Brachial Plexopathy

30 Brachial Plexopathy

The brachial plexus is a complicated anatomic structure formed by the ventral rami of the lower cervical and upper thoracic nerve roots. Different fascicles from those roots intermix widely within the plexus to ultimately form all the nerves of the upper extremity (Figure 30–1). In cases of suspected brachial plexopathy, nerve conduction studies and electromyography (EMG) often are used to localize the lesion accurately and to assess its severity. Notwithstanding its usefulness, the electrophysiologic evaluation of brachial plexopathy is demanding for the electromyographer. Detailed knowledge of the anatomy of the upper extremity roots, plexus, and peripheral nerves is required. Extensive bilateral studies, with emphasis on the sensory conduction studies and needle EMG, frequently are needed to localize the lesion. Proper localization is key, not only to exclude a disorder of the nerve roots, which may closely resemble brachial plexopathy clinically, but also to suggest possible etiologies, as certain disorders preferentially affect different parts of the brachial plexus. In addition, assessing the severity is important, especially in cases of trauma, where the results often help decide whether surgery should be considered.


The brachial plexus is located between the lower neck and axilla, running behind the scalene muscles proximally and behind the bony clavicle and the pectoral muscles distally. The plexus is divided anatomically into roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and finally nerves (Figure 30–2), although, strictly speaking, the roots and peripheral nerves are not considered part of the plexus proper. Two important nerves, the long thoracic and dorsal scapular, originate directly from the roots, proximal to the brachial plexus. The long thoracic nerve comes off the C5–C6–C7 roots, innervating only the serratus anterior muscle. The dorsal scapular nerve is formed primarily from the C5 root and less so from the C4 root, innervating the rhomboid muscles. After the take-off of these two nerves, the anterior rami of the C5–T1 nerve roots come together above the level of the clavicle to form the three trunks of the brachial plexus. The upper trunk is formed from the C5–C6 roots. The C7 root continues as the middle trunk, and the lower trunk is formed from the C8–T1 roots.

Each trunk then divides into an anterior and posterior division. From these six divisions, the cords are formed, located below the level of the clavicle. The three posterior divisions unite to form the posterior cord. The anterior divisions of the upper and middle trunks join to form the lateral cord. This leaves the anterior division of the lower trunk to continue as the medial cord.

All major nerves in the upper extremity originate either from the cords and trunks of the brachial plexus or, less commonly, directly from the roots (Table 30–1). Although the brachial plexus is generally formed from the C5–T1 nerve roots, anomalies are not infrequent. For example, in some individuals the brachial plexus is formed predominantly from the C4–C7 roots and is said to be prefixed. In others the plexus is postfixed, receiving most of its innervation from the C6–T2 roots.

Table 30–1 Innervation of Major Upper Extremity Nerves

Nerve Innervation
Dorsal scapular C4–C5 roots directly
Long thoracic C5–C6–C7 roots directly
Suprascapular Upper trunk
Radial Posterior cord
Axillary Posterior cord
Thoracodorsal Posterior cord
Musculocutaneous Lateral cord
Median Lateral and medial cords
Ulnar Medial cord
Medial antebrachial cutaneous Medial cord
Medial brachial cutaneous Medial cord


Because the upper extremity receives its entire motor and sensory innervation from the brachial plexus, brachial plexopathies may present with a variety of clinical patterns, depending on the part of the plexus affected. These are the same important patterns that form the basis of localization on nerve conduction studies and needle EMG as well.


Traumatic Brachial Plexopathy

Traumatic injuries are the most common cause of brachial plexopathies. Most frequently, traumatic brachial plexopathies are the result of automobile, motorcycle, or bicycle accidents. Penetrating knife or gunshot wounds may injure the brachial plexus. Traumatic brachial plexopathies may occur in newborns, usually as a result of traction during delivery.

Most traumatic plexopathies are the result of traction and stretch injuries. Injuries in which the head is pushed away from the shoulder (e.g., the head and shoulder striking the pavement when a person is thrown from a moving vehicle) typically result in upper plexopathies, affecting the C5–C6 fibers (Figure 30–5). Such injuries result in characteristic weakness of shoulder abduction, elbow flexion, and arm supination, known as Erb’s palsy. This is also the most common type of brachial plexopathy seen in newborns, presumably as a result of the head being delivered down, away from the shoulder. The most common risk factor for an Erb’s palsy in a newborn is shoulder dystocia in a large infant. In contrast, injuries in which the arm and shoulder are pulled up typically result in lower plexopathies, affecting the C8–T1 fibers. Severe hand weakness, known as Klumpke’s palsy, characteristically occurs in these latter injuries, with preservation of upper arm and shoulder girdle muscles. One of the most common scenarios in which this occurs is when an individual (often unconscious) is dragged by one arm.

It is important to understand that severe traction injuries may result in damage to the roots as well as the plexus. A traction injury can cause frank root avulsion, in which the roots are physically separated from the spinal cord. This is the most serious type of injury, with no chance for recovery. Nerve conduction studies and needle EMG are useful in differentiating root avulsion from plexus lesions, or lesions that involve both the roots and the plexus.

Neuralgic Amyotrophy (Brachial Plexitis)

Neuralgic amyotrophy is a common although underappreciated disorder that frequently affects individual upper extremity nerves or the brachial plexus. The condition is known by various names, including Parsonage–Turner syndrome, brachial plexitis, idiopathic brachial plexopathy, and brachial amyotrophy. In many but not all cases, the syndrome is preceded by an antecedent event that triggers the immune system, usually a viral illness or immunization or, occasionally, surgery. The onset of shoulder pain typically follows within several days to a few weeks. The pain is severe, often awakening the patient from sleep. Early on, muscle weakness may be difficult to detect on examination because of the prominent pain. However, as the pain subsides, typically after 1 to 2 weeks, significant underlying weakness becomes apparent. Muscle atrophy follows. Although paresthesias and sensory loss may also be present, it is not unusual to find only mild or minimal sensory abnormalities on examination.

In some cases, all or part of the brachial plexus may be affected. In others, individual upper extremity nerves, including nerves that come directly off the roots, may be affected in isolation, in a pattern that more resembles a mononeuropathy multiplex. Certain nerves, especially the long thoracic and anterior interosseous nerves, are frequently involved in neuralgic amyotrophy. A long thoracic nerve palsy results in characteristic winging of the scapula, due to weakness of the serratus anterior muscle. An anterior interosseous nerve palsy is recognized principally by weakness of the long flexors of the thumb and index finger (flexor pollicis longus and flexor digitorum profundus – median): the patient is unable to make an “OK” sign. In some cases, involvement of the phrenic nerve has been reported, either in isolation or in conjunction with other mononeuropathies. Exceptionally, lower cranial neuropathies (IX–XII) have accompanied otherwise classic presentations of neuralgic amyotrophy.

Most episodes of neuralgic amyotrophy are primarily unilateral. On close examination, however, especially with needle EMG, some abnormalities on the contralateral side are not unusual. Likewise, most cases are a one-time event. Recurrent episodes can occur but are distinctly uncommon. Recurrent episodes of painful brachial neuritis should raise the possibility of hereditary neuralgic amyotrophy, a rare, dominantly inherited disorder associated with mutations in the SEPT9 (septin-9) gene on chromosome 17q25 that has a similar clinical presentation to the idiopathic cases. Minor dysmorphic features may be present on physical examination of these patients (i.e., hypotelorism, short stature, cleft palate, epicanthal folds, ring-shaped skin creases on limbs and neck, partial syndactyly).

Postoperative Brachial Plexopathy

Brachial plexopathy is the most common peripheral nervous system complication occurring after coronary artery bypass and other similar chest surgery. These lesions are thought to result from stretch injury following chest wall retraction or occur secondary to compression from hematomas associated with internal jugular catheters. Nearly all involve principally the lower trunk or medial cord of the plexus.

In lesions of the lower trunk, patients note sensory disturbance in the fourth and fifth fingers (ulnar distribution), which may continue up the medial forearm and arm (medial brachial and medial antebrachial cutaneous nerves). Weakness involves all C8–T1 muscles, including median and ulnar hand intrinsics, all forearm long finger flexors (Figure 30–6), and, less so, the finger extensors (principally the extensors to the thumb and index finger). In some cases, pain may be a prominent symptom. Because the presumed injury is secondary to stretch and compression, without any tearing or shearing of nerve and basement membrane, most patients make a good recovery over several months. Rarely, patients may not recover completely; occasionally, patients are left with chronic pain that is difficult to treat.

Delayed Radiation Injury

Radiation may result in a progressive brachial plexopathy, typically presenting years after the radiation exposure. Radiation ports often include the region of the brachial plexus, especially in the treatment of lymphomas and breast, lung, and neck cancers. The risk of radiation-induced plexopathy increases with the dose of radiation; it is more common after doses of more than 5700 rads.

When a patient with a prior history of malignancy who has been treated with radiation develops a slowly progressive brachial plexus lesion, the differential diagnosis usually rests between radiation-induced brachial plexopathy and direct invasion from recurrent tumor. Several clinical and electrophysiologic findings may be of help in distinguishing between the two. First, pain is an earlier and more prominent finding in direct neoplastic invasion. Likewise, the presence of a Horner’s syndrome is much more common in direct neoplastic invasion. In contrast, sensory symptoms (i.e., paresthesias and numbness) appear more commonly and earlier in cases of radiation damage. In addition, patients with radiation-induced plexopathy usually are symptomatic for a much longer time, often many years, before coming to medical attention.

On electrophysiologic testing, the presence of myokymic discharges and fasciculations is especially helpful in differentiating radiation-induced from neoplastic plexopathy. Myokymic discharges are characteristic of radiation-induced brachial plexopathy. They may be seen clinically but are more often appreciated on needle EMG. Although conduction block across the brachial plexus has been described in patients with radiation plexitis, it is a nonspecific finding that has also been reported, although less frequently, in plexopathy associated with neoplasm. Other findings on nerve conduction studies and EMG, including the region of the plexus involved, and the presence of clinical weakness are generally not helpful in differentiating radiation-induced from direct neoplastic brachial plexopathy.

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome

The term thoracic outlet refers to the exit of the brachial plexus and the major arteries and veins from the shoulder and axilla into the arm. Several types of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) occur, depending on which structure is entrapped. Impingement of the subclavian and axillary vessels may result in vascular TOS. Entrapment of the brachial plexus itself results in true neurogenic TOS.

In the past, the diagnosis of neurogenic TOS was made frequently, and many patients underwent surgical procedures to decompress the thoracic outlet. These procedures included removal of cervical ribs, first rib resections, lysis of fibrous bands, as well as sectioning of some of the scalene muscles. However, impingement of the cervical nerve roots at the intervertebral foramina and the common entrapment neuropathies in the arm were not well appreciated at that time. It has since become apparent that true neurogenic TOS is quite rare. Most patients diagnosed with TOS in the past actually had either a cervical radiculopathy or an entrapment of either the ulnar nerve at the elbow or the median nerve at the wrist.

Most cases of true neurogenic TOS are caused by a fibrous band that runs from a rudimentary cervical rib to the first thoracic rib, entrapping the lower trunk of the brachial plexus (Figure 30–7). Accordingly, sensory and motor loss develops in the C8–T1 distribution. Anatomically, the fibrous band most often preferentially affects the T1 fibers. This results in a characteristic pattern of signs and symptoms, including prominent wasting and weakness of the thenar and, less prominently, the hypothenar muscles (Figure 30–8). The explanation for the relative vulnerability of the thenar muscles is not completely clear, but it may be that the thenar muscles are more T1 innervated, whereas the hypothenar muscles receive more C8 innervation.

In addition to the median and ulnar intrinsic hand muscles, the long flexors to the fingers (i.e., flexor digitorum profundus) and thumb (flexor pollicis longus) also are C8–T1 innervated and may be affected. Radial C8 weakness (e.g., EIP) can occur but is less common. Paresthesias and sensory loss affect the fourth and fifth fingers, medial hand, and medial forearm. These sensory changes are in the distribution of the ulnar and the medial antebrachial cutaneous sensory nerves, both of which pass through the lower trunk of the brachial plexus.

Neurogenic TOS is most often confused clinically with the more common ulnar neuropathy at the elbow or C8–T1 radiculopathy. Several pieces of clinical information are helpful in differentiating among these conditions. A history of neck pain with radiation down the arm, provoked by neck movement, strongly favors the diagnosis of radiculopathy. Local tenderness and pain around the elbow commonly accompany ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. In all three conditions, atrophy and weakness may affect both the thenar and hypothenar muscles. With ulnar neuropathy at the elbow, however, thumb abduction will be spared (median innervated). In neurogenic TOS, thumb abduction not only is involved but is often preferentially affected. In a C8–T1 radiculopathy, thumb abduction may be weak but is not out of proportion to weakness of the other C8–T1-innervated muscles. On sensory testing, abnormalities are restricted to the fifth and medial fourth fingers and medial hand in ulnar neuropathy at the elbow. In both neurogenic TOS and C8–T1 radiculopathy, sensory disturbance extends more proximally into the medial forearm, in the distribution of the medial antebrachial cutaneous sensory nerve.

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