Name of test
Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-III and IV)
Most widely used scale, includes tasks of story recall (Logical memory), recall of word pairs (Verbal paired Associates) and visual memory tasks. (e.g. Visual Reproduction and Design memory)
Doors and People test
The test includes the immediate and delayed recall and recognition of pictures of doors, people, shapes (visual memory) and names (verbal memory)
Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure
The test assesses one’s ability to recall and recognise a complex figure after copying it. Limitations include reliance of construction which involves motor function and organisational skills
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning
List Learning Test
California Verbal Learning Test (CVLT)
List Learning Test
BIRT Memory and Information Processing Battery (BMIBP)
This battery includes story recall, figure recall, list and design learning and also includes a test of processing speed
Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test (RBMT-III)
The tasks attempts to mirror everyday life and includes face recognition, story recall and the ability to learn new skills (the Novel task)
Autobiographical Memory Interview
Semi-structured interview that assess the ability to recall facts and incidents from one’s past life

Fig. 3.1
This figure includes copy trial of the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure as well as the immediate and delayed recall memory. It demonstrates relatively preserved visuo-spatial skills (copy trial) in the context of poor visual memory (recall trials). The patient had a large lesion in the right temporal and parietal cortex
3.5 Language Functions
Language difficulties are by definition the presenting and most salient symptoms in patients with primary progressive aphasia. Language abnormalities can also occur in other neurodegenerative diseases including AD (in particular younger onset disease), cortico-basal degeneration (CBD), and progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP).
Language is a complex domain with several inter-linked functions. We discuss here some of the most commonly observed language problems including aphasia and associated symptoms such as naming difficulties, and deficits in reading and writing.
3.5.1 Aphasia
Aphasia is a term used to denote impairment in the ability to express one’s self and/or to comprehend language. Our understanding of aphasia has been traditionally based on the study of stroke patients. These observations have identified several regions as building blocks of the language network including Broca’s area, Wernicke’s area, the supramarginal and angular gyri. Similarly, the most commonly used classification of aphasia is also based on observation of stroke patients (summarised in Table 3.2). However, Mesulam argues that this classification is not helpful in understanding the impairment in the language network associated with neurodegenerative disease. This is mainly because damage in stroke is due to abrupt, complete destruction of neurons, and the regional distribution is dependent on blood vessel territory. In contrast, the pathological process in neurodegenerative disorders involves gradual, progressive, and selective loss of cortical neurons, and the preferential spread of pathology is believed to be governed by neuronal connectivity within brain networks. This leads to more complex and subtle dissociations and involves brain plasticity. In addition, the model based on stroke patients does not include the anterior temporal lobe (especially on the left hemisphere) which studies from neurodegenerative disorders have shown to be an important part of the language network.
Table 3.2
This table provides a summary of current classification of aphasia
Type of aphasia | Language expression | Language comprehension | Repetition | Typical site of lesion |
Broca’ s aphasia | Reduced fluency of speech with halting, effortful speech and word retrieval and paraphasic errors Impaired grammar | Relatively intact except for syntactically complex sentences | Impaired | Dominant Inferior frontal gyrus (Broca’s area) |
Wernicke’s aphasia | Intact sentence structure, fluency of speech, and articulation Empty Meaningless speech content Paraphasic errors with neologisms e.g. call a spoon a “jargle” (May fail to realize they are saying the wrong word) | Markedly impaired | Impaired | Posterior part of superior temporal gyrus (dominant hemisphere) |
Global aphasia | Similar to Broca’s aphasia | Similar to Wernicke’s aphasia | Impaired | Widespread damage to the dominant hemisphere |
Transcortical motor aphasia | Similar to Broca’s aphasia | Similar to Broca’s aphasia | Intact | ACA-MCA watershed region |
Transcortical sensory aphasia | Speech is fluent but tends to be empty, vague meaningless | Similar to Wernicke’s aphasia | Intact May repeat questions instead of answering them | MCA-PCA watershed region (Brodmann’s areas: 37, 22, and 39) |
Transcortical mixed aphasia | Similar to Broca’s aphasia | Similar to Wernicke’s aphasia | Intact | ACA-MCA and MCA-PCA watershed regions |
Conduction aphasia | Normal except for mild word finding difficulties | Normal | Impaired | Arcuate fasciculus |
Anomic aphasia | Specific deficit in word retrieval and naming object in the context of normal fluency of speech and often normal object knowledge | Intact | Intact | Temporoparietal cortex often including the angular gyrus |
Primary progressive aphasia (PPA) is the prototype of neurodegenerative conditions where the language network is involved. PPA is a heterogeneous group of clinical syndromes often classified under the umbrella of FTD. Although the classification of PPA is still in evolution, it is currently accepted that there are three clinical variants, Agrammatic/non-fluent variant (nfvPPA), the logopenic variant (lvPPA) and the semantic variant (svPPA).
Impaired speech fluency and grammar are the hallmarks of nfvPPA. Fluency of speech is the ability to express oneself in an effortless and articulate manner. This term must not be confused with verbal fluency which refers to the ability to generate words based on specific orthographic or semantic criteria (e.g. words starting with the letter “F” or names of animals). The latter is a complex task that has close links to executive functions and is discussed in the section pertaining to that cognitive domain.
The deficits in fluency of speech and grammar observed in nfvPPA are similar to those described in patients with stroke affecting Broca’s area. However, nfvPPA patients present in a slowly progressive (as opposed to a sudden) manner. Patients with nfvPPA usually have effortful, halting speech. The breakdown in grammar can include simplification, distorted word order, omissions of function words (such articles and propositions), and poor use of pronouns. These changes extend to writing abilities. Indeed tasks of written language production (such as picture description) are among the most sensitive tasks in early nfvPPA. Other important features of this condition include impaired comprehension of syntactically complex sentences, impaired motor speech production in the form of speech apraxia (described in more detail below), and loss of normal prosody.
Structural and functional imaging in these patients usually shows changes in left posterior fronto-insular region (i.e. inferior frontal gyrus, insula, premotor & supplementary motor areas).
Patients with lvPPA also often have poor fluency of speech associated with the hallmark features of hesitancy due to impaired word retrieval and anomia (difficulty in naming objects while knowing what they are). The fact that grammar is usually intact in these patents is highlighted by Mesulam as an example of the neuropsychological and anatomical dissociation of grammar and fluency observed in neurodegenerative disease but not stroke. In addition, lvPPA patients often have poor comprehension of long unfamiliar sentences lending support to the hypothesis that phonological short-term/working memory impairment is a contributory factor to the deficits observed in this variant. In lvPPA, neuroimaging usually shows structural and functional changes in the left posterior perisylvian tempero-parietal regions (posterior temporal, supramarginal, and angular gyri).
Impaired repetition is a key feature of lvPPA and repetition of long unfamiliar sentences is sensitive in accordance with a phonological working memory impairment. Some impairment in repetition may also be seen in nfvPPA particularly of grammatically complex sentences.
The clinical characteristics of svPPA are described below in the discussion of naming difficulties which form a crucial element of this syndrome.
3.5.2 Naming Difficulties
Difficulties in naming and word retrieval are found across many neurodegenerative diseases and naming abilities are among the most commonly assessed components of language within NPA.
The process of naming objects starts with the initial perception of the object. Impairment at this level is modality specific. For example in visual apperceptive agnosia (discussed in Visuo-spatial skills section) the patient is unable to recognise visual stimuli such as a picture of a key, but can recognise a key via tactile exploration or via auditory modality (e.g. sound of keys jiggling). To exclude modality specific impairment, it is important to test naming using several modalities such as picture naming, or naming by description. After the initial perception, naming an item/object requires three main steps: (1) accessing the semantic knowledge relevant to the object; (2) accessing the lexical representation of that object; and (3) activation of the modality specific processes involved in producing the name of that object (e.g. motor speech production in case of spoken language, see Fig. 3.2). Problems can occur at each of these three levels.

Fig. 3.2
This figure provides a simplified schema of the steps involved in the process of naming an object
The initial step of accessing the semantic knowledge relevant to an object involves access to both the essential and specific attributes of that object (e.g. the characteristics that identify a polar bear from other animals including other types of bears such as its shape, colour, size, etc.) and to the conceptual knowledge about the object (e.g. polar bears live in the arctic, eat fish, are wild animals, can be dangerous, and are considered at brink of extinction). Impaired access to either levels of semantic knowledge can lead to naming difficulties often associated with semantic errors (e.g. saying “cow” instead “bear”). However, impaired access to conceptual knowledge about an object would also cause errors in understanding the function of everyday items. The patient may for example use a spoon to cut food.
Typical examples of naming difficulties due to impaired access to semantic knowledge can be observed in patients with the semantic variant of PPA (svPPA). Imaging svPPA shows abnormalities in both anterio-lateral temporal lobes (usually left greater than right), and it is now recognized that this region plays a key role in semantic memory. Clinical presentation is often with naming problems which may include semantic errors including replacement of low frequency nouns with high frequency nouns (e.g. “dog” for “boar) and the use of supra-ordinate categories as opposed to their specific exemplars (e.g. “animal” for “cow”). Patients also often suffer from surface alexia (discussed below). Sometimes, these patients may understand complex abstract concepts (e.g. is justice more important than mercy?) but not simpler questions dependent on semantic knowledge of common objects (e.g. do people ride pineapples to get to work?). (Please also refer to Chap. 7.)
The second process involved in naming is the modality-independent retrieval of an item’s lexical phonological representation or lemma. This is associated with activation of the occipto-temporal region, the left frontal operculum and insula. Impairments at this level of processing are manifest as an inability to name objects in the context of intact knowledge of what it is. This deficit is termed anomia and usually extends to both speech and writing. Clinically this presents as hesitancy, circumlocutions (e.g. that thing … that you put in food). The individual may describe knowing what they want to say, often feeling that the word is at the “on the tip” of their tongue but being unable “to get the words out”. Paraphasic errors can occur, most frequently phonemic in nature due partial lemma retrieval e.g. “octoput” for “octopus”.
Anomia is often the presenting feature of PPA. Indeed, it is often the most salient and disabling feature of the logopenic variant (lvPPA). However, anomia can be observed in other neurodegenerative disorders affecting the posterior temporal region including AD.
The final process involved in naming takes place once the lemma is retrieved and involves activation of a modality–specific process depending on whether the output is spoken or written language. Either process can be selectively impaired. In case of spoken language, the phonologic representation of the lemma (which includes the correct sounds for producing a specific word and their sequence) is activated and is maintained while motor articulation takes place. This involves complex planning and co-ordination of the muscles that move the tongue, vocal cords, lips and respiratory muscles. Impairment at this level results in errors in sound production which can include erroneous speech sound substitution, insertion, and transpositions. This is termed apraxia of speech and results in the production of spoken words that may have a different meaning (e.g. “horn” for “horse”) or have no meaning at all (e.g. “hammot” for “hammock”). This can be difficult to differentiate from phonemic errors observed in patents with anomia. However, patients with apraxia of speech are often aware of their mistake displaying repeated attempt to correct themselves, while patients with paraphasic errors due to anomia are often unaware of their errors. Apraxia of speech is often associated with nfvPPA.
3.5.3 Reading and Writing
Impairment in the ability to read (alexia) or write (agraphia) can have a peripheral or central cause.
Peripheral causes are those external to the central language centres. Peripheral causes of alexia are due to breakdown in the transmission of the visual image of the word to the language centres. Causes of peripheral alexia include reduced visual acuity, visual field defects, ocular motor apraxia, saccadic intrusions and hemi-spatial neglect alexia (due to difficulty perceiving one side of the page/word). Disconnection alexia (also called alexia without agraphia) occurs in lesions affecting the left occipital lobe and splenium of the corpus callosum. It is due to disconnection between the remaining intact primary visual cortex (on the right) and the intact language centres (which are in the left hemisphere). It is usually associated with right hemianopia and preserved writing (because of the intact connections between visual cortex and primary motor cortex). Peripheral causes of agraphia are due to problems in the planning or execution of the motor elements of writing, such as those observed in writing apraxia (often associated with dominant parietal lobe lesions), hemi-spatial neglect, and pyramidal, extrapyramidal, or cerebellar motor deficits.
Central alexia and agraphia are caused by damage to the central language regions, and their classification is based on the dual-route theory of reading and writing. This suggests that two separate mechanisms are involved in these processes. Through the lexical route, a skilled reader can visually recognize a “whole word” by sight alone using a mental database (the internal lexicon) without the need to resort to letter-by letter reading. Similarly, when attempting to write the word, pre-stored knowledge is used rather than attempting to spell it letter-by letter. The mental lexicon includes all the words an individual knows including words with irregular pronunciation such “yacht” or “cough”. The second route is the phonological one which is reliant on sounding the word letter by letter using a letter-sound system. This system is used to read/write newly encountered or made up words.
Surface alexia is caused by lack of access to the internal lexicon which forms part of one’s semantic knowledge. Patients can read letter by letter (using the phonological route) but struggle when confronted with irregular words. In these cases, patients tend to regularise words (e.g. reading “pint” as “peent”).
Similarly, surface agraphia is associated with an inability to spell orthographically irregular words due to lack of access to the internal lexicon. These deficits are caused by damage to the antero-lateral temporal lobes (especially on the left) such as that observed in svPPA.
Conversely, patients with phonological alexia or agraphia have a breakdown in phonological system resulting in complete reliance on the internal lexicon. A patient with phonological alexia can read previously encountered regular and irregular familiar words with similar ease but has significant difficulties reading non-words/pseudo-words (e.g. kjud). These deficits are usually associated with lesions affecting the perisylvian region including superior temporal lobe, angular gyrus, and supramarginal gyrus.
Deficits in patients with deep alexia or agraphia are similar to that observed in the phonological subtypes but there is usually co-existing errors (e.g. reading “horse” as “cow”). This type of language abnormality is usually seen in patients with more widespread left hemispheric damage.
3.5.4 Discourse
Discourse is the term used to describe the complex process of conveying meaning in a concise and accurate manner. These include speech content and non-verbal cues such as prosody (changes in vocal pitch, loudness, and duration to convey emotion or meaning), facial expressions, and gestures. Dysfunctional discourse can cause vague, circumferential speech and poor expression and comprehension of non-verbal clues. The right hemisphere plays a dominant role in the production and comprehension of the different elements involved in effective discourse. Although discourse has rarely been assessed as part of the routine NPA, it can give important clues to the diagnoses and localisation of the cognitive impairment. For instance, poor discourse is commonly reported in patients with bvFTD, who usually have widespread right hemispheric involvement. Table 3.3 includes a summary of commonly used tests of language function.
Table 3.3
This table provides a summary of commonly used tests of Language function
Name of test | Brief description |
Boston Naming Test (BNT) | A test of confrontational naming where the subject is presented with line drawings of objects and animals and asked to name them |
Graded Naming Test (GNT) | A test of confrontational naming where the subject is presented with line drawings of objects and animals and asked to name them |
Peabody Vocabulary Test (PVT) | The test involves word-picture matching |
Pyramids and Palm Trees Test (PPT) | A test of semantic knowledge in which subject is asked to match pictures of objects/animals/plants based on semantic associations |
Test for Reception of Grammar (TROG) | A test of comprehension where a subject is presented with a series of sentences of variable syntactic complexity and asked to select (from four options) the picture which matches each sentence best |
Token Test | A test of comprehension where the subject is asked to manipulate tokens of varying size, shape and colour according to spoken commands of variable levels of difficulty |
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination | A battery of multiple sub-tasks testing both expressive and receptive language skills |
3.6 Visuo-Spatial Skills
The clinical presentation in posterior cortical atrophy (PCA, also referred to as the posterior variant of AD) is usually dominated by pronounced deficits in visuo-spatial perception. Other neurodegenerative disorders characterized by decline in visuo-spatial skills include classical AD and atypical Parkinsonian syndromes in particular Dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB) and CBD.
The initial part of processing visual stimuli involves transmission of signals from the retinal cells, via the lateral geniculate body, to the primary visual cortex (V1). Throughout this part of the pathway, and including the primary visual cortex itself, there is prominent retinotopic localisation. Lesions to this part of visual pathway, including V1 region, leads to visual field defects.
The second part of processing visual stimuli involves appreciation of more complex phenomena such as shape, form, etc. Thus regions within visual pathway distal to striate cortex are organized by function. Lesions affect the whole visual field and lead to impairment of the specific process for which that region is responsible.
The two stream hypotheses is a widely, though not universally, accepted theory of visual processing distal to V1 in human beings. This postulates that visual information flows from the striate cortex to the extra-striate cortex where simple processing of form, shape etc. takes place and from here it flows down two streams.
The ventral stream (or “what pathway”) ends in the temporal lobe and its major function is object recognition. The ventral stream has close association with the medial temporal lobe where information can be combined with semantic knowledge, the limbic system (emotional attachment to objects) and dorsal stream (see below). Lesions to the ventral stream are usually caused by bilateral temporal or fusiform lesions and lead to an in ability to visually recognise object (agnosia) colours (acromatosia) and faces (prosopagnosia). Agnosia caused by lesions to the ventral stream is more accurately referred to as apperceptive agnosia as there is an inability to recognise objects due to deficits in visual processing. This contrasts with associative agnosia where object perception is intact but there is an inability to connect the perceived image with stored semantic knowledge. The latter disorder can be distinguished by the intact ability to copy, draw, or match an object correctly despite the lack of knowledge about its function or meaning.
The dorsal stream (or “where pathway”) projects to the parietal lobe and is involved in processing where an object is in space relevant to the viewer and in guiding and perceiving actions. Lesions to the dorsal stream can cause difficulty in perceiving moving objects (akinetopsia), lack of awareness of things/body parts in one hemi-field (hemi-spatial neglect), and Balint’s syndrome. Balint in his first report of this syndrome described an Engineer who was functionally blind despite having good visual acuity. This was due to a triad of simultanagnosia (inability to perceive more than one component of a scene or object simultaneously), visual optic ataxia: (inability to guide movement visually), and ocular apraxia (inability to direct one’ gaze to a visual stimulus/target). Symptoms include searching for a target by moving one’s head and in severe cases, functional blindness. Dorsal stream lesions are often caused by bilateral superior parieto-occipital region.
Posterior cortical atrophy (PCA), a variant of AD, often present with deficits in visual perception. Common symptoms include reading difficulties; problems with driving or parking a car; and walking difficulties in the presence of uneven or patterned ground, stairs, sidewalk borders, or escalators due to impaired perception of depth or form. Deficits may affect predominately the dorsal stream (posterior variant of PCA), the ventral stream (ventral variant of PCA), or a combination of both.
Common tasks to test visuo-spatial skills often include replication of complex drawing, judgment of angles, reading disintegrating letters (see Table 3.4). Clock drawing is a common bedside task that can yield useful information (see Fig. 3.3). Both clock drawing and tests involving replication of complex figures (e.g. Rey Osterrieth Figure) can be confounded motor disability (e.g. patients with amyotrophic lateral scleroses or ALS), and by poor organisational skills in patients with poor executive functions in the context of intact visuo-spatial skills (see Fig. 3.4).

Table 3.4
This table provides a summary of commonly used tests of visuo-spatial function
Name of test | Brief description |
Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF, copy trial) | The initial copy trial of this test involves the subject copying a complex figure. Performance can be confounded by motor disabilities and/or executive dysfunction leading to poor organisational skills |
Clock Drawing Test | The subject is asked to draw clock face including the numbers and the position of the clock hands for a predefined time of day. Several scoring methods are available. Performance can be confounded by motor disabilities and/or executive dysfunction leading to poor organisational skills |
Visual and Object Space Perception Battery (VOSP) | The battery includes four tests of object perception (Incomplete Letters, Silhouettes, Object Decision, and Progressive Silhouettes) and four tests of space perception (Dot Counting, Position Discrimination, Number Location, and Cube Analysis). |
Benton’s Judgment of Line Orientation Test (JLO) | The subject is asked to match the angle between a series of two partial line segments and the angles presented on the response card (11 full lines, all 18° apart from one another, arranged in a semi-circle) |
Birmingham Object Recognition Battery (BORP) | Multiple sub-tasks assess variable levels of visual perception e.g. matching of basic perceptual features such as orientation and object size and matching objects different in viewpoint |

Fig. 3.3
This is a copy of a clock drawing made by a patient with cortico-basal syndrome (CBS) who had significant visuo-spatial deficits

Fig. 3.4
This is the copy trial of the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure in a patient with bulbar onset amyotrophic lateral scleroses and co-morbid behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia. The figure demonstrates poor planning and organisational skills due to executive dysfunction
3.7 Executive Functions
Impairment in executive function is an early and often the most salient cognitive deficit in bvFTD. Executive dysfunction is also a prominent feature of cognitive change observed in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), conditions previously termed “sub-cortical dementias” such as PD, HD, PSP, and DLB and in multiple sclerosis (MS).
Executive functions are a heterogeneous group of skills required for effective planning and execution of goal oriented behaviour. These skills include problem solving, goal recognition, planning goal directed behaviour, error monitoring, the ability to sustain selective attention, inhibition of unwanted responses/impulses, sequencing, mental flexibility as well as the ability to shift strategies in order to adapt to changes in the environment or to unwanted outcomes. Executive functions are also involved in comprehension of abstract concepts, judgement, and reasoning. Patients with impaired executive functions can display significant difficulties in everyday functioning which can extend to their ability to function independently or maintain their performance at school or work.
The neuropsychological construct of executive functions emerged from observations of patients with frontal lobe lesions. The key role played by the frontal lobes in executive functions was later confirmed using neuroimaging studies. This has led many researchers and clinicians to consider the term “executive dysfunction” to be synonymous with “frontal lobe deficit”. This is erroneous not only because it confuses an anatomical construct with a psychological one, but it is also inaccurate. The frontal lobes have functions that extend beyond executive control including motor and sensory functions. Similarly, non-frontal lobe brain regions contribute to executive functions. Of particular importance are brain structures contributing to frontal-subcortical circuitry. For example, the dorsolateral frontal-sub-cortical circuit which projects to and from the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPC) includes the dorsolateral head of caudate nucleus, the globus pallidus, and the ventro-anterior and medio-dorsal thalamic nuclei. This circuit plays a critical role in multiple executive functions including working memory, problem solving, organizational skills, set shifting, planning, abstract thinking, and fluency (other fronto-striatal circuits are discussed below).

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