Multiple Sclerosis
Galen W. Mitchell
Islam Zaydan
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a primary demyelinating disease of the CNS. The disorder appears to be immune mediated, although the actual development of the disease and the subsequent clinical course are probably influenced by genetic and environmental factors along with many factors that have not yet been determined. MS is an important neurologic disorder because of its prevalence, chronicity, induced disability, and tendency to affect young adults.
The estimated number of patients with MS in the United States is between 350,000 and 450,000. MS is a disorder of young adults, with the onset of disease most frequently between the ages of 20 and 35 years among women, and 35 and 45 years among men. The prevalence of MS is approximately four times higher among women than among men, and the disease is much more common among white persons than among other races. Although there are no definite Mendelian patterns of inheritance with MS, first-degree relatives of the person with the index case have a 10- to 20-fold increased risk of the disorder. This genetic risk has been borne out in twin studies, in which the monozygotic concordance rate is approximately 30%, compared with 5% for dizygotic twins. HLA studies have shown a subtle but significant correlation between MS and different HLA antigens within various ethnic groups. Two different alleles have been liked to MS, but their actual influence is small. These are HLA-DRB1 and HLA-DQB1. The HLA-DRB1 has the larger effect of these genes, increasing the risk of developing MS 3-fold when present. Recent findings suggest a vitamin D response element to the promoter region of HLA-DRB1. It is suspected that vitamin D specifically interacts with HLA-DRB1 to alter its expression and thereby probably decrease ones susceptibility to develop MS. There are also non-MHC genes that induce a smaller effect. In summary, facts suggest that there is a genetic predisposition toward development of the disorder, but noninherited factors play a more dominant role.
The exact pathogenesis of MS remains elusive, but substantial clinical, laboratory data, and response to immune-modulating therapy suggest an autoimmune process. In immunologic terms, there is blood-brain barrier (BBB) breakdown allowing CD4 TH1 type lymphocytes into the CNS where they secrete inflammatory cytokines resulting in damage of myelin and amplification of the immune response. This damaged myelin is then stripped by a cell such as a macrophage and conduction anomalies develop. Less frequently the offending cell in a CD8 cytotoxic cell, directly damaging the oligodendroglia. Finally, there can be antibodymediated destruction of the myelin, either directly or through activation of complement. B cell contribution will be discussed later in this section. Finally, oligodendrocytes death may occur, with or without apoptosis and support of development or repair of myelin ceases.
Myelin is important for saltatory conduction along the axon. Demyelination frequently occurs in localized areas. The result is a pathologic lesion called a plaque. These plaques are usually located deep in the cerebral white matter, near the ventricles, but they can occur anywhere, including gray matter, cerebellum, brainstem, spinal cord, and proximal nerve roots. This almost limitless variation of distribution is responsible for the variety of clinical presentations. The pathologic appearance of the plaque changes with repeated episodes of demyelination and chronicity. In an early active plaque, there is breakdown of the BBB with demyelination but typically relative sparing of the axons. Perivascular infiltrates of lymphocytes, macrophages, and occasionally plasma cells are present in small veins
and venules. Demyelination may spread outward from the plaque, especially along these vessels. Perivascular and interstitial edema may be prominent. At the edge of the plaque, there is hyperplasia of oligodendrocytes and activated astrocytes. These hyperplastic oligodendrocytes are probably involved in remyelination, but thin myelin sheaths found at electron microscopic examination suggest that this remyelination often is suboptimal and incomplete. In older plaques, oligodendroglia disappear, astrocytes show hypertrophy and hyperplasia (sclerosis), and axonal loss occurs. Evidence is present, by such techniques as MRI spectroscopy and histology studies, that there is substantial axonal dropout, in some patients, even in early disease.
and venules. Demyelination may spread outward from the plaque, especially along these vessels. Perivascular and interstitial edema may be prominent. At the edge of the plaque, there is hyperplasia of oligodendrocytes and activated astrocytes. These hyperplastic oligodendrocytes are probably involved in remyelination, but thin myelin sheaths found at electron microscopic examination suggest that this remyelination often is suboptimal and incomplete. In older plaques, oligodendroglia disappear, astrocytes show hypertrophy and hyperplasia (sclerosis), and axonal loss occurs. Evidence is present, by such techniques as MRI spectroscopy and histology studies, that there is substantial axonal dropout, in some patients, even in early disease.
The contribution of B cells, plasma cells, and antibody wax and wanes in popularity. The recent increase in the importance of B cells partially stems from the highly beneficial effects of rituximab on the disease course.
In MS patients, B cells sometimes appear in clusters or “germinal centers” in the CNS, and these areas appear to correlate with disease progression. At least a portion of these B cell may have been “immortalized” by Epstein-Barr viruses. B cells release inflammatory cytokines that up-regulate T cells and antigen-presenting cells and B cells sometimes become antigenpresenting cells. Antibodies can cause demyelination directly or through complement fixation.
The more recent advances in understanding the pathogenesis of MS involves T regulatory (T REG) cells and dendritic cells (DC). T REG cells are essential for the maintenance of immuno-tolerance, and their dysfunction is associated with the development of organ autoimmunity, as shown in both animals and humans. Data suggest that the dysfunction (temporary or permanent) of suppressor function of certain T REG cells is associated with MS. “Tolerogenic” DCs can modulate the expansion and function of T REG cells during CNS inflammation, or “immunogenic” DCs can induce effector T cell that result in demyelination. This interplay results in homeostasis or disease activity. MS seems to be associated with the dysfunction or impaired maturation of certain T REG-cell and DC populations. In the future, transient or even continuous augmentation of T REG-cell function could develop as an integral component of the therapeutic management of CNS autoimmunity and the course of MS.
Areas of CNS demyelination or plaques can produce conduction abnormalities with delayed or blocked conduction, impaired response to repetitive stimulation, or ephaptic conduction. The first three conduction defects can result in negative signs or symptoms. Depending on the extent of the conduction defect and location of the lesion in the CNS, the patient may have visual loss, numbness, weakness, ataxia, or nearly any loss of function attributable to a CNS lesion. Often the lesion comes and goes in a clinically silent area of the brain, the patient is not aware of any symptoms. Ephaptic conduction may result in positive signs and symptoms, including pain and paroxysmal syndromes. The variations of positive and negative signs and symptoms that may develop, further contribute to the complexity of the clinical disorder.
A. Presenting symptoms.
Patients with MS may present with a variety of neurologic symptoms. The most common symptoms at onset are visual or oculomotor, accounting for 49% of the cases. Next are weakness or a sensory disturbance of one or more limbs, accounting for about 40% of cases. Twenty-three percent of patients come to medical attention with incoordination. Ten percent of patients have genitourinary or bowel dysfunction. Four percent have cerebral dysfunction. These percentages vary between reports.
B. Clinical course.
Approximately 20% to 30% of patients with MS have a benign disorder. Some of these patients have only a few exacerbations; then the disorder appears to resolve. Others, typically with predominately sensory exacerbations, have recurrent events over years, without significant residual defects. More characteristically, all exacerbations do not fully resolve, and neurologic dysfunction accumulates gradually. Approximately 5% of patients have a highly malignant course with severe disability within months to a few years and, in some cases, even within weeks or days.
C. Disease forms.
There are several forms of MS.
The most common form at presentation is relapsing-remitting MS, where neurologic dysfunction builds over days to weeks, reaches a plateau, and resolves over weeks to months. In some cases, the exacerbation is maximal within minutes to hours.
A very small group of patients have only partial or no recovery from the exacerbations, and disability accumulates in a stepwise manner. This disease is called progressiverelapsing MS.
More frequently, patients have relapsing-remitting disease that later becomes linear in progression. This disease form is classified as secondary progressive MS and accounts for most cases of MS later in the disease course.
The last subset accounts for a small number of cases of near linear progression from onset and is called primary progressive MS. The patients are typically older at disease onset, and the dysfunction manifest mainly as insidiously progressive spastic paraparesis with ataxia and bladder dysfunction. Even in the primary progressive form of MS, the condition of a substantial number of patients stabilizes after several years. Regrettably, there may be severe residual disability before stabilization. These patients need to be evaluated carefully for mimicking processes such as a mass, arteriovenous malformation (AVM), mechanical process, chronic infection, connective tissues disease, nutritional disorder, or an inherited spinal cord disorder or cerebellar disease.
D. Prognosis
is difficult to access in patients with newly diagnosed MS. The most reliable prognostic factor is disease form. Patients with discrete exacerbations with significant recovery have the best prognosis. In this group, there is a trend toward better outcome when the onset of disease is at a younger age and the symptoms are restricted to one region of the CNS. This is especially true if the symptoms are predominantly sensory. Patients who begin with the primary progressive disorder usually have an insidiously progressive, but often, a more severe course. These patients usually have disease onset later in life and are more frequently men. Overall, the Kurtzke 5-year rule is reasonably reliable. This states that the absence of significant motor or cerebellar dysfunction at 5 years correlates with limited disability at 15 years.
An accurate diagnosis of MS is extremely important because the disorder mimics many diseases of the CNS. Unfortunately, the diagnosis cannot be achieved reliably through any single paraclinical study. Rather, the entire clinical syndrome must be evaluated with a careful clinical history and examination. Those findings direct further laboratory studies to eliminate other disorders or to support the diagnosis of MS with paraclinical studies such as MRI, evoked potentials (see Chapter 33), and examination of the CSF (see Chapter 33).
A. Clinical aspects of diagnostic importance.
1. Age.
The peak age at disease onset is between 20 and 45 years. It is rare for the disease to start before 14 years of age or after 60 years. Careful consideration must be given to other disorders in patients who have MS-like symptoms in an atypical age group.
2. Character of signs and symptoms.
a. Lesion localization.
Symptoms should suggest a CNS origin. Examples of exceptions include infranuclear cranial nerve palsy or monoradiculopathy due to plaque formation over the exit of the cranial nerve or nerve root within the CNS.
b. Onset features and course.
Most symptoms develop over hours to days, plateau, and then begin to decline. On occasion, the symptoms are maximal within seconds or minutes. Consideration should be given to infarction in these cases, especially if localization suggests a vascular territory. For all but patients with primary progressive MS, the most consistent history is relapses and remissions involving various areas of the CNS at different points in time. The diagnosis of primary progressive disease is more difficult. Presentation with aphasia, dementia, psychosis, acute anxiety, movement disorders, and intense pain is unusual in MS.
3. Differential diagnosis.
Early on, a subset of patients with many CNS disorders have symptoms suggestive of the various disease forms of MS. A partial listing of conditions that may be similar to relapsing remitting MS with symptoms disseminated in space and time include adrenoleukodystrophy, lysosomal disorders, mitochondrial disorders,
CADASIL, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, sarcoidosis, CNS vasculitis, Behçet’s disease, herpes zoster, Lyme’s disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), syphilis, CNS lymphoma, vitamin B12 deficiency, and mass or spinal cord vascular malformations.
CADASIL, systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögren’s syndrome, antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, sarcoidosis, CNS vasculitis, Behçet’s disease, herpes zoster, Lyme’s disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML), syphilis, CNS lymphoma, vitamin B12 deficiency, and mass or spinal cord vascular malformations.
A partial list of disorders sometimes resulting in monoregional CNS involvement includes arachnoid cysts, cervical spondylosis, Chiari’s malformation, syringomyelia, vitamin B12 deficiency, HTLV-I, leukodystrophies, AVMs, paraneoplastic syndromes, and CNS mass lesions. Because of the potential overlapping symptoms and findings, a clinician must always pursue a complete evaluation of patients with suspected MS and try to avoid forcing a diagnosis of MS in the setting of atypical features or findings, unless severe progression requires treatment. Then, if the patient does not respond appropriately to therapy reevaluation should be completed.
Overall, cranial MRI is the most sensitive paraclinical study in the diagnosis of MS. Lesions are most frequently detected with proton density-weighted images (first echo of a T2-weighted sequence) and the fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence (see Chapter 32).
1. Frequency of MRI abnormalities in MS.
a. Definite MS.
85% to 97%.
b. Suspected MS.
60% to 85%.
2. MRI abnormalities.
Images typically reveal multiple focal periventricular areas of increased T2-weighted and FLAIR signals that are irregular in shape and <2.5-cm long. Unfortunately, none of these characteristics are specific to lesions secondary to MS.
Abnormalities more suggestive of demyelination are multiple lesions, some of which are not punctate, but rather >6 mm in diameter. Often signal abnormalities are ovoid and abut perpendicular on the ventricular surface. These are a result of damage from T cell that have migrated out of small blood vessels that are perpendicular to the ventrical and penetrate the parenchyma. The T cells cause a cylinder of demyelination around these vessels with the resultant ovoid appearance on MRI. In MS, it is also common to find lesions involving the corpus callosum and pericallosal, juxtacortical, or infratentorial regions.
Gadolinium-enhancing lesions are transient and reflect local temporary breakdown of the BBB with gadolinium leakage, as occurs in active plaque. The enhancement frequently disappears within 4 to 6 weeks. These contrast-enhanced MR areas reflect acute disease more accurately than do nonenhanced signal anomalies.
T1-weighted sequence lesions (“black holes”), especially if they persist >6 months, correlate better with tissue destruction and subsequent disability.
Atrophy is common in long-standing disease.
A compilation of these above features has been comprised to offer a more accurate radiological diagnosis of MS. The McDonald’s criteria require at least three of any of the following: (a) ≥1 gadolinium-enhancing lesion OR 9 T2-hyperintense lesions if there are no gadolinium-enhancing lesions, (b) ≥1 infratentorial lesion, (c) ≥1 juxtacortical lesion, or (d) ≥3 periventricular lesions. One spinal cord lesion can substitute for one brain lesion.
C. Spinal fluid examination.
The CSF examination is frequently performed in evaluation for MS, especially if the patient’s clinical course or MRI is atypical for the diagnosis. Certain patterns of CSF abnormalities are highly suggestive of the disorder. These patterns are not specific to MS and can be seen with other inflammatory or infectious disorders (see Chapter 33).
The appearance of the CSF and the opening pressure are normal.
2. Cell count.
The RBC count is normal. Mild lymphocytosis is typical; more than onethird of patients have >5 cells per mm3. In the unusual event that >50 cells per mm3 are found, consideration should be given to an infectious process.
3. Protein.
The CSF protein level usually is mildly elevated. More than one-fourth of patients have a protein level >54 mg per dl. A protein of >100 mg per dl is rare.
4. Myelin basic protein (MBP).
Myelin is destroyed in MS plaque. Approximately 30% of CNS myelin is MBP. MBP is released with the destruction of myelin, and its presence in the CSF is one of the most reliable indicators of current demyelination; the level
is proportional to the extent of myelin destruction. This elevated level is seen during the first 2 weeks after a substantial exacerbation in 50% to 90% of patients then disappears with time. MBP is not disease specific and can be seen in any process with myelin destruction, such as infarction or CNS infection.
is proportional to the extent of myelin destruction. This elevated level is seen during the first 2 weeks after a substantial exacerbation in 50% to 90% of patients then disappears with time. MBP is not disease specific and can be seen in any process with myelin destruction, such as infarction or CNS infection.
5. Immunoglobulin.
CSF immunoglobulin levels (primarily IgG, but also IgM and to a lesser extent IgA) are elevated (>12% of total protein) in 60% to 80% of patients with MS. The increase occurs because abundant plasma cells produce immunoglobulin in the brain and spinal cord. A smaller component of immunoglobulin arises from normal transfer from the serum and increased entry through a disturbed BBB.
IgG synthesis rate is a calculated estimate of the rate of synthesis of IgG within the intrathecal space. It increases to >3 mg per day in 80% to 90% of patients with MS, but rarely >130 mg per day. This rate correlates with MRI plaque burden and decreases with corticotropin or glucocorticoid therapy. The rate increases in 12% of healthy persons and in 30% to 50% of patients with CNS infection.
The IgG index is a calculation—(CSF IgG per serum IgG)/(CSF albumin per serum albumin)—that reflects the increased amount of IgG in the intrathecal space. The index is increased (>0.7) in 86% to 94% of patients with MS and often is the first CSF abnormality found in early disease.
6. CSF oligoclonal bands (OCB)
are discrete bands frequently detected in the CSF of patients with MS. Most data indicate that OCBs are not directed against a specific antigen and are not involved in pathogenesis of disease. They are present in 30% to 40% of possible and 90% to 97% of definite cases of MS. OCBs are also present in other chronic inflammatory diseases of the CNS, infectious disorders, and 7% of healthy controls. Although the prevalence of OCBs increases when CSF is sampled later in the course of the disease, these bands are not related to current disease activity or therapy. A few bands are usually present. The presence of a single band usually means very little. The pattern of bands varies among different patients. In a single patient, the pattern tends to be relatively stable with some minor changes and addition of bands over a period of time. The bands in MS usually are seen only in the CSF when paired CSF and sera samples are evaluated simultaneously. This differs from the typically paired OCBs found in many other conditions such as inflammatory neuropathy, neoplasms, or systemic immune response.
D. Evoked potentials
provide electrophysiologic evidence of conduction blocks or delays caused by demyelination. Before the availability of MRI, these studies were important to document widespread lesions. They still play an important role in the diagnosis of MS for some patients.
1. Visual evoked potential (VEP).
Demyelination frequently occurs in the optic nerves and chiasm in patients with MS. Although some patients have symptoms consistent with optic neuritis, others have no associated visual symptoms. In most patients with previous demyelination of the optic nerve, VEPs typically remain abnormal for the duration of the patient’s life. VEPs are abnormal in approximately 40%, 60%, and 85% of possible, probable, and definite cases of MS.
2. Somatosensory evoked potentials
are obtained to detect conduction defects in the somatosensory pathways. They are abnormal in approximately 50%, 70%, and 80% of possible, probable, and definite patients with MS.
3. Brainstem auditory evoked potentials
are obtained to evaluate conduction disturbances in the auditory pathways after auditory stimulation. They are abnormal in approximately 30%, 40%, and 70% of possible, probable, and definite cases of MS.
The complex, highly variable signs and symptoms of MS result in a clinical disorder that often is a challenge to manage. Therapy for MS is both symptomatic and immune modulating. Symptomatic therapy involves management of fatigue, spasticity, neurobehavioral disorders, paroxysmal disorders, pain, bladder dysfunction, and cerebellar dysfunction. Immune-modulating therapies are directed at altering the clinical course. This may involve management of acute exacerbations or the overall progression of the disease.

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