Posterior Fossa Decompression for Chiari Malformations

160 Posterior Fossa Decompression for Chiari Malformations
Neil A. Feldstein

♦ Preoperative

Operative Planning

  • Review imaging (sagittal magnetic resonance imaging is the study of choice)
  • Assess level of descent of posterior fossa structures; this determines the level of spinal exposure that will be necessary
  • Note level of transverse sinus, which will be low in Chiari II

Special Equipment

  • Dural substitute if performing dural opening procedure (the authors use bovine pericardium in children, but pericranium, autologous fascia, cadaveric dura, Gore-Tex [W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc., Elkton, MD], etc., are acceptable)
  • Ultrasound for nondural opening technique

Operating Room Set-up

  • Mayo stand at head of bed
  • Prone table with bolsters

Anesthetic Issues

  • Room should be warm to ensure normothermia (heat lamps for infants)
  • Intravenous antibiotics with skin flora coverage (cefazolin 2 g for adults, 30 mg/kg in pediatrics) should be given 30 minutes prior to incision
  • Single preoperative dose of dexamethasone

Intraoperative Neurophysiologic Monitoring

  • Somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) and brain stem auditory evoked response (BAER) monitoring (institutional evidence to support its use)
  • Obtain baseline prior to positioning
  • Repeat potentials after positioning to ensure that the neck is not excessively flexed
  • Continuous monitoring during case

♦ Intraoperative

Positioning (Fig. 160.1A)

  • Patient prone
  • Head supported in neutral position on padded horseshoe in children up to age 2 to 3 years, and in either padded horseshoe or three-pin Mayfield fixation in older children and adults
  • Neck flexed until two fingers can just fit between chin and upper sternum
  • Eyes are checked to prevent compression by horseshoe
  • All pressure points are padded (adhesive foam rubber may be placed on bony prominences prior to turning; this is particularly important in thin children)

Planning of Minimal Shave

  • Use disposable razor
  • Occipital protuberance to hairline in midline


  • 3M drapes placed along sides of neck to prevent prep solutions from threatening the security of the endotracheal/nasotracheal tube in young children with uncuffed tubes or causing corneal damage
  • Four towels and Steri-Drape
  • Split or fenestrated sheet

Planning of Sterile Scrub

  • Betadine detergent scrub and sterile gloves for 5 minutes
  • Sterile towel to dry

Mark Incisions (Fig. 160.1B)

Jul 11, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Posterior Fossa Decompression for Chiari Malformations

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