Overview of the Temporomandibular Joint
The temporomandibular joints (TMJs) and related structures play an essential role in mastication (chewing). The act of chewing is resultant from coordinated neuromuscular interaction between cranial nerves of the central nervous system, muscles of mastication, tongue, teeth, and the paired TMJs. The TMJ complex is also involved to some degree in speaking and swallowing.
Anatomy Overview
The TMJ is classified as a ginglymoarthrodial joint (displays both hinge and sliding capabilities).
Movements at the joints are referred to as rotational (hingelike) and translational (sliding).
Bony components of the TMJ (bilateral on the skull).
Superior: the concave mandibular fossa (also known as the glenoid fossa) and articular eminence of the temporal bone.
During mastication, joint contact/compression occurs along the slope of the articular eminence due to translational/sliding movement of the joint, not at the concave roof of the mandibular fossa (common misconception).
Inferior: the convex mandibular condyles.
Dental (teeth) occlusion and TMJ positioning (location of the mandibular condyles) are interrelated ().
A dense fibrous articular disk sits between the bony components of the TMJ. This oval disk is shaped to fit optimally between the mandibular condyle and the articular eminence of the temporal bone.
The disk is thicker anteriorly and posteriorly, which helps it maintain position over the mandibular condyle.
Only the disk periphery is innervated and vascularized ().
Circumferential disk attachment to the surrounding joint capsule creates superior and inferior joint cavities ().
Synovial cells line the inner layer of the TMJ capsule and produce fluid for each cavity.
Anterior/posterior translational or “sliding” joint movements occur in the superior cavity.
Rotational/hinge movement occurs in the inferior joint cavity.
A retrodiskal tissue (pad) is attached to the posterior aspect of the disk/capsule.
It has two layers, an elastic superior retrodiskal lamina (SRL) and nonelastic inferior retrodiskal lamina (IRL; see ).
Anteriorly, the capsule and disk fuse.
Medial and lateral aspects of the joint capsule and disk are attached to their respective condyle poles via lateral collateral and medial collateral ligaments.
Two accessory TMJ ligaments (sphenomandibular and stylomandibular) help suspend the mandible from the skull. They are located medial to the joint and oriented in an anterior and inferior direction from the skull base ().
A key consideration for mandibular surgery and trauma management: the primary blood supply to the condylar heads of the mandible is the inferior alveolar artery on each side ().
TMJ Sensory (Afferent) Innervation
Hilton’s law is an excellent tool for understanding joint innervation. It states that a joint will receive sensory innervation from the nerves that supply the muscles that cross and act on the joint.
The primary source for sensory innervation of the TMJ capsule (see ) is branches of the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve (V3).