Fig. 1
ECG artifact. In this low-voltage EEG, the artifact generated by a brief run of ventricular tachycardia can easily be mistaken for generalized periodic discharges
Pulse artifact is another common EEG finding in the intensive care unit; it occurs when an electrode is placed over a pulsating artery on the head. This creates a rhythmic, rounded artifact in the affected electrode; pulse artifact can easily be mistaken for rhythmic delta activity (Fig. 2). However, it can be distinguished from rhythmic delta activity originating in the cortex by its restriction to one electrode, the presence of more normal activity overlying the artifact, and the time-locked appearance of the artifact in association with the ECG. Pulse artifact can often be reduced or eliminated by moving the electrode off the offending artery.

Fig. 2
Pulse artifact. Here, a typical pulse artifact (black arrow) at the T5 electrode resembles 1 Hz rhythmic delta activity
Another cardiac artifact that can be seen is ballistocardiographic artifact; this artifact results from low-amplitude movements of the patient’s head or body in response to the pulsatile movements of the heart. It generally appears as rhythmic delta activity at the same frequency as the patient’s heart rate. It may be widespread or confined to a relatively small number of electrodes (Fig. 3). In critically ill patients, who are almost always supine, the artifact tends to be maximal in the posterior electrodes. Repositioning the patient or using a rolled towel beneath the head and neck should minimize the appearance of the artifact but may not eliminate it entirely. In general, ballistocardiographic artifact is more challenging to correct than pulse artifact.

Fig. 3
Ballistocardiographic artifact. The artifact appears as rhythmic delta activity time locked to the ECG; although it is maximal in the O2 electrode, it can also be seen at times in several other electrodes
Eye Movement and Ocular Artifacts
The cornea is positively charged relative to the retina, with a voltage difference between 50 and 100 microvolts. This can result in a detectable electrical field with eye movements, including blinking. The electrical artifacts created by eye movements are generally better seen on anterior electrodes, due to the proximity of those electrodes to the eye. Blinking is associated with a brief upward movement of the cornea (known as Bell’s phenomenon.) This movement creates a positive (downward) symmetric deflection on the EEG that is most prominent in the frontal polar electrodes. Rapid blinking (often referred to as “eyelid fluttering”) can produce rhythmic activity in the anterior electrodes. The frequency of the artifact depends largely on the frequency of eyelid flutter. Slower 2–3 Hz eyelid flutter can resemble frontally predominant rhythmic delta activity, although it tends to be less uniform in size and appearance than most frontally predominant cerebral rhythmic delta activity (Fig. 4). Faster 6–13 Hz eyelid flutter can produce rhythmic activity that resembles an ictal pattern. If there is a clinical concern for eyelid flutter artifact, the use of electrooculogram recordings from the left and right outer canthus can aid in the identification of this artifact. Additionally, artifacts related to eyelid flutter can be distinguished from electrocerebral activity by close observation of the patient’s eyelids. If eyelid flutter or blinking artifacts are extremely disruptive to interpretation of the underlying EEG, the patient’s eyelids can be taped closed, but this is rarely necessary.

Fig. 4
Eyelid flutter at a rate of 2–3 Hz can be confused for frontally predominant rhythmic delta activity. Note the irregular frequency and morphology of the waveforms
Both horizontal and vertical eye movements can also give rise to artifacts on the EEG. Lateral eye movements are often preceded by a less than 50 millisecond “lateral rectus spike” related to activation of the lateral rectus muscle with eye abduction. These low-voltage waveforms are typically more prominent in F7 and F8. They are typically followed by a slow potential related to eye movement. Dysconjugate gaze, brainstem injury, and cranial nerve palsies, which may be seen in ICU patients with neurologic injuries, can result in either unilateral or asymmetric artifacts from eye movement.
In addition, many ICU patients receive medications or have brainstem or cerebellar injuries that give rise to nystagmus. This artifact often has a “sawtooth” appearance related to the fast and slow components of the nystagmoid eye movements. In patients with horizontal nystagmus, the artifact is typically more prominent on the side of the fast movement, and a phase reversal may be seen at F7 or F8. In patients with vertical nystagmus, the artifact is usually most prominent in the frontal polar electrodes (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
Nystagmus artifact. Sharply contoured, sawtooth waveforms are seen at a rate of 2–3 Hz, due to vertical nystagmus in this patient with a pontine infarct
The electroretinogram (ERG) potential is a potential seen at the frontal polar electrodes in response to sudden, flashing light stimulus. In the outpatient setting, this is commonly seen with photic stimulation. However, in the ICU setting, this can occasionally be seen on low-voltage EEGs when a flashlight is used to assess pupil reactivity. In patients who are being evaluated for electrocerebral inactivity (ECI), the presence of an ERG potential should not exclude the diagnosis of ECI.
Movement-Related Artifacts
Patients in the ICU are prone to a wide variety of abnormal movements including tremors, clonus, myoclonus, rigors, shivering, posturing, and other types of hypermotor activity. Many of these movements have a relatively stereotyped appearance on EEG. Tremors can produce a rhythmic, spiky appearing artifact that corresponds to the frequency of the tremor (commonly between 4 and 12 Hz for conditions such as essential tremor, cerebellar tremor, or Parkinsonian tremor). Artifacts related to tremor typically generate nonphysiologic phase reversals; tremor artifacts are often more prominent in ECG leads than they are in EEG leads (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6
A 6 Hz essential tremor produces an asymmetric artifact most prominent at T3 and T5 in this example. The resulting artifact is better seen in the ECG
Myoclonus also produces an extremely brief, spiky appearing potential. This can be challenging to distinguish from epileptic spikes at a normal paper speed of 30 mm/s. However, by changing the paper speed to 60 or 120 mm/s, it becomes easier to see that these seemingly epileptic spikes demonstrate nonphysiologic phase reversals (Fig. 7). In some instances, myoclonic artifact can be caused by epileptic activity, which can make it particularly challenging to distinguish between electrocerebral activity and artifacts. Under those circumstances, it may be necessary to use neuromuscular blocking agents to better assess the underlying EEG activity.

Fig. 7
Myoclonus artifact. (a) At a typical paper speed of 30 mm/s, artifact due to myoclonus appears spiky and is easily mistaken for epileptiform activity. (b) At a paper speed of 60 mm/s, the noncerebral morphology of the artifact can be better appreciated
In addition to patient movements, movements by nursing staff, EEG technologists, and physicians can generate artifacts. Suctioning the patient can create a rhythmic low-voltage artifact in the delta range; the artifact is often frontally predominant (Fig. 8). Rubbing a patient’s sternum can create a slightly faster 3–7 Hz, high-voltage artifact with irregular waveforms (Fig. 9). The waveforms can be diffuse or focal, depending on patient positioning.

Fig. 8

Suctioning artifact. Suctioning typically creates diffuse, low-voltage waveforms that resemble either polymorphic or rhythmic delta activity

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