40 Electrical Safety and Iatrogenic Complications of Electrodiagnostic Studies
Electrical Issues
All electrical devices, including EMG machines, require current to operate. Current is delivered from an electrical cord plugged into a wall receptacle (Figure 40–1). A typical electrical receptacle in the United States contains three inputs: a black “hot” lead that carries 120 volts (V) of 60 Hz alternating current, a white “neutral” lead near 0 V, and a green ground lead that is used to dissipate leakage currents. When a circuit is created, current flows from the hot lead to the EMG machine and then returns via the neutral lead, based on the amount of resistance between the two leads as determined by Ohm’s law (see Chapter 39). Every wire, including power cords, has some small resistance; thus, a small voltage develops on the neutral lead, which equals the current flowing multiplied by the resistance in the power cord (Figure 40–2). The voltage increases with the length of the power cord and increases further if extension cords are added to the power cord. In addition, small voltage leaks often are present on the machine chassis, caused by stray capacitance and inductance from internal electronics (Figure 40–3). Thus, leakage currents may be transmitted onto the patient either from stray voltages on the machine chassis or on the neutral (reference) lead. As the ground electrode is close to true electrical neutral, the ground lead allows a pathway for stray current leaks to harmlessly dissipate.
FIGURE 40–2 Stray leakage current: reference lead.
(Adapted from Kimura, J., 1983. Electrodiagnosis in diseases of muscle and nerve. FA Davis, Philadelphia, pp. 615–619, with permission.)
The risk of electrical injury from leakage current increases in the following situations
To prevent the possibility of an electrical injury during EDX studies, it is essential for equipment to be regularly maintained, to always use a ground electrode, and to follow simple guidelines when using electrical devices attached to the patient (Box 40–1). A wooden examining table is preferable to a metal table, as it does not conduct electricity. Machines should be turned on before attaching electrodes to the patient and turned off after disconnecting the patient, to minimize the risk of power surges. Equipment should be periodically inspected by a biomedical engineer to measure leakage current and verify proper grounding. In general, the maximum amount of acceptable leakage current is 100 µA or less, measured from chassis to ground, and 50 µA or less from any input lead to ground. Extension cords should be avoided to reduce the risk of voltages developing on the reference electrodes. Ground electrodes should always be used to avoid current flows from reaching the patient. The ground needs to be placed on the same limb as the active electrodes so that leakage currents cannot flow in a path through the heart (Figure 40–5A).
Box 40–1
Measures to Ensure Proper Grounding
• Always use a three-hole power receptacle with properly grounded outlet.
• Unnecessary electrical equipment should be kept outside the EMG examining room.
• Suspect improper grounding if
• Use a wooden examining table if possible (metal conducts electricity) (Figure 40–4).
• Avoid patient contact with any metal objects or any part of the EMG machine.
From Al-Shekhlee, A., Shapiro, B.E., Preston, D.C., 2003. Iatrogenic complications and risks of nerve conduction studies and needle electromyography. Muscle Nerve 27, 517–526, with permission.
FIGURE 40–5 Leakage current and the risk of electrical injury.
(Adapted from Starmer, C.F., McIntosh, H.D., Whalen, R.E., 1971. Electrical hazards and cardiovascular function. N Engl J Med 284, 181–186, with permission.)
The issue of an intact ground electrode and proper ground placement is most important when a patient is connected to other electrical devices. If the ground from the EMG machine is not functioning (i.e., ground fault), stray current from the EMG machine could flow to a ground electrode from a different electrical device. If the pathway included the heart and the amount of current was large enough, a cardiac arrhythmia could theoretically occur (Figure 40–5B).
Risk of Electrical Injury
Central Lines and Electrical Wires
One of the more common ways a patient can become electrically sensitive is when the normal protective function of the skin is breached by intravenous lines and wires. This danger increases if the lines are actually in contact with or in close proximity to the heart, as occurs in central intravenous catheters (Figure 40–6). Most dangerous is the presence of an external wire near or in the heart, such as occurs with placement of a temporary external pacemaker and during the use of a guidewire while placing or changing a central line. Skin resistance typically is several million Ohms (MΩ). A central catheter traversing the skin reduces this resistance to 300,000 Ohms (kΩ). Any fluid spill where a catheter enters the body decreases the resistance even further. If a catheter has an internal guidewire, the resistance drops to 70 Ohms (Ω). An external pacemaker wire essentially has no resistance. In situations where the resistance is so low, small leakage voltages may result in small leakage currents, known as microcurrents. Whereas microcurrents are completely harmless in a patient with intact skin, they are potentially very dangerous in an electrically sensitive patient (i.e., a patient with a central line, external pacemaker wires, etc.).
Implanted Pacemakers and Cardioverter-Defibrillators
If NCSs are performed in patients with implantable pacemakers or IACDs, several simple procedures are recommended to be followed in order to preserve safety (Box 40–2). Stimulation should not be performed near the actual implanted device. There should always be a minimum of 6 inches between the implanted device and the stimulator. Just as with NCSs performed in a patient with a central line, it is preferable to use the contralateral arm if possible. High stimulus intensities should be avoided and stimulus pulse duration should be 0.2 ms or less so that the stimulation is not misinterpreted as a QRS complex. Stimulation rates should be no greater than 1 Hz so as to prevent the theoretical risk that the stimulation is misinterpreted as a cardiac rhythm. Thus, the typical repetitive stimulation done during neuromuscular junction testing is best avoided.
Box 40–2
Guidelines for Pacemakers and Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillators
• Do not perform studies on patients with external pacer wires.
• Ensure all ground electrodes are functional.
• Limit all electrodes, including the ground, to the extremity of interest, and keep all electrodes as far away from the heart as possible, without crossing cardiac devices or their wires.
• Do not stimulate near the device (allow a minimum of 6 inches) and avoid ipsilateral proximal stimulation sites (i.e., axilla, Erb’s point, root stimulation).
• Use a stimulus duration of 0.2 ms or shorter and a stimulus rate of 1 Hz or slower. Thus, the typical repetitive stimulation done during neuromuscular junction testing is best avoided.
• Consult a cardiologist regarding performing studies in patients with an implantable automatic cardioverter-defibrillator.
• Laboratory emergency drugs should be available, including crash carts.