Eye Movement Behavior Analyses for Studying Cognitive Performance and Conversion to Pathologies

Fig. 21.1
Eye-movement registering process. The monitor can be seen, where the sentences are displayed, and the eye tracker (above the monitor), which consists of a 1,000 frames per second video camera and an infrared illuminator to increase pupil contrast and facilitate its detection

After validation of calibration, a trial began with the appearance of a fixation point on the position where the first letter of the sentence was to be presented. As soon as both eyes were detected within the fixation spot, the sentence was presented. After reading it, participants looked at a dot in the lower right corner of the screen; when the gaze was detected on the final spot, the trial ended. To assess whether subjects comprehended the texts, they were presented with a three alternative multiple-choice question about the sentence in progress in 20% of the sentence trials. Participants answered the questions by moving a mouse and choosing the response with a mouse click. An example of the eye movements recorded during reading of two sentences, showing eye fixations of both controls and AD, is shown in Fig. 21.2.


Fig. 21.2
Eye-movement recording observed during reading low- and highly predictable sentences by a control subject (left) and an AD patient (right). Fixation points for right (red) and left (blue) eyes are included in the graphs. The down and right movements signaled the end of reading; numbering linked to points indicates fixation sequences; fixation durations of each eye are listed with their corresponding colors. The number following fixation duration (after the comma) indexes the word number in the sentence. The English translation of the Spanish sentences “el Obispo apareció con su nuevo secretario en la conferencia”, and “Mambrú se fue a la guerra y no sé cuando vendrá” are: “the bishop appeared with his new secretary in the conference” and “Mambrú went to war and I don’t know when he will come back”, respectively

Sentence Corpus

The sentence corpus was composed of regular sentences and proverbs (Fernández et al., 2013a [10] for a Corpus description). Sentences comprise a well-balanced number of content and function words, and had similar grammatical structure. We used the Spanish Lexical Léxesp corpus [11] for assigning a frequency to each word of the sentence corpus. Word predictability was measured in an independent experiment with 18 researchers of the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department of Universidad Nacional del Sur. We used an incremental cloze task procedure in which participants had to guess the next word given only the prior words of the sentence [10].

Linear Mixed-Effect Models (LMMS)

LMM are linear models in which the linear predictor is contained in addition to the usual fixed effects. The LMM makes it possible to account for the correlation within profiles and to consider the profiles as a random sample from a common population distribution, which is, generally, more realistic. We used the lmer program of the lme4 package (version 0.999999–2) [12] for estimating fixed and random coefficients. We chose log gaze duration as the dependent variable because this measure includes refixations on a word, and refixations usually reflect a lexical-processing difficulty for word N [3, 4, 13]. Fixed effects in LMM terminology correspond to regression coefficients in standard linear regression models. They can also estimate slopes or differences between conditions. A number of fixed effects were entered into the model: logit predictabilities (i.e., the average predictability measured from the cloze task transformed using a logit function [10]), log frequencies and 1/length of word N − 1, word N, and word N + 1. Using the reciprocal of word length (i.e., 1/length), renders the multiplicative interaction of frequency and length or predictability and length as a ratio or relative frequency and predictability measure (i.e., normalized on word length). Regression coefficients (bs) standard errors (SEs) and t-values (t = b/SE) are reported for the LMMs. In this work, we only present a summarized graphical view of the outcomes. The interested reader can find a complete description of the LMMs results in [14]. Since there is no clear definition of “degree of freedom” for LMMs, precise p-values cannot be reported. In general, however, given the large number of observations, subjects, and items entering our analysis and the comparatively small number of fixed and random effects estimated, the t-distribution is equivalent to the normal distribution for all practical purposes (i.e., the contribution of the degrees of freedom to the test statistics is negligible). Our criterion for referring to an effect as significant is t = b/SE > ±1.96.

Eye Movements During Reading in Patients with Mild AD

Early diagnosis of AD is still difficult. People with early to moderate AD usually show impairment in learning and a deterioration of episodic memory, symptoms that are typically used for diagnosis of the pathology. However, the subtle alterations in movement coordination and planning that may also be present while performing fine motor tasks such as writing or reading at the very beginning of the disease are harder to detect and go commonly unnoticed [15, 16]. Therefore, it is difficult to get an early diagnosis of this disease. Evaluation of eye movements might provide considerable insight into the integrity of control circuits in AD.

Our hypothesis was that in AD patients, an increase in average cloze predictability of the incoming word would probably not facilitate reading for impairments in top-down processing. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the eye movements in control and AD patients during the reading of sentences with either high or low average word predictability. We investigated whether an increase in the average predictability of the upcoming word (N + 1) affected gaze duration (i.e., the sum of consecutive forward fixations on a word) in both groups. Our results [14] showed that while high predictable sentence and word predictability exerted its influence on gaze duration in healthy subjects, such predictability did not modify word processing during reading in mild AD patients.


Twenty patients (12 females and eight males; mean age 69 years, SD = 7.3 years) with the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment probably due to AD were recruited at the Hospital Municipal of Bahía Blanca (Buenos Aires, Argentina). The clinical criteria to diagnose AD at its early stages remain under debate [17]. In the present work, diagnosis was based on the criteria for dementia outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) [18]. The control group consisted of 40 elderly adults (29 females and 11 males; mean age 71 years old; SD = 6.1), with no known neurological and psychiatric disease according to their medical records, and no evidence of cognitive decline or impairment in daily activities. A one-way ANOVA showed no significant differences between the ages of AD and control individuals. The mean scores of controls and AD patients in the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) [19] were 27.8 (SD = 1.0) and 24.2 (SD = 0.8) respectively, the latter suggesting early mental impairment. A one-way ANOVA showed significant differences between MMSE in AD patients and controls (p < 0.001). The mean score of AD patients in the Addenbrooke’s Cognitive Examination — Revised (ACE-R) [20] was 84.4 (SD = 1.1). The mean school education trajectories in AD patients and controls were 15.2 (SD = 1.3) years and 15.1 (SD = 1.0) years respectively. A one-way ANOVA showed no significant differences between education of AD and control individuals.


As shown in Fig. 21.3, the log mean gaze duration was significantly longer in AD patients than in controls, in both kinds of sentences. It is noteworthy that no significant decrease in gaze duration was observed for AD patients when reading highly predictable sentences (t = −1.40). This implies that, while controls, i.e., healthy subjects, were able to use the context sentences for predicting words, significantly reducing gaze duration, patients with mild AD had already lost this ability. Additionally, the significance of effect of word N − 1 on gaze duration was present neither in controls nor in AD patients when reading low and high-predictability sentences.


Fig. 21.3
Effects of the predictability of word N − 1 (left), word N (center), and word N + 1 (right) on gaze durations on word N, broken down by low-predictable sentences and high-predictable sentences, for controls and for AD. Panels reflect regression of gaze durations on word N on respective logits of predictability. Shaded areas are 95% confidence intervals. The log mean gaze duration was significantly longer in AD patients than in controls, both for sentences of low or high predictability. While controls, i.e., healthy subjects, were able to use the context sentences for predicting words, significantly reducing gaze duration, patients with mild AD had already lost this ability

Next, we evaluated the effect on log gaze duration of the frequency of word N − 1, N, and N + 1 (See Fig. 21.4). Gaze duration decreased significantly with an increase in the frequency of word N − 1 when considering averaging over all predictors (t = −5.87), probably due to a partial processing of the word N in the previous fixation (i.e., spillover). Similarly, gaze duration significantly decreased with an increased frequency of word N when considering averaging over all predictors (t = −5.87), This suggests that more frequent words require less processing, thus leading to shorter gaze durations, and that the ability to recognize these words is unaffected in AD patients, at least at this early stage of their disease. The increased frequency of word N + 1 was not significant when considering averaging over all predictors (t = −0.11).


Fig. 21.4
Effects of the frequency of word N − 1 (left), word N (center), and word N + 1 (right) on gaze durations on word N, broken down by low-predictable sentences and high-predictable sentences, for controls and for AD. Panels reflect regression of gaze durations on word N on respective log of frequency. Shaded areas are 95% confidence intervals

Eye Movements During Reading in Patients with Schizophrenia.

Little is known about the effect of schizophrenia on eye movement behavior during reading sentences with different contextual predictability (e.g., proverbs vs regular sentences). Some previous studies evidenced schizophrenia-related reading difficulties [2124]. Abnormalities in both language and oculomotor control are well documented in individuals with schizophrenia [2428]. However, fewer studies have examined the capacities through which linguistic material is processed when reading proverbs. The same example of the eye movements recorded during reading of two sentences, showing eye fixations of both controls and AD in Fig. 21.2 is repeated for control and SZ patients in Fig. 21.5. At first glance, it can be appreciated that the main difference between SZ and control is in regular (low predictable) sentences.
Oct 20, 2017 | Posted by in PSYCHIATRY | Comments Off on Eye Movement Behavior Analyses for Studying Cognitive Performance and Conversion to Pathologies

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