the current and past variability of individual biorhythms. These biorhythms should be clearly documented, and their stability should be evaluated and maintained as much as possible (critical if the patient will be going back to the family). Defining the peak times of day for awareness and intellectual capacity for each individual is necessary. For example, some patients are best able to participate in learning a new skill in the early morning, and some only in the late afternoon. If a woman has worked for 40 years as a night nurse, being primarily active from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m., she will most likely be alert and best able to participate in a rehabilitation program during those hours. In most cases the patient should be allowed to choose the best time for treatment. For patients whose dementia is too severe for them to make this determination, the staff can monitor the patient’s behavior and choose a time for treatment when the person is most alert. For older adults with dementia, the time of assessment and treatment must be documented to maximize the person’s rehabilitation potential. ,
Cognitive changes in normal aging
The idea that cognitive decline is a necessary part of aging is a myth. This belief has been debunked by research on crystallized and fluid intelligence. , Crystallized and fluid intelligence are components of general intelligence. Crystallized intelligence involves the ability to perceive relationships, engage in formal reasoning, and understand intellectual and cultural heritage. Crystallized intelligence can be affected by the environment and the attitude of the individual. Crystallized intelligence can increase with self-directed learning and education as long as a person is alive. The measurement of crystallized intelligence is usually in the form of culture-specific items such as number facility, verbal comprehension, and general information.
Fluid intelligence, what has been called “native mental ability,” is the product of the brain’s information processing system. It includes attention and memory capacity and the speed of information processing used in thinking and acting. It is not closely associated with acculturation. It is generally considered to be independent of instruction or environment and depends more on the genetic endowment of the individual. The items used to test fluid intelligence include memory span, inductive reasoning, and figural relationships, all of which are presumed to be unresponsive to training. Because fluid intelligence involves those intellectual functions most affected by changes in neurophysiological status, it has been generally assumed to decline with age. Several studies have shown this to be untrue; one study noted that during middle age, scores on tests for fluid intelligence are similar to scores in midadolescence. , These changes, however, are primarily associated with processing speed, working memory, and executive function. ,
Studies on the effects of cognitive changes in activities have shown that older people perform activities at a slower rate and use different areas of the brain in the process compared with younger people. Those additional areas of the brain used have mostly to do with monitoring and processing the ongoing activity. , Activities are therefore performed more in a feedback rather than a feedforward manner, which also requires more time. So, if older adults are given time to complete tasks, they usually do well.
Botwinick described the classic pattern of changes in intelligence with aging. In the adult portion of the life-span, verbal abilities decline little, if at all, whereas psychomotor abilities decline earlier and to a greater extent (greater decline if the individual is not engaged in regular physical activity). The period between ages 55 and 70 years is a transition time, and some decreases in performance are noted on many cognitive tests. A substantial decline on laboratory tests of cognitive function is generally limited to those older than 75 years. In these latter years, however, the decline in fluid intelligence is offset by the growth in crystallized intelligence for most people unless dementia is present ( Fig. 27.2 ). Although changes may be demonstrated in the laboratory, they may not be significant in the “real world,” and the older adult may be as capable as the young of participating in rehabilitation training. For older adults to benefit maximally, however, they must control the pace of training because the tasks that are the most difficult for older adults are those that are fast paced, unusual, and complex. All physical and occupational therapy treatments with older patients need to be structured to encourage the patient to set his or her own pace. The goal is to have a pace that allows ease of breathing and a comfortable, functional upright posture so that the person can enjoy the experience. Interventions should be predictable and progress by adding one new concept at a time.

Stress and intellectual capacity
Selye defined stress as the nonspecific response of the body to any demand made on it. All human beings require a certain amount of stress to live and function effectively. When a stressor (stimulus) is applied, the body predictably goes through the three stages of response called the general adaptation syndrome (GAS). The first response is a general alarm reaction, a “fight-or-flight” response that mobilizes all senses in an effort to make a judgment about the response needed. The older person is at a disadvantage because collecting and processing accurate sensory data are decreased with normal aging owing to short-term memory loss. The sensory memory in an older person lasts less than 1 second. The next stage involves judgment and the selective adaptation to the stressor. A decision is made regarding which action is needed, and all other bodily activities return to homeostasis. If the stimulus continues and goes beyond the therapeutic or functional level, then the body system or part will gradually experience physiological exhaustion. A person in physiological exhaustion is likely to manifest abnormal responses to any new stimulus.
When a person is under perceived stress (whether real or imagined), a predictable set of cognitive changes can occur such as preoccupation; forgetfulness; disorientation; confusion; low tolerance to ambiguity; errors in judgment in relation to work, distance, grammar, or mathematics; misidentification of people; inability to concentrate, solve problems, or plan; inattention to details or instructions; reduced creativity, fantasy, and perceptual field size; decreased initiative; decreased interest in usual activities, the future, or people; and irritability, impatience, anger, withdrawal, suspicion, depression, and crying. Differentiating whether the patient is having a stress reaction or has dementia is critical. If the changes occur with a sudden onset, they are probably related to a medical or pharmaceutical problem, which may be indicative of delirium and amenable to intervention.
With aging, the brain undergoes physiological changes that make the older people less physiologically efficient in her or his response to stressors. The general alarm reaction is poorly mobilized and takes longer to become activated (Arndt-Schulz principle). The stage of resistance should yield a series of responses that allows the body to economize in its response to stress. In persons of all ages who receive too many different stimuli and in older adults who experience normal levels of stimuli, the body becomes less efficient at turning off the general alarm response and replacing it with more appropriate and limited responses. When a person is overwhelmed by this type or level of stress, the individual may demonstrate mild global or specific cognitive impairments, especially mild short-term memory loss.
The assessment of an older adult, with or without dementia, must include a determination of the type, number, and severity of the patient’s current stressors. Positive life events (e.g., marriage or the birth of a grandchild) are also stressful life events. Scores that rate stressful life events can identify patients who are at greatest risk of physiological and emotional exhaustion. Developed in the 1970s, the Holmes-Rahe Social Readjustment Rating Scale is still a commonly used life stress evaluation tool (see www.stresstips.com ). Older adults, with their numerous psychosocial problems and chronic and acute illnesses, are likely candidates for physiological and emotional exhaustion and the development of psychopathology. Thus the environment and process of rehabilitation need to be modified to counteract the effect of stress on the intellectual capacity of the older adult patient. Any action that modifies stress so that a deterioration of intellectual function is stopped or reversed is an efficient and cost-effective part of the total rehabilitation effort.
Strategies for assessing, preventing, and minimizing distortions in information processing
At the outset of the process of patient assessment, it is important to identify whether the patient communicates best with verbal, written, or a combination of both strategies . With an overview of the patient’s cognitive capacity, the rehabilitation staff may be able to modify the process of evaluation to maximize the patient’s performance (e.g., several 15-minute interactions spread over the 8-hour workday instead of an hour without rest; performing the assessment in the presence of a regular caregiver the patient trusts). A basic assessment of the patient’s functional abilities (ADLs and IADLs) at a given moment to allow a comparison of cognitive capacity at other times in the 24-hour cycle provides the clinician a specific description of what aspects of intellectual function appear to be impaired and pinpoints those aspects of intellectual functioning that are still intact. Based on this approach, the rehabilitation evaluation can proceed in a language (perhaps the native language of childhood) and at a pace that are comfortable for the patient and at the time of day when the patient is most alert.
Screening tests for cognitive impairment
The Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) provides a screening test for identifying unrecognized cognitive disorders in older adults. The MMSE assesses only cognition and can identify whether the patient is oriented; remembers (short term); and can read, write, calculate, and see and reproduce in drawing the relation of one object or figure to another. The MMSE may also be used in a serial fashion to quantify changes in a patient’s cognitive status over time. All caregivers must be part of the team effort to get a real 24-hour picture of the cognitive capacities of the patient. This examination can be used as a springboard for planning how to carry out the traditional rehabilitation evaluation of a patient who has some intellectual dysfunction. ,
The MMSE has been standardized for older adults living in the community, with scores correlating significantly with the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale and the Wechsler Memory Test. It has been found that when a cutoff score of 24 is used for the detection of dementia, the MMSE had a sensitivity of 87.6% and a specificity of 81.6%. Several studies have noted that interviews with informants are highly consistent with older adults’ scores on the MMSE.
The entire examination grades cognitive performance on a scale from 0 to 30. A score of 24 or less usually indicates some degree of cognitive dysfunction, but some patients with dementia may score above 24 and some with depression or delirium may score significantly below 24. A low score on this examination can mean that the patient probably has dementia, delirium, mental retardation, amnestic syndrome, or aphasia. A low score on the MMSE can indicate the areas of specific cognitive impairment and gives the rehabilitation team data about how to best communicate with the patient. MMSE scores are also correlated with educational level, with scores dropping 10% to 20% for people with an eighth-grade education or less if older than 70 years. A shortened version of the MMSE has been developed that uses only 12 of the 20 original variables.
The MMSE was freely available when it was first released in 1975, but its developers have since enforced copyright use restrictions , (USD 81 for 50 test forms, as of 2018). Fortunately, a growing number of screening tools have been developed and could be used as possible alternatives to the MMSE. , Free educational versions of the MMSE are widely available on the Internet, including sites such as those maintained by Oxford Medical Education. In 2013, the Alzheimer’s Association formed a workgroup to develop recommendations that would operationalize cognitive assessment in the primary care setting. As mandated in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, Medicare beneficiaries can avail an Annual Wellness Visit (AWV), which includes the detection of any cognitive impairment by assessing an individual’s cognitive function. The assessment should be done using direct observation while taking into account information obtained subjectively from the patient, the patient’s care providers, family, friends, and others concerned. The workgroup identified the Memory Impairment Screen (MIS), General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG), and Mini-Cog as suitable brief cognitive assessment tools in primary care. All three tools require less than 5 minutes to administer, have been validated in a primary care setting, have good-to-excellent psychometric properties, and do not require permission or payment for copyrights when used in the clinical setting. Clinicians may also select from a number of alternate tools in Box 27.1 and supplement the information with those obtained from a patient informant using the Ascertain Dementia 8-item Informant Questionnaire (AD8), GPCOG informant score, and short Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (Short IQCODE). Patients who present with any indication/s of cognitive impairment would need to be referred for further evaluation, as shown in Fig. 27.3 .
Ascertain Dementia 8-item Informant Questionnaire (AD8)
Clock Drawing Test (CDT)
General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition (GPCOG)
Memory Impairment Screen (MIS)
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
Short Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (Short IQCODE)
Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire (SPMSQ)
St. Louis University Mental Status (SLUMS)
Verbal Fluency
7-minute Screen (7MS)

The recent American Academy of Neurology guideline on mild cognitive impairment (MCI) recommends the assessment for MCI in cases wherein a patient and/or a close contact voices concern about memory or impaired cognition. The guideline further emphasizes that clinicians not assume such concerns as a part of normal aging. Validated assessment tools should be used in the screening process, and if positive, more formal clinical assessment should follow. The guideline cautions against a premature diagnosis of dementia in the absence of functional impairments and detailed testing. Lastly, clinicians lacking experience and training in assessing cognitive impairments should refer patients suspected of having MCI to the appropriate specialist. A summary of the practice recommendations is outlined in Table 27.3 .
Recommendation | Grade |
For patients for whom the patient or a close contact voices concern about memory or impaired cognition, clinicians should assess for MCI and not assume the concerns are related to normal aging | B |
When performing a Medicare Annual Wellness Visit, clinicians should not rely on historical report of subjective memory concerns alone when assessing for cognitive impairment | B |
For patients for whom screening or assessing for MCI is appropriate, clinicians should use validated assessment tools to assess for cognitive impairment | B |
For patients who test positive for MCI, clinicians should perform a more formal clinical assessment for diagnosis of MCI | B |
For patients with MCI, clinicians should assess for the presence of functional impairment related to cognition before giving a diagnosis of dementia | B |
For patients suspected to have MCI, clinicians who lack the necessary experience should refer these patients to a specialist with experience in cognition | B |
For patients diagnosed with MCI, clinicians should perform a medical evaluation for MCI risk factors that are potentially modifiable | B |
For patients and families asking about biomarkers in MCI, clinicians should counsel that there are no accepted biomarkers available at this time | B |
For patients diagnosed with MCI, clinicians should perform serial assessments over time to monitor for changes in cognitive status | B |
Sensory and perceptual changes with dementia
Patients with dementia may have specific problems that inhibit the integration of sensory input. Aphasias and disruption of association pathways may inhibit the patient’s ability to integrate accurately perceived sensory information in a meaningful way. Patients with AD, multiinfarct dementia, and alcoholic dementia may demonstrate disturbances in visual acuity, depth perception, color differentiation, and differentiation of figure from ground when compared with normal age-matched control adults and normal younger adults.
An assessment of specific sensory systems is necessary when a person demonstrates cognitive losses. The challenge in rehabilitation is to design a process and environment of care so that compensation and modification maximize the ability of the older adult with sensory deficits to adapt to most life situations. The example of visual deficits is a case in point. One of every two blind persons in the United States is older than 65 years (see www.afb.org/ and click on AFB senior site). Techniques of environmental adaptation and special measures to organize care to help blind older adults have allowed many of them to live independently in the community. However, many older adults with visual impairments are not blind. Some of the structural changes that result in mild to moderate deficits of vision include yellowing; uneven growth, striation, and thickening of the lens; increasing weakness of the muscles controlling the eye; alteration in the perception of color (especially fine distinctions in tone and brightness); and slower adaptation to light. Modifications of the environment can include adequate effective lighting (including adequate intensity and controlling of reflection), dark and clear large-print, low-vision aids (e.g., magnifying glass), verbal orientation and escort by persons accompanying patients in a new environment, consistent furniture placement, explanation when changes occur, clear hallways, a systematic storage system for clothes and toilet articles, and the use of consistent contrasting colors to identify doors, windows, baseboards, and corners.
Older adult learning styles and communication
Learning occurs throughout life. In physical and occupational therapy, habilitation occurs when the patient learns new skills, and rehabilitation occurs when the person relearns old adaptive skills. As with intelligence, the learning process does not change abruptly when an individual reaches old age, but differences in performance have been reported. One challenge for rehabilitation therapy is to find ways to improve the efficiency of learning by the older person ( Box 27.2 ).
- 1.
Use mediators; the association of words, story, mnemonics, or visual inputs can help the person remember.
- 2.
Choose learning activities that are meaningful for the patient.
- 3.
Use concrete examples to make learning easier.
- 4.
Provide a supportive learning environment to prevent stress, which can interfere with efficient learning.
- 5.
Use supportive or neutral feedback and avoid feedback that is presented in a challenging tone.
- 6.
Reward all responses, but reward correct responses more than incorrect responses. This can encourage older adults persons to decrease the number of errors by omission, which are often interpreted as apathy or lack of cooperation.
- 7.
Use combinations of auditory and visual input to facilitate the learning process. This is effective only if the data presented are similar because variation between the two kinds of messages can result in interference and a decrease in the efficiency of learning.
- 8.
Active learning is more effective. A patient who moves the involved body part while receiving verbal and visual input is likely to better master the new skill.
- 9.
Design the learning situation so that successful completion of the task is likely. Older people are more likely to focus on errors, which increases anxiety and lowers self-esteem. Worst of all, with all the energy focused on the error, there is a strong chance of repeating the error.
Learning and performance are not the same. Poor performance on a learning task may mean that insufficient learning has occurred, that learning has not transferred to a new environment or task, or that the performance does not accurately reflect the extent of learning achieved. The key variables that affect a person’s ability to participate in a learning task can include intelligence, learning skills acquired over the years, and flexibility of learning style. Noncognitive factors can also have a strong bearing on an individual’s performance. The noncognitive factors include visual and auditory acuity, health status, motivation to learn, level of anxiety, the speed at which stimuli and learning is paced, and the meaningfulness to the individual of the items or tasks to be learned. Research has shown that learning styles change over the life-span and that people learn better when instructional approaches are matched to their learning style. Therefore a rehabilitation assessment needs to include a review of the preferred learning style of the patient. This strategy is particularly important before discharging a patient from a rehabilitation program. The rationale is that a lack of progress may not reflect the patient’s lack of capacity for rehabilitation but rather may reflect a dissonance between the patient’s learning style and skills with the presentation of materials in the treatment program (e.g., verbal input has not been adapted to match the level or pace of comprehension of a person who may have a strong preference for visual learning and slower pace).
Interference can make the learning process less efficient in two major ways. First, interference can result from a conflict between present knowledge and the new knowledge to be learned. Second, if the task to be learned has two or more components, secondary components may interfere with the learning of primary components. This situation is particularly true if secondary components overlap in time or use the same sensory modality. Older adults have special difficulties if they must concentrate on intake, attention, and retrieval processes at the same time. Therefore the process and therapeutic environment of rehabilitation for the older adult patient must not be disturbed by background noise, other stimuli in the environment, or anxiety. When learning a new task, the older adult patient may require a quiet room with no stimuli other than that offered by the therapist. The need to rid the environment of distractions is particularly important when working with an older adult patient with dementia because this patient will have greater difficulty filtering out irrelevant sensory input compared with other patients without dementia.
The pacing of therapeutic intervention is a significant variable in helping an older adult learn. Older adults (with or without dementia) perform best if they are given as much time as they need and when learning is self-paced. The major drawback of a fast pace (as perceived by the patient) is that an older adult generally chooses not to participate rather than risk making a mistake. A lack of response by the patient is often interpreted as apathy, poor motivation, or “confusion.” Patient participation is increased when extra time to complete a rehabilitation task is offered. After the individual assessment, group work (where concepts can be presented, reviewed, and examined at leisure) also can be used to reduce the psychological pressure of faster paced one-on-one learning. The details of therapy must be planned carefully, including how questions are asked (this involves asking clear and precise questions in nonmedical language) and, most importantly, setting aside enough treatment time so the patient can respond at a manageable pace.
If data are organized in the brain as part of the learning process, the retrieval of these data becomes easier. Older persons are less likely than members of other age groups to organize data spontaneously to facilitate learning and later retrieval (memory) of that learning. Older adults who are highly verbal show fewer weaknesses in the ability to organize stimuli. Older adults with poor verbal skills show significant improvement in data retrieval when strategies for data organization are provided by others (e.g., the therapist). In addition, organizing therapy by beginning with an overview of the entire lesson may be helpful as this presents a conceptual map of the learning experience. Older learners have difficulty following content because they cannot anticipate what will be taught and do not see the “whole picture” of what is being presented. The use of purposeful organizing can help bridge the gap between what the older person knows and the new information or task to be learned. This is an example of how organization may influence the learning process.
Inefficient learning and, at times, an inability to learn occur in the older adult if material is presented in one way and the older person is expected to apply it in some other way. Instructions need to be provided in the format and context in which they are to be used. If possible, pieces of new data should be presented one at a time. A conscious transition needs to be made by the therapist from the patient’s current frame of reference to the understanding of the new data, and the pace needs to be set by the patient.
Several other strategies exist for maximizing the efficiency of older adult learners based on awareness of normal age-related changes. Some of the more frequently used techniques are summarized in Box 27.2 .
Therapists can begin by inquiring into what the reality of the patient looks like. The first goal should be to communicate with words, gestures, positioning, and so on, so that stimuli bring out functional responses in the patient.
The therapist needs to be sensitive to the entire communication—what is said and what is withheld. The patient with cognitive problems may not understand the content, but many patients still have the ability to sense and respond to the therapist’s affective state at the moment. When beginning communication, be clear of all previous concerns and bring no extraneous emotions into the interaction. Caregivers and therapists bring into the conversation the power of intention to create a therapeutic interaction and the choice to stay on task. Patients bring their own set of concerns at any particular moment. Knowing something about the patient’s concerns helps the process.
Therapists and caregivers need to be self-aware. What is the therapist’s favorite strategy for communication? What is the therapist’s favorite sentence structure? Our habitual forms of presentation need to be assessed with regard to whether they are effective, because the patient needs to be the focus of attention. Honoring the communication habits of the patient is necessary if effective communication is to occur with a person with cognitive deficits. If the therapist chooses to speak to the patient as if there were no cognitive deficits, consistent results will not occur, and the patient may be upset or agitated. The patient could be approached as if he or she were a person from another culture that has its unique customs, norms, and ways of communication. The patient-therapist interaction becomes an inquiry in which success is measured by the achievement of functional outcomes that are needed and wanted (e.g., the patient transferring into bed and feeling safe).
Now the question becomes what is the specific process of interaction with which the patient appears to be most comfortable and feels safe? Every patient is different, and it may depend on the time of day or whether the patient is feeling tired or threatened. Persons commonly respond best to one particular style of communication and are predictably upset or agitated by another style. If a patient wants to joke around and be playful, this should be a cue to staff that this is a workable style of communication. Another patient smiles whenever the tone of the conversation is soft, nurturing, and tender, and if staff is willing, this is where ease of relating can occur. Other patients relate best to rules and need predictable structures and boundaries. They love to know what is coming next. Still another category is people who can relate and communicate when definite admiration and respect are built into the conversation or when patient and therapist can agree to disagree. Each patient with cognitive problems needs to have caregivers develop a chart of what works to create a sense of relatedness and ease in communication. A challenge here for caregivers is that the patient’s abilities can change; guidelines for communication when new caregivers are introduced to the patient can also be helpful. Someone who is familiar and enjoys interacting with the patient should introduce new staff to the patient.
For people with cognitive disturbances, familiarity and rituals are keys to the ease of adaptability. The basis for rituals is well-organized documentation to which all caregivers have access and contribute on an ongoing basis. This information needs to be filtered and organized so that each shift can see what is working for the patient today. Even a nonverbal patient can relate effectively to bathing if a ritual exists regarding dressing and undressing (e.g., the socks always come off first). Another detail that requires staff or caregiver attention, evaluation, and adaptation in daily care is ideational apraxia. LeClerc and Wells described this as “a condition in which an individual is unable to plan movement related to an object because he or she has lost the perception of the object’s purpose.” Consideration is especially important in relation to feeding, dressing, toileting, and bathing. The authors described a tool that can help caregivers assess ideational apraxia and problem-solving compensations to prevent unnecessary agitation or disability and take actions to preserve existing abilities. Savelkoul and colleagues emphasized the importance of effective communication between staff and patients and the importance of routines for patient care to maximize functional behaviors for institutionalized older adults living in residential homes.
As a patient goes through gradual deterioration of cognitive status, as is common in AD, staff, family, and caregivers must be trained in nonverbal, positional, and manual cues and emotional communication techniques. Many patients come to a place in their lives with dementia when words are a source of confusion. Other strategies to communicate should then be used. Sign language is initially a possible tool until the associative functions begin to disappear. Accurate assessment needs to create adaptations in communication. It may be necessary to use hand-guided communication, in which the patient is led through a task or parts of a task to get his or her cooperation. At this stage of communication, ease and trust are the most important goals. It may take 5 minutes of tenderly holding a patient’s hand before the patient is ready to walk to the dining room or bathroom. This strategy requires much patience on the part of caregivers. Positional communication can be used as well as simple touch. As patients begin to feel safe with their state of being, they will relax and choose to participate. At times, patients have unique needs, such as only wanting to be cared for by a female caregiver or a male caregiver. Honoring patient needs is critical because the cognitively impaired may not be able to learn or adapt to the demands of the staff member because of previous trauma (assault or incest, real or imagined).
As a way to summarize the considerations regarding communication with a person with cognitive impairment, therapists may find it useful to examine their own intentions from moment to moment. “What is my goal in this interaction?” “Who am I being at this moment?” The task may be important, and the “doing” of it may be critical. For the patient with cognitive disturbance, therapists must provide life-enhancing stimuli on the basis of the patient’s perceptions. If in the zeal to “do,” the patient is accidentally scared, intimidated, or bullied, the damage may not be able to be undone. The patient with cognitive impairment presents a unique challenge if a threat has been created, because reestablishing their trust is often difficult. Often, the patient may be afraid of the therapist and simply needs the therapist to leave the room for some time. The saving grace for many patients is that their short-term memory is poor so they may not remember the incident tomorrow. The problem with agitation occurs when other patients who are cognitively impaired in the area also get upset.
The solution to the crisis moment, when a breakdown in communication has occurred, is to redirect communication and the focus of the present moment effectively. For example, a staff member could purposely bump into a chair and knock it over, drop a cup of water or a book, start to sing, whistle loudly, or clap his or her hands. At that moment, a distraction is created. If the distraction works, then the patient’s attention is pulled away from his or her old thought and focused to a new topic. At that moment, the staff needs to be intentional. The new focus needs to offer comfort or nurturing or a predictable sense of well-being (e.g., helping to clean up, eating some food, looking at a picture of a favorite thing, holding a favorite item, touching a favorite comfort object, hugging).
Environmental considerations
The temperature of the living environment must be carefully controlled because older adult patients may not perceive that the environment is cold and may not experience shivering. Accidental hypothermia can develop in an older person even at temperatures of 60°F (15.5°C) to 65°F (18.3°C). Accidental hypothermia is a drop in the core body temperature to less than 95°F (35°C). Patients at risk for hypothermia are presented in Box 27.3 .
Persons older than 65 years
Persons showing no signs of shivering or pale skin in response to cold
Persons taking medications containing a phenothiazine (to treat psychosis or nausea)
Persons with disorders of the hormone system, especially hypothyroidism
Persons with head injuries, strokes, Alzheimer’s disease or other dementia, Parkinson disease, or other neurological conditions
Persons with severe arthritis
Persons with arteriosclerotic peripheral vascular disease, chronic ulceration, or amputation
The symptoms of hypothermia may include a bloated face, pale and waxy or pinkish skin color, trembling on one side of the body without shivering, irregular and slowed heartbeat, slurred speech, shallow and slow breathing, low blood pressure, drowsiness, and symptoms of delirium. The two principles of treatment of hypothermia are that the person will stay chilled unless the body temperature is slowly increased and that he or she should be evaluated by a physician, regardless of the apparent severity of the hypothermia. ,
If a person continues to be at risk for hypothermia, specific measures can be taken to prevent subsequent distortions of cognitive status. First, the room temperature should be set to at least 70°F (21°C). Second, the person should wear adequate clothing; this may include long underwear and an undershirt. Adequate nutrition also may be a factor in preventing hypothermia.
Patients and their caregivers may attempt to save money by lowering room temperatures and thus inadvertently cause hypothermia. To prevent accidental hypothermia in institutions with central air conditioning, special accommodations for older adults, such as a special wing of the building or individual temperature controls in the rooms, are required.
Transplantation shock
Some older adults seem to function well in a familiar environment but become severely disoriented and unable to perform ADLs if taken out of their own homes. As a general rule, these persons have mild symptoms of dementia that are not readily apparent when they remain in a structured, familiar, stable environment and maintain a consistent daily routine. When faced with the need to adapt to a new environment bombarded with multiple unfamiliar sensory stimuli, however, their limited brain capacity is unable to make sense of the large volume of new stimuli. If a patient was oriented before admission to an institution and then becomes disoriented, the patient’s cognitive functioning will likely return to its baseline level of functioning on return to the familiar environment. Therefore all moves by a patient from one hospital room to another or from one institution to another, and all changes in a treatment regimen, need to be carefully planned. If a change is anticipated, the patient should be involved in the decision making. If the change is a permanent move, the patient needs to have a chance for one or two trial visits before the actual move. The patient needs to be informed of all changes well in advance, and this information needs to be given repeatedly to the patient with dementia. The precautions mentioned can help the patient relocate without creating transplantation shock and any related negative cognitive and emotional changes.
Delirium and reversible dementia: Evaluation and treatment
This section focuses on the patient’s internal environment (physiological, psychological, spiritual, and pathological) and presumes that all unnecessary external environmental stressors have been removed. Delirium and dementia have been previously defined (see Table 27.1 ) and differentiated (see Table 27.2 ). Delirium can manifest suddenly or over a period of hours or days. Delirium may occasionally be chronic, but this is relatively infrequent. Dementia usually has a much longer time of onset, although an acute onset can occur.
Diagnosis of the underlying cause of dementia or delirium is key to effective care. Although the diagnostic process is primarily at the level of pathology, the therapist can obtain information, as part of a team evaluation, which will help establish the underlying diagnosis. Historical information needs to be obtained regarding the following:
- •
The amount of time that has elapsed since the onset of symptoms
- •
The progression or lack of progression of symptoms
- •
Associated functional impairments and associated medical signs and symptoms
- •
Use of prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, home remedies, illegal drugs, alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine
- •
Exposure to toxins at work or during recreation
Even in a patient with cognitive disturbances, this information can frequently be obtained and corroborated by obtaining a history from significant others.
The causes of delirium and reversible dementia are many. In older adults however, certain causes are more common than others ( Box 27.4 ). Alcohol and drugs (prescribed, over-the-counter, or illegal medications and home remedies) are prime offenders (see Chapter 36 ). The delirium may be the result of intoxication, side effects, or withdrawal syndromes. Benzodiazepines are among the most commonly prescribed offenders; even a low dose (2 mg) may cause demonstrable cognitive changes. Other common drugs that cause delirium or reversible dementia are alcohol, oral narcotics, psychotropic medications, steroids, antineoplastic drugs, digoxin, anesthetic agents, antiparkinsonian drugs, and antihistamines. However, all drugs have the potential to cause significant cognitive problems in older adults. These symptoms often resolve with discontinuation of the offending agent or treatment of the withdrawal syndrome. For some patients, a medication holiday of longer than 24 hours may be needed before a positive change in cognition can be noted.