Perforator Injury During Open Skull Base Surgery

16 Perforator Injury During Open Skull Base Surgery

Nicholas T. Gamboa and William T. Couldwell


The basal perforators comprise small direct arterial branches of the main cerebral vessels and supply the paramedian regions of the brainstem, diencephalon, and deep regions of the cerebrum. These delicate perforator vessels must be preserved during open skull base surgery to prevent significant postoperative neurological sequelae. An in-depth knowledge of perforator anatomy is essential when planning a surgical approach to complex skull base disease. Although microsurgical techniques and other intraoperative technologies have decreased the risk of perforator injury, it is imperative for the skull base neurosurgeon to thoughtfully plan out an individualized surgical approach for each patient based on the preoperative vascular imaging and specific pathology. Intraoperatively, the perforator arteries that are at risk of inadvertent injury must be meticulously identified, dissected, and displaced. Although injury to cerebral perforators is not entirely preventable, it can be greatly minimized through a combination of thoughtful planning, careful attention intraoperatively, and through the utilization of intraoperative technologies to assess perforator flow dynamics.

Keywords: Basal perforators, choroidal arteries, lateral lenticulostriate arteries, medial striate arteries, microvascular anatomy, perforator injury, skull base surgery, thalamic arteries, vascular neurosurgery

16.1 Key Learning Points

Knowledge of perforator microanatomy, its common variations, and the relationship of perforators to skull base pathology is essential for reducing morbidity and mortality in skull base neurosurgery.

Extensive preoperative planning using available vascular imaging is critical to understand each patient’s parent and perforator arterial anatomy and develop an appropriate individualized microsurgical approach to pathology of the skull base.

The skull base neurosurgeon must remain mindful that microvascular anatomy can be significantly altered in the setting of disease.

Various technologies can be used intraoperatively to assess perforator patency. These include micromirrors and endoscopes for visualization, microvascular Doppler ultrasonography, electrophysiological monitoring with evoked potentials (both motor and somatosensory), fluorescein or indocyanine green video angiography, and intraoperative digital subtraction angiography.

Optimal patient positioning and intraoperative brain relaxation can assist the neurosurgeon by minimizing the need for fixed and dynamic retraction, thereby decreasing the risk of inadvertent perforator flow disruption during skull base surgery.

The senior author commonly uses a dilute solution of papaverine (3 mg/mL) directly on the visualized perforating vessels during and after dissection to reduce manipulation-induced vasospasm, which may result in infarction.

16.2 Introduction

The basal perforating vessels (perforators) of the brain represent small direct arterial branches of the vertebrobasilar, internal carotid, and main cerebral arteries that supply the paramedian regions of the brainstem, diencephalon, and deep regions of the cerebral hemispheres (notably, the basal ganglia and internal capsules) (Fig. 16.1). These often-delicate perforator vessels serve the critical role of perfusing key areas of the cerebrum and brainstem and therefore must be preserved during open skull base surgery to prevent significant postoperative neurological sequelae. Despite significant advancements in neurosurgical techniques and intraoperative technologies, these small and tenuous vessels, which often measure less than 1 mm in diameter, remain at significant risk of damage during neurosurgical procedures, particularly during manipulation of and dissection around the delicate neurovascular structures of the skull base. An in-depth knowledge of perforator anatomy serves an indispensable role in skull base neurosurgery—because great care must be taken by the surgeon to navigate around and avoid damage of these critical structures. A comprehensive understanding of the microvascular anatomy of the cerebral circulation, including the origins of perforator arteries, their takeoff trajectories, subarachnoid course, anastomoses, and subsequent branching patterns and parenchymal distributions, is essential for selection of appropriate microsurgical or endovascular treatment modalities, particularly when the anatomy of the skull base is distorted by complex vascular or neoplastic disease. This chapter will discuss basal perforator anatomy, relevant skull base pathology, and complication avoidance when planning and performing an open surgical approach to complex pathology of the skull base.

Fig. 16.1 Three-dimensional rendering of the circle of Willis, its branches, and the numerous perforating branches of the main cerebral arteries. (a) Posterior and superior view demonstrating the posterior circulation: basilar artery (BA), precommunicating segment of the posterior cerebral artery (P1), anterior postcommunicating segment of the posterior cerebral artery (P2A), and its connection with the anterior circulation via the posterior communicating artery (PComA). The anterior circulation is denoted by the internal carotid artery (ICA), anterior choroidal artery (AChA), horizontal segment of the middle cerebral artery (M1), precommunicating segment of the anterior cerebral artery (A1), anterior communicating artery (AComA), and postcommunicating segment of the anterior cerebral artery (A2). (b) Anterior and superior view of the circle of Willis. The ophthalmic artery (OA) can be seen branching and coursing anteriorly from the ophthalmic segment of the ICA. (Modified with permission from The Neurosurgical Atlas by Aaron Cohen-Gadol, MD.)

16.3 Vascular Challenges

The vascular challenges related to perforator injury during open skull base surgery stem from the delicate nature of the basal perforator vessels, their complex and highly variable anatomy, the abundance of numerous ramifying extracerebral branches, and the often close association with skull base pathology. These vascular challenges of skull base surgery can be further complicated by multiple reoperations, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy—distorting normal anatomical planes and obscuring skull base anatomy. Table 16.1 outlines the basal perforator vessels derived from each of the major cerebral arteries and summarizes the literature regarding their parent segments, numbers (mean and range), vessel diameters (mean and range), takeoff trajectories, and structures supplied.

Table 16.1 Overview of basal perforator vessels derived from each of the major cerebral arteries, their parent segments, numbers, vessel diameters, takeoff trajectories, and structures supplied

Parent artery, segment Perforator Number Vessel diameter (μm) Takeoff direction Structures supplied References
Mean Range Mean Range
ACA, A1 MSA 6.6 1–12 276 80–710 PS Anterior commissure, anterior hypothalamus, anteroinferior striatum, optic chiasm, pillars of fornix, septum pellucidum Marinković et al, 19861
Perlmutter and Rhoton, 19762
RAH 1 0–2 462 180–850 PS Anterior limb of internal capsule, anterior putamen and globus pallidus, head of caudate Marinković et al, 19861
Perlmutter and Rhoton, 19762
MCA, M1 LSA 10.4 1–21 350 100–2,200 PS Head and body of caudate nucleus, internal capsule, lateral anterior commissure, lateral globus pallidus, putamen, substantia innominata Rosner et al, 19843
Umansky et al, 19854
Choroidal ICA AChA C 4.6 2–9 317 90–600 PM Anterior hippocampus, anterolateral midbrain, amygdaloid nucleus, globus pallidus internus, lateral geniculate body, optic tract, posterior limb and genu of internal capsule, subthalamic nucleus, tail of caudate nucleus Marinković et al, 19995
Rhoton et al, 19796
AChA P 1.7 0–6 700 400–1,100 PM
ICA perforators 3.9 1–9 243 70–470 PS Anterior perforated substance, optic tract, uncus Marinković et al, 19907
Rosner et al, 19843
PComA TTA 1.3 1–2 493 280–780 PS Anterior thalamus, cerebral peduncle, mammillary body and mammillothalamic tract, medial subthalamus, pillars of fornix, posterior hypothalamus, posterior limb of internal capsule Gibo et al, 20018
Saeki and Rhoton, 19779
PCA, P1 TPA 2 1–10 321 100–750 PS Midbrain, medial thalamus, posterior hypothalamus, subthalamus Marinković et al, 198610
Saeki and Rhoton, 19779
PCA, P2A/P2P TGA 5.7 2–12 346 70–580 PS Brachium of superior colliculus,
medial and lateral geniculate bodies, pulvinar of thalamus
Milisavljević et al, 199111
Zeal and Rhoton, 200912
Abbreviations: ACA, anterior cerebral artery; AChA C, cisternal segment of anterior choroidal artery; AChA P, plexal segment of anterior choroidal artery; ICA, internal carotid artery; LSA, lenticulostriate arteries; MCA, middle cerebral artery; MSA, medial striate arteries; PCA, posterior cerebral artery; PComA, posterior communicating artery; PM, posteromedial; PS, posterosuperior; RAH, recurrent artery of Heubner; TGA, thalamogeniculate arteries; TPA, thalamoperforate arteries; TTA, thalamotuberal arteries.

16.4 Perforator Injury Avoidance

16.4.1 Fundamentals of Perforator Flow Monitoring and Injury Avoidance

To avoid inadvertent injury to perforator arteries, numerous intraoperative technologies have been developed to either visualize hidden perforator branches or evaluate perforator vessel patency intraoperatively. These modalities include micromirrors or endoscopes, intraoperative digital subtraction angiography (DSA), microvascular Doppler ultrasonography, electrophysiological monitoring of motor and somatosensory evoked potentials, and fluorescein or indocyanine green (ICG) video angiography. Although these technologies have significant utility, particularly when there is concern for possible parent or perforator artery occlusion, they each have relative advantages and disadvantages and cannot always perfectly monitor for blood flow disturbance in all neighboring perforating arteries during skull base surgery.

Micromirrors and endoscopes prove particularly useful for direct visualization of critical neurovascular structures, such as perforator vessels that remain out of view when using the operating microscope (e.g., perforators located behind the dome of an aneurysm or on the deep aspect of a tumor).13 These modalities prove particularly useful after placement of a microsurgical clip, as they allow the surgeon to visualize the backside of the aneurysm, evaluate the aneurysm’s hidden anatomical features, and ensure optimal clip placement that does not incorporate any perforators or other critical neurovascular structures into the clip construct. In addition, angled endoscopes can be useful when attempting to visualize vasculature displaced or hidden by tumors near the skull base, which can parasitize branches from the main cerebral arteries and perforators that surround them.

Microvascular Doppler ultrasonography is a valuable tool for real-time assessment of blood flow through vessels in a noninvasive manner based upon their flow velocity.14 Although the probe can measure as small as 1 mm, it can prove to be difficult to accurately assess perforator vessel flow dynamics when placing the probe on target perforator vessels in a deep surgical field without also detecting the flow of nearby vessels, thereby confounding intraoperative assessment of vessel patency.15 ,​ 16 Further, microvascular Doppler ultrasonography cannot always reliably discern whether blood flow within a perforator vessel is sufficient to avoid infarction and cannot reliably assess flow within vessels smaller than 0.5 mm in diameter.17 In contrast to the conventional microvascular Doppler ultrasonography probe, a microvascular ultrasonic flow probe (Microvascular Flowprobe, Transonics Systems Inc., Ithaca, NY) has been shown in both in vitro and in vivo studies to provide the operator with both a quantitative and a qualitative assessment of vessel flow dynamics that is not confounded by factors such as hematocrit or vessel wall thickness.18 ,​ 19

Electrophysiological monitoring with motor evoked potentials can detect decreased blood flow through the anterior choroidal artery (AChA), medial striate artery (MSA), or lenticulostriate artery (LSA) perforator branches within 60 seconds,20 ,​ 21 ,​ 22 but detection of flow disturbance within perforators of the posterior communicating artery (PComA) or posterior thalamic arteries cannot be monitored in this fashion, as they may not supply the pyramidal tract. Furthermore, variant anatomy, collateralization, and certain highly variable perforating vessels (e.g., recurrent artery of Huebner [RAH]) can defy consistent localization, and therefore, disturbance of their flow cannot always be reliably detected via electrophysiological monitoring. The use of motor and somatosensory evoked potentials allows the operator to intraoperatively assess for compromised cerebral blood flow and infarction by observing either a decrease or a loss of evoked potentials. It should be noted, however, that electrophysiological monitoring can be influenced by anesthetic technique and in some instances can have either false-negative or false-positive evoked potential changes in the setting of ischemic and no ischemic injury, respectively.23 ,​ 24

Traditionally, intraoperative DSA has been used in combination with direct visualization to assess for patency of nearby parent or branching vessels and remains widely used in vascular and skull base neurosurgery.25 ,​ 26 Its advantages include evaluation of the entire cerebral circulation, and it can reveal adequacy of aneurysmal clip placement or residual arteriovenous malformations and fistulas. However, this method can be logistically difficult, invasive, time-consuming, and costly and can have limited resolution—making confirmation of perforator vessel patency difficult or impossible.

Fluorescein or ICG angiography has proven to be a particularly useful tool in many tumor and vascular neurosurgical cases. Fluorescein and ICG video angiography are rapid and repeatable modalities (after 20- to 30-minute washout delay) that are readily incorporated into the operating microscope and use intravascular fluorescence that enables visualization of small perforator vessels that can be difficult to discern with conventional intraoperative DSA. However, appreciable fluorescence of perforators can be restricted to the operative field and can be obscured by blood, pathology, or normal brain parenchyma. Moreover, fluorescein or ICG video angiography does not provide a quantitative assessment of perforator flow. Despite this, Raabe et al27 demonstrated that ICG video angiography was comparable with intra- and postoperative DSA in 90% of cases and provided neurosurgeons with clinically significant intraoperative information leading to aneurysmal clip correction in 9% of cases.

Intraoperative assessment of perforator flow dynamics with the abovementioned modalities can provide critical information to the skull base neurosurgeon and can help with complication avoidance. However, it is our experience that these technologies must be combined with clinical judgment, adequate perforator dissection, and careful intraoperative inspection of the perforator branches to minimize the risk of postoperative perforator artery distribution infarctions.

16.4.2 Technical Nuances

The ideal neurosurgical skull base approach is one that allows the surgeon to successfully access and treat the underlying disease while leaving surrounding brain tissue and vessels completely undisturbed. Accordingly, preoperative planning regarding the optimal surgical approach, patient positioning, and use of gravity retraction and natural anatomical planes must be carefully thought out beforehand.

Brain relaxation can be particularly important with respect to skull base surgery and perforator artery injury avoidance, especially in cases of intracranial aneurysm rupture with elevated intracranial pressure, hyperemia, and hydrocephalus. This can be accomplished through judicious intraoperative drainage of cerebrospinal fluid via an external ventricular drain or lumbar drain, administration of intravenous hypertonic saline or mannitol at a dose of 1 to 2 g/kg body weight, preoperative administration of 10 mg of dexamethasone intravenously, mild intraoperative hyperventilation (PaCO2 30–35 mm Hg), and optimal positioning with the head elevated slightly above the heart and without excessive flexion or lateral rotation of the neck to minimize venous engorgement. Collectively, these modalities minimize cerebral volume and lessen the need for dynamic and fixed retraction by improving visualization and exposure using normal anatomical planes—thereby decreasing the risk for inadvertent flow disruption within the delicate perforator vessels by inadvertent or excessive manual brain retraction. It is also important for mean arterial pressure to be monitored closely during surgery, as manipulation of the vessels may induce local vasospasm. The deleterious resultant ischemia and ischemic penumbra may be reduced with permissive hypertension when vasospasm is encountered. It is the senior neurosurgeon’s preference to maintain or increase mean arterial pressure during dissection of vascular structures, with routine use of dilute papaverine solution (3 mg/mL in 1-mL aliquots) applied in the presence of visualized spasm of the vessels.

16.5 Related Pathologies

16.5.1 Open Skull Base Surgery for Pathology Near the Anterior Circulation

The anterior communicating artery (AComA) complex constitutes the most common site of intracranial aneurysms and is associated with approximately 30% of ruptured aneurysms.28 ,​ 29 Given the frequent heterogeneity of the vascular anatomy in this area (with anomalies present in up to 60% of cases), the high degree of variability in angioarchitecture of aneurysms of this region (i.e., aneurysm neck, dome size, sac morphology, and projection orientation), and the proximity of these aneurysms to neighboring perforator vessels and other critical neurovascular structures of the skull base, they prove to be some of the most challenging cases to treat surgically.29

Aneurysms of the AComA can be approached from interhemispheric, supraorbital, orbitozygomatic, subfrontal, pterional, or extended skull base approaches. The laterality of the approach to this region often depends on symmetry of the A1 segments. If the A1 segments are symmetric, a right-sided approach is often favored to avoid involvement of the speech-dominant hemisphere. However, if one of the A1 segments is hypoplastic (i.e., <1.5 mm), then an approach on the dominant A1 side is preferred to ensure early proximal control and optimal viewing of the aneurysmal neck and dome. Regardless of surgical approach, careful dissection of the surrounding structures, particularly the optic nerve, internal carotid artery (ICA), ipsi- and contralateral A1 segments, ipsi- and contralateral frontopolar and orbitofrontal arteries, and neighboring perforator vessels must be methodically carried out. The aneurysmal neck must be carefully defined, and cleavage planes should be dissected around the neck of the aneurysm after proximal and distal control has been attained. Neighboring perforator arteries, namely, the MSA and RAH, should be dissected proximally and distally and then carefully displaced to allow clip application without occlusion of these vessels. If clip application cannot be accomplished without occlusion of adherent or intimately associated perforator vessels, a fenestrated aneurysmal clip should be employed to incorporate these delicate vessels into the construct without disturbing their flow.

Tumors of the anterior skull base and suprasellar compartment are a diverse group that encompass pathologies such as meningioma, hemangiopericytoma, pituitary adenoma, craniopharyngioma, chordoma, esthesioneuroblastoma, sarcoma, and lymphoma, among many others. These tumors may involve the anterior skull base’s contents and can displace or even encase critical neurovascular structures of this region. Accordingly, maximal safe or gross total resection can be difficult without sacrificing or disturbing flow of associated perforators. Some tumor types, such as pituitary adenomas, tend to encase nearby cerebral vasculature (e.g., ICAs) but in most cases can be separated relatively easily, whereas other tumors, like aggressive fibrous meningiomas, have a proclivity for invasion of nearby vessel adventitia—making the surgical separation of tumor from involved vessels difficult or impossible without sacrifice or leaving residual tumor behind. Preservation of involved perforators should be attempted at all costs and mandates the skull base neurosurgeon to understand the involved parent and branching perforator vessels by studying each patient’s preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and vascular imaging.

In the case of large clinoidal meningiomas, which tend to encase neighboring vessels and perforator branches, surgical treatment of these typically benign tumors can prove particularly difficult.30 ,​ 31 In our experience, a pterional transylvian approach is favored, with careful dissection of the middle cerebral artery in distal-to-proximal fashion toward the ICA bifurcation. Encased perforators (e.g., LSA, MSA, and AChA) must be meticulously dissected and freed from the tumor using a combination of microdissection, bipolar electrocautery, and microscissors to facilitate their separation. The surgeon should carefully explore the entrance points of the perforator vessels into the tumor along with their exit points (when applicable) and dissect along the anatomical layer that separates the vessels from the tumor. Knowledge of the parent vessel course relative to the tumor and perforator entrance points is essential when dissecting these small, often friable perforators free, as intratumoral vasculature can further complicate their identification and dissection. When identification of these branches is difficult, dividing the tumor into several segments or carefully debulking can improve visualization and ease of identification of involved perforator vessels—aiding in their safe dissection and separation from the tumor. Carefully debulking a tumor that encases the perforators can help minimize the risk of progressive compression and disruption of normal perforator flow dynamics, leading to vessel thrombosis and stroke.

Understanding of the preoperative anatomy is essential for intraoperative decision-making, because inadvertent sacrifice of a perforator branch will likely lead to a significant postoperative neurological deficit. Leaving behind a small amount of tumor that can be treated postoperatively with adjuvant radiotherapy or chemotherapy is almost always preferable to an aggressive gross total resection with significant postoperative neurological deficit.

16.5.2 Open Skull Base Surgery for Pathology Near the Posterior Circulation

Posterior circulation aneurysms broadly encompass PComA aneurysms, basilar apex aneurysms, and those of major branches of the vertebral and basilar arteries (anterior inferior cerebellar artery and posterior inferior cerebellar artery). PComA aneurysms represent roughly 30% of all intracranial aneurysms.32 These aneurysms have unique variability in their projection orientation. In large PComA aneurysms, the microvascular anatomy can be significantly distorted on preoperative DSA. Large PComA aneurysms can appear to arise from an absent or hypoplastic PComA, which results from direct aneurysmal compression. The neighboring AChA can also be displaced posteromedially and mistaken for an MSA, and the thalamoperforate artery (TPA) branches can be similarly pushed posteromedially by the aneurysm. PComA aneurysms can be approached via pterional, orbitozygomatic, or lateral supraorbital approaches and may require anterior clinoidectomy for expansion of the paraclinoid space (i.e., optic-carotid and carotid-oculomotor windows) to ensure adequate visualization and proximal control. Regardless of the approach, the same principles for safe, effective surgical clipping apply. The PComA aneurysm dome may be adherent to the oculomotor nerve and is often not dissected free because of the risk of injury to the third nerve. A temporary clip can be placed across a perforator-free zone of the supraclinoid ICA to facilitate aneurysmal neck dissection. Opening of the cistern of the lamina terminalis enables better visualization of collateralization of the PComA with the AComA and anterior cerebral artery, nearby perforator vessels, and eventual placement of a permanent clip without perforator flow disturbance. A medial trajectory is then used to check the distal clip interface to ensure no perforators are caught in the clip. This is facilitated by mild lateral displacement of the ICA.

Basilar apex aneurysms comprise approximately 5 to 8% of all intracranial aneurysms and are associated with a high risk of rupture.32 Although most basilar apex aneurysms are now treated endovascularly, these aneurysms are particularly prone to recanalization and regrowth after coiling, necessitating subsequent definitive open neurosurgical treatment.33 These aneurysms are technically difficult to access because of their deep-seated location, extremely narrow surgical corridors, difficulty attaining sufficient proximal and distal exposure of the basilar artery, and close association with basilar apex perforator arteries. Interestingly, the basilar bifurcation complex has significantly less anatomic variability and complexity than the AComA complex.34 Nevertheless, inadvertent occlusion of the basilar apex perforators carries significant risk of severe neurological impairment and death. Basilar apex aneurysms can be approached via subtemporal, pterional, transcavernous, and other extended skull base approaches. The region of the interpeduncular fossa is crowded by several different groups of perforators, namely, the TPA of the P1 segment, thalamogeniculate artery of the P2 segment, AChA, medial posterior choroidal artery, lateral posterior choroidal artery, and perforators deriving from the superior cerebellar artery. Like with all aneurysm surgery, direct visualization of the nearby perforators is essential during the clipping process. In the case of the transcavernous approach for basilar apex aneurysms, the posterior clinoid process may need to be removed to improve visualization of the contralateral P1 segment and its perforators, which can be inadvertently included in the clip construct—as they are often hidden behind the aneurysm. In the case of perforators adherent to the aneurysmal dome, placement of temporary clips alone or in combination with adenosine-induced cardiac pause (0.3—0.4 mg/kg body weight) to soften the aneurysmal dome prior to their dissection can be particularly helpful. The senior author often prefers a lateral subtemporal approach to basilar apex aneurysms, as described by Drake,35 to better visualize the posterior P1 perforators during clip placement.

Preoperative understanding of the aneurysmal neck and fundus, its projection orientation, its relationship to the dorsum sellae, the angle of bifurcation and height of the basilar apex, and the angle between the P1 segments can help dictate the most appropriate neurosurgical approach for a patient with this type of aneurysm. An approach that maximizes visualization of the aneurysm neck and fundus, nearby neurovascular structures, and perforators is likely to decrease inadvertent perforator injury and thereby minimize postoperative morbidity and mortality.

Tumors involving the posterior circulation encompass a wide variety of neoplastic pathologies and include meningioma, schwannoma, glioma, giant cell tumor, chordoma, chondrosarcoma, epidermoid tumors, and metastases, among many others. Like tumors near the anterior circulation, these tumors can vary in their involvement of surrounding vasculature. Petroclival meningiomas are often large and can encase the nearby surrounding posterior circulation vasculature and perforator vessels and can also displace and adhere to the brainstem and its associated cranial nerves. They may also parasitize the brainstem perforating vasculature. These collective features make petroclival meningiomas technically challenging tumors to resect despite their typically benign pathology. Approaches to petroclival meningiomas are patient-specific; depend on tumor size, location, and extension; and span frontotemporal, orbitozygomatic, subtemporal-transzygomatic, presigmoid, retrosigmoid, anterior, posterior, and combined petrosal, retrolabyrinthine, translabyrinthine, transcochlear, far lateral, and extreme lateral approaches.36 Because of the close anatomic relationships these lesions have to critical neurovascular structures, a systematic, multidisciplinary approach must be employed to improve long-term patient outcomes.37 Nevertheless, the same surgical principles apply in the successful resection of these tumors. Preoperative understanding of the tumor’s relationship to the posterior circulation, perforator branches, draining veins and dural venous sinuses, and cranial nerves is essential when planning a skull base approach for these tumors. The senior author favors developing a plane between the tumor capsule and adjacent vessels, when possible. Again, in the case of tumor encasement of the posterior circulation and perforators, identification of their entry and exit points aids in the careful microsurgical dissection and separation of these vessels from the tumor. In cases where the main cerebral vessels and perforators cannot be safely separated from the tumor, a near-total or subtotal resection of the tumor is favored to avoid major ischemic complications. This is especially true when the tumor shares blood supply with brainstem perforators. The skull base surgeon must incorporate a patient’s preoperative functional status and quality of life, likelihood of progression-free survival, and possibility of durable disease control with adjuvant therapies into the surgical decision-making process. Leaving behind a small amount of tumor that can be treated with adjuvant radiotherapy is almost always preferable to attempting a curative, aggressive gross total resection with significant postoperative neurological deficit and subsequent poor quality of life.

16.6 Case Examples

16.6.1 Optic Tract Glioma Near the Posterior Clinoid

A 76-year-old man with a history of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and prostate cancer (status post radical prostatectomy) presented initially to ophthalmology with 1 year of worsening vision and was found to have a right homonymous superior quadrantanopia. MRI of brain with and without contrast revealed a contrast-enhancing lesion of the left optic tract and posterior clinoid region (Fig. 16.2a–c). He underwent a left frontotemporal approach for biopsy and gross total resection (Video 16. 1). Pathology was consistent with pilocytic astrocytoma of the optic tract. Upon completion of tumor resection, the patient was noted to have diminished motor-evoked potentials involving the right hand. At this point, a dilute solution of papaverine (3 mg/mL) was applied to the ICA, A1, M1, P1, superior cerebellar artery, PComA, and all visualized perforator vessels. Microvascular Doppler ultrasonography and ICG video angiography were then performed, which both demonstrated delayed flow of the left PComA, consistent with dissection. The patient’s blood pressure was liberalized with a mean arterial pressure (MAP) goal of greater than 85 mm Hg, and an additional aliquot of papaverine solution (3 mg/mL) was irrigated onto the left PComA and nearby perforators. Repeat ICG video angiography was performed, which demonstrated left PComA vessel patency with similar slightly diminished filling. The patient’s motor evoked potentials improved but did not return to baseline. Of note, the left AChA demonstrated normal flow on intraoperative microvascular Doppler ultrasonography and ICG video angiography. Despite additional intraoperative papaverine, documented perforator vessel patency on microvascular Doppler ultrasonography and ICG video angiography, and postoperative care with permissive hypertension, high-rate intravenous fluids (125 mL/hour), and aspirin (325 mg) on postoperative day 1, the patient sustained an infarction in a left AChA distribution with right upper and right lower extremity weakness postoperatively (Fig. 16.2e). Postoperative MRI of brain with and without contrast demonstrated gross total resection (Fig. 16.2d).

Fig. 16.2 A 76-year-old man with 1 year of worsening right homonymous superior quadrantanopia. T1-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain with contrast in (a) axial, (b) coronal, and (c) sagittal views demonstrates a 2.5-cm contrast-enhancing mixed solid and cystic mass encasing the left internal carotid artery (ICA) and abutting the left optic chiasm and tract and left hippocampus. The patient underwent a left frontotemporal craniotomy for resection of this tumor, which was found to be an optic tract glioma on final pathology. (d) Postoperative axial T1-weighted MRI of the brain with contrast demonstrated a gross total resection. (e) Postoperative axial diffusion-weighted MRI sequence demonstrates a capsular infarct resulting from left anterior choroidal artery vasospasm. (f) Intraoperative microscope view of arterial dissection and spasm of left posterior communicating artery (PComA) as it arises from the ipsilateral ICA.

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