Neoplasms of the Brain

Chapter 3 Neoplasms of the Brain

The World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumors of the brain remains the worldwide standard. Members of the International Society of Neuropathology, International Academy of Pathology, and Preuss Foundation for Brain Tumor Research met in Lyon, France, and subsequently produced the most widely used classification of brain tumors, one that we will share with you in this book.

The essential distinction that a neuroradiologist must make is whether a lesion is intra-axial (intraparenchymal) or extra-axial (outside the brain substance; i.e., meningeal, dural, epidural, or intraventricular). This distinction has been made easier by the multiplanar capabilities of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. The quintessential and most common extra-axial mass is the meningioma, a readily treatable and diagnosable lesion. The meningioma is not only extra-axial, but also intradural. Extra-axial intradural lesions buckle the white matter, expand the ipsilateral subarachnoid space, and sometimes cause reactive bony changes. On MR scans you can visualize the dural margin and determine that the lesion is extra-axial. The prototypical extradural (epidural) extra-axial mass, a bone metastasis, displaces the dura inward (is superficial to the dural coverings) but otherwise may have the same contour as an intradural extra-axial mass (Fig. 3-1).

When you are confronted with a solitary intra-axial mass in an adult, the odds are nearly even that the lesion is either a solitary metastasis or a primary brain tumor. Fifty percent of metastases to the brain are solitary, so the lack of multiplicity should not dissuade you from considering a metastasis in the setting of a single intra-axial lesion. You can classify a lesion as intra-axial if (1) it expands the cortex of the brain; (2) there is no expansion of the subarachnoid space; (3) the lesion spreads across well-defined boundaries; and (4) the hypointense dura and pial blood vessels are peripheral to the mass.

Occasionally, the distinction between intra-axial and extra-axial lesions may be blurred, because some extra-axial lesions (aggressive meningiomas, dural metastases) may aggressively invade the underlying brain. Conversely, an intra-axial lesion may invade the meninges. Although the latter is somewhat atypical, it has been described in neoplasms such as lymphoma, glioblastoma multiforme, and parenchymal metastases.

You must localize a lesion as intra-axial or extra-axial so your differential diagnosis will be relevant. Once you have made that decision, you must appreciate its other qualities: its shape (margination), its consistency (solid, hemorrhagic, calcified, fatty, cystic), its colors (density and intensity), and its enhancement. These are the secondary features in intra-axial and extra-axial lesions that allow you to arrive at the specific diagnosis.


Tumors of the Meninges


Meningiomas constitute the most common extra-axial neoplasm of the brain (Box 3-1). This lesion commonly affects middle-aged women. However, because of its incidence, it represents a significant proportion of the extra-axial neoplasms in men and in adults of all age groups. The most common locations for meningioma (in descending order) are the parasagittal dura, convexities, sphenoid wing, cerebellopontine angle cistern, olfactory groove, and planum sphenoidale. Ninety percent occur supratentorially. One percent of meningiomas occur outside the central nervous system (CNS), presumably from embryologic arachnoid rests. The most common sites for these “extradural” meningiomas are the sinonasal cavity, parotid gland, deep tissues, and skin. Because meningiomas arise from arachnoid cap cells, they can occur anywhere that arachnoid exists.

On unenhanced computed tomography (CT) scans, approximately 60% of meningiomas are slightly hyperdense compared with normal brain tissue (Fig. 3-2). You may see calcification within meningiomas in approximately 20% of cases. Rarely, cystic, osteoblastic, chondromatous, or fatty degeneration of meningiomas occurs. The specific histologic subtypes of meningioma—transitional, fibroblastic, and syncytial—cannot be readily distinguished on imaging.

Magnetic resonance imaging is superior to CT in detecting the full extent of meningiomas, sinus invasion or thrombosis, vascularity, intracranial edema, and intraosseous extension. The typical MR signal intensity characteristics of meningiomas consist of isointensity to slight hypointensity relative to gray matter on the T1-weighted image (T1WI) and isointensity to hyperintensity relative to gray matter on the T2-weighted image (T2WI). The “cleft sign” has been described in MR to identify extra-axial intradural lesions such as meningiomas. The cleft usually contains one or more of the following: (1) cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) between the lesion and the underlying brain parenchyma, (2) hypointense dura (made of fibrous tissue), and (3) marginal blood vessels trapped between the lesion and the brain. One may see vascular flow voids on MR within and around a meningioma. Avid enhancement after contrast is also seen (Fig. 3-3), but occasionally meningiomas may have necrotic centers or calcified portions, which may not enhance. With MR you may be able to identify the dural tail, enhancement of the dura trailing off away from the lesion in crescentic fashion, which is typical of meningiomas and has been exhibited in up to 72% of cases (Fig. 3-4). There has been a debate in the radiologic literature as to whether the dural tail always represents neoplastic infiltration of the meninges by the meningioma or, alternatively, a reactive fibrovascular proliferation of the underlying meninges. In the typical situation where a differential diagnosis of vestibular schwannoma, meningioma, or fifth nerve schwannoma is debated, the dural tail may be a useful sign to suggest meningioma rather than other diagnoses (Table 3-1). The dural tail is not usually seen with schwannomas, although dural metastases may demonstrate a similar finding.

Table 3-1 Differential Diagnosis of Meningioma versus Schwannoma

Feature Meningioma Schwannoma
Dural tail Frequent Extremely rare
Bony reaction Osteolysis or hyperostosis Rare
Angle made with dura Obtuse Acute
Calcification 20% Extremely rare
Cyst/necrosis formation Rare Up to 10%
Enhancement Uniform Inhomogeneous in 32%
Extension into the internal auditory canal Rare 80%
MRS Alanine Taurine, GABA
Precontrast CT attenuation Hyperdense Isodense
Hemorrhage Rare Somewhat more common

CT, computed tomography; GABA, gamma-aminobutyric acid; MRS, magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Meningiomas may encase and narrow adjacent vessels. This finding helps in the sella region, because pituitary adenomas, the other culprit in this location, virtually never narrow the cavernous carotid artery.

The degree of parenchymal edema is variable in meningiomas. Although it is true that larger meningiomas tend to have a greater degree of parenchymal edema, there are exceptions, in which smaller meningiomas incite a large amount of white matter edema. The degree of edema seems to correlate with location, because meningiomas adjacent to the cerebral cortex tend to incite greater edema than those along the basal cisterns or planum. Edema associated with meningiomas may be caused by compressive ischemia, venous stasis, aggressive growth, or parasitization of pial vessels. Venous sinus occlusion or venous thrombosis can also cause intraparenchymal edema from a meningioma.

Intraosseous meningiomas may appear as expansions of the inner and outer tables of the calvarium or may even extend into the scalp soft tissues (Fig. 3-5). No dural component may be present at all. This type of meningioma strongly resembles a blastic osseous metastasis. Intraventricular meningiomas typically occur around the choroid plexus (80%) in the trigone of the lateral ventricle and have a distinct propensity for the left lateral ventricle (Fig. 3-6). Only 15% of intraventricular meningiomas occur in the third ventricle, and 5% occur in the fourth ventricle. Intraventricular meningiomas calcify in 45% to 68% of cases, and their frequency is higher in children. Multiple meningiomas are associated with neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF-2).

Bony changes associated with meningiomas may be hyperostotic or osteolytic and occur in 20% to 46% of cases. Hyperostosis is particularly common when the tumor is at the skull base or anterior cranial fossa, and here it may resemble fibrous dysplasia or Paget disease. The presence of bony reaction may be a helpful feature to distinguish meningiomas from other extra-axial masses, particularly schwannomas, which do not elicit a bony reaction. Bony changes, according to the neuropathology literature, may be due to actual tumor infiltration of the marrow space with osteoblastic metaplasia or merely due to the involved dura inciting hypervascularity of the periosteum and subsequent benign osteogenesis. Therefore, if the hyperostosis is along the inner table only, you cannot say whether it is due to neoplastic invasion or reactive changes. If the outer table is transgressed, tumor is most likely.

Meningiomas are one of the few tumors where angiography still may play an important role. Meningiomas diagnostically appear as lesions with an angiographic stain (tumor blush) and have both dural and pial blood supply. The characteristics of the stain are classically compared with an unwanted guest who comes early and stays late. Depending on the location of the tumor, you may have to perform internal carotid, external carotid, and vertebral injections (Table 3-2). In the typical convexity or sphenoid wing meningioma, the middle meningeal artery is enlarged (seen by primitive radiologists before angiography as enlarged meningeal grooves on the lateral skull film). At present preoperative embolization of meningiomas is sometimes performed to decrease the vascularity of the tumor. Make your referring neurosurgeon’s day by decreasing the intraoperative blood loss. Polyvinyl alcohol particles are most commonly used as the embolant (100 to 250 micromillimeters in size), but Gelfoam, cyanoacrylate, and trisacryl gelatin microspheres (Embospheres) are also employed by some.

Table 3-2 Blood Supply to Meningiomas

Location of Meningioma Commonly Seen Blood Supply (Origin of Vessel)

Sphenoid wing Middle meningeal artery (ECA)
Tentorium and cerebellopontine angle Tentorial artery (artery of Bernasconi-Casanari) from meningohypophyseal trunk (ICA)
Olfactory groove Branches from ophthalmic artery
Foramen magnum and clivus

Posterior fossa dura and falx cerebelli Posterior meningeal artery (vertebral and MMA or ascending pharyngeal branches)

ECA, external carotid artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; MMA, middle meningeal artery.

Skull base meningiomas in particular often require preoperative embolization. The skull base is the one region where meningiomas can become unresectable because of collateral damage to vital structures (e.g., the cranial nerves and carotid artery in the cavernous sinus meningioma, the vertebrobasilar vessels for foramen magnum lesions, the optic nerves at the optic canal).

On magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), meningiomas are characterized by high levels of alanine and absent N-acetyl aspartate (NAA). No glutamine is seen. One can use the presence of taurine or gamma-aminobutyric acid in schwannomas to distinguish meningiomas from schwannomas.

Mesenchymal Meningeal Tumors

As noted in Box 3-1, there are a number of mesenchymal tumors that can affect the meninges. These are all relatively rare lesions, which may have either osseous (e.g., osteoma, osteosarcoma), chondroid (e.g., chondroma, chondrosarcoma), muscular (e.g., leiomyoma, rhabdomyosarcoma), fatty (e.g., lipoma, liposarcoma), or fibrous (e.g., fibroma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma) matrices associated with them. If you remember that the fibrous falx can be ossified (with bone and marrow fat), you can recall these tumors more readily.

Tumors of Neurogenic Origin


The three neurogenic tumors (schwannomas, neurofibromas, and neuromas), are similar in appearance. Histologically schwannomas arise from the perineural Schwann cells. These cells may differentiate into fibroblastic or myelin-producing cells. Two types of tissue may be seen with schwannomas: Antoni A and Antoni B tissue. The Antoni A tissue consists of densely packed palisades of fibrous and neural tissue and typically has a darker signal on T2WI because of the compactness of the fibrils. Antoni B tissue is a looser, myxomatous tissue that is typically brighter on T2WI. Note that, depending on the degree of Antoni A and B tissue within schwannomas, the signal intensity of these lesions may directly simulate that of meningiomas. Other terms used for schwannomas include neurilemmomas and neurinomas, but the most accurate term is schwannoma.

Cellular, plexiform, and melanotic varieties of schwannomas have been described. Fifty percent of patients with psammomatous melanotic schwannomas have Carney complex, a syndrome characterized by facial pigmentation, cardiac myxomas, and endocrinologic disorders, including Cushing syndrome, acromegaly, pheochromocytoma, or adrenal hyperplasia (NAME syndrome: nevi, atrial myxoma, mucinosis of skin, and endocrine overactivity). More than 10% of melanotic schwannomas may become malignant. Malignant schwannomas may also be seen in patients with NF-1.

The distinction between meningiomas and schwannomas is a common one that radiologists must make (see Table 3-1). In some instances it is impossible to distinguish between the two. Both meningiomas and schwannomas may track along the course of the nerves; therefore the extent of the tumor is not helpful in distinguishing the two. As described previously, the dural tail is a helpful sign in suggesting a diagnosis of meningioma. In 81% of cases the border of a vestibular schwannoma makes an acute angle with the petrous bone; meningiomas usually make an obtuse angle. A curious finding has been described with vestibular schwannomas; arachnoid cysts coexist in 7% to 10% of cases, usually with the larger tumors (Fig. 3-7). These must be distinguished from cystic degeneration (and preponderance of Antoni B tissue) of the tumor, which is also a frequent phenomenon. Schwannomas may therefore be very bright on a T2WI, unusual for meningiomas. Vestibular schwannomas show microhemorrhages on susceptibility weighted scans in a high proportion—something absent in meningiomas.

One of the features distinguishing vestibular schwannomas from meningiomas is the expansion of the internal auditory canal (IAC) seen in schwannomas. The porus acusticus (the bony opening of the IAC to the cerebellopontine angle cistern) is typically flared and enlarged with vestibular schwannomas, whereas the amount of tissue seen in the IAC with meningiomas is usually small or absent. Vestibular schwannomas account for more than 90% of purely intracanalicular lesions, but only 5% to 17% of them are solely intracanalicular (Fig. 3-8). Approximately 10% to 20% of vestibular schwannomas present only in the cerebellopontine angle cistern without an IAC stem (Box 3-2). Approximately 75% of vestibular schwannomas have a canalicular and cisternal portion (Fig. 3-9).

On MR, schwannomas are usually isointense to slightly hypointense compared with pontine tissue on all pulse sequences. Enhancement is nearly always evident and homogeneous in approximately 70% of cases. Peritumoral edema may be seen in one third of cases, usually in the larger schwannomas. Less common features of schwannomas include calcification, cystic change, and hemorrhage. Subarachnoid hemorrhage is a rare presentation of vestibular schwannomas. Hydrocephalus may occur due to mass effect or obstruction of CSF outflow at the arachnoid villi level from “humours” from the “tumours.”

Schwannomas occur most commonly along cranial nerve VIII. The superior vestibular branch of cranial nerve VIII is the most common origin of the vestibular schwannoma (not “acoustic neuromas”), slightly more common than the inferior vestibular nerve. Nonetheless, patients typically have hearing loss. After lesions of cranial nerve VIII, schwannomas of cranial nerves VII (Fig. 3-10) and V are the most common site of intracranial neurogenic tumors, although ANY cranial nerve may be involved (Fig. 3-11).

Postoperatively, it is not unusual to see linear gadolinium enhancement in the IAC after vestibular schwannoma resection as dural reaction. This can be followed expectantly. For those cases with progressive, nodular, or masslike enhancement, more careful follow-up is required to exclude recurrence.

Trigeminal schwannomas may arise anywhere along the pathway from the pons to Meckel’s cave to the cavernous sinus, to and beyond the exit foramina (ovale, rotundum, and superior orbital fissure). Outside the brain, the schwannomas of cranial nerve V most commonly occur along the second division. These tumors present with facial pain that is burning in nature.

Jugular schwannomas more commonly grow intracranially than extracranially and typically smoothly erode the jugular foramen. The border of the bone is sclerotic, as opposed to the paraganglioma, which has a much more irregular and nonsclerotic margin. Schwannomas compress the jugular vein, whereas paragangliomas (glomus jugulare tumors) invade the vein. Growth into the posterior fossa is the rule. Jugular foramen schwannomas most commonly present with hearing loss and vertigo rather than cranial nerve IX symptoms. Whether the schwannoma arises from one cranial nerve or the next, the imaging appearance is similar.


Dural Metastases

Dural metastases usually spread out along the dura as hematogenously disseminated en plaque lesions from extracranial primary tumors (Fig. 3-12). Lung, breast, and prostate cancer, as well as melanoma, are known to produce dural metastases. Some of the dural metastases may arise from spread of adjacent bone metastases. Breast carcinoma is the most common neoplasm to be associated with purely dural metastases. Lymphoma is next most common but is unique in that the dural lymphoma may be the primary focus of the neoplasm (Fig. 3-13). Dural plasmacytomas will look nearly identical to dural lymphoma (Fig. 3-14). In children dural metastases are most commonly associated with adrenal neuroblastomas and leukemia. These tumors are also famous for lodging in the cranial sutures, widening them in an infant.

Occasionally, one can identify an adjacent parenchymal metastasis with dural spread (Fig. 3-15); alternatively, an osseous-dural metastasis (breast, prostate primaries) occasionally invades the parenchyma (Fig. 3-16). On MR the T1WI and T2WI characteristics are variable; however, typically the lesion is hypointense on T1WI and hyperintense on T2WI (Fig. 3-17 as an exception to the rule). On CT these lesions are identified as isodense thickening of the meninges. Contrast enhancement is prominent. This is a diagnosis where contrast-enhanced T1WI or fluid-attuenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) scans can readily demonstrate the abnormality.

Inflammatory lesions that may simulate dural metastases include granulomatous infections (mycobacterial, syphilitic, and fungal), Erdheim-Chester disease, sarcoidosis, and Langerhans cell histiocytosis.

Subarachnoid Seeding

Usually one is dealing with tiny nodules of implanted tumor seedings. When the process is diffuse we use the term sugar-coating of the subarachnoid space because the whole pial surface is studded with sugar granules. A combination of sugar-coating and focal nodules may also occur. Subarachnoid seeding may occur with primary CNS tumors or primary tumors of other origins (Table 3-3). Lymphoma and leukemia are the most common tumors to seed the CSF. However, because they only rarely invade the meninges and do not incite reactions in the CNS, lymphomatous clusters are infrequently identified by neuroimaging techniques; the diagnosis is usually made by multiple spinal taps for CSF sampling. CSF seeding is associated with a mean survival of 1 to 2 months without and 6 to 10 months with treatment. The differential diagnosis could include arachnoiditis, Guillain-Barré syndrome, sarcoidosis, infectious granulomatous meningitides, Lyme disease, and cytomegalic inclusion virus (CMV) radiculitis.

Table 3-3 Sources of Subarachnoid Seeding

CNS Primary Non-CNS Primary
Medulloblastoma (PNET) Leukemia/lymphoma
Ependymoma (blastoma = PNET) Neuroblastoma
Pineal region tumors  
Malignant astrocytomas  
Choroid plexus papilloma  
Glioblastoma multiforme Leukemia/lymphoma
Primary CNS lymphoma Breast
Oligodendroglioma Lung

PNET, primitive neuroectodermal tumor.

When a lesion has spread to the subarachnoid space, you may see it only on contrast-enhanced studies, and MR is much more sensitive than CT. However, unenhanced and enhanced FLAIR imaging has been shown to be increasingly effective at identifying subarachnoid disease, including metastatic disease. The malignant cells in the CSF or the associated elevated protein in the CSF will cause the usually low signal of CSF to be bright on a FLAIR scan. Although this may be a difficult diagnosis to make in the basal cisterns where “f” (FLAIR and flow) artifacts abound, the presence of such high signal over the convexities implies subachnoid seeding, subarachnoid hemorrhage, or meningeal inflammation. FLAIR may even be positive in lymphoma and leukemia, where enhanced scans fail most dramatically. FLAIR with contrast enhancement increases the yield even higher!

The typical locations where one identifies subarachnoid seeding are at the basal cisterns, in the interpeduncular cistern, at the cerebellopontine angle cistern, along the course of cranial nerves, and over the convexities (Fig. 3-18). One may see various manifestations of subarachnoid seeding, including the sugar-coated linear appearance to the enhancement of the surface of the brain (especially cerebellum) and spinal cord, or a nodular appearance of tumor deposits on nerve roots, both cranial and spinal. Often one identifies a peripheral intraparenchymal metastasis contiguous with the dural surface of the brain, from which cells are shed into the CSF. With subarachnoid seeding secondary hydrocephalus may be present.

The other terms you will see for the same entity include meningeal carcinomatosis or carcinomatous meningitis. Clinically the patients present with multiple cranial neuropathies, radiculopathies, or mental status changes secondary to hydrocephalus or meningeal irritation. The cranial neuropathies may be irreversible. Although an initial CSF sample is positive in only 50% to 60% of cases, by performing multiple taps the positive cytology (and headache) rate approaches 95%. Patient survival is usually less than 6 months with this finding except in cases of hematologic malignancies. Breast cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma are the most common non-CNS primaries to seed the CSF.

Choroid Plexus Masses

Choroid Plexus Papilloma

Choroid plexus papillomas (WHO grade I) comprise 3% of intracranial tumors in children and 10% to 20% of those presenting in the first year of life. Eighty-six percent of these tumors are seen in patients less than 5 years old. In children 80% occur at the trigone or atria of the lateral ventricles; in adults they are usually seen in the fourth ventricle. Overall, 43% are located in the lateral ventricle, 39% the fourth ventricle, 11% the third ventricle, and 7% in the cerebellopontine angle cistern. Multiple sites are present in 3.7% of cases. If they are seen at the foramen of Luschka, it may be due to extension from the fourth ventricle or the cerebellopontine angle cistern, or from primary involvement in this location from a choroidal tuft. Simian virus 40 (SV40) has been implicated in the evolution of these tumors. This same virus has been implicated in ependymomas.

The tumors present with hydrocephalus and papilledema caused by overproduction of CSF (four to five times normal) or obstructive hydrocephalus caused by tumor, hemorrhage, high-protein CSF, or adhesions obstructing the ventricular outlets. Lately, the obstructionists have gained the majority from the overproductionists as far as the explanation for hydrocephalus. Calcification occurs in 20% to 25% of cases, and hemorrhage in the tumor is seen even more frequently than calcification. Choroid papillomas are typically hyperdense on unenhanced CT, with a mulberry appearance. Tumors are usually of low signal on T1WI and mixed intensity on T2WI unless hemorrhage has occurred. These tumors enhance dramatically (Fig. 3-19). Between the calcification, flow voids, and hemorrhage, the tumor has a heterogeneous appearance, sometimes with a salt-and-pepper appearance from vessel supply.

Nonneoplastic Masses


There is some confusion involved with putting epidermoids and dermoids into a “tumor” chapter because most people think of these lesions as congenital epidermal inclusion cysts and dermal inclusion cysts. They really are not truly neoplastic and merely reflect two entities of ectodermal origin, one with just desquamated skin (epidermoid) and one with skin appendages such as hair follicles and sebaceous cysts (dermoid). Epidermoids and dermoids grow slowly and are histologically benign. Teratomas, usually lumped in the same category, are true neoplasms of multipotential germ cells, however. So despite their variable origins, we have placed these lesions in the neoplasm chapter to be consistent with other authors.

Epidermoids are collections of epithelium with desquamated debris (keratin and cholesterin) resulting from inclusion of ectodermal rests at the time of neural tube closure early in embryonic development. The walls are lined by simple stratified squamous epithelium, and the lesion has a pearly appearance. Men and women are affected equally, with a peak incidence in the 20- to 40-year age range. Epidermoids often occur in the cerebellopontine angle cistern (where they may present with trigeminal neuralgia and facial paralysis), the suprasellar cistern, the prepontine cistern, or the pineal region (Fig. 3-21). Extradural epidermoids are nine times less common than intradural ones and can arise within the diploic space, the petrous bone, and the temporal bone, where they appear as well-defined bony lesions with sclerotic borders (Fig. 3-22).

Epidermoids are typically of low density on CT. This is to be distinguished from dermoids or teratomas, which may have fat, bone, calcification, or other dermal appendages associated with them. Epidermoids expand to fill the interstices of the CSF space. An epidermoid is a lesion that is quite aggressive in insinuating itself around normal brain structures and often has scalloped borders. CT demonstrates a nonenhancing lobulated lesion. Sometimes epidermoids are hard to distinguish from arachnoid cysts, particularly in the cerebellopontine angle cistern (Table 3-4). Classically, epidermoids do not enhance. A stereotypical appearance on CT is that of displacement of the brain stem posteriorly by what appears to be just a dilated cistern anteriorly (see Fig. 3-21). In fact, this cistern is really a CSF density epidermoid with mass effect.

Table 3-4 Differentiation of Epidermoid and Arachnoid Cyst

Characteristic Arachnoid Cyst Epidermoid
CT density CSF Slightly higher than CSF
Margins Smooth Scalloped
Calcification No 25%
Blood vessel involvement Deviates Insinuates between vessels
Intrathecal contrast May take up but can be delayed No uptake, defines borders
Characteristic on MR sequence sensitive to CSF pulsation(steady-state free precession) Pulsates Does not pulsate
Diffusion Dark Bright
ADC Increased Decreased
FLAIR Dark Bright

ADC, apparent diffusion coefficient; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; CT, computed tomo-graphy; FLAIR, fluid-attenuated inversion recovery; MR, magnetic resonance.

Magnetic resonance has been very helpful in distinguishing between epidermoids and arachnoid cysts, a distinction that is sometimes blurred on CT. On MR these lesions are hypointense on T1WI and hyperintense on T2WI, similar to CSF. The advent of FLAIR imaging has made this an easy diagnosis because epidermoids are bright on FLAIR, whereas arachnoid cysts are as dark as CSF. On DWI these lesions are usually very bright and easily distinguishable from arachnoid cysts, which are dark on DWI. Once again, the lesion does not demonstrate enhancement unless it has been previously operated or secondarily infected. Rarely, epidermoids may be bright on T1WI—this usually is due to high protein and viscosity in the lesion.


The high intensity of fat and signal void of calcification on T1WI suggests a diagnosis of a dermoid or teratoma (Fig. 3-23). Dermal appendages, such as hair follicles, sebaceous glands, and sweat glands, are found histologically in dermoid cysts. These lesions more typically occur in the midline as opposed to epidermoids, which are generally off the midline. Male patients are more commonly affected, and patients are younger than those with epidermoids. The presence of fat may be suggested by an MR chemical shift artifact seen as a hyperintense and hypointense rim at the borders of the lesion in the frequency-encoding direction. Fat suppression scans decrease the intensity on T1WI (see Fig. 3-23C). The possibility of a ruptured dermoid should be considered when multiple fat particles are seen scattered on an MR or when lipid is detected in the CSF. (Rule out Pantopaque droplets.) Usually the lesions are very well defined.


Lipomas also probably should not be placed in a chapter on neoplasms because they are most frequently developmental or congenital abnormalities associated with abnormal development of the meninx primitiva, a derivative of the neural crest. Lipomas are particularly common in association with agenesis of the corpus callosum, and 60% are associated with some type of congenital anomaly of the associated neural elements (see Fig. 9-19). The most common intracranial sites for lipomas are the pericallosal region, the quadrigeminal plate cistern, the suprasellar cistern, and the cerebellopontine angle cistern. Because the tissue is histologically normal but located in an abnormal site, lipomas should best be termed choristomas, not neoplasms. Fat defines the lipoma; look for low density on CT, high intensity on T1WI, and low intensity on conventional T2WI that suppresses even further when fat suppression techniques are applied.


The category of gliomas of the brain includes astrocytomas, glioblastoma multiforme (GBM), oligodendrogliomas, ependymomas, subependymomas, medulloblastomas, neuroblastomas, gangliocytomas, and gangliogliomas. Do not lump all tumors under the umbrella of “glioma.” When you mean to, say “astrocytoma.”

Of all intra-axial neoplasms, GBMs account for roughly 25%, astrocytomas 9%, ependymomas 2.5%, medulloblastomas 2.5%, oligodendrogliomas 2.4%, and gangliogliomas 1%. Metastases account for 35% to 40% of intracranial neoplasms.

We follow the WHO classification of brain tumors in our description of imaging findings in this chapter. We begin with astrocytomas.


The grading of astrocytomas by pathology groups is variable, but the latest WHO classification separates astrocytomas into circumscribed astrocytomas (grade I), diffuse astrocytomas (grade II), anaplastic astrocytomas (grade III), and GBM (grade IV) on the basis of histologic criteria (Box 3-4) and gross/imaging appearance. Circumscribed lesions include the pilocytic astrocytomas, subependymal giant cell astrocytomas, and pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma (PXA). Fibrillary, gemistocytic, and protoplasmic astrocytomas are classified as diffuse grade II tumors. Then come the nasties—anaplastic astrocytoma and GBM—that are of the highest grade. Syndromes associated with astrocytomas are listed in Box 3-5.

Grade I: Circumscribed Astrocytomas

Juvenile Pilocytic Astrocytoma

Cerebellar juvenile pilocytic astrocytomas (JPAs) are the most common infratentorial neoplasm in the pediatric age group and are classified as a WHO grade I astrocytic tumor (Table 3-5). They are seen in children. They are benign. They have a solid central piece and a separate peripheral portion. In general, pilocytic astrocytomas are well outlined from normal brain, are usually round, and usually are not ominous in appearance (Fig. 3-24). The lesions, when removed completely, are associated with an excellent prognosis (5-year survival rate >90%). Sixty percent of pilocytic astrocytomas occur in the posterior fossa, but they also favor the optic pathways and hypothalamus. Anaplasia is less common when the tumor is cystic than solid; therefore, the prognosis varies according to tumor morphology. The typical cerebellar astrocytoma in the pediatric age group is cystic (60% to 80%), whereas in older patients it is more likely to be solid. A mural nodule may be present with a similar appearance to the hemangioblastomas of adults. Occasionally the astrocytomas in the posterior fossa are solid, without a cystic component, and may simulate other pediatric posterior fossa masses (Table 3-6).

Table 3-5 WHO Classification of Astrocytic Tumors

Tumor Grade Peak Age (years)
Pilocytic astrocytoma I 0–20
Subependymal giant cell astrocytoma I 10–20
Pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma II 10–20
Diffuse astrocytoma II 30–40
Fibrillary II 30–40
Protoplasmic II 30–40
Gemistocytic II 30–40
Anaplastic astrocytoma III 35–50
Glioblastoma IV 50–70
Giant cell glioblastoma IV 40–50
Gliosarcoma IV 50–70

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