© Springer International Publishing AG 2017
Panayiotis N. Varelas and Jan Claassen (eds.)Seizures in Critical CareCurrent Clinical Neurology10.1007/978-3-319-49557-6_1717. Infection or Inflammation and Critical Care Seizures
Division of Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, University of Virginia, 800394, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA
Neurosciences Critical Care Division, Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Anesthesiology – Critical Care Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, MD, USA
Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery, K-11 Henry Ford Hospital, 2799 West Grand Blvd, Detroit, MI, USA
Division of Neurocritical Care, Department of Neurology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, USA
SeizureStatus epilepticusEncephalitisMeningitisInflammatoryInfectiousHerpes simplexJapanese encephalitisIntroduction
In the intensive care unit (ICU) setting, central nervous system (CNS) infection and inflammation are frequent precipitants of seizures. In critically ill patients seizures are significant independent contributors to patient morbidity and mortality [1]. Early recognition and treatment of seizures is associated with decreased mortality. In one series by Young et al. of patients with nonconvulsive seizures, a delay in recognition and duration of seizures was strongly associated with increased mortality [2]. Seizures are one of the most common sequelae of primary CNS infections, but are also frequently seen in patients admitted to the medical ICU as the sole neurologic manifestation of illness [3–5]. In ICU patients with an unexplained decrease in level of consciousness, nonconvulsive seizures are often responsible, and CNS infections are a common etiology [6]. Infectious causes of seizures are also a frequent cause of the most refractory seizures seen in the ICU. In patients with new onset refractory status epilepticus (NORSE), infectious causes are responsible for at least 18% of cases, and this likely underestimates the total given high number (52%) of cryptogenic cases [7].
There is a significant role for continuous electroencephalographic (EEG) monitoring (cEEG) in the ICU because it can detect purely electrographic seizure activity, including nonconvulsive status epilepticus (NCSE), in approximately 18–40% of patients presenting with an unexplained decreased level of consciousness or clinical seizures [8]. Moreover, electrographic seizures and other EEG findings such as periodic epileptiform discharges (PEDs) are associated with worse outcome in patients with acute neurological injuries, such as in the aftermath of convulsive status epilepticus and in those with intracerebral [9] or subarachnoid hemorrhages [10]. In patients with CNS infections, recent guidelines recommend cEEG for patients with bacterial meningitis with seizures or fluctuations in the level of consciousness [11]. In a retrospective cohort study by Carrera et al., it was noted that central nervous system infections undergoing cEEG monitoring, electrographic seizures, and/or PEDs were frequent, occurring in 48% of the cohort, with more than half showing no clinical correlate [12]. Additionally, for patients in the medical ICU (MICU) setting admitted with a diagnosis of sepsis but no primary neurologic injury, the presence of electrographic seizures (ESz) and PEDs was strongly associated with death or disability at time of discharge [13].
CNS Infectious Disorders
Meningitis is the inflammation of the pia and arachnoid membranes (leptomeninges) that surround the brain and spinal cord [14]. The classification of meningitis is based on its duration and recurrence and includes: acute (aseptic and septic) syndromes (<4 weeks duration), recurrent meningitis (multiple acute episodes of <4 weeks each), and chronic meningitis (>4 weeks duration).
Acute aseptic meningitis, which is defined by negative routine screening cultures and stains of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), is the most common form of meningitis [15]. The clinical syndrome starts with high-grade fever and severe headache associated with nausea, vomiting, pharyngitis, diarrhea, neck stiffness, and photophobia. Seizures are not a common manifestation. Rapid and complete recovery is the usual course. Viral infections are commonly the cause of aseptic meningitis, and the most common are the enteroviruses (echovirus, coxsackie A and B, poliovirus, and the numbered enteroviruses) [15, 16]. Other causes of aseptic meningitis include: Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), parasites, rickettsiae and mycoplasma, and autoimmune diseases such as Behçet’s disease, Kawasaki disease, and Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada disease [14]. Malignancies and drug reactions have also been implicated. In a population-based study, the 20-year risk for unprovoked seizures was 2.1% after aseptic meningitis, not higher than the general population risk for unprovoked seizures [17].
Acute septic meningitis is caused by a bacterial infection and inflammation of the meninges. It is a neurologic emergency with mortality rates as high as 15–33% even in hospitalized patients treated with antibiotics [18, 19]. The classic presentation of septic meningitis includes an acute onset over hours to days of a fever, headache, reduced alertness, and signs of meningeal irritation. The incidence of seizures in bacterial meningitis has been reported as 5–28% of cases, and often (76%) they occur within the first 24 h of presentation [20–23]. Seizures are an independent predictor of mortality (34% mortality in patients with seizures compared to 7% without seizures; odds ratio 17.6). Predictors of prognosis in bacterial meningitis include: age greater than 60 years, coma at onset or focal seizures within the first 24 h of admission (72% vs. 18% mortality among those with and without early onset seizures, respectively) [20]. In one retrospective study of 445 patients with acute bacterial meningitis, seizures had focal onset in 7%, generalized in 13%, and not characterized in 3% [20].
The effective evaluation and treatment of patients with bacterial meningitis involves early initiation of empiric antibiotics, collection of CSF to determine causative organism and antibiotic sensitivities, as well as adjunctive therapies (steroids) and additional evaluations (imaging, cEEG) in select patient populations. Delay in initiation of antibiotic therapy in patients who are septic has been shown to increase mortality by 7.6% for every hour of delay [24, 25]. Emergent treatment (<3 h from hospital admission) with empiric antibiotic therapy has been also been shown to reduce the risk of mortality at 3 months [19]. Although significant controversy exists as to the role of steroids, a recent Cochrane review supported the use of corticosteroids to reduce hearing loss and additional neurologic sequelae of bacterial meningitis [26]. The occurrence of seizures in patients with meningitis may indicate a cortically based complication (empyema, stroke, venous thrombosis), which merits neuroimaging studies (ideally a contrast enhanced CT scan or MRI). Cortical venous thrombosis usually presents with seizures and focal neurological signs albeit an uncommon event during bacterial meningitis (only 5.1% of autopsies of patients who died from meningitis had septic cortical vein thrombosis in a large series) [27]. Patients with persistent alteration in mental status or coma should undergo an EEG to rule out sub-clinical seizures. In one series continuous EEG (cEEG) was decisive or at least contributed to clinical decision-making in 12/13 patients with intracranial infection [28]. Since the widespread use of the vaccine for Haemophilus influenzae type B, Streptococcus pneumoniae has replaced it as the most common cause of acute community-acquired bacterial meningitis in industrialized countries. S. pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitides now account for the majority of cases of meningitis [25]. The rising incidence of beta-lactam-resistant pneumococci has to be considered when choosing a regimen for empiric antibiotic therapy [29]. Empiric antibiotic therapy for a suspected bacterial CNS infection should be given in consideration with the patient’s age, competence of the immune system, and associated morbidities. An immune competent adult (ages 2–50) should be started on a third generation cephalosporin (ceftriaxone – 4 g/d or cefotaxime – 8–12 g/d) in addition to vancomycin (30–60 mg/kg per day (8–12 h) to achieve serum trough concentrations of 15–20 μg/mL), and the addition of ampicillin (12 g/d) for patients over age 50 who are more susceptible to S. agalactiae and Listeria monocytogenes [30]. An immune compromised adult should be treated with ampicillin, vancomycin (2–3 g/d), and a fourth generation cephalosporin such as cefepime (6 g/day), which has more stability against B-lactamase producing organisms and pseudomonas. Neurosurgical patients, including those with CSF shunts, and head trauma patients require both gram positive and negative coverage with a recommended combination of vancomycin and ceftazidime (6 g/d), cefepime (6 g/day) or meropenem (6 g/day) [30].
Recurrent meningitis can be due to infectious and non-infectious causes. Viruses are the most likely infectious agents. Mollaret’s meningitis is a type of recurrent aseptic meningitis most frequently associated with herpes simplex type II virus. The clinical presentation may resemble aseptic meningitis, with headache (100%), photophobia (47%), self-reported fever (45%), meningismus (44%), and nausea and/or vomiting (29%) [31]. Seizures are part of the clinical presentation of Mollaret’s meningitis [32].
Chronic meningitis has a non-specific presentation, with variable fever, headache, neck rigidity, and signs of parenchymal involvement, such as altered mental status, seizures, or focal neurologic deficits [14]. Infectious causes include: cryptococcus, coccidiomycosis, blastomycosis, histoplasmosis, aspergillosis, mycobacterial, and neurosyphilis [33]. Non-infectious causes include neoplasms, neurosarcoidosis, and CNS vasculitis [14]. Seizure treatment in the context of acute or chronic meningitis is not different from the treatment offered for other causes. Details can be found in the chapter “Management of Critical Care Seizures” and “Management of status epilepticus.”
Encephalitis is an acute infection of brain parenchyma and should be suspected in patients who present with altered mental status and signs of cerebral dysfunction, and often accompanied by a fever. There are numerous viral causes of encephalitis of which the most common are: Herpes simplex virus (HSV) (the most common sporadic viral cause of encephalitis), varicella zoster virus (VZV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) , human herpesvirus 6, Epstein Barr virus (EBV), JC virus, enteroviruses, rabies as well as several arthropod-borne infections (Japanese encephalitis virus (the most common epidemic viral cause), West Nile virus, St. Louis encephalitis virus, La Crosse virus, Murray Valley encephalitis, Powassan virus, Tickborne encephalitis virus, Eastern equine encephalitis virus, Western equine encephalitis virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, and deer tick virus [34]. Specific viruses can have characteristic presentations, such as shingles associated with VZV, and several of these infections only present in patients who are immunocompromised (CMV, JC virus) [34]. The majority of patients with encephalitis have abnormal EEG findings, of which the most frequent EEG characteristics are uni- or bilateral periodic discharges, focal or generalized slow waves, and electrical seizures [35]. A normal EEG in acute encephalitis had a strong predictive value for a low relative risk of death in one series. Additionally, those patients with infectious causes of encephalitis were more likely to have nonreactive EEGs than those with an inflammatory or autoimmune etiology [35].
Seizures, both focal and generalized are a common manifestation of the viral encephalitides. These can be grouped as acute symptomatic seizures (those that occur within 7 days of an infection) and as unprovoked seizures (those that occur after 7 days). The estimated rate of seizures within the acute period is from 2 to –67%, however, this likely underestimates the total number given limited availability of EEG, subtle symptomatic seizures, and a high incidence of nonconvulsive seizures in comatose patients [36, 37]. For patients who have had viral encephalitis, there is thought to be 16 times the likelihood of developing unprovoked seizures later in life, and for those that have had seizures during the acute phase, the risk is 22 times that of the general population [36]. In another population-based study, Annegers et al. found that the risk of developing unprovoked seizures within 20 years was 22% in patients with viral encephalitis and early seizures, 10% for those with viral encephalitis without early seizures, 13% in patients with bacterial meningitis and early seizures, and only 2.4% in patients with bacterial meningitis without early seizures [17]. Treatment of seizures with epilepsy surgery may be a better option in cases where there is a clearly localized focus. In a series of 38 patients who developed medically intractable partial seizures, Marks et al. found that 16 of them had a history of meningitis and 22 had encephalitis . Meningitis was pathologically associated with mesial temporal sclerosis and encephalitis with neocortical foci. However, in patients with encephalitis at less than 4 years of age, seizures were also associated with mesial temporal sclerosis [38].
Herpes Simplex Encephalitis
Herpes simplex virus (HSV) encephalitis is the most important form of treatable encephalitis and is the most common sporadic cause of viral encephalitis. It has an annual incidence of 1 in 250,000–500,000 [39, 40]. HSV encephalitis is a medical emergency with a mortality rate as high as 70% if left untreated [41]. Even with treatment, there is significant long-term morbidity in survivors including seizures, cognitive and behavioral disorders, and the prognosis often depends on the patient’s condition once treatment is started [42]. A typical clinical presentation is often characterized by: fever (eventually in 100%), personality change (85%), dysphagia (76%), autonomic dysfunction (60%), ataxia (40%), hemiparesis (38%), seizures (38%), cranial nerve deficit (32%), visual field loss (14%), and papilledema (14%) [43].
Seizures can often be the presenting symptom and are thought to be common in the disease due to the predilection of the virus for the mesial temporal lobes and orbitofrontal cortices [36]. EEG findings in HSV encephalitis showed a significantly higher proportion of periodic discharges and focal slowing in the fronto-temporal and occipital regions as compared to encephalitis from other infectious or non-infectious causes [35]. Although no specific EEG patterns are pathognomonic of HSV encephalitis, focal or lateralized EEG abnormalities in the presence of encephalitis are highly suspicious [44]. Early changes in HSV encephalitis may be non-specific spike and slow wave activity, delta waves, or triphasic waves which can evolve into the typical 2–3 Hz unilateral periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs), originating from the temporal lobes, which are seen in 84% of the typical HSV encephalitis. Periodic discharges tend to occur only during the acute stage, and may disappear on the side of initial involvement before appearing on the newly involved side. When present bilaterally, they often occur in a time-locked relationship with each other [45]. The presence of bilateral epileptiform abnormalities was more common among those with poor outcome (0/18 with good outcome vs. 5/10 with poor outcome; p < 0.01) [42]. EEG should be performed when suspecting encephalitis to distinguish focal encephalitis from generalized encephalopathy and to look for abnormal findings of HSE. Diffuse, bi-hemispheric slow waves and triphasic waves as in hepatic failure may suggest encephalopathy. Their appearance later in the disease course may indicate a recurrence [46].
Examination of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) typically shows a lymphocytic pleocytosis, increased erythrocytes, and an elevated protein [47]. The gold standard diagnosis of HSV infection is through CSF polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to amplify viral DNA and has a sensitivity of 98% and a specificity of 94–100% [48]. MRI changes in the fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)/T2 signal are most often seen in the temporal lobe (87.5%), insula (70%), frontal lobe (67.5%), and thalamus (27.5%) [49]. Pathologically, HSV is an acute necrotizing encephalitis with preferential involvement of the inferior frontal, medial temporal, cingulate, and insular cortex [50]. Microscopically, there is evidence of necrosis and macrophage-rich inflammatory infiltrates with perivascular chronic infiltration and microglial nodules [51].
Specific treatment with acyclovir is indicated in HSV encephalitis, at a dosage of 10 mg/kg q8h (in adults) for 14 days (21 days in those that are immunocompromised). Additionally, new guidelines suggest that a repeat lumbar puncture should be performed after 14 days and if PCR remains positive, then acyclovir should be continued for an additional 7 days [52]. This additional duration of treatment is thought necessary due to the relatively high rate of relapse (5–26%) when the duration is insufficient [39, 43]. Supportive therapy also includes aggressive management of elevated intracranial pressure. If treated with acyclovir early on (<4 days from onset), treatment significantly increases the likelihood of survival from 65% to 100% [53]. Overall, even with treatment, there is approximately still a 20% mortality [41]. Cerebral edema, persistent vegetative state, and systemic infection are the usual predictors of a fatal outcome. Other risk factors for poor prognosis include MRI abnormalities, bilateral EEG abnormalities, and focal hyperperfusion on SPECT [54, 55].
Only half of patients return to their previous or similar level of productivity, and many patients have significant neurobehavioral problems (65) [56]. Some patients will go on to develop Kluver-Bucy syndrome, characterized by “psychic blindness,” loss of normal anger and fear responses, and increased sexual activity [57]. Given the high incidence of seizures following an episode of encephalitis, especially in those that had seizures during the acute phase, seizure prophylaxis should be instituted. Surgical management is occasionally an option, but is thought to help only in a subgroup of patients suffering from unilateral mesio-temporal lobe epilepsy and congruent neuropsychological impairment [58].
Japanese Encephalitis
Japanese encephalitis (JE) is the most important epidemic viral encephalitis in the world, causing an estimated 70,000 cases annually and resulting in more than 14,000 deaths per year. Although JE virus is confined mainly to South East Asia, the virus is also endemic in the Western Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean. JE is an enzoonotic flavivirus transmitted by Culex mosquitoes; the main cycle of transmission is between wading birds and pigs, with the pigs acting as amplifying hosts [37]. JE virus is neurotropic and replicates rapidly in neurons, causing a perivascular inflammatory reaction, resulting in infection, neuronal dysfunction, and death [59]. In a prospective study of 144 patients infected with JE virus (134 children and 10 adults), 40 patients (28%) had a witnessed seizure during the admission; of these, the majority (62%) died or had a poor outcome compared to (14%) in the group with no witnessed seizure. The majority of patients who had a generalized tonic-clonic seizure or subtle clinical manifestations of seizures (twitching of a digit, eyebrow, nostrils, excess salivation, irregular breathing, eye deviation with or without nystagmus) were in status epilepticus [60].
EEG patterns during the acute period have also been associated with outcome in JE infection. Of 234 EEGs performed on 55 patients, poor outcome was associated with acute EEG findings of slow nonreactive, low amplitude, burst suppression, or isoelectric patterns in 16/19 patients (84%) compared with poor outcome in 14/36 patients (39%) with findings of slow reactive, or normal EEG patterns. Independent predictors of poor outcome were comatose state, more than one witnessed seizure, herniation syndrome, and illness for 7 days or more. Patients with seizures were more likely to have elevated opening pressure on lumbar puncture and to develop brainstem signs consistent with a herniation syndrome [60].
There is no specific treatment for Japanese Encephalitis, therefore therapeutic goals of seizure and ICP control are of critical importance. Prevention of illness through personal protective measures to limit mosquito bites in endemic areas is one of the major goals in limiting disease spread. An inactivated vaccine is also available for travelers who plan to spend time in endemic areas. A lack of resources has limited more widespread vaccination attempts [37].
Neurologic sequelae for Japanese Encephalitis include both neuropsychiatric symptoms and a “polio-like” illness. Many patients develop an acute flaccid paralysis following JE infection, and neurophysiologic studies of patients following a JE infection have shown varying degrees of anterior horn cell involvement [61, 62].
West Nile, La Crosse, Eastern Equine, and St. Louis Encephalitis
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a mosquito-born flavivirus first detected in North America in 1999 and now seen in all 48 contiguous states by 2012. As of 2015, over 41,000 cases of WNV have been reported in the USA. Most cases are either asymptomatic, or present with an influenza-like illness, but a small proportion (<1%) of cases will have neuroinvasive disease [63]. La Crosse Virus (LACV) is a mosquito-born bunyaviridae initially isolated from the brain of a young girl who died from encephalitis in La Crosse, Wisconsin. It primarily affects children under the age of 15 in the summer months in the Midwestern United States and through much of Appalachia (Tennessee, North Carolina, and West Virginia). There are approximately 42–174 cases reported per year in the USA. Infections often present as an uncomplicated fever (5%), meningitis (17%), meningoencephalitis (56%), and encephalitis (21%) [64]. Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEEV) is an alphavirus first isolated from horses in Virginia and New Jersey in 1933. Most clinical cases of EEEV are reported from Massachusetts, Florida, Georgia, and New Jersey. From the period of 1964–2014 there were 220 confirmed cases. EEEV is the most virulent of the alphavirudae with a case fatality rate of 50–70% [65]. The majority of patients have a prodrome for several days, consistent with a viral illness. Neurologic symptoms typically follow and include: somnolence, focal weakness, seizures, and meningeal signs [66]. St. Louis Encephalitis (SLEV) is a flavivirus related to JEV and WNV thought to have been originally introduced from Africa to Argentina and Brazil but gradually dispersed into North America. It is thought to affect approximately 50 people per year in North America and has a case fatality rate of approximately 7%. Onset is characterized by a flu-like illness, occasionally with urinary tract symptoms [67].
The incidence of seizures, status epilepticus, and epilepsy in patients with arbovirus infections varies significantly in different series. Approximately 10% of patients with WNV will develop seizures during the acute illness [68]. The EEG was abnormal in 88% of patients with meningitis or meningo-encephalitis and in 74% with any neurological involvement. EEG abnormalities were most frequently diffuse symmetric slowing with frontal predominance although temporal predominant slowing and asymmetric frontal slowing were seen in some cases [69]. The incidence of seizures in LACV is approximately 50%, with up to 10% of patients developing epilepsy long-term [64]. Similarly in EEEV, in one series in which 36 patients were followed, 18 of them had seizures, the majority of which were generalized tonic-clonic seizures. EEG in patients in that same series of EEEV patients showed generalized slowing and a disorganized background. One smaller study showed a distinctive pattern in EEEV of 0.25–0.5 Hz transients with lower voltages (∼20–40 μV) than typically seen in herpes encephalitis. When paired with MRI findings of T2 hyperintensities in the lentiform nuclei, these findings were thought to be pathognomonic [66, 70].
Long-term sequelae of WNV infection include multiple physical and neuropsychiatric problems. The most common physical limitations following infection were muscle weakness (7–73%), fatigue (48–75%), and myalgias (19–49%). Memory loss (25–49%), depression (23–41%), and difficulty concentrating (34–48%) were the most frequent neuropsychiatric sequelae [63]. About 2% of LACV encephalitis cases develop persistent paresis, learning disabilities, or cognitive defects, as well as neurobehavioral sequelae such as attention deficits and hyperactivity [64]. In one series of EEEV patients, 13 of the 36 patients died (36%). Of the survivors, 1 recovered fully, 14 had mild impairments, three had moderate impairments, and five had severe impairments [66].
Human Immunodeficiency Virus infection and Seizures
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) , a lentivirus which attacks the immune system and can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), is estimated to affect 1.2 million persons living in the USA as of 2011 [71]. HIV poses a risk to patients for developing seizures for multiple reasons, including opportunistic infections, direct neurotropic effects of HIV, and the drugs that are used to treat the infection. New-onset seizures are common in HIV patients, occurring in 3–17% of patients [72]. Although most seizures are usually seen in the advanced stages of the disease, they may also occur early or as the presenting symptom of HIV infection [73].
In the majority of patients, seizures are associated with an underlying intracranial mass lesion, infection, or metabolic disturbance. Intracranial mass lesions, including opportunistic infections, neoplasms, and cerebrovascular disease make up almost half of neurological disorders in AIDS patients. These are all commonly associated with seizures. In one series of patients with new-onset seizures, generalized seizures occurred in 94% of patients, partial in 26%, and status epilepticus in 14%. An associated space occupying lesion or CNS infection was found in the majority of cases of patients who seized. The most common causes include: cerebral toxoplasmosis, CNS lymphoma , progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, cryptococcal meningitis, and infarction [72, 74]. Toxoplasmosis, the most common cause of intracranial mass lesions in AIDS, presents with seizures as an early manifestation in 15%–40% [75]. The second most common intracranial mass lesion producing seizures in AIDS patients is CNS lymphoma. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), although a white matter disease without significant mass effect, can produce seizures, either partial or generalized. The highest risk factor for PML lesions to cause seizures was juxtacortical location (RR of 3.5) [76]. Meningitis and encephalitis are a frequent cause of seizures in HIV-infected patients, with cryptococcal meningitis being the most frequent meningo-encephalitis producing seizures [77]. There are several other less common causes for seizures in HIV-infected patients, including subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, aseptic meningitis, neurosyphilis, herpes zoster leukoencephalitis, and cytomegalovirus encephalitis. Other focal CNS lesions include brain abscess (tuberculous, cryptococcal, nocardial), tuberculomas, syphilitic gummas, and cerebrovascular diseases. [73, 78]
The pathophysiology of generalized seizures and status epilepticus in HIV-infected patients may be explained by lowered threshold for cortical excitability and impaired inhibitory mechanisms for terminating seizures once started. Specifically, HIV- or immune-related toxins produced by interactions between macrophages, microglia, monocytes, and astrocytes may injure or kill neurons [78]. Neurotoxic substances, including eicosanoids, platelet-activating factor, quinolate, cysteine, cytokines, and free radicals, increase glutamate release, activate voltage-dependent calcium channels and NMDA receptor-operated channels, leading to calcium influx and neuronal death. Postmortem neuropathological examination of the brain in 17 patients with HIV and otherwise unspecified etiologies for the seizures showed microglial nodules or multinucleated cells or both in six patients, suggesting that the HIV infection was the likely cause of the seizures. [74]
The medications used to treat HIV are also felt to be responsible for many cases of new-onset seizures. In one series it was found that 18% of patients with no identifiable etiology were taking foscarnet, which was postulated to be epileptogenic [73]. Additionally, drug–drug interactions often complicate the treatment of seizures in patients taking anti-retrovirals. As a result of hepatic enzyme induction and drug–disease interactions there is often a reduced concentration of protease inhibitors, which can lead to diminished antiviral efficacy. The choice of anticonvulsant is ideally one which has no effect on viral replication, has limited protein binding, and does not have effects on the cytochrome P450 system [79]. These include gabapentin, topiramate, levetiracetam, lacosamide, pregabalin, or lamotrigine, all of which have limited interactions with other drugs or no effect on the P450 system. Most nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors are renally metabolized through glucuronidation by enzyme systems different than the cytochrome P450, thus not affecting the hepatically metabolized anti-epileptic drugs. On the other hand, the non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors (like nevirapine, delaviradine, and efivanenz) use the cytochrome P450 system and may lead either to induction (efivarenz) or inhibition (nevirapine and delaviradine), affecting the anti-epileptics that use these systems.
It is critical to remember that the HIV-protease inhibitors decrease the functioning of the hepatic CYP3A enzyme system. In one study, carbamazepine dosed at 200 mg/day for post-zoster neuralgia, reached anti-epileptic therapeutic levels in an HIV patient receiving triple anti-retroviral therapy (indinavir, zidovudine, and lamivudine). Additionally complicating this picture, indinavir plasma concentrations decreased significantly and HIV-RNA became detectable during the period of carbamazepine treatment [80]. Hypoalbuminemia, a common situation in the ICU and in HIV seropositive patients should also be considered. Highly protein bound anti-epileptic (phenytoin, valproic acid, carbamazepine, clonazepam, diazepam) may displace highly protein bound anti-retroviral drugs (delaviradine, efivanez, saquinavir, vitonavir, nelfinavir, lopinavir, and ampenavir) or vice versa, leading to toxic free concentrations of either drug [81]. The HIV-induced hypergammaglobulinemia may also predispose patients to hypersensitivity reactions from anti-epileptics, especially phenytoin. In vitro studies have indicated that there may be stimulation of HIV replication when using valproic acid. In a retrospective study of manic HIV(+) patients who were taking divalproex sodium and anti-retrovirals, however, the HIV-1 viral load did not increase [82, 83].
Seizures are generally a poor prognostic indicator in HIV-infected patients and will likely recur. It is therefore recommended that patients experiencing a first seizure without a reversible cause be treated. The reported incidence of convulsive status epilepticus is 8–18% and is often associated with poor prognosis [72, 74, 84]. In one study of 42 patients with HIV infection and status epilepticus, the median duration of status was 2.0 ± 10 h. Most patients (88%) responded to IV benzodiazepine or phenytoin treatment . Nevertheless, (29%) patients died and (36%) developed new neurologic deficits [75]. The most common EEG finding is non-specific diffuse slowing, while focal slowing and epileptiform activity was infrequent. EEG showed generalized and diffuse slowing only in nine patients, regional slowing in 14 patients and regional slowing and epileptiform discharges in one patient. Only 14 of the patients had normal EEG [74, 77].
Brain Abscess
A brain abscess is a purulent infection of brain parenchyma that often occurs in patients with predisposing factors such as an immunocompromised state, disruption of natural protective barriers, or a systemic source of infection. The incidence of brain abscesses is thought to be 0.3–1.3 per 100,000 people per year, but is considerably higher in patients with HIV/AIDS. In one systematic review of the literature, the most commonly isolated species were Streptococcus (34%) and Staphylococcus (18%), however, numerous other organisms have been isolated including: gram-negative enteric species, pseudomonas, actinomycetales, parasites, and fungi [85]. The route of transmission is usually contiguous spread from a local primary focus such as paranasal sinusitis, otitis media, mastoiditis, or penetrating head trauma. Ten percent of cases spread hematogenously, usually from a pulmonary source such as bronchiectasis or lung abscess, but also from heart valves (infective endocarditis) or conditions causing a right to left shunt such as cyanotic heart disease in children [86].
The most common clinical presentation is a headache; fever and alterations in consciousness are uncommon. Focal deficits can also occur based on the site of the abscess [86]. In a review of the literature, seizure was the initial presentation of patients with brain abscesses approximately 25% of the time [85]. In one series in which 70 patients were followed after cerebral abscess, approximately 70% of patients developed seizures [87]. In a group of 205 patients enrolled in a 22-year retrospective study, 48 patients had seizures, 27 of whom had early seizures (those during the time of the bacterial infection), and 21 had late seizures. For those patients who developed seizures, the mortality rate was 23% [88].
Treatment of brain abscess requires antibiotic therapy, surgical intervention, and some authors have suggested the use of prophylactic anticonvulsants given the frequency of seizures [89]. Empiric antibiotic coverage with a third generation cephalosporin, vancomycin, and metronidazole is often appropriate for patients following neurosurgical procedures. For patients who have undergone organ transplantation, the addition of trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole or sulfadiazine covers nocardia species, and voriconazole would cover fungal species, especially aspergillus. In the initial treatment of HIV-infected patients , coverage for toxoplasmosis (pyrimethamine plus sulfadiazine) is recommended, but only for those with positive test results for antitoxoplasma IgG antibodies. Treatment for tuberculosis (isoniazid, rifampin, pyrazinamide, and ethambutol) should be considered in those from endemic areas and in those with HIV infections [86]. It is recommended that anticonvulsants be continued for a period of 2 years after surgery and normalization of the EEG [90].
Intracranial Extra-axial Pyogenic Infections
Epidural abscesses and subdural empyemas are bacterial infections within the extra cerebral spaces. Epidural abscesses, typically present with headache, fever, and nausea. Neurological symptoms and complications are quite rare due to the protective effect of the tight adherence of dura to overlying skull. A subdural empyema, which is most commonly situated over the cerebral convexity, can cause altered level of consciousness, focal neurologic deficits, and seizures. The spread of infection through the subdural space can cause inflammation of the brain parenchyma and result in edema, elevated intracranial pressure, septic thrombophlebitis, venous infarction, or mass effect [91]. These extra-axial infections may result as a complication of trauma, neurosurgical procedures, meningitis, sinusitis, and other extracranial sources of infection. Subdural empyemas and epidural abscesses are commonly caused by staphylococcal species. Forty percent of cases can be polymicrobial. Streptococci, followed by staphylococcal organisms and anaerobes such as Propionebacterium and Peptostreptococcus are the most common causes [91].
Seizures are uncommon with epidural abscess and relatively common with subdural empyema. In a period of 14 years, 25 patients were retrospectively identified in a Taiwanese hospital (15 with subdural empyema and nine with epidural abscess). Seizures were found in 54% of patients; only in one patient with epidural abscess and in 12/15 (80%) patients with subdural empyema [92]. The same pattern of rarity of seizures with epidural abscess and relative frequency with subdural empyema is also encountered in children [93]. In a study reporting the incidence of early and late seizures after subdural empyema, early seizures occurred at a similar rate (62.5%) as that of late seizures (63%) in patients who survived. All patients received anticonvulsant prophylaxis, which was continued for 12–18 months. Early seizures were more common in cases with paranasal sinusitis, but did not correlate with occurrence of late epilepsy. Of those patients with follow-up, 29% who had early seizures had further attacks; of patients with no early seizures, 42% developed epilepsy during the follow-up period, most within the first 2 years. No factors predicting the occurrence of late seizures were identified [94].
Subdural empyema can be treated with intravenous antibiotic therapy, with a third-generation cephalosporin and metronidazole, followed by early surgical evacuation [95]. A prophylactic anticonvulsant is recommended. Craniotomy is generally preferred to multiple burr holes [94]. Antibiotics should be given intravenously for at least 2 weeks followed by oral therapy for up to a total of 6 weeks [95].
Ventriculitis is a pyogenic infection of the ventricular cavity. The ventricles may act as a reservoir for persistent inflammation, which may block the CSF outflow tracts and act as a brain abscess. The most common infecting organisms are Staphylococcal species. Thirty percent of all meningitis cases may be associated with ventriculitis while over 90% of neonatal meningitis is complicated by ventriculitis. Therefore, it should be considered in patients with meningitis who do not quickly respond to antibiotics. Ventriculitis is frequently (5%) associated with CSF shunts, intracranial devices, intrathecal chemotherapy, and rupture of a periventricular abscess [91, 96, 97].

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