16 Giant Cell Arteritis with Bilateral Intracranial V4 Vertebral Artery Stenosis

Case 16

Giant Cell Arteritis with Bilateral Intracranial V4 Vertebral Artery Stenosis

Clinical Presentation

A 71-year-old man presented with recurrent episodes of vertigo, dizziness, double vision, and gait disorder, each lasting a few minutes, for 3 weeks prior to admission. The patient had a history of giant cell arteritis (GCA) that had been diagnosed 3 months before this presentation by temporal artery biopsy. At the time he had complained of right-sided temporal headache with jaw claudication, masseter pain, and abnormal fatigue. Laboratory findings revealed an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) (75 mm/h, Westergren) and an elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) of 57 mg/L (normal <5 mg/L). He had been treated with high-dose steroids for 3 weeks. This was subsequently reduced to a daily dose of 7.5 mg prednisolone. He had known vascular risk factors of arterial hypertension and a positive family history of stroke.

On admission, his neurologic examination was normal. He had no complaints suggestive of GCA, in particular any headaches or jaw claudication. The ESR was normal during treatment, but CRP levels were still slightly raised (19 mg/L).

Initial Neuroradiologic Findings

Cerebral CT on the day of admission was normal. There was no evidence of brain ischemia. CT angiogram (CTA) revealed bilateral filiform stenosis of the vertebral artery (VA) at the intradural entrance, more pronounced on the right side. Also, a calcified plaque became visible in the distal right V4-VA segment (Fig. B16.1).

Suspected Diagnosis

Recurrent transient ischemic attacks (TIAs) in the vertebrobasilar territory due to bilateral VA stenosis at the V3–V4 junction of unknown origin.

Questions to Answer by Ultrasound Techniques

  • Were there signs of vasculitis or atherosclerosis in the brain-supplying arteries or in the external carotid artery (ECA), superior temporal artery (STeA), or STeA branches?
  • What was the degree of the bilateral distal VA stenosis?

Initial Neurosonologic Findings (Day 1)

Extracranial Duplex Sonography

The carotid arteries showed mild atherosclerotic vascular changes with small hyperechoic plaques in both carotid bifurcations. The diameter in both V2-VA segments was within normal range (left 3.2 mm; right 3.6 mm). Doppler spectrum analysis demonstrated normal flow signals in the left V2-VA segment. A high-resistance flow signal with reduced flow velocity (29/6 cm/s) was observed in the right V2-VA segment (Fig. B16.2 and Fig. B16.3).

Assessment of a branch of the right STeA showed reduced color filling and a hypoechoic vessel wall thickening consistent with a dark halo sign (Fig. B16.4). No stenoses were seen in the main stem of the STeA and other branches of the ECA. The axillary and brachial arteries were not examined.

Transcranial Duplex Sonography

A poststenotic flow pattern was detected in both the P1 and P2 segments of the posterior cerebral artery (PCA). The left VA at its V3–V4 junction revealed a turbulent flow with increased flow velocities reaching 230/121cm/s. At a similar site the right VA was also turbulent and the velocity was raised but no precise measurement was possible. The distal parts of both V4-VA segments as well as the basilar artery (BA) could not be clearly detected. The anterior circulation was normal (Fig. B16.5, Fig. B16.6, Fig. B16.7).


Bilateral high-grade VA stenosis, accentuated on the right side, at the V3–V4 junction leading to a poststenotic flow pattern in both PCAs. Sonographic confirmation of arteritis in the right STeA.

Clinical Course (1)

The neurologic symptoms of the patient were evaluated as recurrent vertebrobasilar TIAs probably of hemo dynamic origin and attributed to the bilateral distal VA stenoses. Their etiology was thought to be either of atherosclerotic origin or caused by the known GCA. The location of the stenoses at the level of the dural passage and the symmetric pattern seemed atypical for a classic atherosclerosis. The findings were more suggestive of arteritis with the STeA insonation demonstrating the dark halo sign and with the raised CRP. The dose of prednisolone was therefore increased to 30 mg/day.

Follow-up Neurosonologic Findings (6 Weeks)

Extracranial Duplex Sonography

The left V2-VA segment showed unchanged normal flow signals. The right V2-VA segment, however, now demonstrated an even more pronounced high-resistance flow signal with a small and short systolic flow and completely absent diastolic flow component indicative of distal VA occlusion of the right side proximal of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA) origin (Fig. B16.8 and Fig. B16.9). No dark halo sign was seen in either of the STeA.

Transcranial Duplex Sonography

Flow velocity in the left V3–V4 transition now reached 355/255 cm/s. No flow signal was detected in projection of the corresponding contralateral side. BA identification again was not possible (Fig. B16.10). Both PCAs further on presented poststenotic flow patterns.


Secondary occlusion of the right VA at the V3–V4 junction with compensatory flow increase in the pre-existing corresponding left VA stenosis. Further progression of the left VA stenosis was, however, a possible alternate diagnosis.

Clinical Course (2)

During the ultrasound examination the patient again developed vertigo and diplopia lasting for a few minutes. CTA confirmed the neurosonologic findings of right VA occlusion starting at the V3–V4 junction and ending before the origin of the PICA. The left VA stenosis appeared unchanged (Fig. B16.11). Because of the new ischemic event and the progression of the occlusive disease, the steroid dose was increased to 50 mg/day prednisolone. The CRP was still slightly elevated (6.8 mg/L). Based on CRP monitoring, the steroid dosage was gradually reduced over the ensuing months until below Cushing levels. The 2-year follow-up revealed no further clinical events and showed unchanged neurosonologic findings with low-dose prednisolone (2 mg/day).

Final Diagnosis

Recurrent vertebrobasilar TIAs of hemodynamic origin caused by bilateral VA stenosis starting at the V3–V4 junction with extension to the proximal V4 segment and secondary occlusion of the right V4-VA below the PICA origin. GCA seemed to be the most likely etiology.


Clinical Aspects

Here we discuss a patient with recurrent TIAs in the posterior circulation. This evaluation was based on the type and temporal pattern of symptoms lasting for minutes only. The combination of transient vertigo, diplopia, and gait disturbances was rather suggestive of impaired brainstem perfusion of hemodynamic origin. This assumption was confirmed by the radiologic findings of bilateral VA stenoses starting at the level of the V3–V4 junction with extension to the proximal V4 segments.

Three months prior to the reported neurologic symptoms, GCA was diagnosed and histologically confirmed in one temporal artery. GCA is an autoimmune vasculitis of unknown origin that typically occurs in medium and large arteries with well-developed wall layers and adventitial vasa vasorum (Weyand and Goronzy 2003). The disease occurs almost exclusively in individuals older than 50 years, with peak incidence at the age of 70–80 years (Gonzalez-Gay et al 2009). The age-adjusted incidence is 24.2/100,000 for women and 8.2/100,000 for men among white northern European populations (Salvarani et al 1995). The incidence is lower in southern European populations and markedly lower in American populations of Asian or African descent. Based on large autopsy studies, the prevalence of GCA is estimated at ~1% (Östberg 1971). The typical histopathologic picture is an inflammatory infiltrate in all three tunicae of the arterial wall with giant cells forming granulomas in the media. Fragmentation of the internal elastic lamina is characteristic, and medial vascular smooth muscle cells are destroyed. Vasculitis leads to luminal occlusion due to intimal hyperplasia and therefore to ischemic complications such as ischemic optic neuropathy. Giant cells are commonly present, and are consequently detected in 60–70% of samples (Lie 1990, Liozon and Catanzano 1982). In up to 100% of cases the STeA, the VA, the OA, the central and posterior ciliary arteries, or a combination of these vessels are affected (Wilkinson and Russell 1972). Vessel wall changes might also be found in other arteries such as external carotid branches (e.g., occipital and facial), subclavian, axillary, brachial, ulnar, radial, femoral, popliteal, posterior tibial, dorsal pedal arteries, and the thoracic aorta (W.A. Schmidt et al 2002a, Weyand et al 2012). Intracranial involvement may also occur but is rare. A small study reported on nine patients with histologically proven temporal arteritis and intracranial vasculitis shown by angiography and/or histology (Salvarani et al 2006). Involvement of the intracranial ICA with symptomatic stenosis and subsequent ischemic events is more frequent, but the intracranial VAs are seldom affected. These reports of intracranial vessel involvement might, however, be falsely low because the options to confidently diagnose intracranial involvement are currently limited. A recent MRI study, using 3-T imaging for the identification of intramural vessel wall changes, detected intradural ICA affection in 10 out of 20 patients with GCA (Siemonsen et al 2015). The typical predominantly extracranial vascular involvement is in part explained by the inflammation being confined to elastic fibers. As intracranial arteries have less elastic fiber in the media, lack an external membrane, and have a rather small internal membrane, they are less frequently involved. Inflammation of the extracranial VA ceases abruptly no more than a few millimeters after it perforates the dura mater. If present, a symmetric involvement of the VA is common in GCA (Crompton 1959, Wilkinson and Russell 1972).

Jun 20, 2018 | Posted by in NEUROSURGERY | Comments Off on 16 Giant Cell Arteritis with Bilateral Intracranial V4 Vertebral Artery Stenosis

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