Somatic motor and sensory pathways


Somatic Motor and Sensory Pathways

Somatic Motor Pathways

The somatic motor pathways of the brain and spinal cord are divided into pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems. Both these systems control the motor activities of body through lower motor neurons. The pyramidal system has a direct route to the lower motor neurons, while the extrapyramidal system has an indirect, tortuous route to these neurons. The lesions of somatic motor pathways lead to paralysis.

Pyramidal System

The pyramidal system is the main voluntary motor pathway. It consists of two neurons, the upper and lower motor neurons. The upper motor neurons arise in the cerebral cortex and descend to relay in the motor nuclei of the cranial nerves (corticonuclear fibres) and anterior horn cells of the spinal cord (corticospinal fibres).

The fibres arising from cranial nerve nuclei and anterior horn cells (lower motor neurons) pass through cranial and spinal nerves to supply the skeletal muscles (the final common pathway).

Conventionally the term pyramidal tract refers specifically to a group of corticospinal fibres (corticospinal tract) which occupies the pyramid of the medulla oblongata. However, clinically it includes both corticospinal and corticonuclear fibres.

Corticospinal (pyramidal) tract (Fig. 17.1)

The fibres of corticospinal tract arise from pyramidal cells of the cerebral cortex (areas 4, 6 and 8). These fibres descend and converge in the corona radiata, to pass through the internal capsule where they occupy the genu and anterior two-third of its posterior limb. Then they descend through the midbrain occupying the middle three-fifth of the crus cerebri. On entering the pons (basilar part), the tract is dispersed into many smaller longitudinal bundles by pontine nuclei and transverse pontocerebellar fibres. These bundles regroup in the upper part of medulla, near its ventral aspect to produce a pyramid-shaped swelling known as pyramid (hence the name ‘pyramidal tract’). In the lower part of the medulla, the majority of these fibres (about 75%) cross to the opposite side and descend in the spinal cord occupying the posterior part of lateral white column as the crossed pyramidal tract or lateral corti-cospinal tract. The fibres of this tract establish connections with the anterior horn cells of anterior grey column at various levels of spinal cord. The majority of uncrossed fibres (20%) descend into the anterior white column of spinal cord forming what is called uncrossed pyramidal tract or anterior corticospinal tract. The remaining (5%) fibres continue with the lateral corticospinal tract of the same side. On reaching the appropriate level of spinal cord these fibres along with the fibres of anterior corticospinal tract also cross to the opposite side and establish connections with the anterior horn cells like that of lateral corti-cospinal tract. In this way, all the corticospinal fibres ultimately connect the cerebral cortex of one side with the anterior horn cells in the opposite half of the spinal cord. Therefore, the lesions of corticospinal tract above the pyramidal decussation will give rise to paralysis on the opposite side.

N.B. According to Barr, ML (1972) those fibres of corti-cospinal tract, which do not take part in the pyramidal decussation terminate in the ipsilateral grey matter and account in part for the bilateral cortical control of the muscles of the neck and the trunk.

Corticonuclear tract (Fig. 7.16)

The corticonuclear fibres arise and course in company with the fibres of corticospinal tract. In the internal capsule they occupy the genu. In the midbrain they occupy a small part of crus cerebri, immediately medial to the cor-ticospinal fibres. At various levels of brainstem, most of corticonuclear fibres cross to the opposite side to synapse with the cells of cranial nerve nuclei, either directly or through interneurons. The cranial nerve nuclei that supply striated muscles are functionally equivalent to the anterior horn cells of spinal cord. Some of them terminate on the ipsilateral cranial nerve nuclei also.

Points to Note

• The pyramidal tract contains about one million fibres in the human.

• The majority of corticospinal fibres terminate on interneurons/ internuncial neurons which in turn carry the impulses to anterior horn cells. Only 9–10% synapse directly with anterior horn cells.

• Fibres of lateral corticospinal tract extend to the lowest segments of the cord, while that of anterior corticospinal tract extend only up to the midthoracic level.

• The longest fibres of corticospinal tract, viz. those to lower segments of cord lie most superficially, while shortest fibres lie most medially.

• The fibres of corticospinal tract in addition to motor cortex, also arise from sensory cortex (one-third from premotor area and remaining one-third from primary sensory area and superior parietal lobule). The fibres arising from sensory cortex (parietal lobe) end in nucleus gracilis, nucleus cuneatus and substantia gelatinosa. They do not control motor activity but regulate the input of sensory impulses to the brain.

• The representation of the musculature of the body differs at different levels. (In the primary motor cortex the body is represented upside down, in the internal capsule the motor fibres to head lie anteriorly and those for leg lie posteriorly, in the midbrain the fibres for the face lie medially while those for leg lie laterally.)

Arterial supply of areas of brain and spinal cord occupied by pyramidal tract

In view of the frequent involvement of the pyramidal tract in cerebrovascular accidents, the arterial supply of the areas of the brain and the spinal cord occupying this tract is listed in detail in Table 17.1.

N.B. The lesions of corticospinal tract above the pyramids produce contralateral paralysis, whereas lesions below the pyramids cause ipsilateral paralysis.

N.B. The most important characteristic feature of unilateral brainstem lesion (haemorrhage, tumour) is ‘alternating hemiplegia’ which is characterised by:

Extrapyramidal System

Phylogenetically, it is an older system than the pyramidal system. It consists of all the motor tracts of the brain and spinal cord which do not pass through the medullary pyramids. The extrapyramidal system works hand in hand with the pyramidal system to perform voluntary movements (Flowcharts 17.1 and 17.2).

Functions of extrapyramidal system

The differences between the pyramidal and extrapyrami-dal systems are given in Table 17.3.

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