A. A persistent or recurrent pattern of ejaculation occurring during partnered sexual activity within approximately 1 min following vaginal penetration and before the individual wishes it.
Note: Although the diagnosis of premature (early) ejaculation may be applied to individuals engaged in nonvaginal sexual activities, specific duration criteria have not been established for these activities.
B. The symptom in Criterion A must have been present for at least 6 months and must be experienced on almost all or all (approximately 75–100%) occasions of sexual activity (in identified situational contexts or, if generalized, in all contexts).
C. The symptom in Criterion A causes clinically significant distress in the individual.
D. The sexual dysfunction is not better explained by a nonsexual mental disorder or as a consequence of severe relationship distress or other significant stressors and is not attributable to the effects of a substance/medication or another medical condition.
Specify whether:
Lifelong: The disturbance has been present since the individual became sexually active.
Acquired: The disturbance began after a period of relatively normal sexual function.
Specify whether:
Generalized: Not limited to certain types of stimulation, situations, or partners.
Situational: Only occurs with certain types of stimulation, situations, or partners.
Specify current severity:
Mild: Ejaculation occurring within approximately 30 seconds to 1 min of vaginal penetration.
Moderate: Ejaculation occurring within approximately 15–30 s of vaginal penetration.
Severe: Ejaculation occurring prior to sexual activity, at the start of sexual activity, or within approximately 15 s of vaginal penetration.
According to the ISSM definition, lifelong PE is defined as “a male sexual dysfunction characterized by ejaculation that always or nearly always occurs prior to or within about 1 min of vaginal penetration and the inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all vaginal penetrations, which results in negative personal consequences, such as distress, bother, frustration, and/or the avoidance of sexual intimacy [14, 51]. In contrast, in DSM 5 lifelong PE is not separately defined but PE is defined as “a persistent or recurrent pattern of ejaculation occurring during partnered sexual activity within approximately 1 min following vaginal penetration and before the individual wishes it” [52]. Therefore the DSM-5 definition may perhaps erroneously indicate that also acquired PE occurs within about 1 min.
Erectio Praecox (Premature Erection) and Lifelong PE
Erectio praecox or premature erection is a clinically important and specific clinical feature of lifelong PE [4]. Men with erectio praecox get an erection “too early”. This subtle symptom of lifelong PE has never been quoted in sexological literature until 2002, when Waldinger [2] reintroduced the term, thereby noting that many men with lifelong PE report this phenomenon either spontaneously or when asked for it. The phenomenon is so subtle, that men with lifelong PE may not be aware of it. It is not strange that it is noted by their female partner when she has had previous sexual experiences with men who did not have lifelong PE. However, until now there has not been any evidence based research into this remarkable and completely underreported clinical phenomenon, although we are currently investigating its occurrence in men with lifelong PE.
The Hypertonic Type Versus the Hypertonic State and Lifelong PE
Schapiro denoted Type B with erectio praecox as “the sexually hypertonic or hypererotic type” [4]. In contrast, he reported that Type A or “the hypotonic type” was often accompanied by erectile dysfunction [4].
Recently, Waldinger [8] noted that many men with lifelong PE report a very sudden increased arousal, facilitated erection and facilitated ejaculation as soon as they are engaged in erotic or intimate circumstances. Therefore, Waldinger preferred the word hypertonic “state” for this phenomenon, which is characteristic for the inner mental state of men with lifelong PE [8]. As soon as these men get involved in an erotic intimate situation, they are overwhelmed by an acute hypertonic state that starts with a facilitated erection (erectio praecox) and leads to an early ejaculation (ejaculatio praecox). The hypertonic or hypererotic state should not be confused with hypersexuality [8]. Hypersexuality is not a symptom of lifelong PE. The hypertonic or hypererotic state is a rather acute occurring physical sexual state that only occurs in situations of eroticism or making love.
Detumescentia Praecox (Premature Detumescence) and Lifelong PE
Recently, Waldinger [8] also noted a so far unknown clinical symptom in men with lifelong PE. He reported that a substantial number of men with lifelong PE experience a rather immediate and/or complete detumescence of the penis after an ejaculation [8]. Analogous to “ejaculatio praecox” and “erectio praecox”, Waldinger denoted this as “detumescentia praecox” or “premature detumescence” [8]. Notably, he also reported that a substantial number of men with lifelong PE report difficulties in attaining a second erection after a premature ejaculation preventing them from a second intercourse [8]. It is as if they have difficulties becoming sexually aroused for the second time. This may be related to the psychological impact of disappointment and irritation from their early ejaculation, as is often thought by sexologists , but Waldinger suggested that this impairment is probably more related to a so far unknown underlying neurobiological mechanism that is related to the underlying neurobiological cause of the acute hypertonic state [8]. Interestingly, Waldinger also noted that daily use of 20 mg paroxetine in some men delays the penile detumescence in such a way that they are still able to thrust with a gradual diminishing erection [8]. In other words, in these men with lifelong PE 20 mg paroxetine does not lead to erectile dysfunction but prolongs erection for a very short time.
Classification into Four PE Subtypes According to Genital Tonus
By including the hypertonic state, erectio praecox and detumescentia praecox into the Four PE Subtype Classification, the separate characteristics of the four PE subtypes become more delineated. Lifelong PE is characterized by a hypertonic state. Acquired PE is characterized by a hypotonic state and Variable PE and Subjective PE are characterized by a normotonic state [28, 53]. Figure 18-1 shows the historical development of the classification of PE into four PE subtypes.

Figure 18-1.
Classification of Four PE Subtypes . The classification by Waldinger [6, 8] is an extension of the original classification of Schapiro [4] and includes erectio praecox, that was originally reported by Schapiro but has been ignored for many decades. In this classification the hypertonic and hypotonic types of Schapiro have been renamed hypertonic state and hypotonic state. The two new subtypes Variable PE and Subjective PE are examples of a normotonic state with normal IELT values.
Adaptation of the Neurobiological Hypothesis
In 2014, Waldinger [8] noted that the new triad of “ejaculatio praecox”, “erectio praecox” and “detumescentia praecox” as part of the acute “hypertonic or hypererotic” state of lifelong PE necessitates an adaptation of his neurobiological hypothesis of 1998 [26]. The hypertonic state indicates that lifelong PE is not only characterized by a diminished serotonergic neurotransmission and a disturbance of 5-HT1A and 5-HT2C receptor functioning causing a disturbed serotonergic modulation of the IELT [8]. Based on currently available neurobiological knowledge on ejaculation, erectile functioning, and sexual arousal, Waldinger speculated that lifelong PE—when characterized by an acute hypertonic phenotype—is mediated by a more complex interaction of the central nervous system, the peripheral nervous system and the endocrinological system [8, 28]. Therefore, it would have to include serotonergic and other neurotransmitter and endocrinological processes—e.g., increased oxytocinergic, and/or increased dopaminergic neurotransmission, decreased prolactinergic functioning and increased activity of gonadotrophic factors [8, 28]. Also involved is the peripheral nervous system , e.g., the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system [8, 28]. What needs to be investigated is any interaction between all these factors which may give rise to a very rapidly occurring “overactivated” or “hypertonic” state of the genital area in relation to the sense organs [8]. New neurobiological and pharmacological research is required to unravel the factors mediating this hypertonic state of lifelong PE. The remarkable phenomenon that SSRIs induce much less erectile dysfunction and decreased libido in men with lifelong PE compared to depressed patients without lifelong PE, may well be related to the fact that these drugs diminish the hypertonus state of erection, ejaculation and arousal toward a more “normal” state represented by “normal” sexual functioning [8].
In recent years, research into oxytocinergic, dopaminergic, and endocrinological factors related to PE has been conducted by a number of research groups [25, 54–58]. However, their attention has not been directed to the hypertonic state of lifelong PE. But hopefully, the integration of neurobiological and endocrinological knowledge to elucidate the acute co-occurrence of premature ejaculation, premature erection, premature detumescence, and the acute hypererotic state, will become a new focus of research in the current decade [8].
Oxytocin, Erection, Ejaculation and Penile Detumescence
Although other factors may be involved, there are preliminary indications that the rather unknown phenomena of facilitated erection, premature ejaculation, and rapid penile detumescence are associated with an increased release of and/or increased receptor sensitivity to oxytocin [8].
The release of oxytocin from centrally projecting parvocellular neurons is well known to influence erection and, less clearly, ejaculation (for review see [54]). Increased oxytocinergic neurotransmission in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus (PVH) or hippocampus induces either an increase in the number of penile erections or an increase in intracavernous pressure, which is an indication of erection [54, 55].
On the other hand, some evidence indicates that peripherally injected oxytocin might have an inhibiting rather than stimulating effect on erection [54]. For example, systemic oxytocin treatment inhibited the increase in intracavernous pressure elicited by electrical stimulation of the cavernous nerve in rats, which could be prevented by an oxytocin antagonist [57]. It therefore appears that peripheral oxytocin receptors in the corpus cavernosum are involved in penile detumescence [54].
Preliminary Pathophysiology of Premature Erection , Ejaculation and Penile Detumescence
In men, plasma oxytocin levels are elevated during sexual arousal, erection, and at the time of orgasm, although the degree of the elevation varies between different studies [61–64]. Taking together animal and human studies, oxytocin appears to play at least a modulating role in erection and ejaculation [65], and in male sexual behavior both peripheral and central oxytocin release seems to be involved [65]. In 2002, Waldinger et al. [2] hypothesized that erectio praecox in the context of lifelong PE may be associated with increased central oxytocin release during coitus as oxytocin facilitates erection and ejaculation. It may further be postulated that an increased peripheral release of oxytocin during ejaculation in men with lifelong PE may be associated with a quick penile detumescence [8].
Rating Scales
The diagnosis of PE and the diagnosis of the four PE subtypes are not difficult as long as one is interested in diagnosing PE and spend time (at least 30 min) to talk with the patient. Questionnaires on PE should never replace the face to face contact of the physician and his PE patient.
So far, five validated questionnaires have been developed and published to date [66]. Currently, there are two questionnaires that have extensive databases meeting most of the criteria for test development and validation: The Premature Ejaculation Profile (PEP) [67] and the Index of Premature Ejaculation (IPE) [68]. A third brief diagnostic measure (PEDT) has also been developed, has a modest database and is available for clinical use [69, 70]. Two other measures, The Arabic Index of Premature Ejaculation and Chinese Index of Premature Ejaculation [71, 72] have minimal validation or clinical trial data available [66]. Importantly, the aforementioned questionnaires are sensitive for complaints of PE, but are inadequate to diagnose any of the four PE subtypes. Therefore, new research for the development of PE Subtype specific questionnaires is warranted.
Premature Ejaculation Profile (PEP)
The PEP is a 4-question patient reported outcome (PRO) that asks a respondent about his subjective sense of control over ejaculation, distress related to PE, interpersonal difficulty and satisfaction with sexual intercourse [66]. Each question is answered on a 5-point Likert-type scale and an index score is derived by averaging the responses to the four questions. A limitation of the PEP is that the original validation of the PEP was based on the DSM-IV-TR PE criterion, which did not have an ejaculation time criterion. The authors of the PEP defined PE in terms of an IELT of less than 2 min [66].
Index of Premature Ejaculation (IPE)
Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT)
Dangers That Threaten Scientific Research of Lifelong PE
Ignoring the PE classification of Bernard Schapiro in lifelong and acquired PE is not solely a tragic phenomenon of the past. Even today the danger exists that long standing hard characteristics of lifelong PE and its accurate research are ignored or become distorted. For example, a cohort of men with lifelong PE usually includes about 90% of males who ejaculate within 1 min and about 10% of males who ejaculate within 1–2 min [13]. A distortion of these percentages will be formed by studies of lifelong PE in which substantially more than 10% of men ejaculate within 1–2 min and less than 90% ejaculate within 1 min. Therefore it is better for scientific research to only include men who ejaculate within about 1 min, on the condition that IELT is measured by a stopwatch. Another danger for scientific research of lifelong PE is formed when one only uses validated or non-validated questionnaires to measure the IELT. For example, recently Ventus et al. [73] argued on the basis of a retrospective questionnaire study among a very small sample of Finnish twins and patients that the term lifelong PE is probably inappropriate as very few participants subjectively reported a bit longer IELT duration on a questionnaire than at baseline questionnaire measurement ignoring the subjective and inaccurate way of their IELT assessment. The consequences of such attempts to ignore or distort the existence of lifelong PE extremely threatens the scientific research of PE in general and will enormously harm the patient with lifelong PE [74].
In an editorial, Waldinger [74] has recently expressed his concern on current research of Lifelong PE, noting that PE research seems more and more to become performed by clinically inexperienced individuals who do not talk to or see patients with PE, do not have clinical experience with PE patients, but who sit behind their PCs, play with statistical programs, try to intimidate clinicians and reviewers with validated questionnaires, selectively choose references, and omit or ignore important information that does not support their view. Particularly, ignoring the necessity of using a stopwatch for accurate IELT research, ignoring the IELT cutoff point of 1 min for inclusion of men with lifelong PE in a study, and with regard to genetic research ignoring the importance of Hardy Weinberg equilibrium endangers the evidence based clinical, pharmacological and genetic research of lifelong PE.
But not only that. Research of lifelong PE that is solely performed by validated questionnairs without face to face contact with a patient with lifelong PE ought to be discouraged [74]. Particularly, studies in which anonymous men are recruited by Internet and are solely investigated by validated questionnaires and become diagnosed as lifelong PE endanger objective research of lifelong PE.
The study of Ventus et al. [73] and the study of Zhu et al. [75] are good examples to which erroneous but catastrophic conclusions such studies can lead. For example, according to the study of Ventus et al. [73] the authors suggest that lifelong PE is an inappropriate diagnosis. And according to Zhu et al. [75] 5-HTTLPR is associated with lifelong PE and L alleles might protect the male against lifelong PE.
Fortunately, the serious limitations and erroneous conclusions of these studies have been reported by other authors [49, 74]. But nevertheless, research of lifelong PE remains endangered by studies that only use validated questionnaires, include anonymous patients, ignore the stopwatch and objective real-time measurement of the IELT.

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