Part I 1. Neural therapy according to Huneke is a regulating therapy, i.e., a holistic therapy. The healing stimulus produced by means of a correctly placed neural-therapeutic substance produces a response from the whole of the neurovegetative system whose pathways are those taken by both illness and recovery. 2. Segmental therapy according to Huneke refers to the selective use of procaine or lidocaine in the area of the disease process. Always examine first, then test! The improvement achieved with segmental treatment increases with repetition up to complete cure. If segmental treatment fails to produce an improvement, look for the interference field. 3. Any chronic ailment can be due to an interference field. 4. Any part of the body can become an interference field. 5. The injection of procaine or lidocaine, repeated as necessary, into the responsible interference field will cure the disorder caused by it, as far as this is anatomically still possible, by means of a lightning reaction (Huneke phenomenon). The conditions for a lightning reaction are: a. All disturbances remote-controlled from the interference field must disappear completely, as far as this is anatomically still possible, at the moment of the injection. b. Freedom from all symptoms must continue for at least 20 hours (8 hours in the case of teeth). c. If the disorder recurs, the injection (s) must be repeated, and the period of freedom from symptoms must clearly increase with every subsequent treatment. A Huneke phenomenon has been produced only if this criterion has been met. 6. If injection into the segment produces no substantial improvement, or injection into a suspected interference field does not produce a 100% lightning reaction, further injections at these sites are pointless. 7. Always try simple injections with small quantities of local anesthetic first, with few but well-placed injections. Injections into the sympathetic chain and the ganglia are our last resort. A doctor who wants to help his or her patient must also be familiar with these. Do not stop treatment until you have tried everything. 8. All suspect teeth must be tested in a single session, similarly all scars. All scars in the same segment must always be injected as part of any segmental treatment. 9. NOTE: Intra-arterial injections into a vessel leading to the brain or into the subarachnoid space can have serious consequences. Always protect your patient and yourself by prior aspiration. → denotes that the key word following this sign is listed in the Alphabetical List of Conditions and Indications in Part II; → (T) denotes the key word following this sign is listed in alphabetical order in Part III, Techniques, where the technique for the injection may be found. The intelligent use of the neurovegetative system will one day constitute the most important part of the art of medicine. Von Hering, 1925 ca. 6000 BC–2000 BC If we can rely on tradition, those skilled in healing during neolithic times, at whose skull trepannings we are filled with admiration, are supposed to have jabbed sharp stone splinters into the skin of the sick in order to exert an influence upon the internal organs. Doubtless their activities were originally intended to enable the demon Pain to leave the body by the hole in the head or in the skin. We may assume that their unsophisticated senses also enabled them to observe genuine possibilities of cures, the knowledge of which they passed on. ca. 3000 BC The beginnings of acupuncture are usually placed in this period, combining the empirical experiences of many generations into a formal body of teachings. Acupuncture recognizes skin channels and points that have special relationships to specific organs and systems. 1664 The British anatomist, Thomas Willis, was the first to describe the sympathetic chain. 1801 M. F. X. Bichat introduced the term “neurovegetative system.” 1851 Claude Bernard described the neural regulation of the vasomotion. 1869 The Zurich ophthalmologist, J. F. Horner, described a symptom complex that was later named after him. 1883 The great Russian physiologist, Pavlov, laid the foundation of the teaching of “nervosism.” He recognized the coordinating influence of the nervous system upon all organic functions. Incidentally, it was Pavlov who first used the term “holistic medicine.” 1884 Koller demonstrated the anesthetizing effect of cocaine on the eye. 1886 Frank reported on the possibility of temporarily paralyzing the ganglia by means of cocaine. 1886 The German homeopath, Weihe, discovered, without any knowledge of acupuncture, that different diseases were accompanied by 195 constantly recurring painful skin areas and he assigned to each of these its specifically indicated homeopathic medicine. In fact, 135 of these points lie on Chinese acupuncture channels, and 105 of them coincide both as regards position and symptoms with traditional acupuncture points. 1892 Schleich propounded his “infiltration anesthesia” to a surgical congress, based on using a 0.1% to 0.2% cocaine solution. He ended by stating: “I therefore consider, with this harmless means available to us, that from any idealistic, moral, or penal point of view, it is no longer permissible to make use of general anesthesia with all its risks, where this means will in fact suffice.” This produced a storm of indignation, no discussion was allowed. Instead, a vote was taken to determine who amongst the 800 surgeons present was convinced of the truth of Schleich’s report. Not one of them voted in favor! Only 10 years later, Mikulicz obtained recognition for his method. Schleich infiltrated his solutions also for lumbago, rheumatic shoulder, and intercostal neuralgia, and was convinced “that multiple injections of my infiltration solutions are the best anti-neuralgic method that is available to us.” But he was unable to convince the doctors of his time. 1898 Head published his Sensory Disturbances of the Skin in Visceral Disease. 1902 Spiess published The Therapeutic Effect of Anesthetics (Die Heilwirkung der Anaesthetika). 1903 Cathelin reported on epidural anesthesia with cocaine solutions. 1905 Einhorn discovered Novocaine (procaine). 1906 Spiess discovered that wounds and inflammatory processes subside more quickly and with fewer complications after anesthesia. From this he concluded that pain acts as a cause in enabling an inflammation to become established. Despite the fact that his observations are of great therapeutic importance and that they are repeatable, his work failed to receive the recognition it deserved. As a result, Spiess became resigned in the face of the then current theories, which refused to recognize any neural influence on the inflammatory reaction. In Germany his work was forgotten, although it continued to exert its influence on Russian medicine (Speransky, Vishnevski). 1906 Vishnevski confirmed the effect of locally applied Novocaine in reducing inflammation. 1909 Sellheim and Laeven introduced paravertebral anesthesia. 1909 Cornelius published his Massage of Nerve Points (Nervenpunkt-Massage). 1910 Braun recommended procaine injections into the nerve-exit points in trigeminal neuralgia. 1912 Haertel described the techniques for injections to the Gasserian ganglion and into the sciatic nerve. 1913 Leriche first removed the stellate ganglion from a patient suffering from Raynaud disease. 1913 Paessler introduced the term “focal disorder.” Gutzeit and Parade later defined a focus as a “seat of an inflammatory reaction containing bacteria and filled with toxic products, whose contents are more or less shut off by a living and thus reactive wall from the normal environment and which, as a result, sometimes have no connection with the organism and at other times are capable of passing out into the tissue planes.” An attempt was made to explain the pathogenic action of such a sealed-off focus by the spread of living bacteria and the emission of toxins via the bloodstream causing an antigen–antibody reaction. 1917 Mackenzie reported on hypertonus and hyperalgesia in subcutaneous tissue and muscles in visceral disease. 1920 Leriche for the first time successfully treated migraine by Novocaine irrigation of the temporal artery. 1924 Ricker published Pathology as a Science; Pathology of Related Structures (Pathologie als Naturwissenschaft. Relationspathologie). 1925 The brothers Ferdinand and Walter Huneke re-discovered the therapeutic effect of local anesthetics, without any knowledge of the work of Schleich, Spiess, and Leriche. They introduced intra- and paravenous procaine therapy and investigated what conditions this new form of therapy could be applied to in conjunction with intracutaneous, subcutaneous, and intramuscular procaine infiltration. 1925 Leriche for the first time injected Novocaine into the stellate ganglion for therapeutic purposes and recognized the advantages of injection compared with surgery of the sympathetic chain. He described the injection of Novocaine as “the surgeon’s bloodless knife.” 1928 F. and W. Huneke reported on Unfamiliar Remote Effects of Local Anesthetics (Unbekannte Fernwirkungen der Lokalanaesthesie). In this work they already pointed out the importance of the injection site, since previously unknown reflexlike remote reactions could be produced in this way via Head’s zones. They first called their therapy “therapeutic anesthesia” (Heilanaesthesie) and recommended it for the treatment of a wide variety of painful conditions and of trophic disturbances in the segmental area of the ailment. Kibler suggested the term “segmental therapy.” Also in 1928, Bayer Leverkusen put on the market a procaine-caffeine preparation developed by the Huneke brothers for their new therapy, under the trade name Impletol. 1928 Leriche and Fontaine observed that fractures healed better and more quickly after procaine injections into the fracture line. 1934 Leriche observed that extensive post-operative pain disappeared “immediately” after procaine infiltration of the surgical scars. Unfortunately he failed to recognize the significance of this observation or he would doubtless have drawn therapeutic conclusions from it. 1935 Vishnevski published his method of injections to the sympathetic chain at the upper renal poles. 1936 Speransky published A Basis for the Theory of Medicine in New York. 1936 F. Huneke published Disease and Cure: Another View (Krankheit und Heilung anders gesehen). 1936 Bayer cured gastric ulcers by using a 0.25% solution of the local anesthetic Larocain given per os and explained its effect “in the elimination of all kinds of dystrophic effects upon organs and tissues.” 1937 Kulenkampff reported on “miraculous results” in the treatment of epididymitis with local anesthetics. 1938 Fenz and Falta published On the Therapeutic Value of Novocaine Infiltration in Internal Medicine (Ueber den therapeutischen Wert der Novocaininfiltration in der inneren Medizin). 1938 Fenz reported on “remarkable results obtained with Novocaine injections in 143 cases of sciatica.” 1938 Hansen and von Staa published Reflectory and Algesic Disease Symptoms of Inner Organs (Reflektorische und algetische Krankheitszeichen innerer Organe). 1938 Von Roques translated A. D. Speransky’s A Basis for the Theory of Medicine into German. 1940 Ferdinand Huneke observed the first “lightning reaction” and immediately recognized its therapeutic importance. With remarkable vision he concluded from this that there are states of neural irritation (interference fields), which can set off and sustain a wide range of disease processes outside any segmental order. He found a way to eliminate these interference fields and thus to cure disorders that had previously proved resistant to therapy. At the suggestion of von Roques, segmental therapy and the elimination of interference fields were combined under the term “neural therapy according to Huneke,” the former being based on selective injections of procaine or some other suitable local anesthetic, the latter on the induction of the Huneke phenomenon (lightning reaction). We regard Schleich, Spiess, and Leriche as predecessors of the Huneke brothers. Little attention was paid at the time to their separate observations and they were soon forgotten, so that a specific form of therapy would never have been developed from them. It is the historical achievement of the brothers Huneke that they made the same observations independently and, what is far more important, that they recognized their therapeutic significance. They spent their lives in continuing to explore and research the possibilities of using Impletol in many types of illnesses. They demonstrated a number of new injection techniques and developed appropriate routes for the administration of local anesthetics in their therapy. They worked out dosage guidelines that differed from those laid down by surgeons. In addition to a number of astonishing therapeutic possibilities, their studies also led them to the discovery of certain laws, which they then published. In a stubborn battle they made certain that their teachings should not again be lost to mankind, as had happened to their precursors. Following in the footsteps of the Huneke brothers and encouraged by their example, a number of doctors have rendered a great service to basic research and to extending the use of neural therapy, amongst them such names as Braeucker, Dittmar, Gross, Kibler, and Siegen. 1942 Veil and Sturm published Pathology of the Brain Stem (Pathologie des Stammhirns). The authors regarded the diencephalon as the determinant point for all pathological processes. 1943 Kohlrausch published The Massage of Hypertonic Muscular Zones (Massage muskulaerer hypertonischer Zonen). 1944 Ognew first injected procaine into the internal carotid artery. 1944 Bykow published The Cerebral Cortex and Inner Organs (Grosshirnrinde und innere Organe). 1946 Stoehr discovered the terminal reticulum as the termination of the neurovegetative system, which divides ever more widely and more finely until the terminal network of fibrils finally surrounds every single cell with a neuroplasmatic reticulum. With this discovery he supplied a secure anatomical foundation for the empirical and experimentally based findings of F. Huneke, Ricker, and Speransky. All the fibers of the unimaginably fine syncytium would, if placed end to end, make up three times the distance from the Earth to the moon. Stoehr’s discovery was later extended by studies under the electron microscope, which showed that the nerve terminals do not in fact end directly in the cell membrane but lie free in the intercellular fluid. Pischinger demonstrated how stimuli are further transmitted via the cell-environment system. “Every part of the body’s internal organization forms a circle. Thus every part is both at the beginning and at the end” (Hippocrates). 1947 W. Scheidt published The Autonomic System (Das vegetative System). Scheidt took the view that the nerve fibrils do not form a rigid network of conduits, but are a mobile system of molecules that continues to form new pathways as required. These pathways he called conductive fiber rings. Differential electrical voltages resulting from any stimulus are compensated by means of these. He suspected that these conductive fiber rings do not decompose completely after they have restored the balance in such differential voltages. The total quantity of the remnants of these forms an “old-strata picture,” which, as a matter of course, has a different appearance for every individual. This old-strata picture would thus form the material manifestation of the stimulus memory. It considerably influences the development of new conductive fiber rings, which it facilitates, impedes or guides in certain directions. This theory explains why a first insult may only appear to fade away whilst in fact it remains in the background, ready to act as a predisposition to illness. The observation that an illness may persist even though its focus has been eradicated prompted Scheidt to make a distinction between the terms “focus due to bacterial action” and “neural interference field.” The term “interference field” as used by Scheidt applies to all primarily and secondarily disturbed autonomic tissues. It can thus mean that the field is disturbed or that it causes a disturbance. The term “irritation center” introduced by D. Gross also has this double meaning with regard to an irritation, meaning both the center from which a stimulus emanates and one that is irritated. For the sake of greater clarity, Kibler no longer referred merely to hyperalgetic zones (HAZ) but drew a distinction between an active (i.e., disturbing) and a passive (disturbed) interference field. To put an end to this confusion, W. Huneke suggested that in future, reference should be made exclusively to an “interference field” (Stoerfeld), whenever we mean a disturbed region of tissues that is itself producing interference, i.e., is causing a remote disturbance elsewhere or is at least capable of doing so. 1948 Vishnevski published The Novocaine Block as a Method of Influencing Tissue Trophism (Der Novocain-block als eine Methode der Einwirkung auf die Gewebetrophik). 1948 Wiener founded a new interdisciplinary science with his book Cybernetics or the Control and Transmission of Information in Living Organisms and Machines (Kybernetik oder die Regelung und Nachrichtenuebertragung in Lebewesen und Maschinen). This provided a new approach in practically every branch of science (e. g., medicine, biology, bionics, philosophy, psychology, sociology, education, economics, mechanical engineering, machine technology) and served as the synthesis of all knowledge. Biocybernetics also furthered our understanding of the effects of a therapy that makes use of local anesthetics. 1949 Fleckenstein and Hardt published The Mechanism of the Effects of Local Anesthesia (Der Wirkungsmechanismus der Lokalanaesthesie). 1949 Nonnenbruch published Bilateral Kidney Disease. Neuralpathological Considerations (Die doppelseitigen Nierenkrankheiten. Eine neuralpathologische Betrachtung). 1949 Pendl described the presacral infiltration technique. 1950 Kibler published Segmental Therapy (Segment-Therapie). 1951 Selye’s work on stress showed that the body always reacts to various stimuli, to damage and to stress, both physiological and psychological, in the same unspecific way, by means of the “adaptation syndrome” (alarm reaction, resistance phase, exhaustion phase). However, he saw this reaction merely as a response of the adreno-pituitary system. Although his research work has been fruitful enough, we find that Selye observed only a portion of the overall morbid processes and that he did so in too isolated and one-sided a manner. 1951 Ratschow tested neural therapy in 1011 cases. He obtained 441 cures, 427 substantial improvements and had only 143 failures, despite the fact that neither he nor any of his 12 assistants had any training or experience in the method. Fifty percent of the most varied types of painful conditions could be favorably influenced by means of the “usual therapeutic anesthesia” (segmental therapy). “When the injection was made into an ascertained Head’s zone, the rate of enduring success was increased to 70%.” “There is such a thing as the rapid and lasting disappearance of remote symptoms, especially those of a polyarthritic type, by injection into an accidentally discovered interference field!” “The existence of the lightning reaction can thus be regarded as proven fact, a matter of which we were by no means convinced when we began our investigations.” Over a period of 12 months, Ratschow witnessed 72 lightning reactions. “This is a sufficient number to underline the great importance of F. Huneke’s observations.” 1951 Siegen: The Theory and Practice of Neural Therapy using Impletol (Theorie und Praxis der Neuraltherapie mit Impletol). 1951 Dicke and Leube published Massage of Reflex Zones in Connective Tissue (Massage reflektorischer Zonen im Bindegewebe). 1952 W. Huneke: Impletol Therapy and other Neural-therapeutic Methods (Impletoltherapie und andere neuraltherapeutische Verfahren). 1953 Vogler and Krauss published Treatment of the Periosteum (Periostbehandlung). 1953 E. Schwamm introduced bolometer thermography. Areas that are non-responsive can be discovered through viscerocutaneous projection areas of foci or interference fields by measuring the skin temperature once before and once after sending a stress stimulus (cold, Impletol). Triggering the Huneke phenomenon produces a balance between the regional thermical asymmetries of the body halves. They objectively demonstrate the connection between the interference field (focus) and the circulatory disorder. 1955 Glaeser and Dalichow published Segmental Massage (Segmentmassage). 1961 F. Huneke: The Lightning Reaction. A Physician’s Testament (Das Sekundenphaenomen. Testament eines Arztes). 1961 Pischinger succeeded in providing objective evidence on the lightning reaction by comparative hematological analysis and by the use of iodometry. His “environmental theory” (Milieu-Theorie) is based on the observation that there are no classic synapses for the special organ (parenchymatous) cells in the neurovegetative periphery, but that the entire basic autonomic system acts practically as “ubiquitous synapse.” The omnipresent extracellular fluid (matrix) provides the transmission medium between the capillaries as well as the nerve endings and the cell membranes. This is a means to nourish and cleanse the cells and to transmit intercellular information. Only the unimpeded functioning of this interaction, which is based on a continuous successful response to all forms of environmental stimuli, allows the maintenance of health and internal balance (with tissue potential and cell respiration at the center). The interstitial fluid has to provide the optimal environment for the cell. Persisting disturbances in this peripheral regulating mechanism, the “cell-environment system,” lead to instability, inflammation, interference fields, and ultimately chronic diseases. It is the mission of the physician, through the use of biological means, to activate the body’s defense system of the basic vital functions and this creates homeostasis. In a convincing and scientific way, Pischinger and his scholar and successor Kellner, proved that neural therapy according to Huneke could accomplish this mission. They discovered the function of the “non-specific connective tissue.” First, they had to create the foundation, the ability to measure the function and regulation of the body’s defense mechanism. As a result, they discovered substance complexes that are the foundation of humoral regulation. The results of their efforts form the solid base for the understanding of neural-therapeutic phenomena, including the Huneke phenomenon, as well as other biological healing methods. 1987 H. Heine discovered the tissue substrate of acupuncture points in cutaneous neurovascular bundles that perforate the superficial fascia. They correlate with myofascial trigger points that Travell and Simons described in 1983; also with Head’s pressure points described in 1893. The stimulation of these neural structures can produce a therapeutic effect. We address them through quaddle therapy. 1991 The German cellular physiologists Professor E. Neher and Dr. B. Sakmann received the Nobel Prize for medicine. They made the interstitial fluid (matrix) and the ion channels between cells visible. In addition, they were able to measure the ion flow, which provides exchange of information and regulating impulses. Thus, they provided new insights about the effects of neural therapy and local anesthesia. As regards a revision of pathology, the time has come for a revolution; it is ripe and ready, it has to start, all the more so since in this revolution we have nothing to lose but our chains. A. D. Speransky It is the particular aim of this book to provide the practitioner with the basis for using modern neural therapy and to show him or her what its possibilities are. Despite this objective, which is more oriented toward practical aspects, we shall not be able to dispense altogether with theory. All too often, we come across names in the literature on this subject, which occur again and again and with which one ought therefore to be familiar. We shall limit ourselves to the essentials and not take sides in the battles of the experts on the question of the extent to which the experiments quoted and the theories that have been based on these discoveries are founded on genuine knowledge or merely rely on interpretations. We, including our patients, cannot wait for the day when all the contradictory voices will sing in unison. Nor is it very likely that this will ever happen, for life will never surrender its last secrets. The many illnesses with which we have to deal day by day are a form of the vital element that is reversible if one addresses oneself early enough to its characteristic signs or if one changes the reaction of the organism to it, for example, by reversing polarity. By this means it becomes possible to bring the pathologically modified living organism back to normality, i.e., to health, provided that it is still capable of repair. The practitioner who, in a manner of speaking, is fighting in the front line, is doubtless best served by a solidly based textbook or work of reference that does not make the complex relationships even more incomprehensible, but which shows him or her the common denominator (s) by which he or she can see the large number of symptoms in some semblance of order. We rely upon what is known as neural (Ricker, Speransky, H. Heine), humoral (H. Heine, G. Keller, A. Pischinger), and regulating (Bergsmann, Perger) pathology as well as on biocybernetics (Wiener), which have become an important influence in modern medico-scientific attitudes. One might even say that they have conquered them. They have completely confirmed and provided the theoretical foundations for all the empirical findings made by the Huneke brothers, for they prove that the term we often use of a “disturbance in the autonomic equilibrium” is no mere invention in order to provide a working hypothesis, but is solidly based on clearly definable changes in the finest of innervated blood vessels and in nerve tissue, from the ganglia down to the last fibril acting on the cell environment of the individual cell. For us, the teachings of Ricker, Pavlov, Speransky, Bykow, and Pischinger are only steps on the way to the recognition that there is a constant interchange of information from the periphery to the center and vice versa, which takes place along the pathways of the neurovegetative system that is present everywhere in the human body, down to the last cell. They help to confirm to us that the autonomic regulating mechanisms that control the automatic functions of breathing, circulation, metabolism, of hormonal, temperature, and fluid balance and a great deal more besides, all act along the same ramified pathways of this “vital nerve”; thus it is these these that—acting together with all the cells and organs as a whole—actually make life possible. The brothers Huneke have made it clear to us that the healing action of physiotherapy, balneotherapy, and of other peripherally acting therapies such as acupuncture, Ponndorf vaccinations, massage, and all dermal stimulation and tonal therapy, including Kneipp’s, short-wave, ultrasonic, and radiographic therapy, and even the effects of chirotherapy, are all ultimately based on a single common principle. They all make use of the reflex pathways of the neurovegetative system by setting up a therapeutic stimulus in the nervous system, whose response to this stimulus then releases the healing reaction. Seen in this light, all these therapies can also be considered to be “neural therapy” in the wider sense. It is the goal of this therapy to decrease and eliminate the formation and dissemination of pathological irritation through the use of local anesthesia. With the application of the Huneke phenomenon, this takes place directly at the place of origin, and with segmental therapy it takes place in the peripheral dissemination segments. We disable the nociceptors and thus, prevent the increase of pain or the worsening of the disease. A great number of nociceptors (mechano, thermo, chemo etc. receptors) can be found in the skin, joints, periosteum, the joint capsules, tendon insertions, pleura, peritoneum, vessels etc. With our injections, we are able to reach and disable these receptors at every level of depth allowing us to regulate effectively the disease-producing condition, to affect positively the cell environment, and to strengthen the defense mechanisms. Seen in this light, neural therapy is a form of regulating therapy. We are able to understand regulating therapy in connection with local anesthesia only if we understand and recognize the cybernetic relationships and principles involved. For this reason, before taking a brief look at the historical background, we shall first concern ourselves with biocybernetics as seen from the currently accepted point of view. After this, our attempts to deal by means of a single local anesthetic with such a large number and variety of disorders presenting such apparently different symptoms will perhaps no longer seem like a form of magic, occultism, or simply the blinkered act of monomaniac outsiders. Cybernetics constitutes the science of control and information, irrespective of whether we are dealing with living organisms or machines. N. Wiener In recent years cybernetics has conquered and fertilized almost every field of scientific research as a kind of “bridge between the sciences.” It makes use of mathematical methods to study problems of regulation and control, and of information transmission and processing. The principles governing cybernetics apply both to machines and to living organisms. The far-reaching importance of feedback control circuits and of the cybernetic interaction of intermeshed networks of control circuits was recognized in 1948 by N. Wiener and published in his book Kybernetik oder die Regelung und Nachrichtenuebertragung in Lebewesen und Maschinen (Cybernetics or the Control and Transmission of Information in Living Organisms and Machines). He thus provided a name, a definition and a theory for this new science. The physiologist R. Wagner, Munich, stated that “the first life existed when the first control circuit existed.” The neurologist G. Walter used different words for the same idea: “Life began when in the primeval sea the first molecule was formed with the capacity for feedback.” In the course of their development, living organisms have evolved a mass of techniques to ensure survival. These include temperature control, growth, procreation, and heredity. Humankind has studied these mechanisms and has to some extent copied them mechanically. In this (limited) sense, for example, aircraft imitate the flight of birds, the computer imitates the nervous system. The physiological regulating processes have been known for a long time in medicine and biology. But it was not until 1941 that H. Schmidt recognized regulation and control as a common principle both in technology and in the living organism, when he wrote: “In addition to finding regulating processes in technology, we find control mechanisms also in plants, in animals and in Humankind. The fundamental stability of body temperature, blood pressure and pulse rate in the human being, his ability to maintain his upright posture while standing or walking, and a large number of other constants all result from regulating processes.” However, the human being is not a simple energy-consuming machine with rigid mechanisms. Humans could rather be compared with modern computers that transform information rather than energy. The human organism has the advantage that it can work with a dynamic neural material, which is able to regenerate itself and form new connections based on information that benefits the whole. This puts it way ahead of the rigid connections of the most advanced computer system. A number of adaptable functional systems are always active in the human organism. They exchange information and, based on the feedback system, they locate, organize, store, and compare data, and are able to respond to their findings. The impulses have to be as short and clear as possible. The human nervous system has been able to find a way of solving the problem of coding, transmitting, and decoding that modern technology cannot copy completely. According to Vester, cybernetics is “the control and automatic regulation of interlinked and intermeshed processes at a minimum cost in terms of the amount of energy used,” without which life would not be possible. Since medicine must concern itself like no other discipline with the biological control circuits in the living organism, it ought not to be unreasonable to expect it to be forced to concern itself more intensively than other disciplines with this higher-order science. Yet, this new line of thought is only beginning to make a little headway in medicine, and painfully slowly at that. Medicine today prides itself on being based on strictly scientific principles. And yet, diagnosis, which forms its most important basis, seems intent only to look at symptoms and the superficial aspects, instead of concerning itself rather more with the human being as a cybernetically functioning systems complex, systems that respond to and affect his or her internal and external environment. For a symptom is simply the expression of a regulatory change or of a faulty control mechanism. Apparently, in its preoccupation with the study of inert building blocks, medicine seems to have almost forgotten that there is something beyond these that makes up life. To date, medicine has taken the oldest and most important functional basis provided by nature too little into account, namely the fact that organic structures work by means of control circuits that have evolved and proved themselves over millions of years. Cybernetics regards the human being as the most highly developed of all self-regulating dynamic systems in existence. In the human being, the principle of linear causality (i.e., the straight-line relationship between cause and effect), which is the basis of a purely mechanistic philosophy, no longer applies. Instead, the principle applicable to the human being is that of an intermeshed interactive causality. In any cybernetic system, every subsystem is continually linked to every other subsystem in a network of reciprocal relationships. Seen in this light, disease is a cybernetic problem, since it is the result of a disturbance of the regulating functions within the interacting structure of the self-regulating dynamic system that is the human being, and is due to malfunctions in the transmission and processing of information between individual control circuits within the overall system. Thus, it ought to be the physician’s task to act upon these disturbed or faulty control systems in order to restore control and put the disturbed biological functions back into order. Orthodox medicine insists stubbornly on the so-called “nature”-scientific, linear causality, and its effort to prove itself through randomized double-blind studies. Today, this effort compares with a retreat into old dilapidated bastions. Really, the double is a triple-blind study, where the researchers close their eyes to the reality of network processes in a live system. Biologic systems are not linear but connected in all directions and are subject to a steady state. Hence, there is a balance in which physical quantities do not change after adding energy. The systems are energetically open and able to exchange energy and matter with their environment. The monocausal reasoning of Galilei, in which cause and effect are directly connected, does not suffice any longer. Thomas declared in 1984 that “it can no longer be considered a scientific effort when one-dimensional causal chains are applied to network systems.” Progress cannot be denied. In 1935, Speransky finished his book A Basis for the Theory of Medicine with the statement that the time has come for a revolution in pathology where nothing can be lost but chains! In our daily practice, the majority of patients come to us with a multiplicity of often vague symptoms that fit into no precise diagnostic pigeonhole. We neural therapists know from experience that many of these disturbances are set off by interference fields and foci. According to Kellner, an interference field is like chronic inflammatory material that cannot be removed or metabolized and that consists of the infiltration of lymphocytes and plasmocytes and of a disaggregation of the base substance. In the case of a focus, bacteria and their metabolic products are additionally involved in the pathological process. Both are sources of irritative stimuli, even if locally they produce only minor symptoms or none at all, and are therefore difficult to recognize for what they are. They continually emit interference signals, albeit only on a subliminal level, which produce stress on the control circuits. These signals are stored particularly by the cells of the ganglia and cause them to be irritated subliminally to such an extent that, when they receive any additional stimuli, they transmit excessive signals. Since the nervous system, whenever the next higher level becomes involved, excites (on the divergence principle) a number of neurons with every new signal, it becomes possible to understand how a minute interference field that, to all external appearances, is totally inactive, can have a negative effect on the whole of the organism and make it unstable. The response of the control circuits to a normal stimulus in such cases is already excessive. The organism works uneconomically and is therefore less efficient and less able to defend itself (Bergsmann, Kalcher). Superficially, the patient seems healthy. But when he or she comes under additional stress, symptoms appear. The stimulus threshold is lowered the longer the regulatory disturbances persist. Additional stress can trigger disorders in pathosensitive regions. Many of the successes achieved by neural therapy, especially by the lightning reaction, become more readily understandable and can be explained only if they are seen in a cybernetic context. This obliges us to become familiar with the basis, principles, ideas, and definitions of this new branch of science. The living organism endeavors to keep certain body functions constant, such as metabolism, temperature, blood pressure, blood pH etc., i.e., the internal environment. Various specific receptors signal any departure from the required values and inform the control center, and this will normally correct such deviations. If the regulating system is overloaded, provision is available for switching over to other intact regulating systems or to bypass them until one is found capable of restoring the function in question to its ideal range. The neurovegetative system and the hormonal system connected to it regulate and control this homeostatic state and ensure that it is maintained. However, the compensating capacity is not unlimited and is lost if the organism is subjected to an excessive influx of stimuli. It is our task to prevent an irreversible condition by interfering with pathogenic mechanisms that weaken the system through continuous stimuli. The intervention should take place at the primary site of stimulation (for example, the interference field) to restore homeostasis quickly and thoroughly. Homeostasis can be maintained only if the organism is working economically. The task of the regulating and control systems is to adapt all the metabolic processes in accordance with economic principles to the demand at any given time, by the shortest route, in the shortest time, using a minimum of energy. The time taken by a system to change from one state of inertia to another is known in cybernetics as a “settling process.” Any stimulus that produces a response in a control circuit thus also sets off a settling process. An intact control circuit reacting normally (in a “muted” manner) and functioning at optimum “control quality” with “negative feedback” is able to cope with this additional demand quickly and economically. When there is a dysfunction in the control circuits, which may be due to any one of a number of causes, “periodic or aperiodic deviations” will occur in the control quality. These may be of several degrees of severity. In the case of labile (periodic) deviation, any stimulus will produce an excessive response. A short-period stimulus will produce a deviation from the initial energy at a steeper gradient and to a higher value. Similarly, the return to the initial value will also be excessive and require longer to settle down. In such a case any permanent stimulus will also produce an excessive response and the required value will be attained only after a longer settling time. This is known as regulatory lability in the patient. In the case of a slow, sluggish (aperiodic) deviation any stimulus is delayed and the response to it is slow. Clinically, we then have regulatory sluggishness or paralysis. The initial value is reached slowly or not at all in the case of short-period stimuli, and an adequate value in response to permanent stimuli is not reached at all or only very late. In both these types of deviation of control systems, time and energy are wasted in responding to stimuli, and thus the principle of economy and of homeostasis is upset. The consequence of all this is that under stress or as a result of the effect of noxious stimuli, ever more energy is required. Only a well-functioning regulating system can cover this additional demand quickly and economically. A disturbed system works more slowly and wastes more energy, and the effort required of it for work or defense is therefore produced less economically. The available spare capacity is correspondingly reduced. Of the three basic principles of cybernetics, i.e., information, automation, and control, the last is of particular interest to us. In the living organism, all regulatory processes that serve the maintenance of the biological equilibrium take place automatically. This occurs via control circuits that have the purpose of providing stability for the dynamic system. We are all familiar with the reflex arc. The control circuit takes us one step further: it closes at the periphery, which forms a closed information circuit. “Feedback” is considered the ability to compare continuously the status quo with the (variable) goal. The continuation of a process depends on the evaluation of the status quo. This requires the incessant activity of control systems that compare the effective value with the required value. They adapt to the individual situation through corrections that correspond with the goal. Let us take a closer look at a control circuit in Figure 1.1. A control circuit (1) is a self-regulating closed circuit. It owes its automatic capability to a feedback system. Its function is to keep the regulating value (2) or range (e. g., hormonal balance, body temperature) within permissible limits and following a disturbance to bring the system back to this range. It is helped in this by a regulator (3), which compares the effective measured value with the required or nominal value and thus acts as control center. A higher-order transmitter for the required control values (4) specifies the values the regulator has to maintain. These values can be variable, for example, if they happen to be the control values for other circuits. A control circuit never works in isolation, it always forms part of one or more interacting systems of several mutually interlinked control circuits whose required values are interdependent. They are thus able to maintain homeostasis and uphold the principle of economy. They are linked to one another for the continual exchange of information. A practical example of negative feedback as used in technology is familiar to everyone and will help to illustrate this. The outside temperature is low (interference value) and the sitting room is too cold (thermometer = sensor gauge). The thermostat (regulator) closes the circuit, the burner heats the boiler (setting link). The room is heated to the preset temperature (required value). When this temperature has been reached, the sensor gauge signals this to the regulator (thermostat), which switches off the setting link (burner) by breaking the circuit. When the temperature drops again, the whole process is repeated automatically. Another example from biology: the blood, a regulating value that must be kept constant, contains too much carbon dioxide (interference value). The receptors of the sensor gauge become aware of this and signal the fact to the respiratory center (regulator). This activates the respiratory muscles (setting link), which reduce the carbon dioxide content by increasing their activity. Once the required value has been reached, the signals of the sensors are switched off and breathing is reduced. Every biological control circuit has a large number of sensor gauges that, on the one hand, monitor the physiological processes by acting as proprioceptors and, on the other, signal any threatened or actual damage by acting as nociceptors or pain receptors. Our entire nervous system forms an unbelievably complicated control circuit. Information travels constantly through the afferent pathways to the center. Corrective orders with the purpose of maintaining homeostasis travel back on the efferent pathways. The returning information will show if the corrective stimuli were adequate. It is hard enough to imagine what takes place (Pischinger) in the interstitial fluid, the cell membrane, and inside the cell during the basic autonomic regulation, to imagine the responses to stimuli that take place to ensure vital functionality. The effort of 40 trillion nerve cells handling the information and regulation exchange in the human organism is beyond our imagination. What a dynamic information service that must be established to enable life! Information has to be gathered, tested, and processed. Virtually every cell sends information that is amplified or inhibited on its pathway to the brain where an impression of the current overall situation is formed. At special receptor sites, information is also gathered about internal and external noxious stimuli, as a consequence, instructions are immediately sent to inhibit these stimuli, to deflect them into harmless channels, or to limit the damage. It is a miracle that we usually take for granted instead of wondering about it. To summarize briefly: cybernetics has evolved a method that proves that despite specific differences, all physical, physiological, and psychic processes are subject to uniform laws. These laws apply to both living and inanimate matter. Living organisms and self-regulating robot equipment such as the computer are based on identical principles of control, coordination, and regulation. They also make use of the same kind of economical feedback mechanisms in which a part of the output energy is returned with inversed polarity to the input side. This also applies to the physiology of the highly complex nervous system, in which there is likewise a continual process of checking and correction of the organs at the end of the line. This is achieved by continual reciprocal action between center and periphery. Disease symptoms, with very few exceptions, can be regarded as regulatory disturbances and can thus be seen to be a biocybernetic problem. Obviously, as has been stated, these mechanisms play as important a part in restoring disturbed functions to normal as they have in the pathogenic process. In other words: disease is the consequence of a persistent disturbance of the information and feedback mechanisms. It calls for methods of treatment that will be most successful if they can attack the disease that has come into being, at the point of the disturbance itself, i.e., if they can act directly on the cause. A number of the methods of empirical medicine nowadays explain the way in which they act, by reference to the basic autonomic regulating system (Pischinger) and to cybernetics. By this means, Bayr attempted to interpret homeopathy as a corrective signal effect on the regulating system. In the context of neural therapy we are primarily interested in any disturbance affecting the control circuits and control complexes, and in any deterioration in the quality of control and regulation resulting from the influence of outside energy. Seen cybernetically, a focus or interference field is a point of disturbance from which subliminal signals are constantly being emitted at different intensities and frequencies. These signals are stored in the control circuits and put into a pre-excited state. In the first phase this produces periodic deterioration from the “standard” quality of control and regulation, accompanied by an excessive response to stimuli and, if it continues over a lengthy period, exhaustion of the control and regulating systems by aperiodic deterioration and sluggishness of the regulating processes, which may end up in a state of total regulatory paralysis. By means of neural therapy or surgery such interference fields (points of disturbance) can be eliminated and normal conditions of regulation restored. We owe to Bergsmann the objective evidence on neural therapy according to Huneke, obtained by means of regulatory physiology. As a pulmonologist, Bergsmann collaborated with the manipulative therapist Eder in the study from a cybernetic viewpoint of the effects of neural therapy, acupuncture, and manipulative therapy on functional disorders of the thorax. The various forms of treatment investigated were shown to be different in degree but similar in their ultimate effect. Bergsmann was also the first to prove that the organism’s economic balance is restored after successful neural therapy. He wrote that: Regulatory instability interferes with the economic principle and requires a disproportionate amount of effort for every task to be performed, due to overreaction by the organism. This results in overstrain, premature tiredness and delayed recovery. Our investigations showed that any correctly used form of regulating therapy, such as the eradication of foci, neural therapy, acupuncture and chirotherapy will increase ergometric performance and reduce recovery time. Bergsmann’s studies showed that focus and interference field form a permanent source of irritation, which places a strain on the regulating system and thus forces the organism to continual compensation. The latent regulatory disturbances do not yet manifest themselves clinically. But the system is unstable and tends to over-react in its countermeasures. The defensive capacity drops to the point where infections of all kinds can become established more easily. Any additional, often banal endogenous or exogenous stimulus (additive stress) may set off an inappropriate regulatory response that can then appear as an illness once the tolerance threshold is passed. This illness will break out sooner or later, depending on the intensity and the degree of instability (time factor). Bergsmann showed how susceptible a system sensitized by an interference field can be and how excessively it can then react. The blood supply can become unstable to such an extent that the slightest contact of a cottonwool wisp on the skin can be enough to set off a circulatory disturbance, which will show on a rheograph (vasal quadrant reaction). Once the interference field is eliminated, this abnormal reaction will cease immediately and become normal again. Foci and interference fields can also influence any therapy by regulatory disturbances. In other words, a specific therapy can be used successfully only once this cause is eliminated. Similarly, the course of an illness can also be changed by the presence of interference fields. Chronic illness, on the other hand, can in turn favor the development of foci or interference fields. It was also shown that tuberculosis will occur with 87% probability on the side already subjected to stress by a unilateral interference field. Depending on the magnitude of the stimulus and of acquired or hereditary instability of the control circuits, the segment, the quadrant, the whole side, or a region completely outside any apparent relationship will be affected by the illness. Neural therapy using local anesthetics has a direct effect on the regulating system, which can be adequately explaned and demonstrated, and therefore confidently regarded as an important part of the medicine of the future. In segmental therapy, we achieve the temporary interruption of pain by means of a local anesthetic at the site of the disturbance. The local anesthetic acts on the cell membranes and also repolarizes cell membranes depolarized by the irritative stimuli. As a result, the feedback between pain and blood supply is broken and the response to the stimulus ceases to be excessive. Further, the hypersensitive, unstable systems working uneconomically are restabilized and their functions normalized. Circuits that have previously been out of tune with one another are again able to work together harmoniously and no longer disturb each other. In this way, not only is pain eradicated well beyond the period that the anesthetic remains active, but inflammatory and degenerative processes can also be healed by this means. With the improved reactive state a new starting position is created. Pathology deals with the area where the strongest stimuli take effect. Ricker As early as 1905, Ricker’s animal experiments led him to the conclusion that the influence of the nervous system on the finest blood vessels, on the capillary bed, must stand at the beginning of every physiological and pathological event. He called his teachings “relative pathology,” since he wanted to prove by his theory how every cell is in a dependent relationship to the whole of the organism, that these relationships follow the time sequence nervefiblood vessel (tissue, and that these three components are constantly influencing one another. Neural reactions are faster than physiochemical reactions, but they act on the latter as triggers and as a determinant influence. It is remarkable that he discovered these relationships without having access to the anatomical discoveries made later (P. Stoehr, Jr.) of the extent and ramifications of the autonomic nervous system. According to Ricker, any change in the capillary bed and the changes in the tissues, fluids, and cells, which in turn depend on these, are more dependent on the magnitude of the chemical, physical, or other type of stimulus than on its quality. The capillary bed consists of arteriole, capillary, and venule and, as we know from Stoehr, is innervated by the terminal neuroreticulum, which thus controls vasoconstriction and dilatation. Ricker’s “three-stage law” states that there is an identical mandatory mechanism of disturbed vascular activity that forms the basis of any local circulatory disturbance, but that this mechanism acts in several gradually escalating stages: 1. Weak stimuli produce vasodilation and acceleration of the circulation (hyperemia). 2. Medium-strength stimuli lead to vasoconstriction to the point of ischemia, and finally, by paralysis of the constrictors, to capillary dilatation and a slowing down of the circulation (prestasis). 3. Strong stimuli cause red stasis, with the formation of inflammatory exudate and the extrusion of red and white blood cells, in most cases leading to necrosis or abscess formation. In Ricker’s view, every pathological bacterial colonization must be preceded by an alteration in the blood flow, accompanied by neurocirculatory tissue changes that must first prepare the substrate for the bacteria. According to this, it is never the bacteria that initiate an illness, but first of all there must be a corresponding disturbance in the autonomic system. When we get cold, get wet feet, start to sneeze, get a sore throat, and then due to the “cold” we get catarrh, angina, earache, bronchitis, or cystopyelitis, we usually hold bacteria and viruses responsible and fight them with the proper medication. And yet, pathogenic agents are always in and around us. They only make us sick if our reactive ability has changed and the tissue is damaged by the environment and, thus, its defensive abilities are weakened. Ricker dissociated himself quite specifically from Virchow’s then generally current and accepted cellular pathology, as he also did from humoral pathology. He rejected any attempt to make the cell, the tissue fluids, or even the nervous system the central consideration in isolation. For him, all decisive physiological and pathological processes occur in the innervated terminal reticulum interposed in the circuit between nerve and cell: Against the principle of the cellular theory, according to which the cell receiving a stimulus functions automatically, feeds itself automatically and multiplies automatically, a principle which has resulted in neglecting the behavior of the blood and of the nervous system, we set the view based on observation but which needs to be further developed, namely that all the manifold cell and tissue processes are in a causal relationship with the blood, the reticular system and the rest of the nervous system, of which the neural processes are the first—in time, not in importance—running their course in a variety of ways which depend on the type of cellular or tissue processes involved, and also producing macro- and micro-anatomical changes. (Ricker) The idea of a “local” disorder thus cannot continue to be upheld. Even a pinprick influences the central nervous system and thus the entire organism. By a summation of subliminal stimuli, a general effect on the vasculature can be induced. Ricker also found that local circulatory disturbances can be set off by reflex action from any other part of the body. Even though he concentrated his investigations primarily on the effects of neural stimuli upon the periphery, he in no way overlooked the influence of the central nervous system on any trophic and dystrophic processes occurring in the organism in accordance with his three-stage law. For him, as also for Speransky, the part played by the neurovegetative system was a decisive one. Any unphysiological stimulus that acts long enough and strongly enough will always set off identical initial reactions that depend on its quantitative character. This stimulus is transmitted via the perivascular network and the terminal reticulum (Stoehr, Jr.) directly to the circulation. Moderate stimuli produce a spastic ischemia that still remains within the physiological limits. Strong alarm stimuli and stimuli of long duration can lead to hypostatic hyperemia within a few minutes. This is already a pathological state characterized by the elimination of any response to vasoconstrictor stimuli. This “red stasis” initiates damage to the walls of the fine vessels. They become friable and permeable, so that red and white corpuscles can escape. Finally, it leads to necrotic tissue disintegration or abscess formation. This “neurocirculatory” syndrome naturally also affects the blood picture, serum level, temperature regulation, the acid-base exchange, water metabolism, and other physiochemical constants. H. Siegen, one of the earliest notable followers of F. Huneke, deserves our special gratitude for his studies, in collaboration with other scientists, on the action of well-positioned procaine injections on the initial reaction in response to a strong stimulus as described by Ricker. In animal experiments he was able to prove: a. The infiltrated procaine shields the tissues from the alarm stimulus and substantially improves the vasomotor stability of the small vessels, thus clearly raising the tissue resistance. The damaging phase of “red stasis,” which regularly occurred in untreated animals could be reliably prevented under the protection of procaine (Plester). b. If the phase of stasis had already been reached, i.e., if the condition had advanced to a stage that is usually irreversible for the organism, the innervation of the vessels could be re-established with procaine. The usual effects of damage to the vascular walls, including necrosis, could be suppressed (Gross, Schneider). c. In the Shwartzman–Sanarelli phenomenon, the classic allergy model, it was possible to prevent necrosis, the “damaging allergic tissue shock,” if before the intravenous second injection procaine was infiltrated in the area of the intracutaneous first injection. In animal experiments, procaine is thus able to erase the first insult so thoroughly from the stimulus memory that the second insult or trigger factor (Speransky), which would otherwise become pathogenic, remains ineffective. This proves that the “antigen–antibody reaction” cannot be solely the result of humoral sensitization, but that these processes are also neurally controlled and that it is possible to inhibit them with procaine injections at the site of the primary stimulus via the autonomic nervous system (Hirsch, Keil, Muschaweck). We shall return to this point elsewhere. Quidquit fit nervaliter fit (Whatever is done, it is done via the nerves). Lange Around 1883, the brilliant physiologist, I. P. Pavlov, further developed the teachings of Setchenov and Botkin. He stated that the nervous system plays a leading part in all physiological processes. In recommending that physiologists should in future concentrate on “extending the influence of the nervous system to as many functions of the organism as possible” he pointed the way in a new and promising direction. Before him, physiologists had regarded the organism as being separate from the conditions of its environment and the whole psychological aspect was similarly kept distinct from the field of physiological observations. Pavlov proved that only the nervous system holds together the many parts of the organism as a viable whole and creates the organism’s oneness with its environment. To do so, sensory nerves supply it with impressions of the environment. The purposeful regulation of all vital processes is produced by reflexes via the cerebral cortex and the subcortical ganglia, and beyond these via the whole autonomic nervous system. Every biological process can be disturbed, modified, or inhibited by this system. It is therefore due to Pavlov that we have obtained new insights into the way the living organism functions, beginning with the elementary functions of stimuli, the excitability of living tissue and its ability to act as a conductor, extending to the highest of all the vital expressions of the organism, its psychological functions. In 1904, Pavlov received the Nobel Prize for his work on the physiology of the digestive glands. His method of studying physiological functions over lengthy periods by observing largely intact and healthy animals led him to understand the internal mechanism of the neural control of digestive activity. His teachings on conditioned reflexes show that conditioned-reflex activity is an adaptation of the whole organism to constantly changing environmental conditions. These experiments finally led Pavlov and his followers into new areas of research, to the study of the physiology of the cerebral cortex and thus to the theory of cerebral activity, which has become one of the foundations of modern medicine: I. P. Pavlov observed cerebral activity in its constant movement and development and assumed that the basic processes in the cerebral cortex (excitation and inhibition) are constantly influencing each other. This led to his ideas on the dynamic reciprocal relationships between the cerebral cortex and the nearest subcortical centers, on the reciprocal relations between the first and second signal systems in the human being, on the analytical and synthesizing activity of the cerebral cortex, on the diffusion and concentration of excitatory and inhibitory processes, on the processes of reciprocal induction, and on the movement and development of the basic nervous processes, which are constantly influencing and conditioning each other. (Bykow and Kurzin) Pavlov himself stated that “the theory of reflex action is founded on the three basic principles of exact scientific research”: a. the principle of determinism, i.e., that there is an initial impetus or cause for any given effect; b. the principle of analysis and synthesis, i.e., the primary separation of the whole into its component parts or units, and thence the progressive fitting together again of the whole from these units or elements; and finally c. the principle of structural form, i.e., of arranging the effective forces in space and linking together the dynamic elements within the structure. Thus, every function, including those of the brain, is brought about by stimuli. The cerebral cortex is the paramount organ for regulating these functions. It constantly analyzes and synthesizes all stimuli impinging on the receptor-nerve equipment of the internal and external receptor. This process occurs in a uniform manner, in a continual and reciprocal relationship, and is mutually conditioned. Cerebral activity thus takes place as a reflex and is tied to the cells of the cerebral cortex. The continual reciprocal relationship of the organism with its environment ensures that brain function is being continually further developed. Speransky succeeded in elucidating the most complex problems in pathology by accurate experimental analysis. Based on the results of extremely wide-ranging animal experiments he established a number of important theses on the part played by the nervous system in the initiation, development, and course taken by pathological processes. These made it possible for the ideas of nervosism to be taken up by and penetrate into pathology and clinical medicine. According to Speransky, the nervous system controls all the processes that determine the metabolic reactions in every cell and in every organ throughout the organism. Every disturbance of the normal functioning of the nervous system must thus result in the development of disturbances of trophic processes in the cells and organs and hence produce neural dystrophies. According to Speransky, the nervous system is where, as a matter of course, any stimulus must always attack. This harbors no processes that can occur in isolation from one another. For him the whole of the nervous system is an absolutely closed entity that always reacts to any stimulus as an entity. Any deviation in the nervous system is essentially irreversible. In every case it remains effective for a much longer period and much more extensively than had been previously believed. Every part of the nervous system influences the state of all the cells in the organism and, in doing so, largely determines the intensity of the biochemical reactions that occur in them. His main thesis stated that “stimulation of any portion of the peripheral or central nervous system can become the starting point for processes having a neurotrophic character and induce functional and organic changes.” He considered the spread of stimuli in the nervous system to be a general principle in the pathological process: “disease is the response of the organism to stimuli under the primary influence of the nervous system.” All local pathological reactions occur only as a consequence of a general reaction of the entire nervous system. In this, there is first of all the reaction of the organism to the most varied stimuli, and this is identical even in the remotest areas of the body. The quantitative aspect of the stimulus is always far more important in this than its quality. In other words, it is essentially irrelevant whether such stimuli are chemical, mechanical, thermal, or bacterial. In the original sense of the word, bacteria also act as purely causative elements, i.e., like a starter motor that sets the nervous system in motion. In the beginning, the bacteria initiate the morbid process; later they merely act as indicators. The best-known of Speransky’s animal experiments were those made to produce convulsions, by freezing limited areas of the cerebrum and producing stimuli by pressure on the hypothalamus by means of glass rings, and the reaction to croton-oil dental fillings and other peripheral stimuli. In these, he made a number of observations of considerable significance for us: a. The stimulus that sets off an illness can start at any point. At that point it may become a “focus,” which, after a certain time, can produce a reversal of the entire autonomic nervous system. The autonomic tonus can ultimately be changed to such an extent that it can make it possible for “neurodystrophic processes” completely different from one another to become established, e. g., peptic ulcer, pulmonary hemorrhage, dental decay, corneal ulcer, loss of hair, appendicitis, sinusitis, or gingival changes typical of scurvy or periodontosis. The stronger the stimulus, the greater and more superficial the destruction; the weaker the stimulus, the deeper the pathogenic effect. Incidentally, Speransky regarded the term “dystrophic” as meaning more than merely “nutritive,” namely as signifying the sum of all regulating impulses. He showed that stimuli determined from central control points can also play a decisive part. The whole autonomic process is thus purposefully coordinated in the diencephalon, more precisely in the hypothalamus, as much in times of illness as of health. All stimuli are fed through this central relay station before passing via the sympathetic nervous system back to the periphery. There they produce tissue reactions, first within the segment of the peripheral stimulus and later also in the corresponding contralateral or other more remote segments of the body. b. During the initial period the stimulus can be extinguished at its starting point. When this is done, the secondary symptoms will also disappear. c. However, if a certain stimulus threshold has been exceeded and the pathological process is under way, it can become “autonomous” and proceed independently from the initial “focus,” automatically and in constantly repeating cycles. From that time onward, it is no longer possible to separate the initial impetus from the process itself. Even the surgical removal of the focus, which would have helped up to this point, will no longer help now. From now on, the nervous system alone organizes the illness. Before Speransky’s publications, the importance of the time factor had never been so clearly brought out. After the hypothalamus had been stimulated with a glass ring, the neurodystrophic reactions occurred within hours or a few days at most. He obtained similarly deep-seated changes in the nervous system by the injection of croton oil into the cervical ganglia and with dental fillings containing croton oil. The more peripherally the stimulus was applied, the greater was the interval between excitation and the appearance of illness (alveolar pyorrhea, keratitis, red infarction of the lung, of the stomach, or large intestine, etc.). The “neurodystrophic standard syndrome” then occurred after a period of latency without apparent symptoms, 1 to 3 months later. If one disregards the time factor, one could easily overlook the causal relationship between croton-oil dental fillings and intestinal bleeding several months afterward. This can certainly be accepted as applying also to human beings and demonstrates to us the often serious late sequelae of the devitalization of a dental nerve in conservative dental treatment. Here, too, the causal relationship with disorders occurring much later and due to an interference field or focus formed by this treatment is only very rarely recognized. d. The reactions of the animals to the noxious stimuli were totally different from one individual to another: some died, others recovered completely, and some remained completely free from any reaction. Speransky concluded from this that “the stimulus threshold is not a constant value, but is variable according to the individual and the time in question. It depends on the individual’s initial autonomic state.” e. The “sensitization,” as the change in the excitability of the autonomic nervous system is called, which starts from a “focus” (we now make a clearer distinction between a bacterial, disseminating focus and a neural interference field), can stay quietly lodged for months or even years in the stimulus memory of the autonomic system. Any new stimulus can then act as “second insult” or trigger factor and thus allow a previously latent disease entity to manifest itself. Thus, the relapse mechanism can also be explained by this means: a relapse can be set off by stimuli to various central and peripheral nerve zones if the stimulus memory has retained traces of an earlier pathological process. In such a case the trigger factor, by a summation of the noxious stimuli stemming from the imprints or residues of these past pathological processes, can set off a reaction, the form of which corresponds to the primary stimulus. The following is an example of this: an injection of a small quantity of tetanus toxin produces local tetanus symptoms in the homolateral extremity. Approximately 20–25 days after all pathological symptoms have disappeared, a glass sphere is implanted in the animal, in the region of the sella turcica. The irritation this produces in the hypothalamus will normally produce a complex of dystrophic processes in a number of different organs. But in this case, 24 hours after the operation, tetanus symptoms appear, which increase in intensity and finally lead to the animal’s death. In other words, it dies of “tetanus” although there has not been any new bacterial infection. What is of importance here is not therefore the pathogenic agent but the stimulus, the reaction of the nervous system to the specific stimulus. f. Speransky has also become famous for the results he obtained with his → (T) CSF pump. By means of this mechanical, unspecific brain stimulus, he was able to impose a far-reaching central nervous change in the organism. With this it is possible to eliminate either temporarily or permanently certain pathological processes that have already begun. If the body has lost its ability to react normally to the stimulus of certain therapeutic products (e. g., quinine in malaria, Salvarsan in syphilis, salicylic acid in rheumatic conditions), this ability is restored by means of the additional counter-irritant stimulus produced by the CSF pump. The medicament remains the same but the reactivity of the object on which the healing stimulus acts is so altered that it regains its ability to react normally to proven medicines. The CSF pump breaks through the blood–brain barrier, which normally prevents drugs from reaching the cerebrospinal fluid from the general circulation. The German, Reid, found a way for procaine to overcome the blood–brain barrier by injection directly into the cerebral → (T) cistern. Whether or not the cerebral massage provided by the CSF pump represents a substantial additional curative stimulus can only be determined by large-scale clinical investigations. It may well be that a disorder that has become autonomous will again prove amenable to procaine at the original site of the interference field after one or more treatments with the CSF pump and that this powerful jolt to the neurovegetative system will make possible a more deep-seated reorientation of the organism than Ponndorf’s vaccination, fever therapy, hot baths, shortwave therapy, and all the other reversant methods. The results, conclusions and teachings of Ricker and Speransky agree in the most important points. The theses they set up and that provide a substantial part of the theoretical basis of neural therapy have not remained uncontested. What teachings in medicine can boast that they have been accepted without contradiction? After Speransky had left the Soviet Union, he published his book, A Basis for the Theory of Medicine in 1936 in the United States. For a long time, his work was severely criticized and attacked, not only in Russia. Ritter and Reitter have repeated Speransky’s experiments on dogs, but on a very much smaller scale. They also observed the neurodystonic processes that he had reported, but interpreted them as the result of an infection with Leptospira canicola. Meanwhile, Reilly and Tardieu have repeated Speransky’s experiments on guinea pigs and cats and have fully confirmed his observations. A work published in the Soviet Union in 1960 by the Pavlov disciples Bykow and Kurzin, on “corticovisceral pathology” again gives full credit and recognition to Speransky’s work as the scientific basis for their own work. These two authors merely complain that Speransky did not take Pavlov’s work sufficiently into account and reject the conclusion that the nervous system organizes the pathological process. After all that had happened before, this is equivalent to his rehabilitation in Soviet science. But even if the theories of Ricker and Speransky, which are based on scientific and experimental evidence, and if every hypothesis on which we rely are all denied, there is one glaring fact that cannot be contested: millions of cures that can no longer be denied and that are all the reason that neural therapy needs to justify its existence, for with Nietzsche we can say that “facts are also a form of interpretation!” Incidentally, Speransky also knew of the work done by Spiess, although this was quickly forgotten again in Germany. From him he also adopted Novocaine as the product for use in his “therapeutic anesthesia.” In this, the therapeutic result was, in his eyes, not merely the effect of the elimination of pain. He regarded anesthesia as only one of many neural stimuli capable of facilitating the reharmonization of intraneural relationships. He also discovered that the effect of this stimulus was greater, the weaker the dose. In his investigations on the importance of neural receptivity in pathology, Speransky proved that the site of administering the tetanus toxin plays an important part in the course that tetanus will take. Its effects are at their most toxic when it acts directly on the receptor organs. Also of interest to us is his statement that tetanus does not occur if the toxin is injected together with Novocaine. He concluded from this that Novocaine (procaine) is able to reduce the sensitivity of the receptors. I am more inclined to the view that the toxin creates a massive interference field by its strong local effect, in allowing the tissue potential to collapse unphysiologically, severely, and for a prolonged period. With the changes that occur in the membrane potential of the nerve fibers, rhythmic discharges of current take place and strong neural disturbance impulses are thus emitted with a destructive alarm-code message. What creates the dangerous reaction is simply the response to this strong neural stimulus and the faulty information it carries. If procaine is injected at the same time, the normal potential is maintained or immediately re-established if any depolarization has occurred. Thus, no interference transmitter for false stimulus messages can be formed and the tetanus cannot manifest itself. At the end of his book, Speransky writes: “In conclusion, I consider it mandatory for the medical profession to adjust the common attitude toward the method of Novocaine block.” This statement holds true to this day. Vishnevski, in his animal experiments, severed the sciatic nerve and infected its proximal end with pus or produced some other irritative stimulus on the nerve. Here again, surprisingly, the weakest stimuli proved to be the most effective! About 2 months later, independently of the surgical lesion, ulceration appeared on the same leg, and subsequently also on the other. Here, too, removal of the primarily irritated nerve ending was able to stop the process only at the initial stage. Once the process had become autonomous, it proved no longer possible to influence it from there. Even if one ought not to generalize unselectively from separate observations, there are nevertheless some striking parallels here with the appearance of eczema, furunculosis, psoriasis, and a number of other skin diseases. We are indebted to Vishnevski for the technique published in 1948 for the injection to the → (T) sympathetic chain at the level of the upper kidney poles. He proved the regulating influence of this anesthetic technique on tissue trophism, since he was able to use it to cure a large number of different pathological conditions, from otitis media to gangrene of the lung. Bykow set himself the task of investigating “higher cerebral functions” in the human being. For this he began from Pavlov’s teachings on conditioned reflexes, but he included in his neuropathological observations all autonomic and organic changes that can be produced by the psyche via the emotions. Thus, he went a step further than Ricker and Speransky and entered the field that we define by the collective term of “psychosomatic” (soul and body) problems. Bykow was able to show that it is not possible to distinguish between neurotrophic impulses and other regulating and driving impulses. In his view the decisive neurotrophic impulses originate in the cerebral cortex, whilst the diencephalon is only of subordinate importance. This is to say that the cerebral cortex processes all the impulses coming from within and from without the organism and then switches the individual organs and organ systems on and off as required, and coordinates their activities in a balanced fashion. According to Bykow, the reflexes emanating from the diencephalon to regulate these processes are also subject to cortical control. The Russian school found independently that Novocaine (procaine) has a favorable effect on the relations between the cortex and the subcortex and that it is able to promote the re-establishment of the disturbed corticovisceral dynamics. According to the view of these Russian researchers, the nature of the procaine effect is connected with two physiological moments, “namely with the inactivation of the nerves and with the stimulus. The first moment is effected by interrupting the impulses during anesthesia, the second by the effect on the general trophic regulatory activity of the nervous system, which reacts to the Novocaine treatment of the nerve as to an active process, i.e., as ‘irritative stimulus’ “ (Wedenski). Thus, these Russian researchers fully confirmed the observations by the Huneke brothers that a correctly sited anesthetic is able to guide pathological reflexes and hence pathogenic disturbances in the neurovegetative system into desirable channels. Soviet medicine has made practical use of these theoretical discoveries by its scientists. With their local procaine injections and with their injections to the sympathetic chain they are practicing neural therapy in our sense of the term. Thus, amongst other things, they draw attention to their clear achievements in the prophylaxis and treatment of → shock during World War II. For the forces that become effective in shock they assume a complicated neurodystrophic complex, which it would be difficult to explain fully. But this has not prevented them from treating shock successfully with procaine. They believe that they can prove by impressive statistics that compulsory procaine shock prophylaxis prescribed in the Red Army has alone been responsible for saving the lives of very large numbers of soldiers. Further, the work of the Romanian school around Professor Aslan, who is known to use procaine successfully in geriatrics, is based largely on the work of Pavlov’s pupils. They are a valuable extension of the basic research on the subject. However, we cannot always accept Professor Aslan’s conclusions. We shall deal with this subject more fully in the chapter on “Rejuvenation through Procaine?” The pains it is I call to aid. For they are friends, sound their advice. Goethe (Iphigenia) Pain is in many cases a friend and a warning that points out dysfunctions to us. But, in addition it can also further the pathological processes or even become an illness in itself. In such a case its elimination acquires etiological importance. Leriche even described pain as a “superfluous plague of mankind.” Considered from a cybernetic standpoint, pain points to a functional impairment or a threatening functional disturbance, where a discrepancy has appeared between effective and required values, which then acts as a disturbance to orderly vital processes. The pain process is a chain of physiological reactions. Pain is produced when specialized receptors, so-called nociceptors or their afferent fibers are excited by specific stimuli or by the summation of unspecific stimuli. At the periphery, pain produces vascular and tissue reactions, which may progress to inflammation. The irritation is relayed by the A-delta and C fibers via the synapsis to the posterior-horn neurones of the spinal cord. This has spinobulbar relay centers for protective and defensive reflexes (“fight or flight” reactions), such as defensive movements or the corneal reflex. The pain stimuli transmit this information further to the midbrain. In the thalamus all reflexes of the neurovegetative internal system and of the peripheral sensory animal environmental system are collected and modified individually. The reticular formation is a relay center that coordinates the afferent stimuli to purposive efferent motor and autonomic action and adapts them to extra-reticular processes. In the hypothalamus there are autonomic control centers that also regulate hormone production (e. g., ACTH and endorphines). The information is ultimately transmitted to the cerebral cortex, where the pain becomes a conscious, affective experience. The pain tolerance may be lowered by fear, depression, grief, loneliness, and sleep deprivation. Where as autosuggestion, affection, hope, and sleep may increase it. Depending on the anatomical circumstances, there are two genetically different types of pain origin: a. Pain due to outside factors, produced when the receptors available (as in the case of wounds, heat, cold, chemical irritants etc.) are directly stimulated. It generally manifests itself as a continuous pain. b. Pain due to internal causes tends to have a more variable character and to come in surges. The stimulus travels from its point of origin in the internal organ to its respective paravertebral ganglion of the sympathetic chain and then via the rami communicantes together with the segmental nerve to the posterior horn of the spinal cord. Now the transmission to the thalamus, as described above, takes place. It is accompanied by information from skin and muscle areas that are supplied by the same spinal cord segment, which allows for the projection of internal organ pain onto these skin and muscle areas (see Fig. 1.2). In addition, a transmission to the intermediate zone of the spinal cord takes place. From there, efferent fibers travel via the rami communicantes to the ganglion of the sympathetic chain. After being relayed, the fibers end in these skin and muscle areas and initiate reflex responses in the relevant vessels (see Fig. 1.12, p. 64). If a sensory autonomic nerve fiber is irritated, a reflex is set off that modifies the blood supply. With moderate stimuli, there is a vascular spasm (as in ischemic muscular pains), whilst stronger stimuli cause dilatation (inflammation). When the tolerance threshold of the circulatory-sympathetic system is exceeded, pain is produced. Kulenkampff stated that “there is only one system that can be regarded as the carrier of what we call pain: the sympathetic system.” As long ago as 1906, Spiess drew attention to the fact that inflammation of all kinds can be arrested and healing accelerated by local anesthesia. Bruce proved that the inflammatory reflex set off after excitation of the sensitized nerve endings is not dependent either on the central or the spinal channels but that it must originate in the peripheral nerve itself. He concluded that the sensitized nerve fiber divides distally from the ganglion and that one branch then leads to the skin, the other to the blood vessels. In an inflammatory reaction, the pain stimulus thus directly sets off vascular dilatation, permeability of the capillary walls, and all the other processes that then produce the classic signs of inflammation. Since the inflammation in its turn brings with it additional pain, the process escalates continually. This reflex, which leads to the vicious circle already referred to, is known as the short-circuit or axon reflex. It is now generally assumed that the sympathetic system plays a leading part in the origin and conduction of pain, and in its elimination as an experienced phenomenon. According to Pischinger, there is a direct synaptic link only in the case of the muscle cell. Elsewhere, the stimulus is transferred from the physical to the chemical medium and can pass into the basic autonomic system only by this means. In doing so it can be modified. Thus, the cell is not an isolated, independent structure, as Virchow regarded it, it is non-autonomous and is viable only in conjunction with other cells. Since every part of our organism is inseparably connected with every other and is dependent on all the others, any disturbance in one part of it inevitably produces disturbances also in the whole autonomic structure. The unimaginably complex unifying and guiding principle that connects all the cells in the human body and that comprises body and psyche uses the neurovegetative (including the basic autonomic) system as the instrument by which alone the miracle of life is made possible. But the living organism is subject to laws that can never be fully comprehended and measured by science. Pain and illness are modifications of this living organism. If, by involvement of the psyche, pain is then moved unconsciously and unintentionally into the center of the stage, it can only be augmented and fixed in the psychic component. Finally, the fear of pain can no longer be separated from the pain itself. Pain is always something very relative. I once told a woman patient under hypnosis that she no longer had any feeling in her body. She believed this and the surgeon was able, without any additional anesthetic, to remove her appendix painlessly. A toothache at night can drive us insane. In the dentist’s waiting room early next morning it diminishes to the point where we are almost ashamed to have made such a fuss. During the night, the pain held the center of the stage and this enabled it to assume gigantic proportions. Distraction and the prospect of early relief reduce it to its proper, bearable magnitude. One of the physician’s finest and noblest tasks is to relieve and eliminate pain. Someone who can do this well is a good doctor! For the neural therapist it is not too difficult to break the pathogenic chain attached to pain and thus to induce the healing process. This is also true of the numerous cases where pain sets off reactions that go beyond its function as warning signal, as, for example, in trigeminal neuralgia or in the painful immobilization of extremities after injury beyond the necessary healing period. In all these cases an accurately placed anesthetic at the point where there is a loss of function is an important component of this therapy and, with regard to psychological processes, it is also psychoprophylaxis and psychotherapy, without the need to resort to the term “suggestion” for this. It is a fact that the neural-therapeutic effect is one of normalization that re-establishes the autonomic equilibrium, that this effect lasts considerably longer than the temporary numbness caused by the local anesthetic, and that it manifests a curative action that cannot be explained from a purely pharmacological standpoint alone. The relief of pain is often in the forefront of our efforts, but it is by no means the main purpose of neural therapy. It would be to underestimate its importance if one were to assume that our therapeutic scope is exhausted merely in relieving pain. Pain is only one of a number of means whereby a disturbed bodily function can express itself, even if it is a frequent and an impressive one. To us, pain is a good indicator, for it proves to us by its disappearance that our efforts have been correctly applied and provides us with the opportunity to intervene in a truly regulatory manner in the disturbed neurovegetative system. The vital processes undoubtedly run their course according to certain laws, but the means available to us are incapable of recognizing these laws. Much The nerve cell consists essentially of a cytosome with its nucleus and of fibrous processes (one axon and several dendrites). In the past it was assumed that the cell was supplied only from without and that the nerve fibers merely had the function of electrical leads. Modern neurobiology has revised this picture. We now know that the nerve cell is a minute but very powerful computer, which not only transmits information but also coordinates all bodily functions. In doing so, it gathers intelligence in the form of experiences, which is then stored in its stimulus memory. The nerve cell is an active building block that can produce and transport materials and that, in an emergency, can even repair itself. From all the materials available it carefully selects only those that it needs for its own requirements. From these it continually produces in the body of the cell the material it needs for its own maintenance and function. This material has about three to four times the volume of the cell itself. From this it is possible to conclude that the process of excitation uses energy and is subjected to attrition losses that must be constantly replaced. A continuous stream of neural material moves the nerve-fiber membrane and the whole of the neuroplasma column with all the organelles it contains (mitochondriae, tubuli, filaments) at a speed of 1–3 mm per day from the cell itself out to the fiber-end zones. But apart from this there is also a much faster supply stream for particle-specific neuroplasma components, which moves at 40–70 mm per day, including transmitter substances and phospholipids. These two supply systems moving at different speeds ensure that all the chemical building blocks arrive at their destinations at the right time. The same also applies to the transmitter substances (e. g., noradrenalin) that are given off during the excitation process into the cell’s environmental system or into the synaptic gap. The electrical excitation can be transmitted by one cell to another only by means of chemical processes. Thus, the nerve cell is not a stable structure, but rather subjected to constant change. Its metabolism can also be influenced from without. We know that the antibiotic Actidion can cause the slower of the two supply systems to stop, whilst the alkaloid colchicine halts the faster of the two. Amongst local anesthetics, procaine does not interfere with this important transport of building blocks in the axons, whilst lidocaine (Xylocaine, Xyloneural), like the hallucinogenic drug mescaline, acts as inhibitor to these supplies. This doubtless also has a negative effect on the functional activity at the synapses (G. W. Kreutzberg). M. Zimmermann states that long-term disturbances of the neural and humoral regulation will also cause disturbances of the axoplasmatic transport. This will lead to relay changes in the synapses of the posterior horn and can become the origin of faulty motor and synaptic reflexes. Vasoactive substances, for example the polypeptide Substance P, are released from sensory nerve endings in the skin, internal organs, and the teeth. Some of the sensory nerve fibers transport the substance from the spinal ganglion to the periphery where it is secreted. At this point, it presumably regulates the microcirculation and the vasopermeability. An adaptive regulation through Substance P has to occur if a nerve lesion interrupts the substance transport. The axoplasmatic transport includes substances that the nerve fibers absorb from the outside, including toxins (tetanus), viruses (herpes), as well as medication. The peripheral autonomic fibrils in the human organism are unimaginably fine, having a thickness of only 0.002–0.01 mm. What happens in these extremely fine conductors is still only vaguely known, but we do know that within they have a negative electrical charge and outside they are positively charged. In between lies a surface membrane that normally provides perfect insulation. It is thought probable that the limiting surfaces of the nerve fibers at rest are impermeable and that the sodium, potassium, and hydrogen ions are in equilibrium. When this is the case, the electrical potential of the cell membrane is very high. The concentration of potassium ions within the cell is about 20 to 40 times greater than in the extracellular space. This concentration differential is the reason for the high electrical potential of the membrane, amounting to about –40mV to –90mV in the case of nerve and muscle fibers. Seen in this light, the cell is a kind of potassium battery, which can function only if it is continually able to take up potassium ions. Oxygen metabolism, glycolysis and the conversion of energy-laden phosphate are also tied to the exchange of electrical charges by ions and colloids, and mainly serve for the intake of potassium for maintaining the potassium concentration within the cell at the requisite high level. At rest, potassium output and resorption are in equilibrium. The active cell membrane is like a sieve, the gauge of whose mesh is cybernetically adjustable. In other words, its permeability to ions of different sizes can be altered electrically. If the nerve receives a physiological or even a noxious unphysiological (chemical, mechanical, thermal, or electrical) stimulus, the surface membrane relaxes and becomes more permeable. As a result, potassium ions escape from the cell and sodium ions enter. But since the nerve cell is kept in its electrically charged state by virtue of the differential concentration of ions within and outside it, the loss of potassium allows this ion concentration to become equalized. Thus, the electrical potential of the surface membrane collapses and the nerve loses its electrical charge. This results in depolarization, producing impulses in the nerve, which are transmitted to the spinal cord, the brain stem, and the cerebrum. The sensation of pain thus also registers and controls electrical impulse patterns (depolarization) and signals any unphysiological or noxious stimuli. The higher the initial potential of the nerve cell (membrane resting potential, MRP), the greater must be the stimulus needed to produce depolarization. Disturbances in the oxydizing cell metabolism influence the MRP and thus indirectly affect the depolarization rate and the perception of pain. (See Fig. 1.3.) F. Eicholtz explained that “pathology needs to acquaint itself with the idea that changes in electric potential, not only of nerve but all cells, or synonymously, changes in the number of sodium, potassium, and hydrogen ions at the limiting membrane of the cell are some of the main sources of inflammation and other pathological changes.” Every injury (including our pinprick) stimulates nerve endings. This releases substances, for example, bradykinin, serotonin, and prostaglandin E that are common in inflammations. They are neuroactive, i.e., sensitizing or stimulating, in regard to nociceptors. Due to the fact that they are also vasoactive, they affect the microcirculation either through abnormal vasoconstriction accompanied by hypoxemia of the tissue or vasodilation with increased capillary permeability. The cell environment is changed, which may stimulate additional chemoreceptors. In this process, these changes can have an exponential effect on each other, which may lead to an increase in pain or other noxious stimuli. In the central nervous system, information about pain from the periphery initiates stimulating as well as inhibiting reflexes, including endogen and endocrine analgesic substances like endorphins or encephalin. This way the beta-endorphin, secreted by the pituitary gland and the brain, is able to block pain information. According to Fleckenstein and Hardt, procaine (Novocaine) acts as a true antagonist in these electrophysiological and biochemical processes in the local occurrence of pain in both tissues and sensory nerves. Local anesthetics consist of a water soluble (hydrophilic) amino group, an intermediate chain, and a fat soluble (lipophilic) aromatic rest. The hydrophilic part allows the local anesthetics to reach the nerve via tissue fluids. The lipophilic part enables it to penetrate the nerve. Due to this structure it is membrane-active. It can block the sodium channels by docking on the external side of the cell membrane. All persistent pain stimuli increase the permeability of the membranes and lead to a potassium loss in the cells and hence to depolarization. L. Eppinger states that, “the more we look into problems with permeability the more we get the confirmation that at the beginning of nearly every disease process we discover membrane damage or change in membrane permeability.” Local anesthetics act precisely in the opposite sense, and do so in lower concentrations than those needed for local anesthesia, by protecting the surface membranes against long-term excitation patterns, since they seal the membrane and prevent depolarization of the nerve cell by low-power stimuli. Thus, they stabilize the membrane potential and protect it against any depolarizing noxious influences. Equally important is the fact that by the “nerve block” produced by the procaine, which acts like a chemical means of setting the cell in a state of rest, the cell is made capable of recharging itself under its own power with the electrical potential lost as a result of the pathological stimulus. With the disappearance of pain the reactive inflammation also disappears. In procaine’s ability to permit this repolarization by increasing the membrane resting potential and to protect the nerve cell against depolarization by low-power stimuli, together with the temporary transmission break, which it produces along the pain pathways, we obtain an intelligible and adequate explanation for the undeniable and wide-ranging therapeutic capabilities of local anesthetics. Fleckenstein and Hardt reached the conclusion that pain-producing substances can also produce interruptions in the nerve circuits and that procaine is able to repair these interruptions. Fleckenstein concluded from these apparently contradictory results that procaine can act in either (or both) senses, depending on the initial autonomic state, and that it can thus compensate for any deficient performance: Whilst normally modulating excitatory waves which mutually complement one another to a harmonious overall picture in accord with the outside world are transmitted to the central nervous system by the concerted action of all the peripheral receptors, we must assume that depolarization due to painful stimuli leads to unmodulated excitation streams that deviate from the normal type and form a discord in this harmony. This is how Fleckenstein formulated what we, as neural therapists, know as the interference-field effect. He studied only the processes that occur in the causation and transmission of pain, but we believe that his conclusions can be extended to all “noxious stimuli” that run their course in the so-called nociceptive system. It is today assumed that these noxious stimuli are conducted primarily by the C fibers, but that the A-delta fibers also play their part. Procaine first of all blocks the finest fibers. It acts on and progressively eliminates the dull pain, then the sharp pain and finally the sensitivity to pressure. Since the conduction velocity of the A-delta fibers is substantially greater than that of the C fibers, it is thought that the sharp superficial pain is transmitted by the A-delta fibers, and the deep, dull secondary pain by the C fibers. Local anesthetics are not narcotics, since brain function and pain perception remain fully intact. Local anesthetics prevent not only the pain from being generated but also the nervous impulse from being transmitted further, by inhibiting the fundamental process required to generate the nerve potential, namely the substantial temporary increase of membrane permeability to sodium ions. The threshold of electrical excitability is continually raised as the anesthetic effect in the nerve increases until its onward transmission is ultimately blocked completely. The precise mechanism by which the membrane is influenced by local anesthetics is still unknown. Mechanical or chemical processes in the nerve or its surroundings, such as pressure, scars, inflammation, edema, or agents that are artificially introduced to the nerve are generally able to decrease and increase the passing nerve stimuli. We believe that some hyperesthesias, hyper-reflexias, and contractions originate this way. The analysis of such disease pictures has to be difficult if it is assumed that their origins lie in the center alone and the nerve is merely the “wick” that transports “all or nothing.” The term “procaine block” has become so well established in medicine that we need to spend a moment in discussing it. It tends to suggest that the procaine injection sets up something like a barrier between synapse and terminal neuroreticulum, and that this barrier interrupts the neural reaction mechanism. By this means the centrally controlled stimuli from outside the organ that precede and sustain the pathological processes are switched off. The segment would thus be neurally isolated from the relay station and left subject only to its autonomous peripheral control. The reflex processes that no longer obey the normal rules and that secondarily govern local events are thereby guided back to normality and thus produce a new initial position. Against this it may be possible to object that in such a case, once the local anesthetic has ceased to act, the defective overriding control from the center will again allow the peripheral events that depend on it to continue from the point at which they left off. In that case, everything would again return to the earlier state. But this is not so, for the therapeutic effect may persist for days, weeks and sometimes as a complete cure for a lifetime, provided always that the injection is given at the correct site, and regardless of the fact that this site is by no means limited to predetermined nerve pathways. As we have seen, the regulation-therapeutic stimulus is produced by quantities well below those needed for local anesthesia. Nor is it limited to the use of an anesthetic. As we know, it can be produced by the use of bicarbonate of soda, formic acid, planosol, air, or simply by inserting a needle in the right place, although these alternatives produce stimuli of another order of quality. In our view, the neural-therapeutic effect is a non-specific irritation therapy in which, after unblocking the nerve circuits by means of autogenous healing powers that have again been set free, the stimulus threshold is raised in such a way that the stimuli that were earlier able to induce morbidity now remain below this threshold. F. Huneke also fought against the idea that procaine merely produces a nerve block, since the healing effects of his therapy cannot be explained by this. Neural therapy in its wider sense includes acupuncture, selective massage, spinal manipulation, and other cognate forms of treatment, and he argued that these were all capable of producing healing phenomena similar to those of neural therapy with correctly sited procaine injections. He could not therefore believe that all such cures could be produced as a result of some temporary interruption of the nervous system, but was convinced that they could be nothing other than healing stimuli that unblocked and reactivated nerve function. In his view, whenever the needle used for an injection or in acupuncture penetrates the skin, it passes through thousands of electrically charged autonomic fibrils and hence also through their protective covering. This produces short circuits in the electrical structure of the neurovegetative system. The injection of procaine intensifies this short circuit, because it is also capable of putting the insulating nerve covering temporarily out of action. Electrostatic energy can thus flow into the surrounding tissue and pathogenic differences in electrical potential are again brought into balance. The nerve is therefore temporarily without current and is thus biologically dead. This short circuit acts as if it were a stimulating force to the entire neurovegetative system, to which the system then responds as a whole. If this occurs at a point where the building blocks have been displaced and whose displacement has, as it were, caused the whole building to lean, then these displaced building blocks can be put back where they belong, and this at lightning speed. According to him, the correctly sited procaine injection blocks nothing; it influences the functional unity of the neurovegetative system in the sense of a functional correction far beyond the injection site. He therefore felt unable to accept the misleading term “nerve block.” In addition, the complicated methods used in the studies that led to the use of this term contained so many possible sources of error that any conclusion based on them could not be justified. Even if all the measurements obtained by research on dead building blocks could be assumed to be correct, they did not suffice for explaining and understanding the holistic healing processes that, in his view, occurred within the non-rational area of life. This neovitalist attitude shown by F. Huneke is one of the reasons that he encountered disapproval and rejection from the medical establishment with its materialistic outlook. However, one need not share Huneke’s philosophy in order to make successful use of his teachings. Thus, as already stated, Fleckenstein, Hardt, and also Eichholtz regarded the anesthetic effect as the impermeabilization of the cell membranes and as an increase in their electrical potential. Huneke, on the other hand, is at the opposite end, in seeing an increase in the permeability of the membranes and a collapse of electrical potential. In 1965, I received a letter from Professor Vishnevski in Moscow on this subject, in which he wrote: Based on the latest neurophysiological research, the fact has now been established that a barrier is created in the nerve fibers at the site of a Novocaine injection, which blocks the passage of neural stimuli. The electrical potential of the nerve-fiber membrane is not in any way reduced by this but, on the contrary, it is increased. The studies at our institute, made for this specific purpose on isolated nerve fibers, have shown that Novocaine reduces the ion permeability of the membranes, i.e., that it has a stabilizing and not a relaxing effect on these fibers. Perforation of the nerve fibers by the needle produces purely local depolarization of the membranes in the immediate neighborhood of the puncture, but not more than 2 mm away from this point the electrical potential of the nerve-fiber membrane remained unchanged. To this one may add that a short circuit within a radius of 2 mm from a 1 mm diameter needle will in fact involve many thousands of nerve fibers on each occasion, when we bear in mind that a fibril has a diameter of only 0.002–0.01 mm, and that Huneke’s assumptions about the injection site would therefore seem to have been confirmed. Despite these important partial results we are still not in a position at the time of writing to state exactly all that does in fact happen in the non-isolated nerve with its normal, numerous interlaced connections in every direction, when first the needle (on being inserted) and then the procaine act upon it. We still know too little and must have the requisite humility to admit our ignorance. But in any event one thing seems clear enough: the term “Novocaine block” is a bad choice. For ultimately the neural-therapeutic effect is obtained not solely by any temporary interruption of the nerve pathways that the procaine may produce, but in my view only by the rehabilitation of the nerve fiber that has previously been damaged by stimuli. By restoring the electrical potential of about –40mV to –90mV, the regulatory disturbances in those parts of the neurovegetative system are eliminated where we, as neural therapists, see the “block.” Once order has been restored at every level of the neurovegetative system, all vasal, humoral, hormonal, and even psychological and other forms of secondary disturbances are restored to normality, i.e., health. The normalizing stimulus produced at disturbed and disturbing points is what really matters. Only the extent of this stimulus will vary, according to whether it is produced by acupuncture, selective massage, Kneipp’s hydrotherapy or other forms of skin stimulation, by irradiation, or by procaine. However, the healing stimulus produced by procaine has a dominant, outstanding place in this scheme of things, on account of its safety in use, and the speed and extent of its effect. Melzack and Wall produced their gate-control system theory (1965) (see Fig. 1.4), in which they stated that, following all noxious stimuli, neural impulses are transmitted to the gelatinous substance in the posterior horn of the spinal cord, the posterior gray columns (which lead to the cerebrum), and the first central T (transmission) cells in the posterior horn. According to the gate-control system theory, there is a mechanism in the gelatinous substance that acts as a gate in controlling the transmission of neural impulses from the peripheral fibers to the central nervous system, i.e., which amplifies or inhibits their transmission, before they can influence the T cells, which are linked to the action system. The afferent impulses also produce some central control that activates certain mechanisms in the brain that, in turn, again influence the control characteristics of the gate-control system. These efferent central effects make this gate wider (as is also the case of the small fibers) or narrower (as with the large fibers). If the total number of message impulses passing through the gate exceeds a certain limit in the exit for the T cells, pain signals are produced in the areas responsible for pain perception and reaction. By way of reflex response, counter-regulating reactions can be triggered by these central feedback mechanisms (negative feedback) to reduce or eliminate the stimulus (defensive movements, corneal reflex, increased blood supply etc.). As possible causes of positive feedback by efferent action of the sympathetic system, other mechanisms are also under discussion: a. By reflex vasoconstriction, positive feedback may reduce the blood supply. In the affected area, this may progress to the point of ischemia, which can then activate the pain receptors to a greater extent. b. One theory holds that there may be a direct transfer of the sympathetic system’s efferent activity to closely adjacent nociceptive afferent fibers, e. g., in the case of neuromas. c. Wall assumes that neurotransmitters belonging to the sympathetic system, particularly noradrenalin, may intensify the nociceptive afferent stimuli and so produce positive feedback. Therapeutic measures can interrupt the stimulation circuit. Local anesthetics can interrupt the vicious circle in the segment at nociceptors, pain-conducting nerves, and at the sympathetic chain. In the case of interference fields, it can be interrupted at its origin. Natural regulation (negative feedback) can be restored. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) interrupts the stimulation circuit in a different way. Two electrodes are placed on the skin above a nerve or its surroundings. From there, the nerve is stimulated through the skin. This is done using a low electrical stimulus of 40 to 100 Hertz, which equals 40 to 100 stimuli per second. The intensity of the stimulus remains considerably below the pain threshold. The patient perceives it as a vibrating or prickling sensation. The muscles respond with mild tonic contractions. The paresthetic stimulations superimpose and suppress the pain because they only stimulate the bigger nerve fibers that conduct sensitivity to touch (not the pain!), which results in a narrowing of the gate (according to the gate-control system theory). The analgesic effect exceeds the application time by 30 minutes up to several hours. TENS can be used with patients who are taking anti-coagulants, not with patients who are using a pacemaker or other metallic implants, in the case of thalamus pain or areas with sensitivity disorders. Hypotheses are actually essential for the progress of science. Their revision requires the development of new technology and the use of new skills. It is ultimately of no importance whether the hypothesis was right or wrong. Its purpose is to initiate progress (A Carrel). The current idea of how the procaine “block” acts is approximately as follows: while the neural pathways are temporarily interrupted, all pathological reflexes that are normally transmitted along them are also stopped. By eliminating the sensory part of the nerve I can block pain, paresthesia, itching, and other sensory phenomena and so prevent abnormal reflex mechanisms from being produced secondarily via the efferent branch. If I interrupt the somatic motor nerve, I can relieve spasm in the skeletal musculature. If I interrupt autonomic channels, especially the sympathetic system, I eliminate a pathological autonomic activity, which can originate either from a pathological state within the segment or from a focus. But in my view this does not adequately explain the effect of procaine in neural therapy. With the brief, reversible procaine block we do in fact interrupt the cycle of stimuli at the nociceptors, in the nerves and sympathetic chain, whose positive feedback has caused the vicious circle. Thus we also temporarily restore the natural regulating system with its negative feedback to effectiveness. But once the anesthetic effect has worn off, then all these pathological reflexes would have to become active again in the same way and as strongly as before. However, when the procaine has been carefully pinpointed to act on pathological, previously damaged segmental tissue or on an interference field, the therapeutic effect always goes far beyond the short-term anesthetic effect. The therapeutic effect is increased through repetition until the condition is healed, as far as that is structurally still possible. From this one may conclude that during anesthesia (hyperpolarization phase), when cell function is at rest, energy-producing mechanisms may recover to the point that they can rebalance the decreased membrane resting potential, which allows the cell to function properly. This induces a lasting change of nerve function toward normality. Thus, there must be a fundamental difference between simple anesthesia and the neural-therapeutic effect (see Fig. 1.5). In neural therapy according to Huneke, “therapeutic anesthesia,” “therapeutic local anesthesia,” and the “nerve block” are not prime considerations. What happens here is something that goes far beyond local anesthesia and occurs only when the anesthetic strikes the diseased, pathologically altered tissue. This is precisely where we use the local anesthetic to supply a substantial amount of energy to the tissues, in order to help the cell to rebuild its electrical potential. In addition, the tissue-cell membrane is also stabilized by it. We are thus re-establishing normal bioelectrical conditions and the normal physiological conditions that depend on them. An essential part of this process is to reconnect the cell to the normal information exchange on which, as part of the whole, it depends. The change that occurs in the local energy situation has its effects on the whole organism via the cybernetic network. The initial level of the membrane resting potential (MRP) of individual cells is not identical. If the cell is diseased, this can sink considerably without necessarily causing the cell to die. So, for example, a normal lung cell has a mean MRP of –15 mV (with a standard deviation of ±20%). Lung cells in non-malignant disorders (such as pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis) have an MRP of –14 mV ±20%. Lung cells that have undergone malignant change may have an MRP as low as –9.8 mV ±3 mV. Healthy human cervical cells have an MRP of –33 mV, tumor cells about –22 mV. Some measurements obtained from tumor cells even produce positive values (Steinhaeusler). It has been possible to show by measurements made in vitro of lung biopsy specimens with inserted electrodes that when a 1% procaine solution is added to the physiological saline solution there is a rise in the membrane potential from about –15 mV to about –60 mV. This result was obtained in a number of tests but is not as yet statistically ascertainable, since these studies are still continuing. At the same time, it is intended to establish whether the observed effect is due only to procaine or to a pH shift. From this it is possible to conclude that hyperpolarization of the cell occurs that produces changes in the cell’s metabolism (ion exchange). Humoral regulating mechanisms reduce the concentration of procaine in the zone where it has been administered. As a result, the MRP sinks again to its initial value. If, as a result of improved metabolism, the sick cell succeeds during this brief period in getting rid of metabolic waste and toxins into the adjacent environment, this will allow the MRP and hence the functional shift back to normality to be maintained. “It is not difficult to imagine that small (local) hyperpolarizations can balance depolarizations of the same size,” said Schad. If this cannot be achieved, the MRP will sink back to its disturbed initial value. The theory that a procaine solution supplies energy into tissues is thus correct, since from a physical point of view the increase in the biological potential is possible only by greater order, and this is always linked to an increase in energy. When the cell damage and the consequences it has produced have been repaired, the previously damaged excitatory process and the autonomic (neural, humoral, hormonal, and cellular) regulating function is restored as far as possible to all functional circuits. In other words, procaine therapy produces an electro-biological rehabilitation. Initially, it acts only locally, and after modifying the cell-environment system (Pischinger) it also acts on the whole of the organism. From the beginning, Huneke referred to a “change in the energy structure of the autonomic system.” I would go further and call it the restoration of the normal structure of the autonomic system to the extent that this is still possible. Today, this includes a focus on positive changes in the basic system (the matrix). The correct site for the injection is decisive, because this neural-therapeutic normalizing effect upon the neurovegetative system can be produced only if the injection strikes previously damaged tissues that can no longer recover by their own efforts. Procaine used as a local anesthetic forms a block; used in neural therapy it eliminates a nerve block that was previously present. This fundamental difference is the reason for the plea that the outdated term “procaine block” be used, if at all, only for the state produced in local anesthesia. If it is not, it is likely to continue to block the way to understanding the processes that occur in neural therapy. The fact that we need to repeat our injections whenever their positive effect begins to wear off suggests that the cell can at first retain the electrical potential supplied to it for only a limited time. But with every repetition it seems to learn more effectively to build up and maintain the required potential by its own efforts. Thus, in disturbed segmental tissue and especially in the “interference field” we have zones of strong stimuli or the summation of stimuli over longer periods, which the body is unable for the time being to compensate, i.e., the organism finds them to be irreversible. In this state the cell becomes refractory, it no longer responds to external stimuli and withdraws from the continual information transfer and to some extent also from the higher-order cortical overall information system. Despite this, however, these zones do not remain mute. They fire off streams of irregular irritative impulses (Thompson, Kimball), which, in my view, have the characteristic ability to set up a disturbance. In doing so they inundate the stimulus-inhibiting and selective functional elements of the synapses and the “ubiquitous synapses” of the basic autonomic system. This roughly corresponds with Melzack and Wall’s gate-control system theory. Nerve fibers turn into synapses, into other nerve fibers, or they end at the motor end plates of muscle fibers. Synapses are switch-points where electrical signals are transformed into chemical signals. The information is carried across the synapses via transmitter substances, for example, acetylcholine. When the acetylcholine has completed its task it is split by the enzyme acetyl cholinesterase (cholinesterase). Procaine blocks cholinesterase, the excitability of the peripheral choline receptors, and inhibits the acetylcholine formation. Synapses can have an exciting or an inhibiting effect. They can filter off individual subliminal stimuli and prevent their passage. Their function as pressure-relief valves causes some preselection amongst the irritative impulses and nerve signals that travel only in one direction. The loss of this synaptic function leads to the inundation of the system by stimuli. The interference impulses from disturbed tissues or interference fields probably also transmit false information in the segment or to higher centers, depending on how far they reach. Regulatory disturbances result, and finally there is a disturbance in the total environment of the organism. If weaker disturbances limited in range to the largely autonomous control circuits with neurovegetative functions act only within the segment, once certain limits of tolerance are exceeded a segmental illness results that we have to treat by accurately placed procaine injections into the relevant part of the segment. But if cerebral centers are disturbed by even stronger excitatory streams that inundate all the synapses (or the gate-control system) and thus arrive unfiltered, a remote-disturbance illness is produced. For obvious reasons this will manifest itself where the environment, from hereditary or acquired causes, is weakened and is therefore more readily subject to disturbance, and thus where organs, tissue, and control circuits are particularly easy to throw out of a healthy balance by additional regulatory defects. Such an illness can be cured only by eliminating the interference field via the Huneke phenomenon or by the surgical removal of the focus of the disturbance. In my view, the intensity and duration of the pathogenic drop in the electrical potential compared with the normal level and the liability to disturbance of tissues and organs determine whether and where a functional or organic disorder will occur, whether it will remain in the segment, extend beyond the segment to the same part or the same half of the body, or will leap beyond any territorial reference that we can recognize and manifest itself in some other part of the body. In addition to using hyperpolarization during anesthesia to break out of the vicious circle of positive feedbacks, I therefore regard the following as the major points in the pathological processes and in the therapeutic effects of procaine to counter them: a. Stimulus-related processes affecting the cell membrane potential, i.e., the lowering of the membrane resting potential by excessive stimuli on the one hand, and in therapy its restoration by means of procaine on the other. If a cell membrane is damaged experimentally, the cell’s ion exchange can no longer be controlled by the surrounding environment. The neighboring cells immediately break off their (membrane conduction) contact with this “sick” cell. It is as if they were isolating themselves in order to protect themselves against being contaminated by its harmful influence. Being a surface-active substance, procaine can settle on these surfaces and make them impermeable. As a result, contact with the cell is re-established. b. The production of stimuli triggered thereby and the channeling of these stimuli via the neurovegetative system, and the resultant negative or positive effects on the regulating mechanisms of this system. Life is bound to bioelectrical processes. The sympathetic and parasympathetic systems ultimately resolve in a common basic plexus and terminate in the mesenchymal interstitial tissue. The electrical impulses are then transmitted by means of special chemical transmitter substances (norepinephrine, acetylcholine etc.) to special receptors that, however, are doubtless also subject to some higher-order control and regulation. c. The stimulus-related loss of the selective gate effect of the synapses and the resulting inundation by stimuli, leading ultimately to exhaustion as far as the reticular formation, and in reverse when synaptic function is restored and pathological ephapses are eliminated by means of procaine. This product supplies energy to the power stations of the synapses and enables them to resume their lost functions in supplying energy. According to the gate-control system theory the information-control gate is opened by activity in the small fibers. The C fibers respond especially rapidly to procaine and anesthesia then shuts the gate again. The equilibrium of activity in the large and small fibers is restored and the inundation of the reticular formation by stimuli inhibited. This also limits pain perception. If reflex vasoconstriction has led to ischemia, which then itself excites new pain receptors in affected tissue, procaine can dilate these vessels and so break through the vicious circle. The cybernetic interaction of physical and chemical reactions in the synapses and in what Pischinger has called the cell-environment system represents a refined arrangement of the organism in providing a fail-safe system for protecting the peripheral regulating functions, to maintain the bioelectrical potential at its correct level. We are able to intervene actively in these vital processes. What Wedell found to apply to the injured nerve is likely to be true also for the interference field, with cells damaged by stimuli. By recording streams of neural impulses proximal to the injury he showed these to possess particularly penetrating and diffusing properties. Of special interest to us is the fact that in the region where there are injured nerves, pathological synapses can come into existence, so-called ephapses. These have all the characteristic features that we regard as prerequisites for interference-field activity, since they can lead to the pathological transmission of stimuli between otherwise well-insulated nerve fibers. In other words, in addition to the normal synapses there is short-circuiting of nerve channels and a transmission of information and unmodulated stimulus impulses on the wrong channels. Something like this happens if the insulation in the system is defective and we can hear another conversation when we use the telephone. Such short-circuiting across ephapses at points of injury has been proved experimentally for unmedullated fibers (Arvanitaki, Jasper, Katz, and others) and from medullated to unmedullated fibers (Granit). The discharges resulting from injuries have a pronounced tendency to diffuse. They are apparently forced away at the ephapsis from the more sensitive A and B fibers toward the C fibers, and it is precisely these last that are especially sensitive to procaine. They then trigger off a state of excitation in the posterior-horn complex of the spinal cord by causing a primitive rhythmic excitatory activity (Harrer). This is where inhibition, channeling and summation occur, and where ever more functional systems can become involved in the pathological state of excitation. This provides a plausible explanation for the diffusion of stimuli that we find time and again to occur in disorders due to interference fields that have persisted for some time. Erbsloeh has written that: this corresponds to a phased rise in the shift of the main site of abnormal stimulus production from the level of the peripheral site of damage to the control-cell mechanism of the spinal cord and beyond, as far as the intermediary neuron systems in the region of the thalamus. Hyperpathy, which may affect a specific region of the body or be unilateral, bilateral or generalized, therefore seems ultimately capable of continuing to exist independently from the rarefying process of the original focus. Practical experience has proved to us that we can eliminate such pathogenic short-circuit synapses (ephapses) via the Huneke phenomenon, and that together with such false information and excitatory states we also get rid of the remote disturbances in the entire basic autonomic system for which they have been responsible. d. The initiation of pathogenic processes due to the liability to disturbance on the one hand, and the increase in resistance and the reactivation of cells, tissues, organs, and their interdependent functions on the other. This theory of the genesis of a large number of disorders builds on the successes achieved in practice and can be extended to new fields surprisingly often. So, for example, I see the action of neurotropic toxins as a pure interference-field effect. The interference impulses originating from the primary entry point are conducted via the nerves, inundate all the synapses (or according to Melzack and Wall’s theory of the gate-control in the gelatinous substance of the spinal cord) and produce excessively strong stimuli in the cerebral centers. To me, “toxic effect” is primarily a result of an excessive response to a stimulus. The successful treatment of → snakebite and → tetanus by prompt treatment of the entry site with procaine seems to prove this. Siegen has shown that it is reliably possible to prevent allergic necrosis in the Shwartzmann–Sanarelli phenomenon, that the antigen–antibody reaction is also controlled via neural channels and that any interference impulses related to it can be eliminated by administering procaine to the neural interference field. The problem of organ transplants has been solved by surgical techniques, but involving as they do the cellular, humero-hormonal and neurovegetative defense mechanism against the foreign body of the transplant, the high expectations of success still prove elusive. Immunotherapy is still one-eyed in its humero-seral views and has been unable to control the anaphylactic processes. To Siegen the transplanted organ is a classic interference field with a negative influence on the immunological processes that obviously also have a neural component that may to some extent even be dominant. This neural component can be influenced decisively by correctly localized procaine injections. According to Siegen, immunological assimilation of donor and recipient organism can be achieved only by observing the laws we have learned from the Huneke phenomenon and this assimilation is essential for permanently functional transplants. The fact that a procaine injection suppurates only extremely rarely proves to me that tissues protected and returned to normality by procaine simply do not allow infection and → inflammation to occur. I am equally convinced that the development of tissue autarky known to occur in carcinogenesis (→ cancer) will be found to be made possible only if it is favored by an interference field. This working hypothesis also provides a plausible explanation for the very wide range of indications for procaine therapy. We can use it wherever neurovegetative dysregulations lead to disorders. This is a very extensive field with a large number of diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities, but it naturally also has its limits. These theories are the result of experience and of experiments that require us to rethink some of what we have been taught. F. Huneke gave his first book the title Disease and Cure: Another View (Krankheit und Heilung anders gesehen). He meant this to indicate that in looking at illness from the point of view of neural therapy new ways of treatment have been opened to us. My theory can be seen to receive support from an observation made by Descomps, who anesthetized the upper cervical ganglion and the retrostyloid region in 830 patients suffering from allergies. The treatment proved remarkably successful and the reactions were checked by EEG. He found that in two-thirds of the patients with allergic reactions, at rest and with their eyes closed, there was no sign of any alpha waves, i.e., that they were in a state of heightened excitation and fully awake. After anesthesia of the upper cervical ganglion of the sympathetic chain, alpha waves reappeared immediately, a fact that must be interpreted as a sign of central relaxation and reduced cortical activity. This permits the conclusion that following the anesthetic to this sympathetic → (T) ganglion the reticular formation and the cerebral cortex were no longer receiving the excessive number of autonomic and sensory stimuli that had previously irritated and overloaded them. It is well known that the reticular formation has the function of noting and classifying all stimuli and information received from the periphery and then coordinating the regulating mechanisms in such a way that the organism can at all times continually adapt itself to the internal and external environmental situation. If this control center becomes overloaded as a result of an excess of unfiltered incoming information, the mutual adjustment and balance of the various neurovegetative controls can be disturbed. Instead of acting as an attenuator or damper, it can then become an amplifier. Descomps could prove by striking hormonal, humoral, and neural reactions that correctly localized anesthesia quickly helps to correct these deviations and to guide them again into their regular channels. The exact sciences and the art of healing are not hostile to each other, and final victory will not go exclusively to either. The ideal continues to be a harmonious relationship between the two. Donzellini In Austria, a research team of university professors and lecturers has come together, which set itself as one of its tasks the discovery and interpretation of the scientific bases for the phenomena of acupuncture and neural therapy according to Huneke. Professor Pischinger takes the view that the importance of the neurovegetative system in focal processes (Scheidt, H. Siegmund) has been overrated at the expense of the humoral “cell-environment system” (Pischinger). By “autonomic” the physiologist means only the action of the autonomic nervous system on involuntary muscles and glands. Even if one were to join F. Hoff and include the indirect influence of the endocrine system and all other regulating functions, this would still not suffice to explain the focal processes completely. By “focus” Pischinger means chronically altered tissue areas that cause remote disturbances of a general and local kind. In his view, any disorder except infectious or septic illnesses can be due to “foci” and their cure prevented by such foci. We have only two objections to this definition: first, we believe that → infections and → sepsis can both originate and progress only if there are shifts of tissue potential due to or at least favored by interference fields; second, we regard Pischinger’s extension of the term “focus” to include the interference field as apt to lead to confusion. Scheidt wanted to apply “focus” only to such locally limited subacute inflammatory processes as can be clearly proved to act as foci that spread pathogenic material. He suggested the use of the term “disturbance field” where a region is disturbed (primarily or secondarily!). But since this word is ambivalent and does not distinguish between a field that is disturbed and one that causes a disturbance, W. Huneke suggested that the term “interference field” should be used only where a pathologically changed tissue region produces a disturbance via the nerves, i.e., when it causes a remotely located disease. We intentionally use the term “interference field” only for the much more frequently occurring neural pathogenic events, in order to avoid the connection that has become established in people’s minds between “focus” and bacteria and toxins. Teeth and tonsils, for example, can become bacterial foci that can “spread” via the blood. According to Essen, this applies only in cases of acute rheumatic fever and acute diffuse hemorrhagic glomerulonephritis. But they tend far more often to become interference fields via the nerves when they become active in a pathogenic sense. In the case of a scar that is apparently completely “non-irritating” but that in reality produces a disturbance in some remote part of the body, we can be absolutely certain that we do not have a focus spreading bacteria, but a neural interference field. In other words, a focus is also an interference field, but not every interference field is a focus. By the term “interference site” the measurable physical point is described, whence the disturbance effect of an interference field emanates. It omits the vague term “field” because it is not a field but a clearly defined site that emanates the disturbance. But the term “interference field” is widely known. Because everyone is familiar with its definition and to avoid confusion in nomenclature, the more precise term “interference site” should not be used. The pathologist, Siegmund, subjected a circumscribed area of the rabbit ear to freezing. This produced permeability changes and trophic disturbances not only in the area of the lesion but also in remote parts of the body, and these in their turn could become the cause of pathological processes. Since neither bacteria, toxins, nor allergens could be made responsible for these, the definition of “focus” had to be reconsidered. The German Working Group for Focus Research reformulated the definition of focus in 1960 as follows: “By a focus we understand any deviant local changes in the organism that are able to trigger off remote pathological effects beyond their immediate vicinity.” This is a change of course to our own view, since in this form it includes the autonomic nervous system as one of its channels of transmission. For the sake of clarity, however, we would prefer to have the focus continue to be distinct from the interference field, in its earlier sense of “diffusing focus” rather than in its latter-day sense of a center of nervous stimuli, in order to avoid any misunderstanding resulting from the terminology used. As matters stand, it is necessary to clarify one’s use of the term “focus” before discussing the subject. For Altmann, sensitization was still the essence of the focal theory as recently as 1982: “a focus is something that produces sensitizing material.” But Siegen proved to us by showing that it was possible to suppress the Shwartzman-Sanarelli phenomenon with procaine that the sensitization processes are also subject to neural control. Our therapy interferes by inhibiting pathological reflexes. Modern cybernetics also forms a convenient bridge in this case between these different viewpoints. They regard focus and interference field as being synonymous for similar processes that interfere with the regulating functions, the focus simply acquiring an additional capability to interfere that goes beyond that of its bacterial metabolic products. Both produce stress in the regulating systems. The signals emanating from them modify the regulating processes to such an extent that the course of the illness is changed by it (focus or interference field acting as factor of change). In the end, the strain imposed on the regulating system leads to local or general susceptibility. Any additional stress (Speransky’s second insult) then acquires a pathogenic trigger function. In Pischinger’s sense the focus has two possibilities of interfering with the organism, either via the nerves or via the humoral channel. Pischinger refuses to see the neurovegetative system as the sole carrier of the focal processes. If the autonomic nerves are followed to the periphery, the postganglionic fibers are lost in a large-meshed network of syncytially connected cells, the so-called conductive plasma. In this network, which is described as the neurovegetative end formation, there is no longer any differentiation between sympathetic and parasympathetic components. What is even more surprising is that it has not been possible to prove any direct connection to exist between this end formation and organ cells, not even by electron microscopy. Instead, unspecific interstitial “active” connective tissue (consisting of embryonic mesenchyma, the reticuloendothelial system, lymphatic tissue, and loose interstitial connective tissue, comprehensively also known as basic tissue or basic interstitial system) and intercellular fluid surround every organ cell. These two combine to form the so-called cell environment. This is distributed all over the body and acts as the intermediary between the specific organ cells, the capillaries and the terminal reticulum of the autonomic system. But it is anything but simply a mute filling material. On the contrary, it carries out very important bioelectrical regulating tasks, which are crucial for the functioning of the whole organism, and also for the interference-field effect and neural-therapeutic action. According to Pischinger, it is in this “cell-environment system” or “basic autonomic system” (see Fig. 1.6) that all the primary regulating processes occur that make life possible. As medium for the oxygen, water, and ion balance the basic autonomic system indirectly produces the energy and all the other conditions essential for the organ cell to live. All external stimuli must first pass through the basic tissue before reaching the organ cell. As we have seen, the autonomic fibers have no synaptic connections to the parenchymatous cells. In order to act upon them, they form mediating materials (e. g., acetylcholines, catechins etc.), which must always first pass through the intercellular fluid. As they do so, they can be controlled and influenced by the environment by oxydization and reduction. The cell and its environment continually interact as regulators of each other, i.e., they react to physiochemical changes that they in turn are also able to influence (Kellner). The neural, humoral, hormonal, and cellular control circuits act within each other like an intermeshed control system, in order to assure the energy metabolism with the oxygen-reducing electrical potential (oxydization and reduction) at its core. When the local regulating forces are overloaded by an overload at any point in the system, the other control circuits react in the same way in concert with them. The potential and the physiochemical environment on which all vital functions depend must be maintained at all costs. According to Pischinger, the active connective tissue is also the seat of any inflammation, of the focus and of the interference field, and this is also where it acts directly to disturb and hinder regulation. When this environment is disturbed, organ function must necessarily suffer. Such tissue changes are equivalent to changes in the tissue potential, which then involve the whole of the undifferentiated autonomic tissue system. Pischinger and Perger (1974 and 1983) showed a change in the redox potential of the basic system in the case of chronic diseases and tumors. In 1985, Heine discovered that, in connection with these diseases, the proteoglycan pattern is changed as well. Due to water intake or water loss, any change in the pH value of the basic system causes a change in the pore size of the molecular sieve. If the strongly oxydizing local anesthetic is injected into such an area with a reduced potential and hence with reduced cellular respiration, then the normal functioning of the damaged cells is restored. Thus, a satisfactory explanation is available both for the wide range of possibilities that exist for interference fields to occur and for the equally far-reaching neural-therapeutic effects that it is possible to achieve in the opposite sense. If the functions of the interstitial connective tissue are impaired by foci or interference fields, the defensive system is subjected to permanent stress and the defensive capability of the organism is thus constantly reduced. As long as this can still be compensated somehow or other, the body remains apparently healthy. If, however, the noxious effect of the focus or interference field on the basic autonomic system exceeds the limits of tolerance, the way is clear for functional disturbances or for objective pathological changes to occur, and as a result the organism will be predisposed to facilitate their establishing themselves. Once an organ’s limits of tolerance have been reduced by earlier disease or hereditary predisposition, it is in the nature of things that pathological processes should all the more readily manifest themselves there. This explains why one and the same interference field, for example chronic tonsillitis, can in one case have no effect, in another it may merely produce a functional disturbance, or it may cause serious organic disturbances and changes in a wide variety of organs. Every group of organic cells needs its own fixed oxygen-reducing potential and its own energy potential, in order to work normally. This potential influences the autonomic connective tissue and the blood, but the potential of different cells and organs also influences these cells mutually. A sketch (based on Stacher) shows the hypothetical reaction of the cell environment to a stimulus received by a healthy person (Fig. 1.7) and by someone with a focus or interference field (Figs. 1.8, 1.9). To summarize: an interference field or focus produces a change in the cell environment and hence in the reactive capacity of individual organs and of the organism as a whole. Where there is a hereditary or acquired organic predisposition, this can result in illness due to an interference field or focus. Changes in the basic autonomic system due to an interference field can be seen in the → blood picture. The blood picture is always a reliable mirror of the entire environmental situation. Where there is an interference-field or focal influence, we generally find that the blood picture shows granulocytopenia with relative lymphocytosis. After the interference field has been eliminated by the Huneke phenomenon or by treatment of the focus, all the pathological changes in the blood picture return to normal within a surprisingly short time. In this way, it has been possible for Pischinger to provide clear objective proof of the Huneke phenomenon. He made blood smears of patients in F. Huneke’s practice, before and after a lightning reaction. As we know, the neural healing process in this is produced in a flash. For the humoral reaction to become demonstrable in the blood smear, following the profound change in the patient and restoration of the normal electrical potential, takes only 10 minutes! After this, depending on the original state and the reaction as such, significant changes can be shown to have taken place in the regulating system for the white blood cells. On the one hand, the neutrophil values tended toward normality, while the rise in the monocyte count showed the co-involvement of the reticulohistiocyte system. The number of lymphocytes remained unchanged, but there was a shift to the left in favor of small, healthy lymphocytes. Pischinger writes about the Huneke phenomenon: The misgivings of orthodox medicine that the lightning reaction is simply the result of suggestion have thus to a large extent been invalidated by the results of Pischinger’s research. The objective proof demanded time and again by Huneke has thus been provided, first by Pischinger and subsequently by others using different methods. We may therefore be confident that general recognition for the Huneke phenomenon can now be only a matter of time. In these studies of the blood picture it was found that even the minor stimulus of a needle puncture through skin and vein wall for taking a blood sample was enough to produce a number of different reactions in the patients. In some cases, there were marked leukocyte reactions, in others there was no change or there were diametrically opposite changes in the blood picture. In order to record the initial excessive reaction and the subsequent flattening out of the oscillations in the corrected environment, the values of three blood samples were compared in each case, at 0, 60, and 180 minutes. In order to produce an identical stimulus and to obtain more clearly defined changes in the blood picture, Pischinger and Kellner went on to inject 0.5 mL Elpimed subcutaneously on each side of the body following the first blood sample. Elpimed is a water-soluble, protein-free, fat-free extract of horse serum, prepared from specifically pre-immunized animals. It contains native substances with a high biological activity, in large-molecule polyunsaturated fatty acids. These substances are able to store oxygen, hydrogen, elementary iodine, and other substances. The blood of healthy animals (including the human being) contains these substances in a constant form; in the sick with a reduced defensive capacity they are substantially reduced. As we have seen, the body’s reactive ability and defensive capacity depend on the state of its mesenchyme, which is interposed everywhere before the organ cell. Elpimed intensifies the unspecific defense and hence strengthens the interstitial connective tissue. It activates the undifferentiated organ functions and with them the neural, humoral, and cellular parts of the regulating system, and endogenous cell oxygenation is noticeably increased by its oxygen-reducing character, i.e., the vitally essential regulation of the oxygen metabolism in cells and tissues is increased. The increase in the defensive capacity of the whole organism is shown in the blood picture by a rise in monocytes and a drop in lymphocytes. This activation can go so far that it will break through the general blockage of the defensive controls and enable the regulating functions of the autonomic system to be fully restored. Any stress that exceeds the limits of tolerance sets off a shock reaction in the autonomic defense system. This shock reaction is the system’s defensive response. It is irrelevant in this context whether the stimulus is in the form of a chemical, physical, bacterial, or psychological irritant. Selye studied the non-specific reactions that occur from the hormonal viewpoint (adaptation syndrome), F. Hoff, the neurovegetative aspect (system of complete autonomic reversal). According to Selye, the autonomic system reacts to any overload by a state of alarm whose first phase is one of shock, followed by an anti-shock phase. According to Hoff, the first phase is the sympathetic and the second the parasympathetic phase of this total inversion. The shock phase causes a drop of about 50% in the eosinophil level in the blood, calcium and cholesterol drop to or below normal levels, and the amount of magnesium increases. Elpimed acts in precisely the opposite sense and is thus exactly like the body’s own anti-shock substances (Perger). It raises the calcium and cholesterol levels and lowers that of magnesium. Hence one can use it medicinally to induce the counter-shock or second autonomic inversion phase. This can be particularly useful when the state of shock does not abate by itself once the effect of the trigger stimulus has come to an end. There could be no doubt that the difference in the reactions to the needle puncture and to the Elpimed test had to be dependent on the defensive state and reactive capacity of the patient and that this provided the opportunity of recording the patient’s reactive state from the information provided by the changes in his or her blood picture. In carrying out these tests, a multiple stimulus is set that will produce a reaction in the pre-stressed organism to force the cellular, vascular, and autonomic systems to declare themselves, either jointly or severally. At the start of the blood picture studies there were several values that could not be interpreted until Bergsmann drew attention to the fact that leukocyte values from a left and a right fingertip can show differences of up to 3000 cells in the presence of unilateral pulmonary processes. Interference-field and focal illnesses are frequently unilateral and then lead to humoral asymmetry. Bergsmann treated one patient who had a therapy-resistant irritative cough and produced a Huneke phenomenon following the injection of procaine to his tonsils. Before the treatment, the leukocyte difference in the blood from the fingertips differed by 3000 cells between left and right, 135 minutes later the cellular asymmetry was back in equilibrium! A check 24 hours later produced a normal picture. Accordingly, dysregulation first occurs in the environment at the site of the disease, then within the respective segment or quadrant and, when the effect is still greater, the whole side of the body may be involved. Only very strong interference fields that can no longer be compensated at the periphery lead to a paralysis of the regulating mechanisms throughout the body and thus produce the total autonomic inversion in the sense defined by F. Hoff. In the case of a unilateral paralysis of the regulating mechanism we often find a degenerative hypoergic reaction on the side of the interference field, whilst the other side compensates this by an excessive inflammatory or allergic hyperergic reaction. D. Gross reached the same conclusions based on experimental and clinical studies: In the healthy organism there is a functional symmetry, for example, of the arterial vasomotor system, of skin temperature, sweat secretion, trophism etc. This functional symmetry can be continually disturbed from the periphery via the nervous system, for example, by trauma or its consequences, by a scar or a chronic inflammation. An anesthetic to the ‘irritation center,’ the point of origin of the disturbance, can enable the organism to restore its functional symmetry and thereby the physiological normality of its disturbed functions. [center of irritation = interference field] The perfect functioning of the bioelectrical processes is dependent on the presence of synapses. These determine whether and in which direction stimuli are transmitted further. According to Pischinger, the active interstitial connective tissue is a ubiquitous synapse for autonomic impulses. Intercellular fluid contains autonomic transmitter substances. Together with other substances, Elpimed also contains triple-unsaturated fatty acids (trienes), which are able to produce changes in the interstitial environment. The trienic molecules are affected by any change in the environment. They are obviously activated by situations where stimuli are present. Under normal load they have mean values that can vary individually in their range. In acute illnesses and in acute phases of chronic illnesses, there are substantial fluctuations about these mean values. Chronic irritations, on the other hand, allow the curve to flatten, in extreme cases to the point of complete reactive paralysis. The triene is also activated by artificial stimuli. The extent of this reaction to a stimulus can be recorded on a graph by means of iodometry, since trienes also combine with molecular iodine at their free valencies. Their capacity for combining with this indicator substance can thus provide objective information on the state of the organism’s regulating system at any given time. A protein-free alcohol extract is first made from fasting-blood serum. The amount of elementary iodine dissolved in glacial acetic acid that can be transformed into free iodine or that will combine with the substances in the extract is found by titration. If 5 mL of blood is taken from each side of the body (2 × 5 mL), two further blood samples are taken 1 and 3 hours later and the three iodine combination values are compared with one another, three different values will generally be obtained for each side. The first of these will vary from day to day, and this may well be due to changes in the weather and the resultant stresses to which the system is subjected. The variations in the second and third values are the stimulus response by the interstitial tissues to the needle placed in the vein wall and in direct contact with the autonomic tissues. The micro-wound destroys and displaces tissue, a process by which very large numbers of autonomic fibrils are affected. The entire neurovegetative system immediately responds to this stimulus, and a little later the cellular and humoral systems are also included in the compensating process. The neurovegetative system, as it were, orders the appropriate cells and tissues capable of compensating the stimulus by energy-supplying processes to do so. The graph (Fig. 1.10) of the amounts of iodine adsorbed gives a good picture of the organism’s reactive state when subjected to stress and of the way it compensates such stress. Increased iodine adsorption indicates an increase in the oxygen-reduction capacity and vice versa. According to Pischinger, this process takes place in the non-specific system, in what he calls the basic system. Every stress, whether chemical, mechanical, electrical, thermal, acoustic, or optical etc., always produces the same reaction in the cell environment. Blood plasma is the cell environment for erythrocytes and leukocytes. By means of the active oxygen-reducing components of the protein-free serum, iodometry enables us to record precisely those components of the serum that are subjected to the greatest changes when reactions to stimuli take place in the filtering interstitial material. As we have already stated, the humoralautonomic reaction of the basic system always moves between oxydization and reduction. The way in which this change is effected seems to reflect the character of the autonomic reactive state and the way the system reacts. In iodometry Pischinger has provided us with a simple and cheap method for measuring changes in the oxygen-reducing potential, which is as good as using a potentiometer. Further, this test also shows whether neural-therapeutic treatment or the elimination of a focus has been objectively successful or whether and for how long further treatment may still be required. After a Huneke phenomenon, no more than half an hour may be needed for the iodine adsorption values, the cell changes in the blood picture and the humoral asymmetry to return to normal. This means provides objective proof that there has been a return to normal bioelectrical conditions after an irritant stimulus that has subjected the whole organism to stress is removed. This proof should be a conclusive argument not only for the convinced neural therapist! Through the use of oxymetry, Pischinger demonstrates an additional way to present objective proof quickly and simply for the success of neural-therapeutic measures. This requires the quantification of the oxyhemoglobin content of the venous blood. A healthy person at rest has approximately 40% oxyhemoglobin; if internal organs are infected the numbers are 60%, 70%, and above. (Arterial blood has an oxygen saturation of between 96% and 98%.) With all consumptive processes (for example carcinoma) and progressive forms of inflammatory system diseases that produce considerable immune deficiency, the numbers drop far below the norm (down to 3%!). The greater the immune deficiency, the lower the oxyhemoglobin content! If the count shows regular values again, shortly after neural therapy, the removal of autonomic blockages in the segment or in the interference field is confirmed (Perger). The studies of the Viennese team (Fleischhacker, Hopfer, Kellner, Pischinger, Stacher) also confirmed and explained a number of observations that we had already made earlier in the practice of neural therapy according to Huneke: a. A physiological saline solution also produces a reaction in the blood after being injected, but by no means as profound as that obtained, for example, with procaine. In the case of the saline solution, the reticuloendothelial system does not react in concert, and the potential and iodine adsorption remain unchanged. Kracmar confirmed by “neurovegetative electropolarimetry” that the polarizing capacity of procaine is substantially greater than that of a physiological saline solution. From an electrochemical point of view, this means greater ion content and thus a greater oxidizing effect. b. In comparative studies of the reaction to a procaine injection, first into the pelvic region through the abdominal walls and then transvaginal into the pelvic plexus (Frankenhaeuser’s ganglia), the laboratory values showed clear-cut differences. These prove that it is not irrelevant at what point in the regulating system our injection therapy is applied. c. Focal provocation methods (such as Spenglersan, cutivaccine etc.) fail as long as there is any reactive paralysis. Thus, failure to obtain any reaction to provocation does not necessarily mean that there is no focus or interference field. There will be a reasonable probability of success in repeating the test only when the Elpimed test indicates that the reactive capacity has been restored. d. After cortisone or phenylbutazone treatment, the defense mechanism is diminished and may reach the point of total regulatory paralysis. Other “regulation blockers” are all the psychopharmaceutic preparations, antibiotics and chemotherapeutic drugs, immunosuppressants, and cytostatics (Pischinger). Thus, any massive antibiotic and sulfonamide therapy weakens the immune systems. These drugs can be invaluable in an emergency; to misuse and abuse them for prophylactic purposes and for treating minor infections makes humankind ever more susceptible to disease and increasingly dependent on ever more powerful drugs. e. The Huneke phenomenon is able to break through a regulatory paralysis. The iodine adsorption values that previously deviated from the norm return to normal within a very short period of time. Reversal methods (irritation therapy, Ponndorf’s vaccination, blistering agents, venesection, the alternate use of insulin, and Elpimed, etc.) can also reduce regulatory paralysis. Here again iodometry can show us when the therapy-resistant shock phase has passed. f. The eradication of a focus does not necessarily lead to a cure. Particularly after a focus has been active for a long time, the organism may be so disturbed in its basic functions that it no longer has resources of its own to break through the blockage. In such a case, further treatment must be given to produce the required reversal. Its success is again shown by iodometry. It is probable that Pischinger’s reversible regulatory paralysis is identical with Speransky’s concept of autonomy. Ricker and Speransky regarded the vasal and neural factors as the underlying principle of all physiological and pathological processes. Selye placed the endocrine system in the center of his observations, regarding it as largely autonomous, and thus considered it in isolation. Pischinger believes that he has found the key to all vital and pathological processes in the humoral system. Each of them takes only a sector of the whole and places it under the magnifying glass of his specialized knowledge and particular interest. We owe all of them a great debt for new discoveries, knowledge, and progress. But in paying homage to such partial results we must not forget that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts and that the human being is a cybernetic system in which all the parts serve the whole only by acting in concert and mutual interdependence. For Pavlov and his followers the cerebral cortex is the controlling organ that regulates all the functions in the organism and maintains reciprocal relationships to the internal organs. For them, illness is a general reaction by the organism as a whole to the effect of a pathogenic stimulus, which brings into disorder the equilibrium within the organism and its relations to the environment. Thus, the pathological picture is the result of the response to damage done by the stimulus and of the defensive measures set off by it. The nervous system is the principal actor in the pathogenic process, in the course that the illness takes and in its end effects: According to I. P. Pavlov, the extraordinary stimuli that are the cause and origin of any illness act as specific stimuli for the defense mechanisms which are intended to combat the corresponding pathogenic causes. The protective functions of the organism cannot be assigned to the function of the “reticuloendothelial system” or of a “physiological connective-tissue system,” as is done by some authors, since these tissues, like all others in the holistic organism of the human being and the higher animals, are closely tied to reflex mechanisms and, as regards their activity, depend like all other tissues on the influences produced by the central nervous system. (Bykow and Kurzin) In the chapter on control mechanisms (Steuereinrichtungen) in his textbook on Clinical Physiology and Pathology (Klinische Physiologie und Pathologie), Ferdinand Hoff wrote: In my view, these theoretical constructions disregard the fact that neither the nervous system nor the so-called capillary bed are biological entities which represent reality in isolation from each other. These systems, the nervous system and the capillary bed, are not independent facts existing on their own. They are no more than abstractions by which we mentally isolate a portion from the living unity of the organism, but which does not live in that isolation. By our analytical methods we separate them out of this living entity, thereby destroying it, or construct them for ourselves by purely abstract thought processes. The nervous and vascular systems occur only within the entity they form together with the cells and tissues, in a community which comprises physiochemical structures and body fluids. Life and hence illness are possible only because all these components form a single entity, and thus no theory of pathology is valid unless it is built on this entity made up of all its individual parts. Between these individual parts which, as stated, form part of the vital process and do not have any existence independently of it, there are intimate mutual relationships that, for the purpose of our schematic view, we separate into distinct functional groups or circuits. Within these functional circuits, humoral factors may act on the nervous system, as is the case, for example, with adrenalin acting on the sympathetic nervous system or with carbon dioxide acting on the respiratory nerve center. On the other hand, the nerves can also influence the humoral system and cause changes there. As we have seen, it is probable that fundamentally every neural stimulus acts on the reactive organ by means of humoral substances. Both neural and humoral influences can affect cell metabolism and, in their turn, changes in cell metabolism can influence other cells, the nerves or colloidal structures, such as the membrane characteristics. In this complete interaction of individual parts acting collectively within functional circuits and interlinked by mutual relationships, it is inappropriate to describe any single part or link as that which is always superior or dominant, i.e., the prime mover, and this applies as much to the nerves as it does to the vascular system, the cells and the physiochemical structures. By placing any single link in these inseparable processes in the foreground on its own, we fail to do justice to the unity and the ever renewed miracle of interconnected natural processes. Instead, such one-sided doctrines merely characterize the direction, the method, and the scientific point of view of the researcher who gives his special attention to what is only part of the process. When such doctrines are presented one-sidedly, we are dealing with dogmatic formulations that do not measure up to the fullness and variety of living nature. W. Huneke commented as follows on the proposals of Professor Pischinger: We are grateful to Pischinger and his team in Vienna that by the results of their research work on the cell-environment system and the basic autonomic system they have been able to provide scientifically accurate objective evidence and proof of the original biological phenomena of neural therapy, and especially of my brother Ferdinand’s lightning reaction. Pischinger has shown us what happens and can be measured in this autonomic regulating system, from the moment of an accurately positioned neural-therapeutic intervention to the cure. Many years of practice of neural therapy, however, lead us to regard the nerves as the primary factor in the intermeshed system of autonomic regulation of the whole. In one and the same case, for example, a chronic otitis media may have its origin and be curable via an appendectomy interference field, a migraine via an interference field in the pelvic region, and arthritis of the knee via an interference field formed by a finger amputation scar or the tonsils. Thus, in one and the same case there are three attributions made as between interference fields and the remote disturbances caused by them. In my view, these can be explained only by the neural system, i.e., by neural structures which probably almost always include central control stations, and these must obviously include the cell-environment or basic system (Pischinger). For me, the localization and manifestation of the interference-field effect on individual organs and hence the therapeutic effect on them must pass via the neural system which stands supreme over the processes in the cell-environment system Electron microscopy has expanded our knowledge with regard to the peripheral stimulus-conduction and stimulus-transfer systems. We know that in addition to the well-known functional and control systems in the spinal cord and brain stem there are equivalent peripheral biocybernetic systems. The terms “center” and “periphery” have thus been given new meaning. Life is cybernetically self-sustaining and is dependent on the formation, modulation, and maintenance of the bioelectric potential. The whole of neurovegetative regulation at center and periphery, in its neural and humoral components, ultimately serves the main purpose of all regulation and control, namely to maintain certain bioelectric potentials. Modern cybernetics will help to move many things into their proper place, and medicine will be no exception. Fig. 1.11 shows the cutaneovisceral reflex channels as explained by Hansen and von Staa. As a result of cybernetics, disputes on matters of nomenclature, over focus or interference field, and on what plays the leading part in biological processes, have become pointless and a mere interlude in the history of medicine. For cybernetics has shown the common denominator of the bacterial dissemination focus and the neural interference field. Both weigh so heavily on the self-regulating and intermeshed systems that general or local susceptibility results. The bacterial metabolic products merely provide the focus with additional possibilities for causing disturbances. Any additional stress placed on the regulating systems already subjected to this stress then results in illness. It is the physician’s task to uncover and eliminate this stress, in order to restore the physiological relationships to normal. Neural therapy as a “regulating therapy” offers a means of doing so by acting on the causes. In the basic substance, between nerve ending and cell membrane, the biochemist, Rimpler, found a three-dimensional grid made of proteoglycans (protein substances with sugar side chains) and structural protein (collagen, elastin, and fibronectin). Histiocytes respond to all incoming information of the basic system with the immediate formation of an individually adapted proteoglycan network. If necessary, this network can be quickly broken down by macrophages. According to the research of Professor Heine, this signifies an enormous expansion of the information network known to this date! All cell surfaces are covered with a cell and tissue-specific sugar layer, the so-called glycocalyx. It connects the basic substance directly to the cell membrane (H. Heine). The ion channels connect the basic substance to the inside of the cell, to the cytoplasma, and the organelles. As a result, all cells are interconnected and influence each other. In addition, via microcirculation they are connected to the blood circulation, the lymphatic system, as well as to the nervous system. This is the anatomical and functional basis for holistic medicine. Due to its high sugar content, the proteoglycan network has a negative charge. It can adsorb and lose water while forming a molecular sieve with changeable pore size. When it reaches a certain size, molecules and charges get caught in it. If, for example, stimuli change the pH value of the basic substance, water is adsorbed and the pores of the sieve get smaller. In doing so, it acts not only as a transportation system for the metabolism and a means of cleansing and nourishing cells, it also acts as a filter for humoral information. As a result of its negative charge, the network is able to exchange univalent for bivalent cations. The basic substance regulates through ion exchange iso-ionia, iso-osmia, isotonia, and thus, the maintenance of the vital homeostasis of the organism. Every irregularity in the homeostasis and change in the basic substance causes potential fluctuations. Via feedback with cells and nerve endings, it always causes the fibrocytes to form a newly adapted proteoglycan network. Potential changes are also transferred onto the glycocalyx of the cell membrane. If they are intense enough, they initiate a depolarization, which causes a cell reaction. The information circle is closed with the response about the processes in the cell-environment system through the vegetative nervous system to the vegetative centers. Pathological mis-information causes the fibrocytes to form a faulty basic substance, which in turn causes disturbance of local regulation. This may lead into a vicious circle and pathological development. Interference fields, foci, and other chronic strains that cannot be eliminated change the extracellular fluid and disrupt the dynamics of the basic system. Dysregulation might be the consequence. In 1983, Pischinger and Perger were able to show dysregulation of the basic substance in the case of acute and chronic diseases (such as tumors). In 1985, Heine discovered in this context basic substance which was not structured in a known physiological way with changes in the proteoglycan network. This leads to the assumption that diseased tissue is no longer connected to the entire information system. Professor Heine complemented and confirmed Pischinger’s findings, which supports the basics of neural therapy and other holistic therapies. In 1991, the German cellular physiologists, Professor E. Neher and Dr. B. Sakmann received the Nobel Prize in medicine for their discovery of cellular ion channels and their functions. They developed a technique that made the tiny connecting channels in the cell membranes visible. In these channels, metabolism, information exchange, and transmission of regulating nerve signals between the cells and the intercellular fluid (matrix) takes place. They were able to measure the ion flow that was created in this context. The flow is the size of a billionth of an ampere and lasts a thousandth of a second. It also regulates the vital processes in the cells. Through the confirmation of the existence of the ion channels and their function, older theories of holistic medicine were given scientific verification. It also provides new insights into the functioning of regulation therapy with the use of therapeutic local anesthesia on a molecular level. Many diseases are based on disturbances of the intercellular ion flow, and thus, disturbances of information and regulation that are of particular importance to us. What is most difficult of all? That which seems easiest to you: To use your eyes and see what plainly lies before them. Goethe Three hundred years ago, Newton saw an apple fall from a tree to the ground, a perfectly everyday event. But his genius saw more behind it and his reflections led him to formulate the law of gravity. A major part of physics and astronomy is still based on his discovery. James Watt saw how steam made the lid of the kettle dance; his genius led him to apply his discovery in the invention of the steam engine. With this invention a new epoch had dawned for the whole of humankind. Obviously, one could simply say that the time was ripe for this revolution and that the apple and the kettle simply provided the final nudges for grasping the ideas that were already in the air and to think them to their logical conclusion. The history of modern neural therapy also begins with such an accident, if an event that began a new chapter in the history of medicine can be regarded as an accident. On three separate occasions in their lives, the brothers Ferdinand and Walter Huneke observed something substantially new, things that perhaps other doctors before them had also seen, without, however, seeing anything behind what was happening before their eyes. This is especially true of the lightning reaction described by F. Huneke (the so-called Huneke phenomenon). How many dentists must have seen how a variety of illnesses suddenly vanished in front of their eyes as they extracted a tooth, and thought no more about the matter? Even Leriche, 10 years before Huneke, wrote that, following a local anesthetic into a scar, he had seen pain disappear from another part of the body, but failed to emphasize this observation or to draw any therapeutic consequences from it. The first occasion on which the two brothers witnessed something of importance was in 1925, when they found that their sister’s migraine suddenly vanished, though previously it had proved resistant to any number of attempts to treat it. An older colleague had advised Ferdinand to try the drug Atophanyl, which had been developed for the treatment of rheumatism. The next time his sister had an attack, he gave her an intravenous injection of this product and, to his surprise, the migraine and all attendant symptoms including severe depression vanished in front of his eyes, dissolved into nothing. It was clear to him that this was not merely a matter of the suppression of pain, much less the effect of suggestion, but a genuine cure. Together with his brother Walter, he soon succeeded in establishing the cause of this surprise effect: two forms of Atophanyl were on the market, one for intravenous use and the other for intramuscular injection, the first of them without and the second with the addition of procaine, for painless intramuscular use. F. Huneke had overlooked the warning printed on the preparation containing procaine, which was supposed to be restricted for intramuscular use, stating that it must on no account be given intravenously, for at that time it was feared that procaine given intravenously could have fatal cerebral consequences. But it was precisely this addition of procaine, as Walter could demonstrate by comparing the effects of injecting the product with and without the procaine additive, which had produced the cure. Thus, his mistake had shown that, apart from its use as a local anesthetic, procaine could also be used as a therapeutic drug. How many doctors are using procaine or lidocaine every day without realizing or admitting that they owe the Huneke brothers this substantial extension of their therapeutic armory? The second time the two brothers saw something new they did so independently of each other. First it was Walter who found that he could occasionally cure patients instantly of such disorders as headaches, dizziness, partial deafness, insomnia, and Jacksonian epilepsy, simply by giving them an intramuscular injection into the deltoid muscle. On another occasion, Ferdinand gave a perivenous procaine injection to a patient with poor veins and headaches, and obtained the same result as he could normally produce with an intravenous injection. The brothers concluded from this that procaine was capable of acting not only by resorption via the blood stream. The speed of the reaction, even when the injection was not given into the vein, led them even at this early stage into believing that some kind of electrical process might be at work via the autonomic pathways. They published the results of their joint studies in 1928, with the title Unbekannte Fernwirkungen der Lokalanaesthesie (Unfamiliar Remote Effects of Local Anesthetics). They added a small quantity of caffeine to the procaine, in order to detoxicate it further. This also provided a bonus in making the preparation even better tolerated and enhancing its therapeutic effect. The German pharmaceutical firm, Bayer, then brought this onto the market under the trade name of Impletol. From 1925 to 1940, the Huneke brothers practiced what they described at that time as “therapeutic anesthesia” and what we now know as “segmental therapy.” In other words, they used Impletol with excellent results in the treatment of painful conditions and other pathological symptoms at the site of the disorder. They attempted, in a purely symptomatic approach, to balance dysfunctions in the synergetic state of the autonomic system by dealing with them on the surface of the body and allowing the treatment to act via the reflex zones and their associated nerves within the segment. They had many successful cures, particularly in cases of rheumatism, sciatica, lumbago, inflammations of the joints, partial deafness, eczema, angina pectoris, asthma, otitis media, disorders of the stomach, the liver, the gallbladder, and many others. In this type of treatment, the healing process is produced along the pathways trodden by medicine since its beginnings, by the use of heat or cold, massage, counter-irritants, and acupuncture. But Impletol has proved time and again that it is able to produce a particularly effective and widespread therapeutic stimulus. On the third occasion it was F. Huneke who, in 1940, witnessed something so new and revolutionary that it directly placed a large question mark over conventional views on the origins of a large number of disease processes. A woman came to him with capsular arthritis of the right shoulder. This had until then resisted all attempts at cure. The then current view was that a “focus” diffuses bacteria and toxins via the bloodstream and that these caused such painful conditions. As a result, most of her teeth and her tonsils had been removed. Now the surgeons proposed amputating her left leg, since this was believed to be the site of the focus. Thirty-five years earlier, while still a child, this patient had had osteomyelitis of the left shin. Huneke now injected Impletol intravenously on the affected side, placed weals (intradermal blebs, quaddles) around the joint, gave her peri- and intra-articular injections and also injected the stellate ganglion. All these injections had helped in similar cases in the past, but this time they proved ineffective and Huneke had to discharge the woman uncured. Fortunately, a few weeks later, she came back to him, because the whole region around the old osteomyelitis scar had become so inflamed that she was seriously incapacitated. Huneke now wanted to treat only this inflammation over the tibia, by means of quaddles. This provided the occasion of his first lightning reaction, as it were in a double-blind trial: suddenly the shoulder pains on the patient’s other side disappeared without trace and she could again move her arm without pain. By treating the leg scar Huneke had permanently cured the shoulder joint. Huneke wrote about what had occurred as follows: This experience was so startling that I could have no doubt that I was looking at a fundamentally new piece of knowledge and that I was on the track of a hitherto unknown law in the field of focal processes. This was proof that a “neural interference field” can act as the trigger for an illness that may manifest itself at a remote site in the body. It also proved that in such a case toxins or bacteria could not be at work, since it was hardly likely that they should be able to disappear so completely in an instant. A far more likely explanation seemed to be that the chronic inflammation of the tibia had in this case acted as an interference transmitter, which made use of the nerves for diffusing irritating impulses that had initially merely caused interference and finally become pathogenic. These had on this occasion produced a chronic inflammation in the reactive organ represented by the shoulder joint. The injection of Impletol into the interference field had then eliminated not only the interference transmitter but also all the pathological symptoms caused by it, instantly and totally. By this selective thrust into the neurovegetative system at the site of the cause, the body’s rule of law and order, which had been disturbed, was again restored, as if it had acted as an appeal of the whole organism to the organ causing the disturbance. Once one is aware of these relationships, it is not difficult to understand why so many disorders are bound to be therapy-resistant. Let us take the example of gallbladder disease: we all know that at least a third of all sufferers from this disorder find that their old complaint returns after technically perfect surgery; this is generally diagnosed as due to adhesions. However, if the cause of the illness is not in the gallbladder at all but, for example, an interference field in the pelvic region, surgery of the gallbladder will not remove it and thus it can simply continue to act as the pathogenic cause of the remote disturbance. As a result, in such a case, despite the surgeon’s efforts, the complaint smolders on inexorably until it has ultimately involved the liver, stomach, and all neighboring organs in the morbid process. In this event the abdomen can settle down only when a procaine injection has eliminated the cause, i.e., the interference field that, in this particular case, happens to lie in the pelvic organs that are producing the disturbance. The large number of cures of hitherto incurable cases obtained via the lightning reaction is the best proof that Huneke’s thesis is fundamentally correct. In analogous fashion, what has just been stated also applies to the majority of all chronic disease, to gastric ulcers and liver complaints, to abdominal disorders, and the whole gamut of the pathological processes of rheumatism and neuralgia, in a word: for all kinds of organic and functional disturbances. Huneke has summed this up in his principles as follows: 1. Any chronic disease can be due to an interference field. 2. Any part of the body can become an interference field. 3. The injection of a local anesthetic into the responsible interference field will cure the disorder due to it, as far as this is still anatomically possible, by means of a lightning reaction (Huneke phenomenon)! Research in the exact sciences is bound to lead to materialism, but the art of healing is equally bound to lead to victory over it. Bavink In practice such idealistic criticism of scientific medicine must inevitably lead to sheer empiri- cism and a purely practical approach, but in theory to unscientific work and mysticism. Loether As doctors, every one of us is the child of his or her alma mater, where we learned to think in strictly scientific terms. Orthodox medicine has provided us with the tools for helping our fellow human beings and has given us many items of information and knowledge on our way; down to the smallest detail we owe these to medical research. To be capable of teaching, research must try to dismember the whole and to make the parts measurable and comprehensible, i.e., capable of objective proof. Its efforts, which deserve full recognition, consist in adding each individual result to a stack of others until a whole is obtained. Well over 2000 years ago Laodze recognized that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” and Ferdinand Huneke complemented this when he stated that “measured by the yardstick of living matter all science is merely peripheral. But illness is living matter transformed and its being cannot therefore be fully comprehended by means of inanimate methods of exact scientific research concerned only with separate aspects of the whole.” Siegmund, a pathologist and great friend of neural therapy, once said that “a dead body is incapable of making any statements about living matter.” Living matter is bipolar. The inanimate components and the electrical structure of the neurovegetative system can be accurately measured and understood rationally by means of logic. But the comprehensive, holistic controlling forces inherent in living matter and that give direction to it cannot, or perhaps not yet, be measured. Yet these forces manifest themselves in the healing phenomenon of neural therapy, especially in the Huneke phenomenon. As long as this very real force evades our rational comprehension, medicine cannot become a science like mathematics or any of the other scientific disciplines. Originally, the term “science” implied the well-4ordered whole of all knowledge. This universal sense was abandoned in the 19th century in favor of the mathematical scientific method. Mechanistic and materialist ideas increasingly forced their way into the medical sector. Progress in every field and the triumph of technology seemed almost to require medical thinking and action to change over to the same scientific accuracy, if medicine was to be seen to keep in step with progress. Only what was measurable, comprehensible, and explicable could be regarded as real. The cult of the demonstrable objective proof has in the end turned physicians into little more than technicians who are to a greater or lesser extent experts in the diagnostic machinery available to them. For them, it is the illness that occupies the center of the stage, no longer the sick human being. However, their efforts cannot go beyond the point where the processes in the living organism are no longer quantifiable and cannot be understood or explained in scientifically precise terms. The medical researcher has to try to discover the rules governing cause and effect. He or she wants to know how it all works. Physicians in their daily contact with the sick, and the sick themselves, doubtless benefit from this research. General practitioners are only ever faced with the individual patient. For them all that matters is to reach a point where whatever they do works and helps their patients. The important point for them is not how but that it works. Both these basic attitudes are absolutely necessary and have an equal right to exist. Cures that cannot be understood and explained by the means currently in vogue in anatomy, neurology, physiology etc., should not be something met by head-shaking and resistance by often over-conservative official medical doctrine; on the contrary, they ought to provide the requisite stimulus to further research. Doctor and patient find these positive if still inexplicable reactions a source of new hope. Research ought to see its task in throwing new light on the relationships on which these new therapeutic possibilities rely, in order to allow them to be used as widely as possible. A knowledge of the parts is doubtless necessary. But this does not give exact research the right to claim that it and its knowledge of the inanimate components make up the whole truth, that it and they alone are valid. Too much dead knowledge can all too easily blur our view of the living whole. At the German Congress for Internal Medicine in 1963, Professor Heilmeyer stated that “thanks to the achievements of modern medicine we are now in the happy position of being able to diagnose about half of all disorders and to cure about half of these.” “Knowledge is power,” said Bacon. If so, then does the knowledge offered by modern medicine as taught at our medical schools consist of 75% powerlessness? I am thoroughly unhappy over the fact that modern, rational, materialistic medicine, with all the immense amount of knowledge at its disposal and the impressive financial, technical, and human resources at its command, should be able, at best, to cure only about 25% of all disease. As a practicing doctor, what can I do for the remaining 75% that orthodox medicine, with what are mainly suppressive and substitutive measures, has to admit it cannot help? They are all back in my waiting room after doing the rounds of specialist, hospital, university clinic, sanatorium. At best, some of them will at least have had a mellifluous official label attached to whatever they may be suffering from, as it were as a decorative flourish to the diagnosis. In 1961, under the title of Medicine in the Crisis of our Time, Professor Jores wrote: “The shattering fact that in modern medicine there is no treatment of the cause for most of the sick can allow of only one conclusion, namely that such medicine must be based on a fundamental error.” For the neural therapist, this error lies in the principles of orthodox medicine as taught at our schools, which are in urgent need of reform. In tying itself so intimately to principles for which objective proof is possible, this medicine has fettered itself. As a result it has become petrified as descriptive medicine, with a limited range of competence. In scientific terms, treating the cause demands the ability to offer a complete explanation of cause and effect. To do this, it is necessary to dissect the whole into its parts. But the processes that occur in the living organism can be measured and subjected to objective proof only to a very limited extent. Disease and healing are processes in the indivisible living organism and can therefore be only partially understood by the methods practiced in our schools. The basic autonomic system, omnipresent in the organism, which alone unites the parts into a living whole, is the center of our attention, interest, and efforts. It is the carrier of life, and its pathways are the pathways of illness and back again to health. It is precisely this system that has been made the poor relation of orthodox medicine, because it cannot be dismembered, subjected to objective proof, poured into a retort! In attaching too much importance to pathomorphology, the functions and the idea of regulating systems have been neglected. This was bound to end all too often in therapeutic resignation. The causes of many problematic diseases of our time including vegetative dysregulation in its manifold forms of appearance, rheumatic diseases, immune deficiencies in regard to infectious diseases, allergies, poly-sclerosis, cancer etc., cannot be found because they are not measurable by linear causal means. Their development is based on multi-causal factors that differ from patient to patient and that influence and exponentiate each other. Only the disease symptoms are fought because a causal therapy has not been established. In order to mobilize and strengthen the body’s blocked defense and self-healing functions, causal treatment of vegetative misregulations has to locate their cause in the reciprocal dynamics of biological systems. For us this means influencing and adjusting the functions of basic regulation so that they show normal responses to all types of stimuli. We can achieve this by using the body’s own systems for the biological treatment of pathological conditions: Apparently the laws governing the effectiveness of procaine therapy correspond less with the self-contained textbook type of clinical picture of definitive anatomical changes. Instead they seem more to belong to a developmental stage within the pathophysiological process which produces symptoms but which has its proper place between that of a trigger stimulus and that of organic manifestation. It is in fact very tempting to assume that what one is dealing with here are primarily autonomic stimuli and reactions. (Althoff) Neural therapy according to Huneke is still to some extent regarded as part of empirical medicine with its fringe methods. Nevertheless, empirical medicine is a genuinely holistic medicine based on observation. Thus, neural therapy records and processes the response by the whole of the autonomic nervous system to the procaine stimulus, which, when correctly placed, becomes a healing stimulus. Whether it can in every case be subjected to objective proof is of secondary importance to us. Such a statement is not made out of defensive pique, but simply to show objectively where we stand, and also to demonstrate that this position is primarily therapeutic and only secondarily concerned with theory. Young doctors who come from university and go into practice do so initially with a sense of elation that they are now able to diagnose and hence to treat practically everything that may come their way. Sooner or later they become conscious of the limitations and how tightly they circumscribe them. Most doctors become resigned to this and accept the inevitable by being satisfied with practicing the art of the possible. They prescribe whatever happens to be the latest drug as recommended in the publicity provided by the pharmaceutical industry and are certain that they can write their prescriptions with an easy conscience and without risk, being covered by the broad backs and ample skirts of the industrial giants. True doctors who still seek to achieve an inner satisfaction from being able successfully to treat their patients will, as their experience increases, feel their therapeutic impotence in the face of the overwhelming majority of illnesses to be oppressive and unsatisfactory. They will therefore seek ways and means that hold out a promise of success and will find themselves forced to turn to methods that they were not taught at medical school. As a result, they turn to some extent into an outsider. But this does not mean that they must immediately be regarded as bigots who, with blind fanaticism, chase their mystical wild geese, nor do they need to lose touch with the scientific ground under their feet. Ethics are determined by conscience and not by universities: “The good physician has always used whatever practical experience has shown to serve the good of the whole, quite regardless of whether a scientific explanation could be found for it” (L. von Krehl). Practicing doctors would welcome it if their colleagues in research and teaching included more of the observations of empirical medicine in their research programs and academic syllabuses. Practical experience in medicine results from experiments in vivo, and all research begins with observation and experiment. Science that does not recognize observations only because they do not fit into a currently accepted ideological framework fails to fulfill its purpose. Where only the linear causal relationship capable of objective proof is valid, the functional reality based on mutually interacting causalities must remain an equation with too many unknowns that cannot therefore be solved. The dermatologist, Unna, once said: “Science may bridge the gaps in our theoretical knowledge, in order to catch up with the lead that practical experience has over theory.” Orthodox medicine spent many decades simply repeating its demand to the general practitioner Huneke to prove his assertions, so that they might be checked and perhaps even recognized. In practical terms, this was equivalent to a total refusal to recognize that empiricism has something of value to offer. A general practitioner is normally quite incapable of working out the requisite fundamentals and is thus unable to present his or her evidence. Siegmund made the statement that “neural therapy has entrusted an important task to science.” To date, science has not taken up the challenge. We have every comprehension for a certain skepticism with regard to any method with a suspiciously broad spectrum of indications, but we must nonetheless ask why, to be consistent, the schools do not also withdraw their recognition, for example, from psychotherapy and physiotherapy. For these are likewise neither more nor less than holistic empiricisms and cannot by any means always be proved satisfactorily in objective terms. The materialist, Virchow, once wrote: “These attempts to steer under full sail toward a ‘rational’ pathology and therapy, where ‘rational’ is taken to mean whatever may reasonably explain appearances, are rather like the attempt of Icarus.” A few lines further on he talks about a reform “which will in the end exchange the rational or physiological position taken up hitherto for the empirical standpoint in therapy. Only then will therapy begin to develop like any of the sciences, for all science begins with empirical observation.” It remains a debt owed to the Huneke brothers that by their teachings about the lightning reaction they have led our generation of physicians back from the parts to the whole, by proving to us that there is a higher-order directing and ordering principle within us that cannot either be measured or grasped, but which nevertheless helps us to heal the sick if we learn how to address ourselves to it. If we want to practice the art of healing in Huneke’s sense, we need to learn to think not only as scientists but also as artists. For a time, technical development and specialization in modern medicine cast the family doctor in the part of the provider of emergency and first-aid treatment and counselor, but above all as the intermediary for referrals to a specialist. In the train of this return to a holistic approach to illness and therapy, neural therapy according to Huneke has especially helped the general practitioner and the doctor in peripheral out- and in-patient hospital facilities to reconquer his or her territory of responsibility, at the center of all medical activity. And as general practitioners have themselves become more successful in treating their patients, so their position has acquired a higher value and they have become more important in the patient’s eyes. We have Huneke to thank for this, and the most effective way we can do so is to carry his teachings out into the world conscientiously and undiluted. The representatives of orthodox medicine at first mocked the general practitioner F. Huneke as an eccentric, when he and his brother reported their astonishing cures and even went to the extent of interpreting them as electrical phenomena. Today, everyone knows that life is bound not only to material things but also to electrical energy. We have meanwhile also discovered how rarely it is possible, in a form capable of explanation, to discover any direct relationship between cause and effect in pathological processes, how much more often we are in fact faced with a complex reciprocal and interacting causality in which cause and effect can no longer be isolated from each other because they form part of a multitude of intermeshed regulating mechanisms: “Ferdinand Huneke discovered cybernetics long before the dawn of the cybernetic age” (Mink). The battle mounted against him was not always objective. His excessive reactions to the arguments leveled against him were not always designed to build bridges. In this respect he was not unlike his predecessor C. L. Schleich. If F. Huneke had been less imbued with his mission, he could hardly have found the strength to keep up the fight against so much opposition. Meanwhile, at least a part of his neural therapy, segmental therapy has become, as it were, socially acceptable. Since the ideas of neural therapy have begun to be more widely accepted and since electrophysiologists have been able to prove that the electrical potential before and after a procaine injection is changed by a measurable amount, criticism has become more objective. Ever more of those who were earlier to be numbered amongst the fence-sitters have been forced to admit that the Huneke phenomenon is also a fact. The movement of a pointer on a dial obviously has a greater power to convince the doubters than all the practical experience and the large numbers of all those whom this therapy has been able to cure. F. Huneke lived just long enough to have the satisfaction of knowing that irrefutable proof of his lightning reaction had also been provided on a scientific basis (Bergsmann, Harrer, Kellner, Pischinger, Schoeler, Schwamm, Siegen, Stacher) and that this part of his method had now also become a practical proposition that could stand up to investigation and thus be acceptable to doctors. A few attempts have been made by the opposition to prove this evidence untenable. Since these attempts were not carried out in accordance with Huneke’s rules, it was to be expected that they would fail, as indeed they did. As a result, H. Schoeler, a friend of neural therapy, confronted one of its well-known opponents with the delightful phrase published in Prager’s book Erkennung von Krankheiten (Identification of Diseases): “There is no such thing as playing the piano. I have tried it a number of times and have not succeeded in doing so.” Despite this, playing the piano is easy enough: you “merely” need to press the right key at the right time. We all know that playing the piano is not quite so simple. The key signatures and fingering can be learned. But in addition to the technical foundation, something else is also needed to bring playing the instrument to full artistic perfection: it must have its spiritual component if it is not to sound flat and dead. Intuition and inspiration make the difference between the artist and the artisan. It is the same with the art of healing. Technique and basic rules can be learned by anyone up to a certain point. After all, it is merely a matter of injecting procaine in the right place. But we are not dealing with an instrument that always remains the same and that will produce the same sound whenever we press the same key. Every occasion is different because we are each time dealing with a different human being who is unique in his or her particular combination, in whom everything is in a continual state of flux and who is subject to constant change through every emotional stimulus and all such other stimuli as heat, cold, radiation, toxins, noise, injury etc. All these are continually forcing his/her regulating mechanism to adjust and find a state of equilibrium for the voltage differences that occur and to guide them back into safe channels. If I prick this particular person with a needle, I am creating not only an alarm signal that sets off the reactive pain, I am also producing a short circuit in the neurovegetative system, which is instantly registered by the entire tissue system of the almost unimaginable length of 12 times the Earth’s circumference and to which an immediate response is produced. When I pull out the needle again, the person before me is, from an electro-biological viewpoint, a different being. Seen in this light, it would not be difficult to become discouraged at the prospect of undertaking to write a book on neural therapy. If art can be learned only up to a certain point and if an artist needs to possess something extra called intuition, success would be to some extent dependent on things that cannot be taught. This is nothing new: one person can do something with ease, another can never learn to do it. And in this respect things are just the same as in learning to play an instrument: one has to make a start some time, even if it is the beginning that is the most difficult of all. Without the essential technical and theoretical foundation even the greatest natural talent can but rarely succeed. And who wants to see piano-playing limited only to the great artists of this world? I know a number of my professional colleagues who have had a certain amount of success with simple injections to tonsils and scars, and with a primitive form of segmental therapy based on the precept of injecting wherever the patient feels pain. They are proud of this success and are able to produce results that they were unable to obtain before. But this is not enough to make them into neural therapists. One can help one’s patients far more and more effectively, the better one masters this instrument in the armory and provided one is not too easily satisfied with oneself and one’s own achievements. By his or her profession, every doctor is committed to continuing to perfect his or her skills. Whether he or she will ever reach the level of becoming an expert in the art of healing is then no longer so important. Our first commandment is: Thou shalt help, to the best of thy knowledge, ability, skill and conscience. It is the greatest mistake in the treatment of illness that there should be physicians for the body and healers for the soul, for these two cannot be separated. Plato We must require of any causal treatment that is to hold out any hope of success that it should take into account the influence of the neurovegetative system upon pathogenesis. There are two routes that give access to the neurovegetative system: 1. the organic component, by means of neural therapy in the widest sense (massage, counter-irritation methods, balneology, irradiation, chirotherapy, Kneipp’s therapy, acupuncture etc., but particularly by selective procaine therapy); 2. the psychological component, by means of psychotherapy. Seen in this light, neural therapy and psychotherapy are therapeutic twins; both act directly on the neurovegetative system and are able to influence it in the sense of restoring equilibrium. They are therefore complementary, although they can only occasionally be used in each other’s stead, since each has its own sphere of influence and competence. Thus, it has been proved that procaine fails completely when it is used in purely psychogenic illness. This applies even to the extent that the failure of neural therapy strengthens the suspicion that we are dealing with a psychogenic process and that a cure in such a case can be achieved only by psychotherapy. This fact ought to be noted especially by those who reject our method out of hand without taking the trouble to seek unprejudiced and technically unimpeachable critical proof; these can often be found amongst those who can find no worse explanation for the surprising cures we are able to obtain than well-worn epithets like “suggestion” and “magic.” One gathers the impression that behind such an attitude there is the intention to humiliate. Or Palmstroem’s logic: “for that which cannot be must not be!” In this regard, Hippocrates was a great deal more tolerant when he stated that “the physician has but a single task: to cure; and if he succeeds, it matters not a whit by what means he has succeeded!” When in 1951 Ratschow decided to test neural therapy in his clinic, he and his assistants were able to produce lightning reactions in 8% of the patients they treated. These tests also showed that enthusiastic doctors achieved far more successes than the cool skeptics whose approach to medicine was from a purely scientific and technical direction. It was inevitable that the opponents of the Huneke brothers should see this as proof of a purely suggestive effect. But it is quite simply the result of a more intimate rapport with the patient of which such doctors are capable. This closer relationship with the patient is one of the prerequisites for success. There is no other method in which the physician is more dependent on an equal collaboration between the patient and him or herself and where he or she must respond more individually to his or her patient than in the case of neural therapy as we understand the term. We thus take Ratschow’s statement that our therapy promises better results if used by a doctor with a vocation to be anything but deprecatory, since it clearly shows us the direction in which we must go. Ratschow, too, saw it in this light, for he spoke of “the great significance of Huneke’s observations” and fully accepted the lightning reaction. Theoretical considerations only led the forensic physician, D. Krause, to this realization: “Neural therapy is a suggestive method that is focused on symptoms and uses pharmacological anesthesia induction.” Our opponents’ constantly repeated objection that the success of neural therapy is based purely on suggestion is as old as neural therapy itself. But it is not difficult to disprove this: there have also been objectively proven segmental cures and Huneke phenomena in veterinary medicine (Braemer, Kothbauer, Poser, Siegert et al.) in dogs, cats, horses, and cattle, in which any psychological influence can be absolutely excluded. This must obviously hold true also for human patients: neural therapy used under anesthesia or hypnosis, of which the patient had no knowledge, was equally successful as if they had been conscious. I have cured patients by hypnosis where neural therapy has failed, and vice versa, and before I adopted neural therapy as my life I needed this experience to convince me that the two therapies work quite differently. If six treatments have failed to produce results and only the seventh, by the injection of a previously overlooked scar, has produced a lightning reaction, is it then possible to argue that the first six treatments were not suggestive and only the seventh developed the requisite power of suggestion? If that were the case, then could the neural-therapeutic preparation do its work of suggestion only when injected at the correct site for the particular patient being treated? The double-blind experiment is supposed to eliminate the possibility of suggestion. If a patient tells me (see Case History 30 in Part II), before the second treatment, that the injections did not affect the arthritis in her knee but the compulsive neurosis with thoughts of suicide, which she had omitted out of embarrassment, has disappeared, does that not fulfill the requirements for the double-blind experiment? Why do none of the intramuscular injections that are given daily all over the planet, using all sorts of substances, produce reactions that remove remote disturbances? Neural therapy is not suggestive therapy. On the contrary: in psychogenic illnesses, neural therapy fails so patently that these have had to be included in the list of contraindications. No measures taken by any doctor can ever completely prevent a certain suggestive effect from being achieved. Ours are no exception to this. If I give an intravenous procaine injection and a few carefully sited intracutaneous quaddles to someone suffering from angina pectoris, and by this means relieve them of the pain that they had felt was overwhelming and destroying them, then by removing the pain I also take from them the fear of death. I break the vicious circle formed by fear, tension, pain, fear on account of the pain, and in this way, in addition to achieving an improved blood supply due to reflex action, I also produce muscular and psychological relaxation. And because I can achieve the same result on every occasion they have another attack I can also break down their expectant fear, which prepares the way psychologically for their next attack. By this means I also remove their sense of hopelessness that exacerbates any disorder. If this is suggestion, then I willingly make use of it! But my work cannot be dismissed as being nothing more than suggestion, on this account. Our conviction that our therapy acts effectively on the causal relationships is often pounced upon as proof of our use of suggestion. Belief in the correctness of one’s own actions is often the best of helpers, no more, no less. The schools need to see everything neatly tagged, labeled, measured, and quantified, by what is called scientific proof. But is life quantifiable? And is the unquantifiable therefore unreal, non-existent? For the general practitioner, for whom this book has been primarily written, the problem of merely collecting symptoms and constructing a scientific diagnosis from them simply does not exist. That is the kind of diagnosis that one can then look up in the currently accepted textbook, in order to find out what treatment is supposed to help, rather like taking a cookery book and reading the recipe: “Take a dozen eggs.” To us, every sick person is a unique problem that has never occurred before and which we have to solve. And this sick person is a human being consisting of body, soul, and psyche! The psyche is integrated in the interaction of closely interlinked control circuits, which mutually influence one another. The human psyche is a highly active cybernetic system, which is constantly learning more and developing further, and which automatically regulates itself within the framework of the total personality of the individual. Pavlov’s conditioned and unconditioned reflexes also play their part in this. The psyche receives signals from other control circuits and sends out signals to them, which are capable of acting as control values or as interference values. In addition, in the adult, reason exerts a corrective control function and consciousness permits a “creative response.” In this lies a fundamental difference compared with purely mechanical robots. “Psychic life is in a mysterious way a brain-nerve function experienced from within” (J. H. Schultz). The psyche is intimately linked with the neurovegetative system. One might say that the neurovegetative system is the instrument of the soul, the moderator between psyche and body, the organ of stimulus response and thus the “vital nerve.” If we are concerned with the patient’s autonomic and thus with their spiritual (psychic) equilibrium, we need also to try and eliminate the defective voltage in their spirit and to awaken in it the hope of being cured. A well-balanced psyche is an excellent prophylactic against illness; the fear of illness often brings about that which it fears. We need to bear in mind that 30% of our patients are ill due to psychogenic causes or that the psyche is at least an important factor in their falling ill. What part it does play may not be determinant, but it is certainly co-determinant. The spoken and written word, to quote Pavlov, “is for man as much a conditioned stimulus as any other he has in common with other animals, but it is far more all-embracing than any other.” It forms ideas in the subconscious by means of the processes of reasoning. If such ideas are intense enough and persist long enough, they turn into beliefs. Every idea tends to become self-fulfilling, and belief, faith, both in a positive and in a negative sense, “can move mountains!” If a patient falls ill because of what they believe, only psychotherapy can help them with the healing counter-irritant stimulus, the word. This may be achieved by discussing their problems with a doctor in whom they believe, has faith, whom they trust, actively by autosuggestion under qualified medical supervision, for example, in the form of autogenic training, or passively by hypnosis. In such cases, the patient suffering from a psychogenic illness has the wrong “illness” image in their subconscious replaced by the right “health” image, and their disturbed equilibrium is thus restored to normal. If the patient only thinks “perhaps,” then in terms of being capable of being cured of a psychogenic disorder this means “no.” If they “pull themselves together,” they become tense, inhibited, precisely when they ought to be able to “let go” physically and mentally, to relax, unbend, un-tense, and when in the place of their conscious will they should set their belief that they will be cured. We need to set them on this road. Feeling can be influenced by thought. Someone who puts their illness in the center of the stage, who feels sorry for themselves or becomes resigned to fate will sink ever more deeply into the morass of negative sensations. But someone who is consciously confident and who thinks in positive terms will experience a sense of well-being as a result of the echoes sent back by the subconscious. Reason can help or harm by way of the neurovegetative system. We therefore also need to make use of its powers. However, as a rule, we shall only very rarely have to deal with purely psychogenic forms. We are far more likely to encounter the typical mixture in which organic processes are coupled to an additional psychological stress. An organic illness can be due to psychological factors, and psychological disorders can be produced by organic causes. Any biological process can be amplified or attenuated by the psyche (Western terminology) or the cerebrum (Soviet terminology). It is not an easy task for the physician, but nonetheless an essential one, to discover to what extent the neurovegetative system is disturbed by the psyche and to what extent by the organic component. Treatment must be determined accordingly and needs to take each component into account according to its proper share. We need to have more courage to use the word! The word as medicine has in our day been largely replaced by the chemical preparation, just as the doctor’s direct influence has been superseded by pharmaceutical advertisements and “enlightenment” of the public. We ought not to allow the wonder of healing to be left to the particular physician’s charismatic effect on his or her patient or to the magic of what we write on our prescription pads. We should also be prepared to make an effort of our own, and for this the only right way is the way that leads to a cure. In 1929, when surgery of the sympathetic chain was the latest fashion and hence was often practiced to excess, Erwin Liek said in connection with criticism that: in these methods, the effective element is the stimulus to the autonomic nervous system, which we may confidently call the stimulus to the psyche. But if I know that the word is all that I need to stimulate the sympathetic system (which regulates and controls the condition of the blood vessels and which probably also acts as the conductor of all pain sensations) to make a person blush or turn pale, to make the heart beat faster or more slowly, to influence metabolism, respiration, the activity of the digestive glands and the muscles of the digestive tract, then what is the purpose of the knife? Is it not more ethical for the physician to choose the simplest and safest method? In saying this he was referring only to psychotherapy, to influencing the neurovegetative system by the use of words. At that time, he could not in this context take into account the other safe and simple method of influencing the sympathetic system at another level and by means of another far-reaching healing stimulus that is able to restore the regulating mechanisms to normality, neural therapy. But another medical man mentioned by him in the same work, the surgeon Leriche, later to a large extent abandoned the sanguineous surgery on the sympathetic chain in favor of procaine injections, which he came to describe as the “surgeon’s bloodless knife.” A good physician needs no trumpet. Proverb At first sight, the range of acute and chronic illnesses for whose treatment neural therapy is indicated, using products containing procaine or lidocaine, appears surprisingly large. Why this should be the case becomes clearer when we look at the therapeutic possibilities generally available to us for influencing an illness: 1. Means acting directly on the diseased organ: a. Genuinely organ-specific means are very few in number. b. Unspecific methods acting on the affected organ are found more frequently, amongst which we number the segmental therapy that forms part of neural therapy according to Huneke. 2. Means that, in the sense of acting as regulating therapies according to F. Hoff, influence the regulating capacity of the organism as a whole: a. Means that promote regulatory functions and/or tissue reaction; in addition to counter-irritant therapy, the regulating therapy in the form of segmental treatment that we practice in neural therapy according to Huneke again belongs to this category. b. Means that inhibit regulation, and stimuli such as anti-phlogistic preparations, antihistamines, neurotropic drugs; segmental therapy according to Huneke also belongs to these, since it develops a regulation-stimulating or a stimulus-inhibiting effect depending on the autonomic state found initially. 3. Means that act on the interference field and/or bacterial focus: a. The Huneke phenomenon. b. Surgical excision. As we have seen, however, success in neural therapy depends not so much on the medication used but on the correct location of the injection. Failure is thus not always attributable to the method as such. A detailed case history, thorough examination of the patient, anatomical knowledge, familiarity with the technique to be used, experience, flair, and intuitive feeling, are as essential for success as perseverance on the part of both doctor and patient. It might be wise not to mention the intuitive sense of the artist, but this also has a special part to play in the art of healing. Let us remember Ratschow, who found in his objective studies on strict scientific criteria that physicians motivated by a sense of vocation were able to achieve a greater number of lightning reactions than the cool technicians working by rote. We need to take this result not as a compliment but as an obligation. We need to tune in to the patient, with an active love for the suffering human being before us. This is how the essential contact can best be established. That unquantifiable something that is an integral part of success, which we cannot describe but merely circumscribe when we call it intuition or flair, a “feeling” for the “right” point, a sixth sense. An overtired or spiritually troubled doctor cannot expect to have the same success as one who is relaxed and composed. There is a factor here that cannot be quantified or proved by objective evidence but that is nevertheless very real. Max Planck once wrote that “even in the natural sciences one cannot succeed without a dash of metaphysics.” Pessimists, those without a sense of humor or with a pathological craving for recognition ought to be barred from practicing as doctors. They make more people sick than they can cure. The question of the statistical frequency of the Huneke phenomenon is essentially one that has to do with the success of the individual neural therapist. In 1950, Ratschow recorded 7.2% lightning cures. In 1954, D. Gross, a student of the Huneke brothers, saw in 1500 patients with chronic diseases a 13.4% lightning reaction after the first treatment, 75% of the patients reported a significant pain-reducing effect, and only 11.6% showed no reaction. In 1976, the evaluation of a field trial with 105 patients who were treated by five different experienced neural therapists, showed in 46% of the cases the existence of an interference field. The results obtained by the Huneke brothers and their successful disciples illustrate that at least 30% (and probably more) of all chronic illnesses are due to interference fields. However, we should be quite clear on one thing: ever-increasing chemical pollution of our internal environment by means of regulation-blocking drugs is likely to reduce the number of Huneke phenomena experienced; it will certainly not increase them. Reischauer used a statistical report to demonstrate that the efficient neural therapy is low-risk. In 1961, he reported 79 000 incident-free treatments with paravertebral nerve block anesthesia (using on average 30 mL of 1% procaine) during the course of 8 years. They were divided into approximately 40 000 lumbar nerve root anesthesias, 13 000 lumbar sympathetic chain anesthesias as well as 22 000 stellate, and 4000 thoracic infiltrations. In Vienna, over a period of 20 years, Hopfer administered 2.5 million neural-therapeutic injections in an in-patient clinic for focal diseases. In addition to the above listed, he did a high number of joint injections. Only one problematic incident is known, in the case of a blood clotting disorder that had not been listed in the case history and needed surgical attention. The pupils of the Huneke brothers who keep strictly to the therapeutic rules established by those whom they take as their models have had no reasons for regret. Their successful treatment of previously incurable conditions has become known quickly by word of mouth, and everywhere they have tended to acquire the reputation of miracle workers, to whom the seriously sick often make their pilgrimages from far away. We know that, as a result of this, there is a certain amount of preselection in the patients that come to us for treatment. Those cured or curable by the means available to orthodox medicine are to a large extent eliminated. And since we, too, are unable to help those who are sick due to psychogenic causes, practically only those left are those whose sufferings are due to interference fields or for whom skilled segmental therapy offers the best prospects of success. As a result, the number of lightning reactions observed by a well-known neural therapist in his or her day-to-day practice is doubtless greater than would be the case in the average general practice. The gods demand the sweat of the brow as a prerequisite to success, in neural therapy as in everything else. Only someone who is fully familiar with the entire armory in both theory and practice and who is able to use it can be said to practice neural therapy. He or she must be able to pull out all the stops and must genuinely exhaust every possibility in the segment and track down every possible interference field before giving up. The physician should consider every “therapy-resistant” case a professional challenge. He or she should be forced to concentrate on the case even more and consider every possibility. The disease has many potential causes. We have to apply all our knowledge and experience together with a little bit of imagination. “Only that cause is lost that was given up!” (Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach). I once treated a fellow physician suffering from angina pectoris. For days I turned him upside down and inside out. After all my efforts had remained of no avail, I recommended him to take up autogenic training, since I suspected that his condition might be due to a psychological disturbance. He went to see Ferdinand Huneke. Huneke listened to his report on my efforts, examined his teeth, noted a displaced wisdom tooth and with that intuitive certainty that never failed to surprise produced a lightning reaction. In my statistics, this patient would figure as a failure, in Huneke’s book he would appear on the positive side of the ledger. Our awareness of our own inadequacies ought to be enough to prevent us casting stones at those who are less successful. From this it will be seen that there cannot be any satisfactory statistics on successful cures obtained by the use of neural therapy, by which the effectiveness of the method could be proved. Apart from the well-known doubts as to the value of any statistics of successes, in our case they cannot tell us anything about the method itself but only about the conscientiousness, experience, and degree of skill of the individual practitioner of this branch of the healing arts. We know that similar symptoms leading to a diagnosis can be due to totally different interference fields or foci. And identical interference fields can similarly produce totally different symptom complexes. How can this be recorded in statistical terms? In the case of functional disturbances we may alter the subjective state but obviously not the pre-existing negative findings. In the case of visible changes, as in arthrosis deformans, neural therapy can relieve or eliminate the painfulness of the condition and prevent it from progressing further, but without producing any visible change in the radiographic findings. Every single case is always a unique problem for us to solve. No two human beings are the same, thus there are no two identical illnesses. To every illness, a suffering human being is attached, tortured in body and mind. Our task is to solve their unique problem, a problem that affects their entire organism; we have to relieve and release them. Every cure is a victory, every failure is a defeat that should sadden us. The techniques of neural therapy can be learned without insuperable difficulties by anyone. Every beginning is difficult. Anyone who does not want to remain simply as a helpless signpost to the nearest specialist when faced with a difficult case that has hitherto stubbornly resisted conventional treatment must enter this new territory with its broad spectrum of diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities. There will doubtless be some initial setbacks, which, time and again, may tempt specialists to give up, but their first successes will very soon lead them further and further out of their earlier therapeutic resignation and despair. A more optimistic urge will take its place and they will quickly enough discover that they are now able to achieve cures in all the specialist sectors where previously they were at the outer limits of their art. A proper physician learns something new every day and every hour, and he makes the most progress as a result of his failures. Klussmann 1. By definition, neural-therapeutic means can influence disturbances only if these are due to autonomic causes or if a neural or humoral factor is at least one of the original contributory causes. Any illness can be blocked neurally in the segment or be due to an interference field, but it does not have to be! 2. Neural therapy is not indicated (except as stated) for: a. Mental disorders. b. Psychogenic disorders, including true neuroses and neurasthenia. c. Genuine deficiency diseases, e. g., a lack of vitamins, trace elements, or other bodily building blocks, hormone deficiency due to the inadequacy or absence of endocrine glands or their secretions. d. Hereditary disease, such as hereditary blindness or deafness; results of irreversible hereditary organ dysfunctions; in true epilepsy we can sometimes reduce the severity and frequency of the attacks, whilst the results in treating traumatic epilepsy are good. e. Advanced infectious disease, e. g., terminal tuberculosis. f. Cancer. Neural therapy alone cannot cure cancer! But we can exert a positive influence on the pain and the inflammatory conditions that are always also present. According to the latest findings, cancer is to a large extent a problem of molecular-biological energy. It is thus reasonable to include neural therapy with procaine as a basic therapy in treating any patient for cancer. See also Part II under → cancer. g. Completed cicatrization with mature scar formation, e. g., renal atrophy or advanced cirrhosis of the liver. In other cases (e. g., arthrosis deformans) we are able, despite extensive destruction and far-reaching degenerative changes, to help the organism to heal the defect to a point where the symptoms disappear partially or completely. h. Biological influences that produce a pathogenic reaction from the individual patient (for example, climatic influences and geopathic disturbances). By removing the interference fields, we are frequently able to raise the stimulus tolerance level to a point where the influence is subtle. i. Zoonoses and diseases caused by parasites (e. g., toxoplasmosis, amoeba, trichomonads, lamblia, tenia, and their larvae). j. All acute surgical indications. 3. The method itself is not to be blamed for every failure. If we merely take into account the difficulty of finding every possible interference field from the history and examination of the patient, this in itself will show how easy it is to overlook one of them. But only that is lost which is abandoned! Often enough perseverance by both patient and physician is rewarded even after several attempts have proved to be in vain. 4. Speransky’s experiments show that illnesses can become autonomous. The time they take to reach this stage will vary from patient to patient and from illness to illness. In this way, what may have begun as a tonsillogenic polyarthritis may become independent of its point of origin and follow its own laws. From this point onward tonsillectomy will fail just as much as our injection to the tonsillar poles. Earlier, treatment at the point of origin would still have helped, but once autonomy has become established it is too late. There is nothing that can tell us when a disorder has become autonomous. Neither the patient’s age nor the duration or severity of the disorder, or his or her physical condition provide any kind of pointer. We need to ask the body itself, by means of test injections, whether its regulating mechanisms are for the time being capable of reacting in any way to our injections. Thus, for example, it is never possible to tell simply by looking at it whether a severe, advanced case of polyarthritis with contractures and ankyloses will respond to our treatment or not. For this reason, an attempt at treatment, using all the means available to us, is appropriate in every case. Even if we are no longer able to produce a Huneke phenomenon, segmental therapy often enough still offers us a sufficient number of therapeutic possibilities. Following this we need to try to release the regulating mechanism with a more far-reaching reversal from its deadlocked situation. A series of autotransfusions or Elpimed, Ponndorf’s or cutivaccine vaccinations, Kneipp’s cure or fasting, or other biological activation and cleansing treatments via the skin, digestive tract, or kidneys, even venesection; any of these alone or in combination may produce such a reversal. After stopping regulation-inhibiting drugs and breaking through the regulatory paralysis, the organism will as a rule respond with a massive regulatory reaction. The patient must be warned beforehand that such a “worsening” is what we are looking for and that he or she must overcome this with our help; if we fail to warn them in this way they will lose confidence and stay away. This phase shows us that the reaction-blocked chronic disorder is now returning to an acute state that will respond more readily to our therapy. A renewed attack on the illness by means of the regulating therapy given to us by Huneke can only now hope to lead to success. 5. Surgery of the sympathetic chain leaves behind an irreversible condition, which can greatly reduce or completely inhibit the prospects of successful neural-therapeutic treatment. Ricker took the view that severance of the nerves not only cuts out a part of the reflex channels, but that, in addition, it also creates a continually disturbing stimulus. Speransky pointed out that sympathetic-chain surgery belongs to the type of damage that regularly acts as trigger factor and that then causes the previously resistant organism to react in a neurodystrophic manner. Leriche, the great master of sympathetic-chain surgery, recognized the superiority of procaine injections compared with surgery and recommended procaine therapy as the “surgeon’s bloodless knife.” It is a matter of daily regret to us that this fact has not yet become common knowledge amongst all who practice surgery and gynecology! 6. Pension neurotics are hopeless subjects for treatment. Once the desire to draw a pension dominates the patient’s mind, a cure is no longer part of the program and is largely unwanted. To a lesser degree this is also true of the employee whose preoccupation is only to obtain his or her doctor’s certificate to enable them to stay off work. Morphine addicts and others who have become dependent on narcotics are likewise poor subjects for us, even if they appear to be reasonable and repeatedly assure us that they would gladly give up their drug if only someone were able to relieve them of their pain. Their subconscious desire for the drug may be much stronger than their apparent wish to be cured. So, they are able to prove to themselves and others that neural therapy, too, has failed them and that they must therefore go on taking their drug. As for us, we are all the more pleased by every one of these that we are able to free from his or her dependence on powerful drugs. Where all attempts with neural therapy have failed, masked depression should also be considered as a possible cause. But none of these thoughts should be in our minds when we start treating a patient, only at the end, and they should never tempt us to give up too soon. 7. In our view, radiographic therapy in the treatment of joint and skin disorders is a thrust into the electrical structure of the organism capable of producing the desired result in segment-related disorders only, but which is doomed to fail in any caused by interference fields. On the other hand, any local radiographic treatment has a blocking effect on the functions of interstitial connective tissue and hence also on cell metabolism. Such profound damage to the neurovegetative system can for a long time, and sometimes permanently, prevent any possibility of successful treatment by neural therapy. In addition, zones damaged by radiation can obviously also turn into interference fields and cause new secondary symptoms. For this reason we demand that the harmless procaine therapy should always precede any intended radiation therapy. 8. We also dislike finding any lengthy cortisone or prednisone treatment in our patient’s clinical history. Glucocorticoids destroy thymocytes and lymphocytes at the points where these are produced. They are thus no longer able to carry out their functions. The whole process of unspecific defense against infection stops halfway. Corticosteroids and pyrazolones do, of course, cause the painful, inflammatory stage to devolve rapidly into a less painful phase of apparently reduced symptoms. All too often, however, the acute disease process turns into a chronically progressive one, which smolders on, putting a continual strain on the environmental system and leading to a therapy-resistant state of debility that may continue for years. As a rule, weeks or even months need to be allowed to pass before the neurovegetative system is again able to respond to our therapy. In such situations, we will progressively reduce the doses of cortisone and try to stimulate the adrenal glands with Synacthen Depot to start the body’s own cortisone production again, as far as this may still be possible. In addition, Elpimed injections may help to overcome the cortisone damage more quickly. However, the capacity of the Huneke phenomenon to restore order often succeeds, before this point is reached, in breaking through the cortisone block with all its negative and inhibitory effects. Other drugs acting to block the regulating functions as we know them are phenylbutazone and the psychopharmaceutic drugs such as amphetamines, anti-depressants, tranquilizers, neuroleptics, sedatives, and hypnotics, all of which are today being swallowed by so many people without a thought as to their side-effects and consequences. Chemotherapeutic preparations, antibiotics, immunosuppressants, and cytostatic drugs also form part of this group. The same also applies to all pharmaceutical products and to any measures that permanently damage the autonomic nervous system and thus make it less responsive. 9. Neural therapy cannot reverse any major pathomorphological changes. But the functional disturbances they produce, which do not normally respond to treatment, are therapeutically accessible to us. Neural therapy has its limits. It cannot therefore make the diagnostic and therapeutic means of orthodox medicine superfluous. It can only ever complement these. The Lord may forgive us our sins, the nervous system never does. Indian proverb The segmental nature of the spinal cord and the spinal nerves is due to the fact that the only way for the nerves to leave the vertebral canal is through the segmentally organized intervertebral foramina. The spinal cord is relatively short, ending at the level of the second lumbar vertebra. Consequently, only the upper segmental nerves have a short oblique path from the spinal cord to their vertebral foramen; with increasing distance from the head, the nerve roots descend in the vertebral canal in a more and more oblique direction, and finally (in the lumbosacral area) craniocaudally (see Fig. 1.19). We distinguish a total of 31 segments, according to the position where they leave the spine: • eight cervical or neck segments, corresponding with the dermatomes CI through C8; • 12 thoracic (dorsal) or chest segments T1 through T12 (D1 through D12); • five lumbar or loin segments L1 through L5; • five sacral segments S1 through S5; • and one coccygeal or sit bone segment. Every segmental nerve is divided into several branches after leaving the intervertebral foramen. For now, the focus should be placed on one anterior branch that supplies the ventral and lateral area of the body and on one dorsal branch. The anterior branches of the segmental nerves C1 to T1 and inferior to T12 form various plexi that create larger and smaller peripheral nerves, which mainly supply the extremities. Every branch contains fibers from several segments, but only a part of the segmental fibers. In addition to the spinal nerves, there are 12 pairs of cerebral nerves. The nerves discussed above are part of the conscious, deliberate cerebrospinal system if they consist of fibers with ganglion cell bodies in the spinal chord or in the brain, in the spinal ganglion of an intervertebral foramen, or in a root ganglion homologous to these ganglia. Ganglion cells and their processes that are located more peripherally are part of the vegetative nervous system. The efferent branch of the vegetative nervous system is involuntary or autonomic. In this autonomic system we distinguish between the sympathetic system and the parasympathetic nerves: 1. Sympathetic system: The two sympathetic trunks form its unit. The sympathetic trunks run partly anterior and partly lateral to the spinal vertebrae. At the caudal end, they meet anterior to the coccyx. Every sympathetic trunk consists of 22–25 ganglia and their internodal fibers. The number of the ganglia of the sympathetic trunk differs only slightly from the number of the segmental nerves. The cervical area is an exception with only three ganglia. The ganglia are connected to the segmental nerves of the same level. Fibers that branch off the segmental nerves via this communicating branch can descend or ascend in the sympathetic trunk and spread to various ganglia (up to nine). Three different paths lead from the sympathetic trunk to the periphery: a. the splanchnic nerves; b. plexi in the adventitia of the arteries; and c. the network of the segmental nerves and their branches. 2. Parasympathetic nerves: Parasympathetic fibers exist, in addition to other fibers, in the brain nerves III, VII, IX, X, and in the segmental nerves of the sacrum. In this context, the vagus nerve is of greatest influence. For this reason, the term “parasympathetic” is frequently replaced by the term “vagal.” While the sympathetic system influences the entire body, including the skeletal muscles and skin, only visceral and vascular structures are known and cutaneous structures are assumed to be influenced by the parasympathetic fibers. The distinction between cerebrospinal and vegetative nervous system is only partially valid. The vegetative system has its highest control centers in the brain. These centers are connected to the centers of the cerebrospinal system. This is why consciousness is able to influence the autonomic actions of the vegetative nervous system at any time. The categorical division of the two systems is unwarranted and contradicts our concept of the nervous system as a cybernetic system that enables and regulates the activities of the organism as a whole. Nonnenbruch, in his book dealing with bilateral kidney disease, wrote in 1949 that: the autonomic nervous system is a single entity, a great syncytium, which is massed together into conglomerates in the central nervous system and ganglia and then divides in the periphery into the terminal neuroreticulum which enters into intimate plasmatic contact with the cells of the whole of the blood stream and reacting organs (Sunder-Plassmann). The hormonal system is anatomically and functionally closely linked to it. The terminal neuroreticulum is an autonomic terminal formation which accommodates the afferent, efferent, secretory and, as we may say today, trophic elements in a common plasmatic conduit. Histologically they cannot be separated. This harmonium can produce a variety of sounds and harmonies. On predetermined and on individually formed pathways a stimulus can spread to produce demonstrable single and collective reactions of the most varied kinds either within the same segment or in adjacent or more remote regions. Similar stimuli can produce very different reactions, different stimuli can equally well produce a similar response in this process. The diencephalon is the central relay station for these autonomic processes. It receives its stimuli via the blood, from substances formed within itself, and from nervous impulses it receives from every point of the nervous system. The channels used and the rhythm of these impulses are characteristic for the course these reactions take. The terminal neuroreticulum is like a peripheral brain. It records the most varied, wide-ranging impressions and, from an inner rhythm or in response to specific and unspecific stimuli, it is able time and again to produce preprogrammed specific and unspecific reactions. Six years later, Pischinger demonstrated that the “autonomic basic system” instead of the terminal neuroreticulum acts as the peripheral brain and controls the vegetative processes as well as the central centers do. 3. The membranous system: In addition to the electrical transmission provided by the neurites of the autonomic and central nervous systems, there is also a biocybernetic control system in the periphery. This consists on the one hand of Pischinger’s cell-environment system and, on the other, of the membranous system, which has been described as the “stimulus-transmission system of the electrically charged cell-membrane surfaces.” Loewenstein and Kanno proved experimentally that, contrary to what had previously been assumed, cells are not isolated and electrostatically insulated from one another by their cell membranes. The electrical current applied to various types of tissue cells was found to be transmitted practically unchanged to neighboring cells. The German Professors E. Neher and B. Sakmann received the Nobel Prize in medicine in 1991 because they were able to make the ion channels used for information exchange between the cells visible and the ion flow involved measurable. Pischinger and Stockinger were able to prove on the odontic nerve (dental pulp) that stimuli are also transmitted via the membranous system in the case of connective tissue. With the discovery of the stimulus-transmission system, proof has apparently been provided that every single cell in the living body is indirectly in constant touch with every other healthy cell. Thus, every cell is constantly aware of what is happening in every other cell throughout the organism. Only depolarized cells, i.e., cells that in this context must be regarded as sick, are excluded from this total information system. They form a gap in the inter-cellular communications network. Our task is to close this gap by repolarizing them, and this can be achieved by means of procaine. When we refer to the neurovegetative system, we mean by this not so much an anatomical entity as a functional concept that comprises the whole of the neurohumoral regulating system working under the control of conditioned reflexes, i.e., that which comprises not only central but also peripheral regulation. Following Pischinger, we describe this as the “basic autonomic system.” One might also say that “Mother Nature,” by neurovegetative balancing potentials, is constantly reducing endogenous and exogenous noxious substances and rendering them harmless. Our therapy with repolarizing local anesthetics is able to help these biocybernetic energy processes by supplying chemical energy where it is needed when the organism cannot build it up again from its own resources. Scheidt found that at C8, L2, and S2, the so-called transition segments, there is a massive and particularly close link between the two sympathetic chains, the cerebrospinal nervous system and the autonomic channels to and from the internal organs. The intimate contact and bunching together of spinal and autonomic nerve elements in these areas suggests that these are particularly important relay stations. We know that wet, cold feet all too often produce sore throats or urinary-tract disturbances. All segmental nerves and the corresponding autonomic ganglia—subject always to overriding control by the central relay stations—supply a closely circumscribed, compact zone, which comprises skin and subcutaneous tissue, connective tissue, the vessels, muscles, bones, and internal organs. Segmental diagnosis and therapy are based on recognition of the fact that all these parts of a segment supplied by the same nerves will respond by reflex as a single entity to any process within the segment. Un-physiological stimuli that the regulating mechanisms are no longer able to balance out and intercept will disturb the segmental functions to such an extent that illness ensues. However, interference impulses do not always remain isolated and localized to a single organ or organ system. Instead, they may be transmitted further via the nerve channels. First, they are sent as messages from the periphery to the central relay station, which then sends back its orders by the same route. But the streams of impulses also pass from the periphery via the spinal cord to the organ belonging to the segment and vice versa (cutaneovisceral reflex) or from the organ via the spinal cord to other organs (viscerovisceral reflex). The whole of the endocrine system is integrated into these autonomic interrelationships. The entire neurohumoral functional structure is so intimately interlinked that a disturbance in any part of it immediately causes the whole of the functional unit to become altered and to react. Thus, it is never an organ that becomes ill, but always the whole human being! Every irritation, every stimulus strikes the whole, and the whole organism responds. Head and Mackenzie observed that when an internal organ became diseased, changes always occurred in certain skin and subcutaneous segments. They concluded from this that there must be an effective mutual neural relationship between the internal organs and their corresponding areas on the surface of the body. The hypersensitive and hyperalgetic zones found by Head are formed in the skin; circulatory disturbances and localized hyperhidrosis may also occur there. These skin zones are known as dermatomes. In response to stimuli, connective tissue will present superficial voltage changes, retraction or recession, dimpling, swelling and pilo-erection. Mackenzie found hyperalgetic zones in the musculature, with muscular hypertonia and hypertrophy palpable as deep muscle spasm, which, where it persists, may change to hypotonia and even atrophy of the muscles. Changes in the periosteum and bones can produce hyperalgesia and inflammatory swellings of the periosteum and may even lead to bony hypertrophy or atrophy, in advanced cases resulting in postural and motor anomalies. According to Dittmar, the whole “neuro-angio-myosclero-dermatome” within a segmental entity responds to any stimulus (see Fig. 1.12) received by the segment. Very ancient traditions in empirical medicine tell us that it is possible to make use of the reflex channels (see Fig. 1.13) from the surface of the body to sick internal organs and to produce a healing stimulus that will act on these organs. Chinese acupuncture, 5000 years old, treads this path together with counter-irritation therapies of all kinds, with their blistering plasters, moxa, leeches, cupping glasses, massages, and various forms of irradiation and applications of heat and cold. Modern neural therapy, which uses selective injections in the affected segment, also belongs amongst these. Incidentally, we owe the term “segmental therapy” to Kibler who was encouraged by the work of the Huneke brothers to treat all hyperalgetic segmental reactions with procaine (Novocaine) or Segmentan (1.29% sodium bicarbonate solution). Let us now look at this again in the context of an example from day-to-day practice. We know that the organic pain due to an inflammation of the gallbladder produces neural disturbances via reflex channels in the corresponding Head’s and Mackenzie’s zones. These present as skin and muscular pain and spasms, and as circulatory disturbances that affect the patient’s metabolism. In turn, the secondary peripheral pain that they cause produces a negative feedback effect on the organic processes deep within the organism. The vicious circle of interference impulses produced in this way continually increases by reflex action. This can be blocked by an anesthetic in the areas showing changes in the skin, the subcutaneous tissue, muscles, periosteum, the afferent nerves, or the corresponding portion of the sympathetic chain. However, the anesthetic acts not merely as a “nerve block”; it is an additional stimulus, capable of normalizing the disturbed regulating system by setting off a “seesaw reaction.” The cutaneovisceral reflex channel also provides us with a quick, safe, and convenient means of differentiating between an inflammatory “acute abdomen” and colic pain. According to Dick, using distilled water, one to three strictly intradermal blebs (quaddles) are placed in the zone that the patient indicates as the most painful. In the case of biliary colic, this will normally be in the right hypochondrium; in renal colic it will be in the flanks and lower abdomen. The spasmodic colic pains disappear as soon as the painful distilled-water quaddles have been set, whilst any inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity requiring specific treatment will remain unaffected. These measures do not interfere with any further diagnostic processes, whilst the use of opiates and other analgesics acting on the central nervous system is strictly contra-indicated because of their masking effect. In gallbladder disease, we inject a local anesthetic intracutaneously into the epigastrium, over the gall-bladder and the areas of referred pain above the right shoulder and medially adjacent to the right shoulder blade, and into any scars in these areas. Excellent results have been obtained in all upper abdominal disorders by the additional injection of about a milliliter of procaine preperitoneally into the epigastrium, about three finger’s breadths below the xiphoid process. In these cases we also inject a small quantity of procaine into the nerve-exit point of the right supraorbital nerve if this is found to be pressure-sensitive. Ratschow has confirmed that this point is hyperalgetic in about a third of all cases of cholecystitis and that in these all pain can almost always be stopped by a procaine injection to the nerve-exit point below the right eyebrow. If in palpating the body surface we find any additional deeper-lying hyperalgetic points and tonus changes in the connective tissues, as, for example, in the paraspinal muscles, we place a skin quaddle over each such point and then insert the needle through it to the correct depth, which the patient indicates when he or she feels pain (the “ouch point”). Here we then infiltrate a small amount of procaine. If the vertebrae themselves are tender to pressure or percussion, the preparation is injected to the vertebral periosteum, after making sure by prior aspiration that there is no sign of blood or liquor. The most elegant treatment for colics is paravertebral anesthesia of the nerves on the right of T9 through T11. In segmental disorders of the liver, stomach, and gallbladder complex we have often found the injection of about 2 mL procaine to the right upper abdominal sympathetic chain or, more specifically, to the right upper renal pole (according to Vishnevski) to be particularly helpful. This treatment will generally also cause the chronic constipation that usually accompanies these disturbances to disappear, unless it is psychogenic or due to an interference field, repeating the injection a number of times if necessary. In such chronic cases we also like to add an intravenous injection of procaine, which has proved to have a positive reversant effect. The choice, combination, and sequence of the means used in such cases from the extensive neural-therapeutic armory available will depend on the specific case, the patient’s case history and the results of the examination that the physician will first have carried out. As he or she becomes more experienced, they will often find it useful to use several of these means in combination. This is a form of polypragmatism in the non-derogatory sense of the term, and a way of approaching the objective from several directions at the same time. This objective is to achieve a complete reversal within the neurovegetative system as quickly as possible in order to counter the pathological reversal that has occurred. We shall return to this point later. In our example, hot fomentations, shortwave radiation treatment, and other local measures at the site where the disorder manifests itself, including surgery, may also, of course, provide relief. But most medical and surgical methods take longer and are often a good deal riskier than neural therapy with procaine or lidocaine, which acts quickly and is without risk to the patient. The gods have put diagnosis before therapy… but diagnosis remains an empty word if it does not take us any further in therapeutic terms. Volhard Many a physician, when he or she comes into active contact with neural therapy for the first time, is particularly irritated and even shocked by the different attitude of neural therapists to diagnosis in the traditional sense. We are no longer satisfied simply to check off a list of symptoms, force them into their terminological straitjacket, and then honor this with the status of a diagnosis, nor, when we have produced a diagnosis, to regard our work as done, as we should be condemned to do all too often if that were our approach. To be honest, one has to admit that scientific medicine has not succeeded in more than relatively few instances in discovering the true pathogenesis of any disease and accurately defining it or in putting into our hands the safe and effective means to fight it as, for example, it has been able to do for diabetes with insulin, pernicious anemia with vitamin B12 and with hormones, chemotherapeutic preparations, and antibiotics. When we render homage to the great achievements of medicine, of which we have every reason to be proud, we must not forget the vast extent of the area we are still in the dark about. If we can manage to keep this in mind, our attitude will show a more becoming modesty. We know three types of diagnosis: the genuine or accurate, the ungenuine or inaccurate, and the false. Of the genuine diagnosis we expect what Paracelsus demanded of it and what the word itself promises: seeing through the illness to its cause and recognizing its origins, since we can achieve a cure only by eliminating cause and origin. In this sense, for example, the Huneke phenomenon provides a genuine diagnosis. A diagnosis in the accepted sense can often serve only as an aid to orientation, because it is generally inaccurate. In a good half of the cases it is satisfied merely to group symptom complexes into a descriptive terminology that can help us no further. What we need to know, in fact, is where the illness comes from, not merely what name we should give to it. Of the false diagnosis it is said that only the pathologist is able to clear it up. Let us now take a fistful of diagnoses that apparently present as totally different clinical pictures and that we should assign to different specialist disciplines in medicine: humeroscapular periarthritis, angiospastic retinitis, Ménière disease, herpes zoster, epicondylitis, defective hearing, trigeminal neuralgia, stenocardia, post-traumatic osteoporosis, cervical syndrome, brachialgia paresthetica nocturna and Dupuytren’s contracture. All these symptoms have to date existed separately, each being regarded as a diagnosis in its own right. However, we now know that all these disorders can be due to changes in the cervical spine and irritation of the cervical sympathetic chain. Logic suggests that the way to cure them all is identical, by removing their common cause by neural therapy or chirotherapy, i.e., by treating the sympathetic chain and the vertebral column in combination. To allow such so-called diagnoses to continue to exist separately would be almost tantamount to declaring them out of bounds to causal therapy. This is not altered by the fact that all the disorders in our list can also be due to other mechanisms. Ultimately, in our view, the road to any illness leads via the neurovegetative system. We are perfectly well aware that many other factors may irritate the sympathetic system, either in addition or alone. Any disturbance in the cervical region can produce a large number of different symptoms that need not necessarily be due to local causes. For example, it may be caused via the nervous system by an insignificant appendectomy scar. This can be proved by means of a therapeutic diagnostic injection of procaine into the scar, which results in a Huneke phenomenon (lightning reaction). In that event, the genuine diagnosis will be “cervical syndrome (or trigeminal neuralgia or whatever) due to an interference field caused by an appendectomy scar.” Our attitude to some current “diagnoses” has been used as a pretext for accusing us of often using neural therapy uncritically and without adequate prior clinical clarification. Thus, the intention seems to be to use stricter criteria with regard to neural therapy than those applied to drug and other forms of therapy usual in medical practice. In general practice it is not always possible or economic to exploit all the diagnostic possibilities to the full. Most of the chronic patients who come to us have already passed through the mill of the standard clinical diagnoses and therapies without being helped by them. Nevertheless, let me stress at this point that an accurate diagnosis in the conventional sense before treating a patient by neural therapy must not on any account be relegated to the background. Obviously, we too must test the patient’s reflexes, examine their blood picture, check their blood pressure, test their urine etc., in order to obtain as comprehensive a picture as possible of their overall actual state. Obviously, we too must sort out beforehand any patients for whom our therapy is obviously unsuitable, and ought not, if at all possible, to overlook any case of carcinoma, syphilis, tuberculosis, diabetes, pernicious anemia, or the like. Whenever our examination indicates that new laboratory or equipment-based investigations may be necessary, we shall obviously arrange for these, in order to provide further clarification. Since nowadays no physician can be expected to have a complete grasp of the whole vast field of medicine, we have to rely on a good working relationship with a variety of specialists. In return for the fact that they will often view our activities with skepticism rather than wholehearted goodwill, we reserve the right on occasion not to regard their results and suggestions for therapy as immutable law. We also consider it wrong to leap in uncritically with syringe in hand whenever a headache sails into view and overlook a brain tumor in the process! But we regard it as equally wrong and difficult to reconcile with the physician’s first duty to his or her patient simply to go on prescribing tablets for someone suffering from chronic headaches or to subject him or her immediately and as part of the routine to a lumbar puncture, to fill his or her ventricles with air and set up a series of EEGs, instead of first trying the simple injections of procaine intravenously and under the scalp, which can so often bring relief. As evidence that one must never allow success to go to one’s head and to affect one’s judgment or sense of responsibility, let me quote the following patient history. Case History 1: Farmer’s Daughter, Aged 10 A farmer came to me with his 10-year-old daughter, who for a couple of years had been suffering from headaches. She had not yet been seen by a specialist and, after giving her an intravenous injection and two injections under the scalp on both sides of the head at the level of the temples, I gave him a referral to a neurologist. A fortnight later they both came again and told me that there was now no need for her to be seen by the specialist, as her headaches were much better and she had not fallen over nearly as often. The Romberg test was positive and a difference in the size of the pupils prompted me to refuse to give any further treatment, despite the improvement achieved, and to insist on her being examined by a neurologist. Six weeks later, I received the shattering news: inoperable brain tumor, death on the operating table. Had I acted differently, I could not have forgiven myself.
Theory and Practice of Neural Therapy According to Huneke
Facts to Remember
Symbols Used in the Text
Teachings, Theories, Experiments, Terms, and Definitions
1 Chronological Survey
2 Theoretical Principles
3 Biocybernetics and Neural Therapy
a) The Organism as Homeostat
b) The Economic Principle
c) The Control-Circuit Principle
d) Biocybernetics and its Theoretical and Practical Applications in Medicine
e) Neural Therapy as Regulating Therapy
4 Ricker’s Pathology of Related Structures
5 The Russian School: Pavlov, Speransky, Vishnevski, Bykow, etc.
a) I. P. Pavlov
b) Speransky’s Neural Pathology
c) A. W. Vishnevski
d) K. M. Bykow
6 Of Pain, Inflammation, and the Axon Reflex
7 Theories on Pain and the Effects of Anesthesia
My personal working hypothesis
8 Interstitial Connective Tissue and Interference Fields
a) The Elpimed Test (Kellner, Perger, Pischinger, Stacher)
b) Iodometry (Pischinger, Kellner)
c) The Proteoglycan Network
Neural Therapy According to Huneke
1 Brief History of Neural Therapy According to Huneke
2 The Art of Healing and Orthodox Medicine
3 Psychotherapy, Neural Therapy, and Suggestion
4 The Successes of Neural Therapy and Statistics
5 The Failures of Neural Therapy
Practical Applications
1 Segmental Therapy
a) Basic Principles
b) Examining the Patient
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