Neurodegenerative Diseases and Hydrocephalus

Chapter 8 Neurodegenerative Diseases and Hydrocephalus

The debate over whether a patient has atrophy or hydrocephalus has consumed an enormous number of pages in the neuroradiologic literature and whole sessions of national meetings. Why the fuss? Well, the implications as far as prognosis and treatment are vastly different between the two, so accurate distinction is essential.

Let us start with the basics. Atrophy reflects the loss of brain tissue, be it cortical, subcortical, or deep. With the loss of cell bodies in the cortex (gray matter), axonal wallerian degeneration occurs with white matter atrophy or demyelination. Selective atrophy of the white matter may also occur with perivascular small-vessel insults. Generally, there is no treatment for atrophy; what’s gone is gone. Therefore, beware of overcalling atrophy. Remember that certain drugs (steroids) or metabolic states (dehydration, alcoholism) may cause an appearance of increased cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) spaces, suggesting atrophy, but are potentially reversible (Box 8-1).

Until you have a good sense of what the normal brain looks like at all ages, be hesitant to label a brain “atrophic.” You should use the terms age-related involutional changes or volume loss appropriate for age. Normally functioning elderly persons may get offended (if not litigious) at the neuroradiologist who labels their brains “atrophic.” There is a spectrum of normal brain parenchymal volume for any age (Fig. 8-1). Remember also that men have more prominent sulci at most ages than women.

Hydrocephalus reflects expansion of the ventricular system from increased intraventricular pressure, which is in most cases caused by abnormal cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) hydrostatic mechanics. Hydrocephalus may be due to three presumed causes: (1) overproduction of CSF, (2) obstruction at the ventricular outlet level, or (3) obstruction at the arachnoid villi level, leading to poor resorption of CSF back into the intravascular space. Although atrophy and hydrocephalus often share the finding of dilatation of the ventricular system, the prognostic and therapeutic implications of the two are markedly different. Hydrocephalus can often be treated with well-placed ventricular or subarachnoid space shunts, third ventriculostomy, or removal of the obstructing or overproducing lesion.

Computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance (MR) imaging findings that suggest hydrocephalus over atrophy are summarized in Table 8-1 (Fig. 8-2). At a first glance, the presence of dilation of the chiasmatic, infundibular, and suprapineal recesses of the third ventricle; rounding of the frontal horns; convexity to the third ventricle; expansion of the temporal horns; effacement of sulci; enlargement of ventricles out of proportion to sulcal dilation; periventricular smooth high signal representing transependymal CSF exudation (best seen on fluid-attenuated inversion recovery [FLAIR]); marked accentuation of the aqueductal signal void; narrowing of mamillopontine distances; and associated papilledema are indicative of hydrocephalus (Fig. 8-3).

Table 8-1 Differentiation of Hydrocephalus and Atrophy

Characteristic Hydrocephalus Atrophy
Temporal horns Enlarged Normal except in Alzheimer disease
Third ventricle

Fourth ventricle Normal or enlarged Normal except with cerebellar atrophy
Ventricular angle of frontal horns on axial scan More acute More obtuse
Mamillopontine distance <1 cm >1 cm
Corpus callosum

Transependymal migration of cerebrospinal fluid Present acutely Absent (rule out ischemia)
Sulci Flattened Enlarged out of proportion to age
Aqueductal flow void Accentuated in normal-pressure hydrocephalus Normal
Choroidal-hippocampal fissures Normal to mildly enlarged Markedly enlarged in Alzheimer disease
Sellar changes Erosion of floor and ballooning of sella None

The corpus callosum may be compressed against the rigid falx in long-standing hydrocephalus. Clefts of abnormal signal in the body of the corpus callosum, scalloping of its dorsal surface, and tethering of pericallosal vessels can be seen in cases of hydrocephalus due to aqueductal stenosis, possibly owing to the impact of the towering corpus callosum against the falx. The damage may be due to arterial or venous vascular compromise.


Overproduction of Cerebrospinal Fluid

Classically, it was stated that patients with choroid plexus papillomas and choroid plexus carcinomas have hydrocephalus based on the overproduction of CSF (see Fig. 3-24). Increasingly, this hypothesis has come into question because it is believed that some cases of hydrocephalus may in fact be due to obstruction of the arachnoid villi or other CSF channels secondary to adhesions from tumoral hemorrhage, high protein levels, or intraventricular debris. This is particularly true with fourth ventricular choroid plexus papillomas, which generally tend to obstruct the sites of egress of the CSF in the foramina of Luschka and Magendie. In the cases of lateral ventricle choroid plexus papillomas (particularly in the pediatric population), the overproduction of CSF may be the cause of hydrocephalus.

Causes of Obstructive Hydrocephalus

Colloid Cyst

The classic cause of obstruction at the foramina of Monro is the colloid cyst (see Fig. 3-69). This is typically located in the anterior region of the third ventricle. On CT, the lesion is high in density before enhancement. MR often shows a lesion that is high intensity on T1-weighted (T1WI) and T2-weighted images (T2WI). The signal of colloid cysts is variable, depending on the protein concentration, hemorrhage, and other paramagnetic ion effects.

Congenital Aqueductal Stenosis

The cerebral aqueduct is one of the narrowest channels through which the CSF in the ventricles must flow. Congenital aqueductal stenosis is just one of the obstructors of the aqueduct. This is most commonly an X-linked recessive disorder seen in early childhood, although it can present at any age. Children typically have enlarging head circumferences and dilation of the lateral and third ventricles, but with a normal-appearing fourth ventricle. Gliosis of the aqueduct or forking, where the duct divides into blind-ending sacs, may cause the stenosis. Aqueductal webs, septa, or diaphragms may also obstruct the exit from the third ventricle. Aqueductal stenosis may be seen in neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1) and as a complication of inflammatory and neoplastic disorders.

CRASH syndrome refers to corpus callosum hypoplasia, retardation, adducted thumbs, spastic paraparesis, and hydrocephalus secondary to aqueductal stenosis. This is an X-linked disorder.

Sagittal MR is essential for distinguishing extrinsic mass compression from an intrinsic aqueductal abnormality (Fig. 8-4). Aqueductal stenosis may also be diagnosed on CSF flow imaging. The normal aqueductal signal in this case should be bright, signifying CSF flow. With aqueductal obstruction, a dark signal is seen on the flow scan (Fig. 8-5). Phase-contrast MR with a velocity encoding set to 10 to 15 mL/sec may be the best way to assess aqueductal patency. Interstitial edema, bright on a FLAIR scan, will also be present in the periventricular zone.

Communicating Hydrocephalus

Infection, Hemorrhage, Tumors

The arachnoid villi are sensitive, delicate structures that may get gummed up by insults of several causes, resulting in communicating hydrocephalus (Box 8-3). Think of them as the little fenestrations in your bathtub drain: The whole tub will overflow if these tiny conduits are obstructed. The most common causes of obstruction include infectious meningitis, ventriculitis, ependymitis, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and carcinomatous meningitis. As the CSF becomes more viscous with a higher protein concentration, the arachnoid villi lose their ability to reabsorb the fluid. This causes hydrocephalus with dilation of the ventricular system.

Do not let a normal appearance to the fourth ventricle dissuade you from considering communicating hydrocephalus or obstruction distal to the fourth ventricle. The fourth ventricle is the last ventricle to dilate, possibly because of its relatively confined location in the posterior fossa, surrounded as it is by the thick calvarium and sturdy petrous bones. Thus, it is not uncommon to see dilated lateral and third ventricles but a normal-sized fourth ventricle and have communicating hydrocephalus. Still, the most sensitive indicator will be the enlargement of the temporal horns or anterior recesses of the third ventricle—without that you probably do not have hydrocephalus. The hunt for a source of the ventricular dilation should not stop at the aqueductal level with this pattern.

As with any cause of hydrocephalus, there may be periventricular high-signal intensity on MR, very nicely demonstrated with FLAIR scanning. This is due to transependymal CSF migration into the adjacent white matter leading to interstitial edema (dark on diffusion-weighted imaging [DWI]). This is most commonly seen at the angles of the lateral ventricles and, because of its smooth and diffuse nature, can usually be distinguished from the focal periventricular white matter abnormalities associated with atherosclerotic small-vessel ischemic disease. Be aware that there may normally be mild high intensity at the angles of the ventricle (ependymitis granulosa) in middle-aged patients.

Normal-pressure Hydrocephalus /Adult Hydrocephalus

Normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) has a classic triad of clinical findings: gait apraxia, dementia, and urinary incontinence (Box 8-4). We like to think of NPH as a treatable cause of a nontraumatic DAI (dementia, ataxia, and incontinence). Although NPH was initially described as being idiopathic, patients with a remote (cryptic) history of infection or hemorrhage are still lumped into this category when they have the clinical triad. This probably accounts for 50% of NPH cases. The patients have enlarged ventricles from communicating hydrocephalus with particular enlargement of the temporal horns. They may show evidence of transependymal CSF leakage on MR or CT. MR often shows accentuation of the cerebral aqueduct flow void (Fig. 8-8). These patients may respond to shunting procedures with amelioration of their clinical symptoms. The most accurate predictors of a positive response to shunting are (1) absence of central atrophy or ischemia, (2) gait apraxia as the dominant clinical symptom, (3) upward bowing of the corpus callosum with flattened gyri and ballooned third ventricular recesses, (4) prominent CSF flow void, and (5) a known history of intracranial infection or bleeding (nonidiopathic NPH). It is important to entertain this diagnosis because there is a chance at the possibility of return of function with a shunt.

In patients with suspected NPH, an indium-111 DTPA (diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid) study is sometimes ordered. The agent is instilled in the CSF through a lumbar puncture. Normally, the tracer is resorbed over the convexities without ventricular reflux within 2 to 24 hours. In cases of communicating hydrocephalus and NPH, reflux of the tracer into the ventricles is seen with lack of tracer accumulation over the convexities 24 to 48 hours after instillation (Fig. 8-9). Patients who demonstrate this scintigraphic appearance allegedly have a better response to shunting than patients with normal or equivocal indium-111 DTPA findings.

The rate of clinical improvement after shunting in patients with NPH is still only 50%. Prominence of the CSF flow void in patients with this condition has led some investigators to use phase-contrast MR techniques to measure the flow through the cerebral aqueduct. A stroke volume of greater than 42 mL was predictive of better response to shunting. The specific parameters inherent in this measurement are related to scanner field strength and pulse sequences, so they are not necessarily transferrable to your own scanner, but the point made is that greater flow through the aqueduct means a better chance for shunt improvement. The rationale for this is that the brain is pushed centrifugally in NPH from enlarged ventricles (Fig. 8-10). As systole occurs, the blood being pumped into the closed space of the cranium forces CSF out of the lateral ventricles and into the aqueduct. Expansion of the lateral ventricles leads to shearing strains on the white matter and clinical symptoms.

External Hydrocephalus

Another benign cause of hydrocephalus from arachnoid villi malfunction is “external hydrocephalus,” also referred to as benign enlargement of the subarachnoid spaces in infants, benign extra-axial collections of infancy, extraventricular obstructive hydrocephalus, benign subdural effusions of infancy, and benign macrocephaly of infancy. This may be due to immaturity of the arachnoid villi with a decreased capacity to absorb CSF. External hydrocephalus is typically seen in children younger than age 2 years who have a rapidly enlarging head circumference, going off the scale on the pediatrician’s graph. Neurologically, these children are normal. Prematurity (immaturity), a history of intraventricular hemorrhage, and some genetic syndromes predispose to external hydrocephalus. CT or MR shows dilation of the CSF spaces over the frontal lobes and along the interhemispheric fissure but with relatively normal-sized ventricles (Fig. 8-11). The disorder usually resolves by the time the child is 3 to 4 years old and the head circumference returns to normal. The ventricles are usually normal in size (64% of cases)—thus the term external hydrocephalus. It is the CSF spaces external to the ventricles that are dilated. Why do the ventricles fail to dilate? Presumably because the cranial sutures are open, so the head enlarges instead. The differential diagnosis includes chronic subdural hygromas and atrophy caused by previous injury. When one sees sulcal dilatation and vessels coursing through the CSF collection, chronic subdural hygromas are much less likely (see Fig. 6-1). Atrophy is not usually associated with an enlarged head circumference.

The Failed Shunt

Shunt failure accounts for a large number of unenhanced CT scans in pediatric neuroradiology. The typical scenario is a child with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt in place who presents with nausea, vomiting, and a fever. This occurs in 30% of individuals in their first year with a shunt and in 50% of subjects within the first 6 years after shunt placement. Shunt infection occurs at a rate of approximately 10% in the first year. Hence, the unenhanced CT scan.

First and foremost, compare ventricular size, stressing changes in temporal horn and third ventricular size over the rest. Next, contemplate the principal mechanisms responsible for shunt failure: (1) obstruction of the catheter end in the ventricular system, (2) malfunction of the valve, (3) kinks in the tubing, (4) obstruction at the peritoneal or atrial end, and (5) component disconnection. The valves come in a variety of pressure settings for various resistances. Shuntograms, in which 2 to 3 mL of nonionic contrast are injected into the shunt reservoir, may be revealing. Normally, the contrast clears from the shunt tube within 3 to 10 minutes. In adults, it may take 10 to 15 minutes to clear.

The first step in the evaluation is withdrawing CSF from the shunt valve. If CSF cannot be withdrawn, the ventricular catheter is obstructed or the valve is faulty. If contrast refluxes from valve to ventricle, the valve is faulty because this is supposed to be a one-way valve to prevent “dreck” from the peritoneal cavity flowing backward to the ventricles. If the contrast does not flow freely out but after pumping the valve it seems to work, there is probably incomplete obstruction of the shunt system or a malfunctioning valve-pressure system. If there is no spillage intraperitoneally even after pumping the valve, or if what spills gets loculated, clearly there is a problem with the peritoneal end of the shunt system. Ventricular catheter obstruction, valve malfunction, and distal obstruction are the most commonly seen phenomena.

Third ventriculostomies, in which a small hole is made that allows communication between the floor of the third ventricle and the suprasellar cistern, has proven to be effective in relieving hydrocephalus. This is most useful for those obstructions distal to the third ventricle as it bypasses the obstructed region. These are often placed through the use of a fiberoptic endoscope or three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions with image-guided navigation. Expect the reduction in ventricular size to appear within a couple of weeks of the procedure—not as rapidly as with lateral ventricular shunts. Flow through the third ventriculostomy may be visualized with phase-contrast flow studies at a velocity encoded at 5 mL/min.

Pseudotumor Cerebri

Pseudotumor cerebri, also known as idiopathic benign intracranial hypertension or idiopathic intracranial hypertension, is appropriately included in a chapter on atrophy and hydrocephalus because it is also a disease of abnormal CSF mechanics. The abnormality may be due to decreased absorption of CSF at the arachnoid villi, increased water content in the brain, or increased resistance to drainage because of venous obstruction. Patients with this disorder are typically obese (95% of patients), black (62%), young or middle-aged women. They have frequent headaches, cranial nerve VI palsies, papilledema, and visual field deficits on examination. The disease may occur in association with pregnancy, endocrine abnormalities, medications, or intracranial veno-occlusive disease. One should exclude a dural venous malformation, sinus stenosis, or venous thrombosis as potential causes for the elevated pressure. On physical examination, the patients may have other signs of increased intracranial pressure. The lumbar puncture (LP) demonstrates extreme elevations of CSF pressure (up to 600 mm Hg).

The ventricles are either normal in size or slightly small. The cerebral subarachnoid space volume is larger in patients with pseudotumor cerebri compared with age-matched control subjects. Most MR studies in patients with pseudotumor cerebri are normal, but calculated measurements of white matter intensity on T2WI may show subtle increases over normal control subjects. The venous sinuses and veins may be small and may enlarge after spinal fluid drainage. In some cases sinus stenosis or venous compromise may yield the underlying cause of the condition. If an orbital study is performed, reverse cupping of the optic disk corresponding to the papilledema may be noted, and this finding correlates well with the degree of vision loss. The optic nerve sheath complex is also enlarged and more tortuous in pseudotumor cerebri. The patients have a higher rate of expanded, empty sellas (greater than the 30% rate of partially empty sellas seen in the normal population). Treatment consists of repetitive LP to drain fluid, but often the disease remits spontaneously. Occasionally, CSF shunting or lumbar drain placement is required for those patients with intractable headaches and visual impairment. Diuretics and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors may reduce CSF pressures as well. The prognosis is generally good when the disorder is treated expediently.


Cerebral Atrophy

The disorders that demonstrate gross supratentorial atrophy are often associated with dementia (Table 8-2).

Alzheimer Disease

Of the disorders in Table 8-2, Alzheimer disease (dementia Alzheimer type, or DAT) is one of the most notorious and common, accounting for 60% to 90% of the dementing disorders with progressive memory loss. DAT affects 2 to 4 million Americans; 8% of the population older than age 65 years and 30% of those older than age 85 years. Women are more commonly affected by a 2:1 margin. With DAT, life can be fascinating or petrifying, because memory is severely affected. DAT usually occurs in the late middle-aged adult, with the major dysfunction noted in memory, personality, and thought. Olfaction is one of the first senses to show some effects of the disease, but this is rarely tested. The patient’s social skills, personality, and speech pattern are also affected early. Depression often coexists. Late in the course the patient becomes severely impaired, myoclonic, vegetative, and weak. Current treatments are variably effective.

Senile plaques, seen as amorphous material in the cerebral cortex and neurofibrillary tangles in the nerve cells in the form of tangled loops of cytoplasmic fibers are the diagnostic pathologic features of DAT. Disease progression from the entorhinal cortex to the hippocampus to the neocortex is the rule. Curiously, these same pathologic findings are seen in adult patients with Down syndrome, Parkinson disease, and “punch-drunk” fighters (dementia pugilistica).

The main finding on CT and MR scanning of DAT is diffuse cortical atrophy, often more prominent in the temporal lobes. Temporal horn dilation more than 3 mm in diameter is seen in more than 65% of patients with DAT. Increases in ventricular size, sulcal size, sylvian fissure size, and total CSF volume are noted in patients with DAT compared with age-matched control subjects. On longitudinal studies, the rate of atrophic change in patients with DAT is much faster than in normal persons. Atrophy increases over time. The subiculum of the hippocampal region appears to be most severely affected in DAT.

One study found that the measure with the best sensitivity in discriminating DAT patients from control subjects was the width of the temporal horn. If one combines the measure of width of the temporal horn, width of the choroid fissure, height of the hippocampus, and the interuncal distance into a compound factor, one can discriminate patients with mild DAT from control subjects with 86% sensitivity (Fig. 8-12). There may, in fact, be a continuum of progressive hippocampal atrophy between normal elderly, those with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and those with DAT. Yet another volumetric study showed that the best correlation with progression to Alzheimer disease is the change in volume of the entorhinal cortex and inferior parietal lobule over time (even more so than the hippocampus).

Considerable investigation has been done concerning the presence of deep white matter and periventricular white matter areas of high signal intensity on T2WI in patients with DAT. There is a nonstatistical trend toward more small foci of white matter abnormality in patients with clinically diagnosed probable DAT.

On MR spectroscopy (MRS) reduced levels of N-acetyl aspartate (NAA) and increased levels of myoinositol characterize DAT. The NAA levels are significantly reduced in the frontal, temporal, and occipital cortex of DAT patients, presumably due to neuronal loss. Being able to distinguish between normal aging and DAT with MRS runs at the mid-80% range; distinguishing between DAT and other dementias drops the accuracy to the mid-70% range. Myoinositol elevation has also been reported in AIDS-related dementia and Pick disease.

Positron emission tomography has demonstrated decreased oxygen utilization and decreased regional cerebral blood flow in frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes in patients with DAT. The findings are most striking in the posterior temporoparietal lobes. On single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) brain studies, patients with DAT have reduced cerebral blood flow as measured by parietal-to-cerebellar and parietal-to-mean cortical activity. The severity of symptoms may correspond to the reduction in uptake of technetium hexamethyl propyleneamine oxime (HMPAO).

Recently, some investigators have used dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced MR perfusion imaging to try to duplicate the nuclear medicine flow studies. Indeed, they have found that relative values of temporoparietal regional cerebral blood volume (as a percentage of cerebellar relative cerebral blood volume) were reduced by a factor of 20% bilaterally in the patients with DAT compared with normal controls. Using left and right temporoparietal relative cerebral blood volume as index measures, specificity was 96% and sensitivity was 95% in moderate DAT and 88% in mild DAT.

PIB Imaging

The usefulness of amyloid imaging using 11C-labeled Pittsburgh Compound B (11C-6-OH-BTA-1, also known as 11C-PIB), a thioflavin-T derivative, was first demonstrated in mice models of Alzheimer disease in 2003, with encouraging results, including rapid entry into the brain, quick labeling of amyloid deposits, rapid clearance of nonspecific binding, and prolongation of specific binding. Shortly after, the first human study using PIB showed marked retention of the radiotracer in DAT patients compared to controls, namely in areas of association cortex known to contain large amounts of amyloid deposits. On the other hand, MCI patients repeatedly showed PIB uptake values that were either control-like or DAT-like. The striking finding, though, was that of “cognitively normal” controls with higher than normal PIB uptake, sometimes not significantly different from uptake in DAT patients. This raised the possibility that PIB may be sensitive for detection of preclinical Alzheimer disease state (that is, before onset of symptomatology). This would be of great benefit if proven, because earlier treatment in DAT is known to improve the prognosis and halt the progression of disease. The other possibility is that amyloid deposition in the elderly can be asymptomatic, with patients demonstrating increased uptake and normal cognition not necessarily progressing to DAT.

Recently, a 2-year longitudinal follow-up of 26 MCI patients studied with PIB demonstrated that 5 of 13 PIB-positive MCI patients converted to clinical DAT, whereas none of the 10 PIB-negative patients did. Large-scale longitudinal studies and follow-up of the MCI patients and cognitively normal subjects with increased PIB will be required to support the potential of PIB imaging to identify preclinical Alzheimer disease or, alternatively, to show that amyloid deposition is not sufficient to cause Alzheimer disease within some specified period.

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