Medical Management of Choroid Plexus Tumors

49.2.4 Treatment Algorithm

Based upon the available literature, the experience of the prospective trial CPT-SIOP-2000, and expert opinion, an international meeting decided guidelines how choroid plexus tumors should be treated. Choroid Plexus Papilloma

The first step of treatment is maximal possible resection. This might take more than one surgery.

Tumor at diagnosis: histology and location

Postop: residual tumor

1st treatment (2 cycles) induction

Response to first two cycles (or other follow-ups)

2nd treatment(± XRT + 4 cycles ChT)

Localized CPP



No progression

Watch and wait

Watch and wait

Local tumor progression

2nd OP if second resection is completed, then treat like first resection. If there is residual tumor or already at third resection, then move down in algorithm; treat as if localized APP with residual tumor (localized or metastatic)


Metastatic progression

Move down in algorithm; treat as if localized APP with residual tumor (localized or metastatic)

Metastatic CPP




Watch and wait


Tumor progression

2nd OP if possible. Start 1st systemic chemotherapy with IT. Reevaluate. Continue 1st ChT if SD or better without XRT; change treatment if progression, single site resect + 2nd ChT, multiple sites <3 years, 2nd ChT, multiple sites >3years CSI followed by 2nd ChT

1st ChT + ith


Continue ChT +ith; complete protocol; start watch and wait without XRT

1st ChT + ith

PD single site

If further resection successful, watch and wait. If resection impossible, 2nd ChT 2 cycles. Reevaluate. If PR or CR, continue 2nd ChT. If PD or SD, local XRT and 3rd ChT for >1.5 years and or only 3rd chemo if <1.5 years

1st ChT + ith

PD multiple sites

>3 years, CSI + 2nd ChT >2.5–3 years, 2nd.ChT +ith, delay CSI, <2.5 years, 2nd ChT+ ith no XRT

1st ChT first-line systemic chemotherapy, 2nd ChT second-line systemic chemotherapy, 3rd ChT third-line systemic chemotherapy, XRT radiation therapy, CSI craniospinal irradiation with boost, IT intrathecal chemotherapy, localXRT local radiation therapy

A212490_1_En_49_Figb_HTML.jpg Localized Atypical Choroid Plexus Papilloma

The first step of treatment is maximal possible resection. This might take more than one surgery.

Postop: residual tumor

1st treatment (2 cycles) induction

Response to first two cycles (or other follow-ups)

2nd treatment (+/– XRT + 4 cycles ChT)


Watch and wait


Watch and wait as long as no recurrence


Watch and wait

Tumor progression

Consider resecting the tumor. But move on in treatment regardless of success. Start 1st chemotherapy without intrathecal chemotherapy. Follow guidelines as if newly diagnosed APP with residual tumor (one line lower)


1st ChT


Complete chemotherapy protocol. No XRT. No IT chemo


1st ChT


Attempt resection again. If resection complete, continue 1st ChT without radiation. If resection incomplete, treat age dependently: <1 year, continue ChT without radiation; 1–1.5 years, continue 1st ChT, give delayed local RT to residual tumor; >1.5 year, give local RT to residual tumor and continue 1st ChT. No IT ChT


1st ChT


Attempt resection again. Independent of result of resection, treat age dependently: <1 year, continue ChT without radiation; 1–1.5 years, continue 1st ChT, give delayed local RT to residual tumor; >1.5 year, give local RT to residual tumor without delay and continue 1st ChT. No IT ChT


1st ChT

PD in single site

Attempt resection. <1 year, 2nd ChT no IT, no XRT; 1–1.5 years, 2nd ChT no IT delayed local XRT; >= 1.5 years, local XRT 2nd ChT no IT;


1st ChT

PD multiple sites

>3 years, CSI + 2nd ChT without IT; >2.5–3 years, 2nd ChT + IT, delayed CSI complete 2nd ChT without IT; <2.5 years, 2.ChT+IT (CSI for third recurrence)

1st ChT first-line systemic chemotherapy, 2nd ChT second-line systemic chemotherapy, XRT radiation therapy, CSI craniospinal irradiation with boost, IT intrathecal chemotherapy, localXRT local radiation therapy

A212490_1_En_49_Figc_HTML.jpg Metastatic Atypical Choroid Plexus Papilloma

After maximal possible resection, start treatment with two cycles of first-line systemic chemotherapy (1st ChT) including intrathecal chemotherapy (IT). Evaluate response. Further treatment is stratified by treatment result and patient age.

Response to first two cycles

Age of patient



<2.5 years

Continue 1st CT with IT chemotherapy. Evaluate by the end of the protocol. If there is still no tumor, watch and wait protocol

2.5–3 years

Continue 1st CT with IT. Delay CSI XRT until patient is 3 years old. Finish protocol without IT. Evaluate after 6 cycles. Continue if there is still detectable tumor with less intense treatment and reconsider surgery

>3 years

CSI XRT until patient is 3 years old. Continue 1st ChT without IT. Evaluate after 6 cycles. Continue if there is still detectable tumor with less intense treatment and reconsider surgery

PR or SD

<2.5 years

Consider surgery. Continue 1st CT with IT chemotherapy. Evaluate by the end of the protocol. If there is still no tumor, watch and wait protocol

2.5–3 years

Consider surgery. Continue 1st CT with IT. Delay CSI XRT until patient is 3 years old. Finish protocol without IT. Evaluate after 6 cycles. Continue if there is still detectable tumor with less intense treatment and reconsider surgery

>3 years

Consider surgery CSI XRT until patient is 3 years old. Continue 1st ChT without IT. Evaluate after 6 cycles. Continue if there is still detectable tumor with less intense treatment and reconsider surgery

PD in single site


Change treatment to 2nd ChT and 2nd IT. No XRT


Change treatment to 2nd ChT and 2nd IT. Delay local XRT until 1.5 years. Finish 2nd ChT without IT after XRT


Change treatment to 2nd ChT; start simultaneously with local XRT. Finish 2nd ChT without IT after XRT


Change treatment to 2nd ChT with 2nd IT. Delay XRT until 3 years; then give CSI. Finish 2nd ChT without IT after XRT


CSI XRT followed by 2nd ChT without IT

PD in multiple sites


Change treatment to 2nd ChT and 2nd IT. No XRT


Change treatment to 2nd ChT with IT. Delay XRT until 3 years; then give CSI. Finish 2nd ChT without IT after XRT


CSI XRT followed by 2nd ChT without IT

1st ChT first-line systemic chemotherapy, 2nd ChT second-line systemic chemotherapy, XRT radiation therapy, CSI craniospinal irradiation with boost, IT intrathecal chemotherapy, localXRT local radiation therapy

A212490_1_En_49_Figd_HTML.jpg Localized Choroid Plexus Carcinoma

After maximal possible resection, start treatment with two cycles of first-line systemic chemotherapy (1st ChT) including intrathecal chemotherapy (IT). Evaluate response. Further treatment is stratified by treatment result and patient age.

Result of 1st ChT

Patient age



<2.5 years

Continue same 1st ChT with IT. No XRT. Reevaluate. Start watch and wait

<2.5–3 years

Continue same 1st ChT with IT. Delay XRT until 3 years old; then give CSI XRT. Finish 1st ChT without further IT. Reevaluate. Start watch and wait

>3 years

CSI XRT followed by same 1st ChT without IT. Evaluate. Watch and wait

PR or SD


Reoperate. Continue same 1st ChT with IT until 1.5 years old. Reevaluate. If there is still a residual, give local XRT. Otherwise, just watch and wait

1.5–2.5 years

Reoperate. Continue same 1st ChT with IT for a total of 6 cycles. Local XRT might be delayed but should be given regardless of tumor status

2.5–3 years

Continue same 1st ChT with IT. Delay XRT until 3 years old; then give CSI XRT. Finish 1st ChT without further IT. Reevaluate. Start watch and wait

>3 years

CSI XRT followed by same 1st ChT without IT. Evaluate. Watch and wait

PD single site

<1 years

Consider resection. Change chemotherapy: 2nd ChT with 2nd IT, no XRT

1–1.5 years

Consider resection. Change chemotherapy: 2nd ChT with 2nd IT; delay local XRT until 1.5 years

1.5–2.5 years

Consider resection. Local XRT + changed chemotherapy: 2nd ChT with 2nd IT start simultaneously with XRT


Consider resection. Change chemotherapy: 2nd ChT with 2nd IT; delay XRT until 3 years; then give CSI. Complete protocol after CSI without IT. Might need dose reduction for bone marrow toxicity


Consider resection. CSI XRT, followed by changed chemotherapy: 2nd ChT without IT

PD multiple sites

<2.5 years

Change chemotherapy: 2nd ChT with 2nd IT, no XRT. Reevaluate by the end of the protocol. If there is still tumor, reconsider local therapy or low-intense long-term chemo

2.5–3 years

Change chemotherapy: 2nd ChT with 2nd IT; delay XRT until 3 years; then give CSI. Complete chemotherapy without IT. Might need dose reduction for bone marrow toxicity

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Jun 22, 2017 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Medical Management of Choroid Plexus Tumors

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