Patient Positioning for Spinal Surgery

CHAPTER 27 Patient Positioning for Spinal Surgery

To obtain optimal outcomes from spinal surgery, any operation must be performed effectively and safely. Achieving the surgical objectives depends, in part, on the surgical field being positioned in a way that facilitates the procedure. The surgeon must select the appropriate surgical approach and then position the patient properly to ensure a safe surgical corridor. At the same time, the surgeon must ensure the patient’s safety during the procedure. Particularly during long procedures and operations performed with the patient prone or lateral, morbidity may occur as a result of the patient’s position. Appropriate positioning and attention to detail will minimize the probability of complications and facilitate the surgical procedure.



A basic electric operating table may be used for many spinal procedures (Fig. 27-1). Operations in the supine position, such as anterior cervical procedures and anterior lumbar fusions in the distal lumbar spine (L3-S1), are easily performed with such a table. Reversing the table may improve clearance under the table for the fluoroscopic unit. A lateral approach for thoracic, thoracolumbar, and lumbar procedures may also be performed on an electric table. For thoracoabdominal and retroperitoneal flank approaches, it is often helpful to place the level of pathology at the table break and flex the patient laterally.

A posterior approach for thoracic and lumbar procedures may also be performed on a standard operating table with either a Wilson frame or padded bolsters. If an instrumented lumbosacral arthrodesis is planned, however, care must be taken to ensure adequate lumbar lordosis. We generally do not use a Wilson frame for posterior thoracolumbar procedures that include instrumentation and fusion because of the possibility of inadvertently causing an iatrogenic flat-back deformity.

There are many advantages to modular spine-specific operating tables such as the Jackson Spinal table (Mizuho OSI, Union City, CA) (Fig. 27-2). The carbon fiber frame is radiolucent and low profile to allow 360-degree fluoroscopy and the use of intraoperative CT scanners such as the O-arm (Medtronic Navigation, Louisville, CO). Modular components allow customization for each procedure and for a wide range of patient phenotypes. The head may be secured in a foam headrest, in a rigid fixator, or with traction. The legs may be supported in a sling to allow lumbar flexion or on a rigid tabletop to enhance lordosis (Fig. 27-3). Finally, intraoperative repositioning for anterior-posterior or posterior-anterior surgery is facilitated with a rotational capability that obviates the need for moving the patient from one table to another.

Principles of Positioning

Patient Safety and Protection

Patient safety and avoidance of morbidity are important secondary considerations in operative positioning. Although the overall approach (posterior, anterior, lateral) is selected to allow achievement of the surgical objective, it is meticulous attention to the specific details of positioning that ensures that patients do not suffer adverse sequelae from their position during the procedure. Properly padding all areas that may be exposed to pressure and placing extremity joints in relaxed, natural positions are basic preventive measures. Other important considerations may include head positioning and facial pressure and the relationship of the operative field to the level of the heart.

Neuropathies and Prevention

Ulnar neuropathy, one of the most common postoperative neuropathies, accounts for a third of all nerve injury claims in the American Society of Anesthesiologists Closed Claims Study database.1 Although the etiology of postoperative peripheral nerve injury is not entirely known, it is thought to be related to intraneural capillary ischemia resulting from nerve overstretch or compression, perhaps exacerbated by prolonged intraoperative hypotension. The ulnar nerve appears to be more vulnerable to ischemia than the median and radial nerves, with a reported incidence of 0.04% after noncardiac surgery to 37% in one series of cardiac patients who underwent detailed postoperative sensory testing. The time of onset of ulnar nerve symptoms varies from immediately after surgery to 3 days postoperatively. The duration of symptoms tends to vary across reports, with some completely resolving spontaneously in days and others persisting for years after the initial insult.2 Risk factors for postoperative ulnar neuropathy include diabetes, increased age, and male gender.3

Anatomically, the ulnar nerve appears to be particularly susceptible to direct compression as it courses through the superficial condylar groove at the elbow. Elbow flexion, especially to greater than 110 degrees, can tighten the cubital tunnel retinaculum and directly compress the nerve,4 and external compression in the absence of flexion may compromise the nerve. With the patient in the supine position, direct pressure on the ulnar nerve at the elbow is significantly higher if both forearms are pronated than if they are in a neutral and supinated position (Fig. 27-4).5

Brachial plexus neuropathy may have findings similar to ulnar neuropathy but may additionally be characterized by symptoms such as shoulder pain, scapular winging, and shoulder weakness. The incidence of brachial plexopathy during posterior spinal surgery has been estimated to be between 3.6% and 15%, as compared with 0.02% in a large study of 15,000 general surgical patients. Most patients achieve partial or full functional recovery, although some have persistent symptoms at late (1- to 3-year) follow-up.6,7

The majority of brachial plexus injuries are manifested as upper trunk injuries after surgery in the supine position and as lower trunk injuries after procedures in the prone position. The brachial plexus may be especially vulnerable to stretch in a prone-positioned patient with elbow flexion and shoulder abduction. Patients with congenital anomalies such as cervical ribs and shoulder contractures may have an increased susceptibility to stretch injury.

Some investigators have suggested intraoperative somatosensory evoked potential (SSEP) monitoring as a way to detect impending nerve injury. One retrospective study of 1000 spinal surgeries determined that the overall incidence of position-related upper extremity SSEP changes was 6.1%, with the lateral decubitus position (7.5%) and prone “superman” position (7.0%) having the highest incidence of position-related upper extremity SSEP changes. In this study, postoperative deficits did not develop in any patient who had positionally reversible SSEP changes.8

Lower extremity neuropathies have not been well studied in spinal surgery because they typically occur in patients undergoing surgery in the lithotomy position and after lower extremity orthopedic procedures. Injury to the common peroneal nerve has been reported more frequently than injury to any other lower extremity peripheral nerve, probably because of its vulnerable anatomic location. The common peroneal nerve is fixed in a superficial location as it traverses the head of the fibula, which leaves it susceptible to direct compression injury by devices that hold the legs in place. The legs should be padded and well protected at the level of the fibular head, particularly for procedures in the lateral decubitus position.9

In the event of a new postoperative neurological deficit, it is important to distinguish peroneal nerve injury from an acute L5 radiculopathy. A peroneal neuropathy is characterized by complete plegia of dorsiflexion and eversion without significant pain complaints, whereas an L5 radiculopathy usually results in dermatomal pain and sensory deficit accompanied by weakness of dorsiflexion, toe extension, and foot inversion.10

The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve (LFCN) originates from the L2-3 nerve roots and travels along the lateral border of the psoas major muscle and across the ilium toward the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS). Because of its anatomic exit below the ASIS, compression neuropathy of the LFCN by posts or pads that support the pelvis may develop in patients who are placed in the prone position. In patients who sustain perioperative injury to the LFCN, hypoesthesia of the anterolateral aspect of the thigh usually develops, but some experience pain and dysesthesia as well. Few studies have been conducted to assess the incidence of positioning-related LFCN injury, although most estimates are around 20%. One study in particular estimated the incidence of LFCN injury to be 23.8% in patients who underwent prone spinal surgery with use of the Relton-Hall frame. All these patients experienced resolution of symptoms within 1 week to 2 months postoperatively.11

Soft Tissue Injuries

The patient’s soft tissues must also be assiduously protected. Prolonged pressure leads to local ischemia and, in severe cases, tissue necrosis. The risk for injury may be minimized by, first, ensuring that sensitive structures do not bear significant pressure and, second, by distributing the pressure over a wide surface with careful padding. Materials that contact the skin should be permeable to prevent moisture buildup. Before placing the patient in the final position, an inspection should be performed to ensure that there are no electrocardiographic leads, intravenous line connectors, or other devices located in areas that will rest on the supporting pads.

With the patient in either the lateral or the prone position, the abdomen should be as free as possible. In the lateral position, the free abdomen will tend to fall anteriorly away from the spine, thereby facilitating a thoracoabdominal or retroperitoneal flank approach. With the patient positioned prone, having the abdomen free decreases intra-abdominal pressure. This both facilitates ventilation of the patient and decreases pressure in the valveless epidural venous plexus and thus reduces epidural bleeding.

Proper positioning of the breasts, particularly for relatively large women placed in the prone position, can be difficult. Adequate support of the upper thoracic region is necessary to achieve neutral cervical alignment and a stable operative platform. In general, the breasts are positioned so that they are medial and caudal to the supporting pads. Particular care is taken to ensure that direct pressure on the nipples is avoided, if possible.

Breast implants may pose a difficult positioning problem as well. The implants tend to be less compressible and less mobile than natural breast tissue, and it may be difficult to avoid direct pressure on the implants. It is important to discuss this potential problem with the patient beforehand and explain the risk for soft tissue injury from pressure and the rare possibility of implant rupture.

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