Cranial Neuropathies

Chapter 70 Cranial Neuropathies

Oculomotor Nerve (Cranial Nerve III)


Paired oculomotor nuclei are located in the dorsal midbrain ventral to the periaqueductal gray matter at the level of the superior colliculus (Donzelli et al, 1998). Each is composed of a superior rectus subnucleus providing innervation to the contralateral superior rectus; inferior rectus, medial rectus, and inferior oblique subnuclei providing ipsilateral innervation; and an Edinger-Westphal nucleus supplying preganglionic parasympathetic output to the iris sphincter and ciliary muscles. A single midline caudal central subnucleus provides innervation to both levator palpebrae superioris muscles.

A third nerve fascicle originates from the ventral surface of each nucleus and traverses the midbrain, passing through the red nucleus and in close proximity to the cerebral peduncles before emerging ventrally as rootlets in the lateral interpeduncular fossa. In the interpeduncular fossa, the rootlets converge into a third nerve trunk that continues ventrally through the subarachnoid space toward the cavernous sinus, passing between the superior cerebellar artery and the posterior cerebral artery. It travels parallel to the posterior communicating artery (PCOM) and is very near to the vessel at its junction with the intracranial internal carotid artery. In the cavernous sinus, the third nerve is located within the dural sinus wall, just lateral to the pituitary gland. From the cavernous sinus, the third nerve enters the orbit via the superior orbital fissure. Just prior to entry, the nerve anatomically divides into superior and inferior divisions in the anterior cavernous sinus, although careful evaluation of brainstem lesions and their corresponding patterns of pupil and muscle involvement suggests that functional division occurs in the midbrain (Saeki et al., 2000). Within the orbit, the superior division innervates the superior rectus and the levator palpebrae superioris, and the inferior division innervates the inferior and medial recti, the inferior oblique, and the iris sphincter and ciliary muscles (Fig. 70.1). Prior to innervating the ciliary and sphincter muscles as the short ciliary nerves, parasympathetic third nerve fibers synapse in the ciliary ganglion within the orbit (see Fig. 70.1).

Clinical Lesions

Oculomotor Palsy Appearance

Identification of a complete third nerve palsy is straightforward on examination, with an ipsilateral eye that is deviated inferiorly and laterally, ipsilateral ptosis, and an ipsilateral enlarged and nonreactive pupil (Fig. 70.2). Great emphasis is placed on the presence of pupil involvement versus pupil sparing with regard to potential lesion etiology. Pupillary fibers are located superomedially near the surface of the nerve and are particularly prone to compression by a PCOM aneurysm. An enlarged, poorly reactive pupil is a key diagnostic feature helpful in distinguishing this entity from an intrinsic nerve lesion such as microvascular ischemia. Relative pupil involvement with an average of 0.8 mm of anisocoria may be seen in up to a third of patients with microvascular oculomotor nerve ischemia, but the pupil generally remains reactive in this scenario (Jacobson, 1998). In rare patients with microvascular ischemia, anisocoria of up to 2 mm may be present, prompting urgent evaluation (Chou et al., 2004). Relative pupil involvement is also commonly seen with mass lesions compressing the nerve (Jacobson, 2001).

Brainstem Fascicle

Claude syndrome is the combination of an ipsilateral oculomotor nerve palsy and contralateral ataxia (Liu et al., 1994) (Table 70.1 and imageVideos 70.1 and 70.2 [available at]). Although historically thought to involve the oculomotor fascicle and the red nucleus, the ataxia is likely due to involvement of the superior cerebellar peduncle at the caudal end of the red nucleus (Seo et al., 2001). Nothnagel syndrome is the combination of ipsilateral oculomotor nerve palsy and ipsilateral cerebellar ataxia from involvement of the oculomotor fascicle and superior cerebellar peduncle (see Table 70.1). Weber syndrome is the combination of an ipsilateral fascicular oculomotor nerve palsy and contralateral hemiparesis from cerebral peduncle involvement (see Table 70.1). Benedikt syndrome involves the oculomotor fascicle and red nucleus, causing an ipsilateral oculomotor nerve palsy and contralateral chorea or tremor (see Table 70.1). Common brainstem lesions include ischemia, hemorrhage, demyelination, infectious and noninfectious inflammation, and neoplasm.

Table 70.1 Named Cranial Nerve Syndromes

Syndrome* Symptoms and Signs Involved Structures
Claude Ipsilateral III III—brainstem fascicle
  Contralateral ataxia Red nucleus/superior cerebellar peduncle
Nothnagel Ipsilateral III III—brainstem fascicle
  Ipsilateral ataxia Superior cerebellar peduncle
Weber Ipsilateral III III—brainstem fascicle
  Contralateral hemiparesis Cerebral peduncle
Benedikt Ipsilateral III III—brainstem fascicle
  Contralateral chorea or tremor Red nucleus
Tolosa-Hunt Ipsilateral III, IV, VI Cavernous sinus
  Ipsilateral 1st and 2nd branches of V III, IV, VI, 1st and 2nd branches of V
  Ipsilateral Horner syndrome Sympathetic nerves
Wallenberg lateral medullary syndrome Ipsilateral facial numbness and ↓ pinprick Spinal trigeminal tract and nucleus
Contralateral hemibody ↓ pain and temperature Spinothalamic tract
  Dysphagia and ↓ gag reflex Nucleus ambiguus
  Limb ataxia Inferior cerebellar peduncle
  Horner syndrome Sympathetic nerves
  Vertigo Vestibular nuclei
Opalski syndrome Wallenberg in addition to ipsilateral hemiparesis Corticospinal fibers caudal to pyramidal decussation
Gradenigo Facial and mastoid area pain Petrous apex—temporal bone V, VI, VII
  Ipsilateral 1st branch of V  
  Ipsilateral VI and VII  
Foville Ipsilateral VI and VII VI and VII—brainstem
  Contralateral ataxia Mid-cerebellar peduncle
  Ipsilateral Horner syndrome Sympathetic nerves
  Ipsilateral deafness Vestibulocochlear nerve/fascicle
  Ipsilateral ↓ taste and facial sensation Spinal trigeminal tract/nucleus solitarius
Millard-Gubler Ipsilateral VI and VII VI and VII—brainstem
  Contralateral hemiparesis Pyramidal tract
Raymond Ipsilateral VI VI—brainstem
  Contralateral hemiparesis Pyramidal tract
Bell palsy VII VII—intratemporal nerve and geniculate ganglion
Ramsay Hunt VII VII
  Vesicular otic or oral rash ± ↓ hearing ± VIII
Melkersson-Rosenthal VII VII—distal branches
  Facial edema  
  Fissured tongue  
Eagle IX XI—elongated styloid process or ossified stylohyoid ligament
Vernet IX, X, XI Jugular foramen
Villaret IX, X, XI Jugular foramen
  XII Hypoglossal canal
  Horner syndrome Sympathetic nerves
Collet-Sicard IX, X, XI Jugular foramen
  XII Hypoglossal canal
Avellis X X—brainstem or peripheral
  Contralateral hemiparesis Pyramidal tract
Tapia X and XII X and XII—brainstem or peripheral
Dejerine medial medullary syndrome Ipsilateral XII XII—nuclei or fascicle
Contralateral hemiparesis Pyramidal tract
Contralateral hemisensory deficit Medial lemniscus
Babinski-Nageotte Combined symptoms and signs of Wallenbergand Dejerine syndromes Hemi-medullary: lateral and medial medulla

↓, Decreased.

* Descriptions of named syndromes vary slightly depending on reference used.

Interpeduncular Fossa and Subarachnoid Space: PCOM Aneurysm

The most common etiology of oculomotor dysfunction in this region is compression by a PCOM aneurysm (Trobe, 2009). Identification of a pupil-involving oculomotor palsy requires urgent evaluation for a PCOM aneurysm, given the high risk for subarachnoid hemorrhage and mortality if left undiagnosed and untreated. Involvement of all oculomotor-supplied muscles in the setting of a normal pupil is very unlikely to result from aneurysmal compression; however, the presence of incomplete or partial impairment of the oculomotor muscles even in the setting of a normal pupil should prompt investigation for an aneurysm (Chou et al., 2004). Some patients with an aneurysmal incomplete third nerve palsy will lack pupillary involvement at initial presentation, but the majority will progress to pupillary involvement within 1 week. Spontaneous improvement in third nerve function preceding aneurysm treatment is reported and should not preclude diagnostic testing. Onset of oculomotor dysfunction following minor trauma should also prompt investigation for an underlying aneurysm (Levy et al., 2005; Walter et al., 1994) (see Fig. 70.2). Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) and computed tomographic angiography (CTA) have largely supplanted conventional cerebral angiography as the preferred diagnostic tests for aneurysm detection, but expert interpretation of these studies requires a high level of experience, skill, and time (Chaudhary et al., 2009; Elmalem et al., 2011). Neither MRA nor CTA is known to be 100% sensitive, and the risks of conventional angiogram are still warranted when strong clinical suspicion for a PCOM aneurysm is present.

In the subarachnoid space, the oculomotor nerve passes in close proximity to the medial temporal lobe. Herniation of the temporal lobe uncus secondary to increased intracranial pressure may result in compression of the oculomotor nerve, manifested clinically as sudden enlargement and poor reactivity of the ipsilateral pupil—the Hutchison pupil. Oculomotor nerve involvement in the interpeduncular fossa and subarachnoid space may also occur secondary to inflammatory or neoplastic meningitis. Enlargement and enhancement of the nerve are usually present on MRI in ophthalmoplegic migraine (see Chapter 69). Oculomotor palsy in meningitis may occur in isolation or be accompanied by signs of meningeal inflammation such as meningismus or additional cranial nerve palsies.

Cavernous Sinus: Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome

An oculomotor palsy in this location may occur in isolation or accompanied by dysfunction of other structures located here, including the abducens and trochlear nerves, the first and second divisions of the trigeminal nerve, and sympathetic fibers. Tolosa-Hunt is a painful syndrome of idiopathic self-limited inflammation of the cavernous sinus, typically responsive to corticosteroids (see Table 70.1 and imageVideos 70.3 and 70.4 [available at]). Cavernous sinus infiltration by metastatic disease is clinically and radiographically identical to Tolosa-Hunt syndrome and should be suspected in older patients. Cavernous sinus lymphoma is typically steroid responsive and should be considered, especially if disease recurs with corticosteroid taper. Inflammation associated with systemic rheumatological disease, nasopharyngeal neoplastic infiltration, carotid-cavernous fistulas, and compression from an intracavernous internal artery aneurysm or meningioma may also cause a cavernous sinus syndrome (Nallasamy et al., 2010). Pituitary apoplexy should be considered in the differential diagnosis for sudden-onset painful unilateral or bilateral oculomotor palsies, with or without accompanying visual loss (Dubuisson et al., 2007).

Isolated Oculomotor Nerve Palsy

Isolated oculomotor dysfunction may occur from any lesion along the course of the nerve (Brazis, 2009). A pupil-sparing oculomotor palsy may represent microvascular ischemia to the nerve, especially in older patients with vascular risk factors. The actual location of ischemia may be anywhere along the course of the nerve but is typically peripheral and often considered to be in the cavernous sinus, although it is not visible with neuroimaging. Pain in the ipsilateral brow and eye is present in two-thirds of patients and may be severe (Wilker et al., 2009). Spontaneous resolution over 8 to 12 weeks is typical. A small percentage of such patients will ultimately be found to have an underlying structural lesion, and neuroimaging should be considered (Chou et al., 2004). In the absence of complete spontaneous resolution, neuroimaging is essential.

Elevation of the eyelid or constriction of the pupil during adduction or depression of the eye is suggestive of aberrant regeneration (anomalous axon innervation). When aberrant regeneration develops following an acute oculomotor palsy, a PCOM artery aneurysm or traumatic etiology is highly probable (see Fig. 70.2, B). When it develops spontaneously without a preexisting acute palsy, a cavernous sinus meningioma or internal carotid artery aneurysm is likely, although this may rarely occur with an unruptured PCOM aneurysm (Carrasco et al., 2002). Aberrant regeneration should not occur following a microvascular oculomotor palsy.

Trochlear Nerve (Cranial Nerve IV)


Paired trochlear nuclei lie very close to the dorsal surface of the midbrain just inferior to the inferior colliculus. The fascicles emerge from the nuclei and course dorsally only 3 to 9 mm before exiting the brainstem (Yousry et al., 2002). The trochlear nerves are the only cranial nerves to emerge from the dorsal brainstem surface. After emergence, the nerves decussate within the anterior medullary velum and wrap around the surface of the midbrain to travel ventrally within the subarachnoid space toward the cavernous sinus. In the cavernous sinus, the trochlear nerve is located in the lateral dural wall, inferior to the oculomotor nerve. From the cavernous sinus, the nerve passes into the superior orbital fissure and ultimately innervates the superior oblique muscle contralateral to the nucleus of origin (see Fig. 70.1).

Clinical Lesions

Trochlear Palsy Appearance

Trochlear nerve dysfunction results in elevation of the affected eye (hypertropia) and vertical diplopia. The diplopia and hypertropia are worse with downgaze when the eye is in an adducted position, as this is the direction of action of the superior oblique muscle. Impaired depression of the affected eye in the adducted position may be seen but is often subtle (Fig. 70.3). A resting head tilt in the direction away from the paretic eye (e.g., right trochlear palsy, left head tilt) may be present and is considered a sign of chronicity. Because the superior oblique is an intortor of the eye, diplopia is minimized when a contralateral head tilt places the affected eye in an extorted position. Congenital trochlear palsy is relatively common, and identification of a long-standing head tilt in old photographs of the patient can help confirm this diagnosis.

Evaluation for superior oblique paresis in the setting of oculomotor nerve dysfunction with impaired adduction from medial rectus paresis is best assessed with the affected eye in an abducted position, where intact intorsion during downgaze suggests intact trochlear function.

Trigeminal Nerve (Cranial Nerve V)


The trigeminal nerve consists of afferent sensory, efferent motor, and parasympathetic fibers. The ophthalmic (V1), maxillary (V2), and mandibular (V3) trigeminal sensory nerve branches emerge from the anterior surface of the trigeminal (gasserian) ganglion in the cave of Meckel (a dural cavity overlying the apex of the petrous bone) and innervate the facial skin, mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, teeth, orbital contents, and supratentorial meninges (Yousry et al., 2005) (Fig. 70.5; also see Fig. 70.1). The ophthalmic division courses in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus inferior to the trochlear nerve and exits the skull via the superior orbital fissure. It is the anatomical substrate for the afferent limb of the corneal reflex. The maxillary division also courses in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus, exiting the skull via the foramen rotundum to enter the sphenopalatine fossa and the inferior orbital fissure. The mandibular division exits the skull through the foramen ovale. Sensory input from these three branches travels centrally from the trigeminal ganglion via the trigeminal sensory root in the prepontine subarachnoid cistern to the trigeminal sensory nucleus, which is composed of mesencephalic, principal (main) sensory, and descending spinal nuclei (nucleus caudalis) that descend to the cervical spinal cord. Sensory information ultimately ascends to the contralateral thalamus.

The motor efferents originate in the motor trigeminal nucleus in the pons, medial to the principal sensory nucleus, emerge from the ventral pons as the motor root, and travel inferior to the trigeminal ganglion and then alongside the mandibular sensory division to innervate the muscles of mastication (masseter, temporalis, pterygoids) and the mylohyoid, tensors tympani and palatini, and anterior belly of the digastric. Trigeminal nerve branches carry efferent postganglionic parasympathetic innervation from the pterygopalatine ganglia to the lacrimal gland and from the submandibular ganglia to the salivary glands. Preganglionic parasympathetic fibers travel in the facial nerve.

Clinical Lesions

Trigeminal Nucleus

The extension of the trigeminal nuclear complex throughout the entire brainstem renders it susceptible to involvement from any pathological brainstem process. Trigeminal lesions are particularly common with demyelinating disease, may involve either the nuclei or sensory root, and may be clinically silent or symptomatic (Mills et al., 2010). Ischemia, hemorrhage, infectious and noninfectious inflammation, and neoplasm are other causes of trigeminal brainstem involvement. Additional brainstem signs are frequently present. Wallenberg syndrome from lateral medullary ischemia typically causes ipsilateral facial numbness and impaired pinprick sensation secondary to descending spinal tract and nucleus involvement (see Table 70.1).

Sensory and Motor Roots: Trigeminal Neuralgia

Classic trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by seconds-long stereotyped episodes of intensely painful electric-like shocks along one or more of the trigeminal nerve branches. Pain is often elicited by sensory stimuli on the face, such as shaving or wind. There is no accompanying sensory loss in the affected distribution on examination. The second and third branches are most commonly affected, with less than 5% of patients experiencing involvement of the ophthalmic division. Many cases are attributable to compression of the sensory nerve root by a vascular structure, most often the superior cerebellar artery, and are amenable to surgical decompression (Lorenzoni et al., 2009). Because vascular contact with the sensory or motor nerve roots is a relatively common finding in cadavers and asymptomatic controls, vascular contact alone may be insufficient to cause trigeminal neuralgia (Masur et al., 1995; Yousry et al., 2004). Compression or indentation of the nerve root is likely necessary, with resultant axonal loss and demyelination (Miller et al., 2009). See Chapter 69 for additional discussion of trigeminal neuralgia and other facial pain syndromes. Table 70.2, available in the online version of this chapter at, outlines current treatments for facial palsy and trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia.

Table 70.2 Facial Palsy, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia Treatments

Condition Treatments Considerations
Facial palsy Lubrication and taping Corneal protection during temporary facial weakness with minimal corneal risk
  External upper eyelid weights, Botox, temporary tarsorrhaphy Corneal protection during temporary facial weakness with corneal exposure
  Permanent gold upper-eyelid weights or permanent tarsorrhaphy Corneal protection with permanent facial weakness
  Facial physical therapy or neuromuscular facial retraining May be enhanced by electromyographic feedback, may be helpful for synkinetic dysfunction
  Brow elevation For visual dysfunction or discomfort from brow ptosis
  Proximal facial nerve grafting with sural or greater auricular nerve; hypoglossal or spinal accessory to facial nerve anastomosis; microneurovascular free muscle flap transfer (e.g., with temporalis or latissimus dorsi muscle) Facial mobilization procedures; most commonly used after permanent iatrogenic surgical facial nerve section or for neoplastic facial dysfunction
Trigeminal and glossopharyngeal neuralgia Pharmacologic treatment with phenytoin, carbamazepine, gabapentin, lamotrigine, or topiramate Prophylactic pain therapy; often the mainstay of therapy
  Microvascular decompression Typically the preferred treatment for young patients with medically refractory pain; low pain recurrence rate
  Percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation; glycerol rhizolysis; or balloon microcompression May be the preferred treatment for older patients at high surgical risk with medically refractory pain

Classic trigeminal neuralgia must be differentiated from symptomatic trigeminal neuralgia secondary to an underlying neoplastic, inflammatory, or meningitic cause, with which the pain characteristics may be clinically indistinguishable. It must also be carefully differentiated from other causes of trigeminal neuropathy with differing qualitative and temporal pain qualities and sensory deficits on examination. Cerebellopontine angle acoustic schwannomas frequently involve the sensory nerve root, causing ipsilateral facial sensory symptoms accompanied by ipsilateral tinnitus, deafness, and vertigo from vestibulocochlear nerve involvement.

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