22 The lesions are similar to those of acute hypoxia–ischemia (see Chapter 8), but not identical. In general, the pattern of injury is that of selective degeneration of neurons rather than frank infarction. Affected neurons are shrunken with hypereosinophilic cytoplasm. The nuclei are initially pyknotic, but later become more eosinophilic and appear to blend in with the cytoplasm (nuclear dropout) (Fig. 22.1). As in hypoxia, the subiculum and CA1 field of the hippocampus are particularly vulnerable, while CA3 and 4 are less, and CA2 is least vulnerable. In the cerebral neocortex, the large neurons in laminae 3, 5, and 6 are most likely to be involved. The caudate nucleus and putamen, particularly the small neurons, are highly vulnerable to hypoglycemia. In infants, the dentate nucleus may also be affected (Fig. 22.1). In contrast to hypoxic–ischemic brain injury, Purkinje cells are usually spared. The regions of the brain particularly vulnerable to hypoglycemia are shown in Figure 22.2. 22.1 Acute hypoglycemic injury. (a) Severe hypoglycemic hippocampal injury due to insulin overdose. Most of the nuclei in the dentate fascia are shrunken and pyknotic. Many of the large neurons in the end folium (CA4) show nuclear dropout. (b) Hypereosinophilic neurons in the dentate nucleus of an infant with acute fatal hypoglycemia due to nesidioblastosis. In adults with hypoglycemia, the dentate nucleus is, like the Purkinje cell layer, usually spared. Infants dying from hypoglycemia may show widespread neuronal degeneration throughout the brain. FINDINGS IN LONG-TERM SURVIVORS OF SEVERE HYPOGLYCEMIA The cerebral cortex may appear thinned and the hippocampi shrunken and discolored (Fig. 22.3). The white matter is reduced in bulk and the ventricles are dilated. There may be marked atrophy of the caudate nucleus and putamen (Fig. 22.3). 22.3 Chronic changes after hypoglycemic injury. (a) Macroscopic findings in long-term survivor of severe hypoglycemia. Granular and atrophic neocortex in a survivor of an insulin overdose. The hippocampus and tail of the caudate nucleus are also severely shrunken. (b) Macroscopic features several weeks after an insulin overdose. The cerebral cortex is congested and focally thinned, particularly in the orbital frontal region and in the depths of sulci over the cerebral convexities. The corpus striatum is congested and there is irregular shrinkage of the caudate nucleus so that the medial surface is uneven. The cerebral cortex shows laminar neuronal loss and gliosis associated with capillary proliferation (Fig. 22.4). There is often dense subpial gliosis. The hippocampal pyramidal cell layer and subiculum are replaced by a loose meshwork of glial tissue (Fig. 22.5). The white matter is usually rarefied and gliotic. The caudate nucleus and putamen are diffusely gliotic (Fig. 22.4). The globus pallidus is relatively spared. Moderate neuronal loss and gliosis may be evident in the thalamus. As in acute hypoglycemia, the cerebellar cortex, including the Purkinje cells, is relatively spared (Fig. 22.4). 22.4 Chronic effects of severe hypoglycemia. (a) The cerebral cortex shows laminar neuronal loss, gliosis, and capillary proliferation. Several remaining neurons are mineralized (arrows). (b) The putamen is diffusely gliotic. (c) There is relative sparing of the cerebellar cortex, including the Purkinje cells. 22.5 Microscopic features 6 weeks after an insulin overdose. (a) The hippocampal pyramidal cell layer and subiculum are replaced by a loose meshwork of glial tissue and capillaries. (b) Higher magnification view of the pyramidal cell layer (arrowheads) and the dentate fascia (arrows), both of which are severely gliotic. The brain often appears normal or only mildly edematous. Some patients develop a bleeding diathesis, which may be associated with parenchymal or meningeal hemorrhages. Parenchymal petechial hemorrhages may be found adjacent to the third and fourth ventricles. Cerebellar Purkinje cell loss has been reported. Other described abnormalities are similar to those of hypoxic–ischemic damage (see Chapter 8) and probably result from a combination of cardiovascular collapse and an increased metabolic rate (Fig. 22.6). In patients with malignant hyperthermia, skeletal muscle may show central cores. 22.6 Hyperthermia. Cerebellar cortex from a patient who collapsed and later died after spending several hours in a steam tent. The systemic necropsy findings were in keeping with heat stroke. Examination of the brain revealed changes indistinguishable from those of acute hypoxic–ischemic neuronal injury, as illustrated by these Purkinje cells with shrunken, pyknotic nuclei, and hypereosinophilic cytoplasm. Typically, the basis pontis includes a fusiform region of gray discoloration, which is abnormally soft and appears granular on sectioning (Fig. 22.7). The extent of the lesion is variable. Its cross-sectional area is usually greatest in the upper part of the pons, where only a narrow rim of subpial tissue may be spared (Fig. 22.8). It may involve the middle cerebral peduncles, but rarely extends rostrocaudally beyond the confines of the pons and lower midbrain. The lesion may be asymmetric, being largely or completely confined to one side of the pons. 22.7 ODS. Transverse sections through the brain stem in CPM showing gray discoloration and slight granularity of much of the basis pontis. 22.8 Sections of the pons in CPM. (a) There is extensive loss of myelin. Note the sparing of myelin in a narrow rim of subpial tissue and in small ‘islands’ within the base of the pons. (b) In an adjacent section, axons are seen to be well preserved. The reported frequency of extrapontine lesions varies, but careful examination will reveal lesions in other parts of the CNS such as the cerebellum (Fig. 22.9), lateral geniculate body, capsula externa or extrema, subcortical cerebral white matter (Fig. 22.10), basal ganglia, thalamus, or internal capsule in 25–50% of cases. In up to 25% of patients the lesions may be exclusively extrapontine. 22.9 ODS: extrapontine demyelination. This section shows extrapontine demyelination in the white matter in the cerebellum. (Luxol fast blue/cresyl violet) 22.10 Subcortical demyelination in ODS. (a) Gray discoloration of the demyelinated subcortical white matter (arrows) in a case of extrapontine myelinolysis associated with ODS. (b) Solochrome cyanin staining confirms the presence of subcortical demyelination involving white matter in the crests of gyri (arrows). The microscopic appearances of CPM are of active demyelination (Fig. 22.11). The lesions contain reactive astrocytes and large numbers of foamy lipid-laden macrophages (Fig. 22.12), but only very scanty lymphocytes. Silver impregnation may reveal some axonal fragmentation, but most neuronal somata and axons are intact. Within the lesions, cranial nerves or central ‘islands’ of transverse pontine fibers or corticospinal tracts may be preserved (see Fig. 22.8). 22.11 Preservation of neuronal somata and axons in ODS. (a) Section of pons stained to show myelin. (b) Section of pons adjacent to (a) stained for axons. There is good preservation of neuronal somata and axons within the zone of demyelination.
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