Drug-Induced Seizures in Critically Ill Patients


Proposed mechanism

High risk agents


D1 agonists and D2 antagonists are proconvulsant. Antagonism of α1-receptors, agonism of α2-receptors, and inhibition of histamine-1 receptors may promote seizure activity


Not a direct effect of the drug rather the resultant effects of benzodiazepine reversal


Mediated through normeperidine, a toxic metabolite that is proconvulsant


Lowers seizure threshold by elevating cyclic GMP levels in brain and antagonizes the depressant effects of adenosine on cerebral cortex (other actions include pyridoxine depletion and inhibition of GABA)


GABA antagonists by blocking GABAA Cl channels and prevent GABA binding to GABAA receptors


Prevent GABA binding to GABAA receptors

Medium risk agents


Inhibition of dopamine reuptake


Prevent GABA binding to GABAA receptors


Prevent GABA binding to GABAA receptors


↓ brain levels of GABA via inhibitory action of glutamic acid decarboxylase


Inhibition of monoamine (serotonin, norepinephrine) reuptake rather than to opioid effects

Tricyclic antidepressants

Inhibition of reuptake of norepinephrine or serotonin in the brain

Overdose produces anticholinergic toxidrome (hypotension, QRS interval prolongations, ventricular arrhythmias, and seizures)

Withdrawal alcohol benzodiazepines

Barbiturates opioids

Disinhibition syndrome (loss of inhibitory control leading to excess stimulation and release of glutamate, NMDA, norepinephrine, and serotonin)

Opioids may possess mu-receptor anticonvulsant properties that can precipitate seizures upon withdrawal

Low risk agents

Other antidepressants

Inhibition of reuptake of norepinephrine or serotonin in the brain

Local anesthetics

Antagonism of Na+ channel

Volatile general anestheticsb

Activation of NMDA receptors (enflurane and sevoflurane)

Other opioids

Unknown; likely mediated by selective stimulation of opioid receptors


Histamine may be anticonvulsive via central H1 receptors




Inhibition of presynaptic or postsynaptic inhibitory neurons

Beta blockers

Nonspecific action on centrally located neurons (membrane-stabilizing effects)


Structural damage to central nervous system


Augments the effects of catecholamines by blocking the reuptake at the synaptic junction and lowers seizure threshold


Augments the effects of catecholamines by blocking the reuptake at the synaptic junction


May be the result of inhibition of mitochondrial DNA polymerase and altered mitochondrial cell function

Antiepileptic drugs

AED in high concentrations may have depressant effect on inhibitory interneurons resulting in disinhibition of excitatory neurons and facilitation of epileptic discharges

Absence seizures may be induced by facilitating synchronization of the firing neurons in the thalamocortical network


Depletion of brain glucose

Mnemonic for drug related seizures in critically ill (Otis Campbell) [28]

GABA gamma aminobutyric acid,O Opioid withdrawal oral hypoglycemicsT Tricyclic antidepressants, theophyllineI Isoniazid, insulinS Sympathomimetics, salicylatesC Cocaine, carbapenems, cyclosporineA Amphetamines, antibiotics, antidepressants, antipsychotics, anestheticsM Meperidine, Methyl xanthinesP PCP. PropoxypheneB Benzodiazepine withdrawalE Ethanol withdrawalL LithiumL Lidocaine

aSeizures commonly occur at therapeutic doses

bSeizures occasionally occur at therapeutic doses



In animals opioids are associated with electroencephalogram (EEG) proven seizure activity; however, the dose required to replicate this in the clinical setting is far greater that what is administered with either analgesia or anesthesia. On the other hand, focal neuroexcitation on the EEG occasionally occurs in humans after large doses of fentanyl, alfentanil, sufentanil, and remifentanil [2932]. In animal studies midazolam, naloxone, and phenytoin have been shown to prevent seizure activity on the EEG where seizure activity was induced by large doses of fentanyl [33]. All strong mu agonists can cause myoclonus after an IV bolus with some of the more rapid-onset agents more likely the culprits [34]. However, the relationship between myoclonus or rigidity, subcortical seizure activity and cortical seizures is unclear. The postulated neuronal mechanisms of seizure induction include opioid induced disinhibition of GABAergic interneurons and inhibition of hyperpolarization-activated potassium currents [35, 36]. It is important to note that epidural and intrathecal administration of opioids has also been linked to seizure activity [3739]. The most common reason for seizures due to opioids is linked to opioid withdrawal and use of agents with a higher risk for causing seizures (meperidine and tramadol).

Meperidine is metabolized via N-demethylation to an active metabolite normeperidine, which is then renally excreted. Accumulation of this metabolite is associated with seizure activity and patients with renal impairment or receiving large doses are at risk [40, 41]. Oral administration of meperidine will result in increased concentrations of normeperidine due to extensive first-pass metabolism, thus having increased risk for seizures at therapeutic dosing [42]. The elimination half-life is approximately five times as long as the parent compound (3–6 h versus 15–40 h), thus the toxic metabolite can quickly accumulate . Typically normeperidine toxicity develops at concentrations greater than 0.8 mg/dL. EEG changes associated with normeperidine include slow wave activity and epileptiform discharges that will resolve once normeperidine is eliminated [43]. Normeperidine induced seizures often begin after the onset of other clinical sequelae such as delirium, tremors, or myoclonus. Seizures that develop are usually generalized tonic-clonic. Naloxone does not reverse the toxicity and could exacerbate the seizure activity. Treatment includes supportive measures and withdrawal of meperidine. Treatment with traditional antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) should be avoided as they have been shown to accelerate the conversion of meperidine to normeperidine potentially worsening the seizures [44]. Return to baseline neurologic functioning is dependent upon removal of the parent compound and the toxic metabolite so it would not be anticipated until a few days after meperidine discontinuation.

Morphine can induce seizures at high doses in neonates with immature blood-brain barriers but has never been shown to be associated with seizures in adults [45]. There have been some reports of seizure activity with fentanyl, alfentanil, and sufentanil [4650], which have not been confirmed with EEG findings of seizure activity [51, 52]. Surface EEG recordings are characterized by high-voltage slow delta waves following administration of these agents [44]. It has been postulated that the tonic-clonic movements originally reported is somatic muscle rigidity or subcortical seizure activity and not true seizure activity.

Tramadol is a weak mu-receptor agonist with other pharmacological properties including inhibition of serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake. Tramadol has been reported to cause seizures following overdose and also with therapeutic dosing (primarily with chronic dosing) [53]. The lowest dose associated with seizures was 200 mg with the seizure occurring within 6 h of administration [54]. The incidence of seizures following overdose has been reported to be around 8% and the risk of a recurrent seizure is low (7%) [5557]. Subsequently during the second year the agent was on the market a warning letter was issued by the Food and Drug Administration to all healthcare practitioners based upon the increased number of reports of seizures they had received. In most of the cases, patients were receiving other agents that were known to increase the risk of seizures and many were overdoses [58]. In a post-marketing surveillance case-controlled study in over 10,000 patients the risk of seizures with tramadol was similar to other analgesic agents [59]. The use of naloxone and risk of inducing a seizure in tramadol poisonings is controversial with some studies showing improvement in brain waves [60], others showing increased clonic seizures [61], and others showing no benefit [62]. Tapentadol is an orally active, central synthetic analgesic that acts via the mu-opioid receptor and inhibition of norepinephrine reuptake. The seizure rate of tapentadol reported to the National Poison Data System is 1.8% which was less than that associated with tramadol (13.7%) [63].

Seizures can also be the result of opioid withdrawal. Interestingly, Wijdicks and Sharbrough [15] attributed one-third of new-onset seizures in the critically ill patients in their cohort to opioid withdrawal. In this cohort, all patients who experienced new-onset seizures received at least 7 days of repeated intramuscular injections. Seizures related to drug withdrawal typically occur 2–4 days after last ingestion depending on the pharmacokinetic profile of the offending agent. Gradual tapering of agents that are associated with drug withdrawal, including opioids, is optimal in preventing seizures.


Salicylate toxicity primarily mediated through salicylic acid clinically presents with neurologic abnormalities including seizures. Most seizures are generalized and related to the depletion of brain glucose and increased CNS oxygen consumption even with normal blood glucose. First-line treatment for salicylate induced seizures is benzodiazepines followed by barbiturates as second-line agents. Since seizure is the most important symptom of severe salicylate toxicity other treatment should include gastrointestinal decontamination, urine alkalinization, and hemodialysis [19].


General Anesthetics

Seizure activity associated with general anesthetic agents is largely thought to be an uncommon event. Nonetheless seizure activity has been reported with both volatile and nonvolatile agents. These agents are commonly used in the operating or procedure rooms and rarely in the ICUs. Therefore, their potential epileptogenic effects may be encountered in critically ill patients only in cases of immediate post-op transfer to an ICU bed without passing through the recovery room.

The most widely reported volatile anesthetic agent associated with seizures is enflurane [64]. This agent produces high amplitude spikes and periods of electrical silence on the EEG with the hyperexcitability originating in the limbic system and then spreading to other areas [65]. Most seizures reportedly occur during recovery from anesthesia [66, 67]. Interestingly, delayed seizures have also been reported up to eight postoperative days even with an initial normal EEG [6870]. The occurrence of seizures can be minimized by using lower concentrations (less than 1.5 minimum alveolar concentration) and avoiding hypocapnia [71]. However others have reported seizure activity with enflurane even with normocapnia in patients with seizure disorders [72]. No specific recommendations are available regarding the use of these agents. With the availability of other volatile agents, however, that have less seizure risk, it is best to avoid enflurane in patients with a pre-existing seizure disorder or is at risk of seizures.

There have also been a couple reports of isoflurane-associated seizures [73, 74]. In these reports, myoclonic seizures occurred 2 h after induction and progressed to generalized seizures with sustained myoclonus during recovery. However the bulk of information in humans suggests that isoflurane has anticonvulsant properties [75, 76].

Sevoflurane has a reported incidence of seizures up to 12% in clinical trials conducted in children, healthy adults, and elective gynecological surgery [7783]. Most of the seizures were reported within 90 min of sevoflurane administration and epileptiform EEG activity was seen in over 70% of the cases. A case report also described seizure activity with emergence from sevoflurane anesthesia [82]. When compared to isoflurane, sevoflurane has stronger epileptogenic property. Recently postulated risk factors for epileptiform activity include high alveolar sevoflurane concentration (greater than 2.0 MAC), more rapid anesthetic induction, hyperventilation, history of epilepsy, and female gender [84]. The concomitant use of nitrous oxide, benzodiazepine, or opioid seems to counteract the epileptogenic property of sevoflurane [81, 85]. The postulated mechanism is via NMDA receptor activation, similar to that observed with enflurane, since both agents have a similar molecular structure with seven fluoride atoms [86].

The seizure potential of the nonvolatile agents appears to be negligible. Some of the agents have been used intraoperatively, however, to activate epileptogenic foci during epilepsy surgery. There have been some reports of seizures associated with ketamine anesthesia [87, 88], although EEG recordings have not revealed seizure activity in patients without a seizure disorder. However, it is well described that ketamine can activate epileptogenic foci, primarily subcortical seizure activity originating in the thalamic and limbic areas , in patients with a known seizure disorder [89, 90]. There is no evidence of seizure activity in cortical regions. Ketamine does possess anticonvulsant properties and has received attention as an intervention for patients with refractory status epilepticus [91].

During induction and maintenance of anesthesia, etomidate is associated with involuntary myoclonic movements, which may simulate a tonic seizure but not correlated with any epileptogenic activity [92, 93]. It is also possible that this represents subcortical seizure activity [44]. In patients with a history of seizure disorders, surface EEG recordings have documented proconvulsant activity of etomidate at lower concentrations [94, 95]. Further studies are necessary to further evaluate the proconvulsant nature of these agents.

There have been several types of CNS reactions to propofol including twitching, hypertonia, myoclonus, and seizure activity [96]. Propofol has been used in the treatment of status epilepticus; however, there are some reports correlating propofol to seizure activity in patients without a seizure disorder history [97]. The seizure activity described in these reports primarily occurred during induction and emergence of anesthesia with induction doses of 0.5–5.2 mg/kg with 34% of the patients having associated EEG abnormal tracings [97]. The Committee on the Safety of Medicines in the United Kingdom estimated the seizure incidence as 1 in 47,000 [98]. However it is uncertain if the reports are simply “abnormal movements” or seizure activity since there is very little EEG epileptiform activity reported.

Local Anesthetics

Local anesthetics are known to be associated with both neurotoxicity and cardiotoxicity, especially following overdose in patients with and without a seizure disorder. The most commonly cited local anesthetic agents associated with seizures are lidocaine and bupivacaine.

Lidocaine can be administered to critically ill patients by a variety of different dosing routes, including topical, subcutaneous, intravenous, and intraspinal/epidural and seizures (clonic and tonic/clonic) following each route of administration has been reported. The greatest risk for neurotoxicity is following intravenous administration and when the drug is inadvertently injected directly into the blood vessel. Lidocaine is metabolized to monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX), which can also contribute to its toxicity by lowering the seizure threshold [99]. The risk of seizures is correlated to serum concentration with seizures commonly reported with lidocaine concentrations of 8–12 mg/dL. Seizures are usually short lived ranging from a few seconds to a few minutes. At concentrations between 0.5 and 5 mg/dL, lidocaine can suppress the clinical and EEG manifestations of seizures in experimental models and has been used to treat status epilepticus in the clinical setting [100, 101]. There are several factors that can affect serum concentrations of local anesthetics including site and rate of injection, concentration, total dose administered, use of a concomitant vasoconstrictor, degree of ionization, degree of plasma and tissue binding, age, weight, and rate of metabolism and excretion [102]. Bupivacaine is similar to lidocaine in epileptogenic potential. This agent is approximately 7 times more potent than lidocaine so toxicity can develop at doses as low as 2–3 mg/kg [103].

Patients who are at the greatest risk for local anesthetic induced seizures are those with a history of renal or hepatic failure, older age, congestive heart failure, and/or septic shock [20]. In addition toxicity has been reported as a result of drug interactions with cimetidine and propranolol [104, 105]. Clinicians should utilize the lowest effective dose, follow serum concentrations, and avoid long-term infusions. Treatment for seizures associated with local anesthetics should include benzodiazepines and supportive care.

Antiepileptic Agents

The concept of antiepileptic drugs (AED) inducing seizures is controversial and many times overlooked by clinicians. The difficulty lies in differentiating between drug effect and natural course of the disease. Seizure disorders, in and of themselves, are usually infrequent and unpredictable with swings between periods of seizure control success and failure. There are several conditions that have been identified that are associated with increased risk of seizures from these agents. These conditions include: (1) paradoxical reaction of the drug; (2) toxic concentrations of the AED; (3) result of AED-induced encephalopathy; (4) incorrect choice of AED in treatment of an epileptic syndrome or seizure type; (5) patients with mixed seizure types; and (6) AED withdrawal or regimen change [106]. Before concluding that an increase in seizures after the introduction of a new AED is associated with that agent, alternative explanations should be explored. These include spontaneous fluctuation of seizure frequency, the presence of known seizure aggravators (such as sleep deprivation, alcohol, and electrolyte abnormality), drug interactions, concurrent use of other epileptogenic inducing drugs, progression of epilepsy, and the development of drug resistance [107].

Even when AED drugs are chosen correctly for a clinical seizure type, they may provoke an increase in seizures. This usually occurs early after a patient is started on the AED and serum concentrations are within the normal range. Paradoxical seizures appear to be more common in children compared to adults. Both carbamazepine and phenytoin have been shown to provoke complex partial seizures [106]. Tonic-clonic seizures have been exacerbated by carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, and benzodiazepines, while absence or absence status has been provoked by phenobarbital, oxcarbazepine, valproate, clonazepam with valproate and myoclonic seizures are increased with lamotrigine or oxcarbazepine [106108].

Increased seizures may occur as a result of toxic AED serum concentrations. A neurotoxicity syndrome associated with AED overdose has been described and includes seizure exacerbation and coma [106, 107]. The AEDs, which are best described to cause seizures with intoxication, include phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproate [106]. Carbamazepine has been associated with seizures following overdose or in the setting of increased carbamazepine-10,11-epoxide (active metabolite) concentrations [109, 110]. Therefore drug interactions that can increase the concentration of this active metabolite increase the risk of seizure exacerbation.

Several AEDS have been associated with development of encephalopathy. Encephalopathy presents clinically as coma, asterixis, fever, aggravation of pre-existing neurological deficits, and seizures. Agents that have been reported to cause encephalopathy include valproate, carbamazepine, and phenytoin [107]. Encephalopathy due to phenytoin is not commonly associated with an increase in seizure activity. On the other hand, an increase in seizure frequency due to valproate-induced encephalopathy is common. This is generally seen within the first week of treatment but can develop within the first 9 months of initiation [107]. Benzodiazepines are usually ineffective in treating these seizures, therefore the best treatment is to remove the offending agent [106, 107].

Incorrect selection of AED for a given seizure type may not only be ineffective but may provoke a seizure. For example, phenytoin, gabapentin, and carbamazepine may increase the frequency of primary generalized seizures, especially absence seizures, when incorrectly prescribed for this seizure type [20]. Carbamazepine and phenytoin have been shown to provoke or intensify generalized spike and wave discharges on EEG [111, 112]. In addition, myoclonic and atonic seizures are provoked by carbamazepine, lamotrigine, and gabapentin [106].

Seizure syndromes, such as West syndrome or Lennox Gastaut syndrome, consist of heterogeneous seizure types, with the EEG showing continuous abnormal patterns of diffuse slowing and generalized spike and wave activity [106]. Seizure exacerbation from AED is frequently reported, especially in children. The application of an AED to treat a seizure may actually unmask a second seizure component of an epilepsy syndrome, leading to an apparent increase in seizure frequency, when in fact the second seizure had been present all along. Agents that have increased seizure frequency in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome include phenytoin, carbamazepine, and benzodiazepines, while provocation of tonic seizures in West syndrome has been reported with benzodiazepines [106, 107].

In epileptic patients on antiepileptic polytherapy, seizure worsening is not easy to appreciate since worsening may be due to the withdrawal of an AED that was beneficial, rather than the introduction of a new one. An increase in seizures associated with withdrawal of the AED is expected by the decrease of seizure control resulting from the falling AED serum level. One must be watchful not only for the obvious actual removal of the medication, but also for the more insidious effective removal of the AED through the addition or withdrawal of an interacting medication. It appears that the rate of withdrawal of the AED influences the patient’s susceptibility to the subsequent onset of seizures. In patients, where the drug is quickly discontinued, there appears to be an increase in post-withdrawal seizures, as compared to the cohort of patients where a gradual decrease in AED dose [113].

Just as the addition or deletion of medications must be carefully monitored to prevent AED toxicity, vigilance must also be maintained with respect to lowering therapeutic AED levels by new pharmacologic therapies, a very common situation in the ICU. The addition of an enzyme inducing medication may speed the metabolism of an AED, causing an iatrogenic AED withdrawal when, in fact, the AED dose has remained constant. The addition of a second or third AED may have this property and can cause this effect on the first AED’s level. Table 20.2 presents common interactions between AEDs.

Table 20.2
Effect on present AED plasma levels with addition of new AED [103, 244]

Added AED

Present AED









Phenytoin (PHT)

Phenobarbital (PHB)

↑ then ↓

Carbamazepine (CBZ)

Valproic acid (VPA)



Levetiracetam (LEV)

Benzodiazepines (BZD)

Lamotrigine (LAM)


Topiramate (TPM)


aIncreases free PHT levels

bIncreases active epoxide metabolite

cNo change at doses up to 400 mg/day

Finally, one must consider the protein binding of several ICU drugs. Many AEDs are heavily protein bound and free drug is the active moiety and is associated with toxicity. Not uncommonly, ICU patients have low serum albumin and protein levels, leading to a higher or even toxic free AED levels ; this may pass unnoticed, if not specifically checked. In addition, competition for protein binding between the various highly bound ICU medications (AEDs or others) may also lead to higher than expected active free levels of individual drugs accounting for signs of toxicity. Therefore, it is imperative in critical care that the clinician measure both total and free levels of drugs whenever possible. Table 20.3 illustrates the wide variety of protein binding that may occur with several common medications, and emphasizes the need to look at more discreet pharmacologic interactions in these medically complex patients.

Table 20.3
Relative protein binding affinities for commonly used ICU Drugs and AEDs


% bound















Valproic Acid










Oxcarbazepine (MHD)












Antimicrobial Agents

Antibiotics, especially beta-lactams, have often been linked to seizures in critically ill patients. The critically ill patient typically develops severe infections often requiring aggressive antibiotic dosing. In addition when a seizure occurs in an infected patient, additional work-up is required to exclude the co-existence of a CNS infection as a cause of the seizure. Many of the antibiotics act by antagonizing the action of GABA by various different mechanisms (See Table 20.1). Renal insufficiency is a well-documented risk factor for antibiotic, particularly β-lactam, toxicity. The most appropriate therapy for most antibiotic associated seizures is withdrawal of the agent and administration of benzodiazepines.


Seizure activity has been most commonly described with the penicillin class dating back to 1945 where myoclonic twitching was described in a toddler following intraventricular administration of benzylpenicillin [114]. Since that time, beta-lactams have been associated with neurotoxicity to varying degrees. Penicillin consistently produces seizures via any route of administration, although more common after intrathecal administration [115, 116]. The most frequently reported seizure types are myoclonus and generalized tonic-clonic seizures occurring 23 to 72 h after initiation of antibiotic therapy [117, 118]. Risk factors for seizures are those associated with increasing CNS concentrations and include older age, infants, renal impairment, history of meningitis, past history of central nervous system abnormality, administration of intraventricular antibiotics, continuous infusion administration, and history of seizures [119]. Penicillin brain toxicity is also due to a decrease in active transport out of CNS, when co-administered with other drugs, including anesthetics and probenecid, leading to an accumulation in the CNS at a higher concentration than in the blood [120]. Neurotoxicity has not been shown to correlate to CSF or serum concentrations of the antibiotic while brain tissue concentration is a better indicator [120]. The convulsive activity following semisynthetic penicillins has been described; however, their proconvulsant potency is lower than what is observed for benzylpenicillin [121].

Cephalosporins have a similar risk of inducing seizures in experimental models yet in clinical practice cephalosporins rarely produce seizures unless given in high doses or in patients with renal impairment [122]. In a recent systematic review of cephalosporin-induced neurotoxicity more than 10% of the cases evaluated reported overt seizures and similar proportion had EEG-confirmed nonconvulsive status epilepticus [123]. Essentially, all generations of cephalosporins are reported to cause seizures, but approximately 50% of reported cases have renal insufficiency and/or elderly patients with pre-existing neurological disease [123]. There have been several reports of nonconvulsive status epilepticus in patients with renal dysfunction who were being treated with cefepime [124, 125]. Naeije et al. [126] evaluated patients with normal renal function who underwent continuous EEG monitoring and also received cefepime or meropenem. They found that 1.25% of patients who were receiving cefepime with normal renal function showed epileptiform discharges compared to 0.19% of those patients receiving meropenem. If one considers, however, those patients with concomitant to the administration of the antibiotic EEG testing, the percentages are quite different: 23.7% of those with cefepime infusion had continuous epileptiform discharges versus 3.75% of those with meropenem [126]. This study suggests that cefepime may be an independent risk factor for periodic epileptiform discharges so clinicians should be cognizant of this potential. Most patients develop seizure 1–5 days after starting the agent. Treatment of beta-lactam associated seizures includes benzodiazepines and barbiturates.


Carbapenems are synthetic beta-lactam agents that are typically used for treating serious infections in hospitalized patients. The postulated mechanism of seizure induction is via binding to the GABAA receptor [127]. The traditional carbapenem, imipenem/cilastatin, has been associated with seizures at lower concentrations than other antibiotic agents and has a reported incidence of seizures ranging from 1.8–6% [120, 127]. Experimental studies suggest that imipenem is 10 times more neurotoxic than benzylpenicillin [128]. The toxicity associated with imipenem is due to accumulation of an open lactam metabolite of imipenem with cilastatin having no role alone in increasing seizure risk. Risk factors for seizures associated with imipenem include high dose, renal impairment, elderly, pre-existing neurologic abnormality , and Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection [129]. Seizures typically occur within 3–7 days of treatment initiation and are generalized or focal [129, 130]. The average daily dose of imipenem-cilastatin in those patients who experienced seizures ranged between 13 mg/kg to 4 g of imipenem [130]. As with other beta-lactam agents the treatment of choice for seizure activity is removal of the agent and administration of benzodiazepines. Phenytoin and other sodium channel blockers should be avoided. The newer carbapenems (e.g., meropenem) have a lower affinity for GABAA receptor and have a reduced incidence of seizures (0.8%) [131]. Patients whose medical course is complicated by hydrocephalus show a marked decrease in the elimination rate of meropenem from the CSF as compared to that from the serum [127].


Fluoroquinolone agents are associated with seizures in animals; however in the clinical setting, seizures are rare and generally associated with overdoses or in patients who are susceptible to seizures [132]. The mechanism of seizures is similar to that of beta-lactams. Receptor binding affinity is likely secondary to the similarities between the chemical structures of GABA and the antibiotics [133]. The incidence of CNS toxicity of fluoroquinolones was originally thought to be associated with lipophilicity of the agent although that theory has since been disproven [132]. There does appear to be varying degrees of binding to the GABA receptor, which may result in inhibiting or displacing GABA from the receptors. Animal studies also suggest that these agents have an agonist effect on the glutamate receptor NMDA [134]. The most epileptogenic agent is trovafloxacin followed by enoxacin, moxifloxacin, ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, and gatifloxacin, which is equivalent in epileptogenicity to levofloxacin [132, 135]. The estimated incidence in humans of seizure activity is 1% or less [136]. The seizures that have been described include tonic-clonic and generalized myoclonic activity occurring anywhere from 8 h to 12 days after initiation of therapy, although seizures have been reported up to a week following discontinuation of therapy [109, 137, 138]. Additionally seizures have been reported when fluoroquinolones are co-administered with theophylline and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs [20].


Isoniazid (INH) remains one of the most common agents for drug-induced seizures in the USA[13]. INH has a 1–3% risk for development of seizures. The epileptogenic potential results from INH being metabolized to hydrazines, resulting in a pyridoxine (vitamin B6) deficiency via inhibition of pyridoxine phosphokinase (the enzyme transforming pyridoxine to pyridoxal phosphate). Pyridoxal phosphate (activated B6) is required by glutamic acid decarboxylase to convert glutamic acid to GABA thus leading to decreased levels of GABA [139]. Mortality associated with INH is reported as high as 19%, particularly after ingestion of 10–15 g of INH [139]. An overdose of INH is very frequently associated with seizures, although therapeutic doses have also been linked to seizure activity primarily in elderly patients [140, 141]. Serum INH concentrations greater than 10 mg/L on presentation, greater than 3.2 mg/L 2 h after ingestions or greater than 0.2 mg/L 6 h after ingestion are associated with severe toxicity [142]. Seizures associated with INH may occur without warning usually 1–3 h after ingestion, frequently as generalized tonic-clonic seizures, which are prolonged and difficult to treat [143]. Other symptoms that accompany seizures include coma and metabolic acidosis. Phenytoin is ineffective in treating seizures associated with INH. Benzodiazepines are considered first-line agents; however, patients may be refractory since the agents require the presence of GABA for their therapeutic effects. Therefore, primary treatment includes intravenous administration of pyridoxine in amounts equivalent to ingested INH dose (1 g IV pyridoxine for each gram of INH ingested [144, 145]. If unknown quantities are ingested, then the dose of pyridoxine should be 5 g IV. This dose may be repeated on five to 20 min intervals until control of seizures has been obtained [20, 120]. A low threshold should be used for pyridoxine administration in the setting of INH toxicity. One study reported the absence of adverse effects with pyridoxine doses of up to 357 mg/kg [145].

Isoniazid remains less likely than other antibiotics to cause seizures within the hospital or the ICU, as most cases of INH-induced seizure result from acute, accidental, or intentional overdose. In this case, the presence of an unexplained anion-gap metabolic acidosis with high lactate level in the presence of no seizures or after a brief seizure should alert the intensivist for the possibility of INH overdose. Damaging neurologic sequelae have resulted from exposures as low as 20 mg/kg [120]. This is striking, as the recommended dosage for children requiring therapy runs from 10–15 mg/kg [120]. Clear understanding of dosage regimens must be carefully communicated, not only to the health care team, but also to patients or parents of patients on INH.


Experimental evidence and scattered case reports suggest that metronidazole has proconvulsant activity [146149]. The mechanism of action by which metronidazole induces epileptogenicity is largely unknown [120]. It is known that seizures seem to develop approximately seven to 10 days following the initiation of high dose therapy (5–6 g/day) in susceptible patients [120]. Patients witnessed to have seizures on metronidazole therapy were also afflicted with metastatic cancers (metronidazole was used as a radiation sensitizer) and were also treated with other medications with known pro-convulsant actions (for example, phenothiazines, cefamandole, ciprofloxacin, and theophylline) [120]. Based on these rare human reports and some limited evidence from animal experiments, metronidazole use should be considered safe, if not used in high doses or in combination with other epileptogenic drugs.

Antiviral Agents

Antiviral agents rarely produce seizures except when given at high doses or to patients with a seizure disorder. Ganciclovir, foscarnet, and zidovudine have been reported to cause seizures in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients; however, these patients have multiple reasons for seizures so it is hard to establish the causal relationship [20]. Risk factors for foscarnet-related seizures include the presence of toxoplasmosis with CNS involvement and a decrease in creatinine clearance [150]. Without the presence of these risk factors and in the absence of any electrolyte abnormalities, there have been no reported seizures in the foscarnet-treated population [150].

Neurologic sequelae (vomiting hallucinations and confusion or coma, rarely seizures) as a result of acyclovir dosing have been reported in the literature, although mostly through case reports [151]. Often, this comes as a consequence of intravenous administration, but it has also been found to occur in patients receiving oral therapy. While patients with pre-existing renal dysfunction, the elderly or those patients with overdose may be most susceptible to adverse neurological events [151], seizures cannot be entirely attributed to the drug, but instead to the primary CNS insult by herpes simplex virus or varicella zoster virus. Nevertheless, acyclovir neurotoxicity is distinguished from viral encephalitis by its sudden onset, absence of fever or headache, lack of focal neurologic findings and normal cerebrospinal fluid [152]. Discontinuation of the drug and hemodialysis should be considered in case of suspicion of neurotoxicity leading to seizures from this drug.

Ganciclovir administration has been associated with seizures after the first month of administration in patients infected with the HIV. Seizures worsened with increased dosing and the seizures did not respond to phenytoin administration and stopped when ganciclovir was discontinued [153].

The incidence of seizures occurring in patients infected with HIV is higher than in the general population [154, 155] The question yet to be definitively answered is if this increased seizure risk is secondary to the disease progression itself, complicated by the many medications required to prolong life, especially in advanced disease, or it is a manifestation of the anti-viral medications required for the prevention of this progression. In a study that followed 550 patients for 1 year and monitored for seizure incidence, only one patient (0.018%) had a seizure attributed to the toxic effects of anti-retroviral (zidovudine) therapy when taken in overdose with sulfonamides [154]. Because of the difficulty in assessing the cause-effect relationship with these agents and seizure activity, it is accepted that AED therapy should be initiated in patients infected with HIV after their initial seizure [155]. Selection of AED agent is crucial in this population, as many drug interactions and disease interactions exist. Valproate, for example, can increase viral reproduction of both the HIV virus in addition to cytomegalovirus, while phenytoin, phenobarbital, and carbamazepine may increase the metabolism of protease inhibitors via the CYP450 system [155]. For more information on these interactions, the interested reader should refer to the Chapter Seizures and Infection in the ICU.


Seizures are a frequent adverse sequela of theophylline and aminophylline toxicity mediated primarily through the antagonism of adenosine receptors, the inhibition of phosphodiesterase, and the increase in cAMP; however, some have suggested other mechanisms including depletion of pyridoxine and inhibition of GABA [28]. The incidence of theophylline-associated seizures is 8–14% with mortality reported as high as 50% [156]. The associated EEG findings include periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges, generalized epileptiform discharges, and generalized slowing and focal status epilepticus [157]. Generalized seizures occur in 33% and secondarily generalized seizures occur in 30% of patients. Almost half of patients have ≥3 seizures with status epilepticus occurring in 29% of them, usually without permanent neurologic sequelae [113].

Serum theophylline concentrations do not always correlate well to the risk of seizures, particularly in chronic toxicity since serum and CNS theophylline concentrations are poorly correlated [158, 159], although many reports suggest that seizures less likely occur with serum concentrations of less than 60 mg/dL [160]. Some authors suggest that patients who are at increased risk of seizures be maintained with theophylline concentrations at 10–15 mg/dL [157]) Serum concentrations of >21 mg/dL are commonly associated with drug-induced seizures in acute toxicity and in one study seizures were seen in two out of three cases reaching this concentration [113]. Serum concentrations do not correlate with the number of seizure a patient may develop. Nonetheless clinicians should be aware of the risk, as other reports have also seen seizure activity in therapeutic or mildly elevated concentrations [157].

Several risk factors for seizures have been reported in patients on long-term treatment including advanced age, previous seizure history, encephalitis, cerebral vascular insufficiency, alcohol withdrawal, and other brain anomalies [161]. In addition the potential for drug interactions may increase risk of toxicity as seizures with theophylline have been described in patients concurrently receiving theophylline along with metronidazole, ciprofloxacin, gatifloxacin, moxifloxacin, or imipenem [149]. The addition of a quinolone can increase theophylline serum concentrations through inhibition of theophylline metabolism. Also, theophylline has been shown to increase the antagonism of the GABAA receptor achieved by the fluoroquinolones, thus increasing the epileptogenicity of the antibiotic [120].

Seizures due to theophylline are known to be prolonged and difficult to treat. The general principle in management is to stop the seizure as soon as possible (within 5–6 h of ingestion) as a correlation exists between morbidity and mortality and the duration of seizures. Barbiturates and benzodiazepines are the cornerstone of management (phenytoin is ineffective), although many cases may require general anesthesia and aggressive gastrointestinal decontamination and hemodialysis [162]. Hemodialysis and hemoperfusion is commonly used when serum theophylline concentrations are greater than 100 mg/dL following acute toxicity and greater than 60 mg/dL with chronic toxicity [163]. Midazolam has been reported to be effective against refractory seizures caused by theophylline toxicity [164].

Immunosuppressive Agents

Seizure etiology in the post transplant patient population may be the most difficult to assess, given the level of medical complexity that these patients possess. Metabolic abnormalities, including non-ketotic hyperosmolar hyperglycemia, weakened immune systems, polypharmacy, and potential coagulopathies all pose as possible instigators of neurologic toxicity. Before the intensivist attributes seizures to a metabolic or drug cause, an extensive work-up to exclude infectious agents invading the CNS should be completed.

The most common immunosuppressive agent associated with seizures is cyclosporine. The overall incidence of CNS toxicity with cyclosporin is 10% and includes cerebellar disorders, neuropathies, and seizures [165]. The incidence of seizures is approximately 3% in bone marrow transplant patients and around 1% in solid-organ transplants [165]. Of solid organ transplants, cyclosporine induced seizures are more commonly reported after liver transplant compared to renal transplant. Patients with the highest risk for seizure during cyclosporine therapy include those on simultaneous high-dose steroids, children, and those with hypertension, hypomagnesemia, and/or hypoalbuminemia [166]. The onset of seizures ranges from 2 to 180 days of treatment initiation (usually early during aggressive dose escalation) even in patients without risk factors for seizures. The highest risk for seizures was in patients with cyclosporine concentrations above 250 mcg/mL. Cyclosporin produces structural injury to the CNS [167]. White matter is particularly susceptible to toxicity, manifested by characteristic focal lesions on magnetic resonance imaging. The brain contains high concentrations of the cytosolic-binding protein cyclophilin, which suggests increased cellular uptake of cyclosporin [165]. Calcineurin inhibitors may also exacerbate an underlying seizure focus by enhancing neuronal excitability. The EEG in patients with cyclosporine neurotoxicity consists of diffuse slowing [165].

Cyclosporine’s metabolic pathway may be induced by phenytoin, phenobarbital, and carbamazepine [166]. Careful monitoring of cyclosporine serum concentrations is imperative in the patient who must be maintained on one of these AEDs. Valproic acid is one AED, which has failed to show any impact on the metabolism of cyclosporine [166]. For that reason it may be recommended as a possible therapeutic option, although its use should be avoided in patients less than 2 years old who have undergone liver transplantation as it has had reported deleterious effects on the liver itself [166]. Newer AEDs, which are non-hepatic enzyme inducers, like gabapentin, oxcarbazepine, or levetiracetam may also be considered to control seizures [168]) Calcineurin inhibitor-sparing regimens with mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids may be useful in reducing the incidence of neurotoxicity [169]. Calcineurin inhibitors can then be started when encephalopathy and electrolyte shifts have resolved, usually within 48 hours. Please refer to the ICU Seizures in Organ Transplantation Recipients Chapter for more information.

Other immunosuppressing agents used after organ transplantation, increasing the risk for seizures includes tacrolimus (FK506) and OKT3. Since tacrolimus is also a calcineurin inhibitor it has a similar risk for neurotoxicity to cyclosporine. Sirolimus is a newer agent related to tacrolimus, but its mechanism of action differs where it does not inhibit calcineurin. No evidence of neurotoxicity with sirolimus therapy for up to 18 months has been found [170]. In renal transplant patients, OKT3 caused seizures in 6% (8/122) of cases, all with non-functioning grafts, due to tubular necrosis [171].

Chemotherapeutic Agents

Chemotherapeutic agents may also be associated with seizures, including alkylating agents (chlorambucil and busulfan) cisplatinum, 5-fluorouracil, high dose methotrexate, vincristine, etoposide, and ifosfamide [20, 172174]. The greatest risk of seizures from chemotherapeutic agents is after excessive doses such as the regimens used for myeloablative treatment in preparation for bone marrow transplant. Children also seem to be susceptible to seizures especially with chlorambucil and vincristine. Seizures occur within hours or days of drug administration, but can be delayed in patients with impaired renal or hepatic clearance.

Psychotropic Agents

Psychotropic drugs have been implicated in drug-induced seizures for many years. The San Francisco General study noted that psychotropic drugs accounted for 34% of all witnessed drug-induced seizures occurring in hospital [14]. This is not surprising given the potential of these agents through their pharmacologic activity to lower the seizure threshold and through drug interactions with other medications to either result in toxicity or result in lowering of concurrent AEDs. Most of these agents utilize the CYP450 hepatic enzyme system for elimination, thus co-administration with other agents that inhibit this system may inadvertently lead to toxicity and increase risk of seizures. The epileptogenic potential of the agents varies and data is limited regarding the impact of these agents on seizure threshold in epileptic versus non-epileptic brains. In general it is recommended to use the less epileptogenic agent in patients with a history of seizures at the lowest effective dose. The risk factors for antipsychotic-induced seizures include: history or epilepsy, electroconvulsive therapy, abnormal EEG, history of drug-induced seizures, neurodegenerative disorder, head injury, insulin shock therapy, larger doses of antipsychotics, polypharmacy with multiple antipsychotics, and sudden changes in the dose [175]. The intensivist should be aware of the seizure potential and maintain a conservative approach to managing critically ill patients, balancing the risk and benefit in each individual patient.

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