Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating event for patients and their families, with many severe medical, social, and economic sequelae. Patients may be permanently disabled and may ultimately have a lifelong dependence on support services. The neurological dysfunction after traumatic SCI results from a “primary” mechanical insult, followed by a downstream cascade of “secondary” processes that disrupt normal cord anatomy and function. The primary insult is determined by the mechanism of injury, energy applied to the cord, level of SCI, and patient factors such as medical comorbid conditions and the preinjury space available to the cord. Secondary injury mechanisms include, but are not limited to, disruption of the microcirculation, loss of autoregulation, edema, ischemia, calcium toxicity, glutamate excitotoxicity, lipid peroxidation, and free radical activation.1
Greater understanding of the pathophysiology of the secondary cascade and effective early resuscitation measures have improved the outcomes for these patients. Treatment of SCI is aimed at preserving residual neurological function, avoiding secondary injury to the cord, and restoring spinal alignment and stability. Currently, there is also burgeoning activity in basic research aimed at repair and regeneration of the injured spinal cord. This may facilitate higher levels of independence and productivity and may markedly improve the quality of life for patients with SCI.2,3
SCI can be categorized as incomplete paraplegia, complete paraplegia, incomplete tetraplegia, and complete tetraplegia. According to the classification of the American Spinal Injury Association,4 tetraplegia is the “impairment or loss of motor and/or sensory function in the cervical segments of the spinal cord.” Paraplegia refers to “impairment or loss of motor and/or sensory function in the thoracic, lumbar, or sacral segments of the spinal cord.”
The neurological injury level is determined primarily by clinical examination and is defined as the most caudal spinal cord segment with normal sensory and motor function on both sides of the body. The sensory level refers to the most caudal spinal cord segment with normal sensory function. The motor level is defined similarly with regard to motor function as the lowest key muscle that has a grade of at least 3/5 (Table 104-1).
TABLE 104-1 Muscle Strength Grading
Score | Clinical Finding |
0 | Total paralysis |
1 | Palpable or visible contraction |
2 | Full range of motion with gravity eliminated |
3 | Full range of motion against gravity |
4 | Full range of motion but less than normal strength |
5 | Normal strength |
NT | Not testable |
Cervical Injury
Atlanto-Occipital Dislocation
This is caused by traumatic hyperflexion and extension, in which the ligamentous connections between the skull and C1 and C2 are disrupted (Fig. 104-1). Because of the highly unstable nature of this injury, these patients often either die of brainstem destruction and apnea or are profoundly neurologically impaired (ventilator dependent and tetraplegic). On occasion, a patient may survive if prompt resuscitation is available at the injury scene. This injury may be identified in up to 20% of patients with fatal cervical spine injuries and is a common cause of death in cases of shaken baby syndrome in which the infant died immediately after being shaken.
Atlas Fracture (C1)
This injur represents 10% of all cervical fractures and usually results from axial loading, such as when a large load falls vertically on the head or in a fall in which the patient lands on the head in a relatively neutral position. The most common C1 fracture is a burst fracture (Jefferson’s fracture), which involves disruption of both the anterior and posterior rings of C1 with lateral displacement of the lateral masses (Fig. 104-2). In patients who survive, these fractures are usually not associated with SCIs but may be accompanied with significant retropharyngeal swelling. The trauma team should be alert to this possibility and should consider prophylactic intubation. Approximately 40% of atlas fractures occur in combination with fractures of the axis (C2).
Axis (C2) Fractures
Approximately 60% of C2 fractures involve the odontoid process. These are classified according to the scale of Anderson and D’Alonzo. Type 1 odontoid fractures involve the tip of the odontoid and are relatively uncommon. Type II odontoid fractures occur at the waist of the odontoid and C2 body and are the most common type (Fig. 104-3). Type III odontoid fractures occur at the base of the dens and extend obliquely into the body of C2.
Fractures and Dislocations (C3 to C7)
Bony injury to the lower cervical area occurs in the form of compression fracture, burst fracture, or teardrop fracture. Compression fractures arise from a flexion injury, with no greater than 25% compression of the middle column and no injury to the posterior longitudinal ligament. Burst fractures are the result of compression and flexion. Teardrop fractures are caused by flexion with rotation and compression and are notably unstable injuries (Fig. 104-4).
The Thoracic Spine
The mobility of the thoracic spine is much more restricted than that of the cervical spine, because it has additional support from the rib cage. This region requires greater force to disrupt its integrity and thus has a much lower incidence of fractures (Fig. 104-5). However, because the thoracic canal is relatively narrow, a fracture dislocation here frequently results in a severe neurological deficit. Because thoracic spine fractures result from violent forces, they are associated with a high incidence of concomitant injuries, such as rib fractures, pneumothorax, hemothorax, pulmonary contusion, cardiac contusion, and sometimes aortic shearing injury.
The Thoracolumbar Junction
The thoracic spine has a natural kyphosis (concave forward), whereas the lumbar spine has a lordosis (convex forward). Because of the change of curvature in the transition zone, the thoracolumbar junction acts like a fulcrum between the inflexible thoracic region and the stronger lumbar levels, which predisposes it to injury.5 Consequently, approximately 15% of spinal injuries are found in this region (Fig. 104-6).
Lumbar Spine
Compression fractures usually result from failure of the anterior column with intact middle and posterior columns, frequently from an anterior flexion force accompanied by a posterior tensile force. These injuries are generally not associated with neurological deficit. With lumbar burst fractures, loss of height of the anterior and middle columns is characteristically shown on radiographs, with retropulsion of bone into the canal and widening of the interpedicle distance. These fractures are inherently unstable. Flexion and distraction injuries, frequently described as Chance fractures (Fig. 104-7), represent a failure of the middle and posterior columns in tension, with the anterior column acting like a hinge. Fracture dislocations are associated with failure of all three columns with a combination of forces, including flexion rotation, flexion distraction, or shearing. Because of their inherent instability these injuries are probably associated with a high incidence of severe SCI.
According to Belanger and Levi (2000) and Park and associates (2004), the histological changes in SCI can be categorized as immediate, acute, intermediate, and late phases.6,7
Acute Phase (Hours to 1 to 2 Days)
The early inflammatory response is a complex process involving vascular changes, including the disruption of the blood-brain barrier and the upregulation of endothelial cell adhesion molecules that allow the activation and extravasation of cells from the bloodstream (neutrophils, macrophages, lymphocytes) into the injured tissue. These cells also release a large number of soluble immune mediators (cytokines, chemokines) that consequently activate resident glial cells.1,3 A mild influx of neutrophils has been described as beginning within 1 day after SCI, with a peak at 2 days and a decrease by 3 days. This is in sharp contrast to other tissues, in which the neutrophilic influx is often marked. The neutrophilic response in the central nervous system (CNS) is likely to be neurotoxic in nature, because once these cells are activated and accumulated at the lesion site, they release potent free radicals that attack the integrity of the lipid bilayer of the cellular membrane. The extent of neutrophil infiltration has been associated with blood-brain barrier dysfunction and tissue damage. The neuronal and axonal changes in the acute phase include marked axonal swelling and ultimately fiber disconnection. Microscopically, this is marked by the formation of typical retraction balls. Myelin breakdown is another feature of the early period after SCI. This is initially characterized by swelling of the myelin sheaths, and ultimately by fragmentation of myelin and its phagocytosis by macrophages. Myelin loss generally occurs in association with axonal pathology. Oligodendrocytes are also exquisitely sensitive to SCI. Much of the injury to these cells appears to be necrotic, but oligodendrocyte apoptosis has also been documented both in experimental animals and in humans.
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