This chapter introduces the reader to basic concepts of motor control, motor learning, and neuroplasticity.
Key words:
motor control theory, motor learning, neuroplasticity
After reading this chapter the student or therapist will be able to:
- 1.
Identify the evolution of motor control theories and discuss the utility of current theory in clinical practice.
- 2.
Identify body structures and functions that contribute to the control of human posture and movement.
- 3.
Relate the cognitive, associative, and autonomous stages of motor learning to behavior and skill performance.
- 4.
Describe the variety of practice conditions that may be used to enhance motor learning within a practice session.
- 5.
Apply motor learning variables related to person, task, and environment within the therapeutic setting.
- 6.
Discuss neuroplasticity theories that explain how the nervous system adapts to demands placed on learning and performance.
- 7.
Discuss the relationships between motor control, motor learning, and neuroplasticity in the production of functional movement behaviors.
The production and control of human movement is a process that varies from a simple reflex loop to a complex network of neural patterns that communicate throughout the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). Neural networks and motor pattern generators develop as the fetus develops in utero and are active before birth. These simple patterns become building blocks for more skilled, complex, goal-directed motor patterns as a person develops throughout life. New motor patterns are learned through movement, interactions with rich sensory environments, and challenging experiences that drive a person to solve problems. The personal desires and goals of the individual shape the process of learning new motor skills at all stages of life. If a condition exists or develops or if an event occurs that damages the nervous system and prevents normal transmission, processing, and perception of information in the PNS and CNS, movement control becomes abnormal, slow, labored, uncoordinated, or weak—or movement may not be produced at all. The damaged nervous system is able to repair itself, change, and adapt to some extent by means of nerve regeneration and neuroplasticity. However, when nerve cells die and neural connections are not viable, there are alternative pathways within the nervous system that can take the place of the normal processes and provide some means of meeting the movement goal—whether it is to walk, use an arm to eat, or make a facial expression. This process of change, healing, or motor learning depends on many factors, including inherent elements of the individual such as age, the extent of tissue damage, and other physiological and cognitive processes as well as external factors such as interactions with sensory and motor system challenges and goal-directed practice of meaningful, functional motor skills.
This chapter introduces the reader to basic concepts of motor control, motor learning, and neuroplasticity. Figures and tables are provided to emphasize and summarize concepts. Patient case examples are used to illustrate concepts in this chapter as they apply to the evaluation and management of people with neurological conditions.
Motor control
Motor control is defined as “the systematic transmission of nerve impulses from the motor cortex to motor units, resulting in coordinated contractions of muscles.”
This definition describes motor control in the simplest terms—as a top-down direction of action through the nervous system. In reality, the process of controlling movement begins before the plan is executed and ends after the muscles have contracted. The essential details of a movement plan must be determined by the individual before the actual execution of the plan. The nervous system actively adjusts muscle force, timing, and tone before the muscles begin to contract, continues to make adjustments throughout the motor action, and compares movement performance with the goal and neural code (instructions) of the initial motor plan. This extension of the definition takes into account that the body accesses sensory information from the environment, perceives the situation, and chooses a movement plan appropriate to the task that the person wants to complete; this plan is then coordinated within the CNS. Finally the plan is executed through motor neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord that communicate with muscles in postural and limb synergies as well as muscles in the head and neck that are timed to fire in a specific manner. The movement that is produced supplies sensory feedback to the CNS to allow the person to (1) modify the plan during performance, (2) know whether the goal of the task has been achieved, and (3) store the information for future performance of the same task-goal combination. Repeated performance of the same movement plan tends to create a preferred pattern that becomes more automatic in nature and less variable in performance. If this movement pattern is designed and executed well, it means that the person has developed a new skill. If this pattern is incorrect and does not efficiently accomplish the movement goal, it means that the outcome is abnormal.
Theories and models of motor control
A summary and historical perspective of motor control theories is given in Table 3.1 . The control of human movement has been described in many different ways. The production of reflexive, automatic, adaptive, and voluntary movements and the performance of efficient, coordinated, goal-directed movement patterns involve multiple body systems (input, output, and central processing) and multiple levels within the nervous system. Each model of motor control that is discussed in this chapter has both merits and disadvantages in its ability to supply a comprehensive picture of motor behavior. These theories serve as a basis for predicting motor responses during patient examination and treatment. They help explain motor skill performance, potential, constraints, limitations, and deficits. They allow the clinician to (1) identify problems in motor performance, (2) develop treatment strategies to help patients remediate performance problems, and (3) evaluate the effectiveness of intervention strategies employed in the clinic. Selecting and using an appropriate model of motor control is important for the analysis and treatment of patients with dysfunctions of posture and movement. As long as the environment and task to be performed necessitates change in the CNS, and the individual has the desire to learn, the adaptable nervous system will continue to learn, modify, and adapt motor plans throughout life.
Motor Control Theory | Author and Date | Premise |
Reflex Theory | Sherrington, 1906 |
Hierarchical Theory | Jackson, 1932 |
Motor Program Theory | Adams, 1971 , Schmidt, 1976 |
Ecological Theories | Gibson and Pick, 2000 , |
Systems Model | Bernstein, 1967 Shumway-Cook, 2017 |
Dynamical Systems Theory | Turvey, 1977 Kelso and Tuller, 1984 Thelen et al., 1987 |
Motor programs and central pattern generators
A motor program (MP) is a learned behavioral pattern defined as a neural network that can produce rhythmic output patterns with or without sensory input or central control. MPs are sets of movement commands, or “rules,” that define the details of skilled motor actions. An MP defines the specific muscles that are needed; the order of muscle activation; and the force, timing, sequence, and duration of muscle contractions. MPs help to control the degrees of freedom of interacting body structures and the number of ways in which each individual component acts. A generalized motor program (GMP) defines a pattern of movement with a lesser degree of specificity, rather than defining every individual aspect of a movement. GMPs allow for the adjustment, flexibility, and adaptation of movement features according to environmental demands. The existence of MPs and GMPs is a generally accepted concept; however, hard evidence that an MP or a GMP exists has yet to be found. Advancements in brain imaging techniques may substantiate this theory in the future. ,
In contrast to MPs, a central pattern generator (CPG) is a genetically predetermined movement pattern. , CPGs exist as neural networks within the CNS and have the capability of producing rhythmic, patterned outputs resembling normal movement. These movements have the capability of occurring without sensory feedback inputs or descending motor inputs. Two characteristic signs of CPGs are that they result in the repetition of movements in a rhythmic manner and that the system returns to its starting condition when the process ceases. Both MPs and CPGs contribute to the development, refinement, production, and recovery of motor control throughout life.
The person, the task, and the environment: An ecological model for motor control
Motor control evolves so that people can cope with their environment. A person must focus on detecting information in the immediate environment (perception) that is determined to be necessary for performance of the task and achievement of the desired outcome goal. The individual is an active observer and explorer of the environment, which enables the development of multiple ways in which to accomplish (choose and execute) any given task. The individual analyzes a particular sensory environment and chooses the most suitable and efficient way to complete the task. The person consists of all functional and dysfunctional body structures and functions that exist and interact with one another. The task is the goal-directed behavior, challenge, or problem to be solved. The environment consists of everything outside of the body that exists, or is perceived to exist, in the external world. All three of these motor control constructs (person, task, environment) are dynamic and variable, and they interact with one another during learning and the production of a goal-directed, effective motor plan.
Body structures and functions that contribute to the control of human posture and movement
Keen observation of the quality of motor output during the performance of functional movement patterns helps the therapist to determine activity limitations and begin to hypothesize impairments within sensory, motor, musculoskeletal, cardiopulmonary, and other body systems.
Table 3.2 shows the body system processes involved in motor control, their actions, and the body structures included. The following chapter sections explain these processes in more detail.
Process | Action | Body Structures Involved |
Sensation | Acquires sensory information and feedback from exteroceptors and proprioceptors | Peripheral afferent neurons, brain stem, cerebellum, thalamus, sensory receiving areas in the parietal, occipital, and temporal lobes |
Perception | Combines, compares, and filters sensory inputs | Brain stem, thalamus, sensory association areas in the parietal, occipital, visual, and temporal lobes |
Choice of movement plan | Use of the perceptual map to access the appropriate motor plan | Association areas, frontal lobe, basal ganglia |
Coordination | Determines the details of the plan, including force, timing, tone, direction, and extent of the movement of postural and limb synergies and actions | Frontal lobe, basal ganglia, cerebellum, thalamus |
Execution | Executes the motor plan | Corticospinal and corticobulbar tract systems, brain stem motor nuclei, and alpha and gamma motor neurons |
Adaptation | Compares movement with the motor plan and adjusts the plan during performance | Spinal neural networks, cerebellum |
Role of sensory information in motor control
Sensory receptors from somatosensory (exteroceptors and proprioceptors), visual, and vestibular systems as well as taste, smell, and hearing fire in response to interactions with the external environment and to movement created by the body. Information about these various modalities is transmitted along afferent peripheral nerves to cells in the spinal cord and brain stem of the CNS. All sensory tracts with the exception of smell then synapse in respective sensory nuclei of the thalamus, which acts as a filter and relays this information to the appropriate lobe of the cerebral cortex (e.g., somatosensory to the parietal lobe, visual to the occipital lobe, vestibular, hearing, and taste to the temporal lobe). Sensory information is first received and perceived and then associated with other sensory modalities as well as memory in the association cortex. Once multiple sensory inputs are associated with one another, the person is able to perceive the body, its posture and movement, the environment and its challenges, and the interaction and position of the body with objects within the environment. The person uses this perceptual information to create an internal representation of the body (internal model) and to choose a movement program, driven by motivation and desire, to meet a final outcome goal. Although the sensory input and motor output systems operate differently, they are inseparable in function within the healthy nervous system. Agility, dexterity, and the ability to produce movement plans that are adaptable to environmental demands reflect the accuracy, flexibility, and plasticity of the sensorimotor system.
The CNS uses sensory information in a variety of ways to regulate posture and movement. Before movement is initiated, information about the position of the body in space, body parts in relation to one another, and environmental conditions is obtained from multiple sensory systems. Special senses of vision, vestibular inputs that respond to gravity and movement, and visual-vestibular interactions supply additional information necessary for static and dynamic balance and postural control as well as visual tracking. Auditory information is integrated with other sensory inputs and plays an important role in the timing of motor responses with environmental signals, reaction time, response latency, and comprehension of spoken word. This information is integrated and used in the selection and execution of a movement strategy. During movement performance, the cerebellum and other neural centers use feedback to compare the actual motor behavior with the intended motor plan. If the actual and intended motor behaviors do not match, an error signal is produced and alterations in the motor behavior are triggered. In some instances, the control system anticipates and makes corrective changes before the error signal is detected. This anticipatory correction is termed feedforward control. Changing one’s gait path while walking in a busy shopping mall to avoid a collision is an example of how visual information about the location of people and objects can be used in a feedforward manner.
Another role of sensory information is to revise the reference of correctness (central representation) of the MP before it is executed again. For example, a young child standing on a balance beam with the feet close together falls off of the beam. An error signal occurs because of the mismatch between the intended motor behavior and the actual motor result. If the child knows that his feet were too close together when he fell, then he will space his feet farther apart on the next trial. The child will then use this information about what happened, falling or not falling, in planning movement strategies for balancing on any narrow object such as a balance beam, log, or wall in the future.
Sensory information is necessary during the acquisition phase of learning a new motor skill and is useful for controlling movements during the execution of the motor plan. , , However, sensory information is not always necessary when a person is performing well-learned motor behaviors in a stable and familiar context. , Rothwell and colleagues studied a man with severe sensory neuropathy in the upper extremity. He could write sentences with his eyes closed and drive a car with a manual transmission without watching the gear shift. He did, however, have difficulty with fine motor tasks such as buttoning his shirt and using a knife and fork to eat when denied visual information. The importance of sensory information must be weighed by the individual, who is unconsciously filtering and choosing appropriate and accurate sensory inputs to use to meet the movement goal.
Sensory experiences and learning alter sensory representations, or cortical “maps,” in the primary somatosensory, visual, and auditory areas of the brain. Training, as well as use and disuse of sensory information, has the potential to drive long-term structural changes in the CNS, including the formation, removal, and remodeling of synapses and dendritic connections in the cortex. This process of cortical plasticity is complex and involves multiple cellular and synaptic mechanisms. Plasticity in the nervous system is discussed further in the third section of this chapter.
Choice of motor pattern and the control of voluntary movement
A choice of body movement is made based on the person’s perception of the environment, his or her relationship to objects within it, and the goal to be met. The person chooses from a collection of plans that have been developed and refined over his or her lifetime. If a movement plan does not exist, a similar plan is chosen and modified to meet the needs of the task. Once the plan has been chosen, it is customized by the CNS with what are determined to be the correct actions to execute, given the perceived situation and goal of the individual.
The movement plan is customized by communications between the frontal lobes, basal ganglia, and cerebellum, with functional connections through the brain stem and thalamus. During this process specific details of the plan are determined. Postural tone, coactivation, and timing of trunk muscle firing are set for proximal stability, balance, and postural control. Force, timing, and tone of limb synergies are set to allow for smooth, coordinated movements that are accurate in direction of trajectory, order, and sequence. The balance between agonist and antagonist muscle activity is determined so that fine distal movements are precise and skilled. This process is complicated by the number of possible combinations of musculoskeletal elements. The CNS must solve this “degrees of freedom” problem so that rapid execution of the goal-directed movement can proceed and reliably meet the desired outcome. , Once these movement details are complete, the motor plan is executed by the primary motor area in the precentral gyrus of the frontal lobe.
Execution of movement plans
Pyramidal cells in the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts execute the voluntary motor plan. Neural impulses travel down these central efferent systems and communicate with motor neurons in the brain stem and spinal cord. The corticobulbar tract communicates with brain stem motor nuclei to control muscles of facial expression; mouth and tongue for speaking and eating; larynx and pharynx for voice and swallow; voluntary eye movements for visual tracking, saccades, and vergence; and muscles of the upper trapezius for shoulder girdle elevation. The corticospinal tract communicates with motor neurons in the spinal cord. The ventral corticospinal tract system communicates primarily with proximal muscle groups to provide the appropriate amount of voluntary activation needed to stabilize the trunk and limb girdles, thus allowing for dexterous distal limb movements. The lateral corticospinal tract system communicates primarily with muscles of the arms and legs—firing α motor neurons in coordinated synergy patterns with appropriate activity in agonist and antagonist muscles so that movements are smooth and precise. Other motor nuclei in the brain stem are programmed to fire just before corticospinal tract activity in order to supply postural tone and anticipatory muscle activity. These include lateral and medial vestibular spinal tracts, the reticulospinal tract, and the rubrospinal tract systems. Adequate and balanced muscle tone of flexors and extensors in the trunk and limbs is supplied automatically, without the need for conscious control. These brain stem nuclei have tonic firing rates that are modulated up or down to effectively provide more or less muscle tone in body areas depending on stimulation from gravity, limbic system activity, external perturbations, or other neuronal activity.
Adaptation is the process of using sensory inputs from multiple systems to adapt motor plans, decrease performance errors, and predict or estimate consequences of movement choices. The goal of adaptation is the production of consistently effective and efficient skilled motor actions. When all possible body systems and environmental conditions are considered in the motor control process, it is easy to understand why there is often a mismatch between the movement plan that is chosen and how it is actually executed. Errors in movements occur and cause problems that the nervous system must solve in order to deliver effective, efficient, accurate plans that meet the task goal. To solve this problem, the CNS creates an internal representation of the body and the surrounding world. This acts as a model that can be adapted and changed in the presence of varying environmental demands. It allows for the ability to predict and estimate the differences between similar situations. This ability is learned by practicing various task configurations in real-life environments. Without experience, accurate movement patterns that consistently meet desired task goals are difficult to achieve.
Anticipatory control
Anticipatory control of posture and postural adjustments stabilizes the body by minimizing displacement of the center of gravity. Anticipatory control involves motor plans that are programmed to act in advance of movement. A comparison between incoming sensory information and knowledge of prior movement successes and failures enables the system to choose the appropriate course of action. ,
A person should have enough flexibility in performance to vary the details of a simple or complex motor plan to meet the challenge presented by any given environmental context. This is a beneficial characteristic of motor control. When considering postural control, for example, a person will typically display a random sway pattern during standing that may ensure continuous, dynamic sensory inputs to multiple sensory systems. The person is constantly adjusting posture and position to meet the demand of standing upright (earth vertical), as well as to seek information from the environment. Rhythmic, oscillating, or stereotypical sway patterns that are unidirectional in nature are not considered flexible and are not as readily adaptable to changes in the environment. Lack of flexibility in postural sway may actually render the person at greater risk for loss of balance and falls.
Role of the cerebellum
The primary roles of the cerebellum in motor control are to maintain posture and balance during static and dynamic tasks and to coordinate movements before execution and during performance. The cerebellum processes multiple neural signals from (1) motor areas of the cerebral cortex for motor planning, (2) sensory tract systems (dorsal spinal cerebellar tract, ventral spinal cerebellar tract) from muscle and joint receptors for proprioceptive and kinesthetic sense information resulting from movement performance, and (3) the vestibular system for the regulation of upright control and balance at rest and during movements. It compares motor plan signals driven by the cortex with what is received from muscles and joints in the periphery and makes necessary adjustments and adaptations to achieve the intended coordinated movement sequence. “Instructions” for movements that are frequently repeated are stored in the cerebellum as procedural memory traces. This increases the efficiency of its role in coordinating movement. The cerebellum also plays a role in the function of the reticular activating system (RAS). The RAS network exists in the brain stem tegmentum; it is a network of nerve cells that maintain human consciousness and help people focus attention and block out distractions that may affect motor performance. Damage to the cerebellum, its tract systems, or its structure creates problems of movement coordination—not execution or the choice of which program to run. The cerebellum also plays a role in language, attention, and mental imagery functions that are not considered to take place in motor areas of the cerebral cortex (see Table 3.2 ).
The cerebellum plays the following four important roles in motor control :
- 1.
Feedforward processing : The cerebellum receives neural signals, processes them in a sequential order, and sends information out, providing a rapid response to any incoming information. It is not designed to act like the cerebral cortex and does not have the ability to generate self-sustaining neural patterns.
- 2.
Divergence and convergence : The cerebellum receives a great number of inputs from multiple body structures. It processes this information extensively through a structured internal network and sends the results out through a limited number of output cells.
- 3.
Modularity : The cerebellum is functionally divided into independent modules—hundreds to thousands—all with different inputs and outputs. Each module appears to function independently, although each shares neurons with the inferior olives, Purkinje cells, mossy and parallel fibers, and deep cerebellar nuclei.
- 4.
Plasticity : Synapses within the cerebellar system (between parallel fibers and Purkinje cells and synapses between mossy fibers and deep nuclear cells) are susceptible to modification of their output strength. The influence of input on nuclear cells is adjustable, which provides great flexibility in adjusting and fine-tuning the relationship between cerebellar inputs and outputs.
Role of the basal ganglia
The basal ganglia are a collection of nuclei located in the forebrain and midbrain and consisting of the globus pallidus, putamen, caudate nucleus, substantia nigra, and subthalamic nuclei. The basal ganglia have primary functions in motor control and motor learning. They play a role in deciding which motor plan or behavior to execute at any given time and have connections to the limbic system; they are therefore believed to be involved in “reward learning.” The basal ganglia play a key role in eye movements through midbrain connections with the superior colliculus and help to regulate postural tone as a basis for the control of body positions, preparedness, and central set (i.e., the nervous system’s internal model of strategies for reactive balance control). Refer to Chapter 18 for additional information on the basal ganglia.
Information processing
The processing of information through the sensory input, motor output, and central integrative structures occurs by various methods to produce movement behaviors. These methods allow us to deal with the temporal and spatial components necessary for coordinated motor output and to anticipate, so that a response pattern may be prepared in advance. Serial processing is a specific, sequential order of processing of information ( Fig. 3.1 ) through various centers. Information proceeds in lockstep through each center. Parallel processing is processing of information that can be used for more than one activity, and by more than one center simultaneously or nearly simultaneously. A third and more flexible type of processing of information is parallel-distributed processing. This type of processing combines the best attributes of serial and parallel processing. When the situation demands serial processing, this type of activity occurs. At other times parallel processing is the mode of choice. For optimal processing of intrinsic and extrinsic sensory information by various regions of the brain, a combination of both serial and parallel processing is the most efficient mode. The type of processing depends on the constraints of the situation. For example, maintaining balance after an unexpected external perturbation requires rapid processing, whereas learning to voluntarily shift the center of gravity to the limits of stability requires a different combination of processing modes.

In summary, information processing reinforces and refines motor patterns. It allows the individual to initiate compensatory strategies if an ineffective motor pattern is selected or if an unexpected perturbation occurs. And, most important, information processing facilitates motor learning.
Movement patterns arising from self-organizing subsystems
Coordinated movement patterns are developed and refined via dynamic interaction among body systems and subsystems in response to internal and external constraints. Movement patterns used to accomplish a goal are contextually appropriate and arise as an emergent property of subsystem interaction. Several principles relate to self-organizing systems: reciprocity, distributed function, consensus, and emergent properties.
Reciprocity implies information flow between two or more neural networks. These networks can represent specific brain centers—for example, the cerebellum and basal ganglia ( Fig. 3.2 ). Alternatively, the neural networks can be interacting neuronal clusters located within a single center—for example, the basal ganglia. One model to demonstrate reciprocity is the basal ganglia regulation of motor behavior through direct and indirect pathways to cortical areas. The more direct pathway from the putamen to the globus pallidus internal segment provides net inhibitory effects. The more indirect pathway from the putamen through the globus pallidus external segment and subthalamic nucleus provides a net excitatory effect on the globus pallidus internal segment. Alteration of the balance between these pathways is postulated to produce motor dysfunction. , An abnormally decreased outflow from the basal ganglia is postulated to produce involuntary motor patterns; these produce excessive motion such as chorea, hemiballism, or nonintentional tremor. Alternatively, an abnormally increased outflow from the basal ganglia is postulated to produce a paucity of motions, as seen in the rigidity observed in individuals with Parkinson disease (see Chapter 18 ).

Distributed function presupposes that a single center or neural network has more than one function. The concept also implies that several centers share the same function. For example, a center may serve as the coordinating unit of an activity in one task and as a pattern generator or oscillator to maintain the activity in another task. An advantage of distributing function among groups of neurons or centers is to provide centers with overlapping or redundant functions. Neuroscientists believe such redundancy is a safety feature. If a neuronal lesion occurs, other centers can assume critical functional roles, thereby producing recovery from CNS dysfunction.
Consensus implies that motor behavior occurs when a majority of brain centers or regions reach a critical threshold to produce activation. Also, through consensus, extraneous information or information that does require immediate attention is filtered. If, however, a novel stimulus enters the system, it carries more weight and receives immediate attention. A novel stimulus may be new to the system, may reflect a potentially harmful situation, or may result from the conflict of multiple inputs.
Emergent properties may be understood by the adage “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” This concept implies that brain centers, not a single brain center, work together to produce movement. An example of the emergent properties concept is continuous repetitive activity (oscillation). In Fig. 3.3 A, a hierarchy is represented by three neurons arranged in tandem. The last neuron ends on a responder. If a single stimulus activates this network, a single response occurs. What is the response if the neurons are arranged so that the third neuron sends a collateral branch to the first neuron in addition to the ending on the responder? In this case (see Fig. 3.3 B), a single stimulus activates neuron No. 1, which in turn activates neurons No. 2 and No. 3, causing a response as well as reactivating neuron No. 1. This neuronal arrangement produces a series of responses rather than a single response. This process is also termed endogenous activity.

Another example of an emergent property is the production of motor behavior. Rather than having every MP stored in the brain, an abstract representation of the intended goal is stored. At the time of motor performance, various brain centers use the present sensory information combined with past memory of the task to develop the appropriate motor strategy. This concept negates a hardwired MP concept. If MPs were hardwired and if an MP existed for every movement ever performed, the brain would need a huge storage capacity and would lack the adaptability necessary for complex function.
Controlling the degrees of freedom
Combinations of muscle and joint action permit a large number of degrees of freedom that contribute to movement. A system with a large number of degrees of freedom is called a high-dimensional system. For a contextually appropriate movement to occur, the number of degrees of freedom must be constrained. Bernstein suggested that the number of degrees of freedom could be reduced by muscles working in synergies—that is, coupling muscles and joints of a limb to produce functional patterns of movement. The functional unit of motor behavior is then a synergy. Synergies help to reduce the degrees of freedom, transforming a high-dimensional system into a low-dimensional system. For example, a step is considered to be a functional synergy pattern for the lower extremity. Linking together stepping synergies with the functional synergies of other limbs creates locomotion (interlimb coordination).
Functional synergy implies that muscles are activated in an appropriate sequence and with appropriate force, timing, and directional components. These components can be represented as fixed or “relative” ratios, and the control comes from input given to the cerebellum from higher centers in the brain and the peripheral or spinal system and from prior learning (see Chapter 19 ). , , The relative parameters are also termed control parameters. Scaling control parameters leads to a change in motor behavior to accomplish the task. For example, writing your name on the blackboard exemplifies scaling force, timing, and amplitude. Scaling is the proportional increase or decrease of the parameter to produce the intended motor activity.
Coordinated movement is defined as an orderly sequence of muscle activity in a single functional synergy or the orderly sequence of functional synergies with appropriate scaling of activation parameters necessary to produce the intended motor behavior. Uncoordinated movement can occur at the level of the scaling of control parameters in one functional synergy or inappropriate coupling of functional synergies. The control parameter of duration will be used to illustrate scaling. If muscle A is active for 10% of the duration of the motor activity and muscle B is active 50% of the time, the fixed ratio of A/B is 1:5. If the movement is performed slowly, the relative time for the entire movement increases. Fixed ratios also increase proportionally. Writing your name on a blackboard very small or very large yields the same result—your name.
Timing of muscle on/off activation for antagonistic muscles such as biceps and triceps or hamstrings and quadriceps must be accurate for the coordination and control of movement patterns. If one muscle group demonstrates a delayed onset or maintains a longer duration of activity overlapping with triceps “on” time, the movement will appear uncoordinated. Patients with neurological dysfunction often demonstrate alterations in the timing of muscle activity within functional synergies and in coupling functional synergies to produce movement. , These functional movement synergies are not hardwired but represent emergent properties. They are flexible and adaptable to meet the challenges of the task and the environmental constraints.
Finite number of movement strategies
The concept of emergent properties could conceivably imply an unlimited number of movement strategies available to perform a particular task. However, limiting the degrees of freedom decreases the number of strategies available for selection. In addition, constraints imposed by the internal environment (e.g., musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, metabolic activity, cognition) and external environment (e.g., support surface, obstacles, lighting) limit the number of movement strategies. Horak and Nashner observed that a finite number of balance strategies were used by individuals in response to externally applied linear perturbations on a force plate system. With use of a life-span approach, VanSant identified a limited number of movement patterns for the upper limb, head-trunk, and lower limb for the task of rising from supine to standing.
The combination of these strategies produces the necessary variability in motor behavior. Although an individual has a preferred or modal profile, the healthy person with an intact neuromuscular system can combine strategies in various body regions to produce different movement patterns that also accomplish the task. , Persons with neurological deficits may be unable to produce a successful, efficient movement pattern because of their inability to combine strategies or adapt a strategy for a given environmental change (e.g., differing chair height for sit-to-stand transitions).
Variability of movements implies normalcy
A key to the assessment and treatment of individuals with neurological dysfunction lies in variability of movement and in the notion that variability is a sign of normalcy, and stereotypical behavior is a sign of dysfunction.
Age, activity level, the environment, constraints of a goal, and neuropathological conditions affect the selection of patterns available for use during movement tasks. When change occurs in one or more of the neural subsystems, a new movement pattern emerges. The element that causes change is called a control parameter. For example, an increase in the speed of walking occurs until a critical speed and degree of hip extension are reached, thereby switching the movement pattern to a run. When the speed of the run is decreased, there is a shift back to the preferred movement pattern of walking. A control parameter shifts the individual into a different pattern of motor behavior.
This concept underlies theories of development and learning. Development and learning can be viewed as moving the system from a stable state to a more unstable state. When the control variable is removed, the system moves back to the early, more stable state. As the control variable continues to push the system, the individual spends more time in the new state and less time in the earlier state until the individual spends most of the time in the new state. When this occurs, the new state becomes the preferred state. Moving or shifting to the new, preferred state does not obviate the ability of the individual to use the earlier state of motor behavior. Therefore new movement patterns arise when critical changes occur in the system because of a control parameter, but they do not eliminate older, less-preferred patterns of movement.
Motivation to accomplish a task in spite of functional limitations and neuropathological conditions can also shift the individual’s CNS to select different patterns of motor behavior. The musculoskeletal system, by nature of the architecture of the joints and muscle attachments, can be a constraint on the movement pattern. An individual with a functional contracture may be limited in the ability to bend a joint only into a desired range, thereby decreasing the movement repertoire available to him or her. Such a constraint produces adaptive motor behavior. Dorsiflexion of the foot needs to meet a critical degree of toe clearance during gait. If there is a range of motion limitation in dorsiflexion, then biomechanical constraints imposed on the nervous system will produce adaptive motor behaviors (e.g., to achieve toe clearance during gait). Changes in motor patterns during the task of rising from supine to standing are observed when healthy individuals wear orthoses to limit ankle dorsiflexion. The inability to easily open and close the hand with rotation may lead to adaptations that require the shoulder musculature to place the hand in a more functional position. This adaptation uses axial and trunk muscles and will limit the use of that limb in both fine and gross motor performance. Refer to Chapter 19 for more information in this regard.
Preferred, nonobligatory movement patterns that are stable yet flexible enough to meet ever-changing environmental conditions are considered attractor states. Individuals can choose from a variety of movement patterns to accomplish a given task. For example, older adults may choose from a variety of fall-prevention movement patterns when faced with the risk of falling. The choice of motor plan may be negatively influenced by age-related declines in the sensory input systems or a fear of falling. For example, when the Multi-Directional Reach Test is being performed, an older adult may choose to reach forward, backward (lean), or laterally without shifting her center of gravity toward the limits of stability. She has the capability of performing a different reaching pattern if asked but prefers a more stable pattern.
Obligatory and stereotypical movement patterns suggest that the individual does not have the capability of adapting to new situations or cannot use different movement patterns to accomplish a given task. This inability may be a result of internal constraints that are functional or pathophysiological. The patient who has had a stroke has CNS constraints that limit the number of different movement patterns that can emerge from the self-organizing system. With recovery, the patient may be able to select and use additional movement strategies. Cognition and the capability to learn may also limit the number of movement patterns available to the individual and the ability of the person to select and use new or different movement patterns.
Obligatory and stereotypical movement patterns also arise from external constraints imposed on the organism. Consider the external constraints placed on a concert violinist. External constraints can include, for example, the length of the bow and the position of the violin. Repetitive movement patterns leading to cumulative trauma disorder in healthy individuals can lead to muscular and neurological changes. Over time, changes in dystonic posturing and changes in the somatosensory cortex have been observed. Although one hypothesis considers that the focal dystonia results from sensory integrative problems, the observable result is a stereotypical motor problem.
To review, the nervous system responds to a variety of internal and external constraints to develop and execute motor behavior that is efficient to accomplish a specific task. Efficiency can be examined in terms of metabolic cost to the individual, type of movement pattern used, preferred or habitual movement (habit) used by the individual, and time to complete the task. The term attractor state is used in dynamical systems theory to describe the preferred pattern or habitual movement.
Individuals with neurological deficits may have limited repertoires of movement strategies available. Patients experiment with various motor patterns in order to learn the most efficient, energy-conscious motor strategy to accomplish the task. Therapists can plan interventions that help to facilitate refinement of the task to match the patient’s capability, allowing the task to be completed using a variety of movement strategies rather than limited stereotypical strategies, leading to improved function.
Errors in motor control
When the actual motor behavior does not match the intended motor plan, an error in motor control is detected by the CNS. Common examples of errors in motor control are loss of balance; inappropriate scaling of force, timing, or directional control; and inability to ignore unreliable sensory information, resulting in sensory conflict. Any one or combination of these errors may be the cause of a fall or an error in performance accuracy.
Errors also occur when unexpected factors disrupt the execution of the MP. For example, when the surface is unreliable (unstable, moving), this will force the individual to adapt motor responses to meet the demand of the environment. Switching between closed environments (more stable) and open environments (more unpredictable) will challenge the individual to adapt motor responses. When an individual steps off a moving sidewalk, a disruption in walking occurs. The first few steps are not smooth because the person has to switch his movement strategies from one incorporating a moving support surface to one incorporating a stationary support surface.
Errors occur in the perception of sensory information, in the selection of the appropriate MP, in the selection of the appropriate variable parameters, or in the response execution. Patients with neurological deficits may demonstrate a combination of these errors. Therefore an assessment of motor deficits includes analysis of these types of errors. If a therapist observes a motor control problem, there is no guarantee that the problem has arisen from within the motor system. Somatosensory problems can drive motor dysfunction; cognitive and emotional problems express themselves through motor output. Thus it is up to the movement specialist to differentiate the cause of the problem through valid and reliable examination tools (see Chapter 8 ). Once the cause of the motor problem has been identified, selection of interventions should lead to positive outcomes.
All individuals, both healthy and those with CNS dysfunction, make errors in motor programming. These errors are assessed by the CNS and are stored in past memory of the experience. Errors in motor programming are extremely useful in learning. Learning can be viewed as decreasing the mismatch between the intended and actual motor behavior. This mismatch is a measure of the error; therefore a decrease in the degree of the error is indicative of learning. Errors, then, are an important part of the rehabilitation process. However, this does not mean that the therapist allows the patient to practice errors over and over. The ability of the patient to detect an error and correct it to produce appropriate and efficient motor behavior is one key to recovery and an important consideration when intervention strategies are developed. This is discussed further in the next section of this chapter.
Motor control section summary
Motor control theories have been developed and have evolved over many years as our understanding of nervous system structure and function has become more advanced. The control of posture and movement is a complex process that involves many structures and levels within the human body. It requires accurate sensory inputs, coordinated motor outputs, and central integrative processes to produce skillful, goal-directed patterns of movement that achieve desired movement goals. We must integrate and filter multiple sensory inputs from both the internal environment of the body and the external world around us to determine position in space and choose the appropriate motor plan to accomplish a given task. We combine individual biomechanical and muscle segments of the body into complex movement synergies to deal with the infinite “degrees of freedom” available during the production of voluntary movement. Well-learned motor plans are stored and retrieved and modified to allow for flexibility and variety of movement patterns and postures. When the PNS or CNS is damaged and the control of movement is impaired, new, modified, or substitute motor plans can be generated to accomplish goal-directed behaviors, remain adaptable to changing environments, and produce variable movement patterns. The process of learning new motor plans and refining existing behaviors by driving neuroplastic changes in the nervous system is discussed in the next sections of this chapter.
Motor learning
Therapeutic interventions that are focused on restoring functional skills to individuals with various forms of neurological problems have been part of the scope of practice of physical therapists (PTs) and occupational therapists (OTs) since the beginning of both professions. These two professions have emerged with a complementary background to examine, evaluate, determine a prognosis, and implement interventions that empower patients to regain functional control of activities of daily living (ADLs) (e.g., getting out of bed, bathing, walking, and eating, as well as working, playing, and interacting socially) and resume active participation in life after neurological insult. These two professions specialize in the analysis of movement and possess knowledge of the scientific background to explain why the movement is occurring, what strengths and limitations exist within body systems to produce that movement, and how different therapeutic interventions can facilitate or enhance functional movement strategies that remediate dysfunction and ultimately carry over into an individual’s improved performance of ADLs and participation in life. PTs and OTs are also knowledgeable about diseases affecting body systems (neurological, musculoskeletal, integumentary, cardiopulmonary, and integumentary systems) and how the existence or progression of these pathological states affects motor performance and quality of life. Consideration and training of caregivers and family members to help patients maintain functional skills during transitional disease states is also a component of practice and of treating the patient in a holistic manner.
It is therefore important for clinicians to understand how individuals learn or relearn motor tasks and how the learning of motor skills can best be achieved to optimize outcomes.
Motor learning results in a permanent change in the performance of a skill because of experience or practice. The end result of motor learning is the acquisition of a new movement or the reacquisition and/or modification of movement. The patient must be able to prepare and carry out a particular learned movement in a manner that is efficient (optimal movement with the least amount of time, energy, and effort), consistent (same movement over repeated trials), and transferable (ability to perform the movement under different environments and conditions) to be considered to have learned a skill.
Learning of a particular motor task allows patients to use select motor skills to optimize function. This type of learning is expressed in explicit (declarative) and implicit (procedural) memory. Explicit memory is expressed by conscious recall of facts or knowledge. An example of this could be the patient verbally stating the steps needed when going up the stairs with the use of crutches. Conversely, implicit learning involves movement performed without conscious thought (e.g., riding a bike or walking). The interplay of explicit (cognitive and emotional) and implicit memory affects ultimate learning to influence the time needed to learn or relearn a functional movement and use it in everyday activity.
The learning of a motor skill is measured indirectly by testing the ability of a patient to perform a particular task or activity over time or in different environmental contexts or conditions. The testing must be done over a period of time to determine long-term learning and minimize the temporary effects of practice. In retention tests, a patient performs the task under the same conditions in which the task was practiced. This type of test evaluates the patient’s ability to learn the task. This is in contrast to transfer tests, in which a patient performs the activity under different conditions from those in which the skill was practiced. This evaluates the ability of the patient to use a previously learned motor skill to solve a different motor problem.
Motor skills can be categorized as discrete, continuous, or serial. Discrete motor skills pertain to tasks that have a specific start and finish. Repetitive tasks are classified as continuous motor skills. Serial skills involve several discrete tasks connected in a particular sequence that rapidly progress from one part to the next. The category of a particular motor skill is a major factor in making clinical decisions regarding the individual-, task-, and environment-related variables that affect motor learning. This is discussed later in the chapter.
An illustration of motor learning principles
Motor learning is the product of an intricate balance between the feed-forward and feedback sensorimotor systems and the complex central processor—the brain—for the end result of acquiring and refining motor skills. People go through distinct phases when they learn new motor skills.
Observe the sequential activities of the child walking off the park bench in Fig. 3.4 A–C. A clear understanding of this relationship of walking and falling is established. In frame A, the child is running a feedforward program for walking. The cerebellum is procedurally responsible for modulating appropriate motor control over the activity and will correct or modify the program of walking when necessary to attain the directed goal. Unfortunately a simple correction of walking is not adequate for the environment presented in frame B. The cerebellum has no prior knowledge of the feedback presented in this second frame and thus is still running a feedforward program for stance on the left leg and swing on the right leg. The cerebellum and somatosensory cortices are processing a massive amount of mismatched information from the proprioceptive, vestibular, and visual receptors. In addition, the dopamine receptors are activated during the goal-driven behaviors, creating a balance of inhibition and excitation. Once the executive or higher cognitive system recognizes that the body is falling (which has been experienced from falling off a chair or bed), a shift in motor control focus from walking to falling must take place. To prepare for falling, the somatosensory system must generate a sensory plan and then relay that plan to the motor system through the sensorimotor feedback loops. The frontal lobe will tell the basal ganglia and the cerebellum to brace and prepare for impact. The basal ganglia are responsible for initiating the new program, and the cerebellum carries out the procedure, as observed in Fig 3.4 C. The child succeeds at the task and receives positive peripheral and central feedback in the process. It is possible that this experience has created a new procedural program that in time will be verbally labeled “jumping.” The entire process of the initial motor learning takes 1 to 2 seconds. Because of the child’s motivation and interest (see Chapter 4 ), the program is practiced for the next 30 to 45 minutes. This is the initial acquisition phase and helps the nervous system store the MP to be used for the rest of the child’s life. If this program is to become a procedural skill, practice must continue within similar environments and conditions. Ultimately the errors will be reduced and the skill will be refined. Finally, with practice, the program will enter the retention phase as a high-level skill. The skill can be modified in terms of force, timing, sequencing, and speed and is transferrable to different settings. This ongoing modification and improvement are the hallmarks of true procedural learning. Modifications within the program will be a function of the plasticity that occurs within the CNS throughout life as the child ages and changes body size and distribution. Similar plasticity and the ability to change, modify, and reprogram motor plans will be demanded by individuals who age with chronic sensorimotor limitations. Unfortunately, in many of these individuals, the CNS is not capable of producing and accommodating change, which creates new challenges as they age with long-term movement dysfunctions.

Stages of motor learning
Several authors have developed models to describe the stages of motor learning. These models are presented in Table 3.3 . Regardless of the model, it is widely accepted that the process of learning a motor task occurs in stages. During the initial stages of learning a motor skill, the intent of the learner is to understand the task. To be able to develop this understanding requires a high level of concentration and cognitive processing. In the middle and later stages, the individual learns to refine the movement, improve efficiency and coordination, and perform the skill within different environmental contexts. The later stages are characterized by automaticity and a decreased level of attention needed for successful completion of the task. It is important to emphasize early that because the activities performed by a learner during each stage of learning will be different, the role of the clinician, the types of learning activities, and the clinical environment must also be different.
Motor Learning Model | Stage One | Stage Two | Stage Three |
Fitts and Posner (1967) | Cognitive | Associative | Autonomous |
Bernstein (1967) | Novice | Advanced | Expert |
Gentile (1998) | Get in the ballpark, Acquire the plan | Develop consistency and adaptability |
The learning model described by Fitts and Posner consists of a continuous progression through three stages: cognitive, associative, and autonomous.
A learner functions in the cognitive stage at the beginning of the learning process. The person is highly focused on the task, is attentive to all that it demands, and develops an understanding of what is expected and involved in performance of the skill. Many errors are made in performance; questions are asked; cues, instructions, and guidance are given by the clinician; and demonstrations are found to be helpful in this phase of learning. Performance outcomes are variable and inconsistent, but the improvements achieved can be profound.
During the associative stage the learner refines movement strategies, detects errors and problem solves independent of therapist feedback, and is becoming more efficient and reliable at achieving the task goal. The length of time spent in this phase tends to be dependent on the complexity of the task. The ability to associate existing environmental inputs with motor plans for improved timing, accuracy, and coordination of activities to accomplish a task goal is improved. Although variability in performance decreases, the patient continues to explore solutions to best solve a movement problem.
Focused practice with repetition over time leads to the automatic performance of motor skills in the autonomous stage of learning. The individual is in control of the learned movement plan and is able to use it with little cognitive attention while involved in other activities. Skills are performed with preferred, appropriate, and flexible speed, amplitude, direction, timing, and force. Consistency of performance is a hallmark of this phase, as is the ability to detect and self-correct performance errors. Individuals who do not have the cognitive skill to remember the learning can go through a much longer repetitive practice schedule to learn the motor skill, but there will be very little carryover into other functional movements or activities. , ,
In summary, the overall process of the stages of motor learning as introduced by Fitts and Posner suggests that first a basic understanding of a task be established, along with a motor pattern. Practice of the task then leads to problem solving and a decrease in the degrees of freedom during performance, resulting in improved coordination and accuracy. As the learner continues to practice and solves the motor task problem in different ways and with different physical and environmental constraints, the movement plan becomes more flexible and adaptable to a wide range of task demands.
Bernstein presented a more biomechanical perspective as he addressed the problem of degrees of freedom during motor learning. He also broke the motor learning process down into three stages: novice, advanced, and expert. He proposed that these three stages are necessary to allow a learner to reduce the large number of degrees of freedom that are inherent in the musculoskeletal system, including structure and function of muscles, tendons, and joints. He proposed that as a person learns a new motor skill, he or she gains coordination and control over the multiple interacting variables that exist in the human body to master the target skill.
The novice stage is defined by the coupling of movement parameters—degrees of freedom—into synergies. During this stage some joints and movements may be “frozen” or restrained to allow successful completion of the task. An example of this is posturally holding the head, neck, and trunk rigid while learning to walk on a narrow surface.
The advanced stage is achieved by combining body parts to act as a functional unit, further reducing the degrees of freedom while allowing better interaction and consideration for environmental factors. He considers that motor plans must be adapted to the dynamic environmental conditions in which the task must be performed. In this stage the learner explores many movement solutions, reduces some degrees of freedom, develops more variable movement patterns, and learns to select appropriate strategies to accomplish a given task. This stage of motor learning is accomplished through practice and experience in performing a task in various environments. To achieve this stage the learner progressively releases some couplings, allowing more degrees of freedom, greater speed and amplitude of movement, and less constraints on the action. Performance of the task becomes more efficient, is less taxing on the individual, and is executed with decreased cognitive effort. Variability of performance becomes an indicator that a level of independence in the activation of component body parts during a given task has indeed been achieved.
In Bernstein’s expert stage, degrees of freedom are now released and reorganized to allow the body to react to all of the internal and external mechanisms that may act on it at any given time. At the same time, enhanced coactivation of proximal structures is learned and used to allow for greater force, speed, and dexterity of limb movements.
Gentile presented a two-stage model of motor learning. , She considered motor learning from the goal of the learner and strongly considered how environmental conditions influence performance and learning.
Stage one requires the patient to problem solve strategies to get the idea of a movement and establish a motor pattern that will successfully meet the demands of the task. As with the models presented previously, this process demands conscious attention to the components of the task and environmental variables to formulate a “map” or framework of the movement pattern. Once this framework is established, the patient has a mechanism for performing the task; however, errors and inconsistency in performance accuracy are often present.
During stage two , the patient attains improved consistency of performance and the ability to adapt the movement pattern to demands of specific physical and environmental situations. Greater economy of movement is achieved, and less cognitive and physical effort is expended to reach the task goal. Practice in appropriately challenging conditions leads to consistent, efficient, correct execution while maintaining adaptive flexibility within the motor plan, allowing the patient to react quickly to changing conditions of the task.
The three motor learning theories just presented simplify a complex process into simple stages to give a broad picture of the development of skilled movement performance. Each theory can be used to assist the therapist in the process of teaching and facilitating long-term learning or relearning of motor skills before and after insult to the nervous system. The ultimate goal of motor learning is the permanent acquisition of adaptable movement plans that are efficient, require little cognitive effort, and produce consistent and accurate movement outcomes.
Variables that affect motor learning
The ecological model (constraints theory) of motor control and learning states that motor learning involves the individual, the task, and the environment. For a purposeful and functional movement to occur, the individual must generate movement to successfully meet the task at hand, as well as the demands of the environment where the task must be performed. For motor learning to be successful, several variables related to each of these three constructs must be taken into account.
Variables related to the individual
The clinician must first differentiate general motor performance factors that are under the control of the individual’s cognitive and emotional systems and those that are controlled by the motor system itself. These concepts are presented in Fig. 3.5 . There are many cognitive factors—such as arousal, attention, and memory, as well as cortical pathways related to declarative or executive learning—that have specific influences over behaviors observed after neurological insult. , Other factors—such as limbic connections to cortical pathways affected by motivation, fear and belief, and emotional stability and instability—also dramatically affect motor performance and declarative learning. Some of these factors may also limit activity and participation. Therapists must learn how to discriminate between problems due to motor output, somatosensory input, cortical processing, and limbic emotional state problems and to identify how the last two systems affect motor output. With that differentiation, clinicians should also be able to separate specific motor system deficits from motor control problems arising from dysfunction within other areas of the CNS. Last, the patient’s fitness level; current limitations in strength, endurance, power, and range of motion; or pain level may also influence learning. ,

Variables related to the task
The two major variables related to the task itself that must be considered when facilitating motor learning include practice of the task and feedback related to task performance.
Practice is defined as “repeated performance in order to acquire a “skill.” As the definition implies, multiple repetitions of the task are usually required to be able to achieve skillful performance of a task. With other variables being constant, more practice results in more learning. To be effective, these repetitions must involve a process of problem solving rather than just repetition of the activity. The therapist can manipulate variables related to practice in order to optimize motor learning in an individual with a pathological movement pattern.
Practice conditions.
The term practice conditions refers to the manner in which the task or exercise is repeated with respect to rest periods, the amount of exercise, and the sequence in which these tasks or exercises are performed.
According to the apportionment of practice in relation to rest periods, massed tasks or exercises can be classified as massed practice or distributed practice. Massed practice is when the rest period is much shorter in relation to the amount of time the task or exercise is practiced. This is contrasted against distributed practice, in which the time between practice sets is equal to or greater than the amount of time devoted to practicing a particular task or activity such that the rest period is spread out throughout the practice. In terms of neurological physical therapy practice, it is important to consider the effect of physical and mental fatigue when a person is training. For example, physical fatigue sets in during massed practice of a particular balance exercise activity in standing and may cause a patient to fall. Moreover, individuals who are cognitively impaired may not respond positively to sustained activity that requires considerable concentration and therefore might fail in the performance of the skill. On the other hand, to be functional and useful in daily life, certain activities have to be performed without significant amounts of rest. For example, taking significant rest breaks when one is ambulating for even a short distance limits the person’s ability to use walking in a functional manner. Sometimes a patient needs more rest periods in the initial stages of learning a skill to compensate for impairments in muscular endurance or cardiopulmonary function with the intent of decreasing these rest periods to achieve skill performance that reflect how that activity is used in real-life situations. Therefore therapists should consider the skill demands and desired results when they are choosing one practice type versus another.
Complete, functional tasks or activities can usually be divided into smaller subcomponents for practice. The way those subcomponents are practiced relative to the entire task or activity can be manipulated to optimize motor learning. This includes practice of the entire task or parts of the task, whole learning, pure-part learning, progressive-part learning, or whole-part learning methods. Fig. 3.6 summarizes these concepts.

Whole learning suggests that the learner practice the entire movement as one activity. Asking a person to stand up incorporates the entire activity of coming to stand from sitting. Simple movements such as rolling, coming to sit, coming to stand, and walking might best be taught as a whole activity as long as the individual has all the component parts to practice the whole.
In pure-part learning the therapist introduces one part first; then this part is practiced by the learner before another new part is introduced and practiced. Each part is critical to the whole movement, but which one is learned first does not matter. Learning a tennis serve is an excellent example of an activity that can be taught as a pure part. Learning to toss the ball vertically to a specific spot in space is a very different and separate part from swinging the tennis racket as part of the serve. Learning to squeeze the toothpaste onto the brush is a very different movement strategy from brushing the teeth.
Progressive-part learning is used when the sequence of movements and the component parts to be learned need to be programmed in a specific order. Line dancing is an activity taught using progressive part learning. Individuals with sequencing deficits must often be taught using progressive parts, or they will mix up the ordering of parts during an activity. Therapists see this in the clinical arena when an individual stands up from a wheelchair and then tries to pick up the foot pedals and lock the brakes. Given that problem, such a patient must practice progressive-part learning by first locking the brakes, then picking up the foot pedals, and finally standing. If the activity is not practiced using progressive-part learning, the patient will have little consistency in how the parts are put together, thereby placing that him at high risk of failing at the functional task.
Whole-part learning can be used when the skill or activity can be practiced between the whole and the parts. In the clinical environment, a common application of this concept is whole to part to whole learning . First the therapist has the patient try the whole activity, such as coming to stand or opening a door. Next, the therapist has the patient practice a component part that is deficient (e.g., gripping the doorknob). Finally the whole activity is practiced as a functional pattern. In this way therapists work on the functional activity and then work on correcting the impairment or limitation, such as power production, range, or balance. Then they go back to the functional activity in order to incorporate the part learning into the whole. An example might be asking a patient to first stand up from a chair. As she tries to stand she generates too much power, holds her breath, and cannot repeat the activity more than once. The therapist decides to practice a component part by first assisting the patient to a relaxed standing posture, then having her eccentrically begin to sit into a partial squat, and then having her return to standing. As the patient practices, she will increase the range of motion and eventually will sit and return to stand. Once that is accomplished, she will continue to practice sit to stand to sit as a whole activity.
Therapists change the sequence in which component parts of a task are practiced using blocked or random practice. In blocked practice the patient first practices a single task over and over before moving to the next task. With random practice the component skills are practiced in random order without any particular sequence. The contextual interference effect explains the difference in motor performance found when these two types of practice are compared. Studies have shown that performance may be enhanced by using blocked practice; however, learning is not enhanced by using this type of practice. Random practice has been shown to enhance learning because this type of practice forces the learners to come up with a motor solution each time a task is performed. ,
The use of feedback is another important variable related to motor learning. Feedback is defined as the use of sensory information—visual, auditory, or somatosensory—to improve performance, retention, or transfer of a task. Internal feedback pertains to sensory information that the patient receives that can be used to improve performance of that particular task or activity in the future. The therapist provides extrinsic or augmented feedback with the intent of improving learning of the task. In people with neurological dysfunctions, extrinsic feedback is important because the patient’s intrinsic feedback system may be impaired or absent.
Extrinsic feedback can further be classified as knowledge of performance (KP) or knowledge of results (KR). KP is given concurrently while the task is being performed and can therefore also be called concurrent feedback. Feedback given concurrently, especially during the critical portions of the task, allows the patient to successfully perform the activity.
KR pertains to feedback given at the conclusion of the task (therefore it is also called terminal feedback ) and provides the patient with information about the success of his or her actions with respect to the activity. KR can be classified as faded, delayed, or summary. In faded feedback the therapist provides more information in the beginning stages of learning of the skill and slowly withdraws that feedback as the patient demonstrates improvement in the performance of the task. With delayed feedback, information is given to the patient when a period of time has elapsed after the task has been completed. The intent of this pause between the termination of a task and feedback is to give the patient some time to process the activity and generate possible solutions to the difficulties encountered in the previous performance of the task. In contrast, summary feedback is provided after the patient has performed several trials of a particular task without receiving feedback. Studies show that subjects who were given more frequent feedback, compared with those who received summary feedback, performed better during the task acquisition stage of learning but worse on retention tests. ,
Additional concepts related to long-term learning are presented in Fig. 3.7 .

Variables related to the environment
Therapists can alter environmental conditions to optimize motor learning. Gentile , described the manipulation of the environment in which a task is performed to make an activity more appropriate for what the patient is able to do. Patients with neurological dysfunction may benefit from practicing in a closed environment that is stationary and predictable. It allows the skill to be practiced with minimal distractions or challenges from the environment, enabling the patient to plan the movement in advance. An example of this would be performing gait training in a quiet, empty therapy gym. As the patient improves, it is important to practice this activity in an open environment that is less predictable, more distracting, or in motion to provide a real-world application of the task. An example of this would be gait training the patient in a busy gym environment, in a crowded cafeteria, on a moving walkway, or in a noisy hallway.
If prior procedural learning has occurred, then creating an environment that allows the program to run in the least restrictive environment should lead to the most efficient outcome in the shortest time. , If a patient must learn a new program, such as walking with a stereotypical extension pattern, then goal-directed, attended practice with guided feedback will be necessary. It may be easier to bring back an old ambulatory pattern by creating an environment to elicit that program than to teach a patient to use a new inefficient movement program.
A therapist must identify what MPs are available and under what conditions. This allows the therapist to (1) determine whether deficits are present, (2) anticipate problems in performance, and (3) match existing programs with functional activity challenges during training. Similarly, knowing available MPs and the component body systems necessary to run those programs aids the therapist in the selection of intervention procedures.
If the patient has permanent damage to either the basal ganglia or the cerebellum, then retaining the memory of new MPs may be difficult and substitution approaches may become necessary. Through evaluation, the clinician must determine whether anatomical disease or a pathological condition is actually causing procedural learning problems and whether identifying and teaching a substitution pattern or teaching the patient to compensate with an old pattern will allow him to succeed at the task. However, therapists should never forget that the plasticity of the CNS can promote significant recovery and adaptation through the performance of attended, goal-directed, repetitive behavior. ,
The provision of an appropriate level of challenge to the learner can optimize motor learning. The clinician must learn to expertly manipulate the environment to best facilitate learning. A task that is too difficult for the patient will result in persistent failure of performance, frustration, and lack of learning; then the only option will be to compensate through available patterns of movement that limit function. An activity that is too easy and routinely results in 100% success also does not result in learning because the learner becomes bored and no longer attends to the experience. The most beneficial level of challenge for training will create some errors in performance, require the patient to solve problems to meet the demands presented, and allow a level of success that inspires continued motivation to practice and achieve a higher standard of skill.
Principles of neuroplasticity: Implications for neurorehabilitation
Rehabilitation, research, and practice
Rehabilitation is the process of maximizing functional learning. The integration of basic neuroscience into clinical practice is critical for guiding the questioning of researchers and maximizing the recovery of patients. Over the past 30 years, researchers have made enormous advances in understanding the adaptability of the CNS. Because of this revolution, clinicians have moved toward a focus on recovery rather than compensation. There is sufficient evidence that the CNS continues to develop and mature from infancy into adolescence. During early and late adulthood, the CNS can recover from serious disease and injury, maintaining sensory, motor, and cognitive competency through spontaneous healing, appropriate medical management, physical exercise and activity, balanced nutrition, and opportunities to learn. Across the life-span, individuals can maximize independence and quality of life by capitalizing on learning from enriched environments, task-specific training, and attentive, progressive, self-generated, goal-oriented, repetitive behaviors. Unfortunately the nervous system can adapt negatively to repetitive and atypical patterns of movement based on neuromuscular deficits, structural anomalies, pain, abnormal biomechanics, or bad habits (see the section on motor learning earlier in this chapter). To promote recovery versus negative adaptation, rehabilitation professionals must be cognizant of a patient’s learning potential and be aware of the resources available at the environment, task, and individual level.
The paradigm shift in rehabilitative intervention strategies based on neuroplasticity is ongoing. Researchers in basic and translational science must collaborate with clinicians to determine how research findings can influence recovery. Furthermore, clinicians cannot simply provide the same familiar treatment of yesterday because it is comfortable and requires minimal effort. Rehabilitation professionals must be dynamic, enthusiastic, evidence-based, and committed to lifelong learning, ready to accept the challenge and unique opportunity to work with other members of the health care team to translate neuroscience to practice. Failure to translate research findings into clinical practice will significantly impede the potential for patient recovery.
Over the past 50 years, conferences have begun to address key issues in neuroscience and rehabilitation to move the field forward. In 1966, the Northwestern University Special Therapeutic Exercise Project (NUSTEP) conference in Chicago brought researchers, basic scientists, educators, and master clinicians together for 6 weeks to identify commonalities in approaches to interventions and to integrate basic science into those commonalities. A huge shift from specific philosophies to a bodily systems model occurred in 1990 in Norman, Oklahoma, the site of the Second Special Therapeutic Exercise Project conference (II STEP). During the next 15 years, motor learning and control concepts began to influence the intervention philosophies of both occupational and physical therapy. Simultaneously, newer approaches such as locomotion training with partial weight support, , task-specific training, , constraint-induced movement therapy, , neuroprotective effect of exercise, mental and physical practice, , patient-centered therapy, and sensorimotor training were frequently found in peer-reviewed literature. The third STEP conference, Summer Institute on Translating Evidence into Practice (III STEP), occurred in July 2005 in Salt Lake City, Utah. At this conference, unique clinical models for intervention were embraced that continue to direct professional education. The IV STEP Conference, with a focus on the 4 P’s in rehabilitation (prediction, prevention, plasticity, and participation), took place in July 2016 at The Ohio State University in Columbus. The IV STEP conference highlighted the progress made since the III STEP Conference and challenged attendees to push forward as new breakthroughs provide an impetus for ongoing change in personalized rehabilitation. Related conferences included the recent Progress in Clinical Motor Control: Neurorehabilitation at Pennsylvania State University in State College in July 2018. These conferences further challenge the research and rehabilitation community to provide strong evidence for intervention strategies aimed at fostering neural recovery and function. Although the inclusion of new, evidence-based, intervention strategies into clinical practice continues to lag behind research findings, the goal of integration remains.
There are many challenges to implementing effective, neuroscience-based interventions. The first is the patient. Patient-centered therapy is critical for effective therapeutic outcomes. The patient can be both the obstacle to successful recovery , and the critical link to success. , To achieve optimum neural adaptation, the patient must be attentive during self-generated goal-directed novel progressive activity. There is no measurable neural adaptation with passive movements or passive stimuli. To achieve a change in neural response, a stimulus must be novel and the individual must attend to it. This adaptive process can be implicit or explicit. For example, if the process is explicit, the individual is aware, makes a decision about what to do, and receives some feedback regarding the appropriateness or accuracy of the outcome. This progressive decision making has to be done repetitively and advance in difficulty over time. Adaptive behaviors may be difficult to achieve when a person is depressed, feels hopeless, lacks motivation or cognition, is emotionally unstable, or neglects of one or more parts of the body.
Another obstacle to bringing scientific evidence into practice is the barrier created by living in a society in which the economics of health care rather than the science or patient benefits drive the delivery of services. When a physician or therapist recommends a new approach to intervention, the third-party payer may deny payment for service because it is “experimental.” Furthermore, third-party payers may deny the opportunity to apply findings from animal studies to human subjects. Another constraint from the third-party payer is the timing of intervention. Despite the evidence that the CNS can be modified under conditions of goal-oriented, repetitive, task-relevant behaviors years after stroke, insurance companies deny coverage of service late in the recovery process. The insurance company may interpret “medically necessary services” as the services provided during the first 30 days after injury, the time when the greatest spontaneous recovery occurs. Furthermore, even though neural adaptation research confirms that enriched environmental conditions and sensory inputs can facilitate both greater and continued recovery, the insurance company may claim that the services are simply for maintenance. Thus as the science of neuroplasticity continues to develop, it is critical to improve the interface between the scientist, the practitioner, the patient, and the third-party payer. It is vital that clinicians and researchers regularly inform third-party payers about current research evidence.
Integration of sensory information in motor control
One’s understanding of neural adaptation must include attention to sensory as well as motor systems. In virtually all higher-order perceptual processes, the brain must correlate sensory input with motor output to assess the body’s interaction with the environment accurately. Thus a problem in the somatic motor system affects the motor output system. Both systems are independently adaptive, but functional neural adaptation involves the interaction of both sensory and motor processing.
The sensory system provides an internal representation of the inner and outer worlds to guide the movements that make up our behavioral repertoire. Movement is controlled by the motor systems of the brain and the spinal cord. Our perceptual skills reflect the capabilities of the sensory systems to detect, analyze, and estimate the significance of physical stimuli. (Augmented therapeutic intervention for each sensory system is discussed in Chapter 8 .) Our agility and dexterity reflect the capabilities of the motor systems to plan, coordinate, and execute movements. The task of the motor systems in controlling movement is the reverse of the task of sensory systems in aiding or updating internal representations. Perception is the end product of sensory processing, whereas an internal representation is the beginning of motor processing.
Sensory psychophysics looks at the attributes of a stimulus: its quality, intensity, location, and duration. Motor psychophysics considers the organization of action, intensity of muscle contraction, recruitment of distinct motor neuron populations, coordination and accuracy of movement, and the speed of movement. The complex behaviors in the sensory and motor systems depend on the modalities available. The distinct modalities of pain, temperature, light touch, deep touch, vibration, and stretch are found in the sensory system; whereas the modalities of reflex responses, intra- and interlimb rhythmic patterns, automatic and adaptive responses, and voluntary fine and gross movements are found in the motor system. Although all motor movement requires integration of sensory information for motor learning, once motor control has been attained, the system can often run on very little feedback. The relationship of incoming sensory information is particularly complex in voluntary movement, which constantly adapts to environmental variance. For voluntary movements, the motor system requires muscle contraction and relaxation with appropriate timing and sequencing, recruitment of appropriate muscles and their synergies, the distribution of the body mass, and appropriate postural adjustments.
There must be adjustments to compensate for limb inertia and the mechanical arrangement of muscles, bones, and joints before and during movement to ensure and maintain accuracy. The control systems for voluntary movement involve (1) a continuous flow of sensory information about the environment, body/limb orientation, and degree of muscle contraction; (2) the spinal cord; (3) the descending systems of the brain stem; and (4) the motor pathways of the cerebral cortex, cerebellum, and basal ganglia. Each control system is organized hierarchically and in parallel and uses sensory information relevant for the functions it oversees via feedback and feedforward mechanisms. These systems control activation of sensations and movement as well as inhibition (e.g., globus pallidus). Some brain regions are engaged during new learning (e.g., cerebellum) and others during maintenance of learning (e.g., globus pallidus, hippocampus). The hierarchical but interactive organization permits lower levels to generate reflexes without involving higher centers, whereas the parallel system allows the brain to process the flow of specific types of sensory information to produce discrete types of movements. ,
Ultimately the control of graded fine movement involves the muscle spindle, which contains the specialized elements that sense muscle length and the velocity or changes in spindle length. In conjunction with the tendon organ, which senses muscle tension, the muscle spindle provides the CNS with continuous information on the mechanical state of the muscle. Ultimately the firing of the muscle spindles depends on both muscle length and the level of gamma motor activation of the intrafusal fibers. Similarly, joint proprioceptors relay both closed- and open-chain input and mobility (range) information from within the joint structures to the CNS. This illustrates the close, integral relationship between sensory and motor processing.
Foundation for the study of neuroplasticity
The principal models for studying cortical plasticity have been based on the representations of the movement and skin of the hand in the New World owl monkey (Aotus) and the squirrel monkey (Saimiri). These primate models have been chosen because their central sulci usually do not extend into the hand representational zone in the anterior parietal (S1) or posterior frontal (M1) cortical fields. In other primates the sulci are deep and interfere with accurate mapping. Even though there are differences in hand use among primates, in all primates the hand has the largest topographical and distinct representation for the actual size of the extremity. Thus the hand has the greatest potential for skilled movement and sensory discrimination. Findings from studies of this cortical region are applicable across the different cortices as well as the other cornerstones of the brain such as the thalamus, basal ganglia, brain stem, and cerebellum. , See Fig. 3.8 to identify specific anatomical locations and their respective classifications.
