Supplemental Oxygen


Fig. 35.1
Supplemental oxygen. Axial FLAIR MR images (a, b) show diffuse sulcal hyperintensity. The corresponding axial post-contrast T1-weighted (c) and susceptibility-weighted (d) MR images show no associated abnormal enhancement or evidence of blood products. Sagittal T1-weighted MRI (e) shows the presence of an airway mask (arrow)

35.4 Differential Diagnosis

Many conditions can produce the appearance of subarachnoid FLAIR hyperintensity, including subarachnoid hemorrhage, meningitis, sluggish blood flow in acute stroke, moyamoya, leptomeningeal carcinomatosis, leptomeningeal melanosis, delayed contrast leakage, CSF and vascular pulsation artifact, metal susceptibility artifact, and motion artifact. Some of these conditions are discussed and illustrated below:

Nov 3, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Supplemental Oxygen

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