Cognitive Effects of Epilepsy and of Antiepileptic Medications
Kimford J. Meador
As a group, individuals with epilepsy have impaired cognitive performance in comparison to healthy subjects matched for age and education (1); however, considerable intersubject variability does exist. Most persons with epilepsy have intelligence in the normal range, and some have superior cognitive abilities. Various factors can have a detrimental effect on cognition in epilepsy, including (a) the cause of seizures; (b) cerebral lesions acquired prior to onset of seizures; (c) seizure type; (d) age at onset of epilepsy; (e) seizure frequency; (f) duration and severity of seizures; (g) physiologic dysfunction (intraictal, interictal, or postictal) resulting from seizures; (h) structural cerebral damage as a consequence of repetitive or prolonged seizures; (i) hereditary factors; (j) psychosocial factors; (k) sequelae of epilepsy surgery; and (l) untoward effects of antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) (2,3).
The etiology of seizures may be one of the strongest factors influencing cognitive abilities (4). Patients with seizures attributable to progressive cerebral degeneration usually exhibit dementia, those with mental retardation have an increased incidence of epilepsy, and those with seizures caused by a focal brain lesion may exhibit a specific neuropsychological pattern of deficits. In contrast, patients with idiopathic epilepsy are more likely to have normal intelligence (4). Seizure type may be strongly associated with cognition (5). Patients with juvenile myoclonic epilepsy usually have normal intelligence, but children with infantile spasms have a poor prognosis. In general, the earlier the age of seizure onset, the more likely it is that a patient will have cognitive impairment. Additionally, patients with mental retardation are more likely to have refractory epilepsy (5,6).
Seizure frequency, duration, and severity may affect cognition in several ways (3,7). Obviously, cognition is impaired intraictally when consciousness is altered during generalized or complex partial seizures. Epileptiform discharges and postictal suppression may impair cognition interictally (8,9). Recent temporal lobe seizures impair consolidation of memory (10). Classic postictal Todd paralysis lasts less than 24 hours, but postictal cognitive dysfunction, such as dysphasia, may persist for several days. Chronic physiologic dysfunction may also exist beyond the area of epileptogenesis. For example, positron emission tomography scans reveal interictal hypometabolism extending to the lateral temporal cortex in patients with epilepsy caused by mesial temporal lobe sclerosis (11). Repetitive or prolonged seizures may permanently damage the cerebral substrate via anoxia, lactic acidosis, or excessive excitatory neurotransmitters. Even temporal lobe seizures of relatively modest frequency over several decades can increase the severity of hippocampal atrophy and reduce cognitive abilities (12,13).
Factors indirectly related to epilepsy may also affect cognition. Hereditary factors strongly influence intelligence. In fact, maternal intelligence quotient (IQ) is the most influential factor overall in predicting a child’s intelligence (14).
Psychosocial factors may adversely affect cognition through such mechanisms as depression or restriction of environmental influences (15). Finally, surgical or pharmacologic treatment of seizures may produce adverse cognitive effects.
Psychosocial factors may adversely affect cognition through such mechanisms as depression or restriction of environmental influences (15). Finally, surgical or pharmacologic treatment of seizures may produce adverse cognitive effects.
Epilepsy surgery does not usually cause any general cognitive decline because dysfunctional tissue is primarily removed (16). Surgery may even result in improved cognition because of the reduction in seizures and AEDs. However, clinically significant postoperative cognitive deficits may occur. For example, left temporal lobectomy may lead to declines in naming and in verbal memory. However, the risks are largely predictable (17,18). Risks are greater if age of epilepsy onset is later or if hippocampal gliosis/atrophy is not present. Verbal memory is at greater risk following left temporal lobectomy if baseline verbal memory is high or functional assessments suggest greater residual preoperative function of the left temporal lobe. Thus, a patient undergoing left temporal lobectomy is at increased risk if the patient has high baseline verbal memory and high memory performance with right intracarotid amobarbital injection and low with left injection. In contrast, a decline in visuospatial memory is inconsistent following right temporal lobectomy. Rarely, unilateral temporal lobectomy has resulted in a severe global anterograde memory disorder. Fortunately, modern advances in preoperative evaluation techniques have minimized this risk. In addition, selective amygdalohippocampectomy may reduce the risk for memory loss compared with standard anterior two-thirds temporal lobectomy (19). In contrast to risks, patients who become seizure free from epilepsy surgery have a significant improvement in their emotional well-being and perceived quality of life (QOL) (20).
Vagal Nerve Stimulation
AEDs reduce neuronal irritability and thus may reduce neuronal excitability and impair cognition. Because AEDs are the major therapeutic intervention in epilepsy, their cognitive effects are of particular concern to physicians, who must consider the risk-to-benefit ratio of any treatment. Therefore, differentiating the cognitive effects of AEDs and placing them in the proper perspective are important.
Although all AEDs may impair cognition, such side effects are usually modest, as assessed by neuropsychological tests in patients on monotherapy in whom anticonvulsant blood levels are within standard therapeutic ranges (25). Furthermore, the cognitive effects may be partially offset by the reduction in seizures. It is clear that the risk of cognitive side effects rises with polypharmacy and with increasing AED dosages and anticonvulsant blood levels (26). Decreasing the number of AEDs frequently improves cognition and may reduce the number of seizures (27). However, the best drug regimen for an individual patient is the one that best controls seizures with the fewest side effects, and for some patients this regimen may involve polytherapy. Despite the modest cognitive effects of AEDs on formal neuropsychological testing, these effects can be clinically pertinent, as evidenced by the highly significant inverse correlation of neurotoxicity symptoms and QOL scores (28). Despite the absence of overt toxicity on examination, patients who exhibit more symptoms of neurotoxicity have lower perceived QOL.
The differential cognitive effects of AEDs are controversial and certain agents are promoted as being superior in this regard. For the older AEDs, more consistent adverse effects are observed with barbiturates and benzodiazepines, but results are mixed for carbamazepine, phenytoin, and valproate (25,26). Several of the newer AEDs appear to have fewer cognitive side effects than the older AEDs, but the effects of the newer AEDs relative to each other and to older AEDs are not yet fully determined.
Historical Perspective
AED-induced cognitive deficits actually led to the discovery of the first effective AED. In 1850, Huette (29) noted that bromide produces general sedation, mental slowing, and depression of sexuality. The anticonvulsant effects of bromide were discovered in 1857 after Locock (30) suggested that the agent might be efficacious for patients with hysterical epilepsy, which was believed to result from excessive masturbation. The first systematic investigation of the cognitive effects of AEDs was conducted in 1940. Somerfeld-Ziskind and Ziskind (31) randomized 100 patients with epilepsy to phenobarbital or ketogenic diet. Phenobarbital controlled seizures better, but there were no differences on neuropsychological testing. Numerous studies (25,26,32) have subsequently examined the cognitive side effects of AEDs. Although there is agreement on the effects of polytherapy and dosage/blood levels, the differential AED cognitive effects remain controversial (33).
Methodological Issues
The literature examining the cognitive effects of AEDs must be viewed critically, because flaws in experimental design, analysis, and interpretation occur frequently (26,32). Errors in experimental design include subject selection
bias, nonequivalence of clinical variables, and nonequivalence of dependent variables. Selection bias is a problem when subjects are not randomly assigned to a treatment group or inadequately matched, or if the sample size is inadequate for a parallel-group design. Examples of nonequivalence of clinical variables include the failure to control for anticonvulsant blood levels or seizure frequency. Nonequivalence of dependent measures may occur when there is no assurance that treatment groups performed similarly on dependent measures prior to treatment. Additional design issues include sample size, test-retest effects, and the characteristics of behavioral tests. Issues related to statistical analysis and interpretation include type I error, use of inappropriate statistics, nonorthogonal contrasts, and comparison of studies with nonequivalent designs/statistics. Even when statistically significant findings are apparent, the magnitude and impact of the findings have to be interpreted in terms of clinical significance, taking into account the overall risk-to-benefit ratio of the AED and the severity of the seizure disorder in question. The magnitude of AED effects on standard neuropsychological measures is generally modest and may be missed if appropriate study designs are not used (34).
bias, nonequivalence of clinical variables, and nonequivalence of dependent variables. Selection bias is a problem when subjects are not randomly assigned to a treatment group or inadequately matched, or if the sample size is inadequate for a parallel-group design. Examples of nonequivalence of clinical variables include the failure to control for anticonvulsant blood levels or seizure frequency. Nonequivalence of dependent measures may occur when there is no assurance that treatment groups performed similarly on dependent measures prior to treatment. Additional design issues include sample size, test-retest effects, and the characteristics of behavioral tests. Issues related to statistical analysis and interpretation include type I error, use of inappropriate statistics, nonorthogonal contrasts, and comparison of studies with nonequivalent designs/statistics. Even when statistically significant findings are apparent, the magnitude and impact of the findings have to be interpreted in terms of clinical significance, taking into account the overall risk-to-benefit ratio of the AED and the severity of the seizure disorder in question. The magnitude of AED effects on standard neuropsychological measures is generally modest and may be missed if appropriate study designs are not used (34).
Review of Selected Studies of Older Antiepileptic Drugs
Using a double-blind, randomized, crossover, monotherapy study, Dodrill and Troupin (35) compared the cognitive effects of carbamazepine and phenytoin in patients with epilepsy. When they reanalyzed their data, controlling for anticonvulsant blood levels, no differences were observed (36). Consistent with these results, Meador and associates (37) found no cognitive differences between carbamazepine and phenytoin in patients with epilepsy, but evidence of worse performance with phenobarbital was revealed.
Meador and colleagues examined the effects of several AEDs using randomized, double-blind, crossover designs in healthy volunteers to control for the confounding effects of seizures and preexisting brain abnormalities. The investigators found no overall difference between carbamazepine and phenytoin (38,39), but 52% of the variables were significantly worse with AEDs than with nondrugs. In another study (40), 32% of the variables were significantly worse with phenobarbital than with phenytoin or valproate, with the latter two agents being similar to each other. Again, about half of all variables were significantly worse with AEDs compared with nondrugs. Overall, these results suggest greater untoward cognitive effects with phenobarbital, but no clinically significant differences in cognitive side effects among carbamazepine, phenytoin, and valproate. The magnitude of effect with these three agents appears to be less than that with acute-dose over-the-counter antihistamines (41), but their effects can be clinically significant.
Consistent with these findings, the large Veterans Administration (VA) Cooperative Study (42), comparing the cognitive effects of carbamazepine, phenobarbital, phenytoin, and primidone in patients with new-onset epilepsy, found “no consistent pattern” across AEDs and little change in cognition from pre- to post-AED treatment conditions. In addition, the second VA Cooperative Study (43) found no cognitive differences between carbamazepine and valproate. Other studies comparing carbamazepine and phenytoin have described modest negative effects on cognition with both agents, but few differential effects (44,45).
A possible criticism of some of the crossover studies described above might be the relatively short duration of treatment. Dodrill and Wilensky (46) addressed this issue in a study that examined neuropsychological performance over 5 years in patients with epilepsy. The patients were on stable regimens consisting of phenytoin alone, phenytoin with other AEDs, or AED regimens exclusive of phenytoin. No differences in cognitive performance were observed over the 5-year follow-up.
Newer Antiepileptic Drugs
Several newer AEDs are available. Although a number of studies offer some insight into the profiles and magnitude of neurobehavioral effects associated with the use of these agents, many questions remain unanswered. The available published data are reviewed here, and additional information is expected future investigations.
Well-controlled systematic investigations of the cognitive effects associated with felbamate use are unlikely, given the restrictions imposed by the systemic toxic effects of the agent. Anecdotally, felbamate is reported to be alerting, in contrast to older AEDs, and even produces insomnia. This effect is beneficial to the behavior of some patients but detrimental to that of others.
Several studies of gabapentin as add-on therapy in patients with epilepsy report subjective improvements in well-being (47). Although generally well tolerated, gabapentin has produced behavioral side effects in children, including irritability, hyperactivity, and agitation (48,49). When comparing gabapentin with placebo in patients with partial epilepsy, using a double-blind, dose-ranging (1200 to 2400 mg per day), add-on, crossover design, Leach and coworkers (50) found one positive effect and no negative effects, except for more subjective drowsiness. A double-blind, randomized, crossover study of healthy volunteers (51) compared gabapentin and carbamazepine during two 5-week treatment periods. Significantly better performance was seen with gabapentin versus carbamazepine on 26% of the variables, carbamazepine was worse than nondrug on 48%
of the variables, and gabapentin was worse than non-drug on 19% of the variables. Although both agents produced some effects, significantly fewer untoward cognitive effects were seen with gabapentin compared with carbamazepine. These results have been supported by two subsequent double-blind studies in healthy volunteers comparing treatment with carbamazepine and gabapentin. Greater electroencephalographic slowing and more frequent cognitive complaints were reported with carbamazepine in adults (52), and better overall tolerability was seen with gabapentin in healthy elderly adults (53).
of the variables, and gabapentin was worse than non-drug on 19% of the variables. Although both agents produced some effects, significantly fewer untoward cognitive effects were seen with gabapentin compared with carbamazepine. These results have been supported by two subsequent double-blind studies in healthy volunteers comparing treatment with carbamazepine and gabapentin. Greater electroencephalographic slowing and more frequent cognitive complaints were reported with carbamazepine in adults (52), and better overall tolerability was seen with gabapentin in healthy elderly adults (53).
One study of patients with epilepsy found no cognitive effects with lamotrigine compared with placebo on a limited neuropsychological battery (54). A double-blind, randomized, crossover design, with two 10-week treatment periods, in healthy adults revealed significantly better performance on more than half of the variables (e.g., cognitive speed, memory, mood factors, sedation, perception of cognitive performance, and other QOL perceptions) with lamotrigine versus carbamazepine (55). Other studies with healthy adults demonstrated fewer cognitive side effects with lamotrigine compared with carbamazepine, diazepam, phenytoin, placebo, and valproate (56, 57, 58). In clinical trials, lamotrigine was better tolerated than carbamazepine and phenytoin (59, 60, 61). Several studies (54,59,62) using QOL measures demonstrated beneficial effects with lamotrigine compared with placebo or carbamazepine. Lamotrigine has psychotropic properties, as evidenced by positive effects in patients with bipolar disorder and in those with epilepsy who have severe cognitive impairment (63, 64, 65).
Although the overall side-effect profile of levetiracetam has been quite favorable in clinical trials, a paucity of formal neuropsychological data is available on the subject. A preliminary study by Neyens and colleagues (66) showed no significant changes in cognitive performance in patients with chronic epilepsy who were treated with levetiracetam, but the study was single-blind, with only 10 patients and no control group. An acute reversible adverse behavioral syndrome has been reported in children treated with levetiracetam (67), but the incidence of behavioral events in adult patients is reported to be lower than with other AEDs overall (68).
Few published cognitive studies with oxcarbazepine are available. Oxcarbazepine has been tolerated slightly better than carbamazepine, phenytoin, and valproate in clinical studies. No differences in cognitive effects were found with oxcarbazepine and phenytoin in a small randomized, monotherapy, double-blind, parallel-group study (69) of patients with new-onset epilepsy. Mixed results were reported in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study (70) in 12 healthy volunteers treated for 2 weeks with low-dose (150 or 300 mg twice daily) oxcarbazepine; reaction time slowed, but participants had slightly better subjective alertness and improved on a cancellation task.
Tiagabine inhibits the reuptake of the inhibitory neurotransmitter γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA). No significant cognitive effects were reported in a small, low-dose, add-on study (71) and in a large, randomized, double-blind, add-on, placebo-controlled, parallel-group, dose-response study in patients with epilepsy (72).
In clinical trials, topiramate produced somnolence, psychomotor slowing, language problems, and difficulty with memory. The word-finding difficulty seen in some patients is unique to topiramate. A single-blind, randomized, parallel-group study (73) in 17 healthy volunteers compared gabapentin, lamotrigine, and topiramate. Topiramate was associated with significantly greater effects than the other two AEDs at 1 month; however, the titration rate for topiramate was faster than that recommended. In a study of 38 patients with epilepsy tested on/off or off/on topiramate, declines in verbal fluency, attention, processing speed, and working memory, but not retention, were associated with topiramate use (74). In contrast, two randomized, multicenter, double-blind studies of topiramate versus valproate as adjunctive therapy to carbamazepine in patients with epilepsy found lessprofound effects. Valproate was slightly better tolerated in terms of dropouts, but few differences were found on neuropsychological testing after slow titration and 8 weeks’ maintenance. Only 1 of 17 variables (i.e., verbal memory) in one study (75) and 2 of 30 variables (i.e., verbal fluency and a graphomotor task) in another study (76) were worse with topiramate compared with valproate. Although most patients will tolerate topiramate, there is a subset of individuals at risk for clinically significant cognitive side effects. Factors affecting these adverse effects include titration rate, maintenance time, dose, polytherapy, and individual susceptibility.
In four double-blind, randomized, add-on studies of patients with epilepsy (78, 79, 80, 81), vigabatrin had few adverse effects on cognition or QOL compared with placebo, despite elevated brain levels of GABA. A single-dose study in healthy volunteers showed less impairment than lorazepam (81), and vigabatrin produced fewer adverse effects than carbamazepine in a small, open-label, randomized, parallel-group study of patients with epilepsy (82). Abnormal behaviors, including depression and psychosis, have been reported in 3.4% of adults in controlled
clinical trials, but vigabatrin has not been shown to be associated with a greater risk for these effects than other AEDs (83).
clinical trials, but vigabatrin has not been shown to be associated with a greater risk for these effects than other AEDs (83).

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