Figure 2.1
The immune players of multiple sclerosis
The underlying trigger is unknown, but may be autoimmune, environmentally stimulated or intrinsically degenerative. Whatever the initial precipitant, the innate immune response leads to a more targeted acquired immune response and subsequent inflammatory reaction. Within the CNS parenchyma, secretion of cytokines activates resident microglia, which in turn induces reactive astrocytes to release further inflammatory cytokines, opening up the BBB and allowing for the recruitment and infiltration of circulating leukocytes [31–33]. This inflammatory storm leads to the destruction of CNS tissue, with myelin degradation, metalloprotease digestion and phagocytosis by macrophages. This process in turn may release additional CNS autoantigens, including myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), myelin basic protein (MBP), proteolipid protein (PLP) among others [34].
The pathophysiology of MS involves a variety of cellular players, as observed in human lesion pathology and in experimental animal models of MS. These different cell types are introduced in Fig. 2.2 and their functions are described in more detail below.
Figure 2.2
Pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis. An unknown trigger leads to an inflammatory response within the CNS parenchyma, in which resident microglia are activated, permeability of the blood-brain barrier increases and entry of leukocytes and soluble factors occurs. Both the myelin sheath and axon are damaged in this process leading to impaired electrical transmission down the nerve cell. Over time, neurodegeneration consisting of axonal transection and neuronal death develops. Unknown factors promote the incomplete remyelination and repair of some plaques, underlying a partial recovery of function and characteristic “shadow” appearance on pathology
2.4 White Matter Plaque Formation
The classic histopathologic lesions found in MS are focal sclerotic white matter plaques. Though located throughout the CNS, they tend to appear in the optic nerve, periventricular white matter (particularly the corpus callosum), juxtacortical border, cerebellum, brainstem, and the cervical spine with longitudinal extension of no more than two vertebral segments and axial involvement of less than one-half [6]. It is not known why these locations are preferentially affected but they are so characteristic that diagnosis utilizing MRI criteria is based upon them [35].
White matter plaques are typically centered around large- or medium-sized veins, with areas of high venous density frequently affected. They exhibit a finger-like perivenular extension pattern, classically termed Dawson’s fingers. Periventricular lesions may exhibit strip-like patterns of demyelination. In the spinal cord, lesions are fan-shaped with the tips located at the subpial surface. In cortical lesions, large subpial band-like lesions can be found. In sum, these patterns suggest pathogenic factors emanating from the vasculature, meninges, or CSF [2].
White matter lesions in the acute phase of disease demonstrate the disruption of the blood-brain barrier (BBB), allowing for visualization with gadolinium contrast enhancement on MR imaging [36]. The formation of new white matter lesions acts as a radiologic sign for continued inflammatory disease activity and thus serves as a biomarker for assessing the efficacy of immunomodulatory therapy both in clinical trials and practice [37].
Lymphocyte activation is presumed to play a major role in the formation of white matter lesions [38, 39]. In active lesions, macrophages and activated microglial cells are the most numerous inflammatory cells [40], but the process is initiated by an initial wave of CD8+ T cells, followed by CD4+ T cells, B cells, plasma cells, and additional macrophages [6, 41, 42].
On post-mortem tissue, four different types of white matter lesion pathology have been described [2, 6]. Pattern 1 (present in 10 % of patients with MS, with higher incidence in those with <1 year disease history) shows sharply demarcated lesion edges with a perivascular T-cell infiltrate, active demyelination, activated microglia, and macrophages full of myelin. Pattern 2 (seen in 55 % of patients) shows more severe T-cell and macrophage infiltration, with IgG deposition and complement (C9neo) antigen in areas of demyelination. Pattern 3 (30 % of patients) has poorly defined borders, dying oligodendrocytes, inflamed vessels with loss of myelin associated glycoprotein (MAG) and CNPase reactivity and a rim of spared myelin. Pattern 4 is found only in PPMS patients and rarely at that (5 % of patients), characterized by infiltrating T cells and macrophages with oligodendrocyte degeneration in the white matter adjacent to the active lesion.
Disagreement over whether individual patients tend to have one type of lesion pathology exists, although over time, all four types become fully demyelinated and converge toward a final sclerotic endpoint. Whereas acute plaques exhibit uniform myelin destruction with macrophages laden with myelin degradation products at early stages of digestion, more chronic plaques demonstrate an inactive center with a surrounding rim of macrophages engorged with early myelin degradation products [4]. Slowly expanding active lesions have an inactive center with surrounding macrophages, though the myelin digestion is advanced or complete in most of these cells. The acute and chronic plaques are found in early MS, whereas the slowly expanding active plaques are more common in progressive stages of MS [30, 43].
2.5 Blood-Brain Barrier Breakdown, Leukocyte Entry, Demyelination, and Axonal Injury
As noted, breakdown of the BBB, as detected by contrast permeability of gadolinium on MRI, precedes the formation of a lesion [44]. However, it is important to note that gadolinium enhancement is not sensitive in detecting small breaches of the BBB, which can be found with organic dyes on post-mortem tissue [45]. These breaches are widespread throughout chronic lesions and NAWM and, along with diffuse ultrastructural changes, suggest increased vascular permeability (including the separation of endothelial cells, increased transendothelial transport marker, dysferlin, and disorganization of astrocytic foot processes) [43]. Taken together, this supports the presence of widespread chronic inflammatory changes not limited to active lesions in the MS brain.
Inflammatory lesions are believed to be driven by peripheral activation of T cells demonstrating upregulated expression of α4 integrin, which mediates binding to vascular cell adhesion molecules (VCAMs) on endothelial cells and transmigration through the BBB [46]. Within the CNS parenchyma, T cells secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines which activate microglia, which then secrete additional cytokines drawing more T cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells to the lesion.
Active demyelination occurs as macrophages engulf myelin fragments and accumulate lysosomal myelin degradation products within days to weeks of lesion formation [47]. Variable degrees of axonal injury may be found alongside the disintegrated myelin sheaths and apoptotic cell death of oligodendrocytes may occur [2].
Demyelination is observed in all types of white matter lesions, though types I and II are characterized by damage to the myelin sheaths and types III and IV exhibit oligodendrocyte death [6, 48]. Damage to myelin sheaths may be secondary to toxic effects of activated macrophages or by autoantibody-mediated attack on myelin components. Autoantibodies are more commonly present in patients with RRMS, though specific autoantigens (such as anti-MOG) have not been shown to be unique to MS [49]. Death of oligodendrocytes is likely multifactorial and may be secondary to hypoxia, toxic injury from macrophages and mitochondrial failure [50, 51].
Contrary to classical medical teaching, axonal injury is found to occur in MS lesions, often as an early event [2, 8]. It has been proposed that two separate mechanisms are involved in axonal damage. The first is an early fulminant injury related to the mediators of the acute inflammatory reaction, possibly including cytotoxic T cells, macrophages, excitotoxic changes in the extracellular milieu or axonal membrane, or intrinsic neuronal changes induced by the denuded axon, leading to deficiencies in mitochondrial function and transport [52]. The second process involves a slow degeneration in chronic plaques that may be mitigated by remyelination [8].
2.6 Cortical Demyelination
Advanced imaging techniques and detailed pathological studies have established that cortical demyelination is common in MS and often is not correlated to the extent or locations of WM lesion load [24, 28]. Cortical lesions correlate clinically with cognitive deficits and increase the risk for seizures to develop [53, 54]. It is not known whether cortical demyelination shares the same pathophysiologic precipitant as white matter disease, whether it occurs primarily from a distinctive demyelinating process, secondarily to remote changes of the white matter tracts or both. Cortical neuron loss does tend to appear globally rather than in regional areas correlating to white matter lesions [55].
Notably, though not readily apparent on MR imaging, GM lesions exhibit lymphocytic infiltration (including myelin-laden macrophages, T cells, and B cell follicular structures), BBB breakdown, and meningeal inflammation on post-mortem tissue, suggesting that inflammatory events underlie the formation of these lesions [56]. Indeed, the magnitude of active demyelination and neurodegeneration correlates with the amount of meningeal inflammation. Of note, cortical demyelination is present in RRMS though it becomes more prominent in PPMS and SPMS, and does not appear to be correlated with the extent and degree of white matter lesions [24].
2.7 Diffuse White Matter Changes, Global Atrophy, and Progressive Degeneration
Grossly normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) shows abnormal pathology as well, particularly in patients with SPMS and PPMS [27]. Changes consistent with a diffuse inflammatory process (activation of microglia cells and diffuse axonal injury independent of demyelination) have been described and these changes do not correlate with the focal white matter lesion load [24].
Progressive gray matter damage and cortical atrophy have also been described with an average of 10 % global cortical thinning in post-mortem MS brains compared to controls [57]. Retrograde degeneration of focal WM lesions may contribute to cortical atrophy but cannot fully explain the degree and location of diffuse cortical atrophy as it does not correlate with the white matter lesion burden. Similarly, the regional distribution of cortical demyelinating plaques is likely insufficient to directly account for the widespread cortical changes [24].
Whether cortical atrophy causes global white matter changes or in turn, is a result of anterograde and retrograde degeneration of axons is not known. Both processes may occur in parallel.
As described elsewhere in this book, progressive forms of MS are characterized clinically by gradual accumulation of disability and a poor clinical response to available immunosuppressive and immunomodulatory therapies that are effective in RRMS. Pathologically, PPMS and SPMS exhibit fewer new focal white matter plaques and demonstrate more slowly expanding lesions, cortical demyelination, diffuse damage and axonal injury of the NAWM, with widespread microglial activation and brain atrophy [2]. Therefore, progressive MS may involve distinctive inflammatory mechanisms that are more widespread and insulated from immunotherapies of the systemic circulation.
2.8 Remyelination and Repair
Remyelination in plaques is demonstrated by the presence of pale thinly myelinated lesions, termed “shadow plaques” in post-mortem tissue [58]. These lesions are characterized by an increased number of oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC) and mature oligodendrocytes [59]. The presence of remyelinated plaques seems to occur in some patients but not in others, and the extent of remyelination may differ between lesions within an individual [2]. Cases with high levels of remyelination have been observed equally among patients with RRMS, SPMS, and PPMS, suggesting that inter-individual differences may determine the capacity for remyelination, though no genetic polymorphisms have yet been found [60].
In chronic MS, maturing oligodendrocytes are rare, suggesting that a block in differentiation exists. Possible deficits may be in failure to activate, failure to recruit, or failure to differentiate. Several inhibitory factors have been identified, which prevent OPCs from contacting an axon, expressing myelin-specific genes and ensheathing an axon, key steps in the functional differentiation of OPCs [61, 62]. Interestingly, remyelination is more commonly observed in cortical lesions rather than subcortical, cerebellar, or spinal cord white matter lesions, suggesting that there is a more permissive environment in the cortex.
Remyelinated plaques are susceptible to subsequent new demyelinating attacks and appear to be more susceptible to new demyelination than normal-appearing white matter [58]. MR imaging is able to detect poorly myelinated lesions though there is no currently available neuroimaging marker to differentiate early demyelinating lesions from incompletely remyelinated plaques [63].
2.9 The Clinical Presentation of Multiple Sclerosis
Variability is one of the hallmarks of the clinical picture of MS. Some patients have a mild course with little activity or progression over many decades, while for others the course may be aggressive with significant neurological decline over a few years. However, despite the unpredictable nature of symptom frequency and intensity, patients often experience comparable patterns of disease.
As described elsewhere, MS symptoms manifest in two major ways: through relapses or progressive disease. Lesions in the optic nerve, posterior fossa, and spinal cord most commonly cause a clinical relapse. Because of their inflammatory nature, they typically evolve over days to weeks, plateau, and then improve, again over days to weeks. While some relapses do leave a residual deficit, most often the symptom intensity is significantly less than at the peak of the relapse. It may take 1–2 years for a relapse to recover to the fullest extent. Relapses often occur in a focal manner; however, some patients with a very active inflammatory response may present with multi-focal symptoms correlating to multiple lesions that have simultaneously formed. Progressive symptoms are quite different in that they occur as a result of neurodegeneration, and cause gradual worsening occurring over months and years. Throughout the course of their disease, many patients with MS also experience the subtle development of chronic symptoms that are related to the condition, yet are difficult to place into the relapsing or progressive categories.
2.10 Common Symptoms
2.10.1 Fatigue
Although the pathophysiology of MS fatigue is ill understood, this symptom is exceedingly common in MS, affecting up to 80 % of patients with MS. MS fatigue has been defined as a sense of exhaustion, lack of energy or tiredness out of proportion to what might be expected [64]. It can impact a patient’s ability to work, to be physically active and to be involved in social activities. For some, it may be one of the most disabling features of the condition.
2.10.2 Cognitive Dysfunction
Cognitive dysfunction is one of the most challenging, yet underrecognized, symptoms of the condition. It spans the disease spectrum and may be present even at symptom onset. Overall, 35–65 % of patients with MS will experience cognitive dysfunction at some point in the condition. Cognitive dysfunction in MS results in slowed processing speed, decreased working memory and issues with attention. It may not be apparent to the examiner through normal examination methods. Neuropsychological testing may be helpful in elucidating deficits, and repeating the testing allows the practitioner to monitor a patient’s trajectory over time.
2.10.3 Mood Symptoms
Psychiatric disorders are more common in multiple sclerosis than in the general population though it is unclear whether these symptoms are a direct reflection of the underlying pathology of MS. Depression is the most common psychiatric condition in patients with MS. At some point after an MS diagnosis, up to 50 % of patients will receive a diagnosis of depression [65], a rate that is higher than that of the general population or of patients with other chronic conditions. The prevalence of bipolar disorder is likely increased in the MS population. Though debated, suicide is thought to be more common in MS patients that the general population, and thus depression should be treated proactively. Anxiety is another common occurrence in MS.
2.10.4 Optic Neuritis
Optic neuritis (ON) is a common initial clinical presentation. As with all MS relapses, it typically evolves over the course of days to weeks as the lesion develops. Visual loss is usually unilateral and mild to moderate in severity. Classically, the patient will experience a central scotoma, though the pattern of visual loss may also be uniform throughout the entire field or more focal. Patients usually, but not always, experience pain with eye movement and loss of color discernment, more significantly in the red tones, termed loss of “red discrimination.” Examination will reveal an afferent pupillary defect (APD) in most patients with a healthy contralateral optic nerve. In the majority of cases in which the lesion is in a retrobulbar location, the optic nerve will appear normal on ophthalmologic examination, and only in a minority of cases where the lesion is located distally will there be papillitis. Further testing could reveal loss of color discrimination with Ishihara plates and abnormal results both with visual evoked potentials (VEPs) and optical coherence tomography (OCT).
2.10.5 Brainstem and Cerebellar Symptoms
Symptoms resulting from the disruption of cranial nerve pathways or connections are common in MS. Internuclear ophthlamoplegia (INO), especially when it is bilateral, is a classic finding. An INO in its classical form is characterized by the loss of, or delay in, adduction of one eye with nystagmus of the contralateral abducting eye. An INO is produced by a lesion in the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF). Although some patients with an INO may complain of diplopia, many do not, and often it is incidentally found on examination. Diplopia resulting from lesions affecting the function of the VIth, IIIrd, or rarely IVth cranial nerves may occur. Facial weakness from a brainstem lesion may also occur. Depending on the location, the lesion may have the appearance of an upper motor neuron lesion or a lower motor neuron lesion. Dysguesia, dysarthria, and dysphagia may also occur, with the latter two occasionally occurring as a result of a relapse, but more commonly developing insidiously over the course of the disease.
Vertigo is a frequent symptom in MS. Before a patient has a diagnosis of MS, vertigo may often be erroneously chalked up to a peripheral cause, and thus the examiner should carefully ask about previous episodes in the initial history. Because vertigo from MS is central, it is often continuous in nature though sometimes worsened by positional change. It may accompany other brainstem symptoms during a relapse.
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