
Chapter 10 Orbit

The anatomy and pathology of the eye and orbit lend themselves well to two ways of analyzing lesions in this location. One can use a traditional anatomic approach, whereby lesions are first separated into intraocular (the globe) and extraocular lesions. Intraocular lesions are further characterized as arising in the anterior or posterior chamber, uveal tract, vitreous cavity, retina, choroid, or sclera. Extraocular lesions may be extraperiosteal (in the potential space between the periorbita—the periosteum of the orbit—and the bony walls of the orbit), extraconal (in the space between the periorbita and the extraocular muscles), conal, or intraconal (in the space between the optic nerve and the extraocular muscles).

Alternatively one can think of the mnemonic “VITAMIN C and D” because the pathology of the orbit contains lesions that fit all descriptors (Vascular, Infectious/inflammatory, Trauma, Acquired, Metabolic, Idiopathic/demyelinating, Neoplastic, Congenital, and Drug-related). Many of these lesions cross the various compartments of the orbit noted above. When it comes to multiple differential diagnoses in multiple compartments, “the eyes have it.” We approach the pathology from an anatomic perspective, referring to our mnemonic when it helps in the differential diagnoses.


The globe usually approaches a sphere in shape with a diameter of approximately 2.5 cm, containing three lamellae: (1) sclera, (2) uvea, and (3) retina. The most peripheral outer layer is the sclera, composed of collagen-elastic tissue. Covering the sclera anteriorly is the conjunctiva, a clear mucous membrane. The sclera is continuous with the cornea, with the boundary between the opaque sclera and the transparent cornea termed the limbus. Beneath the sclera is the vascular pigmented layer termed the uveal tract, composed of the choroid, ciliary body, and iris. The inner layer of the globe is the retina, which is continuous with the optic nerve. It can be further separated into an inner sensory layer containing photoreceptors, ganglion cells, and neuroglial elements and an outer layer of retinal pigment epithelium, which is adjacent to the basal lamina of the choroid (Bruch’s membrane).

The anterior segment lies between the cornea and the lens and is separated into an anterior chamber and a posterior chamber by the iris. Clear aqueous humor circulates from the posterior to the anterior chamber. The ciliary body lies between the iris and choroid, contains muscles attached to the lens by the suspensory ligament that control the curvature of the lens, and secretes aqueous humor. Posterior to the lens is the posterior segment, filled with a jellylike substance, the vitreous body (humor).

The orbital septum is a reflection of orbital periosteum (periorbita) inserting on the tarsal plate of the eyelids. The periorbita is an excellent barrier to neoplastic or inflammatory disease emanating from the anterior soft tissues, restricting infection to preseptal (periorbital) cellulitis in front of the globe and also from sinusitis laterally. The lacrimal gland is seen lateral to the globe as an encapsulated structure in the anterosuperolateral portion of the orbit, lying in the lacrimal fossa at the level of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone. The lacrimal sac is medial to the globe.


Computed tomography (CT) is somewhat limited in the diagnosis of ocular lesions because of its present inability to resolve the retina, choroid, and sclera. It is exquisitely sensitive to ocular calcification. Box 10-1 lists the causes of ocular calcification (Fig. 10-1). On T1-weighted images (T1WI) and T2-weighted images (T2WI), most pure calcifications (without paramagnetic ions) are hypointense and do not change in intensity as one increases the time to echo (TE). This is caused by the lack of mobile protons. In some instances, calcification is of high intensity on T1WI. Most of these situations occur in the basal ganglia but can also occur with ocular calcifications, as in retinoblastoma. Gradient-echo imaging sequences can be employed that emphasize T2* effects (see Chapter 1) and hence increase the conspicuity of ferrocalcinosis. In this case, susceptibility differences produce hypointensity so that calcium, which has altered diamagnetic susceptibility compared with tissue, would appear hypointense. This is sometimes useful in detecting calcium on a magnetic resonance (MR) scan of a patient with retinoblastoma. This hypointensity is not specific for calcium; other entities, including blood products (deoxyhemoglobin, intracellular methemoglobin, hemosiderin) and paramagnetic compounds (including the melanin in melanoma), may be hypointense on gradient-echo images.

The quintessential calcified lesion of the globe in the infant is a retinoblastoma, and we will make numerous references to retinoblastoma in our differential diagnoses of causes of leukokoria. Leukokoria (white pupil) is due to the inability of light to be reflected off the retina, and it is caused by any opaque tissue that interferes with the passage of light through the globe. Thus, leukokoria itself is a nonspecific sign with many causes, including retinoblastoma (a little less than half of all comers with leukokoria), congenital cataract, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), chronic retinal detachment associated with ROP, choroidal hemangioma, retinal astrocytoma, persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV), Coats disease, and Toxocara canis infection. Only the most radiologically relevant lesions are considered here.


Persistent Hyperplastic Primary Vitreous

Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous is caused by persistence of various portions of the primary vitreous (embryonic hyaloid vascular system) with hyperplasia of the associated embryonic connective tissue and may present as leukokoria in the neonate. The eye usually is microphthalmic, although the degree of microphthalmia can be minimal, and the lens can be small with flattening of the anterior chamber. Initially, a funnel-shaped mass of fibrovascular tissue (including the persistent hyaloid artery) is present in the retrolental space and runs in an S-shaped course (termed Cloquet’s canal) between the back of the lens and the optic nerve head. PHPV is vascular and prone to repeated hemorrhages and may vary in size. CT demonstrates generalized increased density in the globe and enhancement of the intravitreal tissue after intravenous contrast. Unlike retinoblastoma, PHPV does not calcify (this is key!). The CT diagnosis is facilitated by observing the S-shaped tubular fetal tissue between the lens and the optic nerve head (Fig. 10-2). A blood-vitreous layer may be seen as a result of posterior hyaloid detachment. On MR, vitreal intensity is variable; however, the visualization of Cloquet’s canal makes the diagnosis. This is an entity that may lead to high signal on T1WI in the vitreous, possibly from hemorrhage or high protein, with low or high signal on T2WI.



Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is the most common opportunistic infection of the retina and choroid. Up to one fourth of patients with AIDS have CMV infection. It is hemorrhagic and can produce high density on CT or various MR appearances depending on the stage of blood (Fig. 10-3). CMV retinitis can result in retinal detachment, the treatment of which may require intraocular injections of silicone oil or other high-density substances. Thus, ocular infection by CMV can lead to a myriad of imaging findings. Other less common infectious pathogens affecting the retina, choroid, or both in AIDS include Toxoplasma gondii, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Pneumocystis carinii, and the herpesviruses.


There are four potential spaces for “bad humor” to accrue between the membranes of the globe in trauma and in infection. The space between the base of the vitreous and the sensory retina is the posterior hyaloid space. The space between the layers of the retina (sensory retina and retinal pigment epithelium) is the subretinal space, and between the choroid and the sclera is the suprachoroidal space (Fig. 10-5). When the posterior hyaloid membrane separates from the sensory retina, the separation is termed a posterior vitreous detachment. It is curvilinear in shape, anterior to the retina, and separate from the optic disc. Total retinal detachments are V shaped, with the apex pointing to the optic disc and the arms at the ora serrata (the anterior aspect of the retina). In fact, retinal separation is probably a better term because the two layers of the retina—neurosensory and retinal pigment epithelium—separate. Choroidal detachments are generally limited by the vortex veins or posterior ciliary arteries and usually do not reach the optic disc. In addition, choroidal detachments can extend anteriorly beyond the ora serrata to the ciliary body, occasionally detaching it. Subtenon space is located between the sclera and the fibrous membrane (Tenon capsule) adjacent to the orbital fat, extending from the ciliary body to the optic nerve. Hemorrhages in this space, most often from trauma, conform to the curvilinear shape of the eyeball (Fig. 10-6).

When hemorrhage is present within the anterior chamber, as a result of globe rupture, usually from trauma, it is termed anterior hyphema. Usually it is the iris or ciliary body vessels that are bleeding into the anterior chamber. Rebleeding of anterior hyphemas occurs in nearly one fourth of patients 2 to 5 days after the initial trauma as the clot retracts. Acute glaucoma may be a complication of anterior hyphema, lens dislocation, or scarring of the canals of Schlemm. Blood may also accumulate in the posterior chamber, but this space is so small in size, it is not apparent even on high-resolution CT. Although trauma accounts for one fifth of vitreous hemorrhages, it also occurs in nontraumatic settings of diabetic retinopathy, sickle cell disease, posterior vitreous detachment, HIV-related CMV infection, and retinal vein occlusion. The association of vitreous hemorrhage with retinal tears should provoke a search for child abuse in infants. The high association with retinal detachments may lead to treatment of the latter with scleral buckles, seen on CT as a high-density arc around the posterior peripheral portion of the globe.

Ocular Hypotony and Choroidal Detachments

Ocular hypotony is defined as low intraocular pressure secondary to surgery, trauma, or glaucoma therapy and may be observed on CT as uveoscleral infolding, also referred to as the “flat tire” or “umbrella” sign (Fig. 10-7). This is most often seen after globe perforation and can be reversed by instillation of saline, silicone oil, or sodium hyaluronate (Healon), which expands the globe. Just two more words: double perforation. This term is used by ophthalmologists and means a perforation through the anterior and posterior portions of the globe. Suspected posterior perforation is one reason to perform an imaging study; it usually cannot be repaired (poor outcome). The most common cause of a double perforation is BB-sized shot.

Globe rupture may refer to perforation of the anterior chamber only, diagnosed on emergency department (ED) CT as flattening of the space anterior to the lens. It is important to compare the depth of the anterior chamber from left to right in all ocular trauma cases. It’s a common mistake to argue that there is no ruptured globe because the radiologist has looked only at the vitreous humor for flattening or blood rather than including the anterior chamber in the search pattern.

Ocular hypotonia, from inflammatory diseases (uveitis or scleritis), medication, or traumatic perforation of the globe, is the cause of serous choroidal detachments. Table 10-1 compares the various ocular detachments radiologists commonly encounter (see Fig. 10-7). Hemorrhagic choroidal detachment may be observed after penetrating injury or intraocular surgery and has a lenticular morphology. This is bad news because it means that you have had a rupture of a choroidal vessel, which has an associated poor prognosis. Serous choroidal detachment (benign prognosis) is crescentic or ring-shaped, and the curvilinear choroid can be identified. Serous choroidal effusions beneath the detached choroid appear as convex regions of low density outlined by the detached choroid. Hemorrhagic choroidal effusions are high density and do not change with position. Inflammatory choroidal effusions secondary to uveitis and posterior scleritis are high density but may change in location with changes in head position. Uveoscleral thickening and enhancement can be seen in inflammatory choroidal detachment. MR is beneficial in distinguishing hemorrhagic choroidal detachment from serous choroidal detachments. On MR, hemorrhagic choroidal detachment can display a variety of intensity patterns related to age of the hemorrhage (see Chapter 4). Serous choroidal detachment has been noted to be high intensity on T1WI and T2WI.

An acute traumatic cataract differs from a senescent cataract in that the lens is usually less dense rather than more dense from acute edema. Look to see whether it is centered in the anterior chamber—it may also be subluxated. It may have fuzzy borders on CT. Rarely, the lens may be completely dislocated into the anterior chamber or the vitreous cavity. If dislocated anteriorly, it may interfere with aqueous humor flow and cause acute glaucoma.

Acquired and Metabolic Disorders


The most common calcifications in the globe are drusen. Optic nerve head (optic disk) drusen are composed of a mucoprotein matrix with significant quantities of acid mucopolysaccharides together with small quantities of ribonucleic acid and, occasionally, iron. They are laminated calcareous deposits located in the substance of the optic nerve anterior to the lamina cribrosa. This condition has an incidence of up to 2% of the population. Drusen may be familial (typically bilateral) or may be associated with other conditions, such as retinitis pigmentosa. They may be unilateral or bilateral and are located just anterior to the junction of the optic nerve and globe. CT demonstrates punctate calcifications in this region (see Fig. 10-1C). MR has difficulty detecting this condition because of its relative insensitivity to calcium. The clinical issue for the radiologist is that if the drusen are buried below the surface of the nerve head, they may not be seen by the ophthalmologist, and the patient may be referred for a workup of what appears to be papilledema (hence, drusen are a cause of pseudopapilledema). Rarely one might consider a differential diagnosis of retinoblastoma or astrocytic hamartoma in a child or adult with extensive optic disk calcification; however, drusen have no enhancement or soft-tissue mass on enhanced MR, as opposed to retinoblastoma.

Senile/Senescent Calcifications

As part of the aging process, fine pinpoint calcifications may develop at or just anterior to the insertion sites of the extraocular muscles on the globe within the sclerochoroidal layers. These areas can be appreciated on CT (see Fig. 10-1A). Hyperparathyroidism and hypomagnesemia predispose to these calcifications. Trochlear calcification may be symptomatic with pain and restricted movement as a tenosynovitis known as Brown syndrome, but it is more commonly asymptomatic and associated with diabetes mellitus.


The majority of primary and metastatic ocular neoplasms in the adult involve the choroid. The radiologist can play an important role in the diagnosis of ocular neoplasms and in recognizing some of the non-neoplastic mimics of these conditions. Imaging is essential in detection of episcleral spread of tumor or for showing lesions spreading posteriorly along the optic nerve. Furthermore, there are circumstances in which the ophthalmologist may have a limited view of the contents of the globe and retina because of cataract formation or corneal opacities.


Retinoblastoma is the most common intraocular tumor of childhood. It usually presents before age 3 years with leukokoria, strabismus, decreased vision (particularly in bilateral lesions), retinal detachment, glaucoma, ocular pain, or signs of ocular inflammation. Ninety-eight percent occur in children younger than age 3 years. Accurate radiologic diagnosis is crucial for timely treatment and survival. The vast majority of lesions occur as sporadic mutations (90%), whereas approximately 10% are familial (autosomal dominant). Of the familial forms, more than one third are bilateral and associated with genes that predispose to other malignancies. The retinoblastoma gene (RB1) has been localized on chromosome 13 at the q14 locus. Absence or inactivation of both alleles of this suppressor gene within immature retinal cells is required for retinoblastoma to develop. Retinoblastoma may also occur sporadically as a somatic mutation; these lesions are unilateral, occurring later in life than the inherited form.

Although ophthalmoscopy is usually able to visualize retinoblastoma, imaging is of critical importance in revealing retrobulbar extension of the tumor and invasion of the optic nerve posterior to the lamina cribrosa, where the meninges surround the optic nerve and are contiguous with the subarachnoid spaces of the central nervous system (associated with a poor prognosis) (Box 10-2).

Retinoblastoma may spread directly into the subarachnoid space via the optic nerve (occasionally producing spinal implants), hematogenously, or via lymphatics and has a propensity to hemorrhage. Metastases from retinoblastoma occur within the first 2 years after treatment. There is a high incidence of nonocular malignant tumors in patients with the hereditary form of retinoblastoma, leading to a 59% 35-year mortality rate. These include midline, primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs), pineal tumors, osteogenic sarcoma, soft-tissue sarcoma, malignant melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, and rhabdomyosarcoma (Fig. 10-8). The pineal gland in lower animals contains photoreceptors and has been termed the “third eye,” so that the triad of a pineal tumor (usually a pineoblastoma) and bilateral retinoblastoma has been termed trilateral retinoblastoma (Fig. 10-9). The pineoblastoma may be detected simultaneously with, after, or even before the ocular lesion. Ectopic retinoblastoma has also been reported in the parasellar or suprasellar regions.

The CT findings of retinoblastoma are calcifications in the posterior portion of the globe with extension into the vitreous (Fig. 10-10). The calcification may be homogeneous or irregular and occurs in 95% of patients. Noncalcified retinoblastoma has been reported in infants with a family history, under close observation. In children younger than age 3 years, ocular calcification is highly suggestive of retinoblastoma; conversely, its absence in this same group makes the diagnosis of retinoblastoma highly unlikely. These lesions minimally enhance; however, contrast is useful to appreciate intracranial extension. With orbital involvement, proptosis may be seen. Coronal imaging is useful in assessing enlargement of the optic nerve secondary to invasion by the tumor.

Magnetic resonance findings in retinoblastoma include moderately high intensity on T1WI (Fig. 10-10B) and hypointensity on T2WI, with the noncalcified portion of the lesion less hypointense than the calcification. We speculate that the high intensity on T1WI may be caused by calcium or by some coexistent paramagnetic, tumor protein, or hemorrhagic component. Associated retinal detachment may be high intensity on T1WI and of variable intensity on T2WI, depending on the protein content and whether there is associated hemorrhage in the subretinal fluid. Enhancement is often present and may be the only indicator of spread to the retrobulbar compartment or along the subarachnoid space surrounding the optic nerve, intracranial, or intraspinal spaces. In patients with suspected retinoblastoma CT and MR are complementary examinations. CT detects calcification better than MR, whereas MR is more sensitive than CT for tumoral extension into the nerve and intracranial space, and for detecting secondary lesions.


Melanomas of the uveal tract are the most common intraocular malignancy in adults and have a characteristic intensity pattern on MR. They are rare in African Americans but when they occur tend to be larger, more pigmented, and more necrotic. Conditions predisposing to uveal melanoma include congenital melanosis, ocular melanocytosis, oculodermal melanocytosis, and uveal nevi. Unlike most other tumors, melanotic melanomas are hyperintense on T1WI and hypointense on T2WI. Free radicals known to exist in melanin are responsible for the associated T1- and T2-shortening by the proton-electron dipole-dipole proton relaxation enhancement mechanism (Fig. 10-11). The degree of T1- and T2-shortening appears to be related to the melanin content. Amelanotic melanomas have MR characteristics similar to those of other tumors (hypointense on T1WI and hyperintense on PDWI/T2WI). Other lesions with similar intensity patterns that could be confused with melanotic melanoma include fat and subacute hemorrhage in the intracellular methemoglobin state. Use of fat saturation images can easily separate fat from melanotic tumor. There have been reports of mucin-secreting adenocarcinoma metastatic to the choroid and other carcinomas having similar signal characteristics to a choroidal melanotic melanoma. Associated with the melanoma may be a retinal detachment, with a subretinal proteinaceous effusion that appears as high intensity on T2WI. To differentiate melanoma from other lesions, T1WI, T2WI, and enhanced scans must be used.

On CT, uveal melanomas are high density on noncontrast images and enhance. MR is superior to CT in visualizing retinal detachment, for noting associated vitreous changes, and for differentiating uveal melanoma from choroidal hemangioma (based on intensity characteristics) and choroidal detachment (based on enhancement). Extraocular invasion is important to detect as it is associated with a poorer prognosis and has different therapeutic implications. Ocular ultrasound and CT may be particularly useful here. Choroidal melanoma has a propensity for metastasis to the liver and lung.

Melanoma may also arise in the orbit from native orbital melanocytes located along ciliary nerves, optic nerve leptomeninges, and scleral emissary vessels. These lesions tend to be associated with pigmentary disorders, including nevus of Ota, ocular melanocytosis, and blue nevi. Melanocytomas occur most commonly in African Americans and also involve the uvea and optic nerve.



A coloboma of the eye is a congenital defect in any ocular structure. It is classified as typical or atypical depending on location and derivation. Atypical colobomas occur in the iris. The typical coloboma is a cone-shaped or notch deformity that occurs in the inferior medial portion of the globe. It is caused by incomplete closure of the choroidal fissure, which can result in an abnormal elongated or malformed globe or ocular cyst at the site of the fetal optic fissure closure. It may be associated with orbital cysts, midline craniocerebrofacial clefting, including sphenoidal encephalocele, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and olfactory hypoplasia, as well as cardiac abnormalities, retardation, genital hypoplasia, and ear anomalies. It is a part of the CHARGE syndrome (Coloboma, Heart defects, Atresia of the choana, Retarded Growth and development, and Ear anomalies). Other syndromes having coloboma include Lenz microphthalmia syndrome, Meckel syndrome, trisomy 13, Goldenhar syndrome, Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome, Aicardi syndrome, and Waardenburg anophthalmia syndrome.

On imaging, there is a cone- or notch-shaped deformity, usually of the posterior globe, that may involve the optic nerve, with eversion of a portion of the posterior globe (Fig. 10-14). Other structures, including retina, choroid, iris, and lens, can be affected. The sclera is normal. Colobomas usually arise sporadically and are unilateral, although rarely an autosomal dominant form can exist, with about 60% of those affected having bilateral coloboma.


Retinal astrocytic (glial) hamartomas are observed in cases of tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis and, rarely, von Hippel-Lindau disease (see Chapters 3 and 9). On CT, a focal region of calcification is noted in the retina that is much more extensive than that of optic disc drusen and can potentially be confused with retinoblastoma. These hamartomas grow slowly and do not metastasize. A hallmark of von Hippel-Lindau disease is retinal hemangioblastoma (which cannot be identified angiographically). Hemangioblastomas of the retrobulbar optic nerve and orbit have also been reported in von Hippel-Lindau disease. The primary differential diagnosis of such optic nerve lesions is angioblastic meningioma and optic nerve glioma. Half the patients with optic nerve hemangioblastoma have other associated lesions of von Hippel-Lindau disease. Choroidal hemangiomas are reported in Sturge-Weber syndrome (tomato ketchup retina).

Lisch nodules are hamartomas of the iris that produce a focal discoloration and are one of the seven primary criteria of neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF-1). They are not visible on imaging, but the ophthalmologist sees a brown nodule on direct globe visualization or slit-lamp examination of the iris. Lisch nodules usually do not become evident until after age 6, but are present in more than 95% of patients with NF-1 by the early teens.


The Big or Small Globe (Box 10-4)

Occasionally, one is confronted with an image of an enlarged globe. The most common cause of this is axial myopia. Other conditions causing enlarged globes include congenital glaucoma (buphthalmos), collagen disorders (e.g., Marfan syndrome), posterior staphyloma (Fig. 10-15), coloboma, juvenile glaucoma in patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome, proteus syndrome, and neurofibromatosis.

Small globes (microphthalmia) have been reported as an isolated event or may be associated with conditions such as craniofacial anomalies, congenital rubella, PHPV, ROP, and phthisis bulbi (a small shrunken calcified globe, usually the result of a traumatic injury) (Fig. 10-16). Anophthalmia represents complete absence of ocular tissue.


Lesions in the orbit may be classified as being conal, intraconal (IC), extraconal (EC), or both, depending on their relationship to the muscle cone in the orbit. For the purposes of the extraocular compartment, we review the anatomy briefly and then describe the pathology using the same categories as used previously. After each entity’s header we use the abbreviations of IC or EC to denote in which compartment the lesion is more common. The differential diagnosis of lesions by virtue of their anatomic origin is provided in Boxes 10-5 to 10-8. MR, by virtue of its superior anatomic and multiplanar imaging, is the imaging modality of choice for localizing orbital lesions.

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