Muscle contraction is dependent on the high-energy molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and deficiency of ATP synthesis leads to premature muscle fatigue and weakness. Carbohydrate metabolism, fatty acid oxidation, and the oxidative phosphorylation are all important in the generation of ATP from metabolic fuels, and defects in all three pathways result in metabolic myopathies. Although this chapter is primarily concerned with the muscle symptoms of these metabolic disorders, it is important to remember that many of them also affect other tissues and organs, particularly when the final common pathway of energy metabolism is involved—mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.
The glycogen storage disorders generally manifest clinically in one of two ways: either with exercise intolerance, muscle cramps, and intermittent rhabdomyolysis or with slowly progressive proximal weakness (Table 88-1). Unusual manifestations include insidious neuromuscular ventilatory failure observed in some adults with α-glucosidase deficiency. Although the biochemical and genetic bases are well established for most of these disorders, the reasons for the phenotypical variability are unknown, and both environmental and epistatic genetic factors play roles (such as the interaction between phosphofructokinase deficiency and adenosine monophosphate deaminase/myoadenylate kinase).
The Glycolytic Pathway
Glycolysis provides energy for high-intensity muscle activity when oxygen availability limits aerobic respiration (Fig. 88-1). Muscle phosphorylase (also called myophosphorylase) initiates the liberation of glucose from muscle glycogen stores. Phosphofructokinase catalyzes the rate-limiting step in glycolysis. Under anaerobic conditions, glycolysis ultimately results in the conversion of pyruvate to lactate. This generates only a fraction of the ATP that would be produced if the glucose were fully oxidized to carbon dioxide and water by aerobic metabolism. The accumulation of lactate and of the major components of ATP hydrolysis (inorganic phosphate, adenosine diphosphate, and adenosine monophosphate) play an important role in causing muscle fatigue.
Figure 88-1 Glycogen and glucose metabolism. the principal enzyme defects causing glycogen storage disorders are shown (see Table 88-1). CoA, coenzyme A; UDP, uridine diphosphate.
For a full description of the metabolic pathways, see Matthews and van Holder.1
Clinical Features, Diagnosis, and Management
α-Glucosidase Deficiency (Acid Maltase Deficiency, Pompe’s Disease, Type II Glycogenosis)
α-Glucosidase deficiency can manifest in three ways. In the neonatal period, it typically causes hypotonia, cardiomyopathy and, less frequently, hepatomegaly, and enlargement of the tongue. Cardiac and respiratory difficulties usually lead to death by 2 years of age.2 The childhood manifestations are less dramatic, with progressive proximal weakness and no cardiac involvement. Adult patients usually present with a slowly progressive proximal myopathy, but up to one third of them may have respiratory failure.3
The serum creatine kinase level is typically raised, and electromyography reveals myopathic features, often in association with myotonic discharges. Muscle biopsy reveals a vacuolar myopathy: Vacuoles contain glycogen and show increased acid phosphatase activity. These features are nonspecific, and the diagnosis must be confirmed by enzyme assay either in muscle, fibroblasts, or lymphocytes. Genetic analysis of the α-glucosidase (GAA) gene often reveals the underlying mutation, and there is often a good relationship among type of mutation, biochemical defect, and clinical phenotype.4
Treatment is largely supportive, often involving nocturnal respiratory support after presentation in childhood or adulthood. Clinical trials of enzyme replacement therapy show promise, providing some hope for the future.5,6
Debranching Enzyme Deficiency (Type III Glycogenosis)
Debranching enzyme deficiency can manifest in childhood or adulthood. Symptoms are more prominent in childhood and can include episodes of hypoglycemia. Manifestation in adulthood is usually with a slowly progressive distal myopathy without hepatosplenomegaly. The serum creatine kinase level is usually elevated, and electromyography demonstrates myopathy with occasional myotonic discharges.l Muscle biopsy reveals a vacuolar myopathy, and the diagnosis is confirmed by biochemical assay in red or white blood cells or in muscle. Different clinical subtypes of debranching enzyme deficiency appear to be associated with different mutations in the AGL gene.7
Branching Enzyme Deficiency (Type IV Glycogenosis)
Branching enzyme deficiency can manifest in infants with muscle hypotonia and hepatosplenomegaly, leading to fatal liver cirrhosis. An infantile neuromuscular manifestation, often with cardiac or central nervous system involvement and sometimes simulating spinal muscular atrophy, is probably more common than previously suspected and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of the floppy infant syndrome.8,9 The muscle biopsy reveals periodic acid–Schiff stain–positive, diastase-fast deposits. The diagnosis is confirmed by enzyme assay, and mutations may be found in the GBE gene.9 Treatment is supportive, including liver transplantation in early childhood.
Myophosphorylase Deficiency (McArdle’s Disease, Type V Glycogenosis)
The serum creatine kinase level is usually elevated between acute attacks but rises dramatically immediately after an episode of muscle pain. Electromyography may reveal nonspecific myopathic features, but the appearance is often normal. Forearm exercise testing characteristically reveals a high or even supranormal ammonia response, with a minimal or no increase in venous blood lactate levels during or immediately after exercise. This test is not without risk, inasmuch as it may provoke rhabdomyolysis or a forearm compartment syndrome. Skeletal muscle histochemistry study demonstrates glycogen storage and the absence of phosphorylase activity. Muscle phosphorylase deficiency can be confirmed biochemically (levels usually <5% of normal), but this is rarely necessary. In the majority of patients of European descent, molecular genetic analysis reveals the R49X mutation (>70%) in the PYGM gene,10 which is either homozygous or compound heterozygous, with another mutation in the coding region of the gene. Different common mutations are found in other populations.11
Most patients adapt their lifestyles to avoid precipitating factors. There is evidence that an oral sucrose load before activity can increase exercise tolerance, but this may not be practical in every circumstance.12 Myoglobinuria and rhabdomyolysis should be treated aggressively by increasing the fluid intake. Careful monitoring of the serum creatine kinase and phosphate levels is essential. Intravenous fluids, furosemide, and hemodialysis are sometimes required.
Phosphorylase b Kinase (Type VIII Glycogenosis)
The serum creatine kinase level is often elevated. Glycogen is deposited within muscle fibers (typically type II), but with normal muscle phosphorylase activity. The diagnosis is confirmed by enzyme assay. Genetic analysis is complex because of the many subunits, and even with exhaustive sequencing of known genes, the results are often negative.13 Management is essentially supportive.
Phosphofructokinase Deficiency (Tarui’s Disease, Type VII Glycogenosis)
Approximately 90 cases of phosphofructokinase deficiency have been described in the literature.13a The disorder has a clinical manifestation similar to that of myophosphorylase deficiency (McArdle’s disease, type V glycogenosis). In both disorders, the forearm ischemic exercise test produces a flat lactate response and a marked rise in ammonia levels. In myophosphorylase deficiency, the rise in venous ammonia can be abolished by infusing 5% dextrose, but in phosphofructokinase deficiency, this causes an even more dramatic rise in the ammonia level. Both disorders show a similar pattern of subsarcolemmal glycogen storage, but pockets of polyglucosan deposits are present in phosphofructokinase deficiency. The diagnosis is confirmed by biochemical assay of the muscle specific isoform of phosphofructokinase, followed by PFK-M gene analysis.14 Management is largely supportive. A high-protein diet may help, and rhabdomyolysis must be treated vigorously.
Phosphoglycerate Kinase Deficiency (Type IX Glycogenosis)
Phosphoglycerate kinase deficiency is an X-linked disorder that can manifest with either prominent myopathic or hemolytic features. A mixed phenotype has been observed, and central nervous system features may include mental retardation and epilepsy. A range of different mutations have been found in the PGK gene.15
Lactate Dehydrogenase Deficiency (Type XI Glycogenosis)
Lactate dehydrogenase deficiency typically manifests with exercise intolerance, myalgia, and, sometimes, a nonitchy erythematous rash on the extensor surfaces of the ankles and feet. The disorder is diagnosed by a biochemical assay of muscle lactate dehydrogenase activity and by mutation analysis of the LDH gene.16
Aldolase Deficiency (Type XII Glycogenosis)
Aldolase deficiency 2004 was described for the first time in one child. It is characterized by rhabdomyolysis, often linked to fever and associated with viral infection, leading to fixed weakness. The diagnosis is confirmed by measuring aldolase activity in skeletal muscle and by mutation analysis of the ALDOA gene.17
β-Enolase Deficiency (Type XIII Glycogenosis)
This enzyme defect has also been described in a single patient, a man with adult-onset exercise intolerance and chronically increased serum creatine kinase.17a The patient was a compound heterozygote for mutations in the ENO3 gene, which encodes β-enolase, the isoform expressed predominantly in skeletal muscle.
Since the first description of carnitine palmitoyltransferase (CPT) deficiency in 1973,18 there has been a steady increase in both the number of different fatty acid oxidation disorders recognized and the number of affected patients identified. Defects involving many of the different enzymes and transport proteins involved in fatty acid oxidation have been described.19
Fatty Acid Oxidation
Mitochondrial fatty acid β-oxidation is especially important in conditions of fasting and exercise.20 The switch from predominantly carbohydrate metabolism in early exercise to fatty acid oxidation depends on several factors, including the intensity of exercise and the relative fitness of the individual.
At the outer mitochondrial membrane, fatty acids are converted into their acyl-coenzyme A (CoA) esters by the ATP-dependent acyl-CoA synthetases (Fig. 88-2). These acyl-CoA esters are then converted into acylcarnitine and free CoA by CPT-I at the outer mitochondrial membrane. The resulting acylcarnitine is then transported across the inner mitochondrial membrane by the carnitine:acylcarnitine translocase in exchange for free carnitine. Once inside the mitochondrial matrix, the acyl-CoA ester is reformed by CPT-II, and carnitine is released for further exchange by the carnitine:acylcarnitine translocase.
The β-oxidation of fatty acids involves the concerted action of a series of four chain length–specific reactions, which remove a molecule of acetyl-CoA (C2) per cycle from the original fatty acid molecule. The fatty acid therefore is eventually completely broken down to acetyl-CoA, which is the main substrate of the citric acid cycle. The first reaction is catalyzed by the acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, a family of flavin adenine dinucleotide–requiring oxidoreductases. The electrons generated by this process are transferred via electron-transfer flavoprotein (ETF) and ETF ubiquinone oxidoreductase to the respiratory chain. Very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD) is responsible for reducing acyl-CoA esters of chain length C12 to C18. Medium-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (MCAD) is responsible for the acyl-CoA esters of chain length C6 to C10, and short-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase for C4 to C6 substrates. Long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase has substrate specificity intermediate between VLCAD and MCAD; this is the least characterized of the enzymes, and its deficiencies have not yet been described.
Clinical Features of Mitochondrial Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders
Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase I Defect
There are three tissue-specific isoforms of CPT-I: the so-called liver (CPT-IA), muscle (CPT-IB), and brain (CPT-IC) isoforms. At present, only patients with deficiency of the liver enzyme have been well documented; they have severe hepatic encephalopathy.21
Carnitine: Acylcarnitine Translocase Defect
These patients usually have severe liver and cardiac problems early in life, but a milder form in which muscle weakness is common has been described.22
Carnitine Palmitoyltransferase II Defect
The myopathic form of this deficiency usually manifests with exercise-induced muscle pain and no involvement of other tissues. A neonatal form is severe and often associated with neonatal death. The difference between the two forms of the disease is related to the degree of residual enzyme activity.21
Very-Long-Chain Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Defect
Severe VLCAD manifests in newborns, but milder defects of this enzyme mimic CPT-II deficiency, with exercise-induced muscle pain.23,24
Trifunctional Protein Deficiency and Isolated Long-Chain L-3-Hydroxyacyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase Deficiency
Although LCHAD is part of the TFP complex, isolated deficiencies of LCHAD and deficiencies of the whole TFP have been described. LCHAD deficiency tends to manifest with profound liver disease and death in infancy. Clinical features may also include cardiomyopathy, myopathy, pigmentary retinopathy, peripheral neuropathy, and sudden death.25 TFP deficiency manifests in a similar manner26 but seems to be less common than isolated LCHAD deficiency, because of a common point mutation in the α subunit (1528G>C) of LCHAD.27