Tethered Spinal Cord Release

161 Tethered Spinal Cord Release
Saadi Ghatan

♦ Preoperative

Operative Planning

  • Examination

    • Physical: assess cutaneous markings, neurologic deficits
    • Urodynamic evaluation with post-void residual and/or more comprehensive testing if urological dysfunction is suspected

  • Imaging

    • Plain films: assess vertebral anomalies and deformity
    • Ultrasound or head computed tomography if any suggestion of hydrocephalus
    • Magnetic resonance imaging: study of choice to evaluate cause of tethering: fatty filum, lipoma, tumor, split cord, dermal sinus

Special Equipment

  • Spinal tray
  • Operative microscope
  • Intraoperative ultrasound

Anesthetic Issues

  • General anesthetic without paralytics
  • Neurophysiologic monitoring
  • Foley catheter

♦ Intraoperative


  • Prone, transverse rolls tailored to patient to allow abdomen to hang free
  • Check pressure points: eyes, arms, genitals, knees, feet

Prep and Drape

  • Done widely in case of need for rostrocaudal extension of incision


Intradural Considerations


Jul 11, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on Tethered Spinal Cord Release

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