Congenital and Early Infantile Neuropathies


Pediatric, infantile, peripheral neuropathy, demyelination, axonal, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, Dejerine-Sottas disease, congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy



The congenital and infantile neuropathies are an uncommon and complex group of conditions with broad phenotypic and genetic diversity. The overwhelming majority have a genetic basis, and will be the main focus of this chapter. Rarely, acquired inflammatory causes may occur. Although significant progress has been made in the genetic diagnosis of infantile neuropathies in the past two decades, more than half of children presenting in the first year of life remain without a specific diagnosis. With advances in molecular genetic techniques, the already rapidly expanding number of genes attributed to infantile neuropathies is set to further increase.


In a large cohort of 260 children with biopsy-confirmed peripheral neuropathy over a 33-year period, 50 (19.2%) were symptomatic in infancy, of whom 48% had a demyelinating and 42% an axonal disorder. While many of these cases presented prior to the era of genetic diagnosis, 20 children fell under the rubric of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT)/ hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy (HMSN), 19 of whom had a demyelinating form of CMT/HMSN. Five children had spinal muscular atrophy (with axonal findings on nerve biopsy), three had severe infantile axonal neuropathy with respiratory failure, and four had hereditary sensory autonomic neuropathy. Other etiologies were either single cases (e.g. giant axonal neuropathy) or nonspecific diagnoses, such as peroxisomal or “neurodegenerative” disorders, and many of these infants had co-existent central nervous system involvement. More recently, in a series of 77 children with infantile onset (nonsyndromic) neuropathies (58% demyelinating, 20% axonal, and 22% undefined), 35 children (45%) received a molecular diagnosis involving mutations in one of eleven genes, most of which were associated with demyelinating forms of CMT ( Figure 16.1 ). This emphasizes the genetic heterogeneity of the infantile neuropathies, and that demyelinating phenotypes are more likely to receive a definitive genetic diagnosis, but that over half of children remain without one.

Figure 16.1

Gene distribution among 35 patients with pathogenic mutations, out of a cohort of 77 unrelated index patients with infantile-onset neuropathies.

Reprinted from reference 2 with permission from Oxford University Press.

Clinical Presentation and Approach to Peripheral Neuropathies in Early Infancy

Clinical Presentation

Infants with early onset neuropathies tend to display one of two main phenotypes.

The first group has clear prenatal/neonatal onset and presents at birth with hypotonia, arthrogryposis, and respiratory insufficiency. A history of decreased fetal movements, intrauterine growth retardation, and polyhydramnios may be obtained. Delivery of a hypotonic infant may result in obstetric complications and birth asphyxia, masking the underlying peripheral neuropathy. Ventilatory support is often required and early mortality common. De novo mutations in MPZ , PMP22 , EGR2 , and NEFL are typically found in this cohort ( Figure 16.2 ). Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) and the non-5q early-onset SMA syndromes are important differential diagnoses for this type of presentation, and, as discussed below, are not always easily differentiated from a classic neuropathy.

Figure 16.2

Gene distribution for patients with infantile-onset neuropathies with a known pathogenic mutation as function of disease onset, inheritance pattern, and phenotypic subgroup. The x-axis represents the age at onset in months and years, the y-axis displays the estimated incidence of patients with dominant (red line) and recessive subtypes (green line) of hereditary neuropathy. CONG, congenital onset phenotype characterized by neonatal hypotonia +/− breathing and feeding difficulties; MMD, motor milestone delay phenotype with or without early foot deformities and progressive delay in motor milestones within the first year of life; m, month; y; year.

Reprinted from reference 2 with permission from Oxford University Press.

The second (and more common) group presents later in infancy with delayed motor development and/or foot deformities, after an uneventful neonatal period. In contrast to adults, in whom distal weakness and sensory loss are the predominant features of a neuropathy, delayed motor milestones (an indicator of infantile onset) and areflexia are more relevant clinical clues at this age. Proximal weakness, foot deformity, scoliosis and congenital hip dysplasia may be apparent, and the clinical features may mimic myopathy. Facial weakness and tongue fasciculations may be present, reflecting a severe neuropathic process. Recessive mutations in FGD4 , PRX , MTMR2 , SBF2, GDAP1 , and SH3TC2 , and dominant mutations in MFN2 , are strongly represented in this subgroup ( Figure 16.2 ).

Diagnostic Approach

It is important to determine: (i) whether the neuropathy is primarily demyelinating/hypomyelinating or axonal; (ii) whether the infant has an isolated peripheral neuropathy or neuropathy in association with a central nervous system (CNS) disorder; (iii) the inheritance pattern; and (iv) if there are any distinguishing features on clinical, neurophysiologic, or neuropathologic examination.

The demyelinating and axonal infantile neuropathies will be presented separately in this chapter. Conditions with isolated peripheral nervous system involvement, versus those with associated CNS involvement, will be distinguished. Most of the isolated peripheral neuropathies in this age group have both motor and sensory involvement, and fall under the umbrella of CMT/HMSN, which is outlined in Chapter 15 , Chapter 17 . The hereditary motor neuropathies overlap with both CMT/HMSN and the motor neuronopathies (such as SMA), and will be mentioned only briefly as they are covered in detail in Chapter 8 . The hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathies (HSAN), with preferential involvement of the sensory and autonomic systems, are discussed in Chapter 18 . In general, the axonal neuropathies are less well characterized and more often associated with CNS or systemic manifestations, which can provide helpful diagnostic clues. Distinguishing clinical features of the congenital and infantile demyelinating and axonal neuropathies are presented in Tables 16.1 and 16.2 .

Table 16.1

Clinical Clues to the Diagnosis of Infantile Demyelinating Neuropathies

Clinical Feature Clinical Phenotype Gene
Pupillary abnormalities CHN, DSD, CMT1B
Multiple cranial neuropathies CHN, DSD, CMT4E EGR2
Prominent foot and hand deformities CMT4A, CMT2H/K
Severe spinal deformities CMT4C SH3TC2
Asymmetric weakness DSD, CMT4J
Post-traumatic rapid progression of weakness DSD, CMT4J FIG4
Vocal cord paresis CMT4A, CMT2H/K
Diaphragmatic involvement CMT4A, CMT2H/K GDAP1
Glaucoma CMT4B2 SBF2
Prominent sensory involvement DSD, CMT4F PRX
Congenital cataracts HCC
Raised creatine kinase Merosin-deficient CMD LAMA2

Abbreviations: CCFDN, congenital cataracts facial dysmorphism neuropathy syndrome; CHN, congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy; CMD, congenital muscular dystrophy; CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; DSD, Dejerine-Sottas disease; GBS/CIDP, Guillain-Barré syndrome/chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy; HCC, hypomyelination and congenital cataract.

Modified from Reference , with permission from Wiley.

Table 16.2

Clinical Clues to the Diagnosis of Infantile Axonal Neuropathies

Clinical Feature Clinical Phenotype Gene Inheritance
Optic atrophy CMT2A MFN2 AD, AR
GDAP1 -related neuropathies GDAP1 AR
IOSCA C10orf2 AR
Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy PLA2G6 AR
Riboflavin transporter deficiency SLC52A2, SLC52A3
Ophthalmoparesis Mitochondrial disorders SCO2 AR
C10orf2 AR
Skeletal abnormalities CMT2C, SPSMA, congenital dSMA TRPV4 AD
Congenital contractures/ arthrogryposis Congenital dSMA TRPV4 AD
X-linked SMA UBE1 X-linked
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type I EXOSC3 , AR
VRK1 ,
TSEN54 ,
SMA with congenital bone fractures Unknown Unknown, presumed AR
Congenital fractures X-linked SMA UBE1 X-linked
SMA with congenital fractures Unknown Unknown, presumed AR
Vocal cord paresis CMT2A MFN2 AD, AR
CMT2C , SPSMA, congenital dSMA TRPV4 AD
GDAP1 -related neuropathies GDAP1 AR
Riboflavin transporter deficiency SLC52A2, SLC52A3 AR
Early infantile respiratory failure SMA1 SMN1 AR
X-linked SMA UBE1 AR
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type I EXOSC3, VRK1, TSEN54, RARS2 AR
SMA with congenital fractures Unknown Unknown, presumed AR
Lethal neonatal AR axonal sensorimotor polyneuropathy Unknown AR
Congenital axonal neuropathy with encephalopathy Unknown Unknown, presumed AR
Predominant motor involvement Congenital dSMA, SPSMA TRPV4 AD
X-linked SMA UBE1 X-linked
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type I EXOSC3, VRK1, TSEN54, RARS2 AR
SMA with congenital fractures Unknown Unknown, presumed AR
Mitochondrial disorders SCO2, TK2 AR
Kinky hair Giant axonal neuropathy GAN AR
Hepatopathy Mitochondrial disorders DGUOK AR
C10orf2 AR
Cardiomyopathy Mitochondrial disorders SCO2 AR
CNS involvement Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type I EXOSC3, VRK1, TSEN54, RARS2 AR
Giant axonal neuropathy GAN AR
Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy PLA2G6 AR
IOSCA C10orf2 AR
CMTX1 GJB1 X-linked
With encephalopathy
Congenital axonal neuropathy Unknown Unknown, presumed
Mitochondrial disorders SCO2 AR
With cerebellar signs/involvement
Pontocerebellar hypoplasia type I EXOSC3, VRK1, TSEN54, RARS2 AR
Giant axonal neuropathy GAN AR
Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy PLA2G6 AR
IOSCA C10orf2 AR

Abbreviations: AD, autosomal dominant; AR autosomal recessive; CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; dSMA, distal spinal muscular atrophy; HMSN/ACC, hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy with agenesis of the corpus callosum; IOSCA, infantile-onset spinocerebellar ataxia; MTP/LCHAD, mitochondrial trifunctional protein/long-chain 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase; SMA, spinal muscular atrophy; SMA-LED, spinal muscular atrophy with lower extremity predominance; SMARD, spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1; SPSMA, scapuloperoneal spinal muscular atrophy.

Modified from reference 3 with permission from Wiley.

Nerve conduction studies are central to determining whether a neuropathy is primarily demyelinating or axonal. As discussed in Chapter 3 , nerve conduction velocities increase during the first 2 to 3 years of life, so normative values should be referenced. As nerve conduction studies, particularly sensory studies, can be technically challenging in infants and neonates, absent sensory responses should be interpreted with caution. Infants with severe neuropathies may have unobtainable motor and sensory responses, making it difficult to discriminate between a primarily demyelinating or axonal process. Testing of more proximal nerves (such as the phrenic nerve) can be helpful in this instance, while needle electromyography (EMG) helps to distinguish myopathies from neuropathies. Conduction slowing may be so severe in some demyelinating neuropathies that the time base for nerve conduction testing needs to be adjusted to identify very delayed responses.

It is important to appreciate that the distinction between axonal neuropathies and neuronopathies is not always clear. Involvement of both peripheral motor and sensory nerves is described in neuronopathies such as classic SMA and spinal muscular atrophy with respiratory distress type 1, while mutations in genes such as TRPV4 and DYNC1H1 can cause both an SMA phenotype and axonal CMT. Motor responses may be unobtainable, and reliance on absent sensory responses to localize pathology to the nerve rather than anterior horn cell (as may be done in adults or older children) is not always appropriate. Combined with the inability of electromyography to differentiate between axonal motor neuropathies and neuronopathies, this means that it can be difficult to distinguish axonal sensorimotor neuropathies from motor neuronopathies in early childhood. Motor neuronopathies should therefore form part of the differential diagnosis of infants presenting with hypotonia, weakness, areflexia, and neurogenic electromyography findings (and vice versa).

Nerve biopsy can be very informative in determining the basis of prenatal and infantile neuropathies, particularly if neurophysiologic findings are unhelpful. Specific neuropathologic abnormalities may point to particular genetic syndromes. Distinguishing nerve biopsy features of the inherited demyelinating and axonal neuropathies are presented in Table 16.3 . Acquired and potentially treatable causes of neuropathies such as infantile chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), although rare, may mimic or occur superimposed on genetic neuropathies, and can be diagnosed on nerve biopsy.

Table 16.3

Neuropathologic Clues to the Diagnosis of Inherited Infantile Neuropathies

Neuropathologic Feature Clinical Phenotype Gene
Demyelinating infantile neuropathies
Focal myelin folding Frequently present
MPZ -related CHN/DSD
Occasionally present
EGR2 -related neuropathies
GDAP1 -related neuropathies
Frequently present
Occasionally present
Uncompacted myelin MPZ -related CHN/DSD MPZ
Long Schwann cell cytoplasmic processes CMT4C SH3TC2
Node of Ranvier disorganization CMT4C SH3TC2
Paranodal abnormalities CMT4F
Axonal infantile neuropathies
Giant axons Giant axonal neuropathy
Myofibrillar myopathy
Axonal spheroids Infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy PLA2G6
Mitochondrial abnormalities CMT2A MFN2

Abbreviations: CHN, congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy; CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; DSD, Dejerine-Sottas disease.

Modified from Reference 3 with permission from Wiley.

Cerebral neuroimaging is not always required in the work-up of infants presenting with a purely peripheral process. However, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can sometimes provide important diagnostic clues, and is especially helpful in the investigation of syndromic disorders affecting the central nervous system.

Assessment and Management of Complications

Despite the genetic heterogeneity of infantile neuropathies, they tend to share typical management issues. Respiratory insufficiency may be related to diaphragmatic weakness (caused by involvement of the phrenic nerve), intercostal muscle weakness, or spinal deformity. Ventilatory support may be required from birth or later in the disease course, and assessment for respiratory insufficiency is warranted in most cases. Bulbar weakness may cause poor feeding and recurrent aspiration. Gastroesophageal reflux is probably more common than is recognized. Skeletal deformities including foot deformity, developmental hip dysplasia, and scoliosis are common and should be appropriately managed. Visual disturbance due to optic atrophy or cataracts occurs in some conditions, as does sensorineural hearing loss.

The long-term prognosis of individuals with early-onset demyelinating neuropathies is variable and not well documented. Outcomes are dependent not only on the underlying genetic mutation, but likely also environmental and epigenetic factors, given the inter- and intrafamilial variability often present. Individuals with significant respiratory involvement tend to have a poorer prognosis than those without respiratory compromise. Appropriate genetic counselling should always be provided.

Genetic Demyelinating Neuropathies with Infantile Onset

Demyelinating Forms of CMT with Early Onset


Congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy (CHN), Dejerine-Sottas disease (DSD, also referred to as CMT3 or HMSN III) and CMT4 (also referred to as autosomal recessive CMT1, ARCMT1) are all forms of demyelinating CMT with early onset. The nomenclature is very confusing, as the original descriptions and classification were made prior to the availability of genetic testing, and use of the terms (in particular, DSD and CHN) is inconsistent. A single gene can cause multiple phenotypes of variable severity, and a single phenotype can be caused by mutations in more than one gene.

The features of DSD were defined by Dyck and Lambert and then by Ouvrier et al . as: recessive or sporadic inheritance, onset in infancy or the first two years of life, delayed motor development, extremely slow nerve conduction (motor nerve conduction velocity, MNCV<12 m/s), elevated cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) protein, and nerve biopsy features of a marked reduction in myelinated fiber density, thin myelin sheaths, and onion bulb formations. Most children are areflexic. Foot deformity is common.

Many children with DSD have de novo dominant mutations in MPZ , PMP22 , or EGR2. In addition, individuals with CMT4 (autosomal recessive CMT) sometimes have a DSD phenotype. Thus the term DSD is probably best used to describe the clinical syndrome of a severe demyelinating genetic neuropathy manifesting before two years of age with hypotonia or delayed motor development, with a median nerve MNCV of 12 m/s or less.

CHN is rare and less well characterized than DSD. It is thought to reflect a defect in myelin synthesis rather than degeneration and/or demyelination of preexisting myelin. In its classic form, CHN is characterized pathologically by complete absence of peripheral nerve myelin without onion bulb formations, and the term congenital amyelination has also been used in these cases. Some individuals with CHN have severe hypomyelination and/or unusual “basal lamina onion bulbs” consisting of concentric whorls of double-layered Schwann cell basement membrane. In these “atypical” onion bulbs, Schwann cell processes are thought to have degenerated, leaving behind their basal laminae. Evidence of myelin degeneration is absent. In comparison, nerve biopsies in DSD show evidence of both hypomyelination and demyelination-remyelination, classic onion bulb formation, and myelin breakdown products.

Severe cases of CHN present at birth with profound weakness, hypotonia, arthrogryposis, and respiratory insufficiency. Nerve conduction is very slow or responses are absent. Tongue fasciculations may be present. Less severe cases present in infancy with hypotonia and motor delay. Complete absence of peripheral nerve myelination does not always predict prenatal or neonatal onset, or early demise, and survival into adulthood is documented. Hence the discrepancy between biopsy findings and clinical features, as well as overlap in genetic causation, makes the distinction between CHN and DSD of limited utility in the diagnosis and management of these patients, particularly in the era of genetic testing in which nerve biopsy may not be required. CHN and DSD are best thought of as a spectrum of early onset “myelinopathies.” Variable mutations (sometimes even identical mutations) in MPZ , PMP22 , and EGR2 can cause both phenotypes. It may be more appropriate to refer to these early onset disorders as infantile- or prenatal-onset neuropathies associated with a particular genetic cause if known. See Case Example 16.1 .

Case Example 16.1

This male infant was born at term via normal delivery after a pregnancy complicated by decreased fetal movements. He had early respiratory distress requiring ventilatory support. He was severely hypotonic, had a marked reduction in spontaneous movement, and was areflexic. Nerve conduction studies were consistent with a severe demyelinating neuropathy with a median nerve MNCV of 10 m/s. Sensory responses were unobtainable. Nerve biopsy showed a moderate reduction in myelinated fibers, and thinned/incomplete myelination of existing myelinated fibers. Electron microscopy showed generalized uniform thinning of the myelin sheaths in intermediate and large fibers ( Figure 16.4 ). The patient died from respiratory failure at 6 weeks of age. Genetic testing for mutations in MPZ , PMP22 , and EGR2 was negative. While this infant had a severe congenital phenotype, myelin was still present, illustrating the discrepancy sometimes seen between clinical severity and degree of hypomyelination.

A summary of the clinical and neurophysiologic phenotypes associated with the demyelinating CMT genes is presented in Table 16.4 . Figure 16.3 illustrates the nerve conduction velocities and inheritance patterns associated with these genes.

Table 16.4

Clinical Features of Demyelinating Forms of CMT with Early Onset

Gene Clinical Phenotypes in Infancy Inheritance MNCV (m/s) Other Features Other Clinical Phenotypes
PMP22 (point mutation) CHN, DSD AD, AR <12 SNHL, facial weakness, nystagmus, vestibular dysfunction CMT1A, HNPP
PMP22 (duplication) DSD AD
PMP22 (deletion) DSD AR a <10 SNHL HNPP
MPZ CHN, DSD AD, AR <12 Pupillary abnormalities, SNHL, facial weakness CMT1B, Intermediate CMT, CMT2
EGR2 CHN, DSD, CMT4E AD, AR 3–20 Cranial neuropathies frequent CMT1D
NEFL DSD, CMT1F, CMT2E AD, AR 12–35 Intellectual disability, pyramidal signs, SNHL CMT1F, CMT2E
GJB1 CMTX1 X-linked 20–50 SNHL, tremor, transient CNS disturbances CMTX1
GDAP1 CMT4A, CMT2H, CMT2K (AR) AR 20–60 Vocal cord paresis and diaphragmatic involvement. Severe distal weakness, prominent foot deformity and claw hands CMT2K (AD)
MTMR2 CMT4B1 AR 9–20 Facial weakness
SBF2/MTMR13 CMT4B2 AR 16–21 Congenital or juvenile-onset glaucoma
SH3TC2 / KIAA1985 CMT4C AR 4–37 Early-onset spinal deformities. Foot deformities, SNHL, abnormal pupillary responses
PRX DSD, CMT4F AR 2–20 Prominent sensory involvement
FGD4 DSD, CMT4H AR 5–13 Slow progression
FIG4 DSD, CMT4J AR 3–41 Asymmetric weakness, rapid progression following trauma

Abbreviations: AD, autosomal dominant; AR, autosomal recessive; CHN, congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy; CMT, Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease; CNS, central nervous system; DSD, Dejerine-Sottas disease; HNPP, hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies; MNCV, motor nerve conduction velocity in meters/second; SNHL, sensorineural hearing loss.

Reproduced from Reference 3 with permission from Wiley.

a Only compound heterozygous deletions associated with infantile neuropathies.

Figure 16.3

Motor nerve conduction velocities in demyelinating and intermediate forms of early-onset CMT. The x-axis represents the causal genes, and the y-axis displays the motor nerve conduction velocities in m/s. NCV, nerve conduction velocity; m/s, meters per second.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to PMP22 Mutations

Heterozygous duplications involving PMP22 cause CMT1A, the most frequent type of CMT, while the reciprocal deletion causes hereditary neuropathy with pressure palsies (HNPP). In the context of infantile neuropathies, heterozygous (often de novo ) point mutations in PMP22 are associated with DSD and, less commonly, CHN. PMP22 duplications may also manifest in infancy.

Almost all children with DSD/CHN due to PMP22 point mutations have delayed development; many do not walk until 3–4 years of age, and some only with assistance. A small number never achieve independent ambulation. Increasing weakness may result in wheelchair dependency in later life. Scoliosis and restrictive lung disease may occur ; rarely respiratory involvement leads to early death. Other features reported with PMP22 mutations include sensorineural hearing loss, facial weakness, and rarely nystagmus, vestibular dysfunction, ptosis, limited extraocular movements, and bladder symptoms.

On nerve conduction studies MNCV is almost always <10–12 m/s. Sensory responses are often absent and compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) are usually low amplitude, reflecting secondary axonal loss. Findings on nerve biopsy are usually typical of DSD with thin myelin sheaths, myelinated fiber loss, increased total transverse fascicular area (due to increased collagen fibers), and prominent onion bulb formations, composed of thin Schwann cell lamellae or basal membranes or both ( Figure 16.5 ). In those cases designated as CHN, hypomyelination is more marked.

Figure 16.5

Sural nerve biopsy of 4½-year-old girl with a DSD phenotype due to a PMP22 missense mutation. Large onion bulbs are seen around demyelinated and remyelinated (arrow) fibers. Marked increase in endoneurial collagen. Bar=5 μm.

Less commonly recessive PMP22 mutations (homozygous point mutations or compound heterozygous deletions ) cause classic DSD. Hence in children with a severe phenotype carrying a PMP22 deletion, analysis for mutations in the other PMP22 allele should be performed.

Heterozygous PMP22 duplications (usually associated with a classic CMT1 phenotype) can also cause an early-onset phenotype, accounting for 7% of all infantile neuropathies in the series by Baets et al . , compared to 1% for PMP22 point mutations ( Figure 16.1 ), although the MNCV may lie in the CMT1A rather than DSD range. Congenital foot deformities in the presence of otherwise normal early development are common in these infants. Nerve biopsies have a lower g-ratio (thicker myelin sheaths) compared to PMP22 point mutations. Homozygous duplications of PMP22 , albeit rare, can also cause DSD, although curiously, the homozygous state is not always associated with greater clinical severity or additional slowing of motor nerve conduction. See Case Example 16.2 .

Case Example 16.2

A 2-year-old girl was born at term with bilateral foot deformities and mild generalized hypotonia. She had delayed motor development and walked at 19 months of age. At 2 years of age she had bilateral pes cavus, normal muscle bulk, hypotonia of the lower limbs, a steppage gait, and absent ankle reflexes. On nerve conduction studies her median nerve MNCV was 17 m/s. Chromosomal microarray testing revealed the typical 17p11.2 duplication seen in CMT1A. Testing of both parents indicated her father was also affected. He did not complain of any neurologic symptoms but on examination had bilateral pes cavus and absent ankle reflexes.


While most individuals with a PMP22 duplication present during childhood or adolescence, some present during infancy with congenital/early onset foot deformities and/or motor delay. A tendency to toe-walk may be a feature. On nerve conduction studies the MNCV tends to lie in the CMT1A rather than DSD range. In infants, lower limb wasting may not be evident, or it may be obscured by subcutaneous fat. The CMT1A duplication should be considered in any child with an inherited demyelinating neuropathy, even in those presenting during infancy.

PMP22, a 22-kDa glycoprotein, accounts for 2–5% of peripheral nerve compact myelin, and may play a role in proliferation and differentiation of Schwann cells. Missense mutations within the transmembrane domains (where the majority of point mutations lie) are thought to result in toxic gain-of-function effects including impaired intracellular protein trafficking, accumulation of mutant PMP22 in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), inhibition of post-endoplasmic reticulum protein degradation, and cell apoptosis.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to MPZ Mutations

Clinical phenotypes associated with MPZ mutations include CHN/DSD, CMT1B, intermediate CMT, and a CMT2-like phenotype. Most subjects fall into one of two phenotypes—an early onset demyelinating neuropathy, or a later onset neuropathy with axonal features. Mutations are generally phenotype-specific. MPZ mutations accounted for 6% of all infantile neuropathies in a large series ( Figure 16.1 ).

Children with early-onset demyelinating MPZ neuropathies usually have a DSD phenotype, presenting with hypotonia or delayed motor development. Most do not walk until three to four years of age, and some as late as ten years. Increasing weakness and scoliosis may develop, and some become wheelchair-dependent. A few cases designated as CHN have been reported , including two presenting at birth with hypotonia, arthrogryposis, respiratory failure, and almost no myelin on nerve biopsy. Pupillary abnormalities may be seen with both early- and late-onset MPZ mutations, providing an important diagnostic clue. Facial weakness, sensorineural hearing loss, bulbar problems, and, rarely, ptosis with limited extraocular movements are reported. While data on long-term outcomes are limited, most subjects survive into adulthood, albeit requiring mobility assistance.

Motor conduction velocities are usually less than 12 m/s. CMAP and SNAP (sensory nerve action potential) amplitudes are reduced (and sometimes unobtainable) in all patients. Apart from the expected neuropathologic findings of myelinated fiber loss, myelin thinning (or absent myelin in some cases of CHN), and onion bulb formations, two distinct and mutually exclusive ultrastructural abnormalities have been described in some cases: focally folded myelin sheaths, or areas of uncompacted myelin, reflecting the role of MPZ in myelin adhesion and compaction ( Figures 16.6 and 16.7 ).

Figure 16.6

Uncompacted myelin lamellae in sural nerve biopsy of a 12-year-old girl with a missense mutation in the extracellular domain of MPZ . Bar=1 μm.

Figure 16.7

Sural nerve biopsy of a 3-year-old boy with a DSD phenotype due to a missense mutation in the extracellular domain MPZ . Excessive myelin foldings are present around several axons (arrows). Many demyelinated or early remyelinated fibers (curved arrows) are also present. One degenerating fiber (arrowhead). Bar=5 μm.

While the overwhelming majority of early onset neuropathies associated with MPZ are due to dominant heterozygous (often de novo ) mutations, recessive homozygous or compound heterozygous mutations are occasionally identified. In these cases, heterozygous parents have a milder neuropathy, with MCNVs ranging from 29 to 54 m/s.

MPZ is a member of the immunoglobulin gene superfamily. It functions as a homophilic adhesion molecule, playing an important role in myelin adhesion and compaction. Most mutations causing early-onset demyelinating neuropathies are in the extracellular domain and probably alter the MPZ tertiary structure and thus myelination. A dominant-negative effect of mutant MPZ at the plasma membrane has been demonstrated, as has impaired mutant protein trafficking with ER accumulation, which can induce apoptosis and protein degradation. See Case Example 16.3 .

Case Example 16.3

An 11-month-old infant was referred with a 5-month history of generalized hypotonia and decreased movement of the left upper limb. Over the following 6 months he developed proximally predominant weakness of the other extremities. Language and social development were normal. He had generalized hypotonia but was able to sit without support when placed. He had no movement around the left shoulder girdle, reduced power in the lower limbs, and was areflexic. Nerve conduction studies indicated a sensorimotor demyelinating neuropathy, with MNCVs of 5–12 m/s, marked increase in distal motor latencies, and absent sensory responses. The CMAPs were of very low amplitude. The CSF protein was mildly elevated (0.48 g/L).

Sural nerve biopsy showed severe depletion of large myelinated fibers, with focal thickening of myelin sheaths. No onion bulbs or inflammatory cell infiltrates were seen. Numerous tomacula-like structures were identified on the teased fiber preparation. Focally folded myelin sheaths were noted on electron microscopy. Genetic testing revealed a de novo heterozygous Lys130Arg mutation in the MPZ gene. At 6 years of age he can ambulate short distances with a walker but otherwise requires a wheelchair for mobility. He has scoliosis and restrictive lung disease and has had a number of respiratory infections.


The initial presentation with an upper limb monoplegia in this case is unusual for an inherited neuropathy, and a diagnosis of infantile CIDP was considered in the first instance. A mildly elevated CSF protein is not specific for inflammatory neuropathies, as this finding may also be present in inherited neuropathies. The severe generalized slowing of nerve conduction and absence of inflammatory infiltrates on the nerve biopsy were more consistent with an inherited neuropathy, and the presence of focally folded myelin sheaths on electron microscopy provided an important diagnostic clue and directed sequencing of the MPZ gene. Excessive myelin outfoldings are seen in demyelinating neuropathies due to mutations in the MPZ , SBF1 , SBF2 , MTMR2 , PRX , and FGD4 genes ( Table 16.3 ). As the most common causes of infantile-onset demyelinating neuropathies are mutations in the MPZ , PMP22 , and SH3TC2 genes, the MPZ gene was sequenced in the first instance.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to EGR2 Mutations

Mutations in EGR2 account for less than 1% of CMT cases overall and 1% of infantile neuropathies. Approximately 11 cases of CHN/DSD have been reported, the majority due to de novo heterozygous missense mutations. Recessive inheritance was identified in one family with three affected siblings (designated CMT4E), and a clinical phenotype similar to the heterozygous cases. CMT1D is also associated with EGR2 mutations.

Most cases present in the first few months of life with hypotonia and delayed motor development. Peculiar to EGR2 -related neuropathies is a high frequency of cranial nerve involvement. Ptosis, eye movement abnormalities, tongue fasciculations, and facial weakness are described. The course is slowly progressive in most cases. Motor conduction velocities are usually <12 m/s but may be as high as 20 m/s. Nerve biopsies show a range of hypomyelination (from almost complete myelin absence to thinly myelinated axons), as well as myelinated fiber loss, demyelination/remyelination, and onion bulb formations. Focally folded myelin sheaths were described in one patient.

EGR2 is a zinc finger transcription factor which binds regulatory domains of target genes, including those critical for myelin formation and maintenance such as MPZ , PMP22 , GJB1 , and PRX . Most mutations lie in the zinc finger domains, likely affecting DNA binding and transcription of these genes.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to NEFL Mutations

Dominant mutations in neurofilament light chain polypeptide ( NEFL ) cause CMT1F and CMT2E. While most individuals with NEFL mutations become symptomatic in childhood or adolescence, a number of severe early-onset cases have been caused by dominant, or occasionally recessive, mutations. NEFL mutations accounted for 1% of infantile neuropathies in one series. Affected children present before the age of two years with hypotonia, delayed motor development, or foot deformity. Distal weakness and wasting can be severe, and proximal weakness may be present. Additional features in early-onset patients include intellectual disability, pyramidal signs, ataxia, tremor, and hearing loss.

Neurophysiologic findings are variable in NEFL -related neuropathies. Mixed axonal and demyelinating features may be present. In those with the early-onset phenotype, MNCVs are between 12 and 35 m/s. CMAPs are usually moderately to severely reduced.

NEFL mutations probably do not cause a true “demyelinating” neuropathy, but rather an axonal neuropathy with secondary myelin loss. NEFL assembles into heteropolymers with heavy and medium neurofilaments, forming the major intermediate filament in axons. Neurofilaments determine axonal diameter and therefore conduction velocity. NEFL mutations disrupt neurofilament assembly and axonal transport, resulting in decreased axonal diameter, contributing to slowed conduction. On nerve biopsy the predominant finding is loss of large myelinated fibers with regenerating clusters. Some individuals have giant axons containing accumulations of irregularly oriented neurofilaments.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to GDAP1 Mutations

In infancy, recessive GDAP1 mutations are associated with an early onset neuropathy with demyelinating and/or axonal features which has been designated CMT4A, CMT2H/K, and recessive “intermediate” CMT. In reality these conditions probably lie on a pathologic spectrum. GDAP1 mutations accounted for 1% of infantile neuropathy cases in Baets et al.

The clinical phenotype associated with recessive GDAP1 mutations is fairly homogeneous. Children present in the first year of life with prominent foot deformities, gait difficulties, and distal weakness. Some are hypotonic at birth but many have normal early motor development and walk by 2 years of age, although are often limited by foot deformity. Progression is relatively rapid, leading to severe distal weakness and wasting of the feet and hands. Many patients develop “claw hands” within the first or second decade, and foot deformities are often severe. Progressive proximal weakness renders many subjects wheelchair-dependent by the end of the second decade. A more slowly progressive course is less common. Vocal cord paresis, diaphragmatic dysfunction, and restrictive lung disease are common. Facial weakness is described and one patient had optic atrophy.

Both axonal and demyelinating features are apparent. MNCVs range from 20 to 60 m/s, with MNCVs in the demyelinating, axonal (most commonly), and intermediate range in individual patients. CMAPs are low amplitude or unrecordable. On nerve biopsy some patients have a predominantly demyelinating process, with a decrease in the number of myelinated fibers, segmental demyelination, and frequent onion bulb formations. Focal myelin folding is occasionally noted. More commonly, a primarily axonal process is present, with axonal degeneration, regeneration, and pseudo-onion bulbs. In some, the picture is mixed.

The GDAP1 protein is expressed in axons, localized to the outer mitochondrial membrane, and involved in mitochondrial fission and regulation of the mitochondrial network.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to MTMR2 Mutations (CMT4B1)

Mutations in the myotubularin-related protein 2 gene ( MTMR2 ) are associated with 1% of infantile neuropathies, and are an uncommon cause of recessive CMT (CMT4B1). Focally folded myelin sheaths on nerve biopsy are characteristic. Redundant folds of myelin wrap irregularly around the axon and are seen as irregular focal thickenings on teased fiber analysis. The thickenings are thought to be distinct from the tomacula described in HNPP, being smaller in diameter and more irregular in contour. Focal myelin folding is not specific to CMT4B1; it has also been observed in neuropathies due to SBF1 , SBF2 , MPZ , PRX , and FGD4 mutations ( Table 16.3 ). Other biopsy features of CMT4B1 include a marked decrease in myelinated fiber density, evidence of demyelination-remyelination, and rare onion bulb formations.

Onset is usually within the first 2 years of life. Some patients have normal motor development during infancy. Early complaints are of gait difficulties and proximal leg weakness. Progressive involvement of the upper and lower limbs occurs in the first and second decades, and foot deformities are sometimes severe. By adulthood many are wheelchair-dependent. Bilateral facial weakness is common, and vocal cord paresis and respiratory insufficiency may develop in adulthood. MNCVs are in the demyelinating range (9–20 m/s) and CMAPs are usually low-amplitude and dispersed.

The MTMR2 protein is a phospholipid phosphatase which dephosphorylates phosphoinositides (such as phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate; PI(3)P), which are involved in membrane trafficking and homeostasis. MTMR2 and MTMR13/SBF2 (a catalytically inactive pseudophosphatase associated with CMT4B2) form heterotetramers and function together ; loss of function probably leads to dysregulation of Schwann cell membrane homeostasis and abnormal myelin folding, and explains the similar pathologic features of CMT4B1 and CMT4B2.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to SBF2 Mutations (CMT4B2)

An early-onset recessive demyelinating neuropathy with focally folded myelin can also be caused by mutations in SET binding factor 2 ( SBF2 ), also known as myotubularin-related protein 13 ( MTMR13 ). Some kindreds also have early-onset glaucoma, which precedes onset of neuropathy in some individuals. Symptom onset is in infancy or early childhood with delayed motor milestones. Anisocoria, facial weakness, and hypophonia have been described as additional features. CMT4B2 accounted for 4% of infantile neuropathies in one series. MNCVs range from 14 to 26 m/s.

Neuropathies Due to SBF1 Mutations (CMT4B3)

A single kindred with compound heterozygous mutations in the SBF1 ( MTMR5 ) gene was recently reported. MTMR5 shares structural similarities to MTMR13/SBF2 and also interacts with MTMR2. Not surprisingly, the clinical phenotype is similar to that of CMT4B1 and CMT4B2, with a demyelinating neuropathy and focally folded myelin sheaths. Onset in this family was in mid-childhood and infantile cases have not yet been reported.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to SH3TC2 Mutations (CMT4C)

Mutations in SH3TC2 ( KIAA1985 ) are a relatively frequent cause of CMT4, accounting for approximately 17% of all cases, and 12% of infantile neuropathies (the highest frequency of all genes tested, Figure 16.1 ). CMT4C is characterized by early-onset severe spinal deformities (affecting over 90% of individuals in some series), which are often the presenting symptom. There is significant intra- and interfamilial variability. Symptoms usually begin in childhood or adolescence, but some cases present with hypotonia and scoliosis in the first few months of life, or with delayed motor development. Most children walk by 24–30 months of age, although in rare instances ambulation is never achieved. Foot deformity is common, often severe, and may precede onset of weakness. Some have a normal neurologic examination at presentation despite prominent skeletal deformity (although nerve conduction tests are abnormal). Hearing loss is the most common form of cranial nerve involvement, but internal ophthalmoplegia, facial weakness, and tongue fasciculations are also reported.

The clinical course is variable. In some, progression is slow and ambulation maintained past the fifth decade. Others are wheelchair-dependent within the first decade. The spinal deformities are also variably progressive, and surgery is required in some patients. Some patients develop respiratory insufficiency.

Nerve conduction studies confirm a demyelinating neuropathy, with highly variable MNCVs ranging from 4 to 37 m/s (mean 23 m/s). Neuropathological features include loss of myelinated fibers, thinly myelinated fibers, basal lamina onion bulbs, and large cytoplasmic Schwann cell processes surrounding multiple unmyelinated axons; the latter are thought to be a distinguishing feature ( Figure 16.8 ). Abnormal organization of the node of Ranvier, and, rarely, giant distended axons and focally folded myelinated fibers are seen.

Figure 16.8

Sural nerve biopsy of an 8-year-old boy with an early onset demyelinating neuropathy with scoliosis, due to a recessive mutation in SH3TC2 . Basal membranes are seen around some myelinated and nonmyelinated fibers (arrows). Bar=5 μm.

SH3TC, expressed exclusively in Schwann cells, is thought to play a role in endosomal recycling and membrane trafficking processes required for normal myelin formation. See Case Example 16.4 .

Case Example 16.4

This child presented with delayed motor milestones. He walked at 2 years of age and had frequent falls and a steppage gait. On examination at 6 years of age he had bilateral pes cavus, moderate weakness and atrophy, walked with ankle-foot orthoses, and was areflexic. His median nerve MNCV was 25 m/s. Sural nerve biopsy revealed a hypertrophic demyelinating neuropathy with basal lamina membranes around myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. His 12-year-old brother had a severe progressive scoliosis. His neurologic and neurophysiologic examinations revealed a mild distal motor and sensory neuropathy. The younger brother subsequently also developed a rapidly progressive scoliosis at 10 years of age. Both required scoliosis surgery. Genetic testing later revealed a homozygous R954X nonsense mutation in the SH3TC2 gene in both siblings.


The phenotype associated with recessively inherited SH3TC2 mutations has a highly variable disease onset ranging from early infancy to adolescence. A striking and often pathognomonic feature is early and very pronounced scoliosis, often requiring surgery. Although scoliosis is common in severe early-onset neuropathies, in SH3TC2 -related cases the scoliosis is often disproportionally severe and can manifest before other signs of neuropathy develop.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to PRX Mutations (CMT4F)

Periaxin (PRX) -related neuropathies are characterized by delayed motor development, prominent sensory involvement and extremely slow nerve conduction, a phenotype consistent with DSD. The locus was first reported in a large inbred Lebanese family with a recessive demyelinating CMT designated CMT4F. All cases demonstrate recessive inheritance. In one cohort of 20 unrelated DSD patients, three had PRX mutations (four had MPZ , three PMP22 , and two EGR2 mutations), and PRX mutations accounted for 5% of infantile neuropathies in another series.

Most cases present in infancy with delayed motor development. Affected children may not walk until four to five years of age. The neuropathy is slowly progressive and weakness generally limited to distal muscles. Ambulation is maintained into late adulthood. Sensory involvement, including sensory ataxia, is common and often out of proportion to the degree of motor involvement. Some patients complain of positive sensory symptoms. Scoliosis is common but usually mild. Hearing loss and tongue fasciculations are reported in some patients.

Conduction velocities are extremely low (and often undetectable even in childhood) with MNCV usually less than 10 m/s (range 2–20 m/s). Temporal dispersion is marked in some. SNAPs are usually absent. Typical neuropathologic features include moderate to severe loss of myelinated fibers, and classic and basal lamina onion bulbs. Focally folded myelin may be seen. Paranodal abnormalities have been reported in some patients.

PRX encodes periaxin, a cytoskeleton-associated protein expressed exclusively in myelinating Schwann cells. Periaxin helps link the basal lamina to the Schwann cell cytoskeleton, and is important in elongation of Schwann cells and myelination during development. Periaxin-deficient mice display peripheral demyelination and, interestingly, prominent sensory involvement.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to FGD4 Mutations (CMT4H)

Mutations in FGD4 or frabin (FGD1-related F-actin binding protein) cause a recessive demyelinating CMT designated CMT4H, and account for 3% of infantile neuropathies. Age at onset can range from infancy to childhood. Most affected children walk by two to three years of age and clinical progression is slow. Scoliosis and foot deformities are common. Nerve conduction velocities are markedly reduced, with MNCV ranging from 5 to 13 m/s. On nerve biopsy decreased myelinated fiber density, thin myelin sheaths, demyelination-remyelination, and classic onion bulbs are seen. Focal irregular myelin foldings are prominent, similar to those seen in CMT4B1 and 4B2.

FGD4 is a Rho GDP/GTP nucleotide exchange factor expressed in many tissues including peripheral nerve. FGD4 induces changes in Schwann cell shape. Pathologic similarities between CMT4H and CMT4B, and the presence of phosphoinositide binding domains in frabin, suggest that altered phosphoinositide metabolism may be a shared mechanism for abnormal myelination in these forms of CMT.

Early Onset Neuropathies Due to FIG4 Mutations (CMT4J)

Mutations in FIG4 cause CMT4J, a rare recessive demyelinating neuropathy with variable severity and age of onset ranging from early childhood to mid- to late-adulthood. Some early-onset cases were diagnosed with DSD; these children had delayed motor milestones or early gait abnormalities and very slow nerve conduction (<12 m/s). CMAP amplitudes were markedly reduced or absent. One child had MNCVs of 29–41 m/s. Nerve biopsies in these early-onset cases reflect a primarily demyelinating process with extensive myelinated fiber loss, onion bulbs, and segmental demyelination on teased fiber analysis. Unusual features of CMT4J include prominent proximal weakness, asymmetric involvement, and sometimes rapid progression of muscle weakness precipitated by trauma. In those with early-onset disease, weakness is progressive and wheelchair dependency occurs by the third decade.

FIG4 is a phosphoinositide phosphatase; CMT4J is thought to be a disorder of phosphoinositide signaling similar to CMT4B1, 4B2, 4B3, and 4H.

Early Onset Neuropathies Associated with GJB1 Mutations

Mutations in GJB1 ( Gap junction protein beta-1 , or connexin 32 ) are associated with X-linked CMT (CMTX) type 1, which is classically associated with symptom onset in the first or second decade. In one pediatric series however, delayed motor development in 38% of affected children reflected onset in infancy. GJB1 neuropathy is slowly progressive, and most patients remain ambulant. Sensorineural hearing loss may occur. While females generally have a milder course, onset in infancy or a severe phenotype can occur. Nerve conduction velocities are in the “intermediate range,” i.e. 25–45 m/s, and CMAP amplitudes are usually low. Both demyelinating and axonal features are apparent on nerve biopsies.

Other forms of CMTX occurring in infancy are associated with mental retardation (CMTX2), hearing loss and cognitive deficits (CMTX4), and distal weakness, foot deformities and significant conduction slowing.

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Jun 25, 2019 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Congenital and Early Infantile Neuropathies

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