Super Refractory Status Epilepticus

Stage 1: early SE

Seizure lasting 5 min or two or more seizures without recovery of consciousness between

Stage 2: established SE

Ongoing SE after appropriately dosed benzodiazepine

Stage 3: refractory SE

Ongoing SE after failure of benzodiazepines and an appropriately dosed second-line antiseizure drug (typically fosphenytoin, valproic acid, phenobarbital, lacosamide, or levetiracetam) or SE requiring an anesthetic agent for control

Stage 4: SRSE

Ongoing SE despite use of an anesthetic drug or recurrence of SE upon weaning of anesthesia

SE status epilepticus

Approximately 30–50 % of status epilepticus episodes progress to RSE [2, 3] and ~15 % of these progress to SRSE [2]. Peak incidence of SE is in a bimodal distribution with ages less than 1 and greater than 60 years. RSE does not discriminate between basic patient demographics such as age, sex, or gender. New-onset RSE without an obvious cause after initial investigations has been termed NORSE or new-onset refractory status epilepticus. This may represent a unique group of patients who are more likely to have an antibody-mediated cause.

As with seizures and status epilepticus, RSE may be simplistically categorized as convulsive or nonconvulsive and focal or generalized. These delineations have treatment implications. Convulsive seizures are easily recognized and must be controlled emergently. At the refractory stage of convulsive SE, the standard treatment is anesthesia which is highly effective at achieving seizure suppression. The semiology of nonconvulsive status epilepticus is highly varied and thus may be diagnosed after some delay when seizures are identified on the electroencephalogram (EEG) with limited or fluctuating clinical correlates. Patients may have subtle behavioral changes, confusion, or automatisms as well as an altered level of consciousness. Patients in NCSE may exhibit subtle rhythmic jerks, eye fluttering, or gaze deviation. The optimal treatment of refractory nonconvulsive status epilepticus is not well established. Compared with focal status epilepticus, generalized status epilepticus may warrant more aggressive treatment. Yet, paradoxically, both focal motor seizures and nonconvulsive status epilepticus predict development of refractoriness [3].

Forty percent of generalized convulsive SE evolves into nonconvulsive status epilepticus by the time anesthetic agents are initiated [4]. Nonconvulsive seizures after control of convulsions should be suspected in patients who do not regain consciousness within 15–30 min of the cessation of convulsions. While certain variables may suggest a prolonged postictal period, such as high doses of benzodiazepines or barbiturates or underlying cognitive impairment or structural brain disease in the setting of prolonged convulsions, these are unreliable, and only EEG can ensure adequate seizure control in this setting.

Seizures become refractory when there is excessive excitatory stimulation with glutamate via N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors and insufficient inhibition via ɣ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Receptor trafficking with an increase in glutamatergic receptors and a reduction in GABA receptors is thought to contribute to pharmacoresistance and perpetuation of seizures. Additionally, mitochondrial failure, electrolyte disturbances due to compromise of the blood–brain barrier, and changes in gene expression may all play a role in the development of refractoriness.


While the epidemiology of SRSE is not well described, it is likely to be very similar to that of RSE. Between 38 and 60 % of episodes of refractory status epilepticus occur in patients with epilepsy [4, 5], among whom precipitating factors include low antiseizure drug levels, changes in drug regimen, drug intoxication or withdrawal, systemic infection, metabolic derangement, or progression of the underlying disease responsible for their epilepsy. RSE which develops in the absence of underlying epilepsy is most commonly due to acute encephalitis, stroke, brain tumor, traumatic brain injury, or drug or alcohol withdrawal. Myoclonic status resulting from hypoxic ischemic injury will be discussed in Chap. 18. A more comprehensive list of etiologies is shown in Table 2. Identification of the etiology is important for both treatment and prediction of outcome.

Table 2


 Traumatic brain injury

 Hemorrhagic or ischemic stroke

 Venous sinus thrombosis

 Hypoxic ischemic brain injury




 Cortical dysplasias

Autoimmune conditions

 N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) encephalitis

 Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) antibody

 Voltage-gated potassium channel (VGKC) antibody

 Voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) antibody

 GABAA receptor, GABAB receptor antibody

 Alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor antibody

 Leucine-rich glioma inactivated protein 1 (LGI1) antibody

 Contactin-associated protein-like 2 (Caspr2) antibody

 Dipeptidyl-peptidase-like protein-6 (DPPX) antibody

 Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) antibody

 Hashimoto encephalopathy

 CNS lupus

Central nervous system infections

 Viral encephalitis





 Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease

 Cat-scratch disease

 Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy

CNS tumors

 Primary CNS tumors

 Metastatic CNS tumors

Hereditary diseases

 Mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes

 Myoclonic encephalopathy with ragged red fibers

 Neuropathy, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa

 Leigh syndrome

 Mitochondrial spinocerebellar ataxia and epilepsy (MSCAE)

 Occipital lobe epilepsy

 Alper’s disease

 Maple syrup urine disease


 Wilson’s disease


Systemic conditions


 Electrolyte or glucose derangements


 Organ failures

 Acid–base derangements

Drug intoxication or withdrawal






Medication effects


 Supratherapeutic AED levels


 Valproic acid


 Chemotherapeutic agents



 Calcineurin inhibitors (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome or tacrolimus toxicity)

Epilepsy (patients with a history of seizures)

 Any factor listed above


 AED noncompliance

 Subtherapeutic AED levels

 Inappropriate AED choice

 Progression of underlying neurologic disease


CNS central nervous system, AED antiepileptic drug

Structural Injury

Cerebrovascular disease makes up the most common etiology of SE in Western countries [6]. Acute and remote strokes and hemorrhages account for almost 50 % of the cases of SE and 30–35 % of cases of RSE [3, 7]. In contrast, SRSE due to stroke or hemorrhage was found in only 3–7 % of cases from India and China, respectively [8, 9]. Traumatic brain injury is also a common cause of SE that is refractory to treatment [10]. Six percent of RSE cases were related to traumatic injuries [5]. Apart from acute structural damage, developmental malformations such as polymicrogyria, heterotopias, schizencephalies, and cortical dysplasias can also lead to refractory seizures.

Iatrogenic Causes

Antibiotics such as fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins have long been known to cause neurological problems. The theory behind these effects lies in the molecular similarity between cephalosporins and bicuculline, a GABA receptor antagonist [11]. Supratherapeutic doses of tiagabine, valproic acid, and carbamazepine as well as chemotherapeutic agents such as ifosfamide, cisplatin, and tacrolimus have been reported to paradoxically cause seizures likely through systemic effects (see Chap. 23).

Infectious Etiologies

The most common cause of SRSE in developing countries is encephalitis, accounting for 67–69 % of the cases in two SRSE studies from India and China, respectively [8, 9]. In contrast, a study from Berlin with 36 cases of RSE revealed 22 % with an etiology of encephalitis [7]. Each of these studies labeled patients as presumed encephalitis based on the definition from the California Encephalitis Project, encephalopathy plus one or more of the following: fever, CSF pleocytosis, focal neurological deficit, or EEG or MRI changes suggestive of encephalitis. A responsible infectious agent was identified in less than 30 % of the patients in these studies. Other potential infectious etiologies include meningitis, brain abscess, and empyema.

Hereditary Diseases

Several mitochondrial diseases have been related with SE such as mitochondrial encephalopathy, lactic acidosis, and stroke-like episodes (MELAS); myoclonic encephalopathy with ragged red fibers (MERRF); neuropathy, ataxia, and retinitis pigmentosa (NARP); Leigh syndrome; mitochondrial spinocerebellar ataxia and epilepsy (MSCAE); occipital lobe epilepsy; and Alper’s disease. Once mitochondrial patients have SRSE, it is usually related to the progression of disease, and the prognosis is typically poor. Along with mitochondrial diseases, inborn errors of metabolism such as maple syrup urine disease, porphyria, Wilson’s disease, and several of the leukodystrophies have been associated with seizures.

Systemic Conditions

Systemic conditions such as sepsis, hyperammonemia, organ failures, electrolyte or acid–base derangements, and hypo- or hyperglycemia can result in SRSE. The elderly have a higher incidence of SRSE of metabolic etiology than younger adults (26 % vs 2 %) [8]. Treatment for SRSE on the other hand can complicate treatment of the underlying systemic cause.

Autoimmune, Paraneoplastic, and Neoplastic Conditions

Autoimmune refractory epilepsies usually associated with limbic encephalitis include anti-neuronal antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), voltage-gated potassium channels (VGKC), voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCC), and NMDA receptors. These patients have CSF pleocytosis and MRI features suggestive of limbic encephalitis such as mesial temporal or hippocampal signal changes. Patients in whom autoimmune limbic encephalitis is suspected may benefit from a trial of immunosuppression. The remaining list of known antibodies are as follows: GABAA receptor, GABAB receptor, alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor, leucine-rich glioma inactivated protein 1 (LGI1), contactin-associated protein-like 2 (Caspr2), dipeptidyl-peptidase-like protein-6 (DPPX), and metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5).

Intracranial tumors whether primary brain tumor or metastatic cancer can undoubtedly lead to refractory seizures. Tumors in the limbic areas and frontal and temporal lobes have a higher epileptogenicity. The pathophysiology of seizure propagation is more than local irritation. The mechanisms resulting in seizure generation are thought to be the results of primary injury by tumor microinvasion into surrounding tissue or due to ischemia as a result of direct compression. The secondary mechanisms of seizure propagation include loss of the integrity of the blood–brain barrier, high extracellular glutamate, reduced GABAergic neurotransmission, and electrolyte alterations in extracellular peri-tumoral space [12].

Several paraneoplastic etiologies of SRSE have been discovered; the most well known of which is anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. NMDA encephalitis more commonly affects women and half of women with this entity have an ovarian teratoma. Resection of the tumor is generally related to favorable outcomes. Patients present with a constellation of neuropsychiatric symptoms ranging from anxiety, psychosis, and mutism to memory impairment, insomnia, and seizures. Treatment consists of aggressive immunosuppression and treatment of any associated malignancy.


Between 38 and 60 % of RSE patients have a prior history of epilepsy [4, 5]. Risk factors for the generation of SRSE in these cases include subtherapeutic AED levels, progression of primary CNS disease, or the addition of any of the other acute causes that may affect patients without epilepsy. Inadequate AED coverage is the cause of up to 10–31 % of SE admissions [3, 13]. A 30-patient SRSE study reports 13 % of cases to be due to inadequate AED levels [8]. SE in the setting of low AED levels has the lowest mortality rate of 4 % [6].

Drug and Alcohol Use

It is common knowledge that alcohol intoxication as well as withdrawal can cause seizures and is the etiology in 8–10 % of RSE cases [7, 8]. Super refractory SE due to alcohol intoxication or withdrawal has not been reported in the literature. Drug intoxication with ecstasy and amphetamines can lead to seizures as well, but cocaine intoxication can theoretically lead to vasculitis and thus refractory seizures.


Preliminary data from the global audit of SRSE suggests that cryptogenic etiologies are the most commonly listed cause of SRSE (https://​www.​status-epilepticus.​net/​). New etiologies of autoimmune states are discovered on a regular basis. Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis, currently the main cause of autoimmune encephalitis-related refractory epilepsy, was discovered only as recently as 2007. The latest discovery is of a GABAA antibody [14]. As new discoveries continue to occur, the percentage of the cryptogenic cases will continue to decline.

Diagnostic Evaluation

After achieving seizure control, evaluation begins with a focused history and examination. Important historical features include circumstances at seizure onset (prodromal illness, motor vehicle accident, or party suggesting substance abuse), medical history (epilepsy, neoplasms, autoimmune conditions), and active medications (cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones). The patient should be examined for signs of trauma, meningismus, and focal neurological deficits. In nearly all episodes of status epilepticus, a comprehensive laboratory evaluation including antiseizure drug levels, serum electrolytes, glucose level, urine and serum toxicology screens, troponin, lactate and creatine kinase levels, and a head computed tomography (CT) scan is warranted. Because cardiopulmonary complications are commonly associated with status epilepticus, a screening chest X-ray and electrocardiogram would aid in evaluation for aspiration, ischemic changes or development of a prolonged QTc, or other stress-related changes. When laboratory evaluation and neuroimaging do not yield an etiology for SRSE, workup continues with CSF analysis for infection and autoimmune and paraneoplastic conditions. This basic workup will identify the most common causes of SE. In addition to this evaluation, mitochondrial studies are occasionally conducted in younger patients. A stepwise approach to the evaluation of RSE etiology is presented in Table 3.

Table 3
Diagnostic evaluation

First line:

Blood glucose

Electrolyte panel

Complete blood count

Liver function test

Serum ammonia

Serum and urine toxicology screen

Alcohol level


Creatine kinase


CT head

Chest X-ray


Second line:

Continuous EEG monitoring

CSF analysis:

 Cell count and differential

 Protein and glucose

 Bacterial, viral, and fungal gram stain, cultures, and smear

 Viral and fungal serologies (in appropriate situations)

 MRI brain with and without contrast

Third line:

Serum and CSF paraneoplastic panel

Thyroperoxidase antibody

CSF cytology

N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antibodies

Voltage-gated potassium channel antibodies

Glutamic acid decarboxylase 65 antibodies

Fourth line:

CT chest/abdomen/pelvis

CT body positron emission tomography

Testicular and pelvic ultrasounds (male and female)

Exploratory surgery for ovarian teratoma

CT computed tomography, EEG electroencephalogram, CSF cerebral spinal fluid, MRI magnetic resonance imaging

The ability to perform continuous EEG (cEEG) monitoring is a cornerstone of SRSE treatment as anesthetic agents are titrated against the EEG. Occasionally, the EEG can provide clues to the etiology of the seizures. Periodic lateralized epileptiform discharges (PLEDs) will point the practitioner to a focal intracranial lesion, while the so-called extreme delta brush suggests possible autoimmune encephalopathy, specifically anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis. PLEDs or generalized periodic epileptiform discharges (GPEDs) are a frequent finding after prolonged and untreated seizures.


Excessive glutamatergic activity from seizures is thought to trigger a cascade of electrolyte imbalances, oxidative stress, and mitochondrial dysfunction. These processes result in neuronal cell damage within a few hours of the seizure, which is the principle that drives urgent treatment. Rapid identification and treatment of the underlying etiology is critical to resolution of SRSE; however, as previously discussed, a substantial portion of patients may undergo an exhaustive diagnostic search with no identified etiology.

Widely accepted treatment recommendations for SRSE are based on small, retrospective case series and general consensus. However, anesthetic drugs used for long-term suppression of seizures in this setting can also have detrimental effects, leading some experts to reexamine their protocols. The first-line treatment for status epilepticus is benzodiazepine administration. Proven second-line therapies include fosphenytoin, valproic acid, or phenobarbital. Less established options include levetiracetam and lacosamide. Anesthetics should be considered once second-line medications fail [5]. Clinicians should progress through this protocol rapidly in convulsive status epilepticus where it is not advisable to await completion of the second-line agent to begin intubation, initiation of mechanical ventilation, and induction of an anesthetic drug. In nonconvulsive seizure types, it is often reasonable to await true failure of the second-line agent or even trial a third- or fourth-line non-anesthetic antiseizure drug prior to committing the patient to anesthesia. Any patient requiring an anesthetic drug for seizure control requires continuous EEG monitoring and admission to an intensive care unit. Table 4 provides the overall treatment algorithm, mechanism of action, recommended dosing, and adverse effects of commonly used anesthetic agents for SRSE.
Jul 12, 2017 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Super Refractory Status Epilepticus

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