Disorders of the Brainstem and Cerebellum

Brainstem location


Possible structures


Upward eye movement, superior oblique weakness, and pupil constriction dysfunction


Contralateral arm and leg weakness

Midbrain or pontine corticospinal tract

Contralateral arm and leg loss of pain and temperature sensations

Spinothalamic pathways

Contralateral arm and leg loss of vibration and proprioception

Medical lemniscus


Reticular activating center


Ipsilateral facial numbness, chewing problems


Diplopia from ipsilateral loss of horizontal eye movement


Weak ipsilateral facial muscles


Ipsilateral hearing loss, dysequilibrium, vertigo


Disconjugate lateral gaze or skew deviation from internuclear ophthalmoplegia

Medial longitudinal fasciculus

Dysarthria and dysphagia

Pontine corticobulbar tracts


Pontine corticopontocerebellar tracts

“Locked-in syndrome”

Central pontine myelinolysis


Weak pharyngeal muscles


Parasympathetic dysfunction


Laryngeal muscle weakness


Poor and weak tongue movement


Ipsilateral Horner’s syndrome

Medullary sympathetic pathway


Vestibular nucleus


Bilateral corticospinal tracts at decussation

Blood supply to the brainstem and cerebellum comes from both vertebral arteries and the basilar artery (Fig. 8.1). There are many small penetrating arterioles that enter the brainstem from these major vessels. The arterioles generally supply one side of the medial brainstem (paramedian arteriole) or one lateral side (circumferential arteriole). Three arteries (superior cerebellar artery, anterior inferior cerebellar artery, and posterior inferior cerebellar artery) supply the cerebellum with blood and also may have branches to the brainstem.


Fig. 8.1
Brainstem and cerebellar circulation

A variety of diseases affect the brainstem but with a lower frequency than the same diseases affecting other brain regions. Brainstem tumors are most often astrocytic and slower growing than astrocytic tumors in the cortex. Bacterial abscesses are rare and most viruses causing encephalitis involve the brainstem less intensely. Hemorrhages involving the brainstem are uncommon. Ischemic strokes of the brainstem occur as lacunes or occlusions of penetrating brainstem arteries and are the most common brainstem disease. However, brainstem strokes are less common than hemispheric or basal ganglia strokes.

The cerebellum occupies about 10 % of the brain volume but contains more neurons than the entire rest of the brain. The cerebellum is divided into the three functional divisions of spinocerebellum, cerebrocerebellum, and flocculonodular lobe (Fig. 8.2). Each division in the cerebellar cortex sends Purkinje cell axons to specific deep cerebellar nuclei and has different functions (Table 8.2). Most input to the highly organized and redundant cerebellar cortex comes from many brainstem nuclei via excitatory mossy fibers that terminate on myriads of granule cells. These granule cell neurons then send inhibitory impulses to Purkinje cells. The inferior olive also sends excitatory input directly to Purkinje cells. Purkinje cells, the only output of the cerebellar cortex, send inhibitory impulses via a GABA neurotransmitter to neurons in the deep cerebellar nuclei that then send output to the brainstem and cerebral cortex.

Table 8.2
Cerebellar functions by location


Cerebellar origin

Deep cerebellar nucleus

Cerebellar efferent connections

Adjust the ongoing movements of axial and proximal limb muscles


Fastigial nucleus

Brainstem reticular formation, vestibular nuclei, and motor cortex

Adjust the ongoing movements of distal limb muscles

Intermediate spinocerebellum

Interposed deep nuclei

Red nucleus and motor cortex

Initiation, planning, and timing of motor movements


Dentate nucleus

Red nucleus and premotor cortex

Axial control and vestibular reflexes

Flocculonodular lobe

Direct connection to brainstem

Brainstem vestibular nuclei


Fig. 8.2
Cerebellar divisions

Cerebellar neurons do not directly produce motor movements but act more as a comparator that compensates for errors in movement by comparing intention with performance and making subtle adjustments. As such, patients with cerebellar diseases do not have weakness or sensory loss. Cerebellar clinical problems are expressed as impaired coordination, imbalance, and even vertigo (Table 8.3). Dysfunction of midline cerebellar structures (vermis of spinocerebellum) produces imbalance problems of midline body structures such as gait and truncal ataxia while cerebellar hemisphere dysfunction produces ataxia of limbs. Unlike the cerebral cortex, damage to one cerebellar hemisphere produces ipsilateral dysfunction.

Table 8.3
Signs suggestive of cerebellar dysfunction and likely cerebellar localization

Vermis (midline cerebellum)

Gait ataxia

Clumsy, uncertain, irregular, staggering steps in walking with wide-based stance like “being drunk.” Tendency to fall to involved side

Truncal ataxia

Inability to balance in sitting position at edge of table

Saccadic eye movement abnormalities

Conjugate eye movement rapidly to a target results in overshooting of eyes followed by over corrections until target is reached

Cerebellar hemisphere

Signs are ipsilateral to side of cerebellar lesion and more abnormal with fast limb movements than slow movements


Diminished arm and leg muscle tone give a loose feeling when passively moving the limb


Irregular, uncoordinated rapid movements of hands or fingers. Often tested by asking patient to pat one palm alternately with the palm and dorsum of the opposite hand as rapidly as possible


Inaccuracies in judging distance and target when moving limb to a target with eyes closed

Cerebellar tremor

Intention tremor develops when moving arm or leg that is perpendicular to the direction of the movement and often amplifies as the target is reached. Usually tested by asking patient to touch a target and then move quickly to his nose or to lift one heel and place it on the opposite knee and then move heel down the shin

Ataxic dysarthria

Poor coordination of articulation resulting in slow, explosive speech

Flocculonodular lobe


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Sep 24, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Disorders of the Brainstem and Cerebellum

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