Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system, with a lifetime prevalence of approximately 1 in 800. It typically presents between the ages of 20 and 40 and two-thirds of patients are female. Although the course is highly variable, MS is a progressive and incurable disease. It is responsible for a considerable burden of long-term neurological disability and is the most common chronic neurological disorder in young adults.


Axonal myelination is discussed in Chapter 5. The term demyelination refers to the loss of normally formed myelin and can be classified as primary or secondary:

It is important to distinguish demyelination (loss of structurally normal myelin) from dysmyelination in which the myelin sheath is not normally formed in the first place. Conditions characterized by dysmyelination are usually due to a metabolic abnormality or enzyme deficiency and are often inherited (Clinical Box 14.1).

Clinical features of MS

Multiple sclerosis is usually a relapsing-remitting disorder. Each clinical episode (or relapse) is caused by a focus of demyelination in the brain or spinal cord, which is referred to as a plaque. When a relapse occurs, symptoms typically develop over a few days and gradually resolve over a number of weeks, as the inflammation subsides and the plaques remyelinate to a greater or lesser degree.

Common symptoms

Although plaques can occur anywhere in the brain or spinal cord, including the central visual pathways, some sites are more likely to be affected than others. This means that certain symptoms and signs are more common (Fig. 14.1). The most frequently encountered presenting features are weakness in one or more limbs (40% of cases) and optic neuritis (up to 25% of cases; discussed below).

Loss of vision

Inflammatory demyelination of the optic nerve (termed optic neuritis) is common in MS. This causes blurred vision in one eye, with reduced light and colour perception, combined with retrobulbar pain (discomfort behind the affected eye, exacerbated by movement). In some cases there is a blind spot or scotoma (Greek: scotos, darkness). Symptoms usually resolve completely within a few weeks, but there may be a persistent afferent pupillary defect (Clinical Box 14.2). Optic neuritis can occur as an isolated phenomenon, but 75% of affected individuals will eventually develop multiple sclerosis. Another common visual problem in MS is discussed in Clinical Box 14.3.

image Clinical Box 14.2:   Relative afferent pupillary defect

The pupillary light reflexes (see Ch. 3, Clinical Box 3.11) are often abnormal in patients with MS. Loss of myelin in the optic nerve may reduce the afferent drive to constrict the pupils when light is shone into the affected eye, causing a relative afferent pupillary defect (RAPD). This is demonstrated using the swinging light test. A pen torch shone into the normal eye causes strong constriction of both pupils. Quickly swinging the light across to the abnormal eye generates a weaker afferent drive to the pupil constrictor muscles (relative to the good eye) and both pupils paradoxically dilate slightly in response to the torch beam.

Cognitive and emotional changes

Cognitive, emotional and behavioural changes occur in at least 40% of patients with MS. There may be subtle disturbances in frontal executive function (e.g. attention, working memory, decision-making; see Ch. 3) and a small proportion of patients develop more severe cognitive decline or even dementia (Ch. 12). Euphoria is often described, but depression is more common (seen in up to 50% of patients) and the risk of suicide is also increased. Psychotic features (delusions and hallucinations) are rare.

Temperature sensitivity

Some MS symptoms are exacerbated (or clinically silent lesions unmasked) by an increase in body temperature. This can occur in a number of situations (e.g. a fever, hot bath or vigorous exercise) and is known as Uhthoff’s phenomenon. It is thought that increased temperature prolongs inactivation of voltage-gated sodium channels (see Ch. 6) and therefore increases the chance of conduction failure in partially myelinated or incompletely remyelinated axons.

Course and progression

The course of MS is highly variable and difficult to predict in a particular individual. The main clinical patterns are illustrated in Figure 14.3 and discussed further below.

Primary progressive MS

In primary progressive MS (which occurs in 10–15% of patients) there is steady functional decline from the start of the illness, with gradual accumulation of irreversible neurological deficits. Males and females are equally affected and age at onset is about ten years later than in relapsing-remitting disease, which coincides with the typical age of conversion from relapsing to secondary progressive MS. The most severe subtype is acute multiple sclerosis, also known as the Marburg variant. This is a rare, hyperacute form of MS that usually leads to death within six months (sometimes after only a few weeks).

Diagnosis and management

Diagnosis of MS requires the demonstration of demyelinating central nervous system lesions that are disseminated in both space and time (i.e. more than one clinical episode, affecting at least two regions of the brain, spinal cord or visual pathways). There is no cure at present but a number of disease-modifying agents are available that may reduce relapse frequency and severity (see below).


The diagnosis of multiple sclerosis is primarily clinical, but is confirmed and supported by neuroimaging, serological testing and electrophysiology.


The most sensitive method for demonstrating MS lesions is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), which shows ten times more plaques than clinical episodes (since most lesions are clinically silent).

Demyelinating lesions are well-demonstrated on T2-weighted MRI scans, which highlight increased water content or decreased myelin (fat) content. However, since MS plaques tend to be periventricular, the T2 hyperintensity of normal CSF may make them more difficult to see. This is overcome using a fluid attenuation inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequence, which is similar to T2 but with a suppressed CSF signal (Fig. 14.4).

In patients with clinically definite multiple sclerosis, MRI shows multifocal white matter abnormalities in 95% of cases. Administration of the MRI contrast agent gadolinium is useful for demonstrating acute (active) lesions. This correlates with breakdown of the blood–brain barrier (see Ch. 5) in areas of active inflammation and demyelination.

Oligoclonal bands

The CNS inflammatory response in multiple sclerosis is associated with synthesis of antibodies (immunoglobulins) in the brain and spinal cord. It is therefore possible to detect antibodies in the CSF that are not present in peripheral blood. A sample of CSF is obtained by lumbar puncture (see Ch. 1, Clinical Box 1.3) and a specimen of venous blood is taken at the same time, for comparison. The two specimens are run on an electrophoretic gel to look for bands indicating the presence of type G immunoglobulins (IgG) that are only present in the CSF (which is indicative of CNS inflammation). These are known as oligoclonal bands (OCBs) and are found in 90% of people with MS (Fig. 14.5).

Visual evoked potentials

Decreased conduction speed in the central visual pathways can be demonstrated in the majority of patients with MS by obtaining visual evoked potentials (VEPs). Scalp electrodes record electrical activity in the occipital cortex in response to a changing visual stimulus such as an alternating chequerboard pattern. The stimulus-response sequence is repeated many times and averaged (to increase the signal-to-noise ratio). This reveals a characteristic positive wave in the visual cortex at 100 milliseconds (the P100 wave) which is delayed by 30–40 milliseconds in 95% of people with MS (Fig. 14.6).


There is no cure for MS and the treatment is mainly supportive. Acute relapses are usually managed with a 3–5-day course of high-dose intravenous corticosteroids (e.g. methylprednisolone) or sometimes oral prednisolone. This has an immunosuppressive effect that shortens relapses and provides symptomatic relief, but does not improve long-term outcome.

Disease-modifying drugs (DMDs)

Several disease-modifying agents are licensed for use in MS, but are mainly suitable for relapsing-remitting disease, with little effect once the patient has entered the progressive phase. Although disease-modifying agents are not curative, they do reduce relapse frequency and severity by up to two thirds. First-line treatment in MS includes (i) interferon beta and (ii) glatiramer acetate.

Interferon beta

Interferons are cytokines (inflammatory mediators) that influence immune responses and interfere with viral replication. The mechanism of action in MS is not certain, but interferons are known to have immune modulating and anti-inflammatory properties. Neuroimaging studies show that they reduce the number of inflammatory CNS lesions by more than 50%.

Two forms of interferon beta are used in the treatment of MS: Interferon beta-1a (administered by intramuscular or subcutaneous injection) and interferon beta-1b (administered subcutaneously). Side effects include flu-like symptoms (muscle aches, fever, chills and malaise) for 24–48 hours after injection. In the longer term, there is a risk of liver function abnormalities and immunosuppression (reduced white blood cell count). Interferons are not recommended for children or for women who are pregnant or breast feeding.


This is a monoclonal antibody (immunoglobulin G, IgG) which is given by intravenous injection every 28 days. Clinical trials show that it reduces the number of relapses by about two-thirds. Natalizumab recognizes an adhesion molecule called α4 integrin which binds to a vascular cell adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) on endothelial cells. This is designed to prevent leukocytes from binding to blood vessels, reducing the number of chronic inflammatory cells entering the CNS from the bloodstream. Side effects include headache, nausea, vomiting and skin rash. In rare cases it has been associated with an acute white matter disorder: progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) (Clinical Box 14.4).

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Jun 19, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Multiple sclerosis

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