Chapter 154 Lumbar Facet Fixation Techniques
The concept of lumbar spine facet fixation has existed since 1948, with King’s description of a novel method of internal fixation in the lumbosacral spine as an alternative to immobilization in plaster.1 This was modified by Boucher in 1959 by using longer screws and slightly altered placement.2 Translaminar placement was introduced in 1984 by Magerl in a paper describing its use as an adjunct to external spinal fixation.3
The capsules of the facet joints are highly innervated. Medial branches from the dorsal rami of the same and often the upper level innervate them, emanating from the neuroforamina. Pain fibers, which are the smallest somatosensory neurons, innervate the capsule. The pain fibers are small myelinated A-delta fibers or unmyelinated C fibers with unencapsulated endings. Studies have demonstrated the presence of pacinian and Ruffini endings, which serve as mechanoreceptors for proprioception and movement sense.4
In direct axial loading, facet joints bear a relatively small amount of the overall load. However, with extension and hyperextension, they bear a larger portion of the load—approximately 30%, compared with 10% to 20% direct axial loading.5 When flexed, they are reported to handle nearly 50% of the ventral shear load. Because of their motion and distance from the instantaneous axis of rotation, they, along with dorsal ligaments, facilitate the majority of movement in the flexed posture. This opens the joint and stretches the capsule. The capsule is viscoelastic. As such, the elastic zone may diminish over time. Without the ability to return to its neutral state, mobility may increase as the joint capsule is stretched.
Tropism must also be considered. Tropism is manifested by asymmetry in the bilateral facet joints with respect to their angles, with one having a more coronal orientation than the other. The incidence of tropism is increased in degenerative disc disease—perhaps suggesting a contributory factor. The vertebral body rotates toward the more oblique facet with axial loading, possibly leading to increased stress on the anulus fibrosus and accelerated disc degeneration.5
Adjunct to Noninstrumented Fusions
Pseudarthrosis rates are reported at 10% with bone graft alone during fusion procedures for one level, and possibly greater than 30% with more than two or three levels.6 Internal fixation has been used extensively to assist with fusion procedures in modern spine surgery.7,8 Facet fixation specifically has been shown to decrease pseudarthrosis rates over noninstrumented fusion and to have a low incidence of complications.9
Dorsal fusions were largely supplanted by dorsolateral fusions in the 1980s owing to a decrease in pseudarthrosis rates. Kornblatt et al. also showed that internal fixation, specifically with facet fixation or pelvic rods, improved the rate of fusion (87% vs. 76% without fixation) and time to radiographic fusion (6.2 months vs. 10.5 months) significantly.6 This was also shown by Jacobs et al., using translaminar facet fixation and judging fusion by oblique and flexion-extension films.10 Both studies used patients who had a pseudarthrosis from a prior procedure. They demonstrated that facet fixation can promote fusion after failed procedures—with the caveat that outcomes deteriorate with each successive surgery in most spinal procedures.11
Adjunct to Anterior or Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion
One of the uses that has caused a resurgence in facet screw popularity is as an adjunct to anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF), when there is no need for posterior nerve root decompression. Failure of fusion with ALIF alone has been reported in up to 24% of cases.12,13 Cadaveric studies have shown that ALIF alone allows more movement during extension with little preload than does the preoperative spine—a risk for graft displacement and poor fusion. Facet fixation with translaminar screws enhances stability, returning motion to the level allowed preoperatively.14 Kandziora et al. showed the equivalence of ipsilateral facet screws to translaminar screws with regard to range of motion, neutral zone, and elastic zone.15 However, they also demonstrated improved parameters in all test modes with pedicle screws.
For similar reasons, facet screws are also used as an adjunct to posterior lumbar interbody fusion; this was described as early as 1988, with only 1 complication in 35 patients and fusion apparent in all with the use of postoperative thoracolumbosacral orthosis immobilization.16 This procedure is useful to enhance fusion acquisition and prevent motion that may lead to graft displacement. With posterior lumbar interbody fusion, no further surgical exposure is necessary to place the screws (Fig. 154-1).
Painful Disc Syndromes
The theory behind posterior lumbar fusion for degenerative disc disease is elimination of motion at the affected segment. Outcomes have been shown to be equivalent to interbody procedures in multiple studies.17,18 It is thought that the painful portion of the segment is the disc as a whole or the anulus fibrosus and, therefore, dorsal fusion alone may yield poor outcomes unless the disc material is removed, such as with an interbody procedure (see earlier discussion). However, dorsal fusion alone has significant advantages, such as shorter operative time, less risk for complication, lower cost, preservation of the anterior column, and ease of procedure.
Painful Facet Syndrome
In the healthy spine, the nociceptors in the facet joint capsule fire only under supranormal physiologic conditions. However, it has been shown that with inflammation, chemical mediators can sensitize the pain sensors to fire excessively or spontaneously. One study suggested that 15% of patients with low back pain had pain of facet origin.19 In patients with lumbar facet syndrome, Helbig and Lee demonstrated a positive response to facet block and facet rhizolysis in 50% to 60% of cases.20
The existence of the so-called facet syndrome is still rather controversial. In 1996, Cavanaugh et al. showed in rabbits that algesic chemicals, such as carrageenan or substance P, can sensitize pain receptors or induce persistent firing of these neurons with small movements.4
Results of studies examining the therapeutic potential of facet injections have been contradictory, with some showing significant improvement and others showing equivalent results with the injection of normal saline.21 Once nonsurgical treatment has been exhausted, facet fixation can eliminate motion at the segment, thereby decreasing or eliminating pain.

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