The leg and foot

Chapter 14 The leg and foot

Chapter contents

The leg

The ankle joint and hindfoot

Assessment and treatment of the ankle joint and hindfoot

Common disorders of the hindfoot

The midfoot

Common disorders of the midfoot

The forefoot

Common disorders of the forefoot

Neuromusculoskeletal assessment of the foot

Common disorders of the leg

Muscles of the leg

Lateral compartment of the leg

Anterior compartment of the leg

Muscles of the foot

The leg is composed of the tibia, fibula and the extrinsic muscles that operate the foot. The foot is much more complex, being composed of 26 bones (seven tarsals, five metatarsals and 14 phalanges), 25 component joints, and is divided into three functional segments (forefoot, midfoot, hindfoot). With the two feet containing over a quarter of the bones of the human body, little doubt remains that these mechanically complex structures are designed to be dynamically flexible yet structurally dependable.

Some of the terminology regarding movements of the foot is not universally agreed upon and clarifications are listed in Box 14.1.

Box 14.1 Semantics: clarifying terminology

In considering the terminology used to describe the foot’s position and movements, differences in nomenclature are commonly found, which creates confusion for most readers. This type of confusion is not confined to the lower extremity, nor is it a new situation. Within the medical professions, unclear terminology may result in serious consequences (Greathouse et al 2004). In 1998, the Federative Committee on Anatomical Terminology (FCAT) and the International Federation of Associations of Anatomists (IFAA) updated a previously recognized authoritative work (Nomina Anatomica) and published it under a new title, Terminologia Anatomica. This text contains parallel listing of Latin terms and English equivalents that designate the structures of the human body. Having been developed by an international committee of anatomists, is intended for worldwide use as the definitive nomenclature text (FCAT 1998).

The following points are offered to help clarify the terms adopted with in this NMT text.

Where standard terms exist, consistency with those terms adopted by FCAT ruled. Additional discussion are below and within the text, as appropriate.

Regarding the lower extremity, the portion that lies between the hip and knee joints is the thigh, while the portion that lies between the knee and ankle joints is the leg. ‘Lower leg’ is that portion of the leg that lies near the ankle.

What was previously known as peroneal is now fibular, e.g. peroneus longus is fibularis longus and peroneal nerve is fibular nerve. This is more descriptive of the region and it helps to prevent confusion with similar terms, such as the perineum (perineal) or the peritoneum (peritoneal).

Standard anatomical position describes the foot divided into the tarsus (seven bones), metatarsus (five) and phalanges (14 + two sesamoids) (Gray’s anatomy 2005). However, regarding functionality, the foot can be better divided into three functional segments: the hindfoot (calcaneus and talus), the midfoot (navicular, cuboid and three cuneiforms) and the forefoot (five metatarsals, 14 phalanges and two sesamoids).

Dorsal and plantar surfaces replace the terms anterior and posterior respectively, while proximal and distal are used in their normal manner.

‘Crural’ pertains to the leg.

Flexion of a joint approximates the joint surfaces so as to create a more acute angle. (The reader might reflect on whether this descriptive ‘rule’ is used consistently, for example in relation to normal cervical and lumbar curves where the creation of more acute joint angles occurs when these areas are extended, rather than flexed [i.e. backward bending should really be called ‘flexion of the lumbar spine’!], which might add confusion rather than clarity to texts.) In regard to the foot, moving the dorsal surface of the foot toward the tibia constitutes flexion of the ankle joint. Therefore, movement in the opposite direction constitutes extension of the joint. However, with the foot, these movements are usually termed dorsiflexion and plantarflexion, respectively. While some authors feel the use of the term plantarflexion is inappropriate (Kapandji 1987), it does clarify a movement that might otherwise be even more unclear. Some of the confusion surrounding the use of flexion and extension regarding the ankle is due to the fact that the toe extensors assist in creating ankle flexion while the toe flexors assist in ankle extension. The terms dorsi- and plantarflexion help in this dilemma and are therefore used in this text to define flexion and extension of the ankle, respectively.

Supination and pronation are often used synonymously with inversion and eversion of the foot. However, one set of terms often relates to movement about a longitudinal axis while the other set defines a simultaneous triplanar movement about the longitudinal, horizontal and vertical axis. It is not surprising that these are confused since definitive texts have no universal alignment regarding their usage. Regarding this terminology issue, Levangie & Norkin (2001) explain:

In the subsequent edition of their text, Levangie & Norkin (2005) suggest ‘…some of these terminology differences are not really as problematic as they might initially seem.’ We suggest that, regardless of the term employed to describe it, it is most important to realize that the movement that turns the sole of foot toward the mid-line and elevates its medial aspect (whether called supination or inversion) is a triaxial movement involving rotation about a vertical, longitudinal and horizontal axis.

Regarding this particular terminology debate, Gray’s anatomy (2005) points out that ‘Pronation and supination are usually better terms than eversion and inversion, as the latter rarely occur in isolation and the former describe the “compound” motion that usually occurs’.

For simplicity in this text, the term supination is used to describe the lifting of the medial border of the foot and pronation to describe the lifting of the lateral border of the foot. Inversion and eversion are used infrequently in this text (e.g., in direct quotes) to describe the same movements.

The most significant joints of foot mechanics include the talocrural (ankle) joint, the subtalar (talocalcaneal) joint, transverse tarsal (talonavicular and calcaneocuboid) joint, the metatarsophalangeal joints and the interphalangeal joints. Additionally the compound joint, the talocalcaneonavicular joint, plays an important role in directing weight-bearing forces placed on the talus above both toward the heel and into the forefoot. Functional integrity of the plantar vault, or arch, system of the foot is dependent upon the integrity of each of these joints, which are, in turn, dependent upon a functional arch system as well as the function of more proximal joints, such as the knee and hip.

The leg

The tibia, the second longest bone in the body and its companion, the fibula, are vertically oriented and articulate at both their upper and lower ends (Figs 14.1, 14.2).

While the fibula has no articulation at the knee joint itself, it does indeed have a proximal articulation with the tibia on the inferior surface of the tibia’s lateral projection. Both bones are included in the ankle joint, their distal ends forming a mortise, which receives the head of the talus. The two leg bones are also connected through their entire length by the interosseous membrane, a tough, fibrous sheath that strengthens the tibiofibular syndesmosis, offers a broad surface for muscular attachment and provides separation of the anterior and posterior compartments of the leg.

The proximal tibia (described on p. 450) has (on the inferior surface of its lateral projection) a fibular facet, which faces distally and posterolaterally to receive the fibular head. This articulation comprises the proximal tibiofibular joint. While this joint does not provide a high degree of movement, dysfunctions within this joint are an important consideration when the ankle is being assessed due to the potential impact this may have on distal tibiofibular joint function, and, therefore, movements of the ankle joint.

The triangular shaft of the tibia has a medial, lateral and posterior surface, the borders of which are fairly sharply defined. The medial surface is immediately recognizable as the ‘shin’, while the interosseous border is the attachment site for the interosseous membrane. When compared to the proximal end, the distal end of the tibia, where its medial malleolus projects inferomedially, is noted to be rotated laterally (tibial torsion) about 30°, this being significantly more in Africans (Eckhoff et al 1994). The distal surface, which articulates with the talus, is concave sagittally, convex transversely and is continuous with the malleolar articular surface. The medial malleolus lies anterior and proximal to the lateral malleolus. Various ligaments (described below) and the joint capsule attach to it.

The fibula has a proximal head, a long, thin shaft and a distal projection, the lateral malleolus. The head offers a round facet, which articulates with the tibia. Like the tibia, the fibula has three borders and surfaces, the details of both being well described by Gray’s anatomy (2005). Its distal end articulates with the lateral talar surface and is joined to the tibia as a syndesmosis (fibrous union that does not directly contact) to form the ankle mortise.

Both the proximal and distal tibiofibular joints are stabilized by anterior and posterior tibiofibular ligaments. Additionally, the distal end also possesses an inferior transverse ligament and the crural tibiofibular interosseous ligament, which offer support to the distal joint, as does the interosseous membrane.

The proximal tibiofibular joint

The proximal tibiofibular joint is a synovial joint that is not directly connected with the knee joint. When the knee is flexed, this joint plays a part in rotation of the leg, allowing small degrees of supplementary abduction and adduction of the fibula (Lewit 1985) or, as Kuchera & Goodridge (1997) term it, ‘anterolateral and posteromedial glide of the fibular head’.

Greenman (1996) notes that the behavior of the fibular head is strongly influenced by the biceps femoris muscle, which attaches to it, suggesting that any dysfunction of the tibiofibular joint calls for assessment of this muscle, for length, strength and localized dysfunction (trigger points). Schiowitz (1991) notes that: ‘When evaluating or treating a fibular head dysfunction, the [practitioner] should completely examine the distal articulation as well, at the ankle joint’. Kuchera & Goodridge (1997) point out that functional movement of the distal tibiofibular joint is imperative as it allows the ankle mortise to accommodate the increased width of the posterior portion of the talus during dorsiflexion.

The proximal tibiofibular joint’s role in ankle sprains

Details regarding ankle sprains are discussed on p. 512. In addition to those considerations, Kuchera & Goodridge (1997) suggest that in cases of recurrent ankle sprain, examination for fibular head dysfunction should be carried out, ‘because with trauma the physiologic, reciprocal motion [between the distal and proximal tibiofibular articulations] may not occur’.

Greenman (1996), discussing the problem of recurrent ankle sprain, suggests they ‘are difficult to treat’ and that ‘structural diagnostic findings in this population consistently show dysfunction at the proximal tibiofibular joint and dorsiflexion restrictions of the talus at the talotibial articulation’. Greenman further observes that common findings include loss of subtalar joint play, pronation of the cuboid, and weakness of the lateral compartment muscles and tibialis anterior.

Testing joint play and mobilizing the proximal tibiofibular joint

The patient is supine with hip and knee flexed so that the sole of the foot is flat on the table.

The practitioner sits so that her buttock rests on the patient’s toes, stabilizing the foot to the table.

The head of the fibula is grasped between thumb and index finger of one hand as the other hand holds the tibia firmly, inferior to the patella.

Care should be taken to avoid excessive pressure on the posterior aspect of the fibula head as well as its neck, as the common fibular nerve (relatively exposed) wraps around it and is vulnerable to compression (Kuchera & Goodridge 1997) (see Fig. 14.2C).

The thumb resting on the anterior surface of the fibula should be reinforced by placing the thumb of the other hand over it.

A movement that takes the fibular head firmly posteriorly and anteriorly, in a slightly curved manner (i.e. not quite a straight backward-and-forward movement, but more back and slightly curving inferiorly, followed by forward and slightly curving superiorly, at an angle of approximately 30° – see Fig. 14.3), determines whether there is freedom of joint glide in each direction.

If restriction is noted in either direction, repetitive rhythmical springing of the fibula at the end of its range should restore normal joint play.

It is worth noting that when the fibular head glides anteriorly there is automatic reciprocal movement posteriorly at the distal fibula (lateral malleolus), while posterior glide of the fibula head results in anterior movement of the distal fibula. Restrictions at the distal fibula are, therefore, likely to influence behavior proximally and vice versa.

Petty (2006) utilizes a similar anteroposterior glide to that described above, but suggests a prone position for the posteroanterior assessment.

The prone patient’s leg is supported proximal to the ankle on a cushion, so that the knee is in slight flexion.

The practitioner’s thumbs are applied to the posterior aspect of the fibula head while avoiding the common fibular nerve, with fingers curved around the proximal leg to offer support for the hands as well as to stabilize the leg.

On-and-off combined thumb pressure is applied to assess anterior glide potential of the head of the fibula.

Entrapment possibility

As observed above, care is required to avoid undue pressure on the posterior aspect of the fibula head due to neural structure proximity. Kuchera & Goodridge (1997) point out additionally that dysfunction that involves the fibular head being locked in a posteriorly translated direction ‘may cause symptoms related to entrapment neuropathy or compression of the common peroneal [fibular] nerve’ (see Box 14.9).

Box 14.9 Neural impingement and neurodynamic testing

Note: See Volume 1, Box 13.11 for additional information regarding the background to neural impingement.

Korr (1970, 1981) demonstrated that nerves transport vital biochemical substances throughout the body, constantly. The rate of axonal transport of such substances varies from 1 mm/day to several hundred mm/day, with ‘different cargoes being carried at different rates’. ‘The motor powers (for the waves of transportation) are provided by the axon itself’. Transportation is a two-way traffic, with retrograde transportation, ‘a fundamental means of communication between neurons and between neurons and non-neuronal cells’.

Korr (1981) believes this process to have an important role in maintenance of ‘the plasticity of the nervous system, serving to keep motor-neurons and muscle cells, or two synapsing neurons, mutually adapted to each other and responsive to each other’s changing circumstances’. The trophic influence of neural structures on the structural and functional characteristics of the soft tissues they supply can be shown to be vulnerable to disturbance. Korr (1981) explains:

Among the negative influences frequently operating on these transport mechanisms, Korr informs us, are deformations of nerves and roots, such as compression, stretching, angulation and torsion. Nerves are particularly vulnerable in their passage over highly mobile joints, through bony canals, intervertebral foramina, fascial layers and tonically contracted muscles (for example, posterior rami of spinal nerves and spinal extensor muscles).

Neurodynamic testing for and the treatment of ‘tensions’ in neural structures offer a means of dealing with some forms of pain and dysfunction.

Maitland (1986) suggested that assessment and treatment of ‘adverse mechanical tension’ (AMT) in the nervous system should be seen as a form of ‘mobilization’.

Any pathology in the mechanical interface (MI) between nerves and their surrounding tissues can produce abnormalities in nerve movement, resulting in tension on neural structures. Examples of MI dysfunction are nerve impingement by disc protrusion, osteophyte contact or carpal tunnel constriction. These problems may be regarded as mechanical in origin and symptoms will more easily be provoked by movement rather than passive testing.

Chemical or inflammatory causes of neural tension can also occur, resulting in ‘interneural fibrosis’, which leads to reduced elasticity and increased ‘tension’, which would become obvious with tension testing of these structures (see the discussion of Morton’s neuroma on p. 532). The pathophysiological changes resulting from inflammation, or from chemical damage (i.e. toxicity) lead to internal mechanical restrictions of neural structures, which are quite different from externally applied mechanical causes, such as would be produced by a disc lesion, for example.

When a neurodynamic test (see below) is positive (i.e. pain is produced by one or another element of the test – initial position alone or with ‘sensitizing’ additions) it indicates only that AMT exists somewhere in the nervous system and not that this is necessarily at the site of reported pain.

Petty (2006) suggests that in order to ‘ascertain the degree to which neural tissue is responsible for the production of the patient’s [ankle and foot] symptoms’ the tests that should be carried out are passive neck flexion, straight leg raising, passive knee flexion and slump. These tests are described below, with the exception of passive neck flexion, which is self-explanatory.

Variations of passive motion of the nervous system during examination and treatment

CAUTION: General precautions and contraindications

Straight leg raising (SLR) test

Note: See text relating to hamstring tests (for shortness) in Chapters 10 and 12. See Figure 12.46 in particular. In Chapter 10 Box 10.5, see discussion under the subheading: Protocol for assessment of symptoms caused by nerve root or peripheral nerve dysfunction (p. 237).

The leg is raised in the sagittal plane, knee extended.

It is suggested that this test should be used in all vertebral disorders, all lower limb disorders (and some upper limb disorders) to establish the possibility of abnormal mechanical tension in the nervous system in the lower back or limb.

The ‘slump test’

Butler (1994) regards this as the most important test in this series. It links neural and connective tissue components from the pons to the feet and requires care in performance and interpretation (Fig. 14.45). The slump test is suggested for all spinal disorders, most lower limb disorders and some upper limb disorders (those that seem to involve the nervous system).

The test involves the seated patient introducing the following sequence of movements:

Additional sensitizing movements during slump testing are achieved by changes in the terminal positions of joints. Butler (1994) gives examples.

Cadaver studies demonstrate that neuromeningeal movement occurs in various directions, with C6, T6 and L4 intervertebral levels being regions of constant state (i.e. no movement, therefore ‘tension points’). Butler (1994) reports that many restrictions identified during the slump test may only be corrected by appropriate spinal manipulation.

It is possible for SLR to be positive (e.g. symptoms are reproduced) and the slump test negative (no symptom reproduction) and vice versa, so both should always be performed.

The following findings have been reported in research using the slump test. Mid-thoracic to T9 are painful on trunk and neck flexion in 50% of ‘normal’ individuals. The following are considered normal responses if they are symmetrical.

If the patient’s symptoms are reproduced by the slump position, altered or aggravated by sensitizing movements and can be relieved by desensitizing maneuvers, the test is regarded as positive.

Butler (1994) suggests that in treating adverse mechanical tensions in the nervous system, initial stretching of the tissues associated with neural restrictions should commence well away from the site of pain in sensitive individuals and conditions. It is not within the scope of this text to detail methods for releasing abnormal tensions, except to suggest that the treatment positions are commonly a replication of the test positions (as in shortened musculature, where MET is used).

We suggest that when the protocols outlined throughout the clinical applications segments are diligently carried out, including identifying and releasing tense and shortened musculature, releasing tense, indurated, fibrotic myofascial structures using NMT or other deep tissue methods as well as deactivating trigger points, where appropriate, mobilizing joints, including those aspects of movement that are involuntary (joint play), there will almost always be an improvement in abnormal neural restrictions.

Retesting restricted tissues regularly during treatment is important, in order to see whether gains in range of motion or lessening of pain noted during AMT testing are being achieved.

MET for releasing restricted proximal tibiofibular joint

For posterior fibular head dysfunction (where anterior glide is restricted)

The patient sits on the treatment table with legs hanging over the edge.

The practitioner sits in front of the patient supporting the foot with one ‘supporting’ hand

The practitioner’s other hand engages the posterior aspect of the fibular head and introduces an anteriorly directed force, while avoiding compression of the fibular nerve.

At the same time the supporting hand passively inverts, plantarflexes and adducts the foot (creating supination), to the first resistance barriers in these directions.

When slack has been removed via these movements, the patient is asked to evert, abduct and dorsiflex the foot, using a moderate degree of effort (‘Try to use no more than 25% of your strength, while I resist your effort’).

This isometric effort is held for 5–7 seconds (Greenman [1996] suggests just 3–5 seconds).

Following complete relaxation of the muscular effort by the patient, slack is removed by the contacts on the fibular head and also the foot, as a new barrier is engaged (i.e. increased inversion and internal rotation) and the process is repeated once or twice more.

According to Goodridge & Kuchera (1997) the muscles that are likely to be involved in this resisted isometric effort include extensor digitorum longus and tibialis anterior. The sustained contraction should ‘draw the fibula anteriorly along the tibial articular surface’. Additionally, the isometric action of these muscles should inhibit their antagonists, which may be holding the fibular head posteriorly (see discussion of muscle energy technique in Chapter 9).

For anterior fibular head dysfunction (where posterior glide is restricted)

The ankle joint and hindfoot

The ankle joint composes of the malleoli of the tibia and fibula, the distal surface of the tibia and the body of the talus (see Figs 14.1, 14.2, 14.4). The tibia is weight-bearing onto the head of the talus, while the fibula has very little weight-bearing responsibility, with ‘no more than 10% of the weight that comes through the femur being transmitted through the fibula’ (Levangie & Norkin 2005).

The tibiofibular component supplies three facets, which together form an almost continuously concave surface, resembling an adjustable mortise (similar to an adjustable wrench). Levangie & Norkin (2005) observe:

The proximal head of the talus is a wedge-shaped structure, wider anteriorly than posteriorly, that is held in an arch (mortise) created by the medial (tibial) and lateral (fibular) malleoli. Approximately one-third of the medial aspect of the talus is bounded by the tibial malleolus, while the lateral aspect of the talus is entirely bounded by the fibular malleolus, which is more posteriorly situated when compared to the tibial malleolus. The relative oblique axis between the malleoli results in ‘a toeing out (by about 15°) of the free foot…with dorsiflexion and toeing in, with plantarflexion’. We are reminded by Goodridge & Kuchera (1997) that this position of the free foot is important ‘when setting up manipulative techniques addressing this joint’.

The tibia rests on the proximal trochlear surface of the talus. The talus projects a long neck that ends in a rounded distal head for articulation with the navicular bone and the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament, and it offers a facet for each of the malleoli and three articulations with the calcaneus (Fig. 14.4).

The talus has no direct muscular attachments so its ligamentous structure is significant (see below). Its movements are influenced by muscular action on bones that lie above and below it (Greenman 1996). Because of the strong ligaments of the ankle, the shape of the crural concavity and the length of the lateral malleolus on the talus, joint dislocation is extremely unlikely unless accompanied by fracture.

The ankle mortise (also called talocrural, tibiotalar or talotibiofibular joint) is designed to handle enormous degrees of force. (Figs 14.5) Gray’s anatomy (1995) reports that: Compressive forces transmitted across the joint during gait reach five times body weight while tangential shear forces, the result of internally rotating muscle forces and externally rotating inertial forces associated with the body moving over the foot, may reach 80% body weight.

Gray’s anatomy (2005) describes the ankle joint as follows:

During dorsiflexion, the fibula and tibia spread away from each other (but only slightly) to accommodate the wider anterior aspects of the head of the talus. This malleolar gap is increased a minor amount by slight lateral rotation of the fibula and a small gliding movement at the proximal tibiofibular joint, which affects the distal joint as well. The close-packed position for this joint is full dorsiflexion where the joint is most congruent and the ligaments are taut. Its least stable position is plantarflexion, where the narrow portion of the talus fits loosely into the mortise.

Levangie & Norkin (2005) artfully describe the mortise:

Since movements of the fibula assist the foot in accommodating unstable surfaces, muscular control of the foot when it is not in full dorsiflexion is essential to stability of the structure.

The line of the joint is usually considered to be at the anterior margin of the tibia’s distal end. This can be palpated if the superficial tendons are relaxed. Along with those tendons will be found a variety of structures that are listed here in relation to the malleoli.

Anterior to the malleoli on the dorsum of the talocrural joint:

Posterior to the medial malleolus (Fig. 14.6):

Posterior to the lateral malleolus (in a groove):

The arterial blood supply to the joint is from the malleolar rami of the anterior tibial and fibular arteries. Nerve supply to the joint derives from the deep fibular and tibial nerves.

The ankle ligaments

The bones that make up the crural arch (the distal tibia and the medial and lateral malleoli) are connected to the talus by the joint capsule and powerful ligaments (Fig. 14.7ABC).

Movements of the ankle joint

Kuchera & Goodridge (1997) suggest that the ankle joint is in fact two joints, which should be considered together as a functional unit: the talocrural joint (ankle mortise) and the subtalar joint (described below). They point to the research of Inman (1976) who showed that during the gait cycle, as weight is taken on the foot, there is ‘visible medial rotation of the tibia [that] is greater than can be attributed to movement solely at the talocrural joint’. Inman demonstrated that the increased tibial rotation resulted from ‘relative calcaneal eversion about the subtalar axis’. As the stance phase progresses the tibia then externally (laterally) rotates, at the same time as calcaneal inversion occurs, again about the subtalar axis (see Box 14.1).

The motions of the ankle joint are as follows.

Plantarflexion (up to 50°, if motion is not isolated and includes subtalar or transverse tarsal joint excursion) achieved by soleus and gastrocnemius, assisted by plantaris, fibularis (peroneus) longus and brevis, tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus and flexor hallucis longus.

Dorsiflexion (10° with knee straight, 30° with knee flexed) achieved largely by tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus and fibularis (peroneus) tertius, assisted by extensor hallucis longus (Schiowitz 1991, Travell & Simons 1992).

Accessory minor motions of anterior glide with plantar flexion and posterior glide with dorsiflexion (Goodridge & Kuchera 1997).

Additionally, Kuchera & Goodridge (1997) note that: ‘Plantar flexion is accompanied by adduction and supination of the foot….[and]…the proximal fibular head glides posteriorly and inferiorly…[and]…the talus glides anteriorly, placing the narrow position of the talus in the ankle mortise, a less stable position’.

Although it appears to be simply a hinge, during plantarflexion it is dynamic and can shift (Gray’s anatomy 2005). Platzer (2004) notes that in plantarflexion (open-packed position), some side-to-side movement is possible.

Stability during symmetrical standing requires continuous action by soleus, which increases during forward leaning (often involving gastrocnemius) and decreases with backward sway. If a backward movement takes the center of gravity posterior to the transverse axes of the ankle joints, the plantarflexors relax and the dorsiflexors contract (Gray’s anatomy 2005).

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