80: Movement Disorders

CHAPTER 80 Movement Disorders


Although movement disorders are usually classified as hypokinetic (too little action) or hyperkinetic (too much action), most contain complicated combinations of the two. This is even truer in movement disorders caused by psychiatric medications. Patients with schizoaffective disorder, for instance, may have extra movements from tardive dyskinesia (TD) yet at the same time be rigid.

Movement disorders stem from anatomical and pharmacological changes in basal ganglia circuits (Figure 80-1). The overlap between neurological and psychiatric symptoms in movement disorders stems from the fact that circuits controlling cognition, movement, and emotion run in parallel through the basal ganglia, and interact greatly.1 Thus, pathology in Parkinson’s disease may predominantly affect motor areas of the midstriatum (the putamen), but may also spread to affect cognitive circuits in the most dorsal striatum (the head of the caudate), and may affect motivational circuits in the ventral striatum and the nucleus accumbens. Disorders of the basal ganglia broadly affect the motivation to act, both to start and to stop. When damage spreads to affective circuits, it creates disorders of motivation there, too—depression and apathy on the one hand, or excessively goal-directed, manic disinhibition on the other. When a bradykinetic disorder spreads to the basal ganglia’s cognitive circuits, thoughts can be slowed (bradyphrenia) and deficits in executive function may appear without the characteristic aphasia or agnosia of cortical dementias (such as Alzheimer’s disease). Conversely, hyperkinetic disorders can cause wild, unregulated thought manifested by hallucinations and delusions.

Basal ganglia disorders disrupt self-generated actions more than environmentally cued ones. Basal ganglia–related symptoms are unusually influenced by expectation and administration of a placebo. This makes it easy to misdiagnose them as purely psychiatric symptoms.


Dopamine is the best-understood neurotransmitter related to basal ganglia function.2 Its receptors fall into two classes, the D1 class, of which D1 is mostly found in the striatum and D5 extrastriatal, and the D2 class, of which D2 is primarily striatal whereas D3 and D4 are mostly extrastriatal. Its release in the motor control areas of the striatum seems to facilitate limb movement via D2 receptors, and to inhibit movement via D1 receptors. Medications most commonly used to affect dopamine neurotransmission are antagonists (such as haloperidol), precursors (such as levodopa), receptor agonists (such as pramipexole), and inhibitors of dopamine metabolism (such as entacapone [a catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitor] and selegiline [a monoamine oxidase-B (MAO-B) inhibitor, at least at low doses]). Acetylcholine is also important in the basal ganglia, particularly in striatal and nucleus accumbens’ control of motivation and memory. To a first approximation cholinergic effects counteract those of dopamine, making anticholinergics (such as benztropine) useful in the treatment of patients with drug-induced parkinsonism. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate are the predominant neurotransmitters in basal ganglia circuitry, but their ubiquity makes them bad targets for pharmacological interventions.


Physical Observation

Much of the physical examination of a patient with a movement disorder can proceed through observation without direct physical contact (e.g., “Does the patient enter the room quickly or slowly?”), and can thus be carried out during a psychiatric interview. Once seated, one can assess whether the patient is restless or immobile. Facial immobility might be a consequence of depression—or it might be a side effect of antipsychotics.

Symptoms of movement disorders are summarized in Table 80-1. They range from hypokinetic to hyperkinetic, and from feeling involuntary to voluntary. Unfortunately, it is not easy to distinguish movement disorders through written descriptions of symptoms, and descriptions in this chapter are no exception. Web-based or published patient videos are the best way to learn this crucial distinction.3 Many are available online (e.g., www.psychiatrist.com/supplenet/v65s09/ovi.pdf).

Hypokinetic Signs


Rigidity is the cardinal hypokinetic sign. While rigidity is characteristic of parkinsonism, it is sometimes present even in hyperkinetic conditions, such as Tourette’s syndrome. Rigidity produces a constant “lead pipe” resistance to movement along the whole range of the joint. It can quickly be assessed without touching the patient, by asking the patient to rapidly rotate the wrist back and forth, as if trying to screw in a lightbulb. Cogwheel rigidity is simply a tremor superimposed on rigidity, although the tremor is not always apparent visually. Patients sometimes complain of an inner tremor not visible to others. Their complaint may be mistaken for somatization or delusion, but it is more commonly evidence for parkinsonism. Rigidity makes movements low-amplitude, and they rapidly decrease in size. Handwriting almost always demonstrates this, and is another simple, noninvasive test (Figure 80-2).

Rigidity is different from spasticity, the jerky “clasp-knife” phenomenon seen after stroke-induced paralysis or paresis. The presence of hyperreflexia, muscle atrophy, flexor spasms, and toe-walking helps distinguish spasticity from rigidity.

Although patients with hypokinetic movement disorders often say they feel weak, they usually have normal muscle bulk and can exert considerable strength if given enough time to fully engage their muscles. In this, basal ganglia movement disorders differ notably from the paralytic weakness of cortical strokes or peripheral nerve injuries.


Bradykinesia (slower movements) and akinesia (fewer movements) may culminate in freezing, a sudden inability to move that most often occurs when the patient tries to initiate a movement. Freezing is related to the psychiatric syndrome of catatonia (see Chapter 55). Freezing, like many basal ganglia symptoms, is more a problem with internally motivated behaviors than with ones that are responses to environmental cues. Patients can sometimes break freezes with sensory tricks (such as stepping over a line on the floor, or hearing marching music). This can incorrectly appear to be evidence for a somatoform disorder.

Mixed Signs

Hyperkinetic Signs


Apart from neuroleptic malignant syndrome (NMS), the most dangerous movement disorders are those that affect gait and increase the risk of falls. Gait disorders are often multifactorial.4

Table 80-1 describes movement disorders that are typically seen in psychiatric patients, and Table 80-2 describes types of gait disorders. Balance is often impaired by hypokinetic movement disorders, in large part because patients cannot correct their posture quickly enough when they make a misstep. This is quite different from ataxia, the poor balance caused by cerebellar lesions or anticonvulsant toxicity. Ataxia can give a wildly swaying gait, yet it paradoxically causes fewer falls. It is often associated with spinning vertigo, distinct from the light-headedness caused by a variety of medications, anxiety, and depression. One cause of gait disorder that surgery may—occasionally—cure is normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH). Its cardinal symptoms include a parkinsonian gait, incontinence, and, eventually, dementia. Radiographically, NPH causes dilated ventricles with normal sulci, in distinction to the global atrophy more commonly seen with dementia (Figure 80-4). By the time dementia develops, symptoms are hardly ever reversible. In the absence of parkinsonism, incontinence, and the characteristic radiographic findings, dementia is virtually never caused by NPH.

Jun 8, 2016 | Posted by in PSYCHIATRY | Comments Off on 80: Movement Disorders

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