Motor Strength and Power

Motor Strength and Power

Motor strength and power indicate the capacity of muscles to exert force and expend energy. Decreased strength is weakness, or paresis; absence of muscle contraction is paralysis, or plegia. Weakness may cause loss of the speed, rapidity, or agility of movement and a decrease in the range, or amplitude, of movement before there is loss of power to formal strength testing. Other manifestations of impaired motor function include fatigability, variation in strength on repeated tests, diminished range and rate of movement, loss of coordination, irregularity and clumsiness of motion, tremulousness, loss of associated movements, and lack of ability to carry out skilled acts.

While judgment of the force exerted in either initiating or resisting movement is the major criterion in the evaluation of strength, observation and palpation of either the contraction of the muscle belly or its movement of its tendon may be helpful adjuncts. The contraction of an extremely weak muscle may sometimes be felt when it cannot be seen. In nonorganic weakness, contraction of the apparently weak muscle may be felt when the patient is asked to carry out movements with synergistic muscles, or the antagonists may be felt to contract when the patient is asked to contract the weak muscle. Weakness may be masked when attempts to contract individual weak muscles are accompanied by activation of other muscles to compensate for the loss of power. In these substitution, or “trick,” movements, the patient exploits a strong muscle with similar function to compensate for the loss of action of a weak muscle. Careful observation for alterations in normal movement patterns and substitution movements may indicate loss of function. Endurance is the ability to perform the same act repeatedly.

The strength examination assesses primarily voluntary, or active, muscle contraction rather than reflex contraction. Strength may be classified as kinetic—the force exerted in changing position—and static—the force exerted in resisting movement from a fixed position. Strength may be tested in two ways. The patient may place a joint in a certain position, and then hold it there as the examiner tries to move it. Alternately the patient may try to move a joint or contract a muscle against the fixed resistance of the examiner. In most disease processes, both are equally affected, and the two methods can be used interchangeably. Some patients may comprehend and cooperate better with the first method, but having the patient initiate movement may better detect mild weakness. There is disagreement about how the examiner should apply force. Some authorities recommend a slow application of resistance in which the patient and examiner match effort; others contend that a rapid movement by the examiner will better detect mild weakness. With very weak muscles, strength may have to be judged without resistance or only against the resistance offered by gravity.

Many factors may complicate the strength examination and make assessment more difficult, such as fatigue, systemic illness, and failure to understand or cooperate with testing. Other conditions may result in a false or distorted impression of weakness, such as extrapyramidal disease, ataxia, impairment of the range of motion due to pain, spasm, joint ankylosis, or contractures, and psychiatric conditions such as hysteria and malingering. Motor impersistence is the inability to sustain voluntary motor acts that have been initiated on verbal command. The patient is unable to sustain an activity, such as keeping the eyes closed or the hand raised. It may be a form of apraxia, and has been said to occur most often with left hemisphere lesions. Passive movements are often helpful to distinguish loss of range of motion due to contractures from other reasons such as weakness, pain, and muscle spasm. With contracture, a muscle cannot be stretched to its normal limits without considerable resistance and the production of pain. Contractures are particularly common in the calf muscles, drawing the foot downward (“tight heel cords”). In evaluating contractures and deformities, it is important to differentiate between those of neurogenic origin and those due to orthopedic disease, congenital abnormalities, habitual postures, occupational factors, or other factors that cause mechanical difficulty with movement.

Strength may be assessed in absolute terms (e.g., the examiner comparing the patient’s power to a belief of what normal should be), or it may be assessed in comparison to the patient’s other muscles. The comparison is most often to a homologous muscle on the other side, as in comparing the two biceps muscles. But proximal strength should be commensurate with distal strength in the same patient. A patient with polymyositis may have weakness of the deltoids on both sides, so one deltoid cannot be judged against the other. But the deltoids may be obviously weaker than the wrist extensors, so there is a proximal to distal gradient of increasing strength that is clearly abnormal. The muscles on the dominant side are usually slightly stronger.

In manual muscle testing (MMT), the strength of individual muscles is tested and graded quantitatively using some scale. Strength is most commonly graded using the 5-level MRC (Medical Research Council) scale, which was developed in Britain in World War II to evaluate patients with peripheral nerve injuries (Table 18.1). The MRC scale has been widely applied to the evaluation of strength in general. However, because of the original purpose the scale is heavily weighted toward the evaluation of very weak muscles. So the most commonly used strength grading scale has significant limitations when dealing with many patients.

There is obviously considerable individual variation in muscle power, affecting examiners as well as patients, dependent in part upon size, gender, body build, age, and activity level. A large, young, powerful physician examining a small, old, sick patient may overcall weakness. Conversely, a small, relatively weak physician examining a large, powerful patient may miss significant weakness because of strength mismatch. As a general principle, reliable strength testing should attempt to break a given muscle. By varying the length of lever and the shortening of the muscle permitted, the examiner may give or take mechanical advantage as necessary to compensate for strength mismatch. Many patients
of different ages, sizes, and strength levels must be examined in this fashion in order to develop an appreciation of the expected strength of a muscle for a given set of circumstances.

TABLE 18.1 The Medical Research Council Scale of Muscle Strength


No contraction


A flicker or trace of contraction


Active movement with gravity eliminated


Active movement against gravity


Active movement against gravity and slight resistance


Active movement against gravity and moderate resistance


Active movement against gravity and strong resistance


Normal power


There are common patterns of weakness. Recognition of a pattern may help greatly in lesion localization and differential diagnosis. Identification of the process causing weakness is further aided by accompanying signs, such as reflex alterations and sensory loss. Table 18.2 reviews the features of upper motor neuron vs. lower motor neuron weakness. Table 18.3 summarizes some common patterns of weakness and their localization.

Weakness may be focal or generalized. When focal, it may follow the distribution of some structure in the peripheral nervous system, such as a peripheral nerve or spinal root. It may affect one side of the body in a “hemi” distribution. A hemi distribution may affect the arm, leg, and face equally on one side of the body, or one or more areas may be more involved than others. The corticospinal tract (CST) preferentially innervates certain muscle groups, and these are often selectively impaired. When weakness is nonfocal, it may be generalized, predominantly proximal, or predominantly distal. Identification of the process causing weakness is further aided by accompanying signs, such as reflex alterations and sensory loss.

Generalized Weakness

The term generalized weakness implies that the weakness involves both sides of the body, more or less symmetrically. When a patient has truly generalized weakness, bulbar motor functions—such as facial movements, speech, chewing, and swallowing—are involved as well. Weakness of both arms and both legs with normal bulbar function is quadriparesis or tetraparesis. Weakness of both legs is paraparesis. When weakness affects all four extremities, the likely causes include spinal cord disease, peripheral neuropathy, a neuromuscular junction disorder, or a myopathy.

TABLE 18.2 Features of Upper Motor Neuron vs. Lower Motor Neuron Weakness


Upper Motor Neuron

Lower Motor Neuron

Weakness distribution

Corticospinal distribution; hemiparesis, quadriparesis, paraparesis, monoparesis, faciobrachial

Generalized, predominantly proximal, predominantly distal or focal. No preferential involvement of corticospinal innervated muscles

Sensory loss distribution

Central pattern

None, stocking glove or peripheral nerve or root distribution

Deep tendon reflexes

Increased unless very acute

Normal or decreased

Superficial reflexes



Pathological reflexes



Sphincter function

Sometimes impaired

Normal (except for cauda equina lesion)

Muscle tone


Normal or decreased




Other CNS signs



CNS, central nervous system.

TABLE 18.3 Common Patterns of Weakness with Lesions at Different Locations in the Neuraxis

Location of Lesion

Distribution of Weakness

Sensory Loss


Possible Accompanying Signs

Middle cerebral artery

Contralateral arm & face > leg*



Aphasia, apraxia, visual field deficit, gaze palsy

Anterior cerebral

Contralateral leg > arm & face*



Cortical sensory loss contralateral leg, frontal lobe signs, sometimes incontinence

Internal capsule

Contralateral face = arm = leg*



None (“pure motor stroke”)


Ipsilateral cranial nerve & contralateral body*



Variable, depending on level

Cervical cord (transverse)

Both arms and both legs*



Bowel, bladder, or sexual dysfunction common

Thoracic cord (transverse)

Both legs*



Bowel, bladder, or sexual dysfunction common

Cauda equina

Both legs, asymmetric, multiple root pattern



Occasional bowel, bladder, or sexual dysfunction; sometimes pain

Anterior horn cell

Focal early, generalized late



Atrophy, fasciculations, bulbar weakness

Single nerve root

Muscles of the affected myotome





Plexus pattern, complete or partial



Pain is common, especially with brachial “plexitis”


Muscles of the affected nerve



Variable atrophy, variable pain


Distal > proximal



Variable pain, atrophy late

Neuromuscular junction

Bulbar, proximal extremities



Ptosis, ophthalmoparesis, fatigable weakness, fluctuating weakness


Proximal > distal



Pain uncommon, many potential patterns (limb girdle, facioscapulohumeral, etc.), pseudohypertrophy, myotonia

DTR, deep tendon reflex; Y, yes; N no; Incr, increased; Decr, decreased.

* Extremity weakness in a corticospinal tract distribution.

** With corticospinal lesions, DTRs acutely may be normal or decreased (neural shock).

When spinal cord disease is the culprit and the deficit is incomplete, more severe involvement of those muscles preferentially innervated by the CST can frequently be discerned. Reflexes are usually increased (though in the acute stages they may be decreased or absent); there is usually some alteration of sensation; sometimes a discrete spinal “level”; superficial reflexes disappear; and there may be bowel and bladder dysfunction. Generalized peripheral nerve disease tends to predominantly involve distal muscles, although there are exceptions. There is no preferential involvement of CST innervated muscles; reflexes are usually decreased; sensory loss is frequently present; and bowel and bladder function are not disturbed. With a neuromuscular junction disorder, the weakness is likely to be worse proximally; sensation is spared; reflexes are normal; and there is usually involvement of bulbar muscles, especially with ptosis and ophthalmoplegia. When the problem is a primary muscle disorder, weakness is usually more severe proximally; reflexes are normal; sensation is normal; and with only a few exceptions, bulbar function is spared except for occasional dysphagia. These are generalizations. Some neuropathies may cause proximal weakness, and some myopathies may affect distal muscles; not all patients with a neuromuscular transmission disorder have bulbar involvement.

Motor neuron disease is a special case. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) characteristically involves both the upper and lower motor neurons. It produces a clinical picture of weakness and wasting due to involvement of the lower motor neurons in the anterior horn of the spinal cord, combined with weakness and hyperreflexia due to involvement of the upper motor neurons in the cerebral cortex that give rise to the corticospinal tract. There is upper motor neuron weakness (cerebral cortex pathology) superimposed on lower motor neuron weakness (spinal cord pathology).

Focal Weakness

Weakness of the arm and leg on one side of the body is hemiparesis. This may range in severity from very mild, manifest only as pronator drift and impairment of fine motor control, to total paralysis. Monoparesis is weakness limited to one extremity, such as the leg contralateral to an anterior cerebral artery stroke. Diplegia is weakness of like parts on the two sides of the body; the term spastic diplegia refers to weakness of both legs that occurs in cerebral palsy; and facial diplegia is weakness of both sides of the face. Spastic weakness of one arm and the opposite leg is referred to as cruciate or crossed paralysis, or hemiplegia alternans. Reflexes—typically increased unless the process is acute—and accompanying sensory loss help identify such focal weakness as central in origin.

Certain patterns of muscle weakness point to a peripheral nerve, plexus, or root lesion. A mononeuropathy, such as a radial nerve palsy, or a spinal root lesion, such as from a herniated disc, causes weakness limited to the distribution of the involved nerve or root. A plexopathy may cause weakness of the entire limb, or weakness only in the distribution of certain plexus components. With such lower motor neuron pathology, reflexes are typically decreased and there is often accompanying sensory loss. Localization of focal weakness due to root, plexus, and peripheral nerve pathology requires intimate familiarity with peripheral neuroanatomy.

With a peripheral nerve lesion, all muscles below the level of the lesion are at risk. When multiple muscles of an extremity are weak in a non-CST distribution, localization depends on recognizing the common innervating structure: root, plexus component, or peripheral nerve.

With lower motor neuron pathology, reflexes are typically decreased, and there is often accompanying sensory loss. Anterior horn cell disease often begins with focal weakness that may simulate mononeuropathy, but it evolves into a more widespread pattern as the disease progresses, culminating in generalized weakness. Except for extraocular muscle involvement in myasthenia gravis, it is rare for a myopathy or neuromuscular junction disorder to cause focal weakness.


The first step in evaluating weakness is often deciding whether it is organic or nonorganic, i.e., due to a psychiatric disorder. This distinction is not always easy. Patients with nonorganic weakness are commonly thought to have neurologic disease, but just as often patients with real weakness are dismissed
as uncooperative, hysterical, or malingering. Coaching is often helpful in improving poor effort, but some patients, in spite of all, will give only erratic and variable effort.

Some things are often useful in distinguishing organic from nonorganic weakness. Patients with bona fide organic muscle weakness will yield smoothly as the examiner defeats the weak muscle. The patient gives uniform resistance throughout the movement. If the examiner decreases his resistance, the patient will begin to win the battle. If the examiner drops the resistance level, the patient with nonorganic weakness will not continue to push or pull. Instead, the patient will also stop resisting so that no matter how little force the examiner applies, there is an absence of follow-through and the patient never overcomes the examiner. When there is nonorganic weakness, resistance is erratic and often collapses abruptly. The muscular contractions are poorly sustained and may give way suddenly, rather than gradually, as the patient resists the force exerted by the examiner. Some patients will give up entirely and allow the muscle or limb to flop; others will provide variable resistance throughout the range of motion with alternating moments of effort and no effort. This pattern of variable strength is referred to as “ratchety,” “give way,” or “catch and give.” It is characteristic of nonorganic weakness. In nonorganic weakness, functional testing may fail to confirm weakness suspected during strength testing. For example, there may be apparent foot dorsiflexion weakness, yet the patient is able to stand on the heel without difficulty. The patient with nonorganic weakness may be calm and indifferent while demonstrating the lack of strength, showing little sign of alarm at the presence of complete paralysis, and smile cheerfully during the examination. If the examiner raises and drops an extremity, a limb with psychogenic paralysis may drop slowly to avoid injury, while an extremity with real weakness would drop rapidly, especially if the paralysis is flaccid.

The Hoover (automatic walking) sign is useful for evaluating suspected nonorganic leg weakness. When a normal supine patient flexes the hip to lift one leg, there is a downward movement of the other leg. The extension counter-movement of the opposite leg is a normal associated movement. An extension movement of one leg normally accompanies flexion of the other leg, as in walking. In organic leg weakness, the downward pressure of the contralateral heel occurs when the patient tries to raise the weak leg, and the examiner can feel the extension pressure by placing a hand beneath the heel that remains on the bed. In nonorganic leg weakness, there is no downward pressure of the contralateral heel, but the extension movement of the “paralyzed” leg may be felt as the good leg is raised (Hoover sign).


Reliable strength testing requires proper patient positioning and avoidance of unwanted movements. Testing may be done in various positions depending on the muscle to be tested and its power. Testing in the seated position suffices under most circumstances. It is important to fix the proximal portion of a limb when the movements of the distal portion are being tested. For instance, when testing forearm pronation strength, the patient must not be allowed to internally rotate the shoulder to compensate for lack of pronation power. When evaluating very weak muscles, gravity must be eliminated to detect residual power. A very weak biceps muscle (MRC grade 2/5), even when it cannot succeed against gravity, may be able to flex the elbow if the arm is raised to shoulder height so that the forearm can be moved horizontally. The wrist and finger drop of radial nerve palsy creates such a mechanical disadvantage for contraction that the patient may appear to have weakness of grip and finger abduction, but these functions are intact when the wrist and fingers are passively extended.


Many reference sources are available to assist in learning muscle examination techniques. There is some difference regarding the exact innervation of individual muscles among different reference sources, and occasionally there is variable or anomalous innervation. Table 18.4 through Table 18.7
give the most generally accepted spinal cord segment and peripheral nerve innervation of the more important muscles. Table 18.8 and Table 18.9 give the innervation by root.

TABLE 18.4 Innervation of Muscles Responsible for Movements of the Head and Neck


Segmental Innervation

Peripheral Nerve


Cranial XI; C (1) 2-3

Spinal accessory nerve


Cranial XI; C (2) 3-4

Spinal accessory nerve

Scalenus anterior

C 4-7

Scalenus medius

C 4-8

Scalenus posterior

C 6-8

Longus capitis

C 1-4

Longus colli

C 2-6

Rectus capitis anterior

C 1-2

Suboccipital nerve

Rectus capitis lateralis

C 1

Suboccipital nerve

Rectus capitis posterior

C 1

Suboccipital nerve

Obliquus capitis inferior

C 1

Suboccipital nerve

Obliquus capitis superior

C 1

Suboccipital nerve

Splenius capitis

C 2-4 (1-6)

Splenius cervicis

C 2-4 (1-6)

Semispinalis capitis

C 1-4

Semispinalis cervicis

C 3-6

Spinalis cervicis

C 5-8


C 1-8

Iliocostalis cervicis

C 1-8

Longissimus capitis

C 1-8

Longissimus cervicis

C 1-8


C 1-8


C 1-8


C 1-8

Minor innervation indicated by parentheses.

Examination of Movements and Muscles of the Neck

The principal neck movements are flexion, extension (retraction), rotation (turning), and lateral bending (tilting, abduction). Many different muscle groups contribute to the various neck movements. Except for the sternocleidomastoid (SCM) and trapezius it is not possible to examine them individually, and the assessment is made of movement (e.g., neck flexion) rather than particular muscles. The SCM is a flexor and rotator of the head and neck; the trapezius retracts the neck and
draws it to one side. Other muscles contribute to neck flexion, especially the prevertebral group. Many muscles contribute to neck extension, including the trapezius and the paravertebral muscles. Many of these muscles when contracting unilaterally rotate the spine. The paravertebral musculature is a massive, complex amalgam of individual muscle groups that primarily serve to extend and rotate the neck and trunk.

TABLE 18.5 Innervation of Muscles Responsible for Movements of the Shoulder Girdle and Upper Extremity


Segmental Innervation

Peripheral Nerve


Cranial XI; C (2) 3-4

Spinal accessory nerve

Levator scapulae

C 3-4

Nerves to levator scapulae

C 5

Dorsal scapular nerve

Rhomboideus major

C 4-5

Dorsal scapular nerve

Rhomboideus minor

C 4-5

Dorsal scapular nerve

Serratus anterior

C 5-7

Long thoracic nerve


C 5-6

Axillary nerve

Teres minor

C 5-6

Axillary nerve


C (4) 5-6

Suprascapular nerve


C (4) 5-6

Suprascapular nerve

Latissimus dorsi

C 6-8

Thoracodorsal nerve

Pectoralis major

C 5-T 1

Lateral and medial anterior thoracic nerves

Pectoralis minor

C 7-T 1

Medial anterior thoracic nerve


C 5-7

Subscapular nerves

Teres major

C 5-7

Lower subscapular nerve


C 5-6

Nerve to subclavius


C 6-7

Musculocutaneous nerve

Biceps brachii

C 5-6

Musculocutaneous nerve


C 5-6

Musculocutaneous nerve


C 5-6

Radial nerve

Triceps brachii

C 6-8

Radial nerve


C 7-8

Radial nerve


C 6-7

Radial nerve

Extensor carpi radialis longus

C (5) 6-7

Radial nerve

Extensor carpi radialis brevis

C 7-8

Radial nerve

Extensor carpi ulnaris

C 7-8

Radial nerve

Extensor digitorum communis

C 7-8

Radial nerve

Extensor indicis proprius

C 7-8

Radial nerve

Extensor digiti minimi

C 7-8

Radial nerve

Extensor pollicis longus

C 7-8

Radial nerve

Extensor pollicis brevis

C 7-8

Radial nerve

Abductor pollicis longus

C 7-8

Radial nerve

Pronator teres

C 6-7

Median nerve

Flexor carpi radialis

C 6-7

Median nerve

Pronator quadratus

C 7-8

Median nerve

Palmaris longus

C 7-8

Median nerve

Flexor digitorum superficialis

C 7-T 1

Median nerve

Flexor digitorum profundus (radial half)

C 8-T 1

Median nerve

Lumbricales 1 and 2

C 8-T 1

Median nerve

Flexor pollicis longus

C 7-T 1

Median nerve

Flexor pollicis brevis (lateral head)

C 8-T 1

Median nerve

Abductor pollicis brevis

C 8-T 1

Median nerve

Opponens pollicis

C 8-T 1

Median nerve

Flexor carpi ulnaris

C 7-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Flexor digitorum profundus (ulnar half)

C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve


C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Lumbricales 3 and 4

C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Flexor pollicis brevis (medial head)

C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Flexor digiti minimi brevis

C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Abductor digiti minimi

C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Opponens digiti minimi

C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Palmaris brevis

C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Adductor pollicis

C 8-T 1

Ulnar nerve

Minor innervation indicated by parentheses.

Neck flexors are tested by having the patient try to place the chin on the chest as the examiner applies extension force to the forehead (Figure 18.1). Extensors are tested by having the patient extend against the examiner’s resistance applied to the occiput (Figure 18.2). Neck rotation is accomplished by the contralateral SCM and ipsilateral splenius capitus and trapezius; examination of the SCM and trapezius muscles is discussed in Chapter 15. Neck flexor strength may be tested with the patient sitting or supine, neck extension sitting or prone. Examination of the neck muscles must be done carefully in any patient at risk for cervical spine disease.

TABLE 18.6 Innervation of Muscles Responsible for Movements of the Thorax and Abdomen


Segmental Innervation

Peripheral Nerve


C 3-5

Phrenic nerve

Intercostal muscles (internal and external)

T 1-12

Intercostal nerves

Levatores costarum

C 8-T 11

Intercostal nerves

Transversus thoracis

T 2-7

Intercostal nerves

Serratus posterior superior

T 1-4

Intercostal nerves

Serratus posterior inferior

T 9-12

Intercostal nerves

Rectus abdominis

T 5-12

Intercostal nerves


T 11-12

Intercostal nerves

Transversus abdominis

T 7-L 1

Intercostal, ilioinguinal, and iliohypogastric nerves

Obliquus internus abdominis

T 7-L 1

Intercostal, ilioinguinal, and iliohypogastric nerves

Obliquus externus abdominis

T 7-L 1

Intercostal, ilioinguinal, and iliohypogastric nerves

TABLE 18.7 Innervation of Muscles Responsible for Movements of the Lower Extremities


Segmental Innervation

Peripheral Nerve

Psoas major

L (1) 2-3 (4)

Nerve to psoas major

Psoas minor

L 1-2

Nerve to psoas minor


L 2-3 (4)

Femoral nerve

Quadriceps femoris

L 2-4

Femoral nerve


L 2-3

Femoral nerve


L 2-3

Femoral nerve

Gluteus maximus

L 5-S 2

Inferior gluteal nerve

Gluteus medius

L 4-S 1

Superior gluteal nerve

Gluteus minimus

L 4-S 1

Superior gluteal nerve

Tensor fasciae latae

L 4-S 1

Superior gluteal nerve


(L5) S 1-2

Nerve to piriformis

Adductor longus

L 2-4

Obturator nerve

Adductor brevis

L 2-4

Obturator nerve

Adductor magnus

L 2-4

Obturator nerve

Adductor magnus

L 4-5

Sciatic nerve


L 2-4

Obturator nerve

Obturator externus

L 2-4

Obturator nerve

Obturator internus

L 5-S 1

Nerve to obturator internus

Gemellus superior

L 5-S 1

Nerve to obturator internus

Gemellus inferior

L 5-S 1

Nerve to quadratus femoris

Quadratus femoris

L 5-S 1

Nerve to quadratus femoris

Biceps femoris (long head)

L 5-S 1

Tibial nerve


L 5-S 1

Tibial nerve


L 5-S 2

Tibial nerve


L 5-S 1

Tibial nerve


S 1-S 2

Tibial nerve


S 1-S 2

Tibial nerve


S 1-S 2

Tibial nerve

Tibialis posterior

L 5-S 1

Tibial nerve

Flexor digitorum longus

L 5-S 1

Tibial nerve

Flexor hallucis longus

L 5-S 1

Tibial nerve

Biceps femoris (short head)

L 5-S 2

Common peroneal nerve

Tibialis anterior

L 4-L 5

Deep peroneal nerve

Peroneus tertius

L 5-S 1

Deep peroneal nerve

Extensor digitorum longus

L 5-S 1

Deep peroneal nerve

Extensor hallucis longus

L 5

Deep peroneal nerve

Extensor digitorum brevis

L 5-S 1

Deep peroneal nerve

Extensor hallucis brevis

L 5-S 1

Deep peroneal nerve

Peroneus longus

L 5-S 1

Superficial peroneal nerve

Peroneus brevis

L 5-S 1

Superficial peroneal nerve

Flexor digitorum brevis

S 1-2

Medial plantar nerve

Flexor hallucis brevis

S 1-2

Medial plantar nerve

Abductor hallucis

S 1-2

Medial plantar nerve

Lumbricales (medial 1 or 2)

S 1-3

Medial plantar nerve

Quadratus plantae

S 1-2

Lateral plantar nerve

Adductor hallucis

S 2-3

Lateral plantar nerve

Abductor digiti minimi pedis

S 1-3

Lateral plantar nerve

Flexor digiti minimi brevis

S 2-3

Lateral plantar nerve

Lumbricales (lateral 2 or 3)

S 1-3

Lateral plantar nerve


S 2-3

Lateral plantar nerve

Minor innervation indicated by parentheses.

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Aug 17, 2016 | Posted by in NEUROLOGY | Comments Off on Motor Strength and Power

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