Diseases of the Nerve and Motor Unit

Diseases of the Nerve and Motor Unit


Disorders of the Peripheral Nerve, Neuromuscular Junction, and Muscle Can Be Distinguished Clinically

A Variety of Diseases Target Motor Neurons and Peripheral Nerves

Motor Neuron Diseases Do Not Affect Sensory Neurons

Diseases of Peripheral Nerves Affect Conduction of the Action Potential

The Molecular Bases of Some Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies Have Been Defined

Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction Have Multiple Causes

Myasthenia Gravis Is the Best Studied Example of a Neuromuscular Junction Disease

Treatment of Myasthenia Targets the Physiological Effects and Autoimmune Pathogenesis of the Disease

There Are Two Distinct Congenital Forms of Myasthenia Gravis

Lambert-Eaton Syndrome and Botulism Are Two Other Disorders of Neuromuscular Transmission

Diseases of Skeletal Muscle Can Be Inherited or Acquired

Dermatomyositis Exemplifies Acquired Myopathy

Muscular Dystrophies Are the Most Common Inherited Myopathies

Some Inherited Diseases of Skeletal Muscle Arise from Genetic Defects in Voltage-Gated Ion Channels

Periodic Paralysis Is Associated with Altered Muscle Excitability and Abnormal Levels of Serum Potassium

An Overall View

Postscript: Diagnosis of Motor Unit Disorders Is Aided by Laboratory Criteria

… to move things is all that mankind can do, for such the sole executant is muscle, whether in whispering a syllable or in felling a forest.

Charles Sherrington, 1924

THE MAJOR CONSEQUENCE OF THE elaborate information processing that takes place in the brain is the contraction of skeletal muscles. Indeed, animals are distinguishable from plants by their ability to make precise, goal-directed movements of their body parts. As we shall see in Chapter 16, the problem of deciding when and how to move is, to a large degree, the driving force behind the evolution of the nervous system.


In all but the most primitive animals, specialized muscle cells generate movement. There are three general types of muscles: Smooth muscle is used primarily for internal actions such as peristalsis and control of blood flow; cardiac muscle is used exclusively for pumping blood; and skeletal muscle is used primarily for moving bones. In this chapter we examine a variety of neurological disorders in mammals that affect movement by altering action potential conduction in a motor nerve, synaptic transmission from nerve to muscle, or muscle contraction itself.

In 1925 Charles Sherrington introduced the term motor unit to designate the basic unit of motor function—a motor neuron and the group of muscle fibers it innervates (see Chapter 34). The number of muscle fibers innervated by a single motor neuron varies widely throughout the body, depending on the dexterity of the movements controlled and the mass of the body part to be moved. Thus motor units with fewer than 100 muscle fibers finely control eye movements, whereas in the leg a single motor unit contains up to 1,000 muscle fibers. In each case all the muscles innervated by a motor unit are of the same type. Moreover, motor units are recruited in a fixed order for both voluntary and reflex movements. The smallest motor units are the first to be recruited, joined later by larger units as muscle force increases.

The motor unit is a common target of disease. The distinguishing features of diseases of the motor unit vary depending on which functional component is primarily affected: (1) the cell body of the motor or sensory neuron, (2) the corresponding axons, (3) the neuromuscular junction (the synapse between the motor axon and muscle), or (4) the muscle fibers that are innervated by the motor neuron. Accordingly, disorders of the motor unit have traditionally been classified as motor neuron diseases, peripheral neuropathies, disorders of the neuromuscular junction, or primary muscle diseases (myopathies) (Figure 14–1).



Figure 14-1 Classification of the four types of motor unit disorders is based on the part of the motor unit that is affected.


Peripheral neuropathies arise from abnormal function of motor neurons or their axons, leading to weakness of movement. Most peripheral neuropathies also involve sensory neurons, leading to problems in sensation. In some rare motor neuron diseases the motor neurons and motor tracts in the spinal cord degenerate but sensory nerves are spared. In myopathies weakness is caused by degeneration of the muscles with little or no change in motor neurons. In neuromuscular junction diseases alterations in the synapse lead to weakness that may be intermittent. Clinical and laboratory studies usually allow one to distinguish disorders of peripheral nerves from those of the neuromuscular junction or muscle (see Postscript to this chapter).

Disorders of the Peripheral Nerve, Neuromuscular Junction, and Muscle Can Be Distinguished Clinically


When a peripheral nerve is cut, the muscles innervated by that nerve immediately become paralyzed and then waste progressively. Because the nerve carries sensory as well as motor fibers, sensation in the area innervated by the nerve is also lost and tendon reflexes are lost immediately. The term atrophy (literally, lack of nourishment) refers to the wasting away of a once-normal muscle. Because of historical usage atrophy appears in the names of several diseases that are now regarded as neurogenic.

The main symptoms of the myopathies often include difficulty in walking or lifting. Other, less common symptoms include inability of the muscle to relax (myotonia), cramps, pain (myalgia), or the appearance in the urine of the heme-containing protein that gives muscle its red color (myoglobinuria). The muscular dystrophies are myopathies with special characteristics: The diseases are inherited, all symptoms are caused by weakness, the weakness becomes progressively more severe, and signs of degeneration and regeneration are seen histologically.

Distinguishing neurogenic and myopathic diseases may be difficult because both produce weakness of muscle. Classification and differential diagnosis of these diseases involve both clinical and laboratory criteria. As a first approximation, weakness of the distal limbs most often indicates a neurogenic disorder, whereas proximal limb weakness signals a myopathy. Fasciculations—twitches of muscle that are visible through the skin—are often signs of neurogenic diseases. They result from involuntary but synchronous contractions of all muscle fibers in a motor unit. Fibrillations—spontaneous contractions of single muscle fibers—can also be signs of on going denervation of muscle. Fibrillations are not visible but can be recorded with an electromyogram (EMG). The electrical record of a fibrillation is a low-amplitude potential that reflects electrical activity in a single muscle cell. Electrophysiological studies suggest that fasciculations arise in the motor nerve terminal.

In diagnosing motor neuron disorders, clinical neurologists distinguish between lower and upper motor neurons. Lower motor neurons are motor neurons of the spinal cord and brain stem that directly innervate skeletal muscles. Upper motor neurons are neurons in the premotor cortex that issue commands for movements to the lower motor neurons through their axons in the corticospinal (pyramidal) tract. The distinction between upper and lower motor neurons is important clinically because diseases involving each class of neurons produce distinctive symptoms. Disorders of lower motor neurons cause atrophy, fasciculations, decreased muscle tone, and loss of tendon reflexes; disorders of upper motor neurons and their axons result in spasticity, overactive tendon reflexes, and an abnormal plantar extensor reflex (the Babinski sign).

The primary symptom of disorders of the neuromuscular junction is weakness; in some neuromuscular junction diseases this weakness is quite variable even during the course of a single day.

A Variety of Diseases Target Motor Neurons and Peripheral Nerves


Motor Neuron Diseases Do Not Affect Sensory Neurons


The best-known disorder of motor neurons is amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (Lou Gehrig disease). Amyotrophy is another word for neurogenic atrophy of muscle; lateral sclerosis refers to the hardness felt when the pathologist examines the spinal cord at autopsy. This hardness results from the proliferation of astrocytes and scarring of the lateral columns of the spinal cord caused by degeneration of the corticospinal tracts. Some motor neurons are spared, notably those supplying ocular muscles and those involved in voluntary control of bladder sphincters.

The symptoms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) usually start with painless weakness of the arms or legs. Typically the patient, often a man in his 40s or 50s, discovers that he has trouble in executing fine movements of the hands; typing, playing the piano, playing baseball, fingering coins, or working with tools all become awkward.

Most cases of ALS involve both upper and lower motor neurons. Thus the typical weakness of the hand is associated with wasting of the small muscles of the hands and feet and fasciculations of the muscles of the forearm and upper arm. These signs of lower motor neuron disease are often associated with hyperreflexia, an increase in tendon reflexes characteristic of corticospinal upper motor neuron disease.

The cause of most (95%) cases of ALS is unknown; the disease is progressive and ultimately affects muscles of respiration. There is no effective treatment for this fatal condition.

Approximately 10% of cases are inherited as dominant traits. Of these, approximately 25% arise from mutations in the gene encoding the protein copper/zinc cytosolic superoxide dismutase, or SOD1. The fact that this form of the disease is dominantly inherited suggests that the disorder arises from some acquired toxic property of the mutant SOD1 protein. This is underscored by the observation that nearly all mutations causing this form of ALS are missense changes that substitute one or more amino acids in the wildtype, normal protein. The exact neurotoxic property of the mutant enzyme remains unclear.

Strikingly, mice and rats that have high levels of the mutant SOD1 develop an adult-onset form of motor neuron disease that leads to death. By contrast, mice expressing equivalently high levels of normal SOD1 do not develop paralysis. These findings are consistent with the concept that the mutant molecule has acquired one or more forms of cytotoxicity. As with other aspects of normal and abnormal functions of the brain and spinal cord, mouse models of motor neuron disease have proven highly instructive for the study of potential treatments as well as the molecular pathogenesis of the disease.

There are other variants of motor neuron disease. The first symptoms may be restricted to muscles innervated by cranial nerves, with resulting dysarthria (difficulty speaking) and dysphagia (difficulty swallowing). When cranial symptoms occur alone, the syndrome is called progressive bulbar palsy. (The term bulb is used interchangeably with pons, the structure at the base of the brain where motor neurons that innervate the face and swallowing muscles reside, and palsy means weakness.) If only lower motor neurons are involved, the syndrome is called progressive spinal muscular atrophy.

Progressive spinal muscular atrophy is a developmental disorder of motor neurons and is characterized by weakness, wasting, loss of reflexes, and fasciculations. Most cases arise in infants and are caused by recessively inherited mutations in the gene encoding a protein called survival motor neuron or SMN. Some rare cases begin in late childhood or even early adulthood. The SMN protein is implicated in the trafficking of RNA in and out of the nucleus and in the formation of complexes that are important in RNA splicing. In humans the SMN locus on chromosome 5 has two almost identical copies of the SMN gene. One produces a full length SMN protein, whereas the second expresses a small amount of full-length SMN and a shortened SMN. The loss of full-length SMN from mutations at the main locus can be mitigated to some degree by the shortened SMN protein expressed at the second locus.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and its variants are restricted to motor neurons; they do not affect sensory neurons or autonomic neurons. The acute viral disease poliomyelitis is also confined to motor neurons. These diseases illustrate dramatically the individuality of nerve cells and the principle of selective vulnerability. The basis of this selectivity is, in general, not understood.

Diseases of Peripheral Nerves Affect Conduction of the Action Potential


Diseases of peripheral nerves may affect either axons or myelin. Because motor and sensory axons are bundled together in the same peripheral nerves, disorders of peripheral nerves usually affect both motor and sensory functions. Some patients with peripheral neuropathy report abnormal, frequently unpleasant, sensory experiences similar to the sensations felt after local anesthesia for dental work. These sensations are variously called numbness, pins-and-needles, or tingling. When the sensations occur spontaneously without an external sensory stimulus they are called paresthesias.

Patients with paresthesias usually have impaired perception of cutaneous sensations (pain and temperature), often because the small myelinated fibers that carry these sensations are selectively affected. Proprioceptive sensations (position and vibration) may be lost without loss of cutaneous sensation. Lack of pain perception may lead to injuries. The sensory disorders are more prominent distally (called a glove-and-stocking pattern), possibly because the distal portions of the nerves are most remote from the cell body and therefore most susceptible to disorders that interfere with axonal transport of essential metabolites and proteins.

Peripheral neuropathy is first manifested by weakness that is usually distal. Tendon reflexes are usually depressed or lost, fasciculation is seen only rarely, and wasting does not ensue unless the weakness has been present for many weeks.

Neuropathies may be either acute or chronic. The best-known acute neuropathy is Guillain-Barré syndrome. Most cases follow respiratory infection or infectious diarrhea, but the syndrome may occur without preceding illness. The condition may be mild or so severe that mechanical ventilation is required. Cranial nerves may be affected, leading to paralysis of ocular, facial, and oropharyngeal muscles. The disorder is attributed to an autoimmune attack on peripheral nerves by circulating antibodies. It is treated by removing the offending antibodies by infusions of gamma globulin and plasmapheresis. The blood is removed from a patient, cells are separated from plasma which has the antibodies, and the cells alone are returned to the patient.

The chronic neuropathies vary from the mildest manifestations to incapacitating or even fatal conditions. There are many varieties, including genetic diseases (acute intermittent porphyria, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease), metabolic disorders (diabetes, vitamin B12 deficiency), intoxication (lead), nutritional disorders (alcoholism, thiamine deficiency), carcinomas (especially carcinoma of the lung), and immunological disorders (plasma cell diseases, amyloidosis). Some chronic disorders, such as neuropathy caused by vitamin B12 deficiency in pernicious anemia, are amenable to therapy.

In addition to being acute or chronic, neuropathies may be categorized as demyelinating (in which the myelin sheath breaks down) or axonal (in which the axon is affected). In demyelinating neuropathies, as might be expected from the role of the myelin sheath in saltatory conduction, conduction velocity is slowed because the axons have lost myelin (discussed below). In axonal neuropathies the myelin sheath is not affected and conduction velocity is normal.

Axonal and demyelinating neuropathies may lead to positive or negative symptoms and signs. The negative signs consist of weakness or paralysis, loss of tendon reflexes, and impaired sensation resulting from loss of motor and sensory nerves. The positive symptoms of peripheral neuropathies consist of paresthesias that arise from abnormal impulse activity in sensory fibers, and either spontaneous activity of injured nerve fibers or electrical interaction (cross-talk) between abnormal axons, a process called ephaptic transmission to distinguish it from normal synaptic transmission. For unknown reasons damaged nerves also become hyperexcitable. Lightly tapping the site of injury can evoke a burst of unpleasant sensations in the region over which the nerve is distributed.

Negative symptoms, which have been studied more thoroughly than positive symptoms, can be attributed to three basic mechanisms: conduction block, slowed conduction, and impaired ability to conduct impulses at higher frequencies. Conduction block was first recognized in 1876 when the German neurologist Wilhelm Erb observed that stimulation of an injured peripheral nerve below the site of injury evoked a muscle response, whereas stimulation above the site of injury produced no response. He concluded that the lesion blocked conduction of impulses of central origin, even when the segment of the nerve distal to the lesion was still functional. Later studies confirmed this conclusion by showing that selective application of diphtheria and other toxins produces conduction block by causing demyelination only at the site of application.

Why does demyelination produce nerve block and how does it lead to slowing of conduction velocity? As discussed in Chapter 6, conduction velocity is much more rapid in myelinated fibers than in unmyelinated axons for two reasons. First, there is a direct relationship between conduction velocity and axon diameter, and myelinated axons tend to be larger in diameter. Second, membrane capacitance in the myelinated regions of the axon is less than at the unmyelinated nodes of Ranvier, greatly speeding up the rate of depolarization and thus conduction. In contrast, when an action potential propagates along long stretches of demyelinated axon it becomes severely attenuated.

When myelination is disrupted by disease, the action potentials in different axons of a nerve begin to conduct at slightly different velocities. As a result, the nerve loses its normal synchrony of conduction in response to a single stimulus (measurement of conduction velocities in peripheral nerves is described in Figure 14–2). This slowing and loss of synchrony are thought to account for some early clinical signs of demyelinating neuropathy. For example, functions that normally depend on the arrival of synchronous bursts of neural activity, such as tendon reflexes and vibratory sensation, are lost soon after the onset of a chronic neuropathy. As demyelination becomes more severe, conduction becomes blocked. Conduction failure may be intermittent, occurring only at high frequencies of neural firing, or complete.



Figure 14-2 Measurement of motor nerve conduction velocity.


A. A shock is applied through a proximal (S2) or distal (S1) stimulating electrode, and the extracellular action potential is measured by the recording electrode. The time it takes the action potential to propagate from S2 to the muscle (tS2) is the proximal latency; the time from S1 to the muscle (tS1) is the distal latency. The distance between S1 and S2 divided by (tS2tS1) gives the conduction velocity.


B. The waveforms of motor nerve action potentials are recorded in the thumb muscles after stimulation of the motor nerve at the wrist (1), just below the elbow (2), and just above the elbow (3). The action potentials from a normal nerve have the same waveforms regardless of the site of stimulation. They are distinguished only by the longer time period required for the waveform to develop as the site of the stimulus is moved up the arm (away from the recording site). When the motor nerve is demyelinated just distal to the elbow but above the wrist, the motor nerve action potential is normal when stimulation occurs at the wrist (1) but delayed and desynchronized when stimulation is proximal to the nerve lesion (2, 3). (Reproduced, with permission, from Bromberg 2002.)


The Molecular Bases of Some Inherited Peripheral Neuropathies Have Been Defined


Myelin proteins have been found to be affected in some demyelinating hereditary peripheral neuropathies, termed Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease. As in other peripheral neuropathies, muscle weakness and wasting, loss of reflexes, and loss of sensation in the distal parts of the limbs characterize the condition. These symptoms appear in childhood or adolescence and are slowly progressive.

One form (type 1) has the features of a demyelinating neuropathy. Conduction in peripheral nerves is slow, with histological evidence of demyelination followed by remyelination. Sometimes the remyelination leads to gross hypertrophy of the nerves. Type 1 disorders are inexorably progressive, without remissions or exacerbations. Another form (type 2) has normal nerve conduction velocity and is considered an axonal neuropathy without demyelination. Both types 1 and 2 are inherited as autosomal dominant diseases.

In the 1990s the genetic defects in these conditions began to be localized. The type 1 disease was attributed to mutations on two different chromosomes (locus heterogeneity). A more common form (type 1A) was linked to chromosome 17, whereas a less common form (1B) was localized to chromosome 1. To a remarkable degree the genes at these loci have been directly implicated in myelin physiology (Figure 14–3). Type 1A involves a defect in peripheral myelin protein 22, and type 1B the myelin protein P0. Moreover, as discussed in Chapter 8, an X-linked form of demyelinating neuropathy occurs because of mutations in the gene expressing connexin-32, a subunit of the gap-junction channels that interconnect myelin folds near the nodes of Ranvier (Figure 14-3B). Still other genes have been implicated in inherited demyelination.



Figure 14-3 Genetic defects in components of myelin cause demyelinating neuropathies.


A. Myelin production and function in the Schwann cell are adversely affected by multiple genetic defects including abnormalities in transcription factors, ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters in peroxisomes, and multiple proteins implicated in organizing myelin. In compact myelin thin processes of Schwann cells are tightly wrapped around an axon. Viewed microscopically at high power, the site of apposition of the intracellular faces of the Schwann cell membrane appears as a dense line, whereas the apposed extracellular faces are described as the intraperiod line (see definition in part C). (Adapted, with permission, from Lupiski 1998.)


B. Peripheral axons are wrapped in myelin, which is compact and tight except near the nodes of Ranvier and at focal sites described as “incisures” by Schmidt and Lanterman. (Adapted, with permission, from Lupiski 1998.)


C. The rim of cytoplasm, in which myelin basic protein (MBP) is located, defines the major dense line, whereas the thin layer of residual extracellular space defines the intraperiod line. Three myelin-associated proteins are defective in three different demyelinating neuropathies: P0 (Dejerine-Sottas infantile neuropathy), peripheral myelin protein or PMP22 (Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy type 1), and connexin-32 or Cx32 (X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy). Mutations in PMP22 and P0 genes adversely affect the organization of compact myelin. (Adapted, with permission, from Brown and Amato 2002.)


Some proteins implicated in axonal neuropathies are identified in Figure 14–4 and Table 14–1. Genes encoding the neurofilament light subunit and an axonal motor protein related to kinesin, which is important for transport along microtubules, are mutated in two types of axonal neuropathies. Defects in these genes are associated with peripheral neuropathies with prominent weakness. The mechanisms by which genes alter axonal function in other axonal neuropathies are less evident.

Table 14–1 Representative Inherited Disorders of Peripheral Nerves





Figure 14-4 Genetic defects in a number of cell constituents cause axonal neuropathies. These include defects in receptors for growth factors, ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters in peroxisomes, cytosolic enzymes, microtubule motor proteins like the kinesins, neurofilament proteins, and other structural proteins such as gigaxonin. (Adapted, with permission, from Brown and Amato 2002.)


As noted earlier, a wide range of problems other than genetic mutations lead to peripheral neuropathies. Particularly striking are nerve defects associated with the presence of autoantibodies directed against ion channels in distal peripheral nerves. For example, some individuals with motor unit instability (cramps and fasciculations), as well as sustained or exaggerated muscle contractions caused by hyperexcitability of motor nerves, have serum antibodies directed against one or more axonal voltage-gated K+ channels. The prevailing view is that binding the autoantibodies to the channels reduces K+ conductance and thereby depolarizes the axon, leading to augmented and sustained firing of the distal motor nerve and associated muscle contractions. Alterations in ion channel function underlie a variety of neurological disorders, as in acquired disorders of channels in the neuromuscular junction and inherited defects in voltage-gated channels in muscle (discussed below).

Diseases of the Neuromuscular Junction Have Multiple Causes


Many diseases involve disruption of chemical transmission between neurons and their target cells. By analyzing such abnormalities researchers have learned a great deal about the mechanisms underlying normal synaptic transmission as well as disorders caused by dysfunction at the synapse.

Diseases that disrupt transmission at the neuromuscular junction fall into two broad categories: those that affect the presynaptic terminal and those that primarily involve the postsynaptic membrane. In both categories the most intensively studied cases are autoimmune and inherited defects in critical synaptic proteins.

Myasthenia Gravis Is the Best Studied Example of a Neuromuscular Junction Disease


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May 8, 2017 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Diseases of the Nerve and Motor Unit

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