Stroke is a major public health problem. An estimated 500,000 new and 200,000 recurrent strokes occur in the United States annually, and the number of stroke survivors is estimated to be about 4.8 million. Stroke is the leading cause of disability and the third leading cause of death in the United States (after coronary heart disease and cancer) and accounts for a health care cost burden estimated at $53 billion spent in the year 2004.1
Transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) have traditionally been distinguished from ischemic stroke on the basis of symptom duration, with the assumption, largely justified, that otherwise the two entities share risk factors and causes and that evaluation findings and secondary prophylaxis are similar for the two. TIA has traditionally been defined as a focal neurological deficit of abrupt onset, referable to a vascular territory, that lasts less than 24 hours. However, the 24-hour definition is arbitrary and is not based on any plausible biological mechanism. In fact, most TIAs resolve in less than an hour. In addition, studies have demonstrated that a significant proportion of clinically defined TIAs are not necessarily transient at the tissue level; there is evidence of tissue infarction on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) performed early in the course of the syndrome.2,3 Indeed, in view of the advances in neuroimaging and epidemiological studies, a panel of experts has proposed that TIA be defined as a brief episode of neurological dysfunction caused by retinal or brain ischemia with symptoms lasting less than 1 hour and without evidence of acute infarction on neuroimaging (diffusion-weighted imaging [DWI] or computed tomography [CT] scan).4 When the symptoms and signs do not fit criteria for a TIA—that is, they persist for more than 1 hour and/or there is evidence on neuroimaging of tissue infarction—the syndrome is classified as an ischemic stroke. The modified duration for TIA is of practical benefit, in view of the new time window–dependent strategies for acute stroke management, when a decision for acute intervention should not be contingent on resolution of a patient’s signs and symptoms within 24 hours. However, the neuroimaging component of the proposed new definition is problematic because it sidesteps what is arguably most important about clinically defined TIAs: their reversibility. If symptoms resolve in under an hour but a lesion is identified with DWI, then what is the difference between this entity and ischemic stroke whose symptoms do not resolve? In addition, a definition of TIA based on the absence of a DWI lesion has the odd consequence of eliminating duration as an important distinguishing feature, inasmuch as studies have shown that a substantial proportion of patients with symptoms lasting less than an hour have DWI lesions. Indeed, one DWI study revealed that symptom duration could not distinguish TIA from ischemic stroke.5
Study findings support the contention that it is symptom duration or, more specifically, the rate of symptom reversal from time of onset, that is the essential characteristic of TIA; data indicate that risk of recurrent stroke is substantially higher in patients with rapid recovery than in those with fixed deficits and subsequent slow recovery.6–8 The largest study of risk of recurrent stroke after TIA showed that 50% of all ischemic strokes after TIA occur within 48 hours of the TIA.9 Thus, the presence or absence of lesions on DWI should not be required for a definition of TIA, only that the deficit substantially reverses, not necessarily fully, in less than an hour. This is not to say that DWI does not provide useful information about TIA mechanisms. For example, it has been shown that patients with deficits that reverse in less than 24 hours but who have DWI lesions have the highest risk of in-hospital recurrent stroke. This subgroup may have made up a substantial proportion of the patients in the large study mentioned previously.
The critical implication of the spate of studies on TIA is that TIA reflects a more unstable condition than does stroke and merits immediate attention. A TIA is to the brain what unstable angina or non–Q-wave myocardial infarction is to the heart, a condition of fluctuating tissue perfusion that is unstable and threatens tissue viability. TIA should be viewed as a medical emergency that necessitates immediate diagnostic workup and treatment. The clinical seriousness of TIA makes accurate diagnosis very important, but because the symptoms have nearly always resolved by the time the patient is seen by a physician, careful history taking is essential. This can be a challenge because a large number of nonischemic conditions, such as migraine, seizures, and multiple sclerosis, cause transient neurological symptoms. TIAs themselves vary in their mode of presentation, variation attributable primarily to the underlying cause. Different TIA presentations are therefore discussed as follows as they relate to each stroke subtype.
In order to salvage penumbral tissue, CBF must be restored in the critical time window between electrical and membrane failure. There is good evidence, obtained mainly with positron emission tomographic (PET) studies,10 that ischemic penumbra exists in human and nonhuman primates and that it remains viable for longer and more variable periods of time than was suggested by initial small mammal experiments. Advances in MRI have made significant inroads in identifying the ischemic penumbra in patients after stroke and making it a target for therapeutic intervention (see “Stroke Evaluation” section). TIA might represent a form of penumbral phenomenon without an infarct core, and new data on the instability of TIA reflect the high risk of proceeding to infarction in this penumbral tissue.
Large-Artery Atherosclerosis
This subtype is characterized by evidence for atherosclerosis (anterior or posterior circulation) in the large-vessel vascular distribution of a brain infarction, in the absence of a cardiac source of embolism. The most common location for atherosclerotic changes is at the bifurcation or proximal takeoff of the large vessels, where the shear stress on the wall, from turbulent flow usually related to long-standing hypertension, is maximal. The arterial narrowing can be either extracranial (in the carotid or vertebral arterial system) or intracranial (in the many tributaries of the circle of Willis and their branches). The pattern of parenchymal involvement can be small or large, cortical or subcortical, and is determined largely by the status of pial-pial collaterals and the circle of Willis. There are two other infarction patterns associated with proximal large vessel disease: border zone and watershed. Border zone infarction corresponds to involvement of areas at the junction of the distal fields of two nonanastomosing arterial systems. Watershed infarctions occur at a zone of pial-pial artery anastomoses between two large vessels: for example, the middle cerebral artery (MCA)–posterior cerebral artery (PCA) watershed. There are internal border zones (misleadingly also referred to as internal watersheds) in the centrum semiovale and paraventricular corona radiata, regions at the junction of subcortical and medullary penetrators off the MCA, and in the subinsular zone, a region between small insular penetrating arteries and the lateral lenticulostriate vessels.11 Thus, for example, critical internal carotid artery (ICA) stenosis or occlusion can cause watershed infarction at (1) the boundary of the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) and MCA, manifesting as a thin wedge extending from the anterior horn of the lateral ventricle to the frontal cortex or a string of infarction at the medial convexity surface; (2) the MCA/ACA/PCA boundary, often more difficult to distinguish from MCA branch occlusion, but again appearing as a cortical wedge extending from the occipital horn of the lateral ventricle to parieto-occipital cortex; and (3) a confluent or discontinuous long lesion in the centrum semiovale running parallel to the lateral ventricle.
Interpretation of patterns of infarction from large vessel disease is based on assumptions about underlying mechanisms: (1) large-vessel stenosis or occlusion by in situ disease or artery-to-artery embolism and (2) flow-failure distally from a more proximal occlusion or hypotension. However, these mechanisms are likely to coexist. A high-grade ICA or MCA stenosis may be both emboligenic and cause a low-flow state. The low-flow state reduces the chances of clearing small embolic particles from distal arterial beds, leading to a border zone or watershed pattern of infarction.12 In addition to producing cortical, subcortical, and watershed patterns of infarction, LAA can occlude the os of a single penetrating small vessel, causing a lacunar infarct (see later discussion). Thus, the variety of infarct patterns possible with LAA makes diagnosis based on clinical examination or infarct pattern alone difficult. A bruit on examination and the presence of other atherosclerotic risk factors or markers such as hypertension, elevated cholesterol, diabetes, smoking history, peripheral arterial disease, and coronary artery disease, are marginally helpful at best. Indeed, it is debatable whether there is any significant difference in modifiable risk factor profile and predisposition to LAA versus small-vessel disease.13 Information regarding race/ethnicity can be helpful, inasmuch as white persons have a higher incidence of extracranial atherosclerosis, whereas Asian, black, and Hispanic persons have a higher incidence of intracranial atherosclerosis.
Interestingly, unlike completed infarction, LAA-associated TIAs do have distinctive features that help make the diagnosis. Intermittent flow-failure through a critical stenosis, often brought on when the patient stands up suddenly or by overly aggressive antihypertensive therapy, can cause focal neurological deficits that reverse when the patient lies down. More rarely, patients manifest a “limb-shaking” TIA, consisting of brief periods of shaking of an extremity brought on by standing or sitting up, easily confused with a focal motor seizure. Another strong clue to LAA is an unstable course in the first 24 hours after stroke onset, manifested by deterioration after improvement.14
Determination of LAA as the underlying cause of a stroke through ancillary testing (see “Stroke Evaluation” section) is important because there is a high rate of early stroke recurrence in this subgroup of patients,15 both for extracranial and intracranial atherosclerosis. This is also true for the long term because patients with symptomatic ICA stenosis with greater than 70% diameter reduction have a stroke recurrence risk of 26% in 2 years.16 The recurrence rate for patients with symptomatic MCA stenosis is about 10% a year.17,18 Because of this relatively high risk of early recurrence and the established benefit of early endarterectomy in long-term stroke prevention for ICA stenosis, identification of this subtype of stroke is critical.19
Small-Vessel Atherosclerosis (Lacunar Strokes)
The definition of lacunar infarction has become quite confused. We believe that it should be a combined clinical and radiological diagnosis that is based on a presentation with one of a handful of typical syndromes (see “Lacunar Syndromes” section) and imaging evidence for a small infarct (2 to 20 mm in diameter) in the deep cerebral white matter, basal ganglia, thalamus, or pons. Evidence suggests that in situ single perforator disease is the cause in the majority of cases. Exclusion of LAA and a cardiac source of embolism is important, because lacunar infarction is estimated to originate from emboli or LAA in about 10% to 15% of cases.20 This may be true particularly for patients who have a lacunar syndrome with evidence of multiple subacute lesions on neuroimaging.21
However, despite these concerns, evidence favors preserving the lacunar infarction stroke category from a pathophysiological standpoint. First, the presence of lacunar infarcts is correlated with leukoaraiosis and with subcortical microhemorrhages.22 These correlations suggest that lacunar infarcts are manifestations of a more diffuse abnormality of small cerebral arterioles.23 Second, the proportion of embolic sources identified in patients with lacunar infarction is lower than that of hemispherical ischemic strokes. Third, after a lacunar infarction, a recurrent stroke is more likely to be lacunar than nonlacunar.23a This would not be expected if lacunar infarcts shared the same mechanism with larger cortical strokes. In addition, the early stroke recurrence rate is lower than those for LAA and cardioembolic stroke. Fourth, in a primate model, only 6% of even the smallest particles injected in the carotid artery ended up in the lenticulostriate vessels.23b
The pathology underlying lacunar infarction is still debated, mainly because lacunar infarcts are seldom fatal and cases are thus rarely subjected to autopsy. Nevertheless, it is assumed that lacunar infarction results from occlusion of a small penetrator by atheroma blocking its origin, by embolus, or by an intrinsic process, lipohyalinosis (narrowing the lumen at points along its length). Lenticulostriate pathology after lacunar infarction has been visualized with MRI.24 These images show a linear structure with signal features consistent with perforator occlusion by thrombus or leakage of vessel contents into the surrounding parenchyma. These findings support the idea of a pathological process unique to deep perforating arteries, which can cause lacunar infarction. Occlusion of the vessel itself might cause infarction, or blood vessel contents might be toxic to surrounding parenchyma. A spectrum of perforator disease with luminal thrombus and leakage of contents into the blood vessel wall and then into the perivascular tissue might explain the previously mentioned correlation among lacunar infarcts, leukoaraiosis, and deep microhemorrhages. In addition, a leakage mechanism might also explain an interesting feature of TIAs associated with lacunar infarction: the “capsular warning syndrome.” This consists of a stuttering cluster of stereotypical events over a period of about 72 hours. These events are brief bursts of typical lacunar phenomena that can come and go over minutes. Many of these patients progress to a fixed deficit; it is possible that the capsular warning syndrome evolves because a single penetrator undergoes occlusion or leakage damages surrounding tissue directly.23
Cardioembolic Strokes
Embolism of cardiac origin accounts for about 20% to 40% of ischemic strokes. Atrial fibrillation is the best established cause of cardioembolic stroke, and its identification is extremely important, in view of the relatively high recurrence rates (about 10% a year) and the effective prophylaxis (approximately 60% absolute risk reduction) achieved with chronic oral anticoagulation. Other known emboligenic sources, treated with anticoagulation, are valvular disease (especially prosthetic valves), documented intraventricular thrombus present in severe cardiomyopathies, and recent myocardial infarction. In one study, transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) was used to assess 151 consecutive patients, 1 week after ischemic stroke or TIA.24a Intracardiac thrombus was identified in 26% of the patients (70% in the left atrial appendage). Multivariate analysis showed an association with large stroke, symptomatic coronary artery disease, and evidence for ischemia on electrocardiogram.
Interatrial septal abnormalities, such as patent foramen ovale (PFO) and atrial septal aneurysm (ASA), result from failure of the septum to close at birth and occur in about 25% of the general population.24b Interatrial septal abnormalities are thought to be an important cause of embolic stroke in patients younger than 55. A PFO is an intact interatrial connection through the two overlapping septa that form the interatrial septum. An ASA is a hypermobile piece of the atrial septum that can protrude through the PFO into the left atrium during the cardiac cycle. PFOs can serve as a conduit for embolism originating from the venous circulation (lower extremity or pelvic venous thromboses) to the arterial circulation through right-to-left shunting of blood during the cardiac cycle and especially during Valsalva maneuvers. ASAs seem to enhance the stroke risk of a PFO, possibly by directing flow through the PFO or acting as a nidus for thrombus formation itself. A metaanalysis revealed a 24-fold increased risk of stroke in patients younger than 55 who had both a PFO and an ASA, in comparison with a fivefold risk in patients with only a PFO.25 The high frequency of interatrial septal abnormalities in the general population in comparison with the relatively low incidence of stroke in persons younger than 55 suggests that a second factor needs to combine with PFO in order for stroke to occur. Studies have shown increased frequency of two inherited hypercoagulable disorders, the factor V Leiden and the prothrombin 20210 mutations, in young patients with stroke and PFO.25a,25b Thus, perhaps a combination of PFO and an underlying hypercoagulable state, either acquired or inherited, is required in order for a PFO-related stroke to occur. In contrast to patients younger than 55, it does not seem that interatrial septal abnormalities are a substantial stroke risk in older patients, possibly because left-sided atrial pressures increase with aging. In all patients with stroke and PFO, it is important to emphasize the need for a thorough search for the other potential causes of stroke before attributing it to the PFO.
Prospective studies have shown that aortic arch atheroma is found more often in patients with stroke and that the presence of aortic arch atheroma, detected by TEE, is associated with increased risk of future stroke. A metaanalysis of these prospective studies gave an odds ratio for recurrent stroke of 3.76, similar in magnitude to those for atrial fibrillation and high-grade carotid stenosis.26 Aortic arch atheroma, occurring with increasing age and in people with vascular risk factors,27 may be just a marker for atherosclerosis. However, a number of observations suggest that aortic arch atheroma causes embolic stroke. First, aortic arch atheroma is often present in patients with stroke but without concomitant carotid disease. Second, stroke risk is highest for atheroma with mobile components. Third, stroke is more common in the presence of aortic arch atheroma than with atheroma in the thoracic aorta.28 Fourth, left hemisphere events are more common than right hemisphere events, and most atheroma is found in the middle to distal arch, after takeoff of the innominate artery.29
A number of clinical features and radiographic features suggest cardioembolic stroke: (1) sudden onset with rapid progression to maximal focal neurological deficit (<5 minutes); (2) simultaneous or sequential strokes in multiple arterial territories, such as a left homonymous hemianopia and a right hemiparesis; (3) Wernicke’s aphasia (inferior division of the left MCA) and visual field cuts (distal PCA); (4) a large deficit that then rapidly regresses, probably as a result of recanalization of a large proximal vessel; (5) appearance on imaging, especially DWI, of bihemispherical, both anterior and posterior territory, or bilateral or multilevel posterior circulation infarcts (the typical pattern of stroke on MRI is a wedge-shaped lesion with its base at the cortex and the apex located subcortically); (6) hemorrhagic transformation of an ischemic infarct as a result of recanalization and irrigation of infarcted tissue or, less likely, dissection at the site of thrombus impact; and (7) the presence of single or multiple small subcortical infarcts in the absence of cortical infarcts, which makes the diagnosis of embolic stroke less likely.30
Cryptogenic Strokes
The patient with cryptogenic stroke lacks a documented cardioembolic source despite investigation with transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) or TEE; does not show evidence of extracranial or intracranial large-artery pathology on ultrasonographic or angiographic studies; and does not have the expected risk factor profile, clinical syndrome, and imaging characteristics for a diagnosis of a lacunar stroke. The neuroimaging features can be variable and may include cortical or subcortical pattern or even the presence of infarcts in multiple arterial territories not explained by a readily identifiable embolic source. It is likely that in the near future, as diagnostic accuracy improves, the overall frequency of diagnosis of cryptogenic strokes will decrease.
Stroke of Other Determined Cause
Dissection is a tear in the intima or the media that allows luminal blood to be redirected into a false lumen within the blood vessel wall, with formation of an intramural hematoma, which may limit flow (Fig. 42-1) or cause aneurysmal dilatation. Arterial dissection of the extracranial portions of the carotid and vertebral arteries accounts for only about 2% of all ischemic strokes but for up to 25% of ischemic strokes in patients younger than 55. Cervical artery dissection can occur after clear-cut neck trauma (motor vehicle accidents, attempted strangulation, fall with neck injury), after relatively trivial mobilization of the neck (hair washing, chiropractic manipulation),31 or spontaneously, without any obvious precipitant. The latter two scenarios probably reflect an underlying structural weakness of the arterial wall, inasmuch as dermal connective tissue abnormalities have been detected in up to a third of these cases. Approximately 5% of spontaneous dissections can be attributed to inherited disorders of collagen structure, the most common of which is Ehlers-Danlos syndrome type IV. Others include Marfan’s syndrome, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, and osteogenesis imperfecta type I. In addition, about 5% of patients have a family history of dissection. Approximately 15% of patients have angiographic evidence of fibromuscular dysplasia. Infection, migraine, and elevated homocysteine have also been associated with dissection, but these risk factors have mainly been assessed with case-control studies, which are subject to information and selection bias, as well as confounding.32
Moyamoya disease occurs in younger patients and is characterized by a progressive intracranial occlusive noninflammatory vasculopathy of the distal ICA and its bifurcation into the middle and anterior cerebral arteries. Its hallmark is the development of deep intracranial collateral vessels, usually in the lenticulostriate vessels, giving its peculiar characteristic defined by Japanese investigators as “puff-of-smoke” (Fig. 42-2). Its cause is unclear but does not seem to be an inflammatory process, as in the primary CNS vasculitides. A similar pattern can occur with other conditions such as prior pituitary tumor irradiation, Down syndrome, neurofibromatosis, and sickle cell disease. In these situations, the pattern appears secondary to the underlying condition and is described as moyamoya syndrome rather than moyamoya disease. It should be suspected in young patients with deep hemispherical hemorrhage but without the associated risk factors for intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) and in young patients with cryptogenic ischemic stroke, especially if one of the commonly associated conditions listed previously is present.
Lacunar Syndromes
There are five classical lacunar syndromes (Table 42-1): pure motor hemiparesis, pure sensory syndrome, sensorimotor syndrome, dysarthria–clumsy hand syndrome, and ataxic hemiparesis. It should be emphasized however, that many additional, albeit rarer, lacunar syndromes almost certainly exist and that nonlacunar subcortical and cortical strokes can cause the classical syndromes.32a For example, an embolus to the rolandic branch of the MCA could affect the primary sensorimotor cortex and cause sensorimotor syndrome. Another example is occlusion of a paramedian pontine penetrator by basilar artery atheroma, causing pure motor hemiparesis. However, studies have shown an excellent positive predictive value of the lacunar syndromes for the presence of lacunar infarction on brain imaging.
TABLE 42-1 Classic Lacunar Syndromes with Vascular Territories and Anatomical Structures Most Commonly Affected
Lacunar Syndromes (Structures Affected) | Vessel Distribution |
Pure Sensory Syndrome | |
Thalamus | Thalamic perforators |
Pure Motor Hemiparesis | |
Basis pontis | Pontine penetrators (basilar branch) |
Posterior limb of internal capsule | Lenticulostriate vessels (MCA branches) |
Cerebral peduncle | Basilar or PCA penetrators |
Dysarthria–Clumsy Hand Syndrome | |
Anterior limb or genu of internal capsule | Lenticulostriate vessels (MCA branches) |
Basis pontis | Pontine penetrators (basilar branch) |
Ataxic Hemiparesis | |
Contralateral basis pontis | Pontine penetrators |
Contralateral thalamus | Thalamic penetrators |
Posterior limb of internal capsule | Lenticulostriate branches |
Sensorimotor Syndrome | |
Posterior limb of internal capsule and thalamus | Lenticulostriate branches |
MCA, middle cerebral artery; PCA, posterior cerebral artery.
Pure Motor Hemiparesis
This is the most common manifestation of a lacunar stroke. In this syndrome, there is motor involvement of the face, arm, and leg, sometimes with more involvement of one than the other, but with absence of sensory, visual, language, or other cortical symptoms. There are often varying degrees of dysarthria and dysphagia, as a result of involvement of corticobulbar tracts. Structures commonly involved in this syndrome reflect the descending course of the corticospinal tract: the corona radiata, the posterior limb of the internal capsule (Fig. 42-3), and the basis pontis. Less often, a midbrain peduncular or medullary pyramidal infarct (with sparing of the face) can also cause this syndrome. The diagnosis of brainstem pure motor hemiparesis requires the absence of all the following: vertigo, deafness, tinnitus, diplopia, nystagmus, and ataxia. Traditionally, it has been taught that isolated monoparesis, usually brachial, is rarely caused by lacunar infarct but instead indicates a cortical or centrum semiovale lesion, regions where the motor homunculus is more spatially separated. However, with the advent of MRI, this has been shown not to be the case. Isolated monoparesis is compatible with small-vessel disease: for example, in the corona radiata and pons.33
Pure Sensory Syndrome
Although this is considered the sensory analogue of pure motor hemiparesis, it occurs far less frequently than pure motor hemiparesis. It is usually caused by infarction of the ventro posteromedial and ventroposterolateral nuclei of the thalamus as a result of involvement of the inferolateral artery off the P2 segment of the PCA, but it can also result from corona radiata infarction through interruption of thalamocortical projections. Both spinothalamic and lemniscal modalities are usually affected, but selective sensory impairment can also occur. Perfect splitting of the midline on sensory testing can be observed, and involvement of midline structures such as tongue and genitalia may also be present. The hemisensory deficits may be complete or incomplete with a cheiro-oral predominance. Some patients may develop a chronic pain syndrome, especially with right thalamic lesions, with pronounced dysesthesias and paresthesias on the side contralateral to the thalamic involvement (Dejerine-Roussy syndrome). This syndrome usually appears in the subacute or chronic period and can be difficult to manage.
Sensorimotor Syndrome
This condition is a combination of sensory and motor deficits. Although single penetrator disease can probably cause this syndrome, there have been only a few autopsy studies, and the specificity of this syndrome for a lacunar mechanism is probably lower than for the other four syndromes. Nevertheless, most authors postulate predominant involvement of the thalamus with impingement on the adjacent posterior limb of the internal capsule. An alternative explanation, however, is that both the sensory loss and hemiparesis result from thalamic involvement alone, inasmuch as the inferolateral artery also supplies the ventrolateral nucleus, which projects to motor cortex.34 It is likely that MRI will help to better define the anatomical basis of this syndrome.
Ataxic Hemiparesis
The classic syndrome, caused by basis pontis infarction, was described as limb ataxia ipsilateral to distal leg paresis with minimal or no facial or arm weakness. This diagnosis can be difficult to establish, because limb dysmetria must be out of proportion to the hemiparesis. Other typical locations of infarction are the corona radiata, the anterior or posterior limb of the internal capsule, and the thalamus. The cerebellum has been implicated in some cases. Larger cortical strokes involving the ACA territory may manifest in a similar way, but the more pronounced leg involvement and the many behavioral abnormalities occurring with ACA-distribution strokes may help differentiate the two (see Table 42-1).
Cortical Syndromes
The most commonly encountered clinical syndromes (Table 42-2) are briefly reviewed according to vessel distribution and associated stroke causes.
TABLE 42-2 Clinical Stroke Syndromes with Corresponding CNS Structures and Arterial Territory Affected

Anterior Circulation
Middle Cerebral Arteries
Middle Cerebral Artery Stem Occlusion
The proximal syndrome is usually dramatic and reflects damage to the basal ganglia and internal capsule, supplied by the medial and lateral lenticulostriate branches that arise from the dorsal surface of the MCA stem, as well as large areas of cortical infarction in the territories of the superior and inferior divisions of the MCA (Fig. 42-4). The typical patient presents with contralateral hemiplegia with equal involvement of the arm and leg, variable degrees of primary sensory abnormality, dysphagia, and hemianopia. There is forced eye deviation toward the side of the affected hemisphere, sometimes with accompanying ipsilateral head deviation. With dominant hemispherical involvement, there is usually global aphasia, buccofacial apraxia, and ideomotor apraxia. In the first few days there may be frank mutism. With nondominant hemispherical involvement, there is usually contralateral hemineglect, contralateral anosognosia, and delirium. Less frequently, syndromes more often associated with bilateral hemispherical damage, such as prosopagnosia and the reduplicative paramnesias, can be present with unilateral nondominant hemisphere damage. Individuals with an MCA stem occlusion are the most likely to develop massive hemispherical swelling with midline shift, and subfalcine and transtentorial herniation. The prognosis for these patients is guarded, and in complete MCA-distribution strokes, the mortality rate can be as high as 80% despite neurointensive care efforts.
Middle Cerebral Artery Upper Division Occlusion
Isolated involvement is uncommon because the superior trunk is short, but when it occurs, it is usually caused by ICA or MCA atherosclerosis (Fig. 42-5). This division supplies most of the frontal convexity and anterior parietal lobe, and the syndrome resembles stem occlusion with a contralateral hemiparesis, forced eye and head deviation toward the side of the lesion, and variable degrees of aphasia and hemineglect. In contrast to stem occlusion, motor deficits are characterized by a gradient of weakness with the contralateral side of the face and arm (brachiofacial pattern) more severely affected than the leg, reflecting the involvement of the corresponding cortical structures rather than the internal capsule. A visual field defect is usually absent.
With dominant hemispherical involvement, there is language disturbance characterized in the acute phase by global aphasia, which tends to reduce to predominantly Broca’s aphasia and speech apraxia. This highlights the fact that in the acute stroke setting, vascular aphasias are often global and nonclassic in their presentation.35 With nondominant involvement, there may be some degree of visuospatial neglect but usually not as pronounced as with a larger territorial infarct. Acute agitated delirium is usually not present, because this requires infarction of the right middle temporal gyrus and inferior parietal lobule, supplied by the inferior division of the MCA (see later discussion). Because of the smaller volume of tissue infarction, upper-division MCA-distribution strokes do not cause the same high rate of mortality observed with holo-MCA strokes but carry a significant degree of long-term disability that necessitates intensive rehabilitation.
Anterior Cerebral Arteries
In comparison with strokes in the MCA distribution, ACA-distribution strokes are uncommon and are most often secondary to embolism from a proximal source such as the carotid artery or the heart. Less frequent causes of an ACA-distribution stroke include vasospasm from a ruptured saccular aneurysm (anterior communicating artery), in which case the strokes may be bilateral, and inflammatory vasculopathy involving the intracranial vessels. The most common manifestations of an infarct in the distal territory of the ACA are a function of the territories supplied: anterior and medial frontal lobes, including the motor-sensory cortex for the contralateral foot and leg; the supplementary motor area; and the central bladder representation, and also of lesion side36 (Fig. 42-6).
Left-sided infarction causes transient akinetic mutism (abulia), transcortical motor aphasia, contralateral leg and shoulder weakness with sparing of the distal upper extremity and face, and contralateral deficits in higher order sensory functions such as stereognosis (ability to discriminate two simultaneous stimuli) and joint-position sense discrimination. Right-sided infarction causes acute confusional state, motor hemineglect, transient akinetic mutism, contralateral hemiparesis, and sensory deficits in the pattern described for left-sided infarction. Predominant leg weakness is not unique to ACA infarction; it is also present with MCA-territory cortical infarction. It can also be present with capsular and pontine infarcts. In general, lesions that affect the medial premotor cortex, the supplementary motor area, and the rear portion of the medial part of the precentral gyrus, or their projections, can cause leg-predominant hemiparesis.37
In addition to abulia and predominant leg weakness, callosal disconnection syndromes can help distinguish ACA from MCA infarcts. The three main syndromes are left unilateral ideomotor apraxia, agraphia, and tactile anomia. All three syndromes affect the left hand in right-handed patients. Left unilateral ideomotor apraxia, also called the anterior disconnection syndrome, is the inability to perform overlearned skilled movements in response to verbal command. Patients with left-hand agraphia have severely impaired handwriting with their left hands but not their right. Patients with unilateral tactile anomia are unable to name objects placed in their left hands. All three syndromes are probably caused by interruption of transcallosal information to or from the language areas in the left hemisphere. They usually result from infarcts in different regions of the corpus callosum caused by interruption of pericallosal branches of the ACA. However, these syndromes, although of phenomenological interest, are overemphasized, in view of their low frequency of occurrence. They are relatively rare probably because the anterior corpus callosum is supplied by both ACAs.
Internal Carotid Artery
Many times, it is difficult to differentiate an ICA-territory infarction, especially when the onset is abrupt, from embolic MCA strokes. The hallmark of a proximal ICA disease is a history of a preceding TIA, either retinal (transient monocular blindness or amaurosis fugax) or hemispherical. Its presence is strongly suggestive of ICA disease proximal to the origin of the ophthalmic artery and should prompt rapid investigation of the extracranial carotid system. ICA dissection is another possible cause (see Table 42-2).
Posterior Circulation
Vertebrobasilar Territory Strokes
Basilar Artery Branches
Superior Cerebellar Arteries.
Traditionally, it was thought that isolated superior cerebellar artery territory infarcts were rare but instead occurred in combination with midbrain, thalamic, and PCA territory infarcts, as a result of embolism to the top of the basilar artery. However, modern MRI suggests that the occurrence of isolated superior cerebellar artery infarcts has been underestimated.38 These infarcts can be small or territorial, both most commonly caused by embolism. The superior cerebellar artery supplies most of the cerebellar cortex, the cerebellar nuclei, and the superior cerebellar peduncle. Superior cerebellar artery infarcts result in a combination of the following signs and symptoms: vertigo and dizziness, nystagmus, limb ataxia, gait ataxia, and mild hemiparesis. Clinical brainstem signs are usually absent.
Basilar Artery and Its Penetrators.
The posterior wall of the basilar artery gives rise to small paramedian and short circumferential arteries that supply the paramedian and lateral pontine regions. These arteries can be affected by either microatheroma at their origins or lipohyalinosis along their length. These are believed to be distinct pathological processes. Stroke from basilar artery disease is very variable and can range from a mild lacunar stroke, resulting from a small penetrator disease, to a large, devastating syndrome with extensive destruction of the brainstem from complete or almost complete basilar occlusion (Fig. 42-7). Pontine syndromes reflect the particular structures affected, with a basic division between strokes that predominantly affect the anterior pons and those that affect predominantly the pontine tegmentum. Anterior pontine infarctions can manifest as classic lacunar syndromes with pure motor hemiparesis or ataxic hemiparesis/dysarthria–clumsy hand syndrome, as a result of damage to the corticospinal tract and crossing corticopontocerebellar fibers. Strokes that predominantly affect the pontine tegmentum manifest with a constellation of brainstem signs as a result of involvement of the medial lemniscus, the medial longitudinal fasciculus, the cerebellar peduncles, the abducens nucleus, and the vestibular nuclei.
Other structures that can be affected by an embolus to the distal basilar artery include the occipital lobes, medial temporal lobes, and thalami (Fig. 42-8). Their involvement can be either unilateral or bilateral and gives rise to multiple signs or symptoms referable to the involvement of the PCA territory (see next section).39
Posterior Cerebral Arteries.
Balint’s syndrome can arise after unilateral or bilateral infarction of the superior parietal lobule at the parieto-occipital junction, supplied by the MCA-PCA watershed. The syndrome, also known as optic ataxia, is characterized by defective directional control of visually guided reaching movements, but motor execution is normal when other sensory modalities are used. On-line control is more impaired than feedforward planning, and errors in reaching are variable with no appreciable constant errors. Anton’s syndrome is denial of blindness despite clear physiological evidence for it after bilateral occipital infarction. This syndrome can be accompanied by agitation/delirium, possibly from the decreased visual input or concomitant involvement of the temporal lobes.
Parenchymal Imaging
Critical in the evaluation of a presumed ischemic stroke, especially in the hyperacute period, is assessment of the extent and location of affected brain parenchyma, as well as ruling out stroke mimics such as ICH, subdural hematoma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and brain tumor. CT scanning of the head should be the first step in such an evaluation, because of its widespread availability and short scanning time. CT scan is still considered the “gold standard” for detecting hyperacute hemorrhage, although one prospective study showed 100% sensitivity for hyperacute ICH with T2* MRI. Besides obvious intraparenchymal hemorrhage, abnormalities on CT scan related to hyperacute stroke, include blurring of the gray-white matter interface, effacement of the sulcal margins, loss of the normal sharp definition between the basal ganglia and surrounding white matter, and effacement of the insular cortex. These abnormalities confirm ischemia as the most likely cause of the acute syndrome and help predict not only the area at risk and ultimate infarct size but also which patients are likely to develop significant brain edema and require more aggressive monitoring in the intensive care unit. The extent of these early changes also has a direct relationship with the risk of symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage from systemic thrombolysis and is predictive of a poor outcome.40,41
MRI, increasingly available for the evaluation of ischemic stroke in the acute setting, is more sensitive than CT scanning for detecting acute ischemia and is the only reliable method for detecting ultra-early ischemic changes (<1 hour after stroke onset). Different magnetic resonance sequences are available, each emphasizing different tissue components and different degrees of tissue definition and contrast. The sequences of most utility in the evaluation of patients with stroke are T1-weighted imaging, T2-weighted imaging, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, DWI, proton density imaging, and gradient-echo imaging, the last being the most sensitive for detection of hemorrhage in all stages of evolution. In the hyperacute evaluation, DWI identifies early ischemic lesions and distinguishes them from old infarcts. Ischemia is characterized by a hyperintense signal, which represents the restricted intracellular diffusion of hydrogen ions, which normally diffuse freely in interstitial fluid but are shifted intracellularly because of cytotoxic edema in the affected area. In humans, DWI is able to detect ischemia as early as 40 minutes after stroke onset and in one study, based on confirmation at autopsy, had a sensitivity of 88% and a specificity of 96.6%. Abnormalities observed on DWI can be short lived, resolving within 2 weeks of the ischemic insult; this feature is not seen with the other magnetic resonance sequences.42,43 However, hyperintense lesions on DWI do not distinguish reversible from irreversible ischemia, can be observed with other conditions (brain abscess, seizure, acute multiple sclerosis plaque, hypoglycemia, and brain tumors), and may result from T2 decay (T2 shine-through) rather than a diffusion abnormality. T2 shine-through can be ruled out with computation of a directionally averaged diffusion coefficient (ADC). On an ADC map, only ischemia appears dark, indicative of a low ADC. The utility of ADC values to reliably distinguish differing degrees of ischemia—a critical issue, inasmuch as the entire rationale for acute treatment of stroke is to rescue areas of reversible ischemia—is under active investigation but seems questionable. Currently, rather than reliance on differential ADC values, the favored approach with MRI is to identify areas of reduced perfusion beyond the boundaries of the DWI abnormality (see next section).

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