Brain Tumors

52 Brain Tumors

Brain tumors are a relatively common neurologic disorder particularly when one combines primary central nervous system (CNS) lesions and those metastatic to the brain and its leptomeninges. Taken together, these tumors are some of the most common cerebral disorders in adults, second only to Alzheimer disease, stroke, and multiple sclerosis. In children with the exception of leukemia, primary brain tumors are the most common malignancy. Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) arising from within the glial cell matrix occurs in all age groups but typically after age 65 years. A higher age at onset is the most significant predictor of poor outcome. GBM is the most devastating of CNS malignancies; there are very few 2-year survivors. Glial cell tumors comprise more than two thirds of all primary brain tumors. Meningiomas are the next most common tumor and are the prototype of the various primary benign brain tumors.

Although one might think that the temporal profile of a patient’s illness may sometimes suggest either a benign or malignant process, one cannot depend on this history to make a differential diagnosis. Brain tumors typically present with four clinical scenarios: (1) focal cerebral or cranial nerve deficits that are gradually progressive over a few weeks to many months, (2) seizures, (3) headache and signs of increased intracranial pressure primarily demonstrating papilledema and sixth-nerve palsies, or (4) stroke mimic, that is, with an apocalyptic onset. Personality changes, evolving language dysfunction, focal loss of sensory discrimination or motor limitation such as a clumsy hand, and ataxic gait are focal signs that usually accurately define the site of the tumor. However, there are certain false localizing signs that may lend to initial confusion.

When a slowly enlarging, previously asymptomatic cerebral tumor decompensates, certain false localizing signs may cause diagnostic confusion. Transtentorial uncal-parahippocampal herniation occurs, with the offending hemisphere herniating medially through the tentorium cerebri, compressing the contralateral corticospinal tract carrying motor fibers. These fibers originating in the opposite motor cortex control movement on the same side of the body as the site of the tumor. For example, a very large right-sided tumor affects the left corticospinal tract carrying right-sided motor fibers, leading to a paradoxical ipsilateral hemiparesis. Similarly, another false localizing sign occurs when a large herniating tumor compresses the opposite third nerve, thus leading to pupillary dilatation contralateral to the side of the lesion. Today, these clinically confusing signs are less likely to occur with earlier MRI diagnosis of these tumors before they reach a critical mass to cause these herniation syndromes.

The occurrence of a new-onset seizure in an adult must always lead to diagnostic consideration of a brain tumor. It is estimated that 30% of brain tumors present in this fashion. The tumor types and their locations are essential determinants significantly influencing seizure characteristics. Brain tumors with a high risk for epilepsy include slow-growing low-grade gliomas, multiple metastases, and various developmental tumors.

The availability of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) makes the differentiation relatively simple for those occasional brain tumors that present so acutely that they mimic a stroke. MRI primarily provides morphological and functional information, including tumor localization, vascular permeability, cell density, and tumor perfusion. Today the concurrent employment of positron emission tomography (PET) enables the assessment of molecular processes, such as glucose consumption, expression of nucleoside and amino acid transporters, as well as alterations of DNA and protein synthesis. The value of combining these two modalities is now being studied. Perhaps such will eventually allow one to differentiate a focal “tumefactive” demyelinating lesion from the much more common glioma. At present, it is necessary to perform a stereotactic brain biopsy to make this tissue diagnosis before embarking on a specific therapeutic protocol. Eventually the combined MRI/PET paradigm may also offer important therapeutic implications.

Despite tremendous advances in both the understanding of the biology of malignant gliomas and new neuro-oncologic therapies, the prognosis remains very poor. However, new anti-angiogenic agents are demonstrating some therapeutic promise for recurrent malignant gliomas leading to consideration of them as primary therapeutic agents. Prophylactic cranial irradiation is now being utilized to prevent or delay the occurrence of brain metastases, particularly in patients with high incidence of brain metastases such as small cell lung carcinoma.

Malignant Brain Tumors

When confronted with a patient with a brain tumor, the first priority is to determine whether this lesion arises from within the brain itself, that is, intraparenchymal, or is it a metastasis. Primary brain tumors are commonly solitary and frequently have irregular margins. Intraparenchymal tumors variously arise from glial, ependymal, or lymphoid cells as well as blood vessels. Gliomas are the most common tumors of glial origin; however, both astrocytes and oligodendrocytes can also form tumors. In contradistinction, primary neuronal tumors are very rare, particularly in adults. Metastatic tumors are often multiple, with gadolinium enhancement on MRI and sharply defined borders. The most common primary cancers that metastasize to the brain are lung, breast, skin (particularly melanoma), and kidney.

Traditionally, microscopic features have been the primary means of glial cell tumor classification. However, current study of the molecular events responsible for glioma genesis is beginning to have an impact not only on the diagnostic classification of these tumors but also treatment selection as well as overall prognosis for specific glioma types. Small molecule inhibitors and monoclonal antibodies may eventually provide targeted therapies selectively blocking newly appreciated aberrant growth signaling pathways within gliomas.



The chance of developing a primary malignant brain tumor in the United States is small relative to the chance of developing a tumor of the lung, breast, colon, or prostate. The majority of these are gliomas. Data collected by the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the U.S. (CBTRUS) and Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results consortia demonstrates an adult incidence of 5.1 gliomas per 100,000 person-years; almost 50% of these are glioblastoma. Brain cancer incidence rises with age, peaking at 65–70 years. For glioblastoma alone, the highest incidence is at age 62 years. Men are significantly more likely to develop a glioma (M : F = 1.8). Brain cancer incidence also varies regionally; the incidence in Hawaii is roughly half that of New England, and globally the incidence of brain tumors in Israel is roughly eight times that of Japan. Although some studies suggest that Caucasians are more predisposed to gliomas than African or Asian populations, diminished health care availability in non-Westernized socioeconomic settings may be the primary mechanism explaining this discrepancy rather than genetic susceptibility differences. Gliomas, like most cancers, are usually a random event and rarely have a familial predisposition. However, having a first-degree relative with a glioma doubles a patient’s risk but this risk is still small. Rarely, gliomas occur as part of an inherited disorder such as neurofibromatosis types 1 and 2 and tuberous sclerosis. There are no well-defined environmental toxins, with the exception of previous brain irradiation, that predispose patients to glioma.


Gliomas typically exhibit features of astrocytes, or oligodendrocytes, or both (mixed glioma) (Fig. 52-1). Microscopically, gliomas appear as diffusely infiltrating cancers of three types: astrocytic, oligodendroglial, and oligoastrocytic (combining the morphologic features of both oligodendroglioma and astrocytoma).

The World Health Organization uses a three-tiered classification system based on histologic criteria that divides these tumors into low-grade glioma, anaplastic glioma, and glioblastoma multiforme (Table 52-1). Low-grade tumors may contain a high density of almost normal-appearing cells. Here the percentage of cells that are dividing (as determined by mib-1 or KI-67 staining) is often 2% or less. Anaplastic gliomas exhibit more atypical cells, with pleomorphic nuclei having growth rates in the 5–10% range but no evidence of necrosis. Gliomas with high growth rates (>10% mitotic figures) and necrosis are classified as glioblastoma multiforme (GBM). The less common pilocytic astrocytomas are a separate category of glioma that are histologically characterized by Rosenthal’s fibers, usually occur in children, and often have a good prognosis if surgical resection can be achieved. Tumor grade is the most reliable predictor of prognosis. Even if the lesion cannot be safely excised, a needle biopsy is often indicated. Gliomas are not staged as other cancers are because they rarely metastasize outside the CNS. Analysis of tumor samples for genetic abnormalities can help predict response to therapy and will likely lead to a better classification system for gliomas. This classification is valuable prognostically; low-grade gliomas have median survivals of 5–15 years, anaplastic gliomas 2–5 years, and GBM 12–18 months.


These extremely malignant tumors frequently present with seizures, aphasia, or other focal symptomatology, pointing to the specific areas of pathologic origin. Very infrequently, a glioma may manifest itself more globally, gliomatosis cerebri, wherein there is widespread dissemination of neoplastic cells globally through a hemisphere or even the entire brain per se. These relatively rare patients may present with cognitive or personality changes. On other occasions, even though the patient presents relatively acutely with focal findings, the clinician is surprised to find a diffusely invasive malignant tumor despite the clinical presentation compatible with an acute focal brain pathology. This is the very common, most aggressive, and the least likely of the gliomas to respond to therapy. “Multiforme” refers to the tumor’s gross appearance. Often areas of necrosis, hemorrhage, and fleshy tumor exist within the same tumor focus.

Two types of GBM (Grade IV astrocytomas) are distinguished by molecular features. The classic primary GBM arises relatively suddenly in an older person with no preexisting history. Characteristically, primary GBM have an amplification and overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) and ligand (EGF). A mutated form of EGFR, EGFRvIII is another hallmark of primary GBM, present in about 15–20% of cases. EGFRvIII may confer an unfavorable prognosis. p53 mutations are uncommon. Classically secondary GBM arises gradually from a low-grade astrocytoma in a younger adult and harbors a p53 mutation. As it undergoes anaplastic transformation, the secondary GBM accumulates other genetic derangements, most notably, mutation of the Rb gene, deletion of the tumor suppressor gene p16/CDKN2A, and amplification of CDK4.

When clinical behavior and genetic abnormalities of GBM tumors are reviewed, a developmental dichotomy emerges. Younger patients with GBM sometimes have a longer history of symptoms or a history of a lower-grade glioma, suggesting that the tumor developed from a lower-grade precursor, whereas older patients with GBM tend to have relatively sudden symptom onset, suggesting that the malignancy did not evolve from a less aggressive tumor. Genetic analysis of GBM samples from older patients frequently reveals overexpression of the epidermal growth factor receptor and loss of 10q. Tumor samples from younger patients are more likely to show mutations in p53, RB, overexpression of the platelet-derived growth factor receptor, and loss of 19q—changes often seen in lower-grade gliomas.

Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prognosis

MRI is the most specific diagnostic modality (Fig. 52-2). On most occasions, one sees focal heterogeneous irregular-margined cystic mass lesions with perilesion edema, gadolinium rim enhancement, and often enough mass effect to produce a transtentorial herniation. In contrast, the occasional patients with gliomatosis cerebri have a characteristic diffusely abnormal MRI picture characterized by multiple areas of subtle white matter enhancement with extension into the cortical mantle, extending far beyond what their clinical presentation usually dictates (Fig. 52-3).

Even with early diagnosis, the prognosis remains grim and most patients will fail therapy within 12 months of diagnosis. The first treatment step is to perform as wide a surgical resection as is functionally tolerable. Younger patients with a normal examination who have had a gross total resection have the best prognosis. Postoperative radiation therapy (RT) clearly benefits many patients as those GBM patients who receive RT have a median survival twice that of those who did not.

Combining RT with concomitant and adjuvant chemotherapy is now the standard of care for patients with GBM. RT plus temozolomide leads to a modest benefit in overall survival (14.6 vs. 12.1 months). However, more importantly, there is a significant increase in the percentage of those surviving 2 or more years (26.5% vs. 10.4%). Bevacizumab, an antagonist of vascular endothelial growth factor, has recently proven safe and effective in patients with recurrent GBM. Recent reports indicate a 6-month progression-free survival of 46%. It is now an urgent priority to determine how best to use this new tool and what agents might work synergistically with it.

When patients have failed these Food and Drug Administration (FDA)–approved treatments, a clinical trial should be considered. Molecular research is defining a number of potential glioma cell targets. These are mostly second messenger molecules involved in pathways that enhance cell proliferation or inhibit programmed cell death. The goal is to treat a selected group of patients whose tumors overexpress the specific target of the treatment drug.

Low-Grade Glioma

Clinical Vignette

This 34-year-old right-handed woman presented with generalized seizures. Several months earlier, she noted episodes of an unusual smell but these did not cause her immediate concern. Brain MRI demonstrated a right temporal lobe lesion, bright on T2 and FLAIR imaging but hypointense on T1, with no evidence of enhancement after gadolinium (Fig. 52-4). The patient was treated with oxcarbazepine and admitted to the hospital. Open biopsy was nondiagnostic but subsequent temporal lobectomy revealed an oligodendroglioma with a Ki-67 index of 3.8%. Postoperatively, the patient was treated with monthly temozolomide for 1 year. She is now receiving no treatment and has been clinically and radiographically stable for 2 years.

Clinical Presentation/Pathology

Low-grade gliomas (LGGs) are slow growing with a symptom history that can extend from months to years. Although easily defined by MRI (see Fig. 52-4), LGGs often do not enhance with gadolinium. Their course is usually relatively stable for several years before eventually progressing. At time of diagnosis, LGGs have a much better prognosis than GBM. However, eventually LGGs progress to become glioblastomas with their inherent poor prognosis. Histologically, low-grade gliomas are classified as astrocytomas, oligodendrogliomas, or oligoastrocytomas (mixed glioma). A low mitotic index, younger patient age, and a supratentorial nonelegant locus (i.e., not affecting language function) that is amenable to resection predict a longer progression-free survival.

Treatment and Prognosis

The choice of therapeutic modalities is always an issue. Retrospective studies suggest that gross total resection, for gliomas that can be safely removed, provides longer progression-free survival. However, the surgeon can never remove all tumor tissue when dealing with infiltrative gliomas. These lesions always harbor an innate, almost serpiginous invasion of what appears to be grossly normal brain tissue to the surgeon’s eye. At the time of resection, these characteristics prevent appreciation of the full microscopic extent of the entire tumor mass. Therefore, gliomas eventually will demonstrate progression even after what appears initially to be a gross “total resection.” In this setting, so-called disabling resections in patients with astrocytomas or oligodendrogliomas are neither wise nor helpful. This is especially true when dealing with tumors in eloquent cerebral cortical areas, including language and memory, function, as well as those portions essential to use of extremities, particularly motor structures within the dominant hemisphere where preservation of functional mobility is particularly important.

Subtotal resection is indicated in most gliomas remediable to decompression without leaving a significant disability (such as aphasia) and especially when the tumor’s mass effect is causing disability. In patients with pilocytic astrocytoma, surgical indications differ slightly; a complete resection may provide a cure, and a more aggressive surgical approach is often indicated.

The next therapeutic decision is whether to recommend external beam RT. Although RT does not prolong overall survival, there is a significant increase in progression-free survival in the treated group. Unfortunately, this benefit may be offset by a higher incidence of long-term cognitive impairment in the RT-treated group. Survival is not the only factor when considering RT. There are some clinical predictors suggesting which patients will benefit from RT. If more than two answers to the five questions listed below are yes, the patient is likely to benefit from RT: (1) Is the patient older than age 40 years? (2) Is the tumor symptomatic (other than seizures)? (3) Does the tumor cross the midline? (4) Is the tumor an astrocytoma (as opposed to an oligodendroglioma)? (5) Is the tumor larger than 5 cm?

The dose of RT for LG is usually 54 Gy given in 30 fractions. Higher doses resulted have not shown a clear benefit and should not be used.

Until recently chemotherapy has not been employed for treatment of LGG. However the recent widespread use of temozolomide, an oral alkylating agent for GBM, raises the question of whether there are a selected group of patients with LGG who potentially may also benefit from this therapy. Temozolomide is currently used in patients who do not meet criteria for RT, as listed above, but whose tumor has a mitotic index of greater than 3%. Although patients with low-grade tumors have a much better prognosis than those with anaplastic glioma and GBM, low-grade gliomas are still usually fatal. The median survival is 5–7 years for astrocytoma and 7–10 years for oligodendroglioma.

Anaplastic Glioma

Jun 4, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Brain Tumors

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