Approach to Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography

1 Approach to Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography

Electrodiagnostic (EDX) studies play a key role in the evaluation of patients with neuromuscular disorders. Among these studies are included nerve conduction studies (NCSs), repetitive nerve stimulation, late responses, blink reflexes, and needle electromyography (EMG), in addition to a variety of other specialized examinations. NCSs and needle EMG form the core of the EDX study. They are performed first, and usually yield the greatest diagnostic information. NCSs and needle EMG are complementary, and therefore are always performed together and during the same setting. Performed and interpreted correctly, EDX studies yield critical information about the underlying neuromuscular disorder and allow use of other laboratory tests in an appropriate and efficient manner. Likewise, the information gained from EDX studies often leads to specific medical or surgical therapy. For example, a patient with a peripheral neuropathy clinically, who is subsequently found to have an acquired demyelinating neuropathy with conduction blocks on EDX studies, most often has a potentially treatable condition.

In practice, EDX studies serve as an extension of the clinical examination and should always be considered as such. Accordingly, a directed neurologic examination should always be performed before EDX studies in order to identify key clinical abnormalities and establish a differential diagnosis. With numerous nerves and literally hundreds of muscles available, it is neither desirable for the patient nor practical for the electromyographer to study them all. In each case, the study must be individualized, based on the neurologic examination and differential diagnosis, and modified in real time as the study progresses and further information is gained.

NCSs and EMG are most often used to diagnose disorders of the peripheral nervous system (Figure 1–1, Box 1–1). These include disorders affecting the primary motor neurons (anterior horn cells), primary sensory neurons (dorsal root ganglia), nerve roots, brachial and lumbosacral plexuses, peripheral nerves, neuromuscular junctions, and muscles. In addition, these studies may provide useful diagnostic information when the disorder arises in the central nervous system (e.g., tremor or upper motor neuron weakness). Occasionally, information from the EDX study is so specific that it suggests a precise etiology. In most cases, however, the exact etiology cannot be defined based on EDX studies alone.

Localization of the Disorder is the Major Aim of the Electrodiagnostic Study

The principal goal of every EDX study is to localize the disorder. The differential diagnosis is often dramatically narrowed once the disorder has been localized. Broadly speaking, the first order of localization is whether the disorder is neuropathic, myopathic, a disorder of neuromuscular transmission, or a disorder of the central nervous system (CNS). For example, in patients with pure weakness, EDX studies can be used to localize whether the disorder is caused by dysfunction of the motor neurons/axons, neuromuscular junctions, muscles, or has a central etiology. The pattern of nerve conduction and especially EMG abnormalities usually can differentiate among these possibilities and guide subsequent laboratory investigations. For example, a patient with proximal muscle weakness may have spinal muscular atrophy (i.e., a motor neuron disorder), myasthenic syndrome (i.e., a neuromuscular junction disorder), or polymyositis (i.e., a muscle disorder), among other disorders, including those with central etiologies (e.g., a parasagittal frontal lesion). EDX studies can easily differentiate among these conditions, providing key information to guide subsequent evaluation and treatment, which differ markedly among these diseases.

Once the localization is determined to be neuropathic, myopathic, a disorder of the NMJ or of the CNS, EDX studies can usually add other important pieces of information to localize the problem further (Figure 1–2). For instance, the differential diagnosis of a patient with weakness of the hand and numbness of the fourth and fifth fingers includes lesions affecting the ulnar nerve, lower brachial plexus, or C8-T1 nerve roots. If EDX studies demonstrate an ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, the differential diagnosis is limited to a few conditions, and further diagnostic studies can be directed in a more intelligent manner. In this situation, for instance, there is no need to obtain a magnetic resonance imaging scan of the cervical spine to assess a possible cervical radiculopathy because the EDX studies demonstrated an ulnar neuropathy at the elbow as the source of the patient’s symptoms.

In a patient with a CNS disorder who is mistaken as having a peripheral disorder, the EDX study often correctly suggests that the localization is central. For example, transverse myelitis may mimic Guillain–Barré syndrome, or a small acute cortical stroke may mimic the pattern of a brachial plexopathy. In settings such as these, the EDX study is often the first test to suggest that the correct localization is central rather than peripheral.

Neuropathic Localization

Neuropathic is probably the most common localization made on EDX studies. Neuropathic literally means a disorder of the peripheral nerves. However, in common usage, it includes the primary sensory and motor neurons as well. EDX studies are particularly helpful in neuropathic conditions. First, in conjunction with the history and examination, they can usually further localize the disorder to the neurons, roots, plexus, or peripheral nerve. In the case of peripheral nerve, further localization is usually possible to a single nerve (mononeuropathy), multiple individual nerves (mononeuropathy multiplex) or all nerves (polyneuropathy). In the case of a single nerve, the exact segment of nerve responsible for the problem may be localized in some cases.

In the case of neuropathic lesions, EDX studies often yield further key information, including the fiber types involved, the underlying pathophysiology, and the temporal course of the disorder (Figure 1–3).

Information About the Fiber Types Involved and the Underlying Nerve Pathophysiology can be Gained, which then Further Narrows the Differential Diagnosis

In the case of neuropathic disorders, the involved fiber types and the underlying pathology can usually be determined. First, EDX studies are more sensitive than the clinical examination in determining which fiber types are involved: motor, sensory, or a combination of the two. Sensorimotor polyneuropathies are common and suggest a fairly large differential diagnosis. On the other hand, predominantly motor or predominantly sensory neuropathies are rare and suggest a much more limited set of disorders. For instance, a patient with numbness in the hands and feet and diminished reflexes may be diagnosed with a peripheral neuropathy. However, if EDX studies demonstrate abnormal sensory nerve conductions with completely normal motor nerve conductions and needle EMG, then the differential diagnosis changes from a peripheral neuropathy to a pure sensory neuropathy or neuronopathy, which has a much more limited differential diagnosis.

Second, EDX studies often can define whether the underlying pathophysiology is demyelination or axonal loss. Although most demyelinating neuropathies have some secondary axonal loss and many axonal loss neuropathies have some secondary demyelination, EDX studies usually can differentiate between a primary demyelinating and a primary axonal neuropathy. Because EDX studies usually can make this differentiation quickly and non-invasively, nerve biopsy is essentially never required to make this determination. Furthermore, the differentiation between primary axonal and primary demyelinating pathology is of considerable diagnostic and prognostic importance, especially in the case of polyneuropathies. The vast majority of polyneuropathies are associated with primary axonal degeneration, which has an extensive differential diagnosis. In contrast, the number of true electrophysiologic primary demyelinating neuropathies is extremely small. They are generally subdivided into those that are inherited and those that are acquired. EDX studies can typically make that determination as well. The finding of an unequivocal primary demyelinating polyneuropathy on EDX studies often leads quickly to the correct diagnosis and, in the case of an acquired demyelinating polyneuropathy, often suggests a potentially treatable disorder.

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Aug 31, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Approach to Nerve Conduction Studies and Electromyography

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