An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) consists of one or more arteriovenous shunts, which corresponds to an abnormal capillary bed with a shortened arteriovenous transit time. Two broad categories of arteriovenous shunts can be recognized: AVMs and arteriovenous fistulae (AVFs). AVMs are characterized by a network of abnormal channels (nidi) between the arterial feeders and the draining veins. AVFs, in contrast, consist of a direct communication or opening between a feeding artery and a draining vein. AVMs and AVFs are the two basic forms of arteriovenous shunts that can be found throughout the central nervous system.
In the past, most AVMs were diagnosed during clinically recognized episodes. The access to imaging facilities has allowed their preclinical diagnosis. Follow-up of this incidentally discovered population of patients with AVMs suggests that the clinical course is more benign than previously believed. The classic postulate that AVMs are congenital malformations, hence implying their presence at birth, has not been supported by antenatal or pediatric imaging. On the contrary, it is likely that lesions found in young adults, although probably resulting from an early in utero “event,” are not present at birth. Pediatric cases or even neonatal series represent only a small portion of the cases and pertain to specific disease groups (hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia [HHT], vein of Galen malformations, pial AVFs).1
The prevalence of brain AVMs (BAVMs) in a given population is difficult to estimate. It is believed that between 0.14% and 0.8% of the population may present with a BAVM in a given year.2,3 The variation in statistics results from studies of disparate populations, ranging from the residents in a small community4 to subjects of autopsy series.3 As previously alluded to, these numbers represent data collected before the era of noninvasive high-quality imaging modalities.
Classification and Angioarchitecture
There are two broad categories of arteriovenous shunts: malformations (AVMs) and fistulae (AVFs). AVMs may be small (micro-AVMs) with one or more “normal”-sized arteries, one or more draining veins, and a nidus smaller than 1 cm in diameter. Macro-AVMs, in contrast, have arteries and veins that are larger than normal; the size of the nidus is larger than 1 cm in diameter. Compartments can be observed within lesions either during angiography or at surgery. Each compartment may have a single or multiple arterial feeders. There may be single or multiple draining veins (Fig. 44-1).
Similarly, AVFs may be of the micro or macro type. AVFs are more frequent in children and are rare in adults (Fig. 44-2).
The topography of a BAVM is best assessed by combining both MRI and angiographic information. Lesions in most locations recruit predictable arterial feeders and specific draining veins (Table 44-1). The primary defect is at the capillary level. In contrast to aneurysms (arterial defective) or cavernomas (venous defective), in which associated arterial and venous anomalies are seen, respectively, the arterial tree from where the AVM feeders originate and the venous system that drains the AVM have a classic anatomical disposition.
TABLE 44-1 Topography of Intracranial Arteriovenous Lesions and Vascular Territories
Rights were not granted to include this table in electronic media. Please refer to the printed book.
From Berenstein A, Lasjaunias P, Ter Brugge KG: Surgical Neurorangiography, vol 2.2: Clinical and Endovascular Treatment Aspects in Adults, 2nd ed., Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2004.
Lesions at the cortex
Arteriovenous lesions exclusively involving the cortex are exclusively fed by cortical arteries and drain into superficial veins. These lesions represent sulcal AVMs, as described by Valavanis and Yasargil.5
Cortical-subcortical lesions recruit cortical arteries and drain into superficial veins but may also drain into the deep venous system if the transcerebral venous system is patent. These represent the gyral type of AVMs described by Valavanis and Yasargil.5
Multiple Brain Arteriovenous Malformations
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia
HHT is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by a multisystemic vascular dysplasia and recurrent hemorrhage.6 Two gene mutations have been identified: on chromosome 9 (affecting production of endoglin; this form is known as type 1)7 and on chromosome 12 (affecting production of activin receptor-like kinase; this form is known as type 2). An uncharacterized third mutation is also suspected. These mutations lead to the formation of abnormal vessels and abnormal connections between vessels. It has to be emphasized that the target of dysfunction in HHT is not in arteries but in venules.
In the general population of patients with BAVMs, up to 2.2% of cases may be associated with HHT.8 With multiple BAVMs, however, up to 25% of cases are associated with HHT.9 Ten percent to 20% of HHT patients have cerebral involvement.10 In these patients, the cerebral vascular malformations manifest in three main phenotypes: large AVFs, small AVMs with a nidal diameter between 1 and 3 cm, and micro-AVMs with a nidal diameter smaller than 1 cm. These AVMs are often multiple and are almost exclusively located near the cortex.8,11 Although characteristic telangiectasia occur in the skin, oral mucosa, and the lips of patients with HHT, telangiectasia is not known to develop in the brain. High-flow type AVFs with venous ectasias are seen in children younger than 5 to 6 years of age; nidus-type lesions both large and small are seen in older children and in adults.1,12–14 Twenty-five percent of single AVFs in children and 50% of multifocal AVFs occur in patients with HHT.
Cerebral DSA may demonstrate multiple areas of arteriovenous shunting, always cortical in location, either supratentorial or infratentorial. In addition, high-quality cerebral DSA can demonstrate tiny lesions, particularly micro-AVMs, which may appear occult on MRI, because these lesions usually have normal-sized feeding arteries and draining veins.10
Cerebrofacial arteriovenous metameric syndromes
CAMSs,15 also called Wyburn-Mason or Bonnet-Dechaume-Blanc syndrome, are associated with ipsilateral AVMs of the brain, retina, and facial regions. Their segmental expression reflects their common origin from tissues involved in cerebrofacial vasculogenesis and angiogenesis. The metameric pattern of involvement is suggestive of a disorder of the neural crest or adjacent cephalic mesoderm15 at early segmental stages of differentiation.
Unclassified multiple brain arteriovenous malformations
Several case reports have described so-called multifocal BAVMs. They seem to be twice more frequent in children than in adults. They can be randomly spread on the cortex; mirror-image deep-seated nidi have been reported. One half of multifocal AVFs in children belong to this group.1,14
Pathophysiology, Clinical Manifestation, and Natural History
The clinical manifestation of BAVM may be related to the shunt itself or to secondary changes (visible on high-flow angiopathy) that occur in response to chronic shunting. It also depends on the age of the patient. Manifesting clinical features include chronic headaches, seizures, cerebral hemorrhage, and neurological deficits.
Hemorrhage in a patient with a BAVM represents a significant change in the compliance of the vascular system. Bleeding can result from rupture of the AVM nidus, arterial aneurysm rupture, or venous rupture, which may occur close to or remote from the AVM. It has been shown that arterial aneurysms are not significantly associated with hemorrhagic manifestation,5 of BAVMs. The presence of aneurysms within an AVM nidus is, however, noted to significantly worsen the natural history of future hemorrhages.16 Deep venous drainage and deep location of a BAVM are associated with a higher risk of hemorrhagic manifestation.17
Seizure and Neurological Deficit
Seizure is the second most frequent manifesting symptom in all BAVM patients and occurs in up to 53% of cases. The AVM locations most frequently associated with seizure production are the motor-sensory strip and the temporal areas, representing close to 70% of cases of BAVM with seizures. For most of the less functional brain areas, seizure manifestations may be overlooked unless secondarily generalized. Neurological deficit not associated with hemorrhage, in contrast, is an infrequent symptom, occurring in only 8% of patients over a 10-year period.18
Arterial ischemia may theoretically result from two types of mechanism: a “steal” phenomenon or occlusive changes. The concept of “steal” is based on the angiographic nonvisualization of vessels in a normal area of the brain that should have been visualized at the time of injection. However, careful angiographic evaluation always demonstrates the “missing” branches through leptomeningeal anastomoses from adjacent territories, thus expressing the adaptability of the brain’s circulation. Arterial stenosis and occlusion proximal to an AVM may range in appearance from a single vessel narrowing to a moyamoya pattern. Such changes are usually slowly progressive, allowing for stepwise compensation, including leptomeningeal angiectasia, which accounts for their clinically silent development. These changes may eventually lead to progressive symptoms such as headaches, neurological deficits, and seizures. Multivariate analysis has shown that patients with such occlusive changes and angiogenesis may have lesser hemorrhagic risk than do patients without such changes.19