55 Ischemic Stroke
Etiology and Pathophysiology
Large Artery Occlusive Disease
Atherosclerosis causes stenosis or occlusion of extracranial and intracranial arteries and is directly responsible for a significant percentage of cerebral ischemic events. Atheroma formation involves the progressive deposition of circulating lipids and ultimately fibrous tissue in the subintimal layer of the large and medium arteries, occurring most frequently at branching points (Fig. 55-1). Plaque formation is enhanced by blood-associated inflammatory factors as well as increased shear injury form uncontrolled blood pressure. Intraplaque hemorrhage, subintimal necrosis with ulcer formation, and calcium deposition can cause enlargement of the atherosclerotic plaque with consequent worsening of the degree of arterial narrowing.
Disruption of the endothelial surface triggers thrombus formation within the arterial lumen through activation of nearby platelets by the subendothelial matrix. When platelets become activated they release thromboxane A2, causing further platelet aggregation. The development of a fibrin network stabilizes the platelet aggregate, forming a “white thrombus.” In areas of slowed or turbulent flow within or around the plaque the thrombus develops further, enmeshing red blood cells (RBCs) in the platelet–fibrin aggregate to form a “red thrombus” (Fig. 55-2). This remains poorly organized and friable for up to 2 weeks and presents a significant risk of propagation or embolization. Either the white or red thrombus, however, can dislodge and embolize to distal arterial branches. Large artery disease can cause ischemic strokes by either intra-arterial embolism as described above and, less commonly, hemodynamic ischemia or hypoperfusion through a significantly narrowed vessel.
Frequent sites for carotid system or anterior circulation atherosclerosis are the origin of the internal carotid artery (ICA), the carotid siphon at the base of the brain (Fig. 55-3), and the main stem of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) and the anterior cerebral artery (ACA). The internal carotid artery at or around the bifurcation is usually affected in Caucasians whereas in Asian, Hispanic, and African-American populations, intracranial atherosclerosis may be more common than carotid disease. In the vertebrobasilar system, the origins of the vertebral arteries in the neck and the distal portion of the intracranial vertebral arteries are the most commonly affected areas. The basilar artery and origins of the posterior cerebral arteries (PCAs) are other sites.
Cardiac Embolism
Several types of cardiac disease lead to cerebral embolism: cardiac arrhythmias, ischemic heart disease, valvular disease, dilated cardiomyopathies, atrial septal abnormalities, and intracardiac tumors (Fig. 55-4).
Small Vessel Disease (Lacunes)
The capillary vessel and the end penetrating arteries that supply the basal ganglia, thalamus, internal capsule, and white matter tracts are not prone to atherosclerosis as in the large-caliber cerebral circulation but undergo a characteristic pathologic degeneration in response to endothelial damage. Fibrinoid degeneration with focal enlargement of the vessel wall, foam cell invasion of the lumen, and hemorrhagic rupture through the vessel wall characterize this process known as fibrinoid degeneration or lipohyalinosis. Occlusion of these arteries causes small (1–20 mm), discrete, and often irregular lesions called lacunes. As previously alluded to, lacunes do not involve the cortical ribbon and occur most often in the basal ganglia, thalamus, pons, internal capsule, and cerebral white matter and may cause discrete clinical syndromes but often go clinically unnoticed. Arterial hypertension and diabetes are the main risk factors (Fig. 55-5).
Arterial Dissection
Dissection or tear within the extracranial ICA, particularly its pharyngeal and distal segments, or the extracranial vertebral artery, mainly in its first and third segments, are the two commonly affected vessels. Dissection occurring between the intima and media usually causes stenosis or occlusion of the affected artery, whereas dissection between the media and adventitia is associated with aneurysmal dilatation. Congenital abnormalities in the media or elastica of the arteries as seen in Marfan syndrome, fibromuscular dysplasia, and cystic medial necrosis can predispose patients to arterial dissection. Although often associated with acute trauma, arterial dissection may result from seemingly innocuous incidents, such as a fall while hiking or skiing; sports activities, particularly wrestling or diving into a wave; and paroxysms of coughing. The mechanism of stroke involves clot formation in the dissected wall of the vessel with distal propagation or embolization. Also, expansion of the clot in the dissected wall causes progressive narrowing of the lumen, leading to compromised blood flow and hypoperfusion or, ultimately, occlusion (Fig. 55-6).
Clinical Presentation
Large Artery Occlusive Disease
Carotid Artery Disease
Clinical Vignette
Another important clue to ICA disease is episodes of transient monocular blindness (TMB). TMB refers to the occurrence of temporary unilateral visual loss or obscuration that is classically described by careful observers as a horizontal or vertical “shade being drawn over one eye,” but most frequently as a “fog” or “blurring” in the eye, lasting 1–5 minutes. It often occurs spontaneously but at times is triggered by position changes. Positive phenomena such as sparkles, lights, or colors evolving over minutes are more typical of migrainous phenomena and help to differentiate such benign visual changes from the more serious TMB, a frequent harbinger of cerebral infarct within the carotid artery vasculature. Rarely, with critical ipsilateral internal carotid stenosis, gradual dimming or loss of vision when exposed to bright light, such as glare of snow on a sunlit background, can be reported and is due to limited vascular flow in the face of increased retinal metabolic demand. Besides carotid atherosclerosis, other etiologies of TMB include cardiac embolism and intrinsic ophthalmic artery disease due to processes such as atherosclerosis or arteritis (see Giant cell or Temporal arteritis in Chapter 11), as well as decreased retinal perfusion from glaucoma or increased intraocular pressure. It is not uncommon that homonymous field deficits are reported by patients as monocular visual loss off to the affected side, and careful questioning as to whether each eye was checked independently and whether the visual difficulty involved the perception of a quadrant or one half of the visual world is essential. For example, patients with left occipital infarctions or transient ischemia may report right-sided vision loss, but further questioning reveals that they were unable to read the right side of street signs or a license plate and while covering the “unaffected” left eye the seemingly abnormal right eye had retained vision within the distribution of the unaffected left homonymous field (Fig. 55-7).
Neurologic findings vary by the location of the occlusion and presence of collateral circulation (Fig. 55-8). A large MCA stroke is usually seen in patients with MCA main stem occlusion without good collateral flow, whereas deep or parasylvian strokes are the most common presentation when enough collateral flow is present over the convexities.
Hemodynamic strokes usually involve the border zone territory between ACA and MCA (anterior border zone), MCA and PCA (posterior border zone), or between deep and superficial perforators (subcortical border zone) and cause typical clinical symptoms outlined in Table 55-1.
Table 55-1 Clinical Symptoms in Patients with Border Zone Strokes
Stroke Location | Clinical Symptoms |
Anterior border zone | Contralateral weakness (proximal > distal limbs and sparing face), transcortical motor aphasia (left-sided infarcts), mood disturbances (right-sided infarcts) |
Posterior border zone | Homonymous hemianopsia, lower-quadrant-anopsia, transcortical sensory aphasia (left-sided infarcts), hemineglect, and anosognosia (right-sided infarcts) |
Subcortical border zone | Brachiofacial hemiparesis with or without sensory loss, subcortical aphasia (left-sided infarcts) |
Vertebrobasilar Disease
Clinical Vignette
The vertebral arteries originate from the subclavian arteries in the neck. Stenosis or occlusion of the proximal subclavian arteries and the vertebral arteries at their origin rarely causes symptoms because of the concomitant development of adequate collateral circulation within the neck through the thyrocervical and costocervical trunks and other subclavian artery branches eventually flowing into the distal vertebral artery (see Fig. 55-3). More often, patients with subclavian and concomitant vertebral-origin stenosis have symptoms related only to upper extremity ischemia. They report pain, coolness, and weakness of the ipsilateral arm. Rarely does chronic atherosclerotic disease at the vertebral origins, even when bilateral, cause significant vertebrobasilar system flow reduction to cause symptoms. When stenosis or occlusion of the VA origin leads to TIAs or stroke, intra-arterial embolism is the commonly recognized mechanism. The embolus usually lodges in the distal vertebral artery, causing a PICA stroke, or passes through, leading to a “top of the basilar syndrome” (Table 55-2).
Table 55-2 Clinical Manifestations of Ischemia in the Vertebrobasilar System According to the Artery Involved*
Involved Artery | Ischemic Manifestations |
Vertebral or PICA penetrator arteries (Lateral medullary or Wallenberg syndrome) | Ipsilateral limb ataxia and Horner syndrome, crossed sensory loss, vertigo, dysphagia, hoarseness |
PICA | Vertigo, nausea, vomiting, gait ataxia |
AICA | Gait and limb ataxia, dysfunction of ipsilateral CN-V, -VII, -VIII |
SCA | Dysarthria and limb ataxia |
_______________________________________________ | ______________________________________________________________________________ |
PCA right | Contralateral visual field cut and sensory loss, visual neglect, prosopagnosia (inability to recognize faces) |
Left | Contralateral visual field cut and sensory loss, alexia without agraphia, anomic or transcortical sensory aphasia, impaired memory and visual agnosia |
Top of the basilar syndrome | Rostral brainstem–somnolence, vivid hallucinations, dreamlike behavior, and oculomotor dysfunction. Temporal + occipital regions—hemianopsia, fragments of Balint syndrome, agitated behavior, and amnestic dysfunction |
* AICA, anterior inferior cerebellar artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; PICA, posterior–inferior cerebellar artery; SCA, superior cerebellar artery
Atherosclerosis of the basilar artery most often affects its proximal and mid portions. Patients experience TIAs characterized by transient diplopia, dizziness, incoordination, and weakness affecting both sides at once or alternating between sides over minutes and even hours or days (Fig. 55-9). As in other occlusive large artery disease, some patients with severe basilar stenosis develop prominent headaches in the weeks before focal symptoms commence. The headache is thought to be from developing posterior circulation collateral flow. When stroke occurs, the most commonly affected area is the basis pons, with bilateral, often asymmetric, hemiparesis, pseudobulbar syndrome, abnormalities of eye movements (sixth nerve palsy, unilateral or bilateral internuclear ophthalmoplegia, ipsilateral conjugate gaze palsy, “one and one-half syndrome”), nystagmus, and if the reticular activating system is involved, coma (Fig. 55-10). Presence of coma or altered level of consciousness is dependent on collateral flow to the tegmentum from other vessels. If the pontine and midbrain tegmentum is spared, bilateral motor and sensory signs as well as varying degrees of ophthalmoplegia may be present without altered consciousness, such as in the “locked in” syndrome.

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