Sex-Determined Issues in Multiple Sclerosis

Sex-Determined Issues in Multiple Sclerosis

Callene Momtazee and Barbara Giesser

Department of Neurology, MS Division, UCLA School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA

Epidemiology of MS and gender

Most autoimmune diseases over the past century have developed a predilection for females. At the beginning of the 19th century, the ratio of women to men with multiple sclerosis (MS) was 1:1. Now, that ratio is approaching 3:1. There are many theories as to why MS, as well as other autoimmune conditions such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, is steadily increasing in women. Most of these theories center around the effect of male and female chromosomes, sex hormones, and their interaction with the environment.

One such theory is that the immune systems of women seem to be more active than men. Females show stronger responses to vaccination and can resist infections more effectively than males (Greer & McCombe 2011). Additionally, the composition of immune cells also seems to vary between women and men. Women have a higher percentage of T cells than men and a higher ratio of CD4:CD8. Interestingly, more estrogen receptors are seen on CD4+ helper T cells than on CD8+ suppressor T cells.

Sex hormone differences may also contribute to the gender inequality seen in the incidence of MS. Men are diagnosed with MS later in life than women, which coincides with the natural decline in testosterone in men as they age. This raises the question as to whether or not testosterone may be protective in those younger males who are genetically predisposed to develop MS. Although the traditional thinking is that MS disables male patients more rapidly than their female counterparts, it is unclear if this is true for relapsing–remitting MS (RRMS) patients. Some studies have shown that men transition to secondary progressive MS (SPMS) at a faster rate than women (5–10 years for men from RRMS diagnosis vs. 15 years for women) but that both sexes progress to SPMS usually around ages 40–45 (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). Additionally, men have fewer enhancing lesions and relapses in the earlier stages of their disease. This suggests that men may be protected at earlier ages from the inflammatory stage of MS, even though both sexes transition to the more degenerative or progressive phase of MS at a similar chronological age. Once in the progressive stage, both sexes progress in disability at the same speed. Interestingly, primary progressive MS (PPMS), which is thought to be less inflammatory in nature than RRMS, continues to show an incidence ratio of 1:1 men and women (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011).

Lastly, males and females do experience different interactions between their bodies and their environment. As the possible link between low vitamin D levels and the incidence of MS is elucidated, studies have looked at gender differences. Overall, men have more sun exposure and use less sunscreen than women, which may provide another element of protection for their gender (Greer & McCombe 2011).

Basic science of sex hormone and chromosome differences seen in MS

Actions of sex hormones

Sex hormones are lipophilic and easily cross the blood–brain barrier. The possible neuroprotective effect of sex hormones in MS was studied in the mouse model experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). In mice, as seen in humans, males appear less susceptible to the disease than females. Castration of the males increases their risk of disease, presumably because it decreases testosterone (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). Additionally, male mice show lower levels of testosterone during EAE relapses. In humans, there is some evidence that male MS patients may have lower levels of testosterone than controls. Pilot studies involving supplemental exogenous testosterone showed some improvement on both cognition and brain atrophy measures (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). Larger studies are needed to confirm this effect of treatment.

Female sex hormones are also being studied as possible neuroprotective agents in MS. There are three types of estrogen in women: estradiol, estriol, and estrone. Estrone is primarily produced in the body’s fat cells and estriol by the fetal placental unit during pregnancy, and estradiol is the main form of estrogen, produced by the ovaries, which regulates menstruation.

As will be discussed in detail later in this chapter, women with MS experience a decrease in relapses during their third trimester of pregnancy. In a pilot study, patients treated with oral estriol that mimicked levels found during the sixth month of pregnancy experienced an 80% reduction in gadolinium-enhancing lesions on MRI (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). A current, phase III, multicenter, double-blind randomized controlled trial is being conducted to further assess estriol’s protective effects on relapses and new MRI lesions has just been completed;results are pending. Interestingly, in immune modulation, high doses of estrogen augment Th2 responses and low doses seem to augment Th1 responses (Greer & McCombe 2011). Given that Th2 immune shifts are thought to be protective in MS, this could be one putative mechanism of the protection provided by female hormones.

Gender effects seen in genetics of MS

The genetics of MS transmission suggest a link to the HLA class II genes and specifically HLA-DRB1*15 (Chao et al. 2011). As stated earlier, there are roughly three female RRMS patients for every male with the disease. Although MS does not show a Mendelian inheritance pattern, offspring of parents with MS have a greatly elevated risk of developing MS as compared to the general population, with the bulk of this risk apparently transmitted through the mother. Also, in regard to vertical transmission, more mother–daughter affected pairs are seen than father–son duos (Chao et al. 2011).

The X chromosome itself may increase the susceptibility to MS. In transgenic mice, the presence of two X chromosomes (regardless of whether or not the mouse had ovaries or testes) showed an increase of susceptibility to EAE (Greer & McCombe 2011). Further, certain antigen targets in MS, such as myelin proteolipid protein, are encoded on the X chromosome itself (Greer & McCombe 2011). Lastly, in humans, there seems to be a skewing of X chromosome inactivation in women with autoimmune disease. In typical females, each cell shows an inactivation of one of her X chromosomes, and this ratio is usually around 1:1 so that half of the X chromosomes expressed are from either parent. But certain studies have shown that females with autoimmune disease present a preponderance of X chromosomes being active from only one parent or a skewed X inactivation (Greer & McCombe 2011).

Reproductive issues in MS

Menstrual cycle and menopause

Experiencing menarche at a younger age has been seen to increase the risk of MS. And for PPMS, there may be a delayed progression to EDSS when menarche begins later, at age 13 years or more (D’hooghe et al. 2012). While MS does not appear to have a particular effect on the regularity of the menstrual cycle or the onset of menopause, there is some evidence that women may experience an increase in their MS symptoms premenstrually (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). In one study, MRI lesions were seen more frequently during the luteal phase of a woman’s cycle (Greer & McCombe 2011). More studies are necessary to elucidate the cause of this phenomenon.

Interestingly, oral contraceptive pills (OCPs) do not seem to provide a protective effect in MS (D’hooghe et al. 2010). In fact, there is some evidence in one population study that users of OCPs experience progress to EDSS 6 faster, especially if they began using OCPs as a teen (D’hooghe et al. 2012). It is unknown why this type of synthetic estrogen is not beneficial in MS.

There is little data on the effect of menopause on MS. Although MS symptoms may be seen to increase perimenopausally, there has been no benefit seen from the use of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in the progression of MS (Greer & McCombe 2011).

Effects on fertility

In general, MS does not seem to have any significant impact on fertility or reproductive health (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). For patients who do happen to experience infertility, there is limited evidence to suggest that in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be associated with more frequent MS exacerbations if the IVF procedure fails or if GnRH agonists are used (Michel et al. 2012), although these studies had very few patients and other studies have found no difference with different fertility medications.

However, MS patients take many disease- and symptom-modifying medications that can affect both fertility and a developing fetus. Patients of both genders who require second-line therapy with chemotherapeutic or immunosuppressant agents such as mitoxantrone, azathioprine, methotrexate, and cyclophosphamide may experience a decrease in fertility and should be counseled about the option of sperm and egg banking if pregnancy is desired following cessation of treatment. The disease-modifying therapies (DMTs) and common symptom medications used in MS are listed in Table 7.1 and Table 7.2 along with their pregnancy safety categories for reference.

Table 7.1 DMTs—Pregnancy Safety Categoriesa

Source: Voskuhl and Giesser (2011). Adapted with permission of Oxford University Press.

Disease Modifying Therapy Pregnancy Category
Beta-interferon-I-b C
Beta-interferon-I-a C
Fingolimod C
Glatiramer acetate B
Terflunomide X
Dimethyl fumarate C
Natalizumab C
Mitoxantrone D
Cyclophosphamideb D
Azathioprineb D
Methotrexateb X

A, no evidence of fetal harm in human studies; B, no evidence of fetal harm in animal studies; C, evidence of fetal harm in animal studies or no data available; D, evidence of fetal harm in humans, use may be justified in some circumstances; X, evidence of fetal harm in humans, not indicated for use in pregnancy.
a FDA pregnancy risk category definitions.
bNot approved MS therapy by FDA or other regulatory agencies.

Table 7.2 Symptom Management Medications—Pregnancy Safety Categories

Source: Voskuhl and Giesser (2011). Adapted with permission of Oxford University Press.

Agent Symptom Pregnancy Risk Category
Corticosteroid Acute exacerbationa C
Baclofen Spasticity C
Diazepam Spasticity,a anxiety D
Tizanidine Spasticity C
Gabapentin Seizure, pain,a spasticitya C
Amantadine Fatiguea C
Modafinil Fatiguea C
Oxybutynin Overactive bladder B
Tolterodine Overactive bladder C
Dalfampridine Improve walking C

aNo FDA indication for this use or no indication for use in MS.

Contraceptive issues

Given the potential risk of certain DMTs to the developing fetus, female MS patients may wish to take contraceptive precautions against pregnancy if it is not immediately desired. If pregnancy is immediately desired, it is recommended that patients stop their interferon or glatiramer acetate therapy at least one to two cycles prior to trying to become pregnant (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011) and at least two cycles for the oral therapy fingolimod given its half-life. Natalizumab should be discontinued 3 months prior to conception (Hellwig et al. 2011). Dimethyl fumarate has a short half life and its metabolite does not accumulate, so theoretically no wash out period should be necessary (Lu et al., 2014). Conservative patients may wish to have one normal menstrual cycle off of dimethyl fumarate prior to conception.

The teratogenic potential for terflunomide may be up to 2 years after cessation of administration. The minimum recommended wash out period is at least 8 months. Facilitated elimination may be accomplished with cholestyramine or activated charcoal (Lu et al., 2014).

There are no official guidelines as to the pros and cons of the use of OCPs or HRT in MS patients. Although estrogens may have a protective effect in MS as described earlier, there is no current evidence to suggest that estradiol, in the amounts contained in OCPs, is helpful in treating or preventing MS (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). It is recommended that individual patients decide what contraceptive method is best for them in consultation with their doctors.

Congenital effects

To date, there is no evidence that babies born to mothers with MS experience congenital malformations or stillbirths at a higher rate than the general population (Argyriou & Makris 2008). A national pregnancy registry of patients with MS, diabetes, and epilepsy showed that MS patients displayed a higher incidence of intrauterine growth restriction and cesarean delivery than controls (Kelly et al. 2009) but that overall patients with MS tend to have healthy, full-term pregnancies.

The main MS-related risk to the developing fetus is the fact that children born to parents with MS have an increased risk of developing MS, roughly 20–50 times that of the general population, depending upon the study cited (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). A Danish population-based registry study of 8205 MS patients since 1968 found that the lifetime risk of a daughter developing MS born to an MS-affected parent was 2.9%. For sons, the risk was 2.8%. This is compared to the general population risk in Denmark of developing MS of 0.5% for females and 0.3% for males (Nielsen et al. 2005). This data will vary based upon the location and ethnicity of the patients being studied naturally and may be difficult to extrapolate to patients who are not of Northern European descent.

Pregnancy and the MS patient


While pregnancy can be considered a protected state in MS, previously conducted population studies were unclear as to the long-term protective effects of pregnancy in women with MS. There is some evidence that women who have had children take longer to reach an EDSS of six than women who have not had children (Greer & McCombe 2011). But authors note that this may indicate that women who have greater amounts of disability, or perhaps more aggressive MS, may just choose not to get pregnant. Women with MS are more likely to never have children than the general population (Ponsonby et al. 2012). Other previous studies show that there is no effect of parity on disability progression outcome measures in MS (D’hooghe et al. 2010).

The Ausimmune study recently attempted to address this question by examining the age of onset of a first clinical demyelinating event (FCD). They found that per patient an increasing number of offspring was associated with a dose–response trend toward a later age of developing an FCD for women but not men. In fact, there was a 49% reduction in the risk of FCD for each birth. This trend persisted even after adjusting for sun index scores and vitamin D levels, smoking, body mass index, HLA-DR15 gene presence, and other potential risk factors for developing MS. Hence, the presumptive mechanism of this decreased MS risk is thought to be due to the pregnancies themselves (Ponsonby et al. 2012). This study is also important because it studied FCD, not when women were diagnosed with MS. Therefore, these patients were not choosing to be childless because of their diagnosis. Interestingly, the age of first birth for women in Australia has increased to 31.9 years in 2008 as compared to 23.2 years in 1961. During this same time period, the female-to-male ratio of MS has increased significantly, prompting the study authors to wonder if these environmental factors are related (Ponsonby et al. 2012).

Although the 9 months of pregnancy is a protected state for exacerbations in MS patients, as discussed earlier, the effect of multiple pregnancies on the course of the disease and progression in disability had been unclear until now. There is some evidence that pregnancy may increase the time until reaching SPMS, but evidence on pregnancy and its effect on disability progression (EDSS score) is mixed (Voskuhl & Giesser 2011). Longer-term and prospective studies are required to address these specific questions.

Clinical concerns

Women with MS who wish to become pregnant should not be discouraged from doing so as they were in years past. Any patient with a chronic or potentially disabling medical condition is labeled as a high-risk pregnancy. But it is now well known that MS patients experience a decrease in relapses during pregnancy and a potential rebound in relapses in the postpartum time frame. The Pregnancy and Multiple Sclerosis, or PRIMS, study addressed this question by prospectively following 227 pregnancies in women with MS. They found that the mean relapse rate for the women was 0.7 per year before pregnancy, 0.2 during the third trimester of pregnancy, and an uptick to 1.2 during the fourth trimester or postpartum period (Vukusic et al. 2004; Figure 7.1). Even with this increase in relapse activity postpartum, it is important to note that most patients followed did not incur a relapse during this 3-month time period (72% remained relapse-free). Also, keep in mind that only 2.2% of patients went on DMTs in the 6 months following delivery, meaning the majority of these women were medically unprotected against MS during the postpartum trimester. In this study, the predictors for women who would experience a relapse included women with more frequent relapses the year before and during pregnancy and women with higher levels of disability prepregnancy.

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